Broken Watch Dream Interpretation. Dream interpretation for bitch

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Funeral is a familiar friend.

Interpretation of sleep Wall clock

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The funeral close man.

Clock (wall) - interpretation in the dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This sign refers to the flow of time. Time flows. Do you feel that time runs away? Declare - "In my disposal is enough time to achieve the goals." It may also mean that you must follow the signs around you. Li belt ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Large wall mounted or tower hours Shot to a meeting with a loved one or the long-awaited guest. See in a dream wrist Watch With a gold bracelet - to great profits. To see the wristwatches that stopped - to the loss. In a dream, you look ...

If in a dream to see "clock"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw in a dream an ancient clock, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on his past: whether you lived, good or bad actions committed, what a trace leave after yourself on earth. If you dreamed of wall ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 9 (nine)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Well see in a dream ordinary wall Clockwhere the nine is distinguished brightly, it means that I will make a risky step and make something that no one expects from you. If both arrows are shown on the nine, then nine weeks to ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 8 (eight)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you look at the wristwatch in a dream and notice on them only the figure "8", then it is a symptom of an approaching unhealthy. If, in addition to eight on the dial there is nothing, neither numbers nor arrows, then you will be sick, you will be hard and long, perhaps you ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 5 (five)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watch in a dream on the wristwatch and see clearly only the digit "5" on the dial means that you are trying to appear to look not the person who are actually. If you look at the wall clock and see the top five on them, ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 4 (four)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you look at the wristwatches and see that both arrows indicate the number "4", then it means that you have become too important and solid, and it prevents you from perceive new information. If in a dream you are experiencing at least ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 3 (three)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, look at the wall clock and see that they are brightly indicated by the figure "3", means that you have been driving about some kind of problem for 3 weeks or engaged in a boring business that the end and edges are not visible. If in the dream besides the triple ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 1 (one)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see in a dream the big wall clocks on which the figure "1" is vividly distinguished, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person who you really like. If on the dial in addition to the unit there are no more numbers, then this suggests that ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours. Number 2 (two)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watch in a dream on a wall clock and see that the number "2" stands out brightly means that you are going to invite to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you see a dream, then as a result you ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of hours

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Consider in a dream an ancient clock - a sign that in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes perfect in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors. See in a dream wall ...

Why dream dreams in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Watching means a safe permission of a crowded case. You foreshadow to hear the hours of battle that you will be suspicious about your misdemeanor you, which can largely undermine your prestige and authority. The ringing of the alarm is to positive change in affairs. Wrist ...

Dream Interpretation Online - Watches

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing the clock, you can succeed in the game on the stock exchange. If you have twisted time on them, then in real life All your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals. Broke the clock or gave them to someone - prepare for trouble. Broke the glass ...

What did the clock dream (interpretation of the Astromeridian dreams)

Clock in a dream is a symbol of an important person that will bring certain changes to your life.

  • What dreams big wall clock - The bosses will ask you to take important decision In record short time.
  • Small wristwatches - to sudden changes in family life.
  • What a watch that beat is a symbol of completion of an important thing. Sleep warns you that there is little time left. If you do not have time to date, your success can give in the abyss.
  • if you dared the expensive wristwatches, Wait for some an important personwhich will turn your idea of \u200b\u200burgent matters.

What did the clock (psychiatric dream book) dreamed

What does the watch dream? The clock of the time of centuries was considered a symbol of a vehicle.

  • If you saw the clock- subconsciously you understand that we will soon miss some important chance, if you have no longer missed it.
  • See how you buy new hours You yourself understand that some life moments treat carelessness or do not know how to navigate in difficult life situations.
  • See the broken clock - the cry of your subconscious about the fact that you are no longer the person who were before. Everything changes, and you have changed, and that's good.

What is the clock (romantic dream book)

  • If you have dreamed of hours, soon you will become an object of anyone. This will lead to the fact that dawn will come in your personal life.
  • See the big wall clock - to an emergency meeting with your loved one, to family well-being and long, sincere love.
  • You listen to the clock and consider how many shots left until noon, Expect big happiness in personal life.

What is the watching watch to a woman (by the dream book Natalia Stepanova)

  • What dreams wrist watch - It remains very little time for an important event in your life.
  • Determine in a dream time by the clock, which have no dial, - foresight of serious danger.
  • What dreams of a knock watch - your life will not work for a long time. You are destined to go through many tests to gain peace, peace and happiness.

Meaning of sleep about watch (Russian People's Dream Interpretation)

What does the watch dream? During the watches - this symbol is correlated in our subconsciousness with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizing age. There is a belief that if the clock stopped in the house, then this bad sign.

  • You are afraid to be late and look at the clock all the time - it means that in reality you fell a chance that you are afraid to miss.
  • Why dream of breaking his watch in a dream, I turned out to be in a difficult, confusing situation.
  • You buy yourself new hours, indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Easy interpretation of sleep about the clock (Allegory of the writer of Ezopa)

What does the watch dream? This symbol in the dreams is associated in our subconsciousness with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes the age and state of health. The people there are belief that if the clock stops in the house - this is a bad sign. Not accepted to give the clock and the wedding of the young, since folk wisdom Person: "Happy hours do not observe."

  • If, in a dream, you are afraid to be late and we look at the clock all the time - in reality you missed your chance that a person is infrequent.
  • The stopped clock is shot - a sign of sad news and disappointment.
  • If in a dream you heard the hours of hours that have long stopped, - It threatens you serious trouble. You or your loved ones can be without livelihood. You threaten a serious illness.
  • To see in a dream that you buy yourself new hours - indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.
  • Located in a dream its clock - I will find yourself in a very delicate situation.
  • If in a dream you are afraid to sleep and start your alarm clock on the clock "So in reality you have to experience bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations."
  • What a broken clock is shot - remind you that nothing stands on the spot, everything changes.
  • You see how in hourglass dries by sand - This is a reminder to you that the time is inexorably moving and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irrevocably lost.
  • You are trying to repair the clock, - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop inevitable.

