Installation of septica in winter: phased instruction and analysis of possible errors. Frozen septicchka: what to do and how to avoid it to do so that the septic is not frozen

Properly equipped sewage pipes should not be frozen, since the constant motion of stocks provides a pipeline with the necessary warmth. But with a frequent connection of several adverse factors, a situation may occur when the septicch is moving. And from the knowledge what to do to defrost the pipe in the house or at the exit of it will depend on the efficiency of events and the restoration of the normal operation of the system will depend.

The formation of ice traffic jams in the pipeline is an unpleasant thing already that it is impossible to use water. But most cases of sewage freezing can be avoided if you control the installation of the system and correctly use the design. So, the reasons that are caught freezing the septica:

  1. Small slope pipe or the use of a smaller pipeline than the diameter is performed. Errors lead to strokes and water in certain areas freezes.
  2. Dried drainage. The small area of \u200b\u200bfiltration fields, the low depth of the pipe bookmarks lead to overflow, and therefore, the incoming flows will be lingering in the pipeline. We have to pump off the water from the septica and repeat the procedure before the heat attacks to convert the filtration fields.
  3. Education blockage Also leads to troubles and have to break your head, in what kind of place you need to defrost the pipe.
  4. Leaks. Dripping crane, leakage of water in the drain tank - all these factors lead to a constant small flow of water into the pipeline. And even the insignificant amount of fluid in the winter will carry a layer behind the layer, creating an ice cork.

Important! It is believed that in winter in particularly severe frosts you can put water with a thin jet to prevent the septicity freezing. In fact, it is impossible to do this. From freezing it will not save, because the pipeline freezes from the walls, but the cause of the formation of an ice cork can serve.

Sparkling pipe

Having determined the cause of the freezing of the septicity, it is necessary to eliminate the accident. Of course, to begin with, it is better to estimate the size of the "disaster" (the place of education of the traffic jam and its size), and then think about how to warm the sewer.

Strait of water system

This is the easiest and most affordable version of the pipe. It is necessary to make boiling water and salt for its execution, you can mix them in a large tank and pour into the sewage system. The option has a lot of advantages:

  • Simplicity;
  • Efficiency, but only in the case when the plug is located near the withdrawal of the sewage pipe in the house.

If, when examining the system, it turned out that the ice cork was formed at a sufficiently large distance, it would be impossible to heat the system in this way: while the water approaches the place of freezing, it will cool.


The method helps regardless of where the septic tank is frozen. But it will be necessary for starting to spread the pipe that in winter the task is quite complicated. In addition, it is not recommended to use the lamp if the pipeline in a private house is made of plastic - the system is simply melted.

Heated by para

If it is impossible to use the burner, it is useless to pour water, then how to restore the system and defrost it without consequences? Take advantage of the steam generator. This unit is purchased into personal continuous use, and you can also use the services of specialists. What do we have to do:

  1. Run steam generator;
  2. Insert into the pipeline that frozen, the hose until the end of the hose is stored in the layer of ice;
  3. From time to time, move the hose even deeper to eliminate the ice tube completely.

Plus option - safety for the pipe, minus - buying expensive equipment. In addition, you can not always cover the hose so deeply so that it is permanently in a plug, sometimes you have to pump off the water.

Another variety of this method can be called a hydrodynamic flushing. A very practical way that eliminates not only ice traffic jams, but also possible scores of the system. The defrost is running by feeding under good pressure heated water. The jet literally flips everything that prevented the system to work fine.

These were the options for internal intervention, but you can make an outer defrost, which in the winter will be more practical. For example, if the water pipe is metallic, then a pair of terminals fixed along the edges of the emergency area with the supply of voltage to them will save the pipeline. In addition, there are the following ways, as you can defrost septic in the winter:

  • Heat powder aimed at the sewage pipeline;
  • Self-heating cables imposed on the system.

All operations will be easy to produce with your own hands if Septica is moving. And this can be done if the plug is located at any removal.

