Dragunov wanderer running through the lunar path. Star Guard Running through the Moonwalk

It is no secret that most people going to power or nearby - do not go there because they are obsessed with the idea, but because management and access to the resource is a good business or tool, contributing to it.
This is recognized even those who are already in power. It is a fact.
Tools and the Institute of State - have become a simple business platform, and especially attractive, since they do not require special knowledge or qualifications. To be for example, in demand by the doctor, it is also honorable and sometimes profitable, but there it is necessary to have a diploma, knowledge and experience, but just to be a deputy - nothing, except for mixtalk or connections.
Therefore, many and go to politics, power, in management.
Access to the feeder, budgets, estimates, budget distribution, crusts opening different doors, etc.
It is attractive.

In the era of the pre-internet - these warm and bread places also allowed to manage or at least cover the information field.
With the advent of the Internet, people have become capable of making evaluation themselves, making an analysis of events, and most importantly - to be aware of events. The infopole has significantly expanded and although it is also diverse in some places, nevertheless - it is in palettes and eyepieces of millions of people.

And if earlier there were at least declared boundaries of action or designations, today there are no similarities.
Therefore, the policy tool becomes a lie and the formation of foundations for its disguise under do not lie.
The opposition responds to the pyramidion in the same way, since there are usually no other tools except information from the opposition. So - too, lie. And total. Or distorted truth.
What greatly noticed my friend on the network.

As a result - we are seeing two array of lies who are encountered in a public public information field, which also influences the formation of individual fields.

Today, humanity knows such a name as Artem Dragunov. It appeared in many of the lips not so long ago. The name, Artem Dragunov, not real, fictional. This person is known as a predictor, clairvoyant. A number of disasters that predicted Artem Dragunov came true. Come vision of Dragunov through the dreams, which he writes after awakening. The prophetic dreams and the prophetic predictions of the clairvoyant found their excuse among the masses. Everything that the predictor saw in a dream is published in a personal blog.

People can trace the dreams and predictions, and then become eyewitnesses that he foreshadowed Artem Dragunov. This gift is the consequences of an accident. Being in Italy, Dragunov got into an accident. Two days spent in a coma turned over the life of an ordinary guy, now living and operating in Germany sound engineer, with legs on the head. The events who saw the clarification in a dream, became a yawl.

What predicted the clarification

Dragunova Blog is a certain real events that stirred the whole world. A number of dreams became a real prophecy, because they came true. What foreshadowed Artem Dragunov, and what dreams were things:

  • "Fire will float Perm." So it happened, because the club "Locking horse" burned in Perm.
  • The coming prediction of the death of a famous athlete, which was a legend of sports. Claband sounded a dream that the image of the athlete is located in the black frame. After some time, V. Maslachenko died. He also knew him as a good commentator in the past.
  • Sudden drop of helicopter. The devices failed, the pilot could not accomplish an emergency landing, as the helicopter was not amenable to control. Having placed information in the blog, dragoons focuses on the fact that in a dream he tried to plant, contribute to the emergency landing of the helicopter, but he failed. In reality, the Mi-8 model crashed in the Omsk region.
  • During one of the dreams, Clairvideo visited the real hell and nightmare. He posted this information to the blog. He visited the epicenter of a terrible fire, smoke, and then the water flooded his lungs, around a lot of fire. This is a description of the terrible events that occurred in Japan. Earthquake and destruction of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Many people remember that tragic events in Domodedovo occurred when the plane flamed. Frames of this terrible picture foreshadowed Artem, the terrorist attack that occurred in Moscow.

Earthquake and destruction of the Fukushima nuclear power plant

Additional predictions of clairvoyant

Artem Dragunova's blog contains a large number of prophetic dreams that predict the future, and help to overcome, or prepare for a catastrophe. So, on the walls of the blog posted a dream in which the prediction belong to the known world to the man. The prophet saw a necrologist in a dream, in which he was talking about the death of Steve Jobs. After the prediction of the prediction, this information appeared on the Internet - Steve Jobs died.

The fores of the death of famous people is a responsible test, both for the most clairvoyant, and for fans of creatively their idols. Death L. Gurchenko and E. Taylor predicted Artem. They were his idols with whom he grew. Dragunov managed to foresee and the powerful terrorist attack that had occurred in Pakistan. Prediction came true.

