E Moshkovskaya we play school. Project activities in the preparatory group "Soon to school" Educator Saitova Z.Sh

Oh, a long time ago I was going to tell a little about one children's writer, the poems and fairy tales of which I (and I need to notice, not toolo) very much.

But after the next viewing of the cartoon "and my mother will forgive me" My Son, I decided to finally do it. Maybe there are still admirers of this poem and the cartoon of the same name!?

Emma Moshkovskaya takes a special place in children's literature. And although during life she was not fully overwhelmed by the rays of glory, at present, her work, finally, begin to recognize and many consider it a kind of distinctive children's poetess.

Her first poems were printed in 1961 in Murzilka magazines, "Department" and "Pioneer". After the first publications, Samuel Marshak noted her: "Emma Moshkovskaya is one of the most gifted young poets writing for children. She has something important that it is necessary to the children's poet: genuine, and not a lack of greasy, the ability to play with children, not going to them. " K. Chukovsky also adhered to the same high opinion about her work. The first collection of her verses came out in 1962. Five years later, she is accepted into the Union of Writers. In total, she released more than 20 poetic collections, which also included a fairy tale written.

Her poems are written so childishly that it seems that a small child came up with them, and not an adult poetess.

I will start right away from our beloved:

I am my mind, I offended
Warm ever never
From the house we will not go together,
We go with her nicda.

She will not help the window
And I do not feel like her
She will not donate anything
And I do not dance her ...

Take me a bag of shoulders,
I will find a bread of kyzok
Haydy I Palky Pickle
I'm loyal, yydy in Taiga!

I'm fucking walking after
I'm fucking looking pyidy
And something like a boy
Stop bridges go!

And bady I am the chief boss
And bady i'm with a boat
And bydy is always sad
And silent such ...

And hereby the eve of the winter,
And now it will be for many years,
And the plane is reactive
Mom will take a ticket.

And on my day
That plane will be
And Ottyda Mom will come out,
And my mother calls me.
There are cartoon

There are still cartoons:
"Day of riddles" (m / f, 1987), author of the text
"Clear old women" (m / f, 1980), screenwriter
"Chicken in a cell" (m / f, 1978), screenwriter
"Clown" (m / f, 1977), screenwriter
"Kozlik and his grief" (m / f, 1976), screenwriter
"Why is the lion of a big mane?" (m / f, 1976), screenwriter
"Hippo" (m / f, 1975), screenwriter
"And my mother will forgive me" (M \\ F, 1975), according to E. Moshkovskaya poem
"Kozlik and Donkey" (m / f, 1974), screenwriter

"Poems and fairy tales", "Give crocodile", "Dreams of summer", "Happy Island", "One hundred children - kindergarten", "Grandfather Tree", "Good news", "I sing", "Zhardde", " Book for a friend "," We play school "," Clean song "," Walk with my father "," We play the store "," Who is the kindest "," cheerful wind "," Sunshine "," Polite Word " "I lived in the light of the gray goat", "the house built for everyone", "handpad", "Shadow and Day", "I Drawn Sun", "How frogs have learned how to quark", "Merry Store", "Park Gifts "," Where the sun sits down "," the finch warmed up "," the earth is spinning! ", I love when morning," "Listen, rain!", "Isn't it time for a lesson?", Uncle Ball.

Surely you know all these books:

The dog walked along the alley and chewed a big bull ...- This book we bought one of the first. Book-clamshell, by the way, live still. Really like. Easy and cheerful. Every time we are discussing the act of a puppy who did not want to share his bun.

"Grandfather Tree"

At the grandfather of the tree
Good hands -
Good hands ...
Some kind of bird
In the hands fuss.
Some kind of bird
On the shoulders sits down.
Grandfather Tree - Nice such -
Protein shakes a hungry hand ...
Zucchishche rushed,
And sat down
And swinging
And everything admired,
And everything admired.
Dragonflies accepted
And also swore.
And the midges have suffered
And midges swore.
And all the scarves
In the flutter bed
Laughed, swinging,
Swing, whistled!
Grandfather Tree Bee picked up
And on the palm of your hand ...
Grandfather tree good hands -
Good hands ...
Probably, their hundred ...
Or one hundred twenty five ...
To shift everyone!
To shift everyone!

Polite word

Http://funforkids.ru/diafilm/179/01.jpg- outer you can see Film
Fairy tale in verses Emma Moshkovskaya.
"Nothing is given to us so easily and is not valued so expensive as human communication." And human communication implies politeness. To help a small little man to secure the knowledge received from parents in this difficult science. This fairy tale will help.

"Ah, what words were!
And not we
They forgot them?
Estimated ...
They have long ate mole!
But please…
I could save them! "
Sauce, remember, use.
Age: 3 - 6 years.

The theater opens!
To top, everything is preparing!
Tickets are offered
For polite word.

At three o'clock opened the box office,
Gathered the people of the mass,
Even Hedgehog Elderly
Fit a little alive ...

Hedgehog, Hedgehog!
You ticket
In which row?

I am closer:
See bad,
Well, thank you!
Well, I will go.

