Herman Alekseevich Mazurin: "Old Man Hottabych was a woman. Herman Alekseevich Mazurin: "The old man Hottabych was a woman" the world will know through the book "

Russian illustrator artist.

He studied at the Penza Art School (1947-1952) U I.S. Goriushkin-A-Sorokopudova, M.V. Bunchina.
From 1952 to 1958 he studied in MGHHI. IN AND. Surikova U P.I. Suvorova, M.N. Aleksica, M.S. Rodionova, S.S. Glushkova. He defended the diploma - illustrations to the book L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych" under the direction of B.I. Dehtereva.
Since 1955 began working in the publishing house "Children's literature".
In 1961, the USSR journalists were adopted as a member of the Union, and in 1965 - as members of the Union of Artists of the USSR. From 1958 - participant of art exhibitions

In 1974, he was invited to work in Mgah them. IN AND. Surikova, since 1998 - Professor of the Book Workshop of Mgah. In 2001-2003- Professor of the Eastern International Art Institute of Chenzhou, China.
Personal exhibitions: Moscow, Budapest, Penza, Vienna, Amsterdam, Zhengzhou (China).

G.A. Mazurin illustrated the literature for children and adult, Western and Patriotic: Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ("Timur and his team"), Mark Twain ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn"), Otfrid Prosisler ("Little Baba Yaga"), Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov ("Oblomov"), Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov ("Uncle Stepa"), Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ("Kashtanka") ... For half a century of creative work, Herman Alekseevich issued about 200 publications. It even owns the style of Gokhua on rice paper, which has mastered during a long business trip to China.

German Alekseevich immediately understood: for children it is impossible to do any incomprehensible forms. He recalled how much cried his granddaughter when he saw Turkey painted with one foot - just in the profile of drawn, the second leg was not visible. It is necessary to draw very accurately, know well what they draw, the artist believes.

"Why do something invent, when it is already there," says Herman Alekseevich. "The village is my second homeland, I was born in Penza." Thirty years I come to the East Land, every summer I spend in the village, where rest and draw. When I give me a book to which it is necessary to make an illustration, I read and see her through Shitovichi. We may not remember the names of the heroes, some episodes, but pictures in the book rarely disappear from the memory. - I feel like a good tailor, "Mazurin smiles," the master who sewed the costume, and when a man dressed in him enters the hall, no one sees a suit, everyone sees a beautiful man. My illustrations should not be visible in the first place, they must merge with the work into a single artistic image. And I live the life described by the author of this book ...

The bibliographic pointer below includes more than 190 books that illustrated G.A. Mazurin.

Herman Alekseevich Mazurin - Illustrator artist, teacher. Honored artist of Russia.

Born in Penza. Passion for drawing manifested itself in childhood. The father addressed him to reading, but the lack of drawings in the books led him to the fact that the boy himself began to make the sketches of the heroes and the events of the book. Having made sketching on a notebook leaf, he neatly pasted him into the book, so one of these books was the "Quiet Don" M. Sholokhov. Since those child, drawing has become its main occupation.

In 1952 he graduated from the Penza Art School and entered the MGAHI. V. Surikova, where he studied until 1958 studied in the workshop B. Dehtereva.

The very first and legendary, literary hero, put the beginning of the creative path of Herman Mazurin, became "Uncle Stepa - Militizer" S. Mikhalkov.

His artist painted, learning in the third year. His teachers showed drawings of S. Mikhalkov, he liked him, and after a few months in the publishing house "Children's literature" a book with his illustrations. So since 1955, the long-term cooperation of the artist with this publisher began.

The second, a sign book, became his thesis, created under the leadership of B. Dehteherheva, the book of L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych", the book withstood 34 reissues.

Since 1961, a member of the Union of Journalists, and since 1965 - a member of the Union of Artists.

Participates in art exhibitions since 1958.

In 1974, he was keen on teaching in Mgah them. V. Surikova.

In 1989, the title was awarded - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1998 he became Professor Mgahi. V. Surikova.

