Why does the anthurium flower curl? Cause and elimination of the problem

Many growers consider anthurium to be a capricious plant, for its successful growth and development, as well as for lush bloom, you will have to create a piece of the South American tropics in your apartment. If the conditions of detention are not followed, anthurium can get sick or be attacked by pests.

Optimal conditions for growing anthurium

What conditions are anthurium accustomed to in nature, and what should a grower strive for when growing "male happiness"?

First of all - high humidity, up to 70-80%. Providing it in an apartment, especially in winter with central heating, is quite difficult: either by regular spraying 2-3 times a day, or by placing a flower pot on a wide pallet with wet expanded clay, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing. In addition, when spraying from a spray bottle, white spots may remain on the bracts, so flowers should be covered from water drops, which is also very inconvenient. A little costly financially, but much more efficient is to put a humidifier nearby. But even in this case, once a week, wipe the leaves from the accumulated dust with a damp sponge.

It is impossible to increase the humidity of the air by excessive watering of the anthurium.

The next step towards a healthy anthurium is a constant temperature that does not drop below 18 degrees in summer and 16 degrees in winter. Optimally, from May to September, keep anthurium at a temperature of 25-28 degrees. Drafts and even warm breezes are absolutely contraindicated. The roots of the plant can rot, and the leaves and flowers freeze.

Spraying the plant in winter and opening the window for airing is almost a 100% way to kill anthurium.

Bright light and the length of the day are very necessary for the establishment of flower buds and powerful further flowering. But at the same time, the plant should not be placed in direct sunlight, because in tropical forests, tree leaves cover it from the sun.

Place the anthurium in a well-lit place without direct sunlight, and in winter, do additional lighting for 4–5 hours a day.

The last condition is watering and soil... Anthurium loves loose moist soils, this epiphytic plant, almost like an orchid, can grow on tree branches, and in order not to be mistaken, choose soil mixtures specially selected for anthurium.

It should be watered with soft, settled water as the soil dries out, but if yours is supported high humidity air, then watering will have to be done infrequently.

The best water for irrigation and spraying is rain or melt water.

If the conditions of detention are violated on the anthurium, pests may appear or the flower may get sick.

Diagnosis of diseases of "male happiness"

All problems of growing anthurium can be divided into leaf diseases, peduncle diseases, root diseases, the general unsatisfactory state of anthurium, which are caused by the presence of pests, infectious diseases or simply mistakes in care.

Correctly diagnosing and starting timely treatment is difficult task for a grower, since the symptoms of various diseases are often similar to the consequences of improper care.

It is important to know that the anthurium contained in a dry room most often suffers from a spider mite, the leaves lose their elasticity from a lack of moisture, turn yellow and curl, but these plants are very rarely affected by fungal and bacterial diseases.

In wet conditions without airing, plants often suffer from soil overflow, and as a result, they suffer from infectious diseases.

After assessing the condition of your premises and the care you are taking, you can more or less accurately decide how to help the anthurium.

