How to plant petunias in peat tablets. We grow seedlings in peat tablets What to sow in peat tablets

For those millennia during which mankind has been engaged in agriculture, this type of activity has changed almost beyond recognition. From being a dependent, timid consumer who enjoys the fickle grace of nature, a person has turned, if not into a commander, then at least confident user natural resources who knows how to direct them and keep many of them under his control. And yet, much has remained unchanged, and even the most experienced gardener have to reckon with the laws of nature.

What are peat tablets

Peat tablets are one of the ways to facilitate the process of growing seedlings of any kind. cultivated plants, though vegetables, though seeds. Moreover, it is very simple and logical, based on the needs of any growing organism, including sprouting greenery, in nutrients Oh. And peat tablets are, in fact, those same nutrients. As you know, peat is a natural organic fertilizer suitable for most types of plants. If you press it and give it the shape of small cylinders flattened in the vertical direction (washers, tablets, etc.), and then pack it in a thin permeable shell and make a small depression on top, then you will get just the same peat tablets, useful and safe for man, and for his green "wards".

They do not take up much space, are inexpensive, easy to use and perform all their functions, that is, they serve perfect tool for everyone who needs to germinate viable seedlings from seeds and grow them up to the time when it is time to transplant into open ground.

Most of the peat tablets currently on sale are quite small: no more than 8 mm in height. But not
be afraid that the seedlings will be crowded in them: after moistening, the peat swells and increases significantly in volume, literally by a factor of 10, or even 10 times. At the same time, the liquid itself is reliably retained by the substrate and maintains the necessary level of moisture in the internal environment, which is necessary for seed germination. Peat tablets can be sown with any crops, vegetables and ornamental plants, but it is especially convenient to use them for the smallest seeds. Capricious peppers, tomatoes, even vulnerable petunia show noticeably faster growth compared to similar seeds planted in the ground using standard seedling germination technology in cups and / or pots. In addition, with the help of peat tablets, you can root leaves and dive seedlings. At the same time, the risk of infection of young seedlings with fungi and mechanical damage to an immature root system tends to zero.

In addition to the actual peat base, which makes up more than 90% of the tablet, manufacturers add nutrients to the tablets, mineral compositions which contribute to the growth different types plants. An obligatory component of peat impregnation is an antifungal composition. And if necessary, you can purchase and use peat tablets containing a root growth stimulator or other components aimed at specific needs. An alternative to peat tablets, which is in no way inferior in its properties, are coconut tablets. They are made from compressed coconut fiber, have almost the same appearance, sizes and functions, are just found on sale a little less often.

Both peat and coconut fiber correct use and sufficient moisture are an excellent environment for planting seeds and growing seedlings. And, which is no less important, there is nothing complicated in their application, and the technology is mastered in practice already at the first attempt.

Use of peat tablets

Planting seeds in peat tablets is a modern and relatively new method, so it is unlikely that your grandmother, despite her tremendous life experience and achievements in gardening, will be able to teach you how to use them. But you can very well tell her a great way to optimize the process of seedling germination, save strength and get an excellent result by reading our tips.

  • Remove the tablets from their original packaging and place them in a wide tray without holes. Choose the height of the pallet sufficient so that after the increase in volume, the tablets do not rise above its sides. Do not be afraid to take the pills with or without gloves: they will not cause any harm to the skin.
  • Place the tablets at an arbitrary distance from each other, you can very close. After swelling, thanks to the retaining mesh, only the height will change, but not the diameter of each tablet. The main thing is that the recesses intended for the seeds are oriented upwards.
  • Pour into tray clean water room temperature or a little warmer, wetting the peat tablets liberally. Wait a few seconds, during which the tablets will become more voluminous right in front of your eyes. Use at least (more is better) 1 liter of water for every 10 peat tablets.
  • Now you can start planting seeds. Take them with your fingers or tweezers and place them in the grooves on the top side of the peat tablets.

    The depth of immersion depends on the size of the seeds, the larger - the deeper. On average, focus on a depth equal to two seed lengths.