Dreamed a dream about the clock (I solve the erotic dreams)

  • What the clock is dreaming - the dreams of a dreamy remind of important matter, of your unrealized plans and dreams.
  • If in a dream you hear the hours of hours This means that you are very sensitive personreacting to the slightest irritation are some sounds, light touch, voice timbre.
  • He dreamed that the clock was fleeing forward, sleep says your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.
  • To see the mechanism of working hours - with your health everything is in perfect order.
  • See in a dream that the clock is lagging behind - You have a long and raw love romance, full sexy harmony with a new partner.
  • In the same case, if you dreamed of broken, stopped hours, it can be assumed that in your sex life there were also what failed?

Sleep analysis, in which the clock has dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • In a dream, bring the clock on hand - sleep indicates that you are waiting for a reward for your work, only this remuneration is not material.
  • if you dreamed of big wall or floor hours, So you will surprise sex with a person about which you always thought as a very restrained and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting, this man very brightly expresses his feelings, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.
  • What the tower clock is dreaming - it means you have to find out some very important news, and the long-awaited.
  • Broken clock - a bad sex symbol. You are too straightforward and do not want to reconcile with some, in your opinion, the minds of your partner, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quiet. Someone should still take the first step, right?

Interpretation of hours from the Dream Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

  • Wristwatches are shot, symbolizes a new daily occupation, commitment.
  • Look at the clock or find them in a dream - reappear the events.
  • Dreamed dear, beautiful hours - a good, favorable marriage.
  • To see in a dream that the clock stopped - the death of their own or very important person, parents.
  • Dried the hourglass - the feeling of the frequency of your life.
  • Dreamed clock with cuckoo - long life.
  • See the clock with a pendulum in a dream - can symbolize the work of the heart.

What dreams of a watch (Dream Miller)

  • Look at the clock in a dream, means that your efforts will be reduced to your rivals.
  • Drends to break the clock, foreshadows troubles and losses.
  • Break the glass in the clock in a dream - the foresight of frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.
  • If a woman in a dream loses the clock - means that homemade troubles will cause misfortune.
  • Dreamed the clock presented as a gift - means that you are waiting for trouble.
  • If you hear the battleship of the clock - there are ratings of sorry.

Meaning of sleep on the wrist (Dream Vangu)

  • If you saw in a dream an ancient clock, then the dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on his past: whether you lived, good or bad deeds committed, what a trace leave behind after myself.
  • If you have dreamed of wall clock, you absolutely do not appreciate your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you.
  • What the wristwatch is being shot - there is quite a bit of time for an important event in your life.
  • Determine in a dream time by the clock, In which there is no dial - the forever of serious danger. Sleep will proper a big tragedy, to survive which you can, only contacting the help of God.
  • Hear in a dream knock clock - Prophecy that your life will not work for a long time. It will seem to you that God turned away from you, but this is not the case, just you intentionally go through many tests to gain peace, peace and happiness.

Watch in night goldes (interpretation of esoteric dream interpretation)

  • Hand watches to wear, see serviceable, going to coordinated work; You use your time correctly.
  • Broken clock - Problems with time, you do not fit into its move. In this regard, you will be forever to be late not only in everyday life, but also with the "distribution of benefits."
  • Lose, drop the clock - you missed the time, and your place both in personal and public life will be engaged in others.
  • What is the watch on the wall - Football for you and your family time. Be careful, do not miss the opportunity, do not neglect the hazards.
  • The tower chimes are beaten, call the clock to important events in the state that will affect both your life. You see you lack internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

Meaning of sleep on wall (numerological dream book)

Dream values \u200b\u200bwith digit "1" on the clock clock

  • What dreams of big wall clocks, on which the figure "1" is clearly distinguished, means that after one month you will win the attention of a person who really likes.
  • If there are no numbers on the clock of the clock in addition to the unit, it means that you are too self-confident - die your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.
  • If in a dream both arrows of wall clocks are shown per unit, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people with whom you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and will help earn good money.
  • It dreams that the arrows on the clock curves or broken, You should not dedicate the first victory, followed by a failure band, which will last a whole year.
  • It is possible to translate the arrows at the very hour of the day for an hour of day - this means that after 19 days you will be submitted to court.
  • If the unit on the clock clock is vividly stands out, then you will win the case, if it is written in a coryavo or carelessly, you will find yourself in the loss, and during the year you will have to delay this porridge.
  • Why dream walls digital Watchwhere 00:01 is displayed, means that in reality you will enter into a dispute with your nearest environment and after 64 days will make an important discovery.
  • If on the clock 01:00, then be prepared for the fact that you will be deposited on you - do not be discouraged, a month later the situation will become clearing and everything will fall into place.
  • You look at the electronic clock and from numbers shielded on the scoreboard, by addition, get the number "1", this indicates that I will have to reconsider our goals, they are outdated and you will have to refuse them. This is the interpretation, what the images will be shot.
  • Women sleep in which they easily fold the numbers on the clock and get a unit, predicts the lungs and quick victories on the Love Front. It is 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If, in a dream, you have difficulty with calculations, then in reality to achieve success on professional and personal fields, you will prevent doubts and uncertainty in yourself.

Dream values \u200b\u200bwith digit "2" on the clock

  • Watch in a dream on a wall clock and see that the number "2" stands out brightly means that you are going to invite to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you see a sleep about the clock, then as a result you will get a lot of interesting offers and you can choose, for what it is to take.
  • Watching in a dream on the electronic clock and see the time on the scoreboard, which as a result of the addition of the components of his numbers gives a twice, means that you missed something important to you, and therefore temporarily ended up.
  • What the clock is shot, if they show 00:02, you will be able to visit the state institution in 2 days, which cannot already get for a long time.
  • Spend in a dream on something 2 minutes or 2 hours - after 2 years you will complete the case for which you will take after 2 days with two like-minded people. It will be profitable, it will make you not only financially independent person, but will bring fame in your professional circle.