In 2001, the Professor in the Eastern International Art Institute of the city of Jazhchoy, China. Where not only taught, but also learned to work in the style of Gokhua on rice paper.

For the past 30 years, summer is spent in a small village of Shitovichi, under the Vyshi Volley. Here, away from urban noise, he draws inspiration. Simple rustic boys and girls, not suspect, become the protothes of famous heroes, forever settled on the pages of books.

Herman Alexeevich illustrated about 300 books, about 14 microfilms were created on the basis of its drawings.

From the beginning of 2013, on the basis of the Pushkin Museum, with the support of the management of the cultural department of the city of Belgorod, the municipal project "Creating a creative laboratory" Artists "write" books. The essence of this project is that during the year in the halls of the Library Museum held exhibitions of Moscow artists-illustrators - teachers and graduates of the "Workshop of the Book" of the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov, as well as practical workshops on book illustrating, which performed illustrators themselves - Honored Artist of Russia Herman Mazurin and his student

Mazurin Herman Alekseevich - Soviet Russian schedule, Illustrator. Honored artist RSFSR (since 1988). Born on August 10, 1932 in Penza. The artist's childhood had to wage. His father was a peasant and naturally did not have higher education, but despite this loved to read and collected a whole library. The first book, which the eight-year-old Herman read, became the "quiet Don" from the library of his father. At that difficult time of children's books was almost no, and in adults there were no pictures. Therefore, the future artist himself painted the events and heroes on the airtal sheets and pasted them into books. Among the favorite books, German Mazurin had adventure novels - "Fifteen-year-old captain", "Three Musketeers", "The Mystery of the Two Captains".

From 1947 to 1952 he studied at the Penza Art School at Pedagogov I.S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudova, M.V. Bunch. At the end, I entered MGHHI them. V.I. Surikova, where he studied at P.Suvorov, M.N.Aleksich, M.S. Rodionova, S.S. Glushkova. Mazurin calls Boris Alexandrovich Dehtyareva, under the leadership of which he wrote a diploma, and then worked for 30 years under his beginning in the publishing house "Children's literature".
The most famous artist's creative path of the artist became the very first hero, the famous Uncle Step-Militizer became. This character Mazurin painted on the 3rd year. He just chose his favorite work and illustrated it. The work was so interested in his teacher that he called S.V. Mikhalkov and soon in the publishing house "Children's literature" published a book with the drawings of German Mazurin. Another step in the creative career of Herman Alekseevich became his thesis - illustrations to the fairy tale of Lazarus Lagin Lagin "Old Man Hottabych". These illustrations received universal recognition and became a challenged classic of the genre. Since then, a book with mazurin illustrations withstood 34 reissues.
Since 1961 - Mazurin Member of the Union of Journalists, and since 1965 - Member of the Union of Artists. Participant of art exhibitions since 1958. In 1974, he was keen on teaching in Mgah them. V. Surikova, and in 1998 he became Professor Mgahi. V. Surikova. In 2001-2003, Professor in the Eastern International Art Institute of the city of Jazhzhoy, China, where not only taught, but also learned to work in the style of Gokhua in rice paper.
Personal exhibitions of the artist took place in Moscow, Budapest, Penza, Vienna, Amsterdam, Zhengzhou (China).
Herman Alexeevich illustrated about 300 books, its drawings became the basis of 14 diamers. Mazurin decorated and books for adults, but much more interesting and more pleasant it was to create books for children.
Characters for their work artist takes from real life. For example, in the books of the writer Astafieva, all the guys from Shitovich, and in the Blue Cup of Gaidar, the main heroine of light is sampled with Svetka becomes, now Svetlana is already an adult, works in Moscow. Many times painted the artist and his daughter Anya, she recently became a grandmother: Dima is 5 months old, but he is already the hero of the book "Daphnis and Chloe", on which his great-grandfather works. The same was with the hero of the "old old Hottabych" with a lolk and Tom Sawyer, whom Mazurin found in the son of his comrade.
The work of the artist Hermann Mazurin is valued not only in our country, but also abroad. For example, in the United States, in the museum Mark Twain, there are illustrations from the book "Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn". Many drawings are exhibited in Austria, Germany, France and China.

