Daily routine sample. Correct daily routine, increased productivity

Don’t be discouraged if at first you don’t manage to follow the entire schedule. Over time, these things will turn into habits, which will no longer be so easy to get rid of.

6:00. Wake up

Wake up and sing! If possible, immediately plunge into the rays of sunlight.

6:15. Think good

Think about a couple of things in your life - no matter how significant - that you are grateful for. You will be surprised at how quickly your anxiety about the day ahead will go away.

6:30. Start moving

Do a few to get the blood moving. Then recharge with a protein shake, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, or eggs, especially hard-boiled ones, until lunchtime.

8:00. Get out of the house

When you get to work, you can listen to a podcast or audiobook. It is better to choose something unfamiliar - this will help to learn new and keep the mind fresh.

If you can't fully enjoy listening on the road, do something useful. For example, think about your to-do list for the day, or rehearse an upcoming presentation to yourself.

9:00. Get to work

Organize your work process so as not to overload yourself and not waste the positive energy generated in the morning. Once you've got your to-do list ready, turn off your phone, sign out of mail and social media, and get to work. As a last resort, try turning on Do Not Disturb every 90 minutes.

12:00. Recover energy

Use lunch time to restore not only your body, but also your mind. Go back to what you listened to or read in the morning, or try meditating a little. If you are an extrovert, then chat with colleagues - this way you will fill yourself even more with energy.

If you have to dine at the computer, while working in parallel with this, then at least let there be food. This can be a fresh vegetable salad, a lean meat roll, or just a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread.

15:00. Take a rest

The afternoon decline in productivity has not been canceled, but there is no reason to surrender to it entirely. Instead of eating something sweet or drinking an energy drink, pause and take a walk - at least near the office.

If the craving for something to eat is irresistible, then give preference to complex carbohydrates and lean proteins. The former help release energy, the latter make you more alert. Whole grain crackers with cheese, dried or fresh fruit, raw vegetables with hummus, or a nut mix are great options.

18:00. Go home

The working day is over, so leave work at work. It's time to relax. If you don't like morning exercise, then it's time to go to the gym or go for a long walk with the dog. Alternatively, go somewhere where you can chat with people. Any activity that helps you forget about work will do.

19:00. Have dinner

It is best to eat at least three hours before going to bed, otherwise the food will not have time to digest before bed. Avoid foods high in fat and carbohydrates. For example, salmon, whole grains, yoghurts, and bananas can help you sleep well.

You may feel sleepy after swallowing a huge slice of pizza or a triple cheeseburger. But a restless "food coma" will never replace healthy sleep for you. And, of course, try to avoid alcohol.

21:00. Relax

Meditation, a warm bath, a cup of herbal tea, or just a good book can help you relax before bed. Try not to watch TV at night and do not check work documents on the computer. The blue light that comes off the screen disrupts and prevents the brain from producing melatonin, a natural hormone that promotes good sleep. As a last resort, use a computer or smartphone function that reduces the amount of blue light to a minimum.

22:00. Go to bed

No matter how hard you try to protect yourself from daytime stress at night, it can still overtake you. Various little things help in the fight against it. Turn the alarm clock with the LED screen to the wall, and let the bedroom be (about 18 ° C) and dark (the absence of light also helps to produce melatonin). Don't worry about falling asleep as soon as possible - just breathe.

If sleep is still in one eye, turn on relaxing music or white noise, write something in your journal, or do a small and boring task that you constantly put off.

Not every person can live according to the regime, but one must strive for this.

Performing seemingly simple tasks also requires a lot of planning and attention, otherwise you can get started quickly.

Today we will look at how to create a daily routine that is suitable for both amateurs and ordinary people.

Why do you need a regime?

Remember how in childhood we were accustomed to a special routine: 7:00 - awakening; 8:00 - going to school; 14:00 - lunch and so on.

All this was done for a reason and not because the parents so wanted.

Believe me, if they had the opportunity, they would have slept better than taking you to the pool on their day off.