Why dream digit "4" on the clock clock

  • You look at the wristwatches and see that both arrows indicate the number "4", then it means that you have become too important and solid, and it prevents you from perceiving new information.
  • You are experiencing at least some emotions when looking at your watch, then in life you deducts your inability to free yourself from the conditions of the conditions and installations. But soon there will be a wonderful personality in your life, with which you have already been glad 4 times with a glimpse, and will help you fall out of your gauge.
  • What is the dream clock, on the dial of which four is distinguished by the Four, means that you behave so right and righteously that you are completely nothing to reproach, and therefore you are simply ... boring. Probably people see in you a kind of sinless saint.
  • If in a dream you look at the watch dial and in particular on the number "4" with some fear or dislike, Introduced you were tired of being clean and have a challenged reputation, so go to the meeting and allow yourself to relax in cheerful company! Moreover, in 22 days you will have a great opportunity to do it.
  • But if in a dream you don't care what is there on the clock, or you feel the feeling of joy when looking at the four, then in life you just seem like a righteous person, in fact you are sinful and as! You just know how to put dust into the eyes. However, advice to you: become yourself, you yourself have already made four unforgivable mistakes!
  • You look at the electronic clock and see that the scoreboard is displayed 00:04, after 40 days you will get a two jobs and you will spin, how are the managers to get how more moneySince the implementation of all your plans for the next 4 months rests in a banal lack of money. If you are somewhere late, then I will not be able to earn the necessary amount and you will have to take a lacking money from someone from your surroundings.
  • If the clock is on the scoreboard 00:40, then you will get a computer, car or new apartmentAnd the more pleasant to your dream, the more satisfaction you get from your acquisition. This is the interpretation, what the images will be shot.
  • It dreams that there is some other time on the electronic clock, for example, 17:05, 23:44 and so on (When adding all the numbers, the number "4") is obtained, then it means that you need to patiently wait for the results of your work, you planted the seed and poured it, nothing more from you is required - wait and not ahead of events. You will witness unexpected transformations in the personal life of other people. The main thing, do not try to accelerate events to accelerate and intervene in what is happening, so you will only damage yourself and nothing good will wait.
  • If you spend on some business in a dream 4 minutes or an hour, then in life you will be disappointed in the other, and this will happen in 4 weeks.

What is the watch with a number with a digit "5" on the dial

  • What dreams of looking at the wristwatches and see clearly only the digit "5" on the dial means that you are trying to appear to look not the person who is actually.
  • If you look at the wall clock and see the top five on them, then someone from your environment is trying to let dust in your eyes. Perhaps the phone number of this person ends at "32" or he lives on the 5th floor.
  • You look at the electronic clock and see how the scoreboard is displayed 00:05, says that you want too much in life, your ambitions are too large and included in contradiction with the needs and plans of others. Try to temper your ambitious desires, 5 years, only after this period you can become those who see yourself in dreams. This is a decoding that the watch is shot.
  • To see the display panel of electronic hours on which 05:00 or 00:50 burns brightly, - by the period of forced downtime in affairs and lack of money. After 14 days you will have the opportunity to borrow great amount Money on for a long time. If you are sure that you can give it to give, then feel free to take money and make something that will benefit your business. But if at least the slightest doubt is that you can give this amount, it is better to overcome the difficult period of need, so as not to get into an even more difficult position.
  • See another time on the electronic scoreboard, the numbers of which are filled with the top five, For example, 17:06, 09:05 And so on, it means that in 5 months you will learn a real strong feeling, but it will bring you only pain, as you love you with whom you can never connect.

Sleep values \u200b\u200bwith digit "6" on the clock dial

  • You look at the clock and see on the dial only six, you can stop doubting: you did right, and if you accepted the offer you made 6 days ago, after six months you will reap the fruits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom.
  • What the clock is shot, on which the number "6" is all fused or covered with mud, then your actions and solutions will benefit only to you, and everyone else will suffer from your grace and because of your egoism.
  • You see that on the clock clock all numbers are six, then this is a sign over: you are too easy to treat your duties, so you may not notice that the documents crept in the documents. If you miss it and do not fix it, then you do not see not award, nor enhance the service, no vacation out of turn. So be vigilant and try to concentrate your attention on 15 and 14 of the number of this month. In addition, all June you will have intense and troublesome, do not relax, if you do not want problems at work. Schoolchildren this dream promises the fulfillment of their desire if they bring to the end of the case for which they took 14 days ago.
  • You look at the wristwatches and see that both arrows show the number "6", then after 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you to achieve what you are secretly dreaming. Women this dream promises a complete victory in love due to the fact that they recognize the secrets of their rivals and will be able to apply them with benefit for themselves. But if glass on the wrist watch cracked That rivals will not touch and strike a strong blow.
  • See in a dream the scoreboard of electronic hours - warning you. Pay attention to the time that is highlighted on it is symbolic. Let's say, 00:06 - You made misses in love affairs, but oddly enough, your miscalculation will serve you a good service and will also connect you and your loved one.
  • By dream, if you see that the clock is displayed 06:00, then be prepared for the fact that after 51 days you unexpectedly make a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all central newspapers, and your face will fill in all the channels of the local body for several days. Try with honor to withstand the test of glory and not to be approved.
  • What dreams to see on the table of hours 17:34 - to severe physical work. Girls this dream predicts the danger of overwork and protracted illness.
  • If there is any other time on the table of hours, which, as a result of the addition of all digits, gives six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, means that you work too much, your body will soon give a failure if you do not jump yourself and give you His mind and body is a good rest. Go to nature, remove the tension from yourself.

Dog values \u200b\u200bwith digit "7" on the clock clock

  • Watch in a dream on the wrist watch and see that there is only one digit on the clock clock - "7", - this is your creative nature makes itself felt.
  • If you are sad that there are no other numbers on the clock, then in life you just accepted one sentence, which is extremely disturbing you, since you are insecrated in your abilities and opportunities.
  • If you don't care or even nice that except "7" on the clock clock there is nothing more, then it means that you are ready to attach the maximum of effort and talent to do what you suggested. In any case, after 16 days, you will receive the first result and understand whether you came to your business.
  • If the electronic scoreboard is displayed 07:00, This means that you can in the next week to conquer the tops of the Parnassa or shine on the scene.
  • You see that on wall clock both arrows indicate the number "7", then in 88 days an important conversation for you will take place, during which you will decide on a serious operation or moving to another city.
  • What the electronic clock is shooting, on which 00:07 means that the man hates you, which you barely know. Perhaps precisely because you do not perceive it as an enemy, you risks to get into the trained trades. So that this does not happen, be attentive 7, 16 and 25 of the next month.
  • If any other time is burning on the clock, which consists of numbers, when adding forming seven, That will be waiting for the entertainment that you have been dreaming about 7 months.

