Carved furniture: a dining set of a table and two benches with a bear. How to make beautiful benches photos and instructions Carved bench

Wooden benches harmoniously complement city streets, parks, playgrounds and home gardens. Environmental friendliness, reliability and natural texture are what makes this type of outdoor furniture one of the most popular areas for recreation and work.

In the manufacture of benches, durable and decay-resistant tree species are used:



Wood is a malleable material. Therefore, there are many design options for outdoor furniture: from traditional even bars on the seat to carved openwork armrests. You buy one or more wooden benches for your summer cottage in the same style as other elements of your backyard, and the space is transformed visually and functionally. Relax after a hard day with your favorite book or, conversely, work in the fresh air - the furniture will not stand idle.

The Hobbika company produces reliable and durable wooden benches for decorating home gardens and gardens. Our products are additionally processed with special means that make them resistant to temperature extremes, moisture, pollution.

3 reasons to choose a wooden bench from us:

· Own production. We monitor the manufacturing technology at every stage, which significantly reduces the likelihood of defects.

· Affordable prices. We sell outdoor furniture without intermediaries, so we set the real cost of the product without extra percentage markups.

· Delivery. We will bring your order to any region of Russia and the CIS.

Carved furniture: dining set of a table and two benches with a bear

You can clarify the details and order carved figures of animals directly from our master.
Vyacheslav Morozov by phone: +7 921-387-18-47

We decided to dedicate an entire page to describe this dining set. Firstly, because it is really beautiful, both in general and in individual details. And, secondly, because we can show you the elements of the process of its creation. A beautiful log house, and any country house, not only a wooden one, is the pride of its owner. We want to decorate it with various nice "trinkets".

It is often possible to combine business with pleasure - to create some kind of home decoration, which also carries some useful functionality. This composition, which includes a carved table with inlay and two benches, one of which is also decorated with a carved voluminous bear, has become such a decoration of the house. In the first two photos, we show how this composition looks already in the country residence of the Customer.

A little distraction - if you want to know another almost magical story of the creation of another Mikhail Potapovich (see photo above) - we recommend reading the article.

And now let's see each of the carved elements of the composition close up and at various stages of creation. At the end of the page, we will additionally provide photographs of congenial structures for wooden furniture. This is how the bench with our bear looks like in close-up. If you are unable to deal with the paws of a clubfoot - do not worry, especially for you we will give a photo below, where everything falls into place.

It's time to take a closer look at the table. The unique intertwining of roots - after all, such a tree had yet to be found, the carved lower bridge connecting the table supports, the tabletop inlaid with stone - all attract the attention of true connoisseurs of wooden art and do not allow you to look away.

What the interior of the table looks like with the top removed is shown in the following two photos. The master did a lot of work on the internal dressing of our "stumps" to make such an almost airy structure. Consider each table support in more detail.

Well, for those who, like your humble servant, did not immediately figure out the number of paws of the bear cub, we present one more photo, which clearly shows the master's intention. Of course, it should be borne in mind that the carver does not use plaster, which can sculpt any contours and figures, here the master uses a fragment of a pine log, into which the intended figure must be entered, so the work of a wood carver is much more complicated than that of an ordinary sculptor.

To understand how this furniture looked in its original state, without toning and varnish, we will give examples of similar furniture made by Vyacheslav a year earlier. The subtlety of the details and the strict mathematical calculation of the strength of the back of the bench cannot but arouse admiration.

The furniture set also included benches without a back - look at the following photo. From this angle, the carving of the bench supports is clearly visible.

In this set of garden furniture, table supports were made by analogy with bench supports - this is also beautiful and original.

Benches - benches, but the owners of the house would probably like to have personal "royal chairs" - no problem. These cute chairs can be made from a single log. If you like to sit on something softer and warmer, don't worry, you can order special cushions that can be placed on top of such chairs.

Well, for "sweet" - we give a close-up example of through wood carving - this is a very laborious work, but you must admit - it looks very beautiful.

Wide range of benches

Available carved benches at the price from roubles. More than 60,000 pieces of furniture and interior. 390+ brands of beautiful and designer furniture.

Bench Warranty

We choose only reliable partners and carefully monitor the quality. Carved benches are covered by a manufacturer's warranty and INMYROOM's own quality control system.

Help in selection

Our designers will pick up benches for free, taking into account your interior and layout. If necessary, they will offer an alternative replacement from a wide range of INMYROOM.

Fast and high-quality delivery in Moscow

We deliver purchases 7 days a week. Check the exact cost and delivery time in Moscow with your manager. Delivery to other regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries is possible.