  • The number of seeds in one tablet, choose depending on the specific type of plant. Cover each seed with a small amount of peat taken nearby.
  • Place a pallet with seeded peat tablets on a warm surface or use special greenhouses for seedlings.
  • Seeds germinate faster if the bottom of the box is warm. For the same purpose, you can use lamps for illumination. But do not forget to ventilate the germinating seedlings by opening the greenhouse during the day and letting in air, and closing it again at night.
  • When the seedlings turn green, water the peat tablets from a spray bottle or simply through a pan as needed. Peat tablets will absorb all excess water, maintaining optimal mode humidity.
  • Before the appearance of the first decorated leaves on the seedlings, it has enough of those nutrients that are contained in peat and included in the tablets during production. Two weeks after the leaves appear, start adding mineral fertilizers into water for irrigation.
  • When root system seedlings will develop so much that it will break through side surfaces tablets, you can transplant it into the ground. At the same time, picking seedlings grown from seeds in peat tablets is not required, which additionally protects thin roots from mechanical damage.
  • Place the strengthened seedlings together with a peat tablet in the ground to such a depth as to hide the tablet underground, dig a little. It is not necessary to remove the grid from the tablet for this, but some gardeners do this.
  • Both the tablet and the mesh dissolve without a trace in the soil over time, thanks to which the plant takes root well in an open environment.
  • Peat tablets quickly won the favor of gardeners, florists and gardeners, and this is not surprising. The method of planting seeds in peat tablets really justifies itself with its availability, ease of use and excellent sowing results. Good luck and good seedlings!

    Picking, or transplanting seedlings from boxes into open ground, is a real stress for any plant. There is a high probability of damage to the root system, or that a fungus lurks in the black soil. In order to get a strong and healthy shoot from the grain, which will give a rich harvest, modern summer residents use peat tablets.

    The benefits of peat tablets

    In specialized stores, you can find brown washers of various diameters with a recess for seeds. Outside - a fine-mesh net that holds compressed high-moor peat with antibacterial additives and mineral components that nourish the plant.

    There are several advantages of tablets:

    1. The base is breathable, so the root system is constantly supplied with oxygen.
    2. Such alternative pots are compact and do not take up much space. Tablets of small diameter can easily fit in a cake box.
    3. Seedlings during transplantation are not removed from the peat base, but placed in the ground along with it.
    4. The outer shell dissolves gradually, and at the initial stage protects immature plants from the fungus.
    5. Thanks to mineral additives and growth stimulants, the seeds do not need additional fertilizer, and the shoots are strong and give a rich harvest.
    6. In peat tablets, capricious and tender plants. Such devices are often used for growing expensive crops, and seedlings that do not tolerate picking.

    How to choose peat tablets

    Buy better pills with a loose structure, because in rough and densely compressed varieties the root system develops poorly and becomes weak. coniferous plants and flowers love acidic soil. vegetable crops and strawberries need to be grown in a neutral environment. It is worth buying tablets in boxes where the acidity level is indicated.

    Size matters
    Tablets with a diameter of 24 to 36 mm are suitable for small seeds of strawberries or petunias. Variants ranging in size from 41 to 70 mm are used for growing eggplant, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage, which need a lot of room for root development.

    Saving is bad
    Some summer residents choose cheap tablets without a paper shell, but it is better not to spare money and buy copies in cardboard cups. First, they are impregnated with fungicides that will protect plants from fungus. Secondly, it is thanks to the shell that the peat keeps its shape during swelling, otherwise it will crumble and fall apart in the hands.

    Before use, tablets must be soaked in water so that they swell and increase in size by 6 times, and sometimes all 8.

