The perfect letter to relatives. Letter to family

Hello dear

You don’t know me and I don’t know you either. Therefore, I apologize for this letter and for the questions asked in it.

I will try to explain why I had all these questions, and why I decided to write you a letter. To do this, I will tell you a little about myself and a little (about 100 years) delve into history. In short, the reason to write you a letter was your last name - ZABELLO

Let me introduce myself in absentia: my name is Oleg Borisovich Zabello. I am 37 years old. I live in the city of Kamyanets-Podilsky, Khmelnitsky region. I have two children, girls. I work in the construction industry. We have two parents, me and my younger sister.

Now a little about my hobbies and history.

Once upon a time, 20 - 25 years ago, I was fascinated by stories about ancestors that my grandparents told. But at that time I was too young to somehow seriously study the history of my Family, my Kin. Now that there are opportunities, finances, time, the Internet, the desire to study the history of their ancestors has come true and, after several years of searching, has turned into such a "Tree", which I attach to my letter. Unfortunately, people are not eternal, and both grandfather and grandmother passed away ... Only the little that I heard in my childhood remained. Remained Memory. Despite all my efforts and searches, there are still many "white spots" on this "Tree". That is why this letter was born - in the hope of filling in the gaps in the history of ZABELLO's birth (and this story is very fascinating and amazingly informative).

Thank you in advance, and in order to remove any misunderstandings and suspicions I can add only one thing - the answer to a frequently asked question that any person involved in genealogy hears - "Why do you need this?" - I'm just interested to KNOW the history of my Family, to collect the "Tree" and pass it on to descendants so that they also KNOW and REMEMBER. And there are no mercantile or other selfish interests here; rather, on the contrary, it is patronage, since all searches in history, in the past, require time, patience, money, which I spend for the sake of MEMORY.

Maybe this is a thankless task from the point of view of benefits, maybe many will not understand me (how can you spend money “just like that”?), And they don’t understand what to hide, but ... the main thing is that I’m doing business , which brings me satisfaction and which may someday be appreciated by descendants who will have a HISTORY and they will not be "Ivans who do not remember kinship."

Here, perhaps, I will finish my letter. I apologize again for disturbing you. If you have the opportunity to use Internet services, then research on the history of the Zabello clan can be viewed on the websitehttps: // site / site / familiografia / - there you can also ask questions about the history of the clan, if you are interested in it (the topic is the family forum).

Contact coordinates -

Best regards, Oleg Zabello

Letters to family

M. A. Bulgakov - K. P. Bulgakov (From Vladikavkaz to Moscow)

Dear Kostya, yesterday I was very happy with your letter. Finally, I have a message about mine. Your letter is marked: “Jan 18th. 1920 (?) ". Of course, this is a mistake. I can’t tell you how happy and surprised I was that we were all alive and well and, apparently, all together.

(Damn ink!) The only thing I regretted was that your letter was too short. I reread it several times ... You ask how I am doing. That's a pretty word. I am the one who is living, not living ...

We broke up with you about a year ago. In the spring I fell ill with relapsing fever, and he chained me ... I almost died, then in the summer I fell ill again.

I remember about a year ago I wrote to you that I started publishing in newspapers. My feuilletons were in many Caucasian newspapers. This summer I all the time performed on stage with stories and lectures. Then my plays went on stage. First, the one-act humoresque "Self-Defense", then the hastily written, God knows how, 4-act drama "The Turbine Brothers". My God, what I have not done yet: read and read lectures on the history of literature (at the Universt. People and drama studio), read introductory words, and so on. etc.

"Turbines" four times a month went with a bang of success. This was the reason for the great stupidity that I did: I sent them to Moscow ... Just yesterday I received news about them. Of course, "Turbins" will be rejected, and "Self-Defense" even someone recognized as completely unnecessary for staging. This is a big and well-deserved lesson for me: do not send unfinished things!

My life is my suffering. Oh, Kostya, you cannot imagine how I would like you to be here when the Turbines went for the first time. You cannot imagine what sadness I had in my soul that the play is going in a provincial hole, that I was 4 years late with what I should have started doing long ago - writing.

In the theater, the "Author" was shouted and clapped, clapped ... When I was called after the second act, I went out with a vague feeling ... I looked vaguely at the actors' faces, at the thundering hall. And I thought: "But this is my dream come true ... but how ugly: instead of the Moscow stage, the scene is provincial, instead of the drama about Alyosha Turbin, which I cherished, a hastily done, immature thing."

Fate is a mockery.

Then, in addition to stories that have nowhere to print, I wrote a comedy-buff "Clay Grooms". She, of course, was not included in the repertoire, but they offer me to stage it on one of my free days. And again: this day is not, everything is busy. Finally, the other day I took off the Paris Communards from my typewriter in 3 acts. The day after tomorrow I read her commissions. Here she will undoubtedly go. But the thing is, I sent her on all-Russian competition to Moscow. I am sure that it will not hit the deadline, I am sure that it will fail. And again, rightly so. I wrote it for 10 days. All the rags: Turbines, Grooms, and this play. I do everything in a hurry. Everything. There is sorrow in my soul.

But I gritted my teeth and work day and night. Oh, if only there was where to print!

Dear Kostya, do not refuse to fulfill the following.