Table - diagnosis of plant diseases and pests

Causes Symptoms
Dry room air
  • the leaves dry and turn yellow at the edges
  • leaves curl and turn black
  • the plant becomes lethargic, the leaves lose their elasticity
  • drying out of unopened buds, aggravated by rare watering
Bright light or direct sunlight
  • leaves curl into a tube, deform
  • the leaf plate becomes covered with whitish spots, dries
Lack of light
  • yellowing of leaves
  • petiole pulling
  • lack of flowering
Watering with hard water, excess calciumthe tips of the leaves turn black
Watering with cold water
  • leaves dry, forming round holes
  • decay of roots
Waterlogging of soil, overflow
  • yellowing and drying of leaves
  • the appearance of black dots on sheet plates
  • death of roots from rot
  • pimples on leaves, peduncles
  • Crying leaves
  • the whole flower withers
Lack of nutrition
  • leaves fade, shrink
  • new flowers are shrinking
  • anthurium stops blooming
Excess foodbrown and yellow spots on the leaves without signs of drying out
Watering with chlorinated waterwhite bloom on the leaves
Hypothermia anthuriumquickly brown and drooping leaves
Natural causes
  • greening of fading bedspreads
  • red young leaves
  • red streaks on the leaves
  • thickening of stems with age
  • gradual dying off of the lower leaves
  • overgrowth with brown scales - the remnants of old leaves
Improper care
  • ears disappear (flowering stops)
  • plant growth stops
  • no new leaves appear
  • new leaves grow slowly
  • anthurium falls apart (due to the ingress of water into the growth point)
Anthracnose and septoriaRound or oval red-brown, yellow spots from 1.5 to 13 millimeters, often inside can be seen black point (disputes). The stain spreads over the leaf and forms holes. Without treatment, the plant dies.
Fusarium wiltingMassive, rapid decay leaves and unnatural bending of peduncles and petioles, dark vessels are visible on the cut of the leaves, the roots rot.
The leaves lose their shine, brighten, then turn black. On examination, the roots are rotten and frayed, the root sheath is separated from the core.
Leaves curl, turn yellow, shrink, white bloom appears on the underside of the leaf.
RustRed- brown spots at the bottom of the leaf and at the same time light spots at the top, death of affected leaves.
Leaves curl, turn yellow, are covered with a sticky coating. Inside the leaf and on young shoots, small sucking green insects are visible.
ThripsAffected leaves have an irregular yellow-green color, the inner part of the leaf is covered with black insect excrement. Leaves dry and fall off.
Whitish or golden bumps on leaves.
Spider miteThe leaf is covered with yellow specks, curls, dries out. With fine spraying, a cobweb with insects is visible.
MealybugThe affected parts of the plant seem to be dusted with flour

Infectious diseases of anthurium in the photo

Anthracnose appears as yellow spots with a black dot in the middle. Septoria blight affects the leaves of the plant and can lead to the death of anthurium. Root rot can often be found in purchased specimens with constant overflow. This is how powdery mildew looks like on Kalanchoe. Anthurium is affected by this disease rarely Fusarium affects both the leaves and roots of the Anthracnose plant on a rose: characteristic spots with a brown edging Anthracnose on anthurium are brown spots with a black accumulation of fungal spores in the center Root rot can destroy all the roots of the anthurium Anthurium leaf affected by a fungal disease The fungal disease of the upper leaf has moved to the leaf under it Black roots affected by root rot. White - healthy roots are present, so there is a chance to save the plant Anthurium leaf covered with rust Anthurium leaf affected by septoria Septoria is very similar to anthracnose, it is difficult to determine without laboratory analysis Fusarium in an aster ruined the plant in bloom Fusarium wilting of violets

Flower diseases, treatment and prevention

Most often, anthurium diseases appear due to improper care, among which the greatest place is occupied by overflow and hypothermia, and as a consequence, decay of the root system.

Infectious diseases pose a great danger to the plant: anthracnose, fusarium, septoria, as a result of which the plant often dies even after the treatment.

It is easier to deal with rust on leaves and various root rot. And virtually all plants heal and improve appearanceif the cause of the disease was improper care.

Treatment of infectious diseases

Many infectious diseases lead to the death of the plant, but you still need to try to save the plant.

First of all, we isolate the damaged plant from the rest, examine it and make a preliminary diagnosis.

When working with fungicides, be sure to use products individual protectiondo not eat or drink.

Fusarium wilting is an infectious disease in which the mycelium of the fungus penetrates into the living tissue of the plant and clogs up vital vessels. Root rot appears, passing into the trunk. Leaves that do not receive nutrition quickly wither and the plant dies. The best remedy struggle - prevention. When planting, several grains of Trichodermin are added to the soil mixture, maintaining a high vitality of the plant. You can try to save a diseased anthurium by cutting off the living upper part and rooting it, having previously kept it in the Fundazole solution for 30 minutes.

Root rot is most often manifested when the plant is constantly overflowing. Treatment - pruning of rotten parts of the roots and treatment with Fitosporin-M or Maxim, transplanting into a new substrate and preferably a new pot.

Rust - fungal disease, which manifests itself on all parts of the anthurium, but most often on the leaves. For prophylaxis, at low temperatures and high air humidity, treatment with Fitosporin can be carried out, and with an already emerging disease - with Topaz, Ordan.

Powdery mildew appears when the temperature drops sharply at high humidity... Preventive measures - do not spray anthurium in cool weather (winter maintenance). Treatment powdery mildew - put the pot in a warm dry place, spray it with Topaz or Acrobat.