    1. You can put the peat base on a tray, plastic or iron, in plastic box from under the cake or from under the rolls and other products that do not leak and have a lid.
    2. The recess for the seeds should be on top, because it is better not to turn over the swollen tablets.
    3. Spacing between alternative pots must be maintained, otherwise, during growth, the seedlings may become intertwined with roots, and it will be difficult to carefully separate them.
    4. It is better to take warm water, then the peat swells faster. Pour the liquid onto the tray so that it covers the tablets with the top. After 2-3 minutes, they will begin to absorb moisture and rise up.
    5. If necessary, add a little water until the peat stops absorbing it. Drain any remaining liquid so that it does not stagnate in the tray.
    6. If necessary, you can break the grid at the top to expand the crop area. Bend the edges inward so that they do not interfere and do not catch on each other.
    7. In cases where only one grain is placed in a tablet, it is not necessary to tear the mesh.

    Tip: Peat tablets can be placed on a pallet, in a cassette with special cells, or in a box filled with coarse river sand, which will take away excess water, preventing the appearance of rot and fungus.

    Planting material is carefully checked and sorted out, empty and damaged specimens are discarded. Large seeds, like those of cucumbers or tomatoes, are stuck into peat and pushed inside with a finger. The grain should be at a depth, which is calculated by the formula: 2 * length of the workpiece. From above it is sprinkled with a layer of humus, or peat is carefully raked from the edges to the center of the tablet.

    Small seeds, like those of strawberries or some garden flowers, are pryed with a damp toothpick or match. Put the workpiece in the recess, and lightly sprinkle with soil, or leave it open if the culture likes a lot of light.

    How much to plant
    To grow ordinary seedlings, for example, cucumbers or cabbage, you need to stick 2-3 seeds. Usually everyone takes root, but only the strongest and strongest sprout should be left. Pull out the rest carefully.

    Expensive specimens are spent more economically: for 1 tablet of peat, only 1 seed, a maximum of 2, to be sure that the culture will germinate.

    Optimal conditions for growing seedlings

    Containers with future seedlings are covered plastic lid or a piece of plastic bag. You can use glass. Put the drawers on the bedside table or bookcase, the room should be warm, because in cold conditions the seedlings do not germinate, freeze, and die.

    Do not place tablets near batteries or other heating objects. The soil will dry out, and the plants will become weak, in need of additional feeding.

    During the day, you can put containers with seeds on the windowsill so that sunlight falls on them. It is useful to open the lid for 1-2 hours daily to prevent condensation inside the box.

    Tip: Peat tablets with capricious plants can be placed in plastic cups which are covered with plastic bags. Thanks to the effect of a miniature greenhouse, seedlings hatch faster.

    You can not keep the seeds on the windowsill around the clock, especially at night. They freeze, and make their way outside later than specimens that were in warm conditions. When pots with plants are on the windowsill, you can not open the window for ventilation.

    Rules for watering peat tablets

    Until the seedlings hatch, you can spray peat tablets from the sprayer so that they do not dry out, but do not get wet either. If a white fluff appears on them, you need to reduce the amount of liquid.

    Water must be defended for at least a day, so that harmful impurities settle to the bottom. white plaque on tablets indicates an excess of salt and heavy metals. In this case, it is better to pass water through the filter.

    The peat should dry out a bit between waterings. If the soil remains wet, it is better not to add liquid, so as not to create conditions for the development of the fungus.

    First achievements

    After the appearance of sprouts, it is advised to lift one edge of the lid by placing Matchbox. It is better to ventilate the seedlings for 2-3 hours a day, but avoid drafts. When green stems hatch, spraying is stopped. Now water is poured onto a pallet so that the peat absorbs it and waters the roots of the plants.

    2 weeks after germination, components that stimulate growth can be added to the irrigation liquid. It is advised to try "Fitosporin", which disinfects the soil with water, preventing the appearance of mold and fungi.

    Tip: It is not necessary to remove the outer shell from the tablets, which does not allow the peat to disintegrate. The roots develop well under such conditions, and become strong enough to break through a thin frame. Seedlings are planted in the ground along with a paper cup.