Speaks sheep:
- I am one place!
Here I thank you -
Good word.

- Kryak!
First row!
For me and for the guys! -
And pulled the duck

And deer:
- Good day!
If only you are not too lazy
Dear cashier,
I would very much asked
Me, wife and daughter
In the second row
Give the best places
Here is mine

Says the courtyard dog:
- See what I brought!
Here is my healthy'vo -
Polite word.

Polite word?
Is there any other?

I see
In your pasta
And hello to throw! Throw!

Threw! Threw!
- Please! We ask!

Us tickets -
Eight! Eight!
We ask eight
Goats, elms,
We bring to you.

And suddenly
Old people
Badgers ...
Suddenly burst clump
Giving tails and paws
Skuked the hare of the elderly ...

Cashier, issue me a ticket!
- Your polite word?
- I do not have that.
- Oh, you have no such?
Do not receive a ticket.
- To me - a ticket!
- No and no.
- To me - a ticket!

No and no,
Do not knock - my answer.
Do not growl - my advice.
Do not knock, do not growl,
Goodbye, hello.

Nothing Cashier gave!
Kosolapiy buried,
And he gone with tears,
And came to the shaggy mother.

Mom slapped slightly
Kosolapoy Son.
And got out of the chest
Very polite something ...
And shook
And sneezed
And sighed:

Oh, what words were!
And not we
They forgot them?

Estimated ...
They have long ate mole!
But please...
I could save them!
Poor please
What is left of him?
This word
This word
Shagay! -
Two patchwork ...
Everything is fine!

Once or two!
all words
Pretty flushed
Bear issued:
To Skakanya
And even to Kuwarkhanya,
Respect very much ...
And a dozen about the reserve.

On, son dear,
And always wore with you!

The theater opens!
To top, everything is ready!
Tickets are offered
For polite word!

Here is the second call!
Bear from all legs
Runs up to the checkout ...

GOODNIGHT! And dawn!
Wonderful Dawn

And the cashier gives tickets -
Not one, but three more!

Allow you to hug!
And the cashier gives tickets -
Not one, but five.

I invite you to yourself!

And cashier from admiration
Still on my head!
And cashier / full
I really want to sing:
"Very, very, very, very
Very polite bear! "

I apologize!

Good guy!
- I am doing my best.
- That's what a clever!

Here goes a bear!
And she worries
And from happiness glows!

You know
Nice Bear Your Silka,
Even we can not believe!

Why not believe? -
He says to the Medveditsa. -
My son is well done!

I went off
And he said that I would not come out.
I will never come out
I will live in it all years!
And in the offense
I did not see
Neither a flower, nor bush ...
And in the offense
I offended
And puppy, and cat ...
I confused cake
And in disadvantage I am faced
And she slept in her two hours,
I open my eyes ...
And she is going somewhere!
But I did not want to look for!

Moshkovskaya herself in childhood was engaged in vocals and subsequently after graduating from the school. Gnesins worked in the Arkhangelsk Philharmonic. This imparted a fingerprint on its further creativity. Characters of poems do not hide their senses, express them loud and openly.

I am loud
about your leg,
about shoe,

Children's world, which depicts Moshkovskaya in his verses, full of genuine joy, endless happiness and, of course, miracles. Broken toys incredibly become integer, broken vases and cups glued together, and mom is never angry. (Eh, if it was so really) her children's characters are active, resourceful and inventive. For example, in the poem "lived in the light of the little man", the hero finds 12 sheets and wants to build a house of them, but the material is enough only on the porch. But he does not despair, and the construction is completed in the most miraculous way. The roof becomes the sky, one of the walls - "Curly Lockers". "It is good that there was not enough boards, but everyone can go to visit, any owner will be happy.

The poem of Moshkovskaya is full of life and energy. Each of them is a kind of poetic discovery.

Circle -
And on the hill -
Seen rhoki.
Everyone screams,
As a sailor from the ship:
- Land!

Gradually, her poems are growing. New joys and new ones appear in their lives: the first friends, the first books, the school ... The baby grows, but in the soul, he is still, as well, the Moshkovskaya itself remains, the same child remains. And he remains a bunch of treasures that are more expensive than all that is in the world of adults: more important than money, knowledge.

Be ready for school - does not mean to be able to read, write and count.

Be prepared for school - it means to be ready to learn everything.

L.A. Wenger

Admission to school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. The child has a restructuring of lifestyle and activity. A small person is in a state of waiting: something is very significant and attractive, but still indefinite. The whole lifestyle of the child is changing radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, an increase in the volume of intellectual load). The child's attitude to school is formed before he goes into it. And here, an important role is played by information about the school and the way it is submitted by parents and educators to Dow.

Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: "You will be an excellent student," you will have new friends "," Teachers love so smart, like you. " Adults believe that thereby instigated the child's concerned about school. In reality, a child configured to joyful fascinating activities, having experienced minor, negative emotions (insult, jealousy, envy, annoyance) can long lose interest in learning. It is necessary to conduct targeted work on education in preschoolers of a positive attitude towards school using a variety of forms and working methods, through the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment, through pedagogical education of parents and interaction with primary school teachers.