Prevention of the movement of the sewage pipeline

In order to do not make a defrost in winter, only one thing should be taken: to lay the heating cable, which will protect the pipeline from the frozen or wrap the structure with insulation. This step is needed in the soils of those areas in which frost is sufficiently harsh. Otherwise, the trenches of multi-meter depth will need to dig up, to prevent the movement process or stock all possible means for defrosting water.

Tip! The principle of operation of the heating cable is quite simple: the cable is heated under the action of the current and creates the resistance level, sufficient so that water in the sewage pipes does not move.

Cables exist in two variations:

  • resistor - having constant resistance along the entire length (they can warm all sections of the sewage pipe in winter);
  • self-regulating - This cable can change its conductive properties depending on local conditions. It turns out that the system itself will heat the pipes, if they are cold and cease to warm the pipe, if it is warm enough. In any case, in winter, water in the sewage will not freeze, even with strong minuses.

Tip! A self-regulating cable is more expensive than usual, but the use of such an element in the winter will allow saving the sewage in working condition, as well as reduce the consumption of electricity. Moreover, if you visit the dacha or country house by departures, it will not be necessary to manually adjust the heating system in winter. We arrived - rested in comfortable conditions of working sewage and "forgotten" about the system until the next arrival.

  1. clear and dry the surface of the pipeline, otherwise the cable will not be useful in winter;
  2. carefully select the length of the cable, depending on the element, apply the element to the pipe with a certain step size or fasten the pair of lived on both sides of the pipeline. From above, you can fix the cable with a sticky ribbon, with a mandatory layer of foil so that in winter water warmed as much as possible and septic tank is not frozen;
  3. hold up the insulation to the pipeline and it will be necessary to fall asleep the trench, and the subference can go closest to the pipe to the pipe so that the pipe does not "play" with the primers of the soil.

If necessary, the cable can be cut into pieces of the desired length, and after mounting the cable is connected to a shield or a socket. Preventive measures do not exclude the preliminary or frequent check of the system for the presence of blockages (it will be better before the onset of frosts to clean the pipeline), as well as conservation of the entire design.

So, the freezing of the sewage pipeline in the winter can be prevented if prevention measures take. But even if the trouble happens, you can always understand why an ice cork appeared and choose a way to eliminate deficiencies, pick up which one will be better in a particular situation.

July 6, 2016
Specialization: Professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewage to electrician and finishing), installation of window structures. Hobbies: Watch Column "Specialization and Skills"

The question of what to do is if the sewage has frozen in a private house, usually arises suddenly. As a rule, the problem is detected or in the morning after the frosty night, or on arrival home after a sufficiently long sound. In any case, a little pleasant here, but the problem is quite solved.

Why the sewage is freezed, how to restore its performance and how to prevent such development of events - I will tell you about all this in the article, relying on your own experience.

Causes and consequences

When cold weather occurs when the night temperature drops below zero, the risk of freezing sewer pipes. As a result, ice plugs are formed in the cavities that block the movement of wastewater.

Normally, properly laid and normally functioning sewage should not be freezing. However, there are factors that can provoke the output of the entire system. The most important of them I will give the table:

Cause Why leads to freezing?
Shallow gasket As a rule, the outer part of the sewage network is paved in the soil thickness. In addition to purely aesthetic causes, this is caused by the desire of each of us to protect the pipe from the cold, since the temperature will always be lower on the ground as at the depth.

However, with severe frosts, the freezing may affect the depth layers of the soil along with pipes laid there. To avoid this, I strongly recommend to study climate information about your area and determine what depth is being freezing.

No insulation All pipelines that are placed in the open-air in the ground, in unheated or periodically heated rooms must be equipped with thermal insulation. If this is not done, then even a small area in the base part of the building can become a source of problems with the formation of ice traffic jams.

Of course, the thermal insulation of pipelines increases the cost of the construction, but still the price of the insulation is significantly lower than the cost of repair or capital reconstruction of the entire system after a gust, especially unpleasant in winter. As my personal experience shows, attempts to save on thermal insulation lead only to increasing costs.