    Secrets of experienced gardeners

    1. It is useful to take grown and strengthened shoots to the balcony when the air outside warms up. 2 hours a day is enough for the plants to quickly adapt to new conditions after planting in open ground.
    2. If the seed did not take root in one of the tablets, you can plant a ready-made sprout in its place, which remained after thinning the seedlings.
    3. Sprouts can be moved to open ground after 3-4 weeks. If the culture belongs to the category of heat-loving and whimsical, it is better to wait until 10-12 weeks, when the roots begin to break through the outer shell.
    4. Seedlings are placed in the ground without removing from the tablet. Cardboard or mesh eventually dissolves in the ground, turning into additional fertilizer for plants.

    Peat tablets are a godsend for summer residents and gardeners who want to receive strong and stable seedlings every year that can give a rich harvest. They are compact and easy to use, contain all necessary components for rapid growth garden flowers and vegetables.

    Video: how to use peat tablets

    When the last snow melts and the sun begins to warm up more and more, novice summer residents have to grow seedlings. This process itself is quite laborious, but you can do it easier and save yourself from hard work, while achieving High Quality sprouts. This can be done by using pressed peat containers as planting containers.

    A couple of decades ago, many gardeners had to plant seeds for seedlings in the materials they had on hand. For these purposes, they adapted boxes of juice, milk, cups of yogurt, sour cream, often used and homemade devices . However, the characteristics of these devices did not meet the expectations of summer residents.

    This also affected peat pots which have been very popular until recently. Everything changed when pressed peat tablets appeared. Despite the fact that it is very convenient to plant seeds in such containers, and after sowing, almost all seeds germinate, they have one serious plus - these pots do not decompose in the ground for many months, since thick pressed cardboard is used for their manufacture.

    Previously, the process of planting seedlings required a lot of strength, because you had to carefully cut the edge of the pot with a knife or other sharp object and carefully pull out the seedlings to place them on the bed. Things didn't always work out as planned. Therefore, if the owner provided proper care for the seedlings throughout the spring, then when it was transplanted into the ground, it often received damage. As a result of the fact that many of the seedlings were injured, at the end of the season the harvest turned out to be less than what the summer resident expected.

    Peat tablets for seedlings are dry containers, puck-shaped made from thin pressed wood material, inside of which there is pressed peat. To make the pots easier to use, they are made using the most suitable components, which go through a drying and pressing operation. After contact with warm water, the tablets begin to react and swell. As a result, their shape and size change. After that, they can be used for their intended purpose.

    Instructions for use of peat tablets for seedlings

    The process of using peat tablets involves the following steps:

    • additives;
    • fungicides;
    • growth accelerators.

    Therefore, when using peat tablets for growing seedlings, you can reduce the risk of infection with various diseases and decay.

    Features of peat tablets

    The cylinder is encased in a fine mesh material, thanks to which the peat retains its original shape during transport, as well as when growing and watering the seeds. Peat has optimal acidity for most plants. Mean ph is between 5.4 and 6.2. These tablets, even after 5-10 years, do not lose their original properties. However, for this they need to provide appropriate storage conditions: they must be kept in a dry place.

    Peat briquettes are presented in stores different sizes. They can have a diameter of 2.5 cm to 7 cm. However, experts advise choosing 4 cm briquettes, as they are ideal for garden seedlings.

    If you need to grow seedlings from small seeds, then it is best to purchase discs of a smaller diameter. If you plan to grow seedlings of eggplant, pepper and tomato, then the largest briquettes are best for you.

    What are the advantages of peat tablets for seedlings?

    peat discs are universal fixture for growing seedlings. Therefore, you can plant anything you want in them, not only garden, but also flower crops.

    Peat tablets are perfect for growing seedlings of tender sprouts of petunia, lobelia, certain types plants for which picking is contraindicated. Given that the tablets contain additives, a high percentage of seed germination is ensured. This point is of particular importance if it is necessary to grow seedlings of expensive and rare crops, as well as seeds placed in the shell.