In the middle of February (15-20-25) go to Neglinnaya street, No. 9 Teo. Repertoire Section of the Bureau of the Jury of the Contest of Plays on the Paris Commune. Ask if you have received a 3-act play "Paris Communards" under the motto "Free God of Art" (the plays go to the competition under the motto with the names sealed in an envelope, since the last name does not need to be given). 25th / II announcement of results. If it fails (which I have no doubt about), try to get it back and keep it. If it has not been received, find out if the deadline has been extended.

The damned "Self-defense" and "Turbines" are now in the same "Theo", I am afraid to inquire about them directly. Someone there out of the blue found that "Self-defense" was "harmful" ... This review is certainly nonsense, but unpleasant, it's a pity that I sent her, "harmful" "Self-defense", there. If you made inquiries about them and took both the Turbins and Sam [Defense], you would oblige me greatly.

You need to inquire about them from Basalyga (head of Tsut Teo) or from Meyerhold. Do it smart ...

These plays ("Self [defense]" and "Turb [others]") were brought to Moscow by David Aronovich Chernomordikov, head of the arts subsection here. Inquire and pick them up.

And this is how I get along.

At a writing table heaped with manuscripts ... At night, sometimes I re-read my earlier published stories (in the newspapers! In the newspapers!) And think: where is the collection? Where is the name? Where are the lost years?

I work hard.

I am writing a novel, the only thing thought out for all this time. But the sadness is again: after all, this is individual creativity, and now it is completely different.

I live behind the scenes, all the actors are friends and acquaintances to me, damn them all!

Tasia served as an off-stage actress. Now their troupe has been disbanded and it is idle.

I live in a nasty room at 9 Sleptsovskaya Street, apt. 2. Lived in a good, had desk, now I don’t, and I write with a kerosene lamp.

How I dress, what I eat ... not worth it ...

I look forward to your letter. Write in detail. Where and how you live. Ask Uncle Kolya if my things are intact. By the way, write, is Taskin's bracelet alive? Tell Uncle Kolya that both Tasya and I often remember him warmly, we are interested in how he lives. If he asks (...)

In case you have to change the apartment, I send the following address: Vladikavkaz Mail on demand to Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov.

At this address, no changes in it!

I kiss you


P. S. As an example of my glorious and remarkable activity, I enclose one of my countless posters. As a keepsake in case we don't meet.

Waiting for a letter. (Theo! Come in!)

Dear Kostya,

I sent you a registered letter recently.

Kindly, find out on Neglinnaya No. 9 in Theo's repertoire section at the Bureau of Competition Plays about the Paris Commune, whether the play in 3 acts "Paris Communards", sent in a valuable package, under the motto "Free God of Art", has reached it, and what fate befell it. I am writing in vain to Kiev and receive no answer. I ask you (maybe a message from Moscow is better), write the following to my mother (by the way, I don’t know her new address, I’m writing to Andreyevsky Spusk).

In No. 13, I still have two important manuscripts in my desk: "Sketches of Zemsk. [Th] time [acha]" and "Ailment" (sketch) and entirely on a typewriter "First color". All three of these things are very important to me. Ask them, if only, of course, my desk is intact, to keep them. Now I am writing a big novel based on the "Illness" canvas. If the manuscripts are missing, then at least, perhaps, you can find out when and who took them.

I also ask you to find out, please, urgently inform if there are private publishing houses in Moscow and their addresses.

Let me know if my things and T [asin] bracelet are intact. In Vladikavkaz, I found myself in a "neither back nor forth" position. My wanderings are far from over (...) Let me know if you have the opportunity for me to stay for a while if I have to visit Moscow.

Address: Vladikavkaz Post on demand. MA Bulgakov or Vladikavkaz Regional subdivision of arts Mic. Af. Bulgakov (no changes or additions).

Is yours Michael

M. A. Bulgakov - mother Varvara Mikhailovna Bulgakova-Voskresenskaya (From Moscow to Kiev)

Dear mom, how are you, how is your health? Please write as soon as you choose a free minute. Every message from my own is pleasant, especially during such a hard-working life that I lead. I am very sorry that in a small letter I cannot convey to you in detail what Moscow is like now. In short, I can say that there is a frantic struggle for existence and adaptation to new living conditions.

Having entered Moscow 1 1/2 months ago, in what I was, I think I have achieved the maximum that can be achieved in such a period. I have a place. True, this is far from the most important thing. You also need to be able to receive money. And the second I, imagine, have achieved. True, it is still on an insignificant scale. But nevertheless, this month Taska and I are already eating something, stocked up on potatoes, she fixed her shoes, we are starting to buy firewood, etc.

You have to work not just, but with a frenzy. From morning to evening, and so every day without interruption.

Complete folding in progress<...>institutions and staff reductions. My institution also falls under it, and apparently survives last days... So I will be without a place soon. But this is nonsense. I have already taken measures so as not to be late and switch to private service on time. You probably already know that it is only on it or in trading that one can exist in Moscow. And my, so to speak, official place was good only insofar as I could get about 1 mill. last month. At the state service, they pay tightly and with a delay, and therefore it is impossible to continue living in one such place. I am trying to enter the linen trust. In addition, yesterday I received an invitation, on still unclear terms, to an opening industrial newspaper. It's a real commercial business, and they try me. Yesterday and today I, that is, [ak] sk. [To say], took the exam. Tomorrow should be given 1/2 million. advance payment. This will mean that I have been appreciated and, perhaps then, that I will get the management of the chronicle. So flax, industrial newspaper and private work(random), that's what's coming. The path of job search and specialty, which I outlined back in Kiev, turned out to be absolutely correct. You cannot work in another specialty.

