What if you lost your job. What to do if you lost work: wise advice

Bad news always come suddenly. Yesterday, you planned the purchase of a new car, and today, as the snow, the phrase sounded, "you are fired." Dismissal is not only a loss of income, this event causes a storm of negative consequences immediately: depression, a decrease in self-esteem and fear to remain without means of existence.

If you lost work, what to do? First of all, it is necessary to stop thinking about what happened and start acting. In the loss of work, you can find pluses, for example, to relax from the difficult working days, this option is relevant if you prudently accumulated a little money before dismissal.

Now that bad emotions stayed behind, it's time to draw up a plan for further action, because the new work will not find yourself, and it will now have to be economical.


First of all, find out what you should under the law. Do not cheat yourself. If you are reduced or fired, everything should happen on Labor Code, with all proper payments.


If you have already come across a similar situation before or you are just a prudent person and prepared in advance for possible dismissal, namely I postponed money for a black day, know this day has come. It's not worth spending them for sure, but you can afford a little rest, it is best to go somewhere with the whole family or with your loved one. If the money is quite a bit, you can just sit at home and spend time doing your favorite things. These actions will help you survive negative consequences from loss of work and gaining strength for search. new work.

New family budget

Now that you have lost the main source of income, you should not spend the remaining money as before. It is still unknown how much time you need to find a new work, so it is better to immediately decide with things from which you will have to refuse.

It is better to postpone a small amount on urgent costs, you may have to spend money to get a new job. For example, pay the passage of the sanitary book or pay for additional education.

While looking for work

If the weeks fly one after another, but there is no needed vacancy yet, it is time to think about getting an additional source of income.

  1. Sign up for accounting in the employment service. Here you will pay allowance and look for work in the specialty. If nothing is suitable, I will write down to advanced training courses, here you can pass absolutely free.
  2. Look for work on the Internet. There is a whole mass of sites for freelancers, here everyone can find a job for which they will pay. Greater money You certainly do not earn, but small income is also income.
  3. In addition to permanent work, you can find temporary, part-time or partial employment, for example: "Secret buyer."

Qualitative summary

To make up a summary worth come true very seriously - this is your business card. It should briefly describe all your strengths, both in professional and personal plan. There are 4 principles that should be taken into account when making a summary:

  • brevity, no one will read the history of your life written on 4 sheets;
  • relevance, all dates, organization names, information about education must be specific;
  • honesty, you should not attribute to yourself fictional achievements, almost every self-respecting company, all - summarize for the accuracy of the information;
  • selectivity, for each desired post it is better to make a separate summary and list the skills useful only for this vacancy.

A good resume is half success, so if you can't come up with what to write, contact your professionals. There is a lot of firms where you will be helped to make a summary of your competitors for envy, the truth will have to pay.

Dream work

As previously said, dismissal has its advantages. Now you can take advantage of this respite and decide who would you like to work? Perhaps dismissal is just the consequence of what you do not love your love. Try to decide that you want to get from work most: money, new friends, experience, new knowledge or something else. Preparations of priorities you can easily make a choice in favor of work that can not only provide you with a stable income, but also make you happy.

Job search

Now that you have your resume in your hands and you decided on the work of your dreams, you need to do so that it is read, as many potential employers can be read.

  1. Place your resume on all popular sites for job search. On such sites you can send a resume on vacancies you like. In addition, for all employers your resume will be open, perhaps one of them will make you an interesting offer.
  2. Contact your employment assistance. Employees of the organization will remove with you a serious burden on the search for work, they themselves will be summarized, contact the employer, will help with the interview, but for such services will have to pay, sometimes not a small amount.
  3. Send a resume directly to the employer. Find companies that can offer you the desired position and send them their resume.
  4. Do not be lazy and read the local press, it is quite possible, you will find a couple of vacancies there, which will be able to interest you.

Before sending resumes, do not forget to make an accompanying letter. It will not only show your interest in vacancies, but also will highlight your resume among the masses of others.

Preparation for interview

Before the interview, it is necessary to overcome their insecurity. Insecurity arises because of the fear of not getting the desired job. Therefore, it is better to immediately think about what you will speak and practice in front of close people or on the extreme case of a mirror.

Do not try to put pressure on pity, the employer is not interested in your material or personal problems, tell him about my skills and experience.