Bashes inside the pipe So that the pipe is freezing and the critical mass of ice is formed in it, it is necessary that there are some contents inside. Normally, sewer pipes are empty most of the time, but if you neglect them with regular cleaning, then a blockage can be formed on the rotation or junction of the knees, on which ice will gradually accumulate. The result is predictable - sooner or later it will be covered with the whole lumen.

By the way, a decrease in the flow rate is a universal diagnostic sign. If you notice in time - you can eliminate the problem until it moved into a critical stage.

Disadvantage The operational removal of wastewater from the lumen of the pipe contributes to its gasket with a slope towards the collector, septic or cesspool. The optimal angle of the slope is 3-4 degrees, and if it is less, the risk of draining the fluid and, as a result, its freezing is significantly increasing.

In addition to the above reasons, the effectiveness of water disposal in septicism or another tank plays its role.
If the accumulative container is overflowing, then the water from the pipes simply nowhere will be to go.
That is why in your home before the start of the cold I must inspect the septic tank, and if it is filled with more than half - I perform pumping.

As a rule, these factors rarely lead to the formation of ice congestion, but if two or three of them are relevant simultaneously, it is not possible to avoid problems. The results of such a coincidence are usually very sad:

  • since the runoff is blocked in whole or almost completely, it will be impossible to use the sewage until it eliminates the causes of the lock. Alternative - Street toilet - in winter does not seem attractive;
  • when freezing, the fluid is expanding, which can lead to bloating and impulse of the pipe. It is especially unpleasant if the accident occurs either in the basement (sad personal experience - until I discovered the problem, flick pretty), or underground (dig a freezed soil for repair work - the pleasure of dubious).

Summarizing, I would like to say one thing: it is better to not bring the sewage pipe to freezing, timely detecting and eliminating possible causes. However, we can all allow mistakes, and therefore it is very important to know how they can be corrected, and how to break through the frozen sewage system with minimal time, forces and means.

We solve the problem

Recipe first - Wash hot water

Having found that the sewerization of frozen and pipes more "does not flow", many do purely instinctively - include a hot water faucet with hot water and try to fill the entire pipeline with liquid.

This measure can be effective only if the freezing is quite easy, but then it is enough to wait a few minutes, and the situation will be resolved by itself.

If the problem is serious enough, then it is complicated by the fact that by the time of hot water from the crane in the pipes, cold water is already located. Therefore, I decided to act more ingeniously in my time:

  1. Before defrosting the sewer - if they frozen, you need to accurately localize the location of the ice cork. As I noted above, the problem areas are turns, junctions of pipes, as well as horizontal areas without proper insulation.
  2. When we more or less accurately install where the water has frozen, get to the nearest audit and open it, getting access to the lumen of the pipe.

I hope, when laying outdoor sewage instructions, the instruction was observed with sufficiently strictly, and the revision wells were equipped at each turn and at least every 10 meters on flat sites?
If not, I have bad news for you - you are pretty ...

  1. We take the cable that is used to clean the sewage, and a long thin hose. The hose is typing to the cable of scotch in such a way that the end of the cable with a spiral nozzle to destroy the blockages was 3 - 5 cm. Additionally, you can fix the hose along the entire length of the interception every 50 to 70 cm.
  2. We bring the cable with a hose into the lumen of the pipe and gradually pushing it until we do not even even in the ice plug. We try to destroy it with several movements - we will most likely fail, but it is worth trying.
  3. In the free end of the hose insert the funnel, which is then additionally fixed so as not to keep it with your hands.

  1. Now we prepare the saving solution: we boil three or five liters of water, add five to six tablespoons of salt to water (more), mix and immediately after dissolving the crystals in the funnel.

If the revision is very close to the frozen area, then some of the boiling water may pour out of it (in my case it turned out that way).
We take precautions!

  1. Waving two or three minutes, pushing the cable forward, destroying the ice cork. If it was not possible - we repeat the operations with the pouring of boiling water.
  2. When the problem is eliminated, we close the audit and rinse the pipe with a large number of hot water to remove remnants of measurement waste.