This would mean, in best case, hunger strike.

The end of November and December will be difficult, just the moment of transition to private enterprises. But I am counting on a huge number of my acquaintances and now with full right to the energy that volens-nolens had to show. There are a lot of acquaintances in magazines, theatrical, and business. This means a lot in today's Moscow, which is transitioning to a new life unseen in it for a long time - fierce competition, running, display of initiative, etc. You cannot live outside of such a life, otherwise you will perish. I do not want to be among the dead.

Taska is looking for a job as a saleswoman, which is very difficult, since [because] all of Moscow is still naked, barefoot and trades ephemerally, mostly by her own forces and means, by her few people. Poor Taska has to use all her strength to thresh rye on the butt and cook dinners out of all the nonsense. But she's great! In a word, we both beat like fish on ice. Most importantly, if only there was a roof. Andrey's room is my salvation. With the arrival of Nadya, this question, of course, will be terribly complicated. But I don’t think about it yet, I try not to think about it, because [because] it is [that] and so my day is a day of heavy worries.

In Moscow, only hundreds of thousands and millions are counted. Black bread 4600 rub. pound, white 14,000. And the price goes up and up! The shops are full of goods, but what can you buy! The theaters are full, but yesterday, when I walked past the Bolshoi on business (I can no longer think about how I can go out of business!), The shopkeepers were selling tickets for 75, 100, 150 thousand rubles! Moscow has everything: shoes, fabrics, meat, caviar, canned food, delicacies - everything! Cafes are opening, growing like mushrooms. And everywhere hundreds, hundreds! Hundreds !! A speculative wave is buzzing.

I only dream of one thing: to survive the winter, not to break off into December, which, I suppose, will be the most difficult month. Taskin's help for me does not lend itself to counting: with the huge distances that I have to run every day (literally) across Moscow, she saves me a lot of energy and strength, feeding me, and leaves me only what she herself cannot do: chopping firewood for in the evenings and carrying potatoes in the morning. We both run around Moscow in our coats. Therefore, I somehow walk one side forward (for some reason blows the left side). My dream is to get Tatiana warm shoes... She doesn't have a damn thing except her shoes.

But maybe! If only room and health!

I do not know if you are so interested detailed description Moscow and is it clear enough for you, the people of Kiev.

I am still writing this with the aim of showing in what conditions I have to exercise my id? E-fixe. And it consists in restoring the norm in 3 years - an apartment, clothes and books. Will we succeed - we'll see.

I will not write, part [because] part [that] You will not believe how much Taska and I have become economic. We save every log of firewood.

This is the school of life.

At night, in fits and starts I write "Notes of the Zemsk. [Th] ... time [acha]". A solid thing can come out. I am processing "Illness". But there is no time, no time! That's what hurts for me!

Please tell Nadia (I can't write separately - I'm sleeping!), I need all the material for the historical drama - everything that concerns Nikolai and Rasputin in the period of 16 and 17 (murder and coup).

Newspapers, descriptions of the palace, memoirs, and most of all "Diary" of Purishkevich- to the edge!

Descriptions of costumes, portraits, memories, etc. She will understand!

I cherish the idea of ​​creating a grand drama in 5 acts by the end of the 22nd year. Some sketches and plans are already ready. The thought fascinates me insanely. There is no "Diary" in Moscow. Ask Nadia to get it, by all means! If this letter catches her before leaving, I ask her to bring the materials with her. If she really stays in Kiev, wait for Christmas and the arrival of Kolya Gladyrevsky, save up the material and send it with him. Or maybe there will be a right opportunity sooner.

Of course, with the draining work that I am doing, I will never be able to write anything worthwhile, but even a dream and work on it are dear. If the "Diary" falls into her hands temporarily, I ask you to immediately write off literally everything from it literally about the murder with a gramophone, the conspiracy of Felix and Purishkevich, the reports of Pur. [Ishkevich] Nikolai, the personality of Nikolai Mikhailovich, and send me letters (I I think you can? Title "Drama Material"?). It may be embarrassing to ask her, burden her with it, but she will understand. In the Rumyantsev Museum there are no sets of newspapers 17 years old !! Beg.

Uncle Kolya and Uncle Misha are healthy and live well. I have never seen Lilya. Zemsk. [Not] good.

I kiss you, dear mother, hard. Tasya also.

We kiss everyone. Michael.

P. S. My most pleasant memory for recent times is - guess what?

How I slept on your sofa and drank tea with French rolls. I would have given it dearly so that I could lie down like that again for two days, having drunk tea, and not think about anything. So tired.

Ivan Pavlovich wholeheartedly.

it's time to write a letter!

Write to the address: Sadovaya, 10, apt. fifty.

M. A. Bulgakov - N. A. Bulgakova-Zemskaya

Dear Nadia,

why aren't you writing? At one time he survived an onslaught from a company from the office of our sweet home. “Yes A. [ndrei] M. [Ikhaylovich] does not exist for three hundred and sixty-five days. You need to write it out. And you, too, have come from nowhere "... and so on, and so on.