Dream values \u200b\u200bwith digit "8" on the clock clock

  • You look at the wristwatches and notice on them only the digit "8", then this is a symptom of an approaching unhealthy.
  • If, in addition to the eight on the clock clock there is nothing, neither numbers nor the arrows, then you will be sick and long, you will have to take a long vacation and leave 80 kilometers from your current location. This is the interpretation, what the images will be shot.
  • You look at the wall clock and see that both arrows indicate the number "8", then this means that you can count on friendly help and participate in your affairs of all who are dear to you. Especially important for you will be the advice of a person who is 8 or 17 years older than you or younger.
  • You hear how the clock beat 8 times or the cuckoo cuckoo as much time, then you can show your artistic gift and glorify the beautiful game on the scene. This dream is especially good for students of the theater faculty - he tells them that they completely correctly chose a specialty.
  • You look at the electronic clock and on the board is highlighted 00:08, then in 8 days in your life will occur Serious change, someone from the expensive people will fall behind the bars. Be prepared for this test and do not be destroyed.
  • By dreams, if you see on the electronic clock 01:07, Then know that your fate depends on the person you met on July 1 last year. If you are with him in this moment In a quarrel, then urgently put up!
  • If the clock is displayed on the table 00:17, then someone from your surroundings, who is 17 years old, serious problems. Perhaps - these are your children or sisters with brothers. Help them, as it is difficult for them to fight with problems that have enjoyed them alone.
  • What dreams shoved on the scoreboard 00:26 means that in life you are associated with common interests with a person who is 26 years old, or you are friends with him for 26 years. Perhaps in the near future you will have to do your loved one with this person.
  • You see that on electronic clock any other time, which as a result of the addition of all the components of its digits gives the eight, for example, 17:00 or 19:34, then I will be pushing from boredom and look for the opportunity to get acquainted with unusual people or to engage in the original case. .

Dream values \u200b\u200bwith a number "9" on the clock clock

  • It is good to see ordinary wall clocks on which the nine is distinguished brightly - means that I will take a risky step and make something that no one expects from you.
  • If both clock arrows are shown on the nine, then nine weeks to you will get the long-awaited guests or you will get the news that will give you all the trumps and will allow the honorable victory over competitors and rivals.
  • What the electronic clock is shooting, on which 09.00 or 00.09 is displayed, means an alarming expectation: do not take anything until you get a notice that it's time to act.
  • If the electronic clock is shown 09:09, then you should think about the means with which you are going to seek your goal.
  • If the electronic clock is broken, then do not hesitate if you are now going for affairs, then in a short time you will have a lot of money.
  • What a clock with a cuckoo is being shot and hear the bird nine times pronounces its "ku-ku", which means that there is a falling out of the common cause. If the voice of the cuckoo in the clock is ringing, then after a certain time you will return to the affairs, you just need rest. If the cuckoo in the clock hoarse voice, It will be hurt and will be pounded, at work you will lose your place, and there will be a split in the family.

The most complete collection of dreams. Includes: Standard Dream Interpretation, DFFA Dream, Dream Dream Freud, Miller's dream book, Nostradamus's dream book, Assyrian dream book, Dream Interpretation Hasse, Dream Interpretation Vanga, Dream Azara, Dream Interpretation Zhou-Guna, Dream Dream of Tsvetkova, Old Russian Dream Interpretation, English Dream, Esoteric dream book, French dream book Indian dream book, Kopalinsky Dream, Culinary Dream Interpretation, Slavic Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation Meneghetti, Muslim dreamnik, Persian Dream Interpretation, Right Dream Interpretation, Small Dream Interpretation, Solomon Dream Interpretation, Dream Interpretation Krada Veles, Family Dream Interpretation, Intimate Dream Interpretation, Child Dream Interpretation, Modern dream book, Love dream book, Lunar dream book, Electronic dream interpretation, dream dream book, color dream book, Wedding dream book, Dream Interpretation Numbers, Dream Interpretation for Women, Dream Interpretation for men, Ancient Dream Interpretation, Sonic Kananita, Dream Longo, Ukrainian dream book.