Predictions of clairvoyant treated and to a number of well-known hostilities. Events in Ukraine, the Operation of Israel in the gas zone, events in Baghdad (2014-2015) were predicted. War in Iran, fees of people on the square in Brazil, peacekeeping operations in Ukraine, a number of marine and air catastrophes, railway accidents. There is no easiest and space affairs. The prophet had a dream, who foreshadowed a rocket explosion during the start, which happened. Credit fires, flaming land, explosions, radioactive emissions and many other catastrophes.

He foreshadowed the prophet a large massacre between the peoples of Asia or Africa. Predictions of the event of the second half of 2015. Dragunov and a number of weather anomalies were predicted: great hail, flooding, which led to the death of many people and entire settlements. All these events occurred in the period 2014 - 2015.

It is believed that each person has a potential for paranormal abilities. That's just some people, they may not manifest themselves throughout life, and others have to be unexpectedly discovered at the most inopportune moment. So it happened with the hero of our today's article. Dragunov Artem is a unusual prediction gift. How did he gain the ability? And whether his predictions come true?

Brief certificate of Artem

To begin with, we will reveal a small secret. Artem is not a real name of the blogger. This is a kind of pseudonym, which the author came up with for his virtual character. It is from his behalf all publications on the author's website.

In fact, a blogger, known under the nickname of Dragunov Artem, is Georgy Alexandrovich Litvinov. It is he who is the owner of several sites at once and the creator of the Virtual Project "Tunguska".

Biography: Birth, Study & Work

According to one information, he was born in Georgia on August 17, on the other August 19, 1963. And since the military family has long been accustomed to moving, very soon, Litvinova's family was forced to leave in Sochi.

A few years later, Georgy Aleksandrovich (he also blogger Artem Dragunov) graduated from school and went for knowledge in Rostov.

It was there that he received tremendous experience in engineering and radio communications. By the way, our hero is still enjoys radio electronics and electrical engineering.

Even later, he began to be interested in music and television. For a long time, George (Dragunov Artem) lived in Italy, then in Germany. He worked on television and radio, mastered the profession of producer and director.

"And an insight came to me"

At the beginning of 2000, Litvinov (Artem Dragunov) fell into a serious accident, as a result of which he almost lost his life. It was in Italy. An accident occurred in the evening day, when George drove on a motorcycle along the highway.

After a while, according to the stories of the hero himself, strange dreams began to dream. As it turned out later, some of them began to come true. The author here is the author and matured the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a virtual character, on behalf of whom he could share his dreams.

Predicker (blogger) Artem Dragunov

In September 2009, Litvinov created an account and wrote the first posts. The name of his page in LJ George borrowed from a fantastic story - "Guest from the Future."

From this point on, blogger Artem Dragunov began daily to publish dozens of records, share his thoughts, opinions and describe the events he saw in a dream.

At the moment, he has 3,810 users have been added to Friends, and about 134 people periodically read it and enters the community.

In his blog, Artem Dragunov offers users to communicate exclusively on "you", leave comments and share your impressions.

Unlike other authors leading their own blogs, George is not shyling in expressions and often uses a tough obscene brand. Therefore, on its starting page there is a "18+" limit and there is a warning for minor and romantic citizens.

Does Dragunov's predictions come true?

And although Artem Dragunov is a fictional character, he managed to become famous. As it turned out, most of the events described in the author's blog came true.

For example, the most extinguished press and users of the prediction about the explosion in the club called the "lame horse", which occurred in November 2009 in Perm. As a result of the incident, 15 people died and 50 were injured in varying severity.

In his record, made in November 2010, Artem Dragunov spoke about the twisted helicopter. About every other day the author's dream came true. Indeed, the airport crash occurred due to uncontrolled rotation.

In this accident, 10 people were injured, of which three received serious injuries, and seven died when landing.

At that time, 37 people who flew to Moscow from different countries, including citizens from Austria, died. About 117 people received different injuries.

Another unpleasant event, which was told by Dragunov Artem in January, was an explosion on one of the Minsk metro stations in April 2011.

This accident caused 15 deaths. In addition, over 200 people were injured.

What form come messages from the future?

The author sees a dream consisting of visual mosaic details that do not talk about some event specifically, but give a hint. The prediction received in a dream still needs to be translated. What and speaks a virtual character of Artem Dragunov in his blog.