There were reasons for this: firstly, to teach us to use our time rationally, and secondly, to teach the body to work like a clock: harmoniously and efficiently.

There were great times, I admit it.

But we grew up and many of us began to waste our time at random, and completely forgot about the daily routine.

Of course, why do we need a regime when we are tired after work and want to rest?

In fact, there is a certain difference between people who adhere to the regime and who have completely forgotten about it. I speak from personal experience.

The difference is:

  • In health;
  • Success in your career and life in general;
  • In a state of health;
  • In the level of efficiency and productivity.

We are not robots, we have our own biorhythms, thanks to which we are effective and productive in some hours, and in others we rest and recover.

Disruption of biorhythms is a serious matter.

In simple words, if your daily routine is incorrectly compiled, and also implies physical and mental activity during a reduced functionality of the body, for example at night, then you simply wear it out even faster.

That will certainly soon lead to a decrease in vitality, metabolic disorders, poor health and accelerated aging.

To prevent this, you need to make the correct daily routine, which will be optimal for you.

It is not difficult to build a suitable regime, the main thing is to get used to it.

So you will accustom your body to a certain dynamics, a state of flow, when all things are going well - one after another, and you are full of energy and positive.

How to create a daily routine

Now we will draw up a daily routine that will suit any person, both man and woman.

Undoubtedly, you can make certain adjustments at your discretion.

The main components of the daily routine:

  • Wake up at 7:00 in the morning.
  • We woke up, went to the kitchen, drank a glass of water to start the work of the stomach and metabolic processes.
  • 7:00 - 7:15 - Easy

  • 7: 15-7: 30 - Shower, ideally cool.
  • 7: 30-8: 00 - Coffee or tea, breakfast is required.
  • 8:15 am - Preparing to leave home for work.
  • 8:30 - Leaving the house.
  • 9:00 - 13:00 - Working hours (if your work is easy and you have free time to use social media, I recommend reading books instead).

  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch (life hack: to save a certain amount per month, take lunch with you).
  • Each trip to the cafe = minus in your wallet and plus to the money that you can then spend on some thing or make a useful investment.
  • 14:00 - 19:00 - Work (by analogy: if there is time - we develop, there is no time - we work, there is no point in sitting out your pants, you will quickly get tired).
  • Take small snacks throughout the day to stay productive and stay productive.

  • After work, if possible, try to walk home.
  • So you freshen up your "brains", and at the same time get some fresh air.
  • at 20:00 - Dinner, but no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime (- the key to success).
  • 21:00 - 23:00 - Free time.
  • You can stupidly spend time watching TV, or you can do a workout or take time for your development. You decide.

  • 23:00 - Hang up.
  • Before going to bed, I advise you to take a contrast shower to sleep sweetly.

This is roughly what the daily routine for an adult looks like. To draw up a routine for schoolchildren and children, you need to replace working hours with hours in a kindergarten or school.

Well, in general, slightly correct the mode.

Now there are many programs that are convenient both for planning your activities and for drawing up an approximate daily routine.

I use one of these: it's called - Evernote. A free, convenient program where you can write down your tasks for today, tomorrow, write a daily routine, etc.

Use it to your health! You can download it on this site.

By adhering to a certain schedule, you can train your body to carry out loads with the least expenditure of energy.

It will help you feel good, look great, and keep your body healthy.

In order to correctly compose the daily routine, you need to listen to your body, calculate all the pros and cons, take the proposed routine as a basis, adjust for yourself and enjoy.

Those who served in the army will not have any difficulties in drawing up, because the discipline there is at a high level. I served myself, I know.

Probably, this is what I liked the army most of all: I became more collected, learned to make decisions quickly, to cope with any tasks, I improved not only the physical component, but also the personality.

Discipline = a direct route to a tough routine.

And when you have order in your head, then in life as well!

Therefore, whoever hesitates to take the first step - do not hesitate, do it!

Thanks to the optimal regimen, you will do more, want more and achieve more, this is inevitable.

What about the weekend? Should you plan your weekend?