Recipe Second - Heat Processing

If the power of the plug exceeds 20-30 centimeters (as before this can be touched by the sewer - it is unclear, but with such a situation I had to face at least twice), it does not help boiling water. We will have to use sweater means:

  1. Old Ten (just old, since the probability of its failure in the process of work is very high, so we take something that is not sorry) we attach to two isolated wires. The place of contact is carefully wrapped with a tape so that the liquid does not get inside.

  1. Wire with Tan is primarily to the cable for pipes. If a hard cable is used, then you can do without a cable - all the same, we will not use it to destroy traffic jam in this situation.
  2. Through the revision or removed knee, we skip the entire design into the lumen of the sewage and promote to the formation of an ice cork.
  3. Include a TEN, following the fact that we ourselves did not contact with the wet walls of the pipe - even though we took care of the isolation, but it costs to care.

If a metal pipe has frozen, then I would not risk using electrical appliances.

  1. Gradually promoting the TEN deep into the pipe, trying to protrude at least a small pass-through hole.
  2. As soon as the motion of the effluent will recover, remove a tan with a cable and simply perform a washing with hot water.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that in such a difficult situation to cope with my own hands I did not always have. If the undertaking with Tan was not crowned with success, it is worth contacting the local vodokanal: usually in this organization there are powerful steam generators with hard hose that allow you to pull ice inside the pipes. Naturally, for the departure of the repair brigade will have to pay.

Recipe third - outdoor heating

If we have access to the frozen section of the sewerage, or we can provide it (from my point of view, sometimes to proceed a half-meter ground soil is a completely acceptable fee for the ability to solve the problem without loss), then the situation is noticeably simplified. What to do - if the sewer pipe has frozen - we will tell below:

  1. Metal pipes (steel and iron) are quickly given in order using a soldering lamp. We simply turn on the device and processed the walls of the pipe wall opposite the ice tube: it usually grabs two or three minutes to completely eliminate the plot, but if you do not have experience, it is better to carry a little longer, but do not damage the pipe itself.

  1. The plastic pipe is not worth exposed to open fire. The site under which the ice is, wind up with rags and water boiling water, creating a "effect of a bath." The procedure takes more time with me than when working as a soldering lamp, but not much.

  1. Quite often ice accumulates in tees, warming up quite problematic. To enhance the effect, I tried to put a boiling water container under the tee: the rising steam heated the walls of the pipe in their cold part, and the plug was hot water.

Boiling water, naturally, you need to periodically add.

  1. If you have a household steam generator, for example, included in the automotive washing kit - excellent! We use it the same as the soldering lamp: the jet of the steam pointing on the sewer tube, the effect is not too inferior to the flame, but it can be used for metal, and for plastic, and for ceramics.

  1. Finally, there is a completely extreme method - electrical inspection. On the surface of the metal pipe, we install the terminals and supply voltage on them. The pipe heats up, ice melts, the flow of stocks is restored. Home Difficulty: Perform all operations should be professional electrician!


Heat insulation

If we only plan to lay the sewage laying, or solved the problem with the freezing, and we do not want to repeat it, you should figure out how to avoid such a situation. The easiest way to originally pave the pipes correctly, and it is possible to do this by completing the work as it was at one time I did on my site:

  1. The outer part of the system is placed in the trenches, the bottom of which is below the level of primerization of the soil. For most regions, this depth leaves from 0.8 to 1.5 m, but sometimes it is necessary to burst to 2 - 2.5 m.
  2. On the bottom of the trench, we smell a sand pillow with a thickness of about 15 cm.
  3. We lay the sewer pipe in thermal insulation. I used the casing from the Minvati, but you can also take the "shell" of polystyrene foam or simply fall aside with sawdust with a layer of 25 - 30 cm.

  1. We fall asleep the sewer clay, and then - removed when the trenches of the land.
  2. Plots passing on the surface also carefully heat insulatingusing a thickness of at least 50 mm thick. The same applies to sewer pipes that pass in unheated premises.

Cable heating

However, even the fastest layer of thermal insulation can not always cope with a sudden sharp decrease in temperature. In addition, in some regions of Russia, the sewage is laid below the level of primer of the soil is very difficult - you will have to dig a trench well for two meters. In this situation, active heating rescues with the help of special.