Our today is conducting great art historical work on the search, identification and preservation of such works, which, to date, are not yet represented by the general public, but, in no less, they are greater rarity. Today it will not be difficult - you can see, almost on every street, but our has every reason to be considered one of the best in the capital. We are proud of the presented, only we, the works of our expensive compatriots.
This section on our site contains information about Russian and Soviet artists who worked at different times and in a wide variety of genres. The page of each artist contains a brief biography, information about achievements, merits and awards, allocates the main directions of his work, and, of course, represents the gallery of work. Here you can choose and, finding it by the name of the author from the alphabetic list for the convenience of the search, and also sort the cost, genre, or sizes.


"The most important thing is that it is necessary to artist-illustrator - this is an imagination. We rarely draw from nature. Where will I take the nature to illustrate the adventures of Tom Sawyer? Only imagination will help here. And the imagination is based on experience, observations and desire to work. All I've ever seen, read, felt, I heard and tried it - everything goes to the piggy bank of my imagination. So from the scattered pieces I collect a presentation, for example, about the fifties of the fifties, and I create my own volume of Sayer. "Herman Mazurin

Artist-illustrator, teacher. Honored artist of Russia.
Passion for drawing manifested itself in childhood. The father addressed him to reading, but the lack of drawings in the books led him to the fact that the boy himself began to make the sketches of the heroes and the events of the book. Having made the sketch on the airtal sheet, he neatly pasted him into a book, so one of these books was the "Quiet Don" M. Sholokhov. Since those child, drawing has become its main occupation.
The very first and legendary, literary hero, who posted the beginning of the creative path of Herman Mazurin, became "Uncle Stepa - the policeman" S. Mikhalkov.
His artist painted, learning in the third year. His teachers showed drawings S. Mikhalkov, he liked them, and after a few months in the publishing house "Children's literature" a book with his illustrations. So since 1955, the long-term cooperation of the artist with this publisher began.
The second, sign book, became his graduation work, created under the leadership of B. Dehteherheva, the book of L. Lagna "Old Man Hottabych", the book withstood 34 reissues.
In 1989, the title was awarded - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1998 he became Professor Mgahi. V.Surikova.

Books with artist illustrations

Born in Penza in 1932 Honored artist RSFSR (1988).

He studied at the Penza Art School (1947-52) at I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudova, M.V. Bunchina.
From 1952 to 1958 he studied at MGHHU at P.I. Suvorov, M.N.Aleksich, M.S. Rodionova, S.S. Glushkova. He defended the diploma - illustrations to the book L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych" under the leadership of B. I. Dehteherheva.
Since 1955 began working in the publishing house "Children's literature"
Designed and illustrated about 200 books.
From 1958 - participant of art exhibitions
From 1961 - Member of the Union of Journalists of the USSR
From 1965 - Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR
Since 1974 - Lecturer in MGHHI. IN AND. Surikov

2001-2003 - Professor of the Eastern International Art Institute of Czezzhou, China.
Now - Professor of the Bookshop MGHH

Personal exhibitions: Moscow, Budapest, Penza, Vienna, Amsterdam, Zhengzhou (China).
Works are also located in Ulyanovsk museums, Syktyvkar, Saransk, Penza Art Gallery, Chuvash State Art Museum

Artist of our childhood

Heroes Heroes Mazurin - residents of the Tverskoyal depth.

"Uncle Step is a policeman", "Kashtanka", "Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn", "Old Man Hottabych", "Vovka - a kind soul" and many others. It is hardly anyone who has not read these good children's books. But few people know that all drawn characters of these stories came out from under a pencil of a unique artist German Mazurin.