Undoubtedly. Unless, of course, you have a goal of spending the weekend in a drunken stupor or watching TV from morning to night, eating huge reserves of the refrigerator.

Rest should be active too. I know that many go to the bar after work on Friday after work, and you just don't go.

Come up with an excuse. Hard? I know. Stay with your family, order pizza, watch a cool movie.

I'll even recommend a movie for family viewing: Super Nian 2. The first part is so-so, the second is much funnier.

On Saturday, I would go skiing or to the gym, and then visit my parents or friends.

On weekends, try to replace social communication. networks with live communication is much better, livelier and more interesting.

On Sunday, I usually read a book, and in the evening I plan the next week. I draw up a routine, set goals and objectives for the coming days.

Plan your weekend, but not rigidly and not in time.

I do this: on Saturday, no gadgets, maximum nature and live communication. Sunday: self-development and physical activity.

Try to spend a weekend like this at least once, I'm sure you will like it!

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Finally, a little humor: the daily routine in German =)

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Hello everyone on my blog OLS.

Today I am writing this article, first of all, for myself.

Yes! For yourself!

Because I have a problem with this, and I cannot overcome it in any way, so I need to understand it well.

And we will talk - about the daily routine, for a healthy lifestyle.
If you are also interested in this issue - let's figure it out together here.

How does the daily routine affect our body?

For me personally - very much.

At my core, I am a morning person, that is, I get up early, and therefore I need to go to bed early too.

But, for various reasons, I go to bed late, but I cannot sleep for a long time. As a result, I sleep for about six hours, which affects my performance, mood, and health.

Although in the summer my body still makes me rebuild. I wake up very early, and in the evening I just “switch off”. I don’t know what it’s connected with, maybe with the sun - our bedroom windows face east ...

There can also be problems with the digestive system.

After all, everyone knows that the body is preparing for eating, and we are nothing to him, he asked us a second time - we are nothing again.

And then in the evening, for the whole day - ON!

The stomach is greatly enlarged, there is not enough juice for the simultaneous processing of all this food. As a result, some went in favor, some went into fat, and the rest either comes out or continues to rot (if it is meat).

So, if you understand, the daily routine is very important for us to conduct.

Schedule the day for a healthy lifestyle

6:00 – 7:00
I often come across information that you need to get up at 5 in the morning. I don’t know, I think this is an exaggeration, even in summer I cannot get up so early, and why?

Although if to work? But my opinion is that if it takes an hour or two to get to work, then excuse me, why such a job? Do you spend 3-4 hours on the road for almost a skin day? 4 hours of my life! This is no longer a healthy lifestyle ...

But let's go back, that is, morning ... the sun has risen ... it's time to get up.

For myself, I determined the ideal time for this - 7 hours. You may have a different time, according to your biological clock, and your WORK.

The very first exercise can already be done straight without getting out of bed. This is "vacuum", breathing, etc.

Then a glass of (raw!) Water, preferably with lemon, after 10-20 minutes. can ( can? Necessary!) do the main exercises.
I have it a light warm-up and riding a stationary bike (30 min.)

8:00 – 9:00
First breakfast. Well, I think there is no need to talk about the usefulness of breakfast? Okay I will not.
I talked about the recipe for my "super" oatmeal.

This breakfast saturates me with "long" carbohydrates from oatmeal, fast from honey, protein from yogurt, vitamins and minerals from frozen fruits or berries. As the advertisement says - three in one!

Well, it's time to go to work, or not ... it's like someone ...

Lunch. It is also very important.

Well, I almost started telling you a fractional diet ...
But, in my opinion, the daily routine is for a healthy lifestyle, you cannot make it up without such a diet.

In fact, this is not a diet, but constant nutrition, in which a person does not feel severe hunger and, as a result, you never transmit, the body has time to process all the food received, metabolism accelerates, etc. "Good" for your body.

It could be a little protein with vegetables. All products from the article.

I have this boiled egg with raw red beets ( in winter).

Dinner. You need to be thoroughly refreshed.