Predictions often come true, but sometimes they remain just words. Artem Dragunov (Grigory Litvinov) argues that his texts are not always correctly interpreted.

Material as repost With my additions: Original Articles ( alphamakaka. )
Appeared in the network the conserved character - Artem DragunovWho sees, it seems, the prophetic dreams, and, according to some, predicted a lot of things. http://artemdragunov.livejournal.com/

To date, a whole army connects the whole army easily inspired by the Pads, fell on the "unknown", horoscopes and any forms of "miracles", who believe in every word of their prophet. They are looking forward to his dreams to escape from disasters, disasters, the richness of the elements and revolutions. In their the Prophet Cashbilling ChSV, expressed, for example, is that he announced a recent attack on LJ, the attack personally on his blog. And in general, it can be noted that in the last posts degrees inadequate dragunov increases sharply. Especially began to get into the tops of LJ his hysterics about Japan. Dragunov still shouts about the nuclear explosion, about, although experts talk about infection, but the principled impossibility of the "nuclear explosion". In addition, Dragunov developer of the theory of information fields and ether explaining, in his opinion, his predictions.

I was horrified from all this obsobesia, if the means is really available to the prophet. In my small experiment I introduced such regulations:
1. I took all posts with dreams for 1 month - January 2011. I chose this month so that with the prediction date enough time to make sure it happened. The author of the predictions suggests that they come true between 3 weeks to 3 months.
2. Yellow color highlighted keywords with names, dates, geoginal names, which, along with this, are still put in a separate column and brief predictions are formed.
3. In the extreme column, events commented, have managed to happen by April 1, 2011. I analyzed the news feeds on the subject of the earned events and noted them, having allocated in red unfulfilled or coming, but only approximately and most likely by chance. Someone left comments.

Prediction date

Prediction (allocated titles, names, dates, keywords)


Jan. 8, 2011.

Fear country. For a long time I did not dream dreams. Just before I slept outside the mode, but now I enter again. Today there was already a vision - Pederesta was buried as a war hero .....
And there was a call from above from somewhere . One of the five most of our main...... in danger ....
I sit and think - Gryzlov or Mironov? The rest seems to have nothing to threaten ...

1) Gryzlov, Mironov - in danger

1) With the members of the government, everything is fine

Jan. 9, 2011.

Sleep - 09012011

Decreased creepy catastrophe in Omsk or Orsk - I did not disassemble in a panic .. I just remember - that the name of the city is similar to the logo of my old refrigerator was. I did not understand what exactly what happened tomorrow I will try to watch and find out, but I really reminded the Perm's lame horse. Around smoke, noise rumble, screams. The people squeal, cars are worn, even people pressing ... Escape as scary.

Since I made a decision not to post dreams about personalities - I will not inform you important, but sad news. On Monday morning You find out ....

1) Omsk, Orsk - a terrible catastrophe

It is impossible to rank with terrible catastrophes, as it happened a lot of fires and a catastrophe of this and larger scope:

Some of them were asked to cry it is incomprehensible.

Jan. 11, 2011.

Promote in research. Knowing

Accidentally opened the one method. Now I can see in dreams some details that will help detail a lot of things.
It turned out simply, but intricately :))) Another confirmation that our dreams are software, and gluchny and with bugs ...
It was like the context menu button on my HTC ...
In short. To check - I saw the following newspapers - in Paraguay Big Pizdets - hasive Sel Sning Polillor.
It was written in Spanish, but I'm in dreams - polyglot. Now I will check. If within 92 days the city will demolish - then I am almost Wanta ....
Finally, I will buy myself a yacht, a laptop and a dozen blacks, to make me pomegranate juice .....

By the way, what is now in Australia - I have seen quite clearly. So - in line three buses and helicopter in an airplane or vice versa...

1) Paraguay

2) Australia? - Three buses

3) Australia? - helicopter to plane

1) No events associated with the elements in Paraguay are not recorded

2) On February 24, an accident with a three-yam buses paralyzed movement in the New York tunnel, 1 victim.

Such accidents happen regularly. The likelihood of hitting the sky is great, because even in Russia, such accidents with 3 buses happen once a year.

3) messages about the crashing helicopter is not recorded

Jan. 13, 2011.