Without entering into any war, diplomatically endured a rather arrogant and cheeky tone, especially from the S. caretaker. Apparently unhooked. A. insisted not to write it out. So, for now, everything is the same. S. has brought me to white heat, but I restrain myself, p. [Because] h. [Then] I don’t feel if I’m on solid ground. In a word, while they unhooked.

I am in charge of the chronicle "Torg. Prom. Vestn. [Ika] ”, and if I lose my mind, it’s because of him. Can you imagine what it means to start up a private newspaper ?! Boris's article should go to No. 2. About aviation in industry, about cubic capacity, stacks, etc. etc. under. I was completely freaked out. And the paper !! What if we don't get the ads? And the chronicle !!! What about the price!! The whole day is like a cauldron.

He wrote the feuilleton "Eugene Onegin" for "Ekran" (Theater magazine). They didn’t accept it.

He wrote a feuilleton "Muse of Revenge" dedicated to Nekrasov. Received in the Bureau thin. feuillete. under G. P. P. Paid 100. Submitted to the "Vestnik iskusstv", which should be published under Theo G. P. P. I know in advance that either the magazine will not be published, or "Muse" at the last [s] moment who - will find something out of spirit ... and so on. Chaos.

Do not be surprised at the wild negligence of the letter. This is not on purpose, but because I literally tire to death. He waved his hand at everything. I don't think about any scripture. Happy only when Taska gives me hot tea. We eat with her immeasurably better than in the beginning. I wanted to write to you long letter with a description of Moscow, but here's what happened ...

Kisses, Michael

Andrew's kiss.

Give Kostya the attached letter.

Dear Nadya, today Vestnik received your correspondence on the market prices for December 31, and at once I insisted that the editor translate 50 thousand for you. It's done. And at the same time with the correspondence I was struck by a blow, the significance of which you will immediately appreciate and about which I am writing to you in confidence. The editor informed me that under the weight of external conditions Vestn. [IK] is burning. Ed. [Actor] says there is still a chance, but I know for sure that he will not survive the 7th #. Finita! This explains the small amount of the amount sent to you. If not for this, I hope that I would be able to increase it.

So: until you receive the next letter from me, in which I will inform you of the final state of affairs, you still have to report (to my personal address), but do not spend a lot of money on parcels. Reduce consumption to minimum. In two days the matter will be clear.

In this letter I am sending you the correspondence "Commercial Renaissance". I hope that you will not refuse (in return, and I will try to be useful to you in Moscow) to go to any of the Kiev newspapers according to your taste (preferably a large daily one) and offer it urgently.

The results can be as follows:

1) it will not be accepted, 2) it will be accepted, 3) it will be accepted and interested. There is nothing to say about the first case. If the latter, get a fee at the rates of the editorial office and transfer it to me, withholding for your use from it the amount, according to your calculation, you need for postage and any other expenses in correspondence and business with me (your complete discretion).

If 3, offer me as a correspondent in the capital on whatever questions they like, or for a basement fictional feuilleton about Moscow. Let them send an invitation and an advance. Tell them I'm the boss. Chronicle in Vestnik, professional journalist. If Renaissance is printed, they will send two No.

I hope you will excuse me for bothering you. I would like to write you a lot more, in addition to these boring things, which, in addition, I am bothering you with (the only thing that comforts me is the thought that I will somehow be able to compensate you for the trouble soon), you will understand what I have to experience today , flying out together with "Vestn. [ik]" into the tube.

In a word, crushed.

Otherwise I would describe to you how it rained from the ceiling in my room during the night on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Eve.

Kisses to everyone Michael

Information for the Kiev newspaper: Head. chronicle of "Vestnik", journalist, b. Leto's secretary of the Glavpolitprosvet, I sign with the pseudonym Bull. If they strike up a relationship with me, tell them the address, first name, patronymic and last name for money transfers and correspondence. In a word, as it should be.

Sorry for the messy letter.

He wrote at night, just like the Renaissance. Scribbled on hastily God knows what. It's disgusting to read.

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It is foolish to deny the dignity of electronic communications. But they have one significant drawback: they can never convey the warmth that we feel, and the joy that we experience when we write a real letter.

Of course, traditional mail should not replace our online communication. Old-fashioned letters should become a pleasant hobby.

Think how great it is when you have one or even a few pen pals to whom you can write a real letter. Imagine: you open mailbox and find the message you've been waiting for. What a joyful feeling it is!

In addition to friendly correspondence, there are seven types of letters that I suggest everyone write at least once in my life. Correspondence is a win-win lottery, you will win in it in any case: both as an author and as a recipient. The author learns to express his feelings in words, the recipient receives moral support.

Writing at least one letter from each category is a minimum task. The habit of writing letters regularly throughout your life will bring you significant benefits. Well, go ahead!

1. Congratulatory letter

We are proud of ourselves when we achieve our goals. But when others acknowledge our accomplishments, it undeniably makes our victory so much sweeter. We want people to see in us the potential that we see in ourselves.

Congratulatory letters - good tool in strengthening both personal and professional contacts. Great idea- regularly send such letters to colleagues and loved ones, congratulating them on pleasant events in their lives. However, if someone next to you reaches great heights, does something that you can admire, then this is an excellent reason to write them not just a small congratulation, but a full-fledged congratulatory letter. Maybe your brother just became a Marine, and your friend broke all records in the shooting range. Or your daughter became a college graduate, the first in your family, by the way.