Time for lunch - 1 hour, is not given by chance. It takes about 20 minutes to eat, the rest of the time is needed for rest, distraction from work.

It helps to take a nap very well, only 15-20 minutes. But after dinner you will not be sleepy.
At this time, we kind of overload our body, and after such a rest, activity will surely increase.

Although I have known about it for a long time, and more than once, I have watched how it works, but unfortunately, I have not learned how to quickly "fall asleep and doze". Only occasionally, I manage to do everything right, but I either don't go to bed at all, or I fall asleep strongly.

And here another problem comes in, more about it later.

At this time, in many, there is a decline in activity. But I think that if you take a “right” nap at lunchtime, then you will only increase your energy, I have tested it myself ( when I fell asleep correctly).

16:00 – 17:00
Small snack. Not a cup of coffee! And an apple, or a salad of vegetables.
This moment is said to be the second peak of activity. What about you? I somehow did not notice ...

This time is good for active physical activities in the gym or fitness room.
Unless, of course, you are "active" at work. If you have a sedentary job, then the hall is what you need!

After all, the body is still vigorous and waiting for action.

19:00 -20:00
Light dinner.
There is a decrease in energy, it is good to do "cleansing" procedures - a sauna or a warm bath, or a shower (everyone has this).

21:00 – 22:00
Time goes to bed. And this is where my problems begin.

I cannot go to bed so early, although I know and believe that this time comes with the greatest "efficiency" of rest. If you go to bed at such a time, then you can really get up at five in the morning and not want to sleep.

Remember I talked about lunchtime sleep, and so - if you get enough sleep at night. That is - go to bed at 10 pm and get up at 6 am, then a lunch break with a "light" sleep will help.
And if I didn't get enough sleep at night, went to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning, got up at 8 in the morning, then, accordingly, if I “lie down” at lunchtime, then I will just fall asleep soundly. After that, I will get up broken, without energy, useless for anything, nervous, etc.
I'm wondering who and how, of you, overcame this problem, write in the comments.

Here, in my opinion, this should be the daily routine - for a healthy lifestyle.

So far, unfortunately, I can adhere to such a daily routine for a month or two, no more ... Then I gradually "slide off" it ... I go to bed late, I exercise less often and less often ... and so on.

Here's how in this cartoon.

I am looking forward to your opinion on this topic.
What is your daily schedule? And do you consider it a healthy lifestyle?

Reading time 7 minutes

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, managing to do what you really like in between these two events. © Bob Dylan

In this article, we will tell you about what a daily routine will significantly bring you closer to becoming or asserting yourself in the position of a successful person.

A successful person is always in demand. He is appreciated for his intelligence, penetration, ability to solve various problems in a short period of time. Accordingly, this person is forced to have a very tight schedule for each working day, which means systematize the solution of everyday tasks in such a way as to keep up with everything.

In this article, we will consider strategies and techniques for drawing up a personal daily routine in such a way as to increase the efficiency of your personal time use and try to keep up with the maximum amount of work, without losing quality indicators and enthusiasm for the process.

Effective sleep

The first and perhaps the most important rule when drawing up a successful person's daily routine is sleep. People often greatly underestimate the importance of sleep, believing that sleeping 4-5 hours a day and doing what they think is large amounts of work is the only correct option. Let me disagree with this. Sleep is a complex process that is being studied by many scientists from all over the world, and its potential has not yet been revealed. Even Leonardo da Vinci studied the issue of the effectiveness of sleep. It is believed that Leonardo slept about four hours a night for many years and felt quite cheerful. He even created masterpieces that will remain in history for many centuries.

The secret to getting good sleep is understanding your body's functioning. Our sleep is divided into many cycles, which replace each other several times a night. The so-called phases of rapid and slow sleep. On average, the duration can vary within one and a half to two hours in each cycle. Your task is to sleep in such a way that the sleep time frame corresponds to the frequency of the cycle. For example, if your cycle lasts about an hour, then seven hours sleep is better than seven and a half hours.