  1. It is impossible to be late for an interview. Therefore, it is better to come a little earlier, do not force your new chief to wait for you.
  2. Do not interrupt. Always keep you listening to the end of the questions you ask, and only after answering.
  3. When you answer, try to avoid long stories. Always answer clearly and essentially.
  4. Do not demonstrate your experiences and uncertainty. Do not use phrases: probably maybe possible and so on.
  5. Do not be afraid about the salary issues. No need to undertake it to enjoy the employer, it will make the opposite effect, and it will decide that you do not appreciate yourself.

Do not start your dialogue from the question of salary, it is better to ask what new duties await you at this work. Perfect optionIf the employer himself tells you about wages.

Time after interview

Do not sit and wait until you call. Manage the initiative and here. At the end of the interview, find out when the response is known. Do not wait too long, call yourself. If you promised to call until the end of the week, but this did not happen, it means that you did not fit. Call and make sure you yourself, start looking for spare options.

It is not necessary to limit only one vacancies. Go to several interviews in different firms, so you will increase the chances of finding a job.

Loss of work is always unpleasant. Of course, except those cases when you already for a long time Had her and finally decided to get rid of it. By the way, will help you understand if you love your job. But if the answer is nevertheless, then you are not in the best position. The routine of the day is disturbed, priorities, too, financial situation unstable.

However, this is the beginning of something new. And if you do everything right, then your life will only be better. And in which directions you need to move.

Start saving

Now you have no stable source of income. This means that from some things will have to abandon. We can also advise you to start doing personal finances. Consider all the money you spend. So you can see and get rid of unnecessary expenses. This can help various.

Simplify your life

Yeah, as always, very trite. But here are several selo Soviets. Walked to the gym? Start going to the stadium. Bought ready-made food or eat in restaurants? Start cooking yourself. Do you like to read books and buy them? Start going to the library. There are millions of things that can be simplified and reduced. At the same time, this does not mean that you make your life worse.

Start looking for other sources of income

We all have talents and hobbies that can bring income. Moreover, with the coming to our life of the Internet, it is possible to monetize absolutely any occupation. There would be a desire and idea. In the end, just start selling unnecessary things over the Internet.

Start appreciating

Each of us in the manager tasks are assembled dozens of tasks, which we cannot reach. Loss of work can be the opportunity to finally get to them. Read interesting books learn to play on musical instrument Or play sports. Not only in order to really do something useful, but also in order to distract against negative thoughts.


It should be understood that the work is not always easy and sometimes you need to send a hundred Summary to get a positive answer. Therefore, start sending this hundred right now.


And again smacks a banalcule. But sometimes to be alone with him, do not rush anywhere and not thinking about anything is really useful. Relax from constant fuss, relax and with new forces, take the search for the matter of all your life.

Have you had a dismissal experience? How could you return to the rut?

In our unpredictable world, people are becoming more and more in stability, providing confidence in tomorrow. The work contributes to this stability, so many are panicly afraid to lose it, even if it does not bring any pleasure.

Meanwhile, the number of unemployed every year increases, companies fall apart, firms are closed, and in demand, employees overnight acquire the "unemployed" statute. Lost a job what to do?

Keep yourself in your hands

Dismissal is not the end of the world, but the ability to start everything first. Of course, the search for new work is a difficult occupation, but since it happened, you will have to try to find exactly what the soul is.

It is not worth the dismissal on the day to rush to the ambrusura in search of a new job. Relax, Gather with thoughts, do not listen to people who are confident that it is impossible to find work now.

Rule: who is looking for, will always find, acts. Do not give up the support of native people if their words really help.

Remember, this is your life and you have the right to dispose of it as you want. It is worth allocating time on meditation, let it be a day or two, when you just sit down and think in silence.

Often, people who have lost work come to the conclusion that she never liked it. Fear does not give many people to turn around and believe in their own strength. Dismissal or closure of the company is a chance to think about the correctness of your life.


Now that in the morning you do not need to jump off the bed and rush to work, there is time for self-analysis.

If errors have been made at the last work, draw conclusions. If you were fired, probably the problem lies not only in the terrible character of the director, but also in your somewhere wrong actions.

It is important to learn how to find a positive in unpleasant situations, then it will be easier to adapt to various life changes. Self-analysis will help to understand yourself, to realize the mistakes allowed and change your own vision of a particular situation.