Let the people around you see that you know about their victories. And be proud of them.

2. A letter to your father

The father is an important figure in the life of any person. Good or bad, but in any case, fathers are the first standard of masculinity for a child.

Every boy in the future wants to become an “ideal dad”. Our fathers are sometimes so far removed from this model that we get very upset when we realize how much better they could be. And sometimes the exact opposite happens: they are close to the ideal, and we are worried that we will not be able to follow their example.

One way or another, our relationship with our father shapes our personality in many ways. Sometimes our feelings for the parent are so deep and complex that we ourselves cannot fully understand them.

Most of us have never taken the time to thank our fathers for everything they have done for us. The opposite situation is also possible: sometimes we cannot forgive them for the pain they once caused us. Yet, if we are not aware of our feelings for our fathers, we will never be able to understand how they influenced us, and to some extent we will not be able to fully understand ourselves.

Writing a letter to your dad is a great way to reflect on all of these questions. You do not have to send this letter if you have no desire - you do it for yourself. The goal is to better understand your own feelings.

3. Letter of condolences

Of all the letters you have to write, the condolence letter will be the hardest. At such a moment, it is very difficult to find the right words. We are afraid to say something wrong, we feel embarrassed. For these reasons, we very rarely write condolences. We assure ourselves that people already know about our sympathy and support, and words are unnecessary here.

Yes, they probably realize that you empathize with them. But they all want to hear it from you. People need to be reminded that you think about them the minute they are having a hard time. Let it not be long, but your words will make them a little easier. It really means a lot when someone takes the time to tell you, "I know how hard it is for you, and it hurts that you are suffering."

4. A letter to your future

Someday in your life there will certainly come a moment when you will feel that you have changed: you look at many things differently, make different decisions. To feel this is rather strange, in fact. This does not mean that you begin to forget your past or categorically abandon your "young self". It's just that your previous life is left behind, and it seems to you that "you before" and "you now" are two completely different people.

This "borderline" state between the past and the present gives us an excellent opportunity to reflect on who we are now. Think about what the child you were would say to the adult you now see in the mirror?

Now write a letter to yourself in the future. You won't be printing this letter for years or even decades. Describe the hopes you have in the person you will be when you reread this letter a second time. How do you see your career? Are you married / are you married? Do you have children? Are you true to your favorite habits? What are your goals? What ideals have stayed with you over the years?

When you read this letter many years later, you may find that your previous goals and ideals have changed dramatically, but you, in fact, do not mind: you have those that suit you much more. Your youthful maximalism and naivety can make you smile and even laugh a little :) Or, on the contrary, facing your old dreams again, you can realize how much you wanted to achieve and how little you have achieved in fact.

Such time travel will help you remember your youthful dreams and aspirations, inspire you to new achievements, and if now everything is not going the way you once wanted, then there is always a chance to fix it.

5. Love letter

It's not always easy to express your emotions towards other people. Men would be much more willing to express their feelings with actions rather than words. But women are known to love with their ears. They want words behind which actions will stand.

The difficulty lies not only in finding beautiful words, but also in saying them out loud. When we prepare a beautiful love speech in our mind, very often we do not consider the environment in which we will "expose" our feelings. The most embarrassing situation is when you are sitting next to a person and desperately trying to remember exactly what words you were going to say to him. To avoid all these incidents, we begin to write a love letter.

We often associate love letters with the past century. Men from the front wrote letters to their wives and brides, saying how much they lacked their warmth, and the girls, in turn, wrote that they loved and were waiting. Such letters were sent for months, and came only a few times a year.

In the biographies of great people, there are very often wonderful love confessions that they wrote to their wives and mistresses.

Again about my love. About the notorious activity. Is love exhausting everything for me? Everything, but only differently. Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from her. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies off, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot but manifest itself in this in everything.
From a letter by Vladimir Mayakovsky to Lilya Brik

However, your beloved does not have to be far away for you to decide to write her a love letter. You can even address it to the girl you sleep with every night. It will be more original and enjoyable than the standard love confessions we make every day.

Romantic letters are evidence of your love story. Which, perhaps, your grandchildren will read later.

6. Encouraging letter

In everyone's life there have been such moments when they had to struggle with doubts and fears, or moments in which they wanted to give up everything and retreat. If you are lucky, then a person appeared in your life during this unhappy time who could cheer you up, convince you that everything will be fine, in other words, raise your self-esteem and help you move on.

Such support always has a positive effect on a person, especially if the words are supported by encouraging actions (patting on the shoulder, for example). Although there are times when a letter is best option in order to provide support. And not only because you physically cannot always be present with those whom you want to cheer up. The letter stays with the recipient for a long time, he can return to it and reread it at any time. When we listen to a fiery motivational speech, we listen to every word and believe that everything will pass and all problems can be solved. But as soon as we remain alone after a while, all our fears and doubts overtake us again.

An uplifting letter tells the recipient that you believe in him and his abilities, that he will cope with all the difficulties. Maybe your niece recently went to college and is feeling uncomfortable, and even considering dropping out. If you have a similar experience, you can help her with advice, encourage her. Perhaps your son broke up with his first love and thinks that this is the end of the world. Let him know that everything is exactly the opposite and this is not the end, but only the beginning.