There is also the concept of polyphasic sleep. People who followed in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci believe that it is enough for a person to sleep for about four or six hours. In this case, there are several techniques. The most common and closest to the "original" dream is Siesta. In this mode, you are advised to sleep for about five hours at night and about an hour and a half during the day.

The second, key step in the daily routine of a successful person is the correct approach to planning your daily activities. There is even a whole science called time management, designed to help you use your own time extremely efficiently, and therefore perform a much larger number of tasks than usual, without losing the quality of the work performed. Leading time management experts such as the American Stephen Covey or the Russian Gleb Arkhangelsky have developed several similar systems for scheduling a working day based on goals, overall workload and rhythm of life.

These systems are designed to streamline your schedule in such a way that all the planned tasks are sure to be completed. It should be said that this is quite difficult and hardly anyone will be able to instantly master these techniques. But, practical use by many people, over the course of more than one year, has proven a productivity gain two or even more times.

The authors of time management techniques suggest that you start planning things in the morning and evening. In the evening, you sketch out a rough outline of what you will do for the next day. This will avoid confusion. In the morning, work on clarifying tasks that are unstable and not always dependent on you.

Keeping a daily planner is a great way to structure your personal daily routine. A properly compiled daily planner will significantly improve your work productivity. The diary should be divided by day and by month. You should regularly enter information in your diary about your tasks for the day, which will be clearly demarcated in time. It will be useful to divide the tasks into flexible and rigid ones. Hard tasks must be completed at a specific time, and flexible ones are not tied to a specific time frame. Most of the tasks that are written in the diary should lead to the achievement of the global goal of the month. The ideal timetable for the day certainly depends on the structuring. Don't forget that planning your day is a skill that needs to be learned.

Physical exercise

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of having reasonable physical activity in the daily routine of a successful person. Physical activity helps to improve the overall tone of the body, increase your endurance, and therefore productivity. People who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, based on their professions (monotonous work in the office), moderate physical activity is simply necessary.

Remember that in the process of evolution, our body was formed in such a way as to adapt to performing different types of work. This means that the body needs to do all kinds of exercises as well as, for example, proper nutrition. This does not mean that you need to seriously engage in sports, lift a barbell far over a hundred kilograms or run a hundred meters like Usain Bolt. Enough correct physical education, which will keep the body in good physical shape.

In our time, sports began to be actively popularized, many gyms are opening, more and more sports are becoming available. Swimming, jogging, tennis, gym, fitness - choose what you like the most and after a month, classes will give tangible results and significantly affect your well-being. Cycling loads can be a delightful choice. If it is not possible to go to specialized classes, then set aside time for a set of simple warm-up exercises. It will also do you good. In the daily routine of a successful person, time must be allocated for physical activity.


Each person needs time that he can spend exclusively for his pleasure, for himself and only. A person is a being, although deeply social, but, nevertheless, in need of personal space. Spending some time alone with yourself, and at the same time, you can enjoy a variety of hobbies. For some, this is playing musical instruments, someone loves beadwork, someone finds himself in writing poetry. Your hobby should definitely have a place in your daily routine. Half an hour or an hour of time that you can spend on your favorite activity, of course, calms, relaxes, evokes extremely positive emotions and can be a great antidepressant.

The routine of a worker for a successful person must contain all the basic aspects of the life of not only a rich, but also a healthy person. The correct distribution of all tasks throughout the working day can be a criterion for success.

Here's an example of how you can use your own time effectively:

  • 06.30-7.00 ... Most people start their day by waking up at this time. This is due to the general established order of the working day. Enterprises are opening, public transport is starting to work in full force.
  • 07.10 - drink a glass of warm water. Warm water on an empty stomach helps your digestive system to activate and help you process and absorb food more easily.
  • 07.10-07.25 - you can set aside this time for cosmetic procedures in order to put yourself in order.
  • 7.25-7.35 - do a little exercise. Light exercise will allow you to wake up, invigorate and tone the body.
  • 7.35-7.45 - Pick up your diary and write down the daily routine for today. Check the time of all possible meetings, and also try to determine the time frame for completing other tasks.
  • 07.45-07.55 - breakfast. The best breakfast for you may be a combination of protein-carbohydrate foods. Thus, you will stick to a proper diet, which will positively affect your well-being.