Anthracnose appears due to high humidity, which is exactly what anthurium loves. The causative agents of the disease - fungi of the genus Colletotrichum and Kabatiella - can for a long time do not show themselves in any way, and when favorable conditions come for them, they begin to infect the plant. Usually, the first symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of spots, which become more and more. The affected leaf shrinks, becomes thinner and looks like tissue paper. Further, anthracnose affects the stems and practically the entire plant dries up on the root. Anthracnose treatment should be started as early as possible. The first step is to remove all damaged leaves and destroy them. The soil is changed to a new one, and the roots of the anthurium are disinfected. The plant is quarantined with a decrease in air humidity and a reduction in watering. It is absolutely impossible to spray, since the spores of the fungus are carried by droplets of water. If the plant is very sick, then fungicides are used: Baktofit, Fitosporin, Fundazol, Ridamin Gold, Silk. The plant is sprayed 2-3 times in 10-14 days.

Anthurium pests

Often uninvited guests indoor flowers become small midges (wine), although they are unpleasant, but practically harmless, the appearance of the following insects, sucking juice from anthurium, is much more terrible.

It is usually introduced "from the outside" with other plants and very quickly spreads over indoor flowers. For treatment, wash the affected areas with soap and water, after covering the soil with a package, treat with infusion onions (15 grams of finely chopped onion or 6 grams of dry scales are infused in 1 liter of water for 5-7 hours), Fitoverm, and in advanced cases - Aktellik, Karbofos, Fitoverm, Iskra, Biotlin.

Thrips... Thin midges up to 2 mm long. Suck the juices from the leaf. Appears in a humid environment at high temperatures. Treat with Fitoverm, diluting according to the instructions on the package. Processing is carried out several times every 5-7 days.

Shields... They cover not only the leaves, but also the stems of the plant, suck out juices, and are easily removed with a needle. Since the insects are covered with thick scales, it is necessary to manually collect the scale insects, and then treat the anthurium with a solution of crushed garlic (mix 1 part of garlic with 1 part soap and 3 parts water, insist for a day), if it does not help, wipe the stems cotton paddipped in kerosene.

Spider mite... Spawns in a dry and hot place. It entangles young shoots with a cobweb, sucks juices from the leaves, leads to the death of most of the leaves. It is better to immediately apply Fitoverm, and not only on the affected plant, but also to treat neighboring plants for prevention.

Mealybug... White fluffy insect 4–5 mm long. With mass reproduction, it leads to the death of the plant. Small colonies of the pest are removed by wiping the affected parts of the plant with soapy water and then every 7-10 days by repeated procedures, as well as spraying with garlic infusion. Severely damaged plants are sprayed with Fitoverm.

Pests in the photo

Scabbards suck juices from leaves and stems Aphids can cause great damage to young leaves of anthurium Spider mite drinks juices from leaves, drying up their colonies of mealybugs on the stem of anthurium can destroy the plant Thrips appear in a damp room and at high temperatures Scabbard on anthurium looks like brown bumps easily removed with a needle Spider mite leaves such marks on the leaves of anthurium It is difficult to notice thrips, but the affected areas and excrement are very clearly visible

Prevention of the appearance of any insects is regular plant care, dusting the leaves, quarantine for new plants for two weeks.

Reanimate anthurium after care errors

Many growers misunderstand the advice of maintaining high humidity for anthurium and begin to flood the plant. As a result of such care, root decay is manifested by various spots on the leaves.

Too caring owner poured anthurium and these spots turned out Bubbles on leaves and peduncles - a sign of frequent overflow of anthurium Spots on anthurium can appear for several days, even after transplanting into dry soil The appearance of various brown dry spots on anthurium is a sign of overflow, cold content and damage to the roots Return side of the frozen leaf With poor packaging in stores, flowers often freeze

Revitalization of a plant affected by rot

In cold and wet soil, the roots of anthurium often rot, the leaves begin to wither, dry out, and fall. If the plant is neglected to such an extent that not a single living leaf remains, then the chances of resuscitation are very small.