Dreamed ass in the subway. Do not sit in the first car. Anything, just not the first car ....
And do not drink milk, especially rostovsko-Krasnodar. Salmonela in it ...
She (Salmonela) smokes, in red boots and awesome sexy. I will challenge her milk, and she is Amanda Lir voice - we can a lot ..

This I probably listened to our songs ...
But where are the boots, and even red seen if the naked women are circle, including Gordon? .... I do not understand .....

1) subway, first wagon - ass

2) Rostov, Krasnodar, Milk - Salmonela

1) no accidents and disasters in the subway did not happen

2) news about poisoning milk not recorded

Jan. 14, 2011.

Remember this time is the time of one of the BP.


I specifically sfotkal. Plus minus a minute maximum. I have never had such a strong vision.

1) Time about 6: 55

1) Event is unidentified.

Jan. 16, 2011.

Sleep 16012011

I saw a blow to the elements in Belarus and in the south of Kazakhstan.
Saw collision of trains In the tunnel or under the ground.
We saw a grand necrocologist in the network - people of Jobs Level, if not himself ....
We still saw many. I will not say - it is impossible. Among them is one respected veteran politician.
Still saw history What kind of dog, toli with a cat, opened to it is impossible as - more than a Brazilian Mazayny Rabbit.
Still saw Ostankino Tower. Everything went around the grandmother and asked: - Well, what a grandmother? Fell, no?
And grandmother dishes and hits as a snake, the language is twisted, as in the picture at Kostik. I look at the tower - but it is not. Maybe the rocket was, not the tower?
In Thailand, BP or Malaysia. Indonesia? In short. There are all not broad-eyed, shorts, the sea and it looks like Thailand - the stools are the same. Pizdets there will be decent. I would not go there. And in Egypt too. In Egypt, it will soon become completely housing.

1) Belarus, Kazakhstan - Element strike

2) DISAD - a clash in the tunnel

3) (Steve Jobs?) - Death

4) History with a dog

5) Ostankino Tower or Rocket

6) Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt - Pizdets

1) is not confirmed

2) January 29, the clash of the commercial and passenger train on the crossing (not under the ground, not in the tunnel) in Germany, 3 sacrifices, 20 wounded

At the same time, major accidents with victims on railways in the world so happen regularly, almost every month. It is impossible to rapidly.

3) no one like Jobs yet died

4) dogs and cats are postponed by tons, which was meant unclear

5) Not confirmed, blurry prediction

6) Flood in Thailand, killing 11 people

At the same time, the floods in Thailand and in this region are happening regularly, it is impossible to rapidly, sooner or definitely in this region, Nature Shalit.

There are no terrible news from Egypt

Jan. 21, 2011.

A short tale of if the bear had not been married.

That he would undoubtedly married Tine Kandelaki. And they would have born the son of Lovtente and daughter - Masha.
Here is a daughter as it were on the way. I think it will be born on August 17 ....

Such a dream me.
Even yesterday mass side in Kazan, flood in Krasnodar or near, Sel Tuapse or Lazarevsky(Looks like Shepsy was, but maybe I'm wrong)
Dreaved Bulldozer Kamatsu, sound ferry, jumping bridge In St. Petersburg and serious face, Matvienko, declaring resignation.
Under the end dreamed of the dead Zhirinovsky. I even got sad. But he then jumped up and went to the dead sea and I realized that it was time to throw from the country.
Even yesterday a train in South America, the mass of bodies around, Iceberg saw in a funny place, saw a bear running by the autobahn and helicopter in taiga broken....

2) Kazan - Mass Rather

3) Krasnodar - Flood

4) Tuapse, Lazarevskoye - Sel

5) sunken steam

6) Peter - Jumping Bridge

7) Matvienko - resignation

8) South America - Train Wreck

9) Taiga - Helicopter Accident

1) There are no confirmation data, at the present moment, Kandelaki does not look pregnant.

2) did not happen

3) did not happen

4) did not happen

5) did not happen

6) did not happen

7) did not happen

8) did not happen

9) similar news not detected

Jan. 23, 2011.

Does the Bear marries Kandelaki?

What do you think really?

Saw a dream now - Tina is pregnant from him ...

1) Medvedev, Kandelaki - Pregnancy

1) no comment

Jan. 25, 2011.