Complete the tasks that you set for yourself for the day. It is also important to observe the rest regime. The most effective breaks are considered to be ten to fifteen minutes, every one and a half hours of work. An essential condition for the quality of your "small" rest can be a short-term change of scenery. For example, if you work in an office, then the best solution might be to walk along the corridors with a cup of coffee. Or a short visit to the street. Smoking, by the way, also helps to distract from the work process, but the harm neutralizes this positive effect.

  • 12.00- 13.00 -lunch break. Use this full hour of time to your advantage. I doubt anyone is stretching a meal for an hour, so take the remaining time with something useful, such as structuring tasks for the rest of the day.
  • 15.00-15.10 - light snack.
  • 18.00-19.30 - physical exercise. Exercise time can be shifted to almost any part of the day, based on your work schedule. An important factor is the attachment of the time of physical activity to your diet. You should eat a little carbs before training, and protein foods are great afterwards.
  • 20.00 - a great time to devote yourself to your favorite hobby. The process of tuning a musical instrument, or watching your favorite TV series, will set you up for a quality rest.
  • 23.00-23.30 - the optimal time to fall asleep. Remember that sleep has its own value, and the value of sleeping after 24 hours is extremely small.

This is how a successful person's daily routine might be. It is worth noting that this example is by no means a universal remedy. In fact, there cannot be a universal daily routine, since each person has his own biorhythm of life. Each has its own scope of tasks. Some have more, some have less. It will not always be possible to set aside time for sports or hobbies for various reasons. But everyone should strive to ensure that their daily routine becomes the routine of a successful person. It is important to consider in your daily routine all four aspects of life listed above. It:

  • Effective sleep.
  • Correct business planning.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Hobby.

These are four fundamental whales. Compliance with all the above-mentioned rules can significantly improve the quality of your life, and therefore the likelihood of becoming successful will be much higher. Try it and the first noticeable results will be visible within a few weeks.

Do you feel tired and weak right after waking up, by lunchtime you feel sleepy, and in the evening your head no longer understands? Perhaps your natural biorhythms are disturbed, that is, you sleep, eat and work at the wrong time. But in order to be healthy and be known as a long-liver, it is very important to live in accordance with your inner clock. For this, you need to create an optimal daily routine.

It means the rational use of time for such important components of life as proper sleep, nutrition, personal hygiene, work, rest, physical activity. How to create the ideal daily routine in order to be productive, vigorous and energetic?

Proper sleep and biorhythms: what you need to know about the daily routine

If in ancient times the daily routine depended on sunrise and sunset, then with the invention of artificial lighting, people began to stay up late and wake up later. Such a shift in natural biorhythms is harmful to health and often leads to various diseases. To avoid such an unpleasant outcome will help the optimal daily regime... He develops such important qualities in a person as discipline, organization and purposefulness.

Making a daily routine is an individual process that depends on the needs of the body, gender, age and personal comfort.

It is impossible to create an optimal daily routine that would be suitable for everyone. Indeed, despite the fact that people are arranged in the same way, the body of each person works in a different way. So, some people are "larks", others are "owls", and still others are "doves."

What does the correct daily routine consist of?

The correct daily routine includes the following components:

  • Dream. The realities of the modern world do not allow everyone to get enough sleep. And there are also enough of those who sleep much more than they should. Both the first and second biorhythm failure is harmful to health. Constant lack of sleep is fraught with fatigue, drowsiness, and poor health. A person who neglects healthy sleep becomes irritable, depressed and often suffers from inhibition of thought processes. In addition, he is often tormented by headaches and nausea. And proper sleep allows you to fully recover and at the same time prevents the breakdown of the nervous system.
  • Nutrition . Food is what is called fuel. It supplies the body with energy, which is spent on mental and physical activity. In addition, it saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements that are needed for normal life and to repel ailments. Therefore, food should be regular and nutritious.
  • Job. This component is present in the life of every person. So, schoolchildren go to classes and do their homework, students attend lectures and seminars, and adults build their careers and earn their living. Proper planning of working hours is part of the daily routine. Therefore, it is very important to master the skills of time management.
  • Recreation. Proper sleep will not be enough to restore strength and productivity. It is necessary to find time for rest and while awake: during lunchtime or after work, try to rest, not work. Walking in the fresh air, chatting with family or friends, going to the movies, learning a foreign language - this is what will help to maintain a high level of performance.