The sleep about the clock predicts that you get rich as a result of well-trained commercial operations. Smash the clock - a sign that you are threatened with losses and troubles. Smash the glass in the clock predicts frivolous friendship or unpleasant communication. If a woman dreamed that she lost her clock, then at nighting her houses will make her unhappy. Forward hours - the head of the fact that you will have powerful enemies, seeking to find your reputation. Dear hours - the sign of the fact that your interests will suffer in real life For your tendency to dubious entertainment and pleasures. If you dream that you look at the clock, then perceive this dream, as a warning - you are threatened with the enemies. Way in a dream hours of hours - to get unpleasant news. This sleep may follow the death of a friend. Dream of Freud.
In a dream, bring the clock on his hand - such a dream indicates that you are waiting for a reward for your work done, only this remuneration may not be material. If you dreamed of big wall or floor hours, then you will surprise sex with a person, about which you always thought as a very restrained and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting, this man very brightly expresses his feelings, so there is no doubt about his emotionality. If you have dreamed of a tower watch, then you have to find out some very important news, and the long-awaited. Broken clock - a bad sex symbol. You may be too straightforward and do not want to reconcile with some, in your opinion, our partner, and he, in turn, does not want to abandon these quiet. Someone should still take the first step, right? Dream Miller
See in a dream hours - means you will succeed in the game on the stock exchange. To see in a dream that you look at the clock, means that your efforts will be reduced to no your rivals. Smash the clock - foreshadows troubles and losses. Smash the glass in the clock is the foresight of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman in a dream loses the clock - this means that homemade troubles will cause misfortune. Imagine in a dream that you stole a clock means that you have fierce opponents who try to find your reputation. Give someone's hours - means that you are waiting for trouble. If you hear - the wound battle is disappointing news. Dream Nostradamusa
Consider in a dream an ancient clock - a sign that in the future you will be very repent of the mistakes perfect in the past. Perhaps such a dream says that you will be ashamed for errors committed by your ancestors. To see wall clock in a dream - means that in the future you have something to have something that will fundamentally change your life. If you have dreamed of wristwatches, then such a dream says that you do not have enough time to make a conceived. Maybe this dream says that the ruler, which now stands in power in your state, will not have time to implement all its reforms and projects. To determine the time in a dream by the clock, which has no dial, is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will very much will upset you. I hear in a dream a knock of hours - the evidence that someone from your loved ones really needs your help. And the faster this help will be provided, the better. Dream Khasse
Pocket to have - settled family relationships; Find - Must be punctual; Golden - beat you close familiar; unworthy - in vain losing time; Present - cheat your heart; Large clock with a fight - Remember that money is money; smash - wait for the unkind; Unchecked - the case of death of a distant friend. Dream Vangu
If you saw in a dream an ancient clock, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on his past: whether you lived, good or bad actions committed, what a trace leave after yourself on earth. If you have dreamed of wall clock, you absolutely do not appreciate your life. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass by you. To see in a dream Wristwatches - a sign that remains quite a bit of time for an important event in your life. To determine in a dream, the time of the hour, which has no dial, is the leadership of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a big tragedy, to survive which you can only contact God for help. Hear in a dream a knock of hours - the prophecy that your life will not work for a long time. It will seem to seem that God turned away from you, but this is not the case, just you intentionally go through many trials to gain peace, peace and happiness. Old Russian dream book
change in life; Remember the hour and minutes (year and month or month and day of change). Esoteric dream book
Manual to wear, see serviceable, going to coordinated work; You use your time correctly. Broken, stopped - problems with time, you do not fit into its move. In this regard, you will be forever to be late not only in everyday life, but also with the "Razbeat of Goods." Lose, drop - you missed time, and your place both in personal and public life will be engaged in others. Wall-mounted - fateful for you and your family time. Be careful, do not miss the opportunity, do not neglect the hazards. Tower chimes - beaten, call - to important events in the state that will affect both your life. To see - you lack internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events. Dream Interpretation Meneghetti.
Always indicate the technical accuracy of the "super-i" and, therefore, are a deformation mechanism that watches life to empty it. In other cases, the means of the maternal matrix; The mechanical repeatability of the image indicates the state of the mental obsession of the subject, which is under the influence of an irreversible program of the deviation monitor. Indicate the determinism of the reflective matrix. Family dream book
Watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (bad or good), movement, success or lesion. If in a dream you will remember the time that the watch showed, then try to understand what exactly it means. See interpretation: Figures. Working hours in a dream mean that your business is successfully promoted. Watch with a bracelet to see or get in a dream predicts quick marriage. Lose them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then you are waiting for happiness in married life . Dear hours in a dream foreshadow good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being. The clock arrows indicate how long it remains to the desired moment. Stopped watches in a dream foreshadows stop in business or the death of someone who owns this watch. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you can lose a bill of time, and warns you of uncompressive actions that may have a lot to damage your well-being. If you dreamed that someone took the stopped clock to repair, then you will be able to safely get out of the next adventure. If in a dream the clock is in a hurry, then you should not make speaking solutions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and indicates a deterioration of health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry so as not to miss a happy chance. If in a dream the clock slowed down, then your life is threatened with danger or trouble. A lot of ticking hours to see in a dream means that you will have many different things that will bring profit or benefit. Broken watches in a dream foreshadow due to obstacles with which you cannot cope. A broken clock mechanism to see in a dream means you lose earnings. Patients such a dream threatens death. The clock without a shooter or with broken arrows indicate that you are waiting for stagnation in affairs and great experiences. Many broken hours to see or drop the clock and do not raise in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures. Smash the clock in a dream means that you will make your own happiness or begging good luck. See the broken clock - the head of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped the clock, but they did not crash, then you shine a big luck in the case that you considered hopeless. The ringing of the alarm in a dream indicates you that it's time to take an important decision or make a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will get a good profit. See Interpretation: Sounds. The battle watches in a dream predicts ambulance and sad events, and sometimes funerals in the family. Lose or donate hours in a dream - the foresight of domestic trouble. Find a clock or receive them as a gift in a dream means that because of your frivolous behavior you can be in an unpleasant position. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good tips of your friends or loved ones. If you dreamed that you have a clock stolen, then we wonder the ill-wishers who want to damage your happiness or well-being. To steal the clock in a dream - the sign of what you are ready for all sake of your happiness. Make a clock in a dream means you should take an important decision. If you dream that your friend left your wristwatch with you, you will find a happy and long-term connection (partnership, friendship) with this person. Intimate dream book
Drawing hours remind of important matter, of your unrealized plans and dreams. If in a dream you hear the hours of hours, it means that you are a very sensitive person who react to the slightest irritation is some sounds, light touch, voice timbre. If you dreamed that the clock was running forward, sleep says about your disappointment and unsatisfied desires. If they are behind - you have a long and rapid love romance, complete sexual harmony with a new partner. To see the mechanism of working hours - with your health everything is in perfect order. In the same case, if you dreamed of broken, stopped hours, it can be assumed that there were also some malfunctions in your sex life. Children's dream book
Clock - hours in a dream lead countdown life forces. If you hear the clock tick, then you have to survive some extreme situationOr your body warns you about developing inner disease. Electronic dream book
competitive - successes in affairs, health; broken - broken life, failure and sadness Ancient dream book
This symbol is associated in our subconscious over time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes the age and state of health. The people there are belief that if the clock stops in the house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give the clock and for the wedding of young, since the folk wisdom says: "Do not observe happy hours." If in your dream you are afraid to be late and we look at the clock all the time - this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently. To see the stopping hours - a sign of sad news and disappointment. If in a dream you heard the battle of the watches that have long stopped, it threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones can be without livelihood. Perhaps you threaten a serious illness. The dream in which you buy yourself new hours - indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances. Located in a dream its watch - a sign that I will find yourself in a very delicate situation. If in a dream you are afraid to sleep and start yourself alarm clock - it means that in real life you have to experience the bitterness of frustration and listen to unfair accusations. Broken clocks - remind you that nothing stands on the spot, everything changes. If in a dream you see the sand breaks in the hourglass, is a reminder to you that time is inexorably moving and if you do not hurry, then your capabilities will be irretrievably lost. The sleep in which you are trying to repair the clock - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop inevitable. Dream Azara