Since the attacks today are beneficial too many, I can assume a couple more explosions - on station, stations, metro etc..
Therefore, I will not be surprised if it ripped somewhere else ..
Be careful people. Especially attentive and better not bug.
In big politics, large disassembly begin, so if you do not want to pick up nuts with bolts from your body - Think, do not lose vigilance and always stay as careful as possible ...

1) the assumption of explosions

Jan. 28, 2011.

Sleep 28012011.

Syria dreamed. Bloody was - the sea ....
Then I go through Deribassovskaya, towards Deripaska. I think - now I'll get a feltster, I will transfer the name of the street, I will make it pleasant, and he has money for the project. It was climbing - and there are driving up the throat - I look around - and this is Moldova or it seems to be. Flood is fucking. I barely float. Saving on the road a couple of hutsulov or other ethnoslavls. They have it, they turn them and suddenly one says: "This would have done it correctly, Comrade Dragunov ... I correctly, I look - and in front of me -sam Vissarionch with Aypad, and in it a necrologist on his loageller. Also Georgian ....

At the end, I saw an excitement in Scandinavia and a terrible pizdetz in Argentina ...

1) Syria - Blood

2) Moldova - Flood

3) Georgian, Stalin's Luner - Obritis

4) Scandinavia - Unrest

5) Argentina - Pizdets

The region is hot and against the background of the Arab revolutions of the event forecast or easily guessing.

2) did not come true

3) Georgian is not identified

4) notable unrest in the Scandinavian countries did not happen

4) nothing terrible in Argentina did not happen

Jan. 30, 2011.

The day after tomorrow will begin unrest in Libya.

It is Libya and Iran - the goals of all the boots

1) Unrest in Libya began only in almost 3 weeks after the date indicated in the prediction of the date (18-20FEVRAL) and were quite predicted by many analysts against the background of the revolution in neighboring countries

My explanationthe existence and activities of such predictors:
1. In the world, hundreds of various events happen every day. I say that it will be an accident and this second somewhere happens an accident. I say that there will be a large fire and in the world every month happens on a hundred or even a thousand large fires. I will predict a few plane crash, but in the world so every month several airframes and disasters happen. These inevitably happening numerous events are then very easy to attract such as dragoons to "prediction".
2. Modern media, especially with the development of social networks and total distribution of funds Photo and video documentation made the flow of information about events in the world so powerful as never before. Now about beginning revolutions can be recognized from Twitter, in real time. You can learn a numerous analyst and predict that a mess will begin in some country, despite the people of this country about the approach of these events, so already know and are actively discussing it. The political browser may also predict the events, there is no miracle, just work with information.

Every day, every second, the world occurs accidents, disasters, floods, drops of aircraft, fires. On Earth at the same time there are 6,000,000,000 fates woven into millions of equipment units, eternally unstable nature, a colossal modern industry. Every second there are failures, errors, tragic coincidences. The troubles happened and will happen. And the total victims of accidents, suicides, accidents, small disasters, wars, crime in thousands or tens of thousands of times more than any flood or fire, colorfully lit on TV. I do not understand why dying every second not his death 1000 people on earth deserve less pity, than 50 people burned in a fire and shown in all news? If the predictors really felt the troubles of the human race, they would just go crazy Because these troubles at any time happen much more than any colorfully lit media catastrophe.

Dragunov very prudently assigns for its predictions from 3 weeks to 3 months, thereby increasing the likelihood that something like it will happen.

Personally, I, depending on the picture in general, I see that there are no predictions, but getting your finger into the sky. Well, you draw conclusions yourself.
afterword extrasens:
the test method is simple and decent, with the conclusions of the voluntary expert agree. He himself already unreported about it fraud.
In a scientific approach to predictions and forecasts (regardless of this weather, psychics or political scientists and other analysts) it is considered sufficient to approve the positive quality of predictions if it is confirmed in 70 and more%. W. Vangi. Three Research confirmed 70% barrier.tunguskagrooves.com/Forum/index.php.

The guys are not particularly hiding their techniques! Enerfucked proof!
litvinov-Studio.LiveJournal.com/321359.h TML.
artemdragunov.livejournal.com/733218.htm L.

Citizens! Please overpower recordingWhat I did.

Artyom Dragunov - Virtual character, blogger of the live magazine, who has known as a predictor of a number of events in Russia and abroad. Invented it George Litvinovwhich blogs on behalf of Artem since 2009. From time to time, it publishes sufficiently detailed prophecies based allegedly on the tricks of the character.

