Good deeds of fairy tale characters. good tales, good tales

A small sea bass went for a walk. He played a little with his friends and decided to sail away from home, because here everything was familiar and had time to get bored.

Perch swam and studied underwater world, at the same time saying hello to the marine life floating past him. Here cheerful sea turtles swim past and nod to the perch. Perch knew that he would be friends with turtles for a very long time, because turtles live for many years, just like sea bass. Even longer than humans can live.

But his friend is Aunt Mackerel. She started traveling again. Mackerel lives only in warm water therefore wintering always swims away to other shores. Their sea is too cold for her in winter. Aunt Mackerel waved her fin at the perch and blew a couple of welcome bubbles in his direction—Bul-Bul!

Bool-boo! - the small perch answered her and swam further.

Okunek noticed a sea ruff at the bottom. Its upper fin consisted of spines. Ruff did not swim anywhere, but hid at the bottom and waited for his breakfast. The little perch knew that the poison that was in the spines of the ruff was used only when he defended himself ... and the perch itself had fins covered with needles that contained poison, so the baby was not afraid of him.

And then the perch saw his best friend! True, his friend was not a fish ... he was a shellfish - an octopus!

Hey! the octopus gurgled.

Hello, dear friend! the perch gurgled in response.

He always called his friend that. And it was no accident! After all, the octopus had as many as three hearts! Also, his blood was blue!

Suddenly, friends noticed some suspicious animation around them. All sea creatures rushed in all directions.

Shark! - the clever friend of the perch guessed - the octopus. And then they saw a bulk, with giant jaws, approaching them.

The octopus and perch rushed from the shark, but it was stronger and faster than them. The jaws were very close to friends, another second - and they will be in the monster's belly!

And then the octopus released an ink stain into the water - right in the shark's eye! The predator thought at the spot that this was the prey, and closed her jaws on it! This was enough time for the friends to hide.

The shark swam several times past the stone, behind which the friends were hiding, but did not notice them and swam away with nothing!

Hurrah!! - the perch gurgled happily, - Danger is behind!

But then he noticed that his friend was missing one tentacle! When he used an ink blot to distract the shark, she still managed to grab him!

Perch swam up to a friend - What to do now? How are you without a tentacle?

This is bullshit! the octopus gurgled. It will grow back on me!

That's great! - perch rejoiced. - But with us, among perches, this does not happen ... if you have already lost something, then - forever! Maybe we can go home? And then my mother was already waiting for me, probably! It's almost night, the shark is already sleeping too, for sure!

Sharks never sleep, answered the octopus. - They have such a peculiarity. But, it seems, she swam away, it's quiet around.

Friends chatted a little more and each swam to his home.

The octopus went to sleep peacefully.

But the perch could not fall asleep for a long time and kept remembering the formidable shark and thinking what would have happened to him if not for the help of a friend! Still, friendship is a great thing! he thought, and finally fell asleep.

At the bottom of the vast ocean lived a large emerald turtle. She was so old that she didn't even remember how old she was. On his head, the Turtle wore a crown of precious stones and considered herself a queen. Who knows, maybe she was actually born into a royal family and was the heir to the royal throne. One way or another, now no one knew who ruled the kingdom at the bottom of the ocean before her. After all, there was no one older than the emerald Turtle for many miles around in the ocean.
All the children of the Turtle have long moved to live in other seas and oceans, and only the young Turtle, still a baby, lived next to her in her royal house. This house was truly magnificent. Everything around was shining and sparkling. Jewelry made from colored coral and ocean algae, mother-of-pearl shells and pearl necklaces were hung throughout the palace. The queen slept on a bed of the softest algae, and even the sand at the bottom of the ocean here was not simple, but collected from the smallest grains of sand.
Old Turtle slept most of the time. But the palace was not empty. Hundreds of royal servants were ready to follow her any instructions. Hordes of sea spiders and crabs, armed with hard impenetrable shells, protected the royal palace from all sides. Giant octopuses stood guard at the gates of the palace and were ready to repulse any attack of enemies. And there were many servants in the palace itself. Multi-colored cuttlefish instantly adjusted to the mood of their mistress. Changing color like real chameleons, they were ready to fulfill any order of Her Majesty the Queen. Squids helped them, because with their strong tentacles they could do anything. A dance group of small king prawns performed to the music of long-whiskered prawns, and musical instruments beautiful mother-of-pearl shells served them.
In the evenings, the Queen herself put the little Turtle to bed and read fairy tales to him. But the Turtle had already heard all the tales of his grandmother, he wanted to learn something new. And then the old Turtle ordered the largest giant Octopus to catch someone in the ocean and bring them to her kingdom. So the queen hoped to get new fairy tales, which, of course, the ocean inhabitants know and tell their children.
– by the most smart people count dolphins. These marine animals, for sure, keep in memory a lot fairy tales about the ocean, - said the Turtle and sent the octopus to hunt.
Soon the octopus dragged the Dolphin and put him in a cage.
– Do you know ancient ocean legends and epics? Has anyone told you about them? Turtle asked. “If you remember five such stories and tell me, I will let you go.”
Poor Dolphin did not know five stories, he remembered only three tales about the ocean. And the Turtle got angry and did not want to let him go. The octopus, knowing that the Dolphin could not stay at the bottom of the ocean for a long time without air, that he could die, told the queen about this.
“Let him think and remember two more stories, then you will let him go,” the old Turtle yawned and went to sleep.
Baby Turtle heard all this, and as soon as Grandma Turtle fell asleep, he said to the octopus:
Let go Dolphin. I don't want him to die. I'll make up two stories myself and tell them to the Queen.
That's how the little turtle saved the dolphin from death. In parting, he said to the dolphin:
Please forgive my grandmother for her evil deed. Live long, long. I love you. Goodbye!
Thanks, my young friend! Dolphin replied. - I owe you. If you need help call me and I will come.
And he swam away.
Since then, Turtle no longer listened to grandmother's bedtime stories. The kid grew up and became independent. Often he would sail away from Granny Turtle's underwater kingdom to get to know the big ocean house better. Once, after a tiring swim, the Turtle became very cold and fell ill. The whole kingdom treated him with herbal tinctures, but the Turtle could not get better. Then the Octopus said:
- I know where your friend Dolphin lives, and I will sail to him for advice. Maybe he can help you get better.
The octopus found the Dolphin, and he, having learned about the trouble of the Turtle, brought him the most the best medicine of his family. Even the grandmother of the dolphin treated him with this medicine when he was small.
Soon the Turtle recovered. And now not only he, but also the Turtle Queen was very grateful to Dolphin and his family for their help. She apologized to the dolphin for a long time for her evil and thoughtless act.
This is how, it would seem, completely different families - the Queens of the Turtle and the Dolphin - were able to make friends. This often happens in life. We find ourselves new very kind and devoted friends where we do not expect to find them at all.