My group and we have developed the project "We will go soon to school." In this project, priority is paid to the organization of effective interaction of DOU, school and family. Work on the education of a positive attitude to school in children of the preparatory group contributes to the increase in the social and cognitive activity of children, targeted the formation of the integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

The project "Soon to school we will go"

Children's age: 6-7 years.

The duration of the project is 3-4 weeks.

Objective of the project: Formation of a presentation of school, upbringing a positive attitude to school in children of the preparatory group.


- To introduce children with the school and the profession of the teacher.

- Create an object and developing environment for familiarizing students with the school.

- develop a coherent speech of children, enrich and intensify the dictionary.

- promote mutual understanding, friendliness, withdrawing a feeling of anxiety before meeting with the school.

- increase parental competence in pre-school preparation.

Model of three questions:

What do we know?

What do we want to know?

How can I find out?

Kids study at school

That soon we will be schoolchildren

Schools are different

There is a change in school

There are teachers at school

At school very interesting

What is a school?

Why do we go to school?

How do you teach at school?

What are the schools?

What do you teach at school?

Is there a mug in school and sections?

What schools were before?

Where and how did our parents study?

Ask for educators, parents

View TV

View Encyclopedia

View video

Go on a tour of school


Collect information

It was chosen and posted in the Literature Group:

S. Marshak "The first of September"

A. Aleksin "First Day"

V. Voronkova "Girlfriends go to school"

E. Moshkovskaya "We play school"

A. Alexandrov "To School"

V. Berestov "Piecely"

A. Barto "To School"

Illustrated material:

Presentation "First time, first class"

Presentation "Rules for the behavior of educated children in school"

Demonstration material

Audio Record Fairy Tale "Filipple"

Exhibition of photographic materials "History of school uniform"

Information for parents:

Making a folder-movement in a group to help parents "School readiness"

Consultation for parents on the topic: "What games can be used at home when preparing a child for school"

Questioning of parents "On the eve of school life"

"Evening of questions and answers" with primary school teacher

IV. Stage - project implementation

Parents took an active part in creative activities and chose the following projects:

"First time, first grade" - Presentation

"We are writers, we are publishers" - newspaper

"Travel to the country of knowledge" - musical entertainment

Excursion to the School Library, School Museum

Corner for parents - Consultation

Presentation "First time in the first class"

We are writers, we are publishers. " Publication in the Garden Garden Newspaper

Music entertainment "Travel to the country of Knowledge"

Excursion to the School Library, School Museum

Corner for parents

Game "Letters Street"

V. Stage - project presentation

Exhibition of Creativity Children "My School"

Corner of a schoolboy with their own hands

Photo exhibition "My parents, educators - schoolchildren"

Creating bookmarks for the bookmark

Excursion to School number 78

"Bookmark for a letter"

Photo exhibition "My parents, educators - schoolchildren"

Corner of a schoolboy with their own hands

Creativity of children "My School"

Excursion to school

"Children say." Impressions about school

"I liked the medals at school, the awards that student awarded" - Masha P.

"I liked the dining room at school especially .... Both director !!! " - Matvey D.

"I liked the teacher at school, and a very big library, where many books" - Alena G.

"At school is cool, beautiful and delightful. Liked students and teachers "- Danil I.

"I want to go to school, I liked the director of the school" - Kirill A.

"At school a large gym, where you can quickly run. I want to do there "- Pavel U.

The results of the project activities:

All children have an educational and informative learning motive, all children of the group are ready to school:

- enriched the presentation of children on school training and profession of the teacher.

- Children formed "the inner position of the schoolchildren."

- The positive attitude of children to school and the desire to learn.

- Professional competence of teachers of DWA in the preparation of children to school.

- Rose parental competence in pre-school preparation.

- strengthened the relationship between the kindergarten and family.

To narrow the results of the search results, you can specify the request, specifying the fields for which search. List of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search for several fields at the same time:

Logically operators

The default operator uses And..
Operator And. means that the document must comply with all elements in the group:

study Development

Operator Or. This means that the document must correspond to one of the values \u200b\u200bin the group:

study Or. Development

Operator Not. Excludes documents containing this item:

study Not. Development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method for which the phrase will be sought. Four methods are supported: Search for morphology, without morphology, search for prefix, search phrase.
By default, the search is made taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, in front of words in the phrase, it is enough to put a dollar sign:

$ study $ development

To search for the prefix you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search the phrase you need to enter into double quotes:

" research and development "

Search for synonyms

To include in the search results, the words need to put a lattice " # "Before the word or before expressing in brackets.
In applied to one word for it will be found to three synonyms.
In applied to expression in brackets, it will be added synonym for each word if it was found.
Not combined with search without morphology, search for prefix or search by phrase.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to manage the milk logic of the query.
For example, you need to make a request: to find documents from which the author of Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilda " ~ "In the end of the word from the phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words as "brom", "rum", "prom", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible revows: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Criterion intimacy

To search by the criterion of proximity, you need to put a tilda " ~ "At the end of the phrase. For example, in order to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" study