We save the anthurium that has lost its roots

Various rot and infections often begin with root rot. And sometimes there is nothing to save there, but if the leaves and the trunk of the plant are alive and without signs of mass disease, then you can try to root the upper part of the anthurium with air roots.

Saving a frozen flower

If the leaves of the anthurium are slightly frozen, then healthy plant will be able to recover. It is much worse if, shortly before this, the anthurium was watered and the roots were exposed to hypothermia. All damaged leaves should be cut off, the plant should be transferred to a warm room and sprayed with a solution of the vitalizer HB-101. If in the following days the plant becomes worse, it means that the roots are damaged, and you should immediately transplant the plant, cutting off all rotten areas, and treat the cuts with cinnamon. Stimulant HB - 101 can be sprayed and watered to strengthen the immune system.

Video - disease prevention

An important prevention of anthurium diseases is regular plant inspections, which are carried out when wiping the leaves. Then you will definitely not miss the warning signs of the onset of the disease and will be able to heal the plant in time. And in order for it not to hurt, observe the conditions of detention.

The homeland of anthurium is considered to be the countries of South and Central America, where the climate is warm enough and the air humidity is high. Violation of such a regime of keeping at home leads to the appearance of anthurium disease. Treating a plant without the help of a professional can kill the plant. Anthurium can affect not only leaf diseases, but also roots. There is no standardized treatment here. Each specific case needs an individual approach. So, how to treat anthurium and its leaf diseases with photos from professionals.

Anthurium diseases and their treatment with photos

So, according to professionals, anthurium diseases arise due to improper care. A plant that is cared for correctly grows healthy and beautiful. Otherwise, its leaves become stained, turn yellow, and rot. In extreme cases, the flower dies completely.

Anthurium diseases and their effective treatment with photos from professionals.

How to save anthurium if its leaves dry? When asked what to do, professionals recommend the following:

Why do the leaves of anthurium turn black? This could be the result of improper plant care. In some cases dark spots on the leaves of anthurium indicate fungal or bacterial diseases.

If you feed anthurium, spots of a characteristic color appear on its leaves. What to do in such cases? Remove the flower from the pot and examine its roots. Remove rotten ones. Next, the plant is transplanted into an epiphytic, almost orchid soil. In pret, you need to feed less often. The above flower is accustomed to do with a minimum of nutrients, and therefore overfeeding is destructive for it. For top dressing, you need to use orchid fertilizer with trace elements. Indeed, in anthurium, brown spots on the leaves can also indicate a lack of trace elements in the soil.

Black spots on the leaves of anthurium may indicate alkalization of the soil. This happens if you water the soil with hard water. The plant thrives on slightly acidic soil. The plant needs to be transplanted into fresh, light soil.

Bacterial and fungal diseases of the leaves, which are prone to anthurium from the photo.

Anthracnose... Anthurium affected by this disease dries up. First, the middle part of its leaf plate is covered with dry, brown spots with a yellow border. Further, the spots spread over the entire plate. Flower leaves are deformed, lose turgor. At the end, the leaf dies completely.

The causative agent of leaf disease is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. It infects anthurium at high soil moisture and high soil pH, with a lack of phosphorus and potassium in the soil. Treatment: all affected parts of the flower are removed, the flower is sprayed with fucarcides 3-4 times with an interval of 10 days. If the plant is severely affected by the disease, it must be destroyed.

Gray rot
... It is caused by the botrytis fungus (Botrytis cinerea Pers). When anthurium is sick, fast-growing, dry, brown spots appear on its leaves. With high humidity, a gray bloom can be seen on the surface of dry leaf areas. These are micelles of the fungus. The cause of the disease is the high humidity of the soil and air at low temperatures. Disease prevention measures: the flower is isolated, the temperature of its content is increased, and watering is reduced. If the anthurium has recently been sick, not all of its leaves turn yellow and dry, you can try to save the plant. Spraying and watering with Topaz, Oxyhom preparations is carried out. Fungal spores are often found in the soil, and therefore the flower must be transplanted with the complete removal of the soil and affected roots.

Indoor flower anthurium is able to decorate any room, and transform even the most boring interior. The plant has dense glossy leaves and heart-shaped flowers. The color of anthurium flowers can be from light pink to maroon. When you see a plant for the first time, you might think that its leaves and flowers are made of plastic.