    It is advantageous to use these briquettes also because stem and leaf cuttings are perfectly rooted in them. Thanks to peat tablets, you can save a lot of space that is used for planting. This moment is of particular importance for an apartment, where there is not always enough space for seedlings.

    Thanks to peat containers, it becomes possible to arbitrarily choose places for placing seedlings, change seedlings in places if some have risen before others.

    Considering the price of briquettes, and one a pot like this costs about 5 rubles, they are not suitable for growing a large number of seedlings. Peat discs will be primarily appreciated by summer residents who need containers for growing seedlings in a small volume.

    How to use seedling tablets?

    Before sowing in peat briquettes seeds need to be prepared:

    In some cases it may be necessary cover the sown seeds. To do this, you need to use a special peat. After sowing, the seeds must be slightly deepened inward, and only then they are laid on top of the peat.

    Dry or wet seeds can be used for planting. In the latter case, they must be placed in water for 2 days, waiting for their germination. In this case, they must be sown in peat tablets very carefully, using a spatula or a thin wooden stick.

    When the seeds are in tablets, they must be well watered from a pipette. When the shell becomes soft, the shell must be spread over the peat with a toothpick. Thanks to this technique, you can speed up the process of seed germination.

    Peat tablets are great for growing strawberry seedlings. A match can be used to sow the seeds of this crop. To pick up a seed with a match, you must first moisten its tip. After that his transferred to the recess of the tablet. After waiting for the seedlings to appear from the seeds and they get stronger, you can transplant them to permanent place, placing in the ground along with a peat tablet.

    Planting seeds in peat tablets

    After completing the sowing of the seeds, they take transparent trays in which the tablets are placed, after which they are taken to the windowsill or other warm place. For the role of a pallet, you can use a plastic transparent box from under the cake. If a suitable lid was not found for the container, then a film is put on top of it, creating an optimal level of humidity inside.

    It is best to put peat tablets in mini greenhouses with holes for each tablet. Water accumulation can be avoided if greenhouses are installed on special pallets. While the seedlings will grow and grow stronger, you should maintain an optimal level of humidity. In addition, they require regular ventilation, for which it is necessary to open the lid of the container.

    Also get strong seedlings impossible without creating an optimal temperature regime. It is recommended to keep landing on the western or eastern window. The north side is not very suitable for growing seedlings due to the too cold microclimate. At the same time not best solution will install it on the south side, because at lunchtime the sun starts to warm here too much.

    Gradually, drops of condensate will form on the walls of the container, at such moments it is necessary to open mini-greenhouses. For effective moisture removal, it is necessary to carry out airing at least once a day. Otherwise, you may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as mold, which will subsequently lead to the death of weak plants. When the first shoots appear, the cover is removed. At this time, watering should not be very plentiful. To do this, pour water into the bottom stand or use a spray bottle. When growing seedlings in room conditions feeding is not required.

    When using peat tablets for growing seedlings, the gardener will not have to pick, so during transplantation it will be enough for him to transfer the seedlings directly with the peat clod. This method of growing seedlings is beneficial in that during transplantation, damage to the root system of horticultural crops can be avoided. This point is of particular importance in cases where you have to deal with seedlings with small seedlings.

    When growing seedlings, keep an eye on the cylinder. Finding that roots have appeared on it, know that the time has come for transplanting plants into more spacious containers. It is very important not to miss this moment, because otherwise the roots will intertwine with each other and grow. In this case, the plants will no longer be able to grow and develop normally. If peat tablets placed in a mesh shell are used to grow seedlings, then at the time of transplantation it must be cut to the root so that later the seedlings can take root well. However, in some cases this is not necessary, provided that the peat is placed not in a net, but in a thin layer of wood cardboard.


    Although there are many methods available today for growing seedlings at home, every year more and more beginners and more experienced summer residents choose the method of growing them in peat tablets. Knowing how to plant in peat tablets, the gardener gets rid of many difficulties. Its main advantage is that during transplantation it is minimized risk of damage to the root system. This directly affects the future harvest of horticultural crops.

