What to do so that the anthurium bloomed. What to do if there is no room anthurium for a long time? The reasons why Anthurium does not bloom at home

The question of how often the anthurium can be placed, to look for the answer, it is necessary to have his closest relative inhabiting in a natural environment. According to the people, this plant is called "male happiness."

Short description

The leaves of this representative of the flora bright green serzoids. Flowers appear in length to 40 cm. Flowers appear on these luxury parts of the greenery of the plant. They can be violet and pink, aluminum and white. The originality of the flowers is the presence of a floral machine and a bolt covered.

But the exotic representative of Flora Caprician and demanding. It is said that if we put on the ground this plant, it will find how to put roots, being on earth or tree, and still bloom. Subtropical and tropical climates contribute to the anthurium bloom. Therefore, his inflorescences are bright, the plant itself is huge and luxurious, but what to do at home to decorate the room and be proud of your own flowerframe skills.

The windowsill at home or office will not provide the necessary conditions corresponding to subtropics. So, efforts will have to make. Pet will definitely thank you with flowering.

Causes of absence color on anthurium

If there are no flowers, for a lot of foliage, it means that the departure of the flower water is not suitable for this plant.

And the reason may hide in the following facts.:

  • insufficient or excess lighting;
  • irregular volume of irrigation (both due to small and too saturated);
  • low humidity level;
  • the absence of the required mineral composition in the soil;
  • irregular making feeding;
  • any deviation of the temperature of the content, especially during the formation of buds;
  • planting capacity;
  • the presence of any drafts;
  • changes of growing and installation places (this flower loves constancy too much);
  • incorrectly selected container in size;
  • the composition of the substrate;
  • irregular transplant of an exotic plant;
  • the premises of tangible drafts;
  • pests;
  • diseases;
  • a large number of old switched buds, which remained on the stem (after all, the process of education in them, seeds also requires the use of a powerful stream of energy).

It blooms Anthurium only in those conditions that he needs. The plant is capricious and does not forget the flower errors. In a large pot, the plant simply does not bloom. The reason is that while root system Does not fill the planting capacity from the inside, the development of stems, leaves and bootonization is suspended.

If there are faded flowers, you need to know that the cobs are taken away from the plant's plants that should be aimed at growing, strengthening Anthurium and the emergence of new buds.

Salvation of plants in different types and forms of assistance

Different reasons are solved by their own way. Flowers blooms only in those who create conditions and is able to respond in minimum time to changes in the behavior of the plant. Each problem has its own solution. If an exotic handsome man blell and stopped pleaseing the eye, it is necessary to understand how a doctor's doctor is to help the plant.

Wrong lighting

The light-affilome plant can bloom at home for a long time, but this joy may not happen. The reason is that he may simply do not have enough stream of sun rays or it will get them overly a lot. It is impossible to be allowed neither the first nor the second option. It should always be remembered that Anthurium arrived from subtropics where high trees and the plant falls a lot, but scattered color.

Male happiness will not appreciate the dignity of the owners to put it on the windowsill windows overlooking the south side. Its leaves can even get a burn, which is manifested in yellowing, fading, twisting and their dejun. Anthurium placed in the center of the room, the dark corridor, and the Hall without windows will never give flowers.

The output is simple: the plant must be rearranged. It is better that the lighting falls on the windowsill, where it will stand from Eastern or Western side. For the presence of arrows, the exotic representative of the Flora should provide a long clear day, so the use of approval lighting is not only not forbidden, but also welcomes.


At home is very difficult to provide a normal temperature in winter time. It should be low to provide a resting period starting at the end of the month. Above plus 20 degrees Celsius, the temperature should not rise.

Flower arrows are available only if winter It was plus 15 to 17 degrees Celsius. Forms of buds begins on February 15. It is hot, above 20 degrees Celsius, in the premises in this period should not be. Summer temperature - plus 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Provide all this is easy if you know the preferences of the anthurium.