For 30 years now, as Herman Alekseevich lives every summer in a small village of Shitovichi, which is under the wagon. Here, away from the noise of urban, he draws his inspiration. Simple rustic boys and girls, without being suspected, become the protrases of famous heroes, forever settled in the books.

His drawings come from our childhood. Laugh, be friends, hurry to revenue and never give up - the heroes of Mazurin are taught to live and feel really not one generation of the guys. Yesterday's boys and girls are already grandmothers and grandparents, read books illustrated by the artist, their grandchildren.

Guys whites fence. Illustration to the novel brand tween "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". 1976.
Paper, etching, watercolor tint, 33.5x25.2; 21.6x15.6

Surprisingly, but no matter how many years, the two-meter policeman Uncle Step, brave Timur with his team, good-natured hottabych and other characters still remain outside the era and excite children's imagination. Moreover, all these heroes are not fictional, and real people, located next to the artist: His relatives, friends, comrades and neighbors. For example, Timurovtsy - guys living in Shitovichi. The forests, where the White Bim and Ivan Ivanovich hunted, are located in the villages of Vedia and Selivanich under the Volley. And the yard of the local women Mani becomes - the prototum of the yard from the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"

- If the theme for the drawing becomes a countryside, then I always draw the Vyshnevolotsky district. I love my village very much, and, although I got from Penza, but the soul is bought to Shitovichi. More than 30 years ago, I bought a house here, and over the years I managed to breed with the Vyshnevolotsky edge, "the artist confesses. "It's easy to work here: a local village flavor is inspired by me, people living next door. Here I spend the whole summer, and in the winter I leave for Moscow, where I work in the post of professor in the MGAHI named after V. and Surikov.

"Waiche is me"

Passion for drawing in German, Mazurin manifested itself in childhood. Father from a large peasant family and could not get a good education, but very loved books and managed to instill a love of reading a little heer. But then there was no children's books, and in adults there were no pictures, so the boy with an ecstasy drew the heroes and events on a notebook leaf, and then neatly pasted them into the book. One of these books, which the artist "revived" was "quiet Don" Mikhail Sholokhov. Since then, drawing has become its main occupation and love.

- I painted everywhere and always, and when it was time to choose a future profession, I decided to tie it with drawing. At first he entered the Penza Art School, and then went to Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute for the Graphic Faculty. I studied in a workshop of the book from the famous Professor Boris Dehtereva.

The very first and now the legendary hero, put the beginning of the creative path of Herman Mazurin, became anyone else as the policeman Uncle Step. His artist painted, learning in the third year.

S.Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa Militizer" 1956

"I just chose this book and decided to create a character to her what I saw me." And the teacher took yes, I called Sergey Mikhalkov: "I did one student here, you don't want to see?" Mikhalkov agreed, and here I am already at the famous poet at home. Sergey Vladimirovich looked at my drawings with a smile, praised and approved for printing. A few months later, a book with my illustrations published in the publishing house "Children's literature". How much was joy then!

Another joyful event of the artist was the famous "Old Hottabych" Lazari Lagin. This book was the graduation work of a young artist, the illustrations in it were generally recognized and entered the story as a sample of the classics of the genre. The book has passed since then 34 editions.

Hottabych and Bear Kuzya on the glacier.
Option illustration for Lagin's book "Old Man Hottabych" - thesis in MGHHI. 1958 Paper, Watercolor, Black Pencil, 41,5x31,8

After graduating from the university, Herman Mazurin illustrated very about three hundred books. In addition to nurses, decorated and works for adults - serious, dramatic. But, it is recognized that children's literature is much closer to him.

- I, of course, illustrated and Dostoevsky, and Gorky, but I am much more interesting and more pleasant to create books for children, where heroes are ordinary boys and girls. And the same lolk of the crutches from the "Old Man Hottabach" can be said, my self portrait. A funny and egless boy, honest, cheerful, finding out of any position, - I was so I still remain. I can not imagine myself a hero of "pomegranate bracelet", but Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn are close to me.