    To date, invented different ways, allowing to simplify and speed up the process of germinating seeds for seedlings. One such method is the use of special peat tablets. With the help of an environmentally friendly device, growing becomes a pleasant and easy process. Peat tablets are easy to use and, thanks to their unique composition, provide seedlings with nutrients.

    The advantage of peat tablets

    The shape of the peat seedling sprout tablets resemble ordinary medical tablets, only much larger. They contain a large number of useful trace elements and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the development and growth of plants. Peat-based tablets help to grow a full-fledged strong plant that can give a good harvest in the future.

    The tablets are peat pressed into a round washer, wrapped in a special mesh.

    The initial size of peat tablets is 8 centimeters in diameter and 3 centimeters in height. And the soaked, ready-to-use peat tablets increase several times in height, while the diameter remains unchanged. Planting seeds in peat tablets has a number of advantages over other germination methods:

    • rapid ascent of seeds;
    • ease of use;
    • saving space;
    • financial benefit.

    The soft consistency of peat allows you to keep the root system of plants intact. The structure of peat provides easy penetration of water and air to the roots, which is favorable for the rapid development of seedlings. Even an inexperienced gardener can plant seeds in peat tablets. Seedlings grown in these devices are easy to transplant to a permanent place, as they are planted along with peat without prior extraction.

    How to plant seeds

    Before planting seeds, you need to pick up a container made of transparent plastic, which will act as a mini-greenhouse. For this, packages from under the cake, salads and other similar containers are quite suitable. The height of the container should be sufficient to fit several times larger tablets, as well as seedlings.

    The process of planting seeds in peat devices, although simple, requires a clear implementation of several steps:

    1. 1. First, remove the cellophane wrapper from the purchased washer, which protects it from damage and possible shedding.
    2. 2. The tablets are laid out in the prepared container up with the side where there is a hole for the seed. At the same time, the nylon mesh is not removed. It is necessary to maintain the shape of the substrate. The tablets are stacked tightly to each other so that they do not turn over when they swell.
    3. 3. Then pour into container warm water to swell the tablets. Water should not be poured onto the washers themselves, but into the pan so as not to destroy them. In this case, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate, growth stimulants, fertilizers or fungicides. Water will be absorbed in about half an hour, after which excess moisture should be removed from the pan with a sponge.
    4. 4. Seeds are planted in the prepared tablets by placing them in a recess in the center of the peat column. Seeds can be planted singly or in multiples, depending on their size and value.

    The seed should be planted at a depth that is twice its size. If they are very small, then you can not bury them, but simply scatter them on the surface without covering them with a substrate.

    Growing seedlings

    After all the seeds have been sown, the container in which the posts are located must be covered with a lid with holes made in advance. This will allow air to circulate and prevent stagnation. The prepared mini-greenhouse is placed on the windowsill on the south side of the apartment so that the plants have enough light. If the daylight hours are short, then you can use special lamps for plants, highlighting the greenhouse with them.

    You can not allow the effect of cold on the greenhouse, it will destroy the plants. If it is cold on the windowsill, then a piece of foam or foam rubber should be placed under the container for thermal insulation and protection from drafts. When condensation begins to collect inside the cover, it must be periodically removed and the plants ventilated. After germination, the lid is removed completely and the container is placed in such a way that the seedlings have enough light. You need to moisten the seedlings from below, pouring water into the bottom of the container, and spray the top of the plants with water from a spray bottle.

    Once the root system has developed well enough to penetrate the bollard netting, increase the space between seedlings to prevent entanglement of root systems. Before the appearance of green leaves, the seedlings do not need to be fed, as it has enough of that amount. useful substances, which was incorporated into the tablet during its production. Then you can add the first mineral fertilizers to the water for irrigation. But as practice shows, in most cases this is not required.