Drafts, humidity and watering

Do not wait for the flowering of an exotic plant, if available:

Drafts (close the windows and monitor where the flower is located if there is an air in the house);

Drying or overwhelming the soil (and in that, and in another case, the plant will not be able to feel comfortable, nor in a wetland, nor in dry, and when the root system and flowers are loaded, you can not wait for the plant).

To ensure the conditions of anthurium for flowering, it is necessary to pour out the water. It should be stuck to give at least 5 days. Filtered is also quite acceptable for watering. But if you want to create a "dessert", it is worth it for it. Just 2 - 3 drops lemon juice On 1 liter of water, so that the plant gets strength and has gladly pleased with bloom.

With dry air, anthurium will be impossible to bloom. But if you hang in the room wet Towel., spray the foliage of the plant 2 times a day and wipe it, cleaning from dust, you can not be afraid of problems.

Inappropriate fit and growing capacity

How much place the place is plated in flower potdepends on its type. Anthurium is epiphet in the natural environment. The root system is weak. And until the rhizable planting container is filled, the plant simply does not bloom.

With a small floral pot, the reaction of the plant is the same - the flowers will be absent. If the roots are visible in tanks for landing and "peep" behind the flower water from the holes for the drain, it is time to transplant the plant.

Wide and low pots - what is needed exotic plant. If there is a transplant from one to another, it is necessary to select the selection capacity of several centimeters more than the previous one in diameter.

Earth and fertilizer

When active growth occurs, you need to feed the anthurium. But only B. required quantities. Each deviation from the norm is more or less fertilizer - will affect the state of the plant.

Problems can begin, but will end if we provide a plant:

Feeding no more, but not less than 1 time per month;

Feeding due to mineral fertilizers;

Acidified soil (in some cases it is enough to lay the surface of the substrate with coniferous needles, as well as sphagnum);

Substrate that corresponds to this kind plants (more often choose ground for bromelia, orchids as well as suitable cacti or replace them peathed having beautiful throughput for air).

How to get a bloom bought anthurium at home

By acquiring flowering plant, It is necessary to create certain conditions for it. Moreover, for anthurium. If the acquired "male happiness" was in colors, and after settled at home does not bloom and does not please the new foliage, it means that it should be helped and strengthened.

Chemicals and fertilizers filling the soil mixture under a flower in which there is little peat, designed to support the flowering of the plant just a couple of months. The development of the root system, the above-ground part stops. If the colorland does not stop this process, transplanting the anthurium, the plant can exhausize and die generally.

If a exotic flower After the acquisition was transplanted, he needs several months to fill the strength and restore the roots. Only then in a few months - the spring blooms bloom.

Young anthurium

If a new plant is a young representative of an exotic flora, which previously could not please owners with inflorescences, he needs to help.

The saving will be the method used in the greenhouses:

  • Install a plant in a pot in a light room, in which the temperature does not rise above plus 20 degrees Celsius;
  • Soil should be watering so that it is wet every day;
  • After 45 - 60 days Krone should be covered with new shoots, it is suitable time To transfer anthurium to heat;
  • During the spring active growth and development, watering should be increased in anticipation of the first bloody.

If you provide all the above conditions, you can enjoy anthurium flowers for a whole 6 - 8 weeks. This is the same bonus for spent time and strength.

Why does not bloom anthurium. What to do? - You can have a dissertation on this topic. But it is worth reading a whole folio when you can familiarize yourself with our article. We assure that we will tell about all the reasons for the reluctance to bloom a capricious comrade from the tropics.

Incorrect land

Anthurium is often stuffed in peat. Say, he is lightweight, the roots breathe in it, keeping moisture for a long time. And this is a big mistake that leads to the absence of flowering.

Decision. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, it should be kept in a suitable soil. It is not bad for the purchase of a bought soil for orchids. But the dwelling for Anthurium can be assembled independently:

  • pieces of sphagnum
  • fat garden humus
  • small chips of the crust
  • medium charcoal

All components take in equal shares and are thoroughly mixed. Such a mixture guarantees well-being and brings the blossom of anthurium.