He received wide fame for the first time after the previous prediction of events in Japan in March 2011, when many bloggers gave references to his post with predictions. Then he ranked first in the rating of the live magazine by the number of views. Also among the coming predictions of Artem Dragunov - a fire in the club "Chrome Horse", an earthquake in Turkey, an excitement in the Arab world, the savings of the Bulgaria, the resignation of Matvienko and other high-profile events.

In September 2012, George Litvinov (Artyom Dragunov) entered the general list of candidates for the Coordination Council of the Russian opposition. At the end of last year, for example, it was quite noisily on the network discussed his "Review of 2016 in the light of the Kremlin solutions". And just the other day, after the completion of the elections to the State Duma, a large number of views, reprints and reposts caused his new prophetic post about the "New Putin Plan".

We publish a "prediction" of Artem Dragunova as an alternative political analytics, forcing the look at the events taking place under a new angle.

New Putin Plan. About specific. Tactics for the change of the new Plan of the Kremlin.

Until now, the situation has developed even better than the Kremlin was conceived. Moreover, both in the internal and foreign policy. The most ridiculous thing is that many successes the Kremlin is obliged not to work, but the "partners" errors are sometimes ridiculous. It accelerated the processes. Although, the Kremlin looks more than it is.

Eroroid received more than planned (therefore, there were damasters - fell at local levels ... Idiots among regional leaders were still ... Powerfully faced the top).

Duma received a constitutional majority. Unexpected even for themselves. Although predicted. Therefore, elections and flooded. Constitutional majority, and without the creation of coalitions, which will save the Kremlin Bablo and positions.

It is this very annoying Zhirinovsky and Zyuganov who lost the key to personal. And since in this form they are no longer interested in the Kremlin, these parties are waiting for cool changes. And soon. The Kremlin is beneficial criticism, but not so. Moreover, Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky insider carriers.

Friki time ended. They will be replaced. Their electorate will be fragmented. On the basis of the available parties, a five-party system will be created, with a conditional center, strong, relatively strong left and right flank and weakness, but bright ultrasound and right flanks, to remove steam and register all those who can represent the danger to the system. As I said - the time of personalities passes, a system is going on to shift.

The road to changes in the Constitution, to the big change. The population is ready for this, as in real life never lived as well as today. Spent tomorrow what a referendum under which Putin's signature is worth - and it will pass. Any!!! Although the monarchy. It is a fact. I'm about the real population, and not about a hipster layer or never who appreciated the middle class.

Most of the population, including millions of migrant workers, are tied by mortgages, agreements, ideas that are tied only on one thing - to stability. The working machine of propaganda completes the case, cementing a certain ideology. People grumble, they sweat out the habit, but will support the power almost in everything.

We must admit that the opposition did everything in itSo that this situation is formed in the country. I am not a supporter of such a situation, and always for the balance, but our liberals and the intelligentsia were exactly what Lenin called them. Power used it.

Couples are released on the network. This is enough to remove excess energy from the intelligentsia or urban population. Excess energy for radicals are removed in regional conflicts, maintaining a light in which works for stability within the country. This is a paradox, but understandable.

When around the perimeter of the country fires, and in it calmThese fires work as an anti-fire system.

Putin managed to surround himself by trusted and most importantly - proven people. Competition and opposition are pushed out and squeezed out of the key. Therefore, the main thing is done. Formed a control core. A completely loyal top control. His kernel, well-known strategic plans. Summarizing, this plan can be formulated like this:

Return of the USSRBut without a bright ideological laying, on the basis of private property, the end of the story, including the Russian Empire with Corporate Governance, at the head of which is the organization that can be called the KGB (not to be confused with the FSB). I simplify before the "office".

In essence, the Kremlin is building New Russian Empire, Libelena, with private property, partial democracy, traditional values, which should take a place in the world, as an alternative to Western development. Therefore, in one boiler, incompatible. And boil to welding. Hence the monks of the Communists and anarchist oligarchists, etc.

The second, the stlash essence is building Russian China. The successes of the Chinese inspire many. At the moment, nothing prevents promoting this idea. And its ideological promotion has already begun, and several years ago.

But. There are problems with geopolitics, oil pump, and most importantly in personnel. It slows down everything.