Put the goals

Written on paper goals, are much faster, rather than those that are constantly scrolled in the head. It is necessary to write an action plan in detail, phased execution Let us concentrate on an important one.

If you approach this issue with a positive attitude, then finding work will be a fascinating occupation providing for new knowledge and useful dating.

It often happens that people are satisfied with what is, because they are afraid to radically change their lives. Probably, for this reason, so many dissatisfied people who are not in their place and are forced to pull this strap until the end of their days.

For a purposeful person who wants to find their place in this life, there are no excuses to which weak personality often resort.

Among the most common excuses that prevent people to develop and seek success, it is worth highlighting:

  • Lack of experience;
  • No vacancies;
  • Problems in the country;
  • Fear of unknown;
  • Low salary.

If desired, every person can find a job, it is clear that you have to work well before, the management will appreciate your efforts. But, if the goal is set, then it is impossible to retreat from it. Only persistence can be achieved positive results.

The new work provides for training that it is a great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience. Many people believe that it is necessary to learn and develop in youth. But, the saying "Web live, learning a century" refutes such illogical arguments.

The human development takes place in the constant knowledge of the world, only so you can expand the horizons that will help move on.

Lost a job what to do

Every person can lose their place. Faced with this problem, some do not lose and discover new opportunities for themselves, and others fall into deep depression, believing that the dismissal will be the beginning of the end.


So, what if you have acquired the status of the unemployed?

  • To begin with, it is worth a register at the employment center, unemployment allowance will help you to lave for some time;
  • Recipient your expenses may have to save on something;
  • Until they found the work of your dreams, take care of additional source income. There are a lot of opportunities that will help get money, albeit small;
  • Write a competent summary and make a plan of your actions. After that, it's time to deal with the resume;
  • Each day allocate time on finding work on the Internet;
  • Get ready for interviews. All important: appearance, right speech, skills, experience with previous places and so on;
  • Increase your qualifications. This means that suddenly the free time you can use with the mind, courses, seminars, the books will help you.

To regret yourself and ratify fate - this is not an option for strong and purposeful personalities. Wait from the sea weather is also not in an effective way, you need to talk about finding work to your friends and acquaintances, the more people in this are involved, the faster the result will appear.

Errors when searching

It is worth highlight the most common misses that prevent finding a job.

  • The incorrectly compiled summary can cause you that you will not be taken to a new job;
  • Passivity in this matter is not an allied. Show the initiative, even if the employer said that he would call back when he was determined with the choice. It is worth find out the results of the interview and, for example, the reasons for refusal;
  • Foundation for an interview. It is better to come for a few minutes earlier and wait for how to tell the potential employer about the causes of late. Studies have shown that about 80% of the prospectors did not receive the desired position;
  • Cheating during the interview. Telling about their numerous positive sides, You should talk truth and nothing but the truth. Cheating sooner or later will open and will affect future relations with colleagues and with the employer;
  • Not worked with self-testing. It is necessary to be sincere, original, but not worth talking about your personal life until you ask you.

Loss of work is not a reason for self-vacation, because this is a real chance to improve your life, make it brighter, richer, while getting invaluable experience. Some people go to work as a holiday, they do not wait for the weekend as manna to heaven, because such workers found their place under the sun.

Loss of work is a very unpleasant news for each person. Once in such a situation, you feel social helplessness, which gradually develops depressed and apathy. You do not know what to do - look for a job or give yourself time to relax? And, if you look, how to organize searches with maximum efficiency? Let's deal with.

Loss of work is stress.

All people are experiencing this event in different ways. Someone, staying in a state of stupor, refuses to do anything and deals with challenge. As a rule, the chances of finding a job with such a person are reduced every day.

Second reaction - hazardous actions. Being a stupid similar news, a person begins rapid looking for work, without thinking about his desires and priorities. On the one hand, it is useful, but on the other - such attempts are unlikely to end with success. By deciding any task, it is important to think about your actions and outline the goals in order not to get to come.

Third reaction - indifference and denial of the fact of what happened. "Think, I lost your job! Many vacancies - I will find another!" - Approves man without experiencing any emotions. "Punch" will comprehend him after the first unsuccessful interview.

Think, in what situation are you? Do you have depression or are you full strength? Perhaps you are indifferent to the current state of affairs? The fact is that no reaction is correct. Because sooner or later, the feeling of guilt comes, which should be worked out in order to avoid consequences.