By the way, this plant prefers that the soil has an acid reaction. Therefore, the bark as part of the soil is obligatory, desirable - from coniferous species of trees. It is impossible to replace it with sawdust. They are quickly harvested, and the roots simply suffocate. Anthurium can perish.


The cause of the lack of blossom of anthurium can become an incorrect transplant or its absence.

Decision. Try to initially plant the plant correctly by drowing it out of the transport pot after shopping. Do not change the height of the point of growth, otherwise just destroy the flower. With a change not part, do it only when you see that the roots are closed. At the same time, it is impossible to cut long roots, the flowering will not be unambiguously.

The pot must be low, but wide. On the bottom there is a small layer of drainage, excess moisture to us for nothing.

Among the flower water is the opinion that when transplanting it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the roots of anthurium. It does not bring damage, but there will be no special benefit. How this procedure affects the formation of flowers - science is not known.

Purify right

Inappropriate ravar graph is greatly interferes with the upcoming blossom. It can be said that this is the most common mistake. Some comrades simply create a swamp in a pot. Well, how, the tropics and all that ...

Turn on your head. Why was such a soil then needed if it would safely be sick in an excess of fluid? Anthurium will not bloom for sure.

Decision. Flower is impossible. It is not recommended to hide from above. Lovers of orchids are easier, they know about dive. Those who do not know, tell me:

  • In a large container, they put a pot with anthurium.
  • Pour hot (+ 49-51 ° C) water to the middle of the tank height.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then plot the hot water almost to the side of the pots for another 10 minutes.
  • Then remove the anthurium from the liquid and placed on the stand.

After the flow of excess water, the pot can be put on the usual place. By the way, Anthurium is one of the few plants that can be dragged in rooms without fears. Buds and colors he does not throw off.

What graphics to water the plant? And no one will tell you the exact time and period. All of this you must define yourself, based on your climate and season outside the window. Just stick into a pot wooden wand to the bottom for 12-14 minutes. Then see her level of moisture in the soil.

By the way, it is impossible to cut off the earthen car, even occasionally. It will negatively affect possible flowering.


Anthurium, like no other tropical plant, is sensitive to air humidity. He does not tolerate even the slightest downgrade. Even for one day. Otherwise, flowers will appear only after a cancer whistle on the mountain.

Decision. We warned that this is a very capricious friend? Get:

  • Spray anthurium needed 2 times a day. All year round
  • Once every 3 days it is recommended to wipe each leaf with a wet cloth or a wet cloth.
  • There are additional containers with water or pallets with wet clay, sphagnum.
  • During heating season Wet towels are put on radiators.
  • Include air humidifier nearby if it is.

As you can see, the tropical guest is not so simple. Without the right humidity, he does not bloom. By the way, it will be better to spray not the anthurium itself, but around. This will create the necessary atmosphere.

And further. For spraying or irrigation, only the remaining or melting water is used. After all, in natural natural conditions It is unlikely from the sky with chlorinated rain.

Lack of light

In order for the Anthurium blooming, it needs a sufficient number of lighting. Close to your pet. The leaves are matte, pale, on long thin stiffs, no flowering and not expected. These are signs of lack of light.

Decision. Anthurium needs to be put on the windowsill so that his sunlight covers in sufficient quantity. But straight rays will certainly burn out ugly brown stains on the leaves. Therefore, the shading is simply necessary on the southern and western windows.

As for the eastern and northern, then there is an anthurium to bloom only after additional lights. By the way, for these purposes will have to acquire a special phytolampu. Do not worry about extra spending. Additional light will provide a normal growth in many of your home colors.

Just do not put under the lamp along with the anthurium of high neighbors. He will perceive it as rivalry and refuses to bloom. Start stretching and turning into Lian. Better place around the pot with babies. They benefit, anthurium - calm.

Period of rest

Many plants in winter need rest. Anthurium is no exception. He also needs 1.5-2 months of vacation. It is at this time that flower kidneys are laid. That's just the majority indoor plants For the period of rest are placed in a darkened place. Our comrade rests a little different.