7. Letter of thanks

Gratitude is one of the brightest feelings. Nothing else can support our personal and professional relationships as much as it does. Appreciation can instantly melt the ice between two people.

We all understand very well how we need the kindness and help of others. You are very lucky if you have people in your life that you can thank.

There is only one thing for many kind word helped to become a man again, and gold was powerless.
Erich Maria Remarque "Shelter of Dreams"

Write Thanksgiving letters need as often as possible. Of course, it is much easier to send a thank you note to e-mail(and this is definitely better than nothing). But just imagine how touching it is to receive a real handwritten letter. For example, if you have an employee in your office who is diligently and successfully doing their job, you can leave a small note for them to indicate how much you value their efforts.

We hope that, in addition to such small news, at least once in your life you will write full-fledged letters of thanks to the most important people in your life: mom, wife (husband), beloved school teacher, best friend.

Think about everything they have done for you and the changes they have brought to your life. Remember that nothing in the world is dearer than simple human gratitude.

Which of these letters have you tried to write? Share in the comments!

I wrote this letter to my potential relatives, it was a great success :). They reacted, we are texting, they, on their own initiative, undertake trips to villages and archives, in general - everything is spinning / spinning. :) Maybe I was also lucky that they themselves were also to some extent interested in their kind, and my appearance was adequately received. I enclosed with the letter envelopes with my address for return letters, Russian stamps for the required amount and a printed tree (general) on which a line was highlighted from me to that ancestor, which, according to my assumption, could be their ancestor.

Hello dear Siberina
Julia Mikhailovna.

You don’t know me and I don’t know you either. Therefore, I apologize for this letter and for the questions asked in it. I will try to explain why I had all these questions and why I decided to write you a letter. To do this, I will tell you a little about myself and a little (about 100 years) delve into history. In short, the reason to write you a letter was your rare surname - SIBERIN.

Let me introduce myself in absentia: my name is Ilona Alekseevna Dementieva... I'm 35 years old. I live in Latvia, in the city of Jurmala. I have three of my children and one stepson - all boys - between the ages of 4 and 17. I work for a house construction, rental and sale company and study in Latvian State University... I am the only child of my mother.

Now a little about my hobbies and history. Once, 20 - 25 years ago, I was fascinated by stories about ancestors that my grandparents told. But at that time I was too young to somehow seriously study the history of my Family, my Kin. Now that there are opportunities, finances, time, the Internet, the desire to study the history of their ancestors has come true and, after several years of searching, has turned into such a "Tree", which I attach to my letter. Unfortunately, people are not eternal, and both grandfather and grandmother passed away ... Only the little that I heard in my childhood remained. Remained Memory. Despite all my efforts and searches, there are still many "blank spots" on this "Tree". That is why this letter was born - in the hope of filling the gaps in the history of the Family.

Now I will delve a little into the history of the Family in the aspect in which you may (very much hope!) Be able to help in my search.
I was born in Lithuania, in the city of Panevezys in 1968. My mother, Irina Vsevolodovna Dmitrieva, was born during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad - in the Ufa region in Bashkiria, in 1943. Her parents: mother (my grandmother) - Klavdia Ivanovna (in virgin Zakharova) and father (my grandfather) Dmitriev Vsevolod Nilovich... It is about the grandfather that will be discussed further. He is a career soldier, went through the entire war underground, in the intelligence of the Baltic Fleet, and after the war he also did not leave his military career. He was born in 1917, on October 25, and all his life his birthday was celebrated on November 7 - the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. So in our family, November 7 was not just an official holiday. He was born in St. Petersburg / Petrograd in the family of an employee of the printing house of the Academy of Sciences. In addition to him, the family had three more children: two older brothers (Mikhail and Alexander) and a younger sister who died in infancy. In 1922, when he was 5 years old, his father (my great-grandfather) - Dmitriev Nil Dmitrievich - died and his mother (my great-grandmother) - Anna Osipovna (according to other sources - Iosifovna) Dmitrieva (in virgin. SIBERINA ) raised three boys alone. Very little is known about her. And all the questions are about her.
About Anna Osipovna (this is the only photograph that has survived to this day) very little is known. She was born in 1884 in "... Yaroslavl province, Yaroslavl uyezd, Osenevskaya volost, village Tarusino ... from peasants ..." - she found such information in the marriage records of the church / parish book for 1905 of the church in Bolshaya Kolomna. She died on April 30, 1942 in Leningrad during the blockade. My grandfather told me very little about her, and in general, grandfather did not talk about his parents - he simply could not, there were not enough words, alas ... At the time when I reached the conscious cognitive age of active interest, my grandfather had already suffered a stroke many times. and it was speech that suffered the most from the paralysis. So, alas, my knowledge of the SIBERIN Family is very scarce. I only know that my great-grandmother, Anna Osipovna, seemed to have a sister - Yulia Osipovna, who was married to Dobrovolsky and they had a son, Anatoly (the last statement about the son is accepted with the addition - "like"). About Yulia Osipovna SIBERINA is all that is known. Unfortunately, I failed to find traces in the historical archives of Moscow, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg. Therefore, the questions are - what were the names of the parents (my great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather) Anna and Yulia Osipovnyh, who they are, where they come from, when they were born, where they lived, did they still have children, and children have descendants - all these questions remain open to this day. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the available data is that their father (my great-great-grandfather) was called Osip(or Joseph - if you follow other sources) SIBERIN... And it's all!!! Alas ... By the way, I have repeatedly raised the question of the origin of the seemingly ordinary, but at the same time - a very rare surname "Siberin" ... There are several different versions, but all of them are not confirmed by anything: the surname originated from the once existing in the regions, now outdated everyday word "siberia" - that is. countryman; the surname comes from people from Siberia - but then it would be more correct - "Sibirin"; the surname comes from the landlord; the surname comes from the German surname "Sieber", which, as a result of Russification, changed into "Sieber-Siberin"; the surname comes from the French surname "Sieber" - the consequences of the war of 1812 ... So this question about the origin of the surname puzzled not me alone, but also several genealogists who were quite popular in narrow circles.
Realizing that searches in the archives desired results do not give, I turned to Internet search resources. But alas !!! Surname SIBERIN so rare that search engines give out only a few persons with such a surname !! One of them - Maria Siberina - could not be found, but in the city of Yaroslavl there are several (!) SIBERINES !! And, since the roots of the origin / birth of my great-grandmother Anna Osipovna go to the Yaroslavl province, I had a small hope for good luck. Hence my desire to contact people named SIBERIN / a in the hope that maybe one of them will turn out to be very distant relatives and maybe (I really hope!) Will be able to help with replenishing the information I have on the pedigree "Tree". That, in fact, is the reason for this letter. Do not be surprised if your relatives receive the same letter - I know that it is best to write letters by hand, but since everyone's handwriting is different, in order not to make it difficult for people to understand the peculiarities of their handwriting, I decided to write the letter on the computer and print it in the required amount copies to send to all Siberin found in the city of Yaroslavl, which turned out to be 5 people and seem to be related to each other.