Easy return and exchange

You can return the benches within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt in Moscow.

Warehousing service

We offer storage in our own warehouse if you have ordered benches from us and the repair is not yet completed. Please check the rates with the INMYROOM manager.

In order for the garden plot to be comfortable enough, it should be properly equipped. An important component are garden benches. They can be made independently in different ways and from various materials.

Bench made of concrete slabs and boards with a back

Looking at the drawings of the bench, you can find out the features of its device. You can make such a design with your own hands relatively easily, quickly and without high financial costs.

Making a bench with a backrest with your own hands in a step-by-step instruction is described in great detail.

Assembly: the initial stage

After the preparatory work, the time for wood processing is coming. In order for a do-it-yourself bench with a back to serve for a long time and decorate the site, it is necessary to pre-process the materials.

wood cover antiseptic formulations and let dry. After that, you can start collecting backs.

On one of the two-meter boards, fifty centimeters are measured from the edges. At this level, the edges of the white will be located.tons of slabs. From this mark another fifteen centimeters are measured to the center of the board. Here the first boards will be attached. From the resulting marks we measure seventeen and a half centimeters - the gap between the boards of the back. Next, we measure fifteen centimeters for two more boards. Between them there should be a gap of five centimeters. All this can be seen in the drawing.

Wood glue is applied to sections of fifteen centimeters. Boards are applied to them, the length of which is sixty-five centimeters. Additionally, they are fixed with self-tapping screws.

From above, between the boards of the back, pieces of seventeen and a half centimeters are glued. In order for the parts to stick together well, they are clamped and held until the glue sets. After gluing is completed, the back is covered with an antiseptic.

All wooden parts can be coated varnish. This will give them additional stability and attractiveness.

Assembly of the main part

It is better to collect the main part of the bench from two sides. Concrete slabs are placed between the boards, and M16 threaded rods fifty-five centimeters long are inserted into the drilled holes. They will need four pieces.

The rods are fastened with nuts and washers M16. They are twisted at the same time from different sides to make the bench even.

A simple bench with your own hands

You can make benches for giving with your own hands quickly enough if you follow the instructions. Consider four options for such garden structures.

On the drawings benches detail all its features. Making such a bench with your own hands is quite simple. The only difficult element is the concave seat.

The number of parts and their dimensions are indicated in the table.

The manufacture of benches with their own hands from wood begins with blanks the necessary details. Boards and timber are sawn into pieces of the desired length.

The manufacture of seat supports will be somewhat more difficult. You will need to markup on the blanks. Two points are marked along the edges at a distance of seven and a half centimeters from the bottom side, and in the center a point at a distance of four and a half centimeters. They are connected using a flexible plastic ruler and cut out jigsaw. Sections are treated with sandpaper.

Seat supports are attached to the two upper tsargs. One on each end and one in the middle. Next, the supports are screwed, spaced from the extreme ones by the width of the legs. All connections are made with self-tapping screws.

Boards are attached to the resulting base seats. It is desirable to deepen the hats of self-tapping screws.

Then attach legs. They are attached to the seat supports. The lower tsargs help to fix the legs.

The finished product is covered antiseptic and varnish.

Simple bench #2

To make such a garden bench with your own hands, you will need concrete flower girls and boards. Flower girls are required to create the base of the bench. Use two with a rectangular base and two cubic ones.

In order for the base to be stable, the flower girls must be glued or connected from the inside with staples fixed with self-tapping screws. A layer of drainage and soil is poured into the tank. This increases their stability.

The seat for the bench is made of boards. To do this, they are cut into segments of the desired length. These blanks are laid so that they have a distance of half a centimeter. Then they are connected using cross bars. Planks are placed in three places: along the edges and in the middle. Corners are attached to the planks. With their help, the seat will be fixed on the flower girls.

Do-it-yourself bench with a back

Prepare the details of the bench shown in the figure. They are processed antiseptics before connection.

Then the supports are assembled from the parts. Pre-round the corners and chamfer. First, parts A and B are connected with a bolt, and then B, C and D are also connected using a bolt.

The inclination of the back is determined by part D, after which it is connected to part A. Similarly, but in a mirror image, another support is made.

After that, the back and seat are assembled. To do this, the supports are placed so that there is a distance of twenty centimeters between them. First, the front and rear bars are screwed to the supports, then all the others, and finally the stops are screwed.

At the last stage, the back of this bench is screwed.

Bench #4Another option for a simple do-it-yourself bench. Its length is one hundred and twenty centimeters. The height from the ground to the seat is fifty centimeters, the height of the back is also fifty centimeters.