Decision. Vacation lasts approximately from the beginning of December to mid-January. During this period, only the temperature of the content changes. It is reduced to + 16-18 ° C. All other conditions of departure remain the same:

  • abundance of scattered light
  • regular watering immersion
  • high humidity

After the end of the rest, the air temperature is gradually raised to the usual + 22-25 ° C. If everything is done correctly, then at the end of February, you can see the breast down the strength, and soon the bloom itself.

Lack of subcord

Sometimes Anthurium does not bloom due to lack of nutrition. There is no dispute, you transplanted it into the nutrient ground, but after all, the stock of minerals is not infinite. And he can not change the land constantly. Yes, and the root system of the plant will not stand such a panibrate.

Decision. Use mineral fertilizers. Forming liquid green nutrition is certainly good. But only for extension lush green masses. And for long and high-quality flowering, trace elements are needed. In particular, it is phosphorus and potassium. Without them, bloom will be scarce, but it will not come at all.

Before buying a cherished bag, you will certainly read the information on the package. Pay attention to the composition and recommendation of the manufacturer. There must certainly be a mark "for blooming." And do not increase the dosage. The stroke threatens the death of the plant.

Council. Today, the industry offers fertilizers in tablets or granules. This form is very convenient in that it is not necessary to think where to take pharmaceutical scales and how much feeding to pour at once. It is enough to put in a pot one tablet and nutrition enough for a long time. Plant will take place the right amount trace elements with another watering.

  1. Do not put the Anthurium immediately into a huge casp. There is no dispute, chic foliage will develop in such a tank. But bloom will come very soon. The fact is that the buds are laid only after the root system completely turns the entire excavation com.
  2. If you have grown pets from seeds, then do not wait for flowers in the first 2 years. This time, the young anthurium will spend on increasing the reliable root system. So suffer.
  3. Be sure to cut faded flowers. Otherwise, the plant will spend most of the strength and nutrition for the formation of seeds. Sometimes after flowering, the anthurium turns out to be very exhausted by the maturation of the cob. Therefore, do not spare, cut boldly.
  4. In nature, the plant approximately 9 months per year is in a foggy haze, which gives 100% humidity ambient. And for sure in the brown tropical thickets there are no drafts. Therefore, try to protect your pet from ventilation and open vents. Otherwise, he will generally refuse to bloom ever.
  5. Try not to plant anthurium into clay or ceramic kashpo. The fact is that this material is heated for a long time, so the root system of the plant can perch up. And in such colors, you will not see.
  6. Periodically carefully examine the anthurium for the presence of pests and diseases. You can create ideal conditions, but a weakened or a twig plant will not bloom. Timely help often creates wonders.

Why does not bloom anthurium. What to do? - You are no longer interested in you now. Surely from our article you have learned useful information And already understood their mistakes. Now it's small. Rather, create ideal conditions to your pet, and you can soon admire the beautiful glossy flowers on a chic bush.

Video: Anthurium Care

Why doesn't Anthurium bloom at home and how to fix the situation? By purchasing a plant or receiving it as a gift, a person expects that it will constantly delight him with its extraordinary blossom. For incomprehensible reasons, the flower throws only the sheets and may not look sick at all. It is believed that he must be released by the flowerons in 22-24 months after sowing. If this does not happen, then there must be objective reasons for the lack of buddies.

Probable reasons

Anthurium is a tropical plant, so for successful growth and flowering in the apartment he needs to create conditions as close as possible to natural. In most cases, it does not bloom because of non-compliance with the conditions of content and violation of the rules of agrotechnology.

Such reasons can be:

Anthurium should not be transferred during flowering. This procedure is always stress, and the flower will reset the flowers.

How to achieve blossoms

What to do in such a situation? First of all, you need to correct errors made in the content of anthurium. The following steps should be taken:

Additional stimulation

How to make blossom anthurium if all the necessary conditions Complied with? The plant continues to be capricious and does not want to delight blossom. It can be stimulated and forced to release buds. For this in early spring Need to make the following actions:

    pour the substrate with water with a temperature of + 45 ... + 50 ° С (no higher);

    days after 7-10 in the pallet pour water with a temperature of no more than 60 ° C;

    after complete cooling, it should be poured;

    repeat again in a week.