Perhaps I will finish my letter. I apologize again for disturbing you.

Best regards, Ilona Dementieva.


Hello dear relatives!

Uncle Andrey and aunt Masha are writing to you from Ukraine. More precisely, mother Masha writes. Daddy drinks pepper, prompting, and the children sing "Ribbon, for the ribbon - give me a bag" and say hello.

We are fine.
The weather is already winter. Light frost and light snow.
But the apartment is extremely hot. Fortunately, over the past six months, our wise government has stolen so much Russian gas that now we will be able to fatten on it for a long time and not save. Angela Merkel told us so directly during her visit to Ukraine.

After your last call at the beginning of March, when you suggested that we flee to your beloved Penza from the fascists who seized power in Kiev, a lot has changed with us. And believe me, only for the best.

Previously, we were an ordinary middle class, but now we have joined the slender ranks of the junta, and are quite successfully waging the genocide of those who disagree. Although, to be honest, this new prosperity is due only to world Zionism and the anti-Russian global conspiracy. But since we are paid well for this, why not participate? And we really have no other choice. Since, compared to the period of Yanukovych's democratic rule, when everyone could freely express their point of view and vote for whoever they like, now Lithuanian and Swedish consultants force us to tick the boxes for our Poroshenko right in the voting booths. Petr Alekseevich. Pinochet Aloizovich, as we are proud of him with the whole family, call him.

Our beloved son Heinrich, the one you know from the cradle under the now-banned name Vladimir in Ukraine, wanted to enroll as a full-time executioner in the National Guard, but so far it has not worked out. Only those who are ready to eat human flesh are accepted there. Therefore, we began to prepare our future punisher and yesterday ate a Russian-speaking baby for dinner, taken by the Aydar battalion from his parents on the territory of Donbass controlled by the Ukrainian junta.

Did not like. He turned out to be too bony, you will ask your Putin there to bring more buckwheat, Far Eastern salmon and black caviar to the residents of Donetsk, Lugansk and Torez in humanitarian convoys instead of shells, cartridges and machine guns. But tomorrow we will try to cook it according to a different recipe - a soldier needs to get used to the harsh field cuisine.

The most pleasant thing about this is that even without accepting his son into the National Guard, our beloved government has already ordered us two promised slaves in advance. Slaves, however, frail, what to take from them - two "botanists" - teachers of Russian literature from Slavyansk. We rented them out to cut trees by hand in the Carpathians, so they complain there. But nothing, we are thinking next year to attach them to an enterprise for the procurement of fur of stray dogs and cats. The benefits will be much greater both for us and for society.

Jen's daughter (Oli in the old way, named after Jen Psaki, well, you know) is doing well too. She is an excellent student at school, recently won the city Olympics in the subject "Economics of anti-Russian sanctions." She is fond of studying ancient Germanic runes and re-read all of Goebbels in the original. Enrolled in a sniper circle. He dreams of going on a volunteer exchange program to the Israeli army during the winter holidays, shooting unarmed Palestinians there.

By the way, it will be useful for you to find out for sure - children who speak Russian at school are sent as punishment for a month to labor camps to sharpen shells for the NATO army.
I think this is very correct. There is no need to endlessly watch these stupid cartoons about Winnie the Pooh, Gena the crocodile and three heroes. And soon we will not need Russian either. In summer, a moat with crocodiles will be dug on the border with Russia. So that not a single dog breaks into our paradise country.