The base is made from boards, whose thickness is five centimeters, and the width is from ten to twelve. One of the legs continues and is the backrest support. The supports are connected according to the “half-tree” method and fastened with bolts.

The basis for the seat is a bar fixed on self-tapping screws. The short legs on the back of the bench are colleted together to increase stability. The seat and back are sheathed with boards with a smaller thickness. The surface is painted or varnished.

A simple bench with a back for a summer cottage

The dimensions of the structure and wooden parts can be seen on drawings benches. If we consider how to make a bench with our own hands, then this option will be the most optimal in terms of the simplicity of the process and the result obtained.

Materials are best purchased already cut to size. If there is no such option, then you need to cut them yourself.

The resulting blanks polished. The ends of the boards are treated with an electric planer.

The rear legs of this simple do-it-yourself bench are also a support for the back. To create the desired level of inclination, the blanks are marked.

At a height of forty centimeters mark the place of attachment seats. Above the board is cut at an angle of twenty degrees. The cuts on the two blanks should be the same.

Gather first legs benches: the front ones are connected to the back ones with a beam. It is better to do this from above and below.

When the side parts are assembled, they can be connected to each other with seat boards. Screw the boards with self-tapping screws, leaving distances of one or two centimeters.

To strengthen the structure and increase its stability, make the lower strapping bar on the legs. Two boards are attached to the back.

Finish the work with a finish coated which will protect the product from moisture and adverse conditions.

Do-it-yourself pallet bench

Make a bench with your own hands pallets It's easy if you use your imagination. To do this, you need three or four of these wooden structures. Some will need to be cut to get additional details. The simplest do-it-yourself pallet bench design is when two pallets are attached perpendicular to each other, creating a back and seat.

So that the design does not turn out to be too cumbersome, it is better to cut the pallets to the desired dimensions. Fasten the elements with self-tapping screws. Add side details that enhance strength and make legs. All this can be seen in the photo.

Since the material of the pallets is raw, rough, it will need to be preliminarily grind. This will allow you to do without splinters.

The manufacture of benches with their own hands from pallets is being completed with varnish or paint.

Bench puzzle

You can make such a bench with your own hands if you have a wide board and shovels for shovels. Figured seats are cut out of the board in the form of puzzle pieces. Legs from cuttings for shovels are attached to them. Separate stools are obtained, which are quickly assembled into one long bench. All manufacturing steps are detailed in step-by-step photos.

Benches from unnecessary chairs: two do-it-yourself options

First option

To create such a bench for a summer house with your own hands, you will need four old chair.

From the first two chairs filmed parts on the front of the seat.

The rest sawed off the front legs are slightly lower than the seat structure.

From the resulting details you need take off old varnish or paint. To do this, a special agent is applied to the parts that dissolves paint and varnish coatings. Then the softened layer can be removed with a spatula.

The racks should drill dowel holes. Holes are required on the front and end sides.

The dowels are smeared with glue and inserted into the drilled holes.

When the dowels are glued, you can collect base benches. To make the design durable, the parts are fastened with self-tapping screws. Construction surface sanded.

For seats benches choose a board that is suitable in size, saw off the excess.

If several narrower boards are used, then they are glued together with wood glue. For a tight connection, they are clamped with clamps and waiting for the glue to dry.

The finished seat is also glued to the base with wood glue. Heavy objects are placed on the board and clamped together with the base with clamps.

When the glue dries, cover the seat with masking tape and stain other structural elements with wood paint.

The adhesive tape is removed and the seat is processed wood stain. In conclusion, the entire bench is varnished.

Second option

To make a second garden bench with your own hands from old furniture, you will need two chairs. It is better if the back and hind legs are not separated.

Two identical chairs clean up all parts of the structure except for the rear legs with a back.

take bars 5 cm wide and 3 cm thick. Two pieces are cut off, equal in length to the width of the chairs, and two pieces of the same length as the finished bench will be. From these four parts, a rectangle is assembled. It is fixed to the backs of the chairs with self-tapping screws.

Another frame is assembled in the same way. Several cross bars are attached to it. This design is attached under the seat, makes the bench more reliable and plays the role of a shelf.

If the chairs are old coating then remove it with sandpaper. After that, the surface is puttied with a special compound or coated with a primer. When the layer dries, it must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. At the end, the structure is covered with paint.

Do-it-yourself seat for a garden bench is made from Chipboard or plywood. A rectangle is cut out of the selected material, which is larger than the base by half a centimeter on each side. Then cut out a piece foam rubber with the same dimensions. A rectangle is cut out of the upholstery fabric. It should be larger than the seat by five centimeters on each side.