    Before planting seedlings that have been grown in peat devices, they do not need to dive. Simply loosen the soil in your bed or flowerpot to a depth that will allow you to place the peat column flush with the surface or slightly lower. The mesh that bounds the peat column can be removed or left in place. It does not interfere with the development of the root system in any way, and over time it completely dissolves in the soil. After that, the peat will mix with the soil and will at first act as a fertilizer.

    Peat tablets were invented to make it easier for gardeners to grow seedlings and enrich the root system of plants with everything they need. In this case, the most favorable microclimate is created for the plants: the necessary humidity, air access and a suitable substrate density.

    Even in the recent past, receiving good harvest required a lot of effort and effort. To facilitate the work of gardeners and gardeners, many different tools and devices have been invented. Peat tablets as one of these innovations have already made a significant contribution to the process of growing seedlings and are appreciated by both amateurs and gardening professionals. What is it, how to use peat tablets, how do they affect plants?

    Peat tablets for seedlings: what is it, how to use

    Their appearance is round and flat cylinders, similar to large tablets or washers brown-gray, sometimes brown. Actually, for this similarity, the device was called peat tablets. Peat tablets differ in size, composition, shell (presence or absence), and other additional components.

    Peat tablets are different in diameter and height. These figures vary between 24–90 mm in diameter, and 8–30 mm in height. This difference in size helps to make optimal choice tablets for planting seeds of a certain horticultural crop on seedlings. For example, for small seeds, it is necessary to choose medium-sized tablets. And to get seedlings from large seeds a large peat tablet will be required.

    The composition of peat tablets is a pressed peat humus substrate, to which mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants and antibacterial components are added. Taken together, this composition provides an optimal environment for seed germination due to good water permeability and easy air exchange between peat particles. Minerals also help the development and growth of the plant, antibacterial elements protect against the development of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

    An important indicator is the pH composition of peat tablets, since the peat substrate used for their production can have different acidity, ranging from 5.4 to 6.2. Usually manufacturers indicate information about this indicator on the product packaging.

    Different levels of acidity allow the use of peat tablets for a wide range of crops. For example, for vegetables, it is desirable to use peat tablets with a neutral pH environment, and for flowers, acidic ones.

    Sometimes on peat tablets there is a shell in the form of a thin mesh of nonwoven fabric, which protects the tablet from scattering during the swelling of the tablet and the growth of the roots of the plant. In addition, the shell is sometimes impregnated with a fungicide solution that protects seedling sprouts from fungal diseases. Some gardeners release the tablets from the shell before use, which is not necessary.

    Advantages of the method

    1. Simplify the work of planting seeds. Planting in peat tablets comes down to carefully placing the seed in a swollen tablet. Thus, the efforts of the gardener and the time spent on the planting process are saved, and the work of preparing the soil for planting is also eliminated. It is convenient to use tablets for planting seeds of a very small size, for example, petunias.
    2. Space saving. This is especially true in urban apartments. Instead of massive and bulky boxes with soil for seedlings - small and light pallets with tablets.
    3. Less likelihood of seedling disease due to antibacterial and antifungal additives in the composition of the tablets.
    4. Optimal water regime and the possibility of its regulation.
    5. With this method of planting, it is not necessary to dive seedlings, which greatly increases the survival rate of seedlings.
    6. No need to use growth stimulants and fertilizers, since they are already included in the composition of the peat tablet (however, the composition of the tablets should be specified when purchasing, since different manufacturers it differs).
    7. Good air permeability of the substrate promotes aeration of the roots.
    8. Convenience when transplanting seedlings to a place of permanent growth: can be planted together with a tablet without damaging the roots.

    The disadvantages of the method

    1. The high price of peat tablets. This is not a problem when buying tablets for planting a small amount of seedlings, but in production plantings this method is sometimes unprofitable.
    2. Careful and constant checking of the moisture content of the tablets, as peat is a fast-drying substrate.

    What plants can be grown with peat tablets

    This method of growing seedlings can be called universal - it is suitable for any kind of garden plants. Most often, tablets are used when planting very small or tight seeds, as well as for granular seeds. They are ideal for those crops whose seedlings are characterized by weak and tender seedlings that are easily damaged (for example, petunia, lobelia). It is also convenient to use peat tablets when the plant does not tolerate transplanting or picking (escholcia).