A prerequisite is the presence of a good drainage layer that will not allow a warm pair of burning gentle roots. Such a procedure will make the flower wake up and score linedbuds.

Capricious and arrogant tropical flower requires strict observance of care and maintenance conditions. But the blossom of Anthurium is so unusual and luxuriously that there is all the efforts spent.

Why doesn't Anthurium blossom?

When it comes to this question, as a lack of flowering in a plant living at home, the first reason that comes to mind - unfavourable conditions or erroneous gardener care. And the anthurium in this case is no exception. Further about why Anthurium does not bloom at home and how to solve this problem.

The reasons why Anthurium does not bloom at home

In most cases, the anthurium is not included in the flowering phase precisely because of the lack of proper care or when creating such a medium in which the appearance of buds of this wonderful plant is simply impossible. It is possible to correct the situation, only leading the conditions for the plant content to necessary. The factors adversely affecting the gentle anthurium can be attributed as follows:

The cause of bad well-being Anthurium is most often due to the wrong care

  1. Too low temperature indicator at the time of flowing.
  2. Overwhelmed soil.
  3. Insufficient amount of sunlight, or, on the contrary, its excess is that akin to the sunny burn.
  4. Insufficient moisture, which leads to the drying of the roots. As a result, the green part of the plant begins to wither, and the number nutrients It is reduced.
  5. Too low humidity Indoor where the plant is located.
  6. Malopious medium in the ground.

Council. So that Anthurium pleases you in a timely manner unusual blossomIt is necessary to carefully select a suitable container for the plant. So, if its dimensions are too large, the root system will need more time than usual to completely take the soil substrate. In the meantime, it does not happen, the flowering will not begin.

By the way, if the plant has already entered the flowering phase, but some buds began to wither, it is advisable to immediately get rid of them, since they will not add beauty, and the nutrients in the plant are torn, which will affect the growth rate of other buds.

How to provoke blossom

So, the reasons for which bloom may be absent, we found out. Now define possible methods solutions to the problem. Let's start with lighting. This factor is considered decisive during the flowering period of the plant. Since the formation of buds is usually occurring at the beginning of spring, when the light day is still short enough, it is necessary to provide a sufficient amount of sun rays to the plant. For this pot is set to the solar place at home and, if necessary, is additionally illuminated by the lamp for the backlight.

Anturium blossom

Regarding the substrate: it should not be too dense, because in this case moisture and the air will not be able to penetrate the roots in sufficient quantities. In addition, the soil mixture must be selected in a thoroughly. Since the plant is from the tropics, the soil should be similar. To prepare a suitable substrate, we take equal proportions of peat and humus (2 parts), add 4 parts of the soil for orchids and 1 part of the perlite.

Regarding watering: it must be regular, since the plant is familiar to frequent tropical rains in his homeland, but at the same time the substrate should not be raw.

Council. To avoid such a problem as an excess of moisture in the soil, it is enough to pay attention to her appearance. So, the "signal" to the watering is served upper layer Soil.

That's all that you need to know in order for the growing house of Anthurium in the time-put time began to bloom in all the magnificence. Good luck!

Anthurium Care: Video

Glossy leaves and anthurium flowers are vivid, that sometimes it seems unreal, which made Anthurium popular both among beginners and among experienced gardeners. This plant invariably attracts the glance and absolutely does not create the impression of a fragile creation, nevertheless, sometimes something goes wrong, and the growth of the flower male happiness stops. But you should not despair and lower your hands at such moments.

What is the reason that Anthurium ceases to grow, and how to fix it? This article will respond to these and other questions!

Flower growth speed male happiness

How quickly grows male happiness, directly depends on the specific type and age of the flower. The first 4 years of life Anthurium grows pretty quickly, by 5 years the plant reaches adult condition and growth slows down.