Foam rubber is laid on a sheet of plywood, it is covered with a cloth on top. The fabric is fastened from the inside with furniture stapler.

The seat is attached to the base with a piano loop.


To make such a bench for giving with your own hands, you should prepare the necessary materials. Start manufacturing by creating basics designs. The seat bars are attached to the back bars at a selected angle.

Along the seat install additional ribs providing rigidity.

Attached to the seat planks, drilling holes in the base bars for fastening. The same goes for the back.

Armrests are installed on both sides of the seat. They can be bolted on.

The resulting bench cover wood preservatives and varnishes. It is very important to paint over everything as carefully as possible.

The bottom of the bench is reinforced with metal profile. Chains are attached to the profile, on which the swing bench will be suspended. Be sure to check the reliability of the beams on which the bench will be suspended.

log bench

To make such a bench with your own hands from wood, you will need chainsaw. A thick log one meter long is taken as the main material.

Log mark out, to get two slightly unequal parts. The back will be made from the smaller one, and the seat from the larger one.

Chainsaw log sawed along the mark. The resulting irregularities are immediately cut off with the same saw.

The cut triangular piece is cut into pieces and inserted into the holes in the seat. The back is fixed on top. The bench is almost ready. It remains only to give it a more decorative look.

Can the seat be placed on legs. To do this, recesses are made in the lower part for installing a pair of logs as legs.


Design features of the transformer can be seen in the drawings of the bench. A do-it-yourself transformer bench is made from planed boards, which is cut to the named sizes.

In sliced lumber details holes for fasteners are drilled.

At the tabletop, boards located on the edge can be made wavy.

In material intended for countertops, drill holes with a diameter of twenty-two millimeters and a depth of three centimeters. Cuttings of the same diameter will be inserted into them.

The edges of parts and edges are processed and rounded.

The assembly of all elements is carried out with screws and screws. Screws are needed with dimensions 6x70 and 6x90, screws - 8x80.

Wooden parts stain stain.

The structural parts that will move are connected by hinges.

Between the boards of the tabletop place parts of a round cutting.

Set the stop for backs.

A do-it-yourself transformer bench is covered varnish.

rocking bench

Making an original bench with a backrest with your own hands is not difficult if you have the tools and materials. First you need to consider the drawings of the bench, which contain a small amount of detail.

The side parts according to the pattern are transferred to euro plywood three centimeters thick. They are cut with a jigsaw and the ends are processed with a grinder.

To fix the connecting strips, markings are made. Then holes are drilled. After assembling the frame, the rails are fixed with self-tapping screws. The attachment points are spatulated, and the product is completely varnished.

Bench around a tree

The simplest version of such a bench - hexagonal. The size depends on the size of the tree. Measurements are made at the height of the seat. To the result obtained, another margin of fifteen to twenty centimeters is added. If you divide the result by 1.75, you get the length of the inside.

For cutting boards ten centimeters wide are laid in four rows at intervals of one centimeter.

The cut point is marked immediately for all rows with an angle of thirty degrees. So cut out six sets of blanks.

Legs are used with a height of sixty to seventy centimeters. They are connected by crossbars by drilling holes and using bolts with nuts.

The seat is installed so that the joints are located in the center of the ribs of the legs. Screw the outer pieces first, then the inner ones. In this way, the entire hexagonal structure is assembled around the tree.

At the end, they make a back and mount an apron. The result is a circular bench with a do-it-yourself backrest.

The finished product is processed oil impregnation.

Bench made of curved branches

A bench made of curved branches will look original. For you will need branches for the front, two legs, a horizontal top and a pair of transverse branches.

Sawing branches so that they match each other as accurately as possible. Then they are connected with metal corners.

Similarly, the back is made and connected to the front.

The finished product is placed on a flat area and the seat is assembled.