Most often, anthurium is used as a houseplant. When kept at home, the flower requires special care. Experienced florists consider the plant to be very unpretentious. But amateurs may face some problems, the solution of which will be discussed in our article.

Features of anthurium care

First of all, you need to know that the plant does not tolerate high temperatures and direct sunlight. Summer air temperature should be in the range of 20-23C, and in winter - 16-18C... A well-lit place is chosen for the anthurium. With a lack of light, the plant will stretch out, and its flowers will fade. Avoid direct sunlight.

When caring for an anthurium, you must follow some rules:

These are all the rules you need to know when caring for an anthurium. But if, nevertheless, the flower is sick, then the recommendations below will help to save it.

The main problems when growing anthurium

The main difficulty in caring for a plant at home is the problem with flowers and leaves. They are may begin to curl, stain, or dry out... There can be many reasons for this.

Why do anthurium leaves dry?

The main reasons why the leaves begin to dry:

  • dry air;
  • insufficient watering;
  • anthractosis and other diseases;
  • defeat of aphids.

The regularity of watering the plant should depend on the season. In summer, watering can be plentiful, and in winter, if the room is cool, anthurium is rarely watered... The soil should dry out by 1/3 of the pot between waterings. The air humidity can be increased by daily spraying of the leaves.

If the leaf begins to dry from the edges, and then becomes thinner and dries up completely, then the anthurium is affected by anthractosis. In this case, t requires systemic fungicide treatment.

Curled and wrinkled leaves with light spots indicate a greenhouse aphid infestation of the flower. You can get rid of the pest using the drug "Aktelik" or "Karbofos".

Why do brown spots appear on the leaves?

In this case, there can be three main reasons:

  1. If the spots are large, then there is a problem with feeding the plant. It is imperative to use only special fertilizers that contain balanced substances.
  2. Small brown dots on the leaves indicate that the room temperature is too low.
  3. If spots are found, it is necessary to inspect the stem and the inside of the leaves of the flower, as it can be affected by the mealy worm. In this case, the use of special chemicals will help.

Why do leaf tips dry?

Possible reasons:

In the first case, in winter, the pot with anthurium must be removed away from heating appliances, and start spraying the plant regularly at any time of the year.

What if the leaves turn black?

There may be several reasons:

  • draft;
  • direct sunlight;
  • excess in the soil of calcium salts;
  • low or high room temperature.

If the pot with anthurium is in a room with constant drafts, then its leaves will begin to blacken and curl. Therefore, the flower must be rearranged to a place that is safer for it.

Anthurium should be shaded from direct sunlight, otherwise a burn in the form of black spots will appear on its leaves.

It is possible to recognize that there is a lot of calcium salts in the soil by limescalewhich manifested itself on inside pot. If the soil cannot be completely replaced, then it is enriched with peat or humus, and watered only with settled water.

Inappropriate temperature regime when caring for anthurium, it can lead to the appearance of black spots on its leaves. It must be remembered that the temperature in winter should be within +18C, and in summer not higher than + 26C.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

By yellowing the leaves, anthurium reacts to a number of reasons:

What if the anthurium flowers become small?

The plant grows old over time, while losing its attractive appearance. Its trunk is bare, and the leaves and flowers become pale and small. Anthurium cannot be left in such a deplorable state. It needs to be rejuvenated... To do this, using a pruner, the upper part of the plant with two or three aerial roots is cut off, and planted in a container filled with earth. Caring for a young plant consists in spraying, regular watering and maintaining the temperature in the room at least + 20C.

When growing anthurium at home, remember that you need to follow all the recommendations for caring for it. In this case, there should be no problems with the plant.

Healthy and well-groomed indoor flowers always delight in their appearance, but even minor mistakes in caring for plants can lead to the development of fungal and other diseases. In this article, we will try to understand in detail where the anthurium diseases come from.

Often, improper care can provoke illness indoor plant.

Anthurium is a houseplant of the Aroid family, close relative monstera, dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum and zamioculcas. In room culture, Andre and Scherzer's anthurium is grown more often than other species.

Usually these spectacular plants differ good growth, they perfectly adapt to room conditions, but sometimes for no apparent reason the plants begin to hurt. It is impossible to say that this is nonsense - after all, anthuriums, deprived of their usual living conditions, are exposed to stress, like other indoor plants, therefore it is very important to strictly observe the requirements of agricultural technology when growing home flowers.