Waste life on trivia English Dream
Watch battle in a dream always warns about something. If in a dream you hear the hours of hours and count the blows that beat the time to noon, means you have a lot of happiness ahead. If the clock beat off the afternoon - wait for troubles. A sharp single punch of the clock warns about the deterioration of your health and maybe even about the approaching death. If you just dream hours of hours - it means that you will soon marry and you will be very happy. French dream book
If you have dreamed of a tower clock, behind this dream will follow the destruction of your home, the collapse of your affairs. Slavic dream book
Change; broken - Damage to a member or pain in the ears; Smash - the death of a relative. Sonic Kananita
Clock - Pocket - Settled Family Relationships - Find - Must Be Punctual - Golden - You will be brought close familiar - not going - in vain Losing time - to give - deceive your heart - Large with the fight - Remember that time - money - break - wait Unchecked - the death case of a distant acquaintance - broken - broken life, sadness Ukrainian dream book
There is a watch that stand is to death; If the clock goes, - the change of life for the best. The clock will dream - the acquaintance will be; nice meeting. The clock is a good change in life. Dream interpretation numbers
If you look at the wristwatch in a dream and notice on them only the figure "8", then it is a symptom of an approaching unhealthy. If, in addition to the eight on the dial there is nothing, neither numbers nor the shooter, then it is difficult for you to hurt and for a long time, you may have to take a long vacation and leave 80 kilometers from your current location. If in a dream you look at the wall clock and see that both arrows indicate the "8" digit, then this means that you can count on friendly help and participate in your affairs of all who are dear to you. Especially important for you will be the advice of a person who is 8 or 17 years older than you or younger. If in a dream you hear how the clock beat 8 times or the cuckoo cuckoo and the same time, then you can show your artistic gift and glorify the beautiful game on the scene. This dream is especially good for students of the theater faculty - he tells them that they completely correctly chose a specialty. If in a dream you look at the electronic clock and on the board is highlighted 00:08, after 8 days there will be a serious change in your life, most likely someone from the expensive people will fall behind the bars. Be prepared for this test and do not be destroyed. If you see on the electronic clock 01:07, then you know that your fate depends on the person you met on July 1 last year. If you are with him at the moment in a quarrel, then urgently put up! If the scoreboard is displayed 00:17, then someone from your environment, who is 17 years old, serious problems. Perhaps these are your children or sisters with brothers. Help them, as it is difficult for them to fight with problems that have enjoyed them alone. Distributed on the scoreboard 00:26 means that in life you are associated with common interests with a person who is 26 years old, or you are already friends with him for 26 years. Perhaps in the near future you will have to do your loved one with this person. If in a dream you see that on the electronic clock any other time, which, as a result of the addition of all the components of its digits, gives eight, for example, 17:00 or 19:34, then I will be pushing from boredom and seek the opportunity to get acquainted with unusual people or Walk out the original case. Dream interpretation numbers
To see in a dream the big wall clocks on which the figure "1" is vividly distinguished, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person who you really like. If there are no numbers on the dial in addition to the unit, it says that you are too self-confident - die your ambitions, otherwise you will quarrel with good friends. If you have both clock clock arrows in your sleep, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people with whom you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and will help earn good money. True, if the arrows on the clock curves or broken, then you should not dedicate the first victory, perhaps the failure band will follow it, which will last a whole year. It is possible to translate the arrows at the very hour of the day for an hour of day - this means that after 19 days you will be submitted to court. If the unit on the dial is vividly stand out, then you will win the case, if it is written in a coryavo or carelessly, then you will find yourself in losing, and during the year you will have to delay this porridge. To see the wall-mounted electronic clocks on which 00:01 is highlighted, means that in real life you will enter into a dispute with your nearest environment and in 64 days will make an important discovery. If on the clock 01:00, then be prepared for the fact that you will be deposited on you - do not be discouraged, a month later the situation will become clearing and everything will fall into place. If in a dream you look at the electronic clock and from numbers shielded to the scoreboard, by addition, get the number "1", then this indicates that I will have to reconsider our goals, perhaps they are outdated and you will have to refuse them. Women sleep, in which they easily fold the numbers and get a unit, promises lungs and quick victories on the love front. It can be 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If, in a dream, you have difficulty with calculations, then in reality to achieve success on professional and personal fields, you will prevent doubts and uncertainty in yourself. Dream interpretation numbers
Watch in a dream on the wristwatch and see clearly only the digit "5" on the dial means that you are trying to appear to look not the person who are actually. If you look at the wall clock and see the top five on them, then someone from your environment is trying to let dust in your eyes. Perhaps the phone number of this person ends on "32" or he lives on the 5th floor (see 5, floor). If in a dream you look at the electronic clock and see how the scoreboard is displayed 00:05, says that you want too much in life, your ambitions are too large and included in contradiction with the needs and plans of others. Try to temper your ambitious desires at least 5 years, only after this period you can become those who see yourself in dreams. To see the display panel of electronic hours on which 05:00 or 00:50 burns brightly, - by the period of forced downtime in affairs and lack of money. After 14 days you will have the opportunity to borrow a large amount of money for a long time. If you are sure that you can give it to give, then feel free to take money and make something that will benefit your business. But if at least the slightest doubt is that you can give this amount, it is better to overcome the difficult period of need, so as not to get into an even more difficult position. See on the electronic scoreboard another time, the numbers of which, when adding, give five, for example, 17:06, 09:05 and so on, it means that in 5 months you will learn a real strong feeling, but it will bring you only pain, as you love you A person with whom you can never connect. Dream interpretation numbers
Watch in a dream on the wristwatches and see that there is only one digit on the dial - "7," this is your creative nature makes itself felt. If you are sad that there are no other numbers, then in life you have just accepted one sentence, which is extremely disturbing you, as you are not confident in your abilities and opportunities. If you don't care or even nice that except "7" there is nothing on the dial, it says that you are ready to attach the maximum efforts and talent to do what you were offered. In any case, after 16 days, you will receive the first result and understand whether you came to your business. If in a dream you see that on wall clock both arrows indicate the number "7", then in 88 days the conversation for you will take place, during which you will decide on a serious operation or moving to another city. To see in a dream the electronic watches on which 00:07 means that the man hates you, which you barely know. Perhaps precisely because you do not perceive it as an enemy, you risks to get into the trained trades. So that this does not happen, be attentive 7, 16 and 25 of the next month. If 07:00 is displayed on the electronic scoreboard, then this suggests that you can converge the tops of Parnas in the next week or shine on stage. If any other time is burning on the clock, which consists of numbers, when adding forming a seven, then you will be waiting for the entertainment that you have been dreaming about 7 months. Dream interpretation numbers
In a dream, look at the wall clock and see that they are brightly indicated by the figure "3", means that you have been driving about some kind of problem for 3 weeks or engaged in a boring business that the end and edges are not visible. If in a dream, in addition to the top three, there is nothing more about the dial, then you will be able to cope with your concerns within 3 days, and make it deftly and very original than a lot of surprise around. If in your dream both arrows indicate the "3" digit, then after 21 or 39 days you will receive an important postal notification that the circumstances have changed. Most likely, you will have to urgently go to another city. If in a dream you look at the electronic clock and see on the scoreboard 00:03, then get ready for a sudden crushing invasion of your life of love and passion, the next 3 weeks, months or the years will pass for you unnoticed, since you will plunge into your crazy feeling. If any other time is displayed on the electronic scoreboard, which, as a result of the addition of all the numbers, gives all the same topics (for example, 03:00, 06:06 and so on): then you went to new level development. In order not to fall as a person in dirt and do not stain your reputation, you need to carefully select your team - pay attention to those who came to you 3, 12, 21 and 30 of the last month, you can easily rely on these people.
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The watches in our world play a difficult role. Not depending on the type and purpose, they streamline life, make it measured or vehicle. In the country, Morpheus watches also have their meaning. The wristwatch is often shot. What does it mean to see a wrist watch in a dream?