Everything is good - near

The work of the artist Hermann Mazurin is valued not only in our country, but also abroad. For example, in the United States, in the museum Mark Twain, there are illustrations from the book "Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn". Many drawings are exhibited in Austria, Germany, France and China. And this is not surprising, because it is truthfully to tell the story through the paints, it is possible to units, and Mazurin among them. He doesn't just draw, he lives with his heroes and the same life. Rather, he lives next to them - boys and girls running barefoot on grass, chase in chitovich chickens and geese, bathing in the river. It is these sincere, genuine moments inspire an illustrator when he takes a pencil.

Does not peck. 1972.
Paper, etching, watercolor tint, 31.7x39,7; 24.9x33.5

- Why do something invent, if I can draw a neighbor Dimka or Andrey? These guys are the real little heroes. If you want to find something good, it is not necessary to go behind him too far, all the best - next. Have time to notice and memorize. That is why I do not part with a pencil and notepad, in order to have time to capture the best moments from life, the best people, their faces, character traits, Manera move and talk. And if I liked the area, I draw it. For example, in almost all books where there is rural nature, you can find out the features of the Uppervalian village.

First, Herman Mazurin finds images in life, draws them, and then the sketches go from the pages of his notebook into the books. For example, in the books of the writer Astafieva, all the guys from Shitovich, and in the Blue Cup of Gaidar, the main heroine of light is sampled with Svetka becomes, now Svetlana is already an adult, works in Moscow. Many times painted the artist and his daughter Anya, she recently became a grandmother: Dima is 5 months old, but he is already the hero of the book "Daphnis and Chloe", on which his great-grandfather works.

"Through the book will know the world"

Herman Mazurin prefers to illustrate the books of Russian and Soviet authors.

- Western children's literature brings up personal consciousness, and our public. For example, a recent case that shook the whole country: suicide girls. After all, they were just raised on the personal consciousness - I, I, MY. They committed a terrible act, without thinking about anyone, except for themselves. And the Soviet writers always taught to think about others: about parents, friends, comrades. And before you do anything, the children have always thought: how do my loved ones? To children's books, it is necessary to approach very precisely, it is impossible to produce ababa that, as they do now, as Haltury in such a matter has its consequences.

Book cover

Another problem inspired by fashion, the books, on the illustrations of which animals, people and insects are drawn in such a way that it is difficult to guess who in front of you. Unrealistic pictures are completely near, and this is also a big minus for the younger generation.

A.P.chekhov "Kashtanka"

- A book with a picture form a child, through the book the baby knows the world, he can not read yet, and it is the picture that gives him an idea of \u200b\u200bthe environment. Therefore, the better the drawing is drawn, the more realistic and more precisely, it, the clearer children will perceive reality. Before you depicting a bear, I study, as he looks like he has a habits and proportions, and only then I carry it on paper. And without such work, I do not think of my life.

Draw a life as it is, a rare talent, which Nature awarded German Mazurin. In his characters, everyone will be able to recognize himself, their friend or neighbor. Live, fun, full optimism Heroes Mazurin continue to smile from pages of favorite works, and together with them and we, children who have grown in real books.

Suzanna Hajiyev

The site dedicated to Hermann Mazurina to the nru - http://masurin.narod.ru/

Hermann Mazurin's story about his own experience of presenting painting in the PRC, published in the journal "Young Artist" - http://www.masurin.narod.ru/china/index.htm

Films drawn by the artist by German Mazurin:

Brother Hottabach Omar Yusuf - 1963
Story with donkeys - 1972
Boy with Great Mississippi - 1984
Adventures Geclberry Finn - 1967
Adventures of Robinson Corn - 1969
Robot EL-76 is not going there - 1967
SIM card - 1961.
Scripper -1963
Old Man Hottabych - 1962, 1970
Timur and his team. Part 1 - 1966
Timur and his team. Part 2 - 1966
Tom Sawyer. Part 1 - 1964
Tom Sawyer. Part 2 - 1964
Alien does not pass - 1958
Material taken