The prevention of freezing is carried out in this way:

  1. A self-regulating conductor (my choice, since the warranty does not overheat and not overheam) or the wire connected to the thermostat (cheaper option), wind around the pipe or deposit along its surface.

The design of some cables allows and internal installation.
By the way, they can be used not only in sewage systems, but also plumbing pipes.

  1. Fix the heating element with the help of metallized tape, which promotes the concentration of generated heat.

  1. From above, I mounted the thermal insulation shell - in any case it will not be superfluous.
  2. At the occurrence of cold, I connect the cable to the power grid. When current passes, conducting veins are heated, giving heat to the walls of the pipe and preventing the freezing of its contents.
  3. In addition to preventive operation, cables of this type (naturally, in advance along the pipe) can also be used to eliminate already formed ice traffic jams. It is enough to simply turn on the heating element into the system, and after half an hour, the problem will be solved.


So, I hope that I managed to explain what to do - if the sewage was peered, and how to do it not to freeze. Solve the problem in a difficult situation will help you video in this article, and if any questions arise - you can always ask them in the comments and get my detailed answer.

The operation of the sewage is invisible until everything goes as it should be. Design and installation of the sewer system is accompanied by a consideration of many factors, including operation in conditions of reduced temperatures. However, the situation is not excluded when the sewage is freezing in the ground (moving a certain portion of the pipe). Under normal conditions, this should not happen, but laying errors can manifest itself in winter.

By the way, trying to understand at what temperature the sewage is freezing, it is necessary to take into account not only the placement of pipes, but also the material from which they are made (thermal conductivity of plastic and cast iron is very different), the diameter of the pipe, the angle of the slope, i.e. Action of many factors in the complex.

Why does sewage freezes?

The reasons for the freezing of sewage pipes:

  • invalid design of the angle of the sewer pipeline. Water does not have the ability to move by gravity, is stirred in pipes, which leads to moving in winter;
  • insufficient depth of occurrence. The septicch according to the SNiP is set at a depth of at least 2 meters from the soil level, the pipe system is located below the friction point characteristic of the region. But it is possible to dig a trench for laying the pipes deeply (or not possible) or frosts exceed the average and soil fluctuates deeper;
  • no insulation. Sewer pipes, laid above the ground freezing points, need insulation. The placement of pipes from the room is also necessary to isolate. However, in practice, such a requirement is either ignored, or an inappropriate thermal insulation material is used or its installation is incorrect;
  • small pipe diameter. If we consider the reviews of consumers, then most often the problem of changing the sewage is facing those who laid pipes with a diameter of less recommended 110 mm. Especially often they sin the owners of the villas and houses seasonally exploited. Due to insufficient diameter, the sewer pipe freezes faster;
  • siblors. It happens due to the mining of large objects or inadequate water flow into the system, in which a flask is formed in the pipes.

Causes of freezing Septica:

  • disrupted wastewater from septic. In this case, the septicch is overflowed, the heavy fractions are settled, and the water freezes;
  • septic tank removed from the source of wastewater. Then water, moving to the waste hole, is cooled, which leads to its freezing in the place of the junction of the pipe to the septic.

Many users independently performing work, do not think at all, whether the sewage is freezing. Indeed, the principle of operation of the Septic is that it is a container for storing wastewater with actively flowing decomposition processes. Since the decomposition of solid residues is highlighted heat, then moving is almost excluded. In addition, septic tank according to standards, is installed at a considerable depth.

However, no one is immune from force majeure and the country house owner is better to know in advance what if the sewage is frozen.

What and how to defrost sewage in a private house

There are different ways and means how to warm the frozen sewer (than melt the ice in the pipe). All methods can be combined into two large groups:

  • thermal method. Provides for the organization of heat supply to the place of freezing. Work is carried out slowly, but the risk is excluded damage to the pipeline system. This method is most appropriate at home, when there are no specials at hand, and the challenge of specialists is impossible or too expensive;
  • chemical method. Currently, the defrost to the chemical method is rarely practiced. First, because not all chemistry can cope with icing. Secondly, because it is a cost method. And, thirdly, because many users prefer local sewage, i.e. Systems that are capable of performing partial wastewater treatment.