Interpretation of a dream

Dance Deniz Lynn

Saw wrist watch? Sleep reflects the difficulties and problems taking place with you. The difficult stage will not pass quickly. It is necessary to feel everything to get invaluable experience.

Psychological dream book

The interpreter of dreams urges you to listen to the prompts of fate. Plan your time. Time should be enough for everything.

Beautiful watch or clock of unusual formsthey talk about interesting and unusual situations in which you will participate. Do not miss fun.

Golden clock on hand having two bottoms Financial well-being promise, respect among authoritative people. In addition, your reputation can turn gossip and intrigue. Catch good luck and do not give reasons to gossip.

Dream Stranger

Watch from gold Shot to favorable deals or successful and calculating marriage. Broken wristwatch Gust the incomprehensible situation. It will be necessary to solve the problem quickly by attaching maximum effort.

Watch with a missing dial symbolize your dislime or excessive concentration on something. It's time to learn how to distribute time.

If the clock was broken, wait for a stormy novel. Watch back, predict the difficult situation. Solving the problem will help close people to which you need to contact.

Autumn dream book

The clock is shot Before getting rid of something terrible or danger.

Modern dream book

Working hours Lost and health promise. If watchs were broken, then there will be devastation and failure.

Gypsy dream book

We saw hours? Review your values \u200b\u200band start spending rationally time. Watches that are in a hurry or quickly run forward, Gust the approaching death. If the wristwatch has lagged In a dream, you will live for a long time.

Dream of flowers

Clock- Change symbol. If you remember an hour and a minute, and also remembered the day and monthwho were on the classes and calendar, then wait for a change in the time seen.

Dream Miller

Just saw the clock on hand? There will be luck and win. If broke the glass on the clock, then do it lightly, and the society will condemn you.

If the dream of a woman lost in a dream, then she will get a lot of trouble at home. D. arit watches- To trouble.

Dream Khasse

Golden Hasiki Shot before the alaries of your property with loved ones or familiar people. Found hours? Be punctual. Developing can badly affect good luck.

Gave a watch in vision? Sleep shows what you cheat yourself. Broken watch sulyat Sadness and problems.

Esoteric dream book

Worn hard wristwatches? The work will be easy and coordinated. Broken watches prophesiate your late.

Lost or scorched clock Speak about the missed time. It's time to go and personal life.

According to esoteric and psychologists, the dream is reproduced by the emotional mood of a person, his thoughts, character, desires and inclinations. The clock is an accessory with whom most people do not part. They are constantly in sight, which affects the frequency of appearance in dreams. To what the clock is shot, there are many different interpretations.

Psychics are confident that the images arising during sleep - messengers who prophesy the events of the future. Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to them and try to interpret exactly to prevent bad incident.

As a rule, wrist watches in all famous dreams symbolize Warning O. an important event In the life, the significance of the new stage and lack of time to implement the conceived.

If the dreams considered them, it means, in reality, he strengthens the events. If the clock ticking was heard - await a variety of problems, before life gets better.

In reality, you are squaring a life on insignificant actions, emphasize too much attention on trifles, miss really important things - that's what the handmade hours are shot according to popular dreambooks.

A bad sign is considered to be determined in a dream time on the clock, devoid of the dial. Take the arrows on the clock - to the remuneration for work, but should not rely on its materiality. Theft symbolizes the appearance of enemies, they will be influential and try to disfigure the reputation of the dream.

The promised changes depend on the size of the watch: than those less, accordingly, the ambient changes will be less significant. Remember the numbers that indicate the clock and minutes, they can orient when a certain event happens.

If the clock slipped, fell and damaged - it is time to change the usual behavior schemes and the order of life, then the reality will be able to become much more interesting and brighter.

When a man arrived in a dream receives a watcher with a chic bracelet, in the near future he has marriage. Loss is to the collapse of hopes. And if the development of events is opposite to loss, it makes sense to expect an absolute understanding and happiness in the marital life.

Details of the plot

To understand how best to understand what the clock is being shot on your hand, it is important to remember all the details: the clock was integer or broken, belonged to a woman or a man were usually or gold. It is thanks to similar details that the maximum accurate interpretation of dreams for a particular person is guaranteed.

  • See in a dream wrist women's watches for beautiful floor representatives can have different values and forecasts depending on actions. If the accessory was presented to her - a woman is going to make an offer, an expensive present to the ambulance. The dream will forget about his goal, a dream, will throw a passion or work if the watch seen was broken. You can expect complex situationrequiring to solve a large amount of energy if the accessory in a dream was female, but on the hand of a man. If in a dream watches watches were seen by a young man - this is to mutual feelings.
  • To decipher, why the wrist watches are noted, it is also necessary to restore in memory of the action and states associated with the accessory. Time to take time - to the fact that the man will achieve his goal. The new life period foreshadows the establishment of the dial. And if he stopped - a sign of approaching problems in personal life and at work. Torn strap to gossip, slander and other unfair accusations. The breakdown predicts various chagrins in activities: reprimand, down in position, reduction. If the clock is integer and function - wait for new acquaintances and other changes. Girls men's Watch Shot on the eve of dating man who will become a partner in a serious relationship.
  • See the cloth on someone else's wrist - important opportunities will be missed, at home - to thinking. If this thing is alien, expect trouble. Cheap item is the run-up of financial difficulties. In contrast to him, the expensive accessory for dreams means positive changes. Elegant, beautiful o'clocks sign that immersed in a dream man will be influenced by others.
  • The Golden Accessory dreams of improving well-being and an increase in authority. But it also testifies to the appearance of ill-wishers and envious. It is recommended to be careful to communicate with all familiar and refrain from narration about the plans. Even those whom the dreams consider to be envious to be envious.
  • When the dream is presented with a wristwatch - this is a good news that will improve life: increasing the salary or service. If the gift has decorated engraving, it is necessary to assess work and remuneration.
  • If a gift is handing a sleeping person - it means that in reality it will make a windy act, the consequences of which can be rather unpleasant: quarrels with relatives, misunderstanding with comrades, dismissal or loss of money.
  • Buy accessory in a dream also informs about frivolousness and the future ill-conceived act. Get ready for an epocal meeting with an influential person and subsequent changes in life.
  • Find watchs - this is to success in professional activities and security. If the find in working condition and was in water or dirt - expectations are justified, everything is fulfilled. Broken watches or those in which there are no arrows, warn that the consumed efforts will not be justified. Disabled find - to monetary losses and loss of position.
  • To interpret the loss of hours in a dream, you need to pay attention to the place where it happened, the time of day and the design of the subject. On the street - a sign of caution about carelessness and non-reliance. IN clean water - To a little troubles that will be beneficial to the dream. Loss in dirty water is a symbol of trust loss. If the thing has lost in dark time Society - wait for failures in study and work. The deprivation of silver watch means insults, tears, treason and gap, and gold - loss of authority, highly paid fasting and wealth. Lose, and after finding the subject is a good sign.
  • In the interpretation of dreams, where the accessory was stolen, the floor of the sleeping person matters. For girls, such developments predicts betrayal, treason from the spouse. If the clock was gold - the opposite of the ailments. For men theft to the rapid breakdown at work, which can end the dismissal. If the dreams himself was a thief, then it is necessary to beware of the appearance of a double, false friend. The theft in the store reports about the ease, with which a person spends money for useless things. When a man arrived in a dream caught a thief - it announces the exposure of all his ill-wishers.
  • Symbolizes the fulfillment of dreams and luck, when the dreams are engaged in the choice of hours in the shop or on the market. Men such behavior should proper treason in lover or wife, and girls are popular among the opposite sex and the appearance of fans. If a place where a woman chooses an accessory, rich and beautiful, she is worth waiting for a meeting with a wealthy fan. Break the selected thing to the mess and quarrels in the family.
  • To see how the dial stopped, is regarded as the Council to rethink life. If the arrows stopped moving on Swiss watch, get ready for bankruptcy.

Interpretations of clock with different dreams

Undoubtedly, the main interpretation of what the watch wrist on the hand on the hand of a dream, other men and women and in all sorts of places and circumstances is the past, present and future. But observations made it possible not only to systematize information about dreams, but also fill dream interpreters with unique copyright interpretations that identify certain points.

Dream Miller

According to him, expensive hours on the hand of the dream - the image that prevents a big win. If a person plays on the stock exchange, his starry hour is close. And also in the Alcohol Miller, you can find such values:

Sigmund Freud

Austrian psychologist and psychoanalyst believed that the watch donated in a dream mean a mass of positive from the time spent with his beloved man.

Rotate the arrows is to acquire a long-honored remuneration, optionally money. Probably it will be increase authority, recognition or mutual love.

A broken device for determining the time, according to Freud, foreshadows boring sex.

Grishina snorker

Grishina analyzed the appearance of this image from the position of a person's deeds submersible into sleep. For example, to see the clock devoid devoid of arrows - the dream time is gone, it's time to let go of people and depart from business.

  • Just viewed on your hand - to the waste of life is wasted.
  • Wire - useless impatience.
  • Smash - waiting for trouble in the family, quarrels, divorce.
  • Lose - to the loss of meeting, events, man.
  • The broken device is the run-up of the loss of the moment, things or a person.

Family dream book

He interprets dreams with clock as good luck in activities. Manual watch as a gift to someone or destroyed - proceed to the preparation of the fight against obstacles.

If it dreams that a person has time for too long, due to active enemies, the luck will elude. To lose female watch - this is to the chambers in the family circle. Stolen watch reported that the enemies will try to spot the reputation of the sleeping person.

Dream Ezopa

Ezop believed such developments in a dream with a reminder that everything ends and the time stroke does not depend on the actions of a person.

To see the stopped or broken device - a signal of a negative event, it touches all home. Repair - attempts to block in the reality of the mistake of the past. Buy - the carelessness of the dream will cause his collapse.

Book Nostradamus

Such a dream warns that there is not enough time to implement all the plans. If the dreams are the ruler, it will not be able have time to implement intended projects and reforms.

Alcohol Hasse

An ordinary sleep with manual watch is calm and even life. Watch how they are given - stop to lie.

When the dreams find a clock, he needed to try to master punctuality, because the delays of the surrounding and it does not affect the reputation. If the watchs were golden - we wake up your loved ones and relatives, they are capable of theft.

Dream Stranger

A sign of boredom, hurry, obligations, business meetings or a new regular lesson. Find or contemplate the clock - to rush the events, the dreams will assume that their development is too slow. Expensive I. beautiful accessory - To a successful and favorable marriage union.

Gypsy dream book

According to this snorker, look at the watch or carry them - to visiting the dream is an important person. If gold accessory is symbolizing public recognition. To start - there is a painstaking work to achieve the desired result.

Most often, the wrist appliance to determine the time in dreams is regarded either as significant positive changes, or as time in any manifestations (past, future or its lack for the implementation of a man conceived). Less frequently such accessories predict troubles for the dreams. They can almost always be prevented if without delays to pay attention to the signals of the subconscious.