"The story of how Gold fish saved the sea
Ecological fairy tale for children 5-7 years old.

Target: the formation of an idea about the laws in nature, that the violation of natural laws can lead to an ecological disaster.

- Carrying out preventive work to prevent pollution of water bodies;
- expanding the horizons of pupils; development of oral speech;
- fostering love for nature; compassion for all living things.

"The Tale of How the Golden Fish Saved the Sea"
(The publication uses illustrations by I. Yesaulov)
In the underwater Kingdom of the Blue-Green State, there lived a Golden Fish. She was very cheerful, such an entertainer that it is hard to imagine! Either he decides to play with a sunbeam, then he decides to make multi-colored pyramids out of sea pebbles ... I never got bored.

And the Golden Fish had friends - Medusa, Crab and Turtle.
They all loved their home - the sea. After all, they had so many interesting things at the bottom of the sea: pink and bright red corals grew everywhere, as if outlandish trees, mother-of-pearl shells lay here and there, saving their beautiful pearls. Once a year, all the shells opened their doors and showed the underwater world their wealth - pearls, and after that, having heard the enthusiastic exclamations of the audience, the shells again hid the pearls in their mother-of-pearl chests for a whole year.

But one morning, a big disaster happened to the inhabitants of the Underwater Kingdom. The marine inhabitants were enjoying a beautiful summer morning, when a huge shadow lay on the bottom of the sea.

-What's happened? What happened?

- This is an oil tanker floating above us.

- Oh, Krabik, how smart you are! What is a tanker? And why is it called "oil"?

- And this ship is one that transports oil from one place to another.

-Oh, that's what it is ... Well, what is it that flows out of it and spreads like a black spot, blocking the sky and the sun from us?

- Oh, what a horror, but this is a leak on the ship, that is, a hole has formed somewhere - a hole from which oil flows. Soon we will all die!

-Don't joke like that, Crab!..

- Yes, I'm not kidding, oil is very oily, it will cover the surface of the water with a greasy film and the air will stop flowing into our water. And we will all suffocate!

-What? What do we do?

-I do not know…

- But I know! On the other side of the sea there is a Pink Shell. Magic bacteria live in it - tiny creatures that can eat an oil slick. For them, this is a real treat! And one more thing - today is just the day when all the sea shells open their doors!

Gold fish:
-I will immediately swim for the Pink Shell, because I swim faster than all of you! And we will save our home - the sea!

And the brave Goldfish set off on her journey, with great difficulty she found that very cherished Pink shell and brought it home!

The miserable friends were already barely alive ... They grabbed the air with their tiny mouths and felt completely bad. The pink pearl released bacteria into the water and they quickly dealt with the nasty oil slick! The sun shone again, and even the clouds in the blue sky became visible to the inhabitants of the underwater Kingdom! Everyone breathed freely!

And the Golden Fish rejoiced most of all, because she helped save her so beautiful and so beloved underwater world from death!

At the end of reading the story, you can ask questions:
- Why did the marine inhabitants almost die?
What feelings did the sad events of the fairy tale evoke in you?
- Name the rules of behavior on water bodies.