Bench options

  • log bench which blends in well with the natural environment. It consists of half a log used for the seat, and two short round logs that are legs.
  • Beautiful wooden bench with a back and armrests, reminiscent of a sofa. Curved and carved elements make it more attractive, while left knots and bumps give the design a natural look.
  • Bench made of wood and metal. The base of the structure is metal. The wooden parts of the seat and back are fixed to it. Due to the small thickness of the metal parts, it looks light.
  • A bench of a simple, classical form. It is made of wooden, rather wide boards. This width allows you to comfortably sit on the bench. Armrests make the design more complete.
  • original bench made of wood with curly details. This option is well suited for a site with a natural rural design. Carved legs and armrests, figured back - all this gives the product originality.
  • Bench with an interesting back. The curved parts gradually deviate back, creating a unique design. The seat is slightly curved but has a more traditional look.
  • Wood complex- a table with two benches. The design looks traditional due to the material used. The original solution is to fasten all the components into a single structure.
  • The bench is made from solid wood. A single piece is cut out of it, combining the back and seat. The legs are attached to the bottom. The log is required quite large.
  • Bench with storage box for toys. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary wooden bench-sofa, but under the seat it has a box in which you can put various things.
  • Comfortable wooden bench with a simple shape. The base is made in the form of a rectangular box. The back is also simple with a straight shape. The seat is padded with soft cushions for added comfort.
  • A wooden bench placed around a tree. It is made as if it consists of four benches, each of which has one armrest. The composition looks attractive and comfortable.
  • Bench of a simple form from wide boards. It looks solid, but its size is somewhat hidden by the gaps between the boards and the light blue color in which it is painted.

Improvement and arrangement of the landscape territory of the personal plot is not a matter of one day. You will have to spend a lot of effort, time, connect your imagination, be patient and only then the result will be “on the face”. But even after the painstaking work carried out, the site will require attention: cleaning up fallen leaves, applied dust, somewhere something needs to be tinted or corrected.

And so that the site does not seem ordinary, it can be periodically supplemented with various decorative elements: fashionable in recent years - in addition, beautiful benches can be installed in the garden ... That's it, this review will be devoted to benches and benches.

Do you need a bench on the site at all?

The question immediately arises, do you need a bench in the garden at all? The answer is unequivocal - of course you need it! We argue that at each site, there must be a place where you can take a break from work, hide from the hustle and bustle, just sit, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the fresh air, read a book, and dream, after all.

How to make a shop with your own hands (video)

Any person needs all this, thus, he gains strength, strengthens his nerves, discovers the hidden potential in himself, because it is not for nothing that the Eastern sages spend so much time in their gardens, meditating. In addition, we all have known for a long time that many creative people are looking for inspiration in such calm, beautiful corners at any time of the year.

Where to put a bench

When choosing a place for a future shop, it is better to give preference to that part of the site where trees grow, flower beds with flowers, fruit bushes are thought out, and a babbling brook runs nearby. After all, it is in such places that unity with nature is most clearly felt, here a person will rest easy, and his nervous system will quickly recover from the stresses of everyday life and other negative factors. Also, the place for the shop will be in the work areas, next to the flower beds or beds. After weeding or watering the plants, you can immediately sit down on a bench and gain strength for further work.

Do-it-yourself pallet bench (video)

Bench selection

As for the choice of benches, the assortment in stores is really wide, you can buy a metal bench, wooden, plastic, stone (marble, granite, quartzite), combined. Models with carved wood elements or forged metal additions are in great demand. If you want something more exclusive, you can make a sketch of the future product yourself, and visit a carpenter with him, he will gladly make your dreams come true. When choosing this product, we recommend that you look at the benches with a back, as well as handles, it is comfortable to sit on them in a completely relaxed position. But benches without a back are not intended for long gatherings, since sitting on them will need to constantly keep your back in good shape.

Unusual shop with three XXX do-it-yourself (video)

Bench to the style of the plot

First of all, you need to build on the style direction of the site, if the garden is made in the Japanese style, a red-painted bamboo bench will fit in wonderfully here, which should be placed near the reservoir.

In the Chinese Garden, a bench with a trellised back, entwined with climbing plants, will look advantageous. And a gravel, winding path should lead to the bench.

Country style implies the presence of the most simple, but comfortable wooden bench, traditional natural color or painted in a discreet brown shade.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the Provence style, borrowed from the inhabitants of the provinces - France. The bench should be quite modest, a little antique, in a vintage direction, white, blue, purple or light blue.

The Art Nouveau garden can be supplemented with strict benches, possibly with wrought iron elements, or stone benches in the form of animals, insects, etc. By the way, stone benches will look great near the improvised Alpine hills.

The Italian-style plot is successfully emphasized by beautiful benches with stucco elements. Such a bench can be placed near a small pond, with sculptures on its shore.

An English restrained but well-organized garden, it is better to complement it with stone benches with wooden or metal inserts, golden hues may be present in the color.

The natural style, which is otherwise called forest, can be emphasized with a bench made of tree cuts, on a stump-like base (legs).

The colonial style, which originated in early America, is best complemented by wicker benches, but you can also install an ordinary wooden bench in a metal frame.

Garden benches - photo