In the country, personnel hunger. Real. Failure of education in the 90s gives its fruits. In addition, cutting frames and leakage of brains also worked as a development brake. But the management went to accelerate the processes, and geopolitics spoke acceleration activator.

The world is at a rapid pace to the model of continental empires. Therefore, everyone is rushing. In addition to Europe. She is still sleeping, for which the subtletiles and kicks are getting.

New Putin Plan

It remains the tactical to which and proceed. Volodin is prescribed by the speaker of the Duma. Appointment expected. The Duma should work without failure. In the very near future, Edro formulates a new Putin plan (NPP), which will open the way to constitutional changes and is even possible referendum. And not one.

Putin significantly strengthened MO, FSB, and almost ended with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (permutations and rotations will go there until the end of the year, which will end with a new reform, new bosses and new minister). Therefore, this side of the case is also covered.

The rotation of the governor and regional management systems remains. The reason for retirement is already there - the falsification of elections, corruption. A double blow to corrupt business - the FSB browsing the business, freeing the places and feeders under the necessary people, and cleans the local elites, freeing the place under the necessary people.

The population welcomes such measures by promoting the appointment of immigrants from the FSB and the KGB to similar key positions. The office takes control of all the control.

According to the tactical plan, the leading body is formed in the country, on the basis of the Presidential Administration and Security Council. There will be three positions in it:

Head of State Council - analogue of the president, without restrictions on age, etc. Not yet decided whether the post is selected or appointed. The chief candidate for the position is Putin himself, or his closest associate, in case Putin play a new batch (everything depends on health. According to my information, Putin survived the aircraft crash, in detail - catapulting, but the consequences are available. But I can make a mistake. I can admit And the fall from the deltaplan and even intracerevian disassembly).

Deputy Challenge State Council - Analogue of vice president. Chief Candidate - Medvedev.

Secretary of State Councildirectly working with him and in it. - This is one of the approximated. Dumin, Ivanov, etc.

Structure of the State Council

Head of State Council

Deputy Challenge State Council

Secretariat of the State Council - Heads Secretary of the State Council

The Security Council of the State Council is headed by Security Secretary.

The Expert Council of the State Council is essentially, the Institute of President Advisors, several commissions.

Accounts Cup


FSO (in this incarnation, although the part will be transferred to the MGB)

Chapters of parliamentary chambers.

I admit partial integration of state and state property. In essence, federal farm planning services and the Federal Property Management Service.

The government, despite the trends, most likely will give liberals to produce couples and in case of failure, was someone to have a penalty. Therefore, the main creature is Kudrin, or a woman. From Gosbank, etc. Kudrin as a deputy prime minister - almost guaranteed.

There will be many women in the government. Part of the already disguised names will go to Glav. There will work on strategic plans, budget, etc. This will be the place of reference for the punishable elites. The government will remove the budget, and will leave only the regulation of management.

Government will be managed by state property, a division that will be enlarged to the size of the superconception manager.

By the way, The Duma can be three-fold. The Chamber of Federation, the Chamber of Representatives and the Chamber of Experts. After a while, the construction program will be adopted new political capital and the program section of the powers of the capitals. The Duma will move to Siberia or for the Urals. The Government and the State Council itself will become mobile, having bases in several regions, in fact, creating several capitals at once.

The new capital is not chosen by political reasons, but by the military. Moscow will remain the nominal capital and residence of the State Council, but some of its powers will take on a new capital (approximately the city Tunguska), and a number of cities of the Urals and Siberia.

Rosgvardia will be subordinate directly to the State Council, and its commander will become a member of the State Council, along with security forces and key personnel.

New Putin's plan implies nationalization, smoking or official all strategic sector, banking and resource. Already started and the reform of the banking sphere, which is globalized. According to the plan, the country will remain no more dozen large banks.

All enterprises of the military-industrial complex, resource strategic, etc. We will pass under the control of state property. The pressure on the oligarch increases. There is a double game. The KGB introduces its people to management and business, especially at the junction of technologies, aestish and media, after which an anti-corruption operation is carried out.

A good example is the Komi and the structures of Weeklyberg. This liberates places both in business and in management. Falling shares or quotes are used to purchase controls.

A typical surgery looks like this: several people are being introduced into the concern and to regional governments. Agents help the concern to reach corruption networks in order to promote their activities that can actively brake them.