IN spring-summer period healthy flowerfor which created comfortable conditions, gives 2-3 new sheets monthly. In the cold season, the growth almost stops, as this time is for the plating a period of rest.

Why do new leaves cease to appear at home?

The reasons why Anthurium is in no hurry to delight its owner with new leaves and shoots, maybe a lot. Most of them are usually reduced to incorrect care or surrounding conditions that do not correspond to the needs of the flower. Here are some reasons why the flower male happiness is growing poorly, and tips, what to do in this case:

  • Disadvantaged watering. If the leaves of the anthurium dry, pale and become yellow, this may indicate the insufficient humidity of the substrate and air. In this case, it is enough to normalize the regularity of watering (2-3 times a week in warm time year) and provide the necessary air humidity (at least 60%).

    Important! A damaged or weakened plant is dangerous to pour, as it cannot resist diseases, and the converged substrate leads to the formation of mold and fungus.

  • Excess polish. Excessive amount of moisture is even more dangerous than its lack, leaves and stalks begin to become soft, withering and yellow. If the cutting of the irrigation has not led to an improvement in the state of the plant, it means that the root system has suffered and the anthurium will have to transplant.

    In the process of transplanting, it is necessary to carefully examine the roots, remove damaged and trees with a solution of fungicide or manganese for disinfection. The soil and pot in which the transplant will be made, they must also be sterilized.

  • Wrong sad. The substrate in which anthuriums are sold in stores in most cases is completely not suitable for their further growth, the usual earth for indoor colors this plant is also not suitable.

    It will be good for making happiness only in loose, well-skipping water and air soil consisting of large particles and fibers. If after purchasing the anthurium does not grow over time, you need to transfer, using the correct soil composition.

  • Wrong lighting. Pale and yellowed leaves of Anthurium may indicate a lack of lighting. This is a tropical plant and he needs a bright scattered light with a duration of at least 10 hours. To achieve such intensity, the flower is best to contain on the eastern or southeast windowsill, if necessary, additionally organizing artificial illumination.

    The constant entry of direct sunlight on the plant can also harm him and cause leaves burns (the appearance of pale brown spots, dry edges). In the summer, the anthurium must necessarily be slightly shaded.

  • Incorrectly chosen pot. A too large container selected for transplantation will significantly slow down the growth of anthurium, since, first of all, the plant will spend energy on the development of the root system. A large pot can also lead to the constant moistering of the substrate, which will also negatively affect the growth of Anthurium.

    The transplanting flower is necessary in the container by 2-3 cm. The superior volume of its root system is superior, it is precisely such conditions to contribute to the active growth of its overhead part and a quick blossom.

  • Growth Point Blow. This error during transplant is often made inexperienced flower products. Plant B. new pot It is necessary so that all the roots were raised by the earth, and the growth point necessarily remained on the surface. If these conditions have not been observed, the plant may die. Only the re-transplant produced by all the rules will help.

  • Lack of fertilizers. One of possible causes The absence of growth in anthurium, while compliance with all other conditions of content, there may be a lack of nutrients. You can fix it with feeding. In the spring and summer period, it is recommended to feed the plant every 2 weeks, the first time the fertilizer concentration is better reduced by a minimum of 2 times.

    Immediately after the transplantation, fertilizers are unnecessary, the first feeding is best to carry out no earlier than in a month when the plant is completely rooted.

  • Drafts and reduced temperatures. Comfortable for anthurium temperature - + 20-24 degrees, if it is reduced to +18, and the plant is constantly on a draft or next to the working air conditioning, it can lead to supercool and cause significant harm. Growth in such conditions is simply impossible. To solve the problem, you need to establish temperature mode And lay an anthurium so that cold air flows do not fall on it.

    Attention! At temperatures below +15 degrees, the plant can get irreversible damage and die.

    The growth of anthurium in many respects depends on the creation of favorable conditions, if the light, temperature, humidity and the composition of the soil is normal, every spring will meet with new leaves, and by the beginning of the summer, most likely blooms. It is important to closely monitor the flower condition and solve emerging problems before they cause serious damage.