One of the components of local systems is the presence of biological purification, and chemistry can negatively affect the vital activity of bacteria. Nevertheless, the simplest variety of it - the steep salt solution is applied according to the reviews, so far.

A more technological option, the use of a drug type MELLUD. The components of the cleaning agent for pipes Mellerud react with water to form heat.

Note. It should be carefully used a chemical method for defrosting plastic sewage pipes. Because Strong overheating can cause their deformation.

Sewage defrost - the procedure for performing work

If there is a problem and sewage in the private house frozen, you must first determine the place of the ice cork. The masters note the importance of compliance with the order of work, and begin better from the outlet of the water from Septic. Such an order of work is due to the fact that the system of sewage pipes is designed with a prerequisite for ensuring the unimpeded water flow. So, all pipes, incl. The flow tube is located under the slope of the exit.

Ice traffic jams need to be cleaned so that the water has the opportunity to drain naturally. Otherwise (when performing work outside), you need to be prepared for the fact that the drains will go in the opposite direction, which will cause the need to pump them. This convincingly proves that it is necessary to start work in the direction of the septica to the inner pipes.

But there are exceptions to this rule. Ultimately, the order of work will determine such factors as:

  • the place of formation of ice traffic jam. If the water frozen in the inside of the sewerage (unheated house), then it will be much easier to defrost;
  • cork dimensions. Perhaps the dimensions of the ice tube will be only a few centimeters, then the volume of water that needs to be populated can be neglected;
  • geometry of the sewer system. The more direct sites in the system, the easier it is to fix the ice tube;
  • method of laying. Usually sewage is placed under the ground. And if the ice was formed in pipes located at a sufficient depth under the layer of frozen land, the number of options for use is sharply reduced. It does not break from the septica - you have to maintain work from the room at home.

The easiest way to establish the winter operation of the sewer system will appeal to specialists who provide services for the defrosting of sewage. The masters not only know how to defrost frozen sewer, but also have special equipment, and also give a warranty. However, for various reasons, many prefer to solve the problem on their own. And as evidenced by the reviews forum, successfully and quickly.

What if the sewage was frozen in a private house

Wheelning methods will differ depending on the site of the ice cork. Consider every problem and solution options.

Frozen sampling of sewage

Sewer drain or septical drainage rarely moves, because It is located deep in the ground. However, if the water is not done, it will lead to overflow of the septica and its freezing.

What if it is frozen channeling?

To defrost drain, experts are advised to pour septic with hot water or brine. Then you should pump up the drains from the septic, and repeat the fill of water. Over time, warm water will eliminate the ice tube, and the system will function in normal mode.

The sewer discovery is also called a pipe that takes wastewater from the source of their formation: in the sink, toilet, bathroom. It can penetrate if the room is not heated, and the water from the drain was not descended. Or, the flow of water is too weak. As a rule, plums inside the room freezes in the place of adjustment to the source of the drain and is easily eliminated by using a hair dryer. In the same way, the problem is solved if the sewage is frozen in a private house.

Frozen septicity of sewage

This is possible if the drain is incorrectly organized.

What if frozen septicchik?

To resolve the problem, such measures can be taken:

  • heated with a light bulb. The light bulb is placed inside the septic. Thanks to the power of the lamp, the environment is heating, and score gradually pulls away. The method is very slow, moreover, you need to monitor the water level and lower the lamp below. From practice: 1 m. Ice melts per day, at a temperature on the street in -15 degrees;
  • filling hot water with subsequent feeding;
  • floating into septic nettical lime. Users note the effectiveness of the method in the cesspool, but it is unlikely that this method is suitable for the septic.

Frozen sewage pipes

The most difficult of possible situations, since there are two obstacles: firstly, the pipes are located underground, which makes it difficult to use external heating, secondly, it is difficult to accurately determine the specific place where the pipe peered.

How to detect the formation of ice plugs?

You can determine the place of movement using two pieces of wire. To do this, one of them needs to be started in the sewer system from the side of the house, and the second side of the septic. Knowing the length of the sewage and the amount of the distance to which the wire managed, it is possible not only to find (reveal) the place of formation of ice plug in the pipe, but also its size.