The most important thing is not to get stuck on the feeling of guilt due to loss of work. We will reflect that the fact of your dismissal is not a reflection of your business and intellectual qualities. Perhaps you were too good for your bosses.

If you quit own willing Due to the lack of perspectives and earnings, you can be proud of. Ahead - new horizons and opportunities!

What to do?

It is best not to tighten with the search for work, but to work for business in the first days, but with a cold head. Secret success is simple: you need to turn job search!

Make a schedule and plan of the necessary events for every day and follow him without deviating from the course. Wake up in a strictly set time and start watching new vacancies on the Internet or newspapers. Enter the recording of meetings and card files. Look for everywhere where you can, gradually drawing out unsuitable options.

It is not superfluous to record on the labor exchange. Often, the labor exchange offers people to people who study new, in demand by professions and specializations. This is a great chance to find a job that can fully comply with your requirements and skills.

Do not be lazy to visit every interview, preparing to him. What includes training? You must familiarize yourself with the information about the enterprise and clearly see yourself of a given position. Learn about the rules of the dress code on this organization, and, having come for an interview, try to keep them. Prepare a small speech about yourself and make a resume for convenience of communicating with the employer. During the interview, keep a diplomatic position. Excessive openness, like shyness - not top tools Discussion. Do not join before the employer, keep confident. Outside its capabilities, you can hint on the fact that you will be useful to the firm in a particular activity.

Try to focus on conversation as much as possible without thinking about your own figure and appearance. Since, if you are addressed about this, the potential employer will see a frightened expression and insecurity. It can put a point in your conversation, despite your knowledge, education and ability.

And finally, before the interview, you need to sleep well and have breakfast.

Do not perceive the refusal as a personal tragedy and collapse of the whole life. This does not mean that you are not good anywhere, just this is not your option. You should not lower your hands after the first, second and even fifth failure. You need to continue to act, and then Fortune will definitely smile.

You can lose work for various reasons: either you are a fucking worker, or the bosses did not appreciate your efforts, in general, however, it happened, you are unemployed. Even if you work not on, all the same dismissal the thing is unpleasant. But you can cope with this nuisance, and you need, because who knows how many more layoffs have to survive.

1. Do not panic

Calculate up to 10, brewing seagull and calm down. The universe has not collapsed from what they were fired. Even you yourself have not collapsed.
You lost your job.
Unpleasant? Yes. Deadly? Not.

2. Watch your personal (or family) budget

Make a new financial plan, taking into account the absence of a source of constant income. Reduced expenses, where possible, give up time from expensive entertainment and buying things that cannot be called necessary.

4. Think about possible sources of income - temporary work, part-time

Perhaps you can try to freeland, or, in the event of an acute financial need, get a loader or seller and in parallel to keep looking for a really interesting job.

5. Make a job search plan

As in old good times, Take a lined piece of paper and write in detail on it, what actions and in what order are you going to take in the near future.
Record the names of the companies you intend to contact, as well as any other steps (update resumes, register in professional social network and so on.), Performed by you during the search for work. Coffin your list on the fridge and cross what you have already done. This approach will allow you to abide by the vector of motion and track

6. Google How to make summary

As well as . Even if you consider yourself in this case pro, there is a risk that some points described in articles, for example, on Brodude, will still be in a novelty for you. After reading the actual information on the question of interest to you, do not forget to update - expand, add - an old summary or write a new one.

7. Purge of skills

Why not use the released time to work on yourself - Sour a couple of new skills, improve already existing, learn English, learn how to cook soap soup, in the end!

8. Tell me all friends and familiar, you are looking for work

Friends can periodically throw the shabbies, as well as information about the "hidden" jobs.

9. Take the search for "hidden" vacancies

We already wrote about the fact that there are no information on the network or in the media. About 50% of vacancies were never and will never be made public, and you can find them only coming out for direct contact with the employer. Dare!

10. Do not panic Vol.2

No, you are not worthless nothing good work A couple of days do not go. And, no, you are not tunese. I noticed how much time and time is required only to create a resume and write a couple of accompanying letters? Job search is also a job.

11. Rest

Seriously, for once in your life there is no this nasty feeling called "Tomorrow to work," who spoiled you a lot of Sunday evenings, in which no one calls you with unpleasant questions, no one demands anything from you. Enjoy this moment, at least a week to devote yourself.