I wanted to get a job as a cashier at new job to the state bank. But she did not pass the exam on the history of the Third Reich. Therefore, I ask you to urgently send us Hitler's book "Mein Kampf", otherwise they will immediately be bought from us.

The husband at the firm was forced to join the "Right Sector". Now at night he studies the biography of Yarosh, and after work, with their entire department, under the guidance of American instructors, they learn to mine bridges on the Volga, organize terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro and prepare an operation to destroy the Kerch ferry crossing in Crimea.

Americans are everywhere now.
They come to teach us Ukrainian army carpet bombing of Donetsk, Rostov and Kursk. A harem was built right on Khreshchatyk for their NATO generals. By order of Tyagnybok, girls are caught there right on the streets in Mariupol and Kharkov, but only those who do not wear a traditional Ukrainian wreath with red and black ribbons on their heads are taken.

Last Sunday, the whole family was registered at the district gay club. Now we are looking forward to the summons to the orgy.

Believe me, now everything in Ukraine is changing for the better, one problem is that our once beloved radio stations “Chanson” and “Russian Radio” have been banned. But now, on all waves, German military marches, lessons on playing the Bender trembites and songs by Conchita Wurst are playing around the clock.

Tomorrow we are going to a rally - we will destroy the monument to Pushkin on the square of Heroes of the SS Division "Dead Head".
It is a pity, of course, but in its place there is simply a statue of a 50-meter bronze serpent that is strangling George the Victorious.

As you know, we recently had elections to the Rada, the Ukrainian parliament. The junta appointed Groisman the chairman of the Rada. Don't believe that he is a Jew. We all know that he is Bormann's great-uncle and Eichmann's maternal grand-nephew. True patriots of Greater Germany and the united European Union, which they have been building since 1933.

Our television has now changed.
Live broadcasts all day show reports of how the junta's troops are bombing kindergartens, schools and hospitals with high-precision missiles throughout Southeast Ukraine.
Especially in those cities that are temporarily not controlled by the "Novorossiya" militias.

The most popular was the game TV show "The Factory of Death Stars", in which the participants, the militants of the "Peacemaker" battalion, compete in collecting scalps taken from the murdered residents of Donbass.

But there are, speaking in confidence, and temporary disadvantages.
The people have become kind of soft, naive. Quite often pacifists who mumble something about humanism and reconciliation of fraternal Slavic peoples Ukraine and Russia.

For example, patriots from the Azov battalion last month raped in Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa all veterans of the Great Patriotic War who did not have a swastika tattooed on their chest. And in Odessa already twice. So our “pacifists” from the government, “feeling deeply affected by the tragedy of the veterans,” decided to punish the heroes from “Azov” and handed them the usual Iron Crosses instead of the gold ones. And they cheated with a salary - each militant was given 10 thousand dollars, instead of the promised 20.

It was quite a different matter last year.
How pleasant it is to remember when all our friendly family, as one, underwent training in the Polish and Lithuanian camps for the Maidan! The heart rejoices.

In the morning - always invigorating tea with butyrate. For lunch, the emissaries of the US State Department brought chopped oranges and some delicious cookies, from which the hands themselves reached out to pour Molotov cocktails. It was not without reason that we were killing unarmed Berkut soldiers on the streets of Kiev for three months, and from the severed hands of the youngest militiamen they cooked borscht right on the Maidan and fed them to groups of chopped-up nationalist youths.
These were best months our life. You will not see such romance in your provincial Valdai and Seligers.

More. Misha, my dear brother, hometown your dad, Dnepropetrovsk, Poroshenko wants to rename to Kolomoisk. This is a reward for the fact that Kolomoisky, with the money of the Israeli military, built in Ukraine the most modern network of concentration camps in the world for civilians in the South-East.

Probably, you already know a lot of what we have written to you. After all, for sure you regularly and carefully watch the most honest and objective Russian TV channels "Russia", "NTV" and Lifenews. You are really lucky with such a beacon of journalism as Dmitry Kiselyov. He cuts the truth about Ukraine, not looking back at the leadership and the Russian authorities.
It's nice that you have people who every day inform Russians about the true state of affairs in fraternal Ukraine. Despite the machinations of the Kremlin ill-wishers.

In order not to forget, we wish you a Happy New Year in advance!
Otherwise, this holiday will be banned from us now. As well as Christmas, Epiphany and Easter. Our main holidays will now only be Halloween and American Independence Day, which we will celebrate three times a year - February 23, May 9 and every Friday the 13th.

We are waiting for you in the spring. Be sure to come.
But when you cross the border, when asked by the Ukrainian border guard about the purpose of the visit, it is better to say that you are going to an ultra-radical action to burn the effigies of Putin, Kobzon and Fili, who is going to war.

I wish you happiness and health.

your relatives, real fascists, Uncle Orest and Aunt Gorpyna (the old names Andrei and Maria were changed in our passports by order of Gauleiter Kiev Klitschko)

P.S. Throw away the bacon that we sent you in a parcel last month. If you haven't eaten yet.
It became known that it was sold in Kiev stores only after special treatment at the American Embassy. We do not know how it is pricked there, but it has been verified - its use sharply raises hatred of the Russian Orthodox Church and in a strange way, obscene words from the Russian language are forgotten.
Everything. Always yours! ...