What if you frozen the sewage pipe?

Ways to remove ice traffic jams by heating.

Outdoor heated

Ensures the extraction of the soil to the level of pipe laying. After direct access appeared to the pipes, you can:

  • use open fire: burner, soldering lamp. You can wind up the pipe with a rapid or make firewood and set fire. The method is suitable only for metal, cast-iron sewage pipes;
  • wrap foil, then heating cable and connect to the network;
  • use heating tape;
  • use a construction hairdryer for plastic pipes.

Recommendation. Users advise to cover the warm-up seat insulation, so defrosting will pass faster. At the same time, passive heating itself in case of freezing of sewage pipes does not fit, because The thermal insulation material does not heat, but only protects heat.

External heating is not very popular, due to the complexity of extracting frozen soil over the system of the pipeline. The question of how to warm up the frozen sewer, access to which is impossible? The answer is obvious - only from the inside.

Internal heated

The technology implies an effect on the ice from the inside, i.e. directly inside the sewer pipe. Among the options you can offer:

  • heating the wall, if the sewage pipe has frozen indoors;
  • use hot water.

In order to clean the direct pipeline you need to start a hard hose in the sewer, combine it with a funnel into which water is pouring. As ice melts, the hose can be promoted further. Increase the efficiency of the procedure, you can use water with salt. The ratio is offered differently from 1:10 to 1: 1 (salt: water).

To defrost the sewer pipeline of a complex configuration, the same actions are performed, but a flexible hose is used. The hose is primed up to a flexible wire with a step of 500 mm. So that the edge of the wire spoke on the edge of the hose by 20-30 mm. The end of the wire is bent inside for stiffness. The free edge of the wire should be 10-15 mm, the task of bypass obstacles and lead the hose. As the water melts, the hose pushes further. Instead of a funnel, you can use a pear.

Choosing this method you need to consider that:

a) the water temperature must be more than 80 ° C;

b) water supply is carried out continuously;

c) excess water will be back out, so under the pipe you need to install a container for its collection.

The productivity of the method is 1 m. Per hour, with a pipe diameter of 110 mm.

  • using a welding machine connected from two sides to the pipe. Suitable for metal pipes;
  • use of any hot liquid, such as alcohol. From practice, volume 1 mp Pipes with a diameter of 110 mm is 8 liters. This method is expensive;
  • using a steam generator.

What to do so that the sewage does not freeze in winter?

To eliminate re-movement, it is necessary to periodically merge (especially during severe frosts) into the pipeline significant volumes of hot water.

Solving the problem of freezing water in sewage, should not be limited to bringing the system to full functional readiness. After all, the probability of repeated freezing is not excluded.

Among the prevention measures of sewage freezing, you can allocate:

  • right. This procedure must be performed on the pipeline laying phase;
  • laying pipes to the depth below the ground freezing point;
  • connecting a heating cable (resistive or self-regulating).

Construction work is carried out at any time of the year, despite the cold or heat. It is not always possible to choose a comfortable season for work, since the delivery time is pressed.

In general, the installation of septicism in the winter is carried out in the same sequence as at any other time of the year, but there are a number of features that should be taken into account when installing. Knowing the basic rules of installation and connection of the sewage treatment plant, it will be possible to avoid a number of errors and prevent the breakdown of expensive equipment, agree?

The article indicates the pros and cons of the implementation of installation work during the cold season, there are common mistakes of inexperienced masters. Also described phased installation instructions and recommendations on conservation septica for the winter are given.

Some mistakenly assume that it is impossible to install a septic in the winter, and spring is expected to start mounting. However, this is not the case. You can put a septic in your site at any time of the year, moreover, in some situations, it is possible to install only in winter. This happens when the groundwater level is high.

In the spring during the mass melting of snow, the CE rises to critical marks. There may be a situation when the just dumped boiler is filled with water at high speed. And then the installation can not be speech.

So it is better to pursue a little with the upper frozen layer of soil - it usually does not exceed 100 cm.

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