After violations of the law - raids, arrests, decreased quotes, the change of management. The region receives a new power, the concern - the new owner. Everything in the media plan is pure. The West is silent, as he created the label "This corrupt Russia". As a result, several hare immediately. According to this scheme, heaps will hold an important.

About frames

In the near future, the Kremlin will give out a bunch of gingerbread in the form of a law on the repatriation of Russians, Soviet, etc. With the allocation of land, mortgage, budgets, etc. A huge brain suction program back. This will contribute to this and an indefinite situation in the departments of countrymen.

For example, several millions of Russian-speaking in Germany live in Germany, many of whom are willing under certain conditions to arrive in Russia and do business that they could not always do in a new homeland. This is generally very qualified personnel in its field. For example, in agrarian. The same in technology, aestish and engineering.

The program of such gingerbread has already been developed. Even Innopolis will be built under them or to form autonomous regions. The Kremlin picked up the technique Polygon reform and clone of the reform team (Dedicated to know what I mean).

After the new year, several teams of reforms and changes will be formed, which will receive special powers and the purpose of which is the accelerated development of specific regions, as a demo and showcase for the rest. Therefore, in the near future will begin on Sakhalin, in the Kaliningrad region, in the Crimea. That is why accelerated and intensive negotiations with Germans, Japanese and Turks are underway.

About neighbors

In addition to Central Asia (here, the priority of Kazakhstan) and Belarus, Georgia and Azerbaijan, have a crucial role in the plans of the Kremlin. These countries are primarily a military buffer, a political damper. It would not have happened to problems if patriots, romance and other self-reading would not intervene in the events, breaking some plans. We observe such self-dealers.

It is the amateurness that shed blood, and, both with the same and on the other hand, which caused the rejection and outbreak of hatred. It must be recognized that the authorities of these countries themselves do everything possible to discredit themselves in the eyes of our own population and in every way contribute to different ways. Playing the role and pro-Russian community, etc. Errors committed both the Kremlin and serious. Understanding came.

In addition, Europe and states and states are turned away from these countries, it is forced to force these countries to enter into negotiations and unions.

After all that happened, it is very difficult to build confidence or show your interest, so the further plans of the Kremlin are aimed at promoting their people and agents of influence, for changing the elite of management and removal of amateurness from specific plans. Although military plans are still in force, especially in special cases, everything depends on geopolitics.

In the near future, an order will be given to join the propaganda car operating on these countries and a change of ideological propaganda. Concept looks simple. Bratsk and all the oligarchic clans and only oligarchic clans are nobble. For which everyone hangs.

The most interesting thing is that the oligarchy do everything possible to aggravate their destiny. Now the whole negative is started under them, materials are preparing, compromising, people are lit., agents are being introduced, documents are bought. Everything is expelled in bulk by hanging responsibility for everything for everything.

A new concept will earn from the new year, but before that there will be a media stripping. The amateurness and "upopatriots" breaking long-range plans will be cleaned with all available means and paths, including the "double shot" technique. For this, the media has already abandoned frames and sleeping agents of influence.

The media begins the promotion of new persons, a new generation. Fryrics and bright propagandions are no longer a trend, moreover, they are already burda and brake. Therefore, it is clear here. Much hang on them. To lead part of the negative in this area.

About geopolitics

Everything is simple here. Europe and the rest are busy with their problems. And the more problems they have, the less time to insert sticks in the wheels of the new Russian Empire. Russia is forced to build its Empire, Because it has already done China, makes South America, made the north, makes calipheat and begins to do europe.

The main points of the new Plan of Putin will be announced by the New Year. Most likely, it will make an edro, adopting an appropriate program that has already been developed in the Waino team. Under its PR, some bright events will be held, including the displacement of odious figures. From the governors to oligarchs, from the media guru to the change of the format of the show biz. Measures and economic will be prepared, which will push doubters.

The Kremlin began the creation of his own opposition, diligently driven into the batch under construction of all the less adequate oppositionists, and testing the space from Frikov, which sometimes produces in the pasture as shepherd or wolfhounds. The new batch will be formed by 2017.

I admit that possible rumors about early election of the president - Not rumors. Early elections can take place. But most likely, the program should be accepted for them, which the new Putin plan will be made. Therefore, I admit the opportunity Referendum According to the new plan of Putin, already in 2017 or 2018.