Under what conditions does anthurium feel great?


For a flamingo flower, bright diffused lighting is required, so the plant does not feel like it on the south and north windows the best way... The bright sun burns the leaves; it is too dark on the northern windowsill for bud formation.


In summer, the suitable temperature for anthuriums is from +20 to + 28C. With the onset of autumn, the flowers are kept at a lower temperature. During this period, about + 15-16 ° C is enough for the plants, and for the Scherzer anthurium, a cooler maintenance regime is set - flower buds are laid only when the room temperature drops to + 12-16 ° C.

From mid-January, the temperature of plant maintenance is gradually increased, bringing it to + 20-22C.

Air humidity

Leaf tips can dry out for many reasons.

Anthuriums are inhabitants of the tropics, therefore they are accustomed to high air humidity. AT room conditions plants are negatively affected by dry air and drafts. Plants require additional care: daily spraying with warm soft water, placing aerial roots in moistened moss, bathing in the shower, humidifying the air in the room where exotic plants grow.

In winter when it works central heating, the air in the rooms becomes very dry. To make anthuriums feel good, it is worth equipping radiators with air humidifiers. Pots with indoor anthuriums can be placed on a large pallet with wet expanded clay... It is useful to humidify the air around the flowers several times a day from a spray, being careful not to get water on the flowers.


Anthurium loves high humidity, but disappears very quickly if the soil in the pot is waterlogged. Between waterings, it is helpful to dry the substrate about ½ the pot size. Water for irrigation is well defended, it is even better to water the anthurium with water from a filter. During the formation of flower buds, watering is reduced.

Top dressing

Anthuriums - flower diseases are associated with improper care. Fertilizer overdose is one of the possible mistakes flower growers who have forgotten that the plant does not tolerate a high concentration of minerals.

The plant is fertilized during the period of active growth approximately once a month, while the nutrient solution for feeding is prepared in half the concentration. It is best to use special fertilizers for Aroids to feed plants.

The soil

Too heavy soil in an anthurium pot can also cause plant disease. The ideal soil for planting anthuriums should have a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5-6). The soil should not cake and compact - in such a substrate, the roots are strongly compressed. Best squad soil for growing anthurium:

  • Peat - 2 tsp
  • Finely chopped sphagnum moss - 2 tsp
  • Leafy ground - 1 tsp
  • Pine bark or coconut fiber - 1 tsp

Unbalanced soil and other errors in anthurium maintenance can cause stress and plant disease.

How to determine the cause

Yellow and dry spots on the leaves are a sign of a developing disease.

It is conditionally possible to divide the diseases of indoor anthuriums in this way:

  1. Failure to comply with agrotechnical methods for maintaining a flower.
  2. Diseases caused by infections.
  3. Insect damage.

Let's take a closer look at each item.

Failure to comply with the rules of agricultural technology

Leaves turn yellow and dry on plants that are kept in improper conditions.

These non-communicable diseases can greatly undermine the health of a houseplant, and they arise only from improper care.

  1. Flowers do not appear for a long time - thus, the plant signals problems in care. In order for the buds to appear on the anthurium, the plant must be kept at a temperature of at least 18C, in the complete absence of drafts, and also to protect the flower from the scorching sunlight. The soil should easily pass water; a drainage layer must be present in the pot. Treatment: adjust the conditions of detention, feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
  2. Leaves dry out - due to insufficient watering and low room temperature leaves can actually dry up. Plants must be periodically examined to find out the causes of diseases, sometimes such symptoms are characteristic of the manifestation of infections, which requires certain treatment. Treatment for non-infectious causes: streamline pet care.
  3. Chlorosis - yellowing of anthurium leaves indicates unbalanced watering with hard chlorinated water, untimely (or excessive) fertilization, draft, lack of drainage, prolonged maintenance of a pot with a plant in a pan with water. Treatment: normalize the flower keeping regime in room conditions.
  4. The appearance of dry spots on the leaves - this is possible when anthurium is kept on a sunny window. Burns on the leaves of the flower are not cured.
  5. Smallpox plant is characterized by the appearance of swollen areas on the leaves, the disease begins when the plant is not properly maintained (strong cooling, a significant drop in temperature, high humidity). Treatment: streamline care.
  6. Enations - with this little-studied disease, deformation of the leaves of anthurium occurs. Treatment: normalize the care of the plant.