    Rules for the use of peat tablets

    Before planting the seeds, the tablets are placed in such a way that it is convenient to water, carry, and care for the seedlings that have appeared. To do this, peat tablets are placed on trays or trays, sometimes they are placed in plastic cups or ordinary pots. There are also special mini-greenhouses (mini-greenhouses) made specifically for growing seedlings in peat tablets.

    The tablets must be carefully laid out in the selected container. On one side of the tablet there is a special recess for the seed of the plant. This recess should be on the top side of the tablet. Before sowing the seeds, the tablets are poured with warm water (36–40 degrees Celsius), after which they quickly swell and increase in size, absorbing moisture. The shell does not allow the tablet to expand, so only its height changes. After 15-20 minutes after watering, if excess water remains in the pan, it must be drained. Thus, an almost ideal environment for sowing seeds is ready. It remains only to put the seed in a special recess and sprinkle with a layer of peat 1-2 mm thick.

    When planting seeds, it is important to use the rule: the planting depth should not exceed twice the size of the seed itself.

    As with other methods of obtaining seedlings, it will be better if the container with tablets is covered with glass or polyethylene film to create a greenhouse effect. The place where the container with the sown seeds is located should be warm and bright, without drafts. Seeds and grown shoots should be periodically ventilated by removing the film, glass or lid from the container.

    Video: planting seeds in peat tablets

    Growing seedling care

    Caring for seedlings grown in peat tablets is not much different from caring for seedlings grown in the usual way. First of all, you need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the substrate - peat tablets tend to dry out quickly. Watering seedlings is carried out by spraying (when tender and weak shoots have just appeared), moistening the substrate from above. When the seedlings grow up and get stronger, they are watered by pouring water into the pan with tablets. This method is convenient because the plants take as much moisture as they need with the help of roots. Overflow with such watering is impossible.


    The grown seedlings can be considered ready for transplanting from the moment when the roots completely entangle the peat tablet and begin to shine through the shell. Planting seedlings in a pot or box with soil, or in open ground depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the type of cultivated plant.

    Transplanting seedlings is not difficult: you just need to place the seedling in the soil at the desired depth and cover it with earth. Picking seedlings grown in this way is not required. You should not delay the moment of transplantation, otherwise the roots of plants in tablets, standing nearby with each other, can grow together. In this case, it will be difficult to plant tender shoots without damaging the tangled roots. Whether it is necessary to remove the tablet shell, each gardener decides for himself. This is of no fundamental importance, since the roots grow well through it. But when removing those roots that have already begun to grow through the shell, it is quite likely to damage them.

    Video: transplanting grown seedlings

    How to choose peat tablets

    Peat tablets are sold in stores and shopping malls selling goods for gardening and horticulture. Peat tablets appeared on sale in online stores, which is very convenient: it is easy to see the characteristics of the product and make a choice without leaving home. The range of peat tablets is varied. In order not to get lost in it and get a good result when using tablets, it is enough to follow the following rules:

    1. To study the structure of the tablet, namely, what fractions it consists of. Small pieces of peat in a tablet will be preferable to large ones, since a large fraction passes water and air worse. This, in turn, leads to a slowdown in the development of the roots of the plant, to excessive moisture and rotting of the root.
    2. Pay attention to the acidity of the peat tablet and make a choice in accordance with the types of plants for which these tablets are intended to be grown.
    3. Choose the diameter of the peat tablet according to the size of the seeds of the crop being grown.
    4. It is advisable to choose tablets with a shell that allows the tablet to keep its shape.

    Since its inception, peat tablets have proven to be one of the simplest and most reliable ways seedling cultivation. Most amateurs and gardening professionals have already appreciated the convenience of their use. By following the above recommendations for choosing peat tablets, planting and caring for seedlings, every gardener can grow an excellent crop.