Physical activity. This component is especially important for those who follow a sedentary lifestyle. Sports activities knead all muscles and bones, eliminate congestion, and also improve health.

Proper sleep and biorhythms: planning the daily routine by the hour

The daily routine must not only be thought out, but also written in a notebook. Thus, keeping it always at hand, you will not forget what you need to do today. And write down only real tasks, that is, what you can actually do. Also, do the most difficult tasks first, and then move on to easier ones.

It is very important to make the daily routine in accordance with the employment at work. But it is also worthwhile to devote time to rest, household chores and other important matters.

An ideal daily routine by the hour is as follows:

  • 6:00-7:00 - awakening, personal hygiene and exercise. It is at this time that the biological "alarm clock" turns on. He also activates the work of all organs and systems. In addition, metabolism is included in the work, which prepares the body for food intake. At this time, it is useful to do morning exercises, since it accelerates the blood, saturating it with oxygen. By the way, instead of charging, lovemaking will do. According to the doctor of neurology Pam Spur, it is morning sex, since sex hormones are actively released at dawn. And after you enrich your blood with oxygen, take a contrast shower. It invigorates very well.
  • 7:30-8:00 - breakfast. It is by this time that the gastrointestinal tract is ready to eat, and all vitamins, minerals and other useful elements are instantly absorbed by the body and converted into energy.
You need to have breakfast one hour after getting up. Therefore, set the time for your morning meal, depending on your biorhythm.
  • from 9:00- Beginning of work. By this time, food has already been converted into energy, which means the brain is ready for active and strenuous work.
  • from 12:00- dinner. By the middle of the day, work capacity decreases, and attention is scattered. Therefore, the body must be given time to reboot. It's time for lunch, as gastric juice is actively produced. After lunch, you can take a walk in the fresh air or chat with colleagues.
  • 15:00-17:00 - Work. During this period of time, the so-called "second wind" opens. Therefore, it's just time to devote it to work, but only to easier tasks that do not require concentration of attention and creativity.
  • 17:00-18:00 - dinner. After 19:00, the stomach is no longer active. Therefore, it is important to have dinner before this time. Thus, all food easily digested and absorbed by the body.
  • After 19:00- free time. Since at this time the pressure decreases and the stomach "falls asleep", devote it to reading books, chatting with friends or chores around the house. But do not engage in physical activity and mental activity. After all, the body needs rest after work.
  • 20:00 - mental activity. By this time, the brain has time to reboot a little. Therefore, you can start learning English or other activities related to memorization.
  • from 21:00- Preparation for sleep. At this time, the body begins to slowly fall asleep. Therefore, devote it to yourself: take a shower, do all the hygiene procedures, relax by listening to slow music or just lying on the couch.
  • 22:00 - going to sleep. You need to try to go to bed at this particular time. Indeed, in the interval between 22:00 and 23:00, one hour of sleep equals 2-3 hours of rest. In addition, with proper sleep, the body begins to actively repair itself.

Of course, you can make up your daily routine based on what time you go to bed and what time you wake up. But in order to stay young and healthy for a long time, you need to plan your schedule correctly.

By making the daily routine that we suggested in this article, and adhering to it regularly, you will keep your health, become more organized and productive. And you will also develop the correct mode of life, where less time and energy is spent on insignificant things and more on useful things. Living in accordance with natural biorhythms, you will learn how to properly, wisely and efficiently allocate your time, as well as make more long-term plans.