Diseases caused by infections

Infectious diseases are the most dangerous.


The disease is caused by the fungus Septoria, which spreads rapidly in warm and humid environments. Brown spots with a characteristic yellow rim appear on the leaves of the flower. Gradually, the leaf dries up, and the spores infect other parts of the plant.

Treatment: treatment with copper-containing fungicides. The soil is treated with Abiga-Peak.


It is characterized by the appearance on the leaves of anthurium of dried brown spots with black dots (spores), the diameter of which can be from 2 to 12 mm. The disease progresses at high humidity and temperatures from +23 to 27C, these are exactly the conditions that are vital indoor flower... The disease is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare.

Treatment: treatment of anthurium with Previkur, Fitosporin, Abiga-Peak, Acrobat MC, Fundazol, Ridomil Gold MC, Skor, be sure to follow the instructions for use. Feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Fusarium wilting

The leaves on the plant massively turn yellow and wither, a white-pink bloom appears on the root collar. When watering, the infection of plant parts only increases. High temperature and humidity contribute to the spread of infection.

Treatment: repeated treatments with fungicides.


On the underside of the leaves, characteristic rusty rashes appear, the upper part of the leaf brightens in the area of \u200b\u200binfection. The spots quickly melt, covering the entire leaf, which eventually dries up.

Powdery mildew

At the flower, the leaves turn yellow and shrink, the internodes become shorter, and on the seamy side of the leaf blade, spores similar to a mealy bloom are clearly visible. The leaves dry up very soon and fall off.

Treatment: the use of systemic fungicides.

Bronze virus

It is carried by thrips. Symptoms of the disease: partial discoloration of the leaves, the appearance of wrinkles and small holes on the leaf blades.

Anthurium diseases caused by viruses are not cured, the plant is destroyed.

Insect damage

It looks like a shield.

Very weakening indoor anthurium pests that can settle on the leaves and stems of a flower: scale insect, spider mite and mealybug. Sucking the juices of the plant, these pests can provoke the development of diseases on the weakened flower.

Treatment: the use of systemic insecticides.

Any tropical flower guest, getting to our apartments, becomes a slave. He is forced to live in a pot that was allocated to him, drink the water that is offered to him and get used to a climate that is not at all like his own. In such situations, without proper care, flowers can start to hurt. Anthurium, known for its whimsicality, is no exception. At the first sign of a flower disorder, get treatment right away.

Why do flowers get sick

There are several reasons for anthurium diseases. Experienced florists distinguish three main ones:

Diseases and treatment at home

The disease of a non-infectious nature manifests itself on the leaves of "male happiness".

Here are the main ones:

Leaves turn yellow


Leaves turn black, leaf spot appears


  • overflow of soil;
  • the soil for planting is incorrectly selected;
  • damaged the root during transplantation;
  • kept in a room with drafts.

All of these consequences of improper home care can be corrected:

  • water moderately with water at room temperature;
  • a special flower primer with polystyrene chips is ideal;
  • provide your pet with an optimal climate.

The anthurium flower turns black and dries

Improper living conditions, lack of vitamins and minerals force the flower to abandon flowering, and if there are already rudiments, get rid of them. This is the law of nature.

If the first distress signals appear, check the flower for insects, treat the greens with a 0.3% solution of karbofos. Don't forget to cover the ground. Such processing is carried out twice with a running start of two weeks.

Check for rotten roots. Found - delete without regret. Sprinkle in fresh earth.

The main insect - flower pest - "flamingo" is aphid. She sucks everything nutrients, depriving plants of strength. To get rid of, the leaves of anthurium should be treated with a solution of peretrum or karbofos. For the best result, the treatment is carried out several times.

Infectious diseases

Among the most common infections is septoria. For treatment, you should cut off the affected leaves and treat the plant with copper sulfate.

Watch your pet, take care of it, and it will delight you with healthy foliage and bright blooming for a long time.

Video: tips for care and protection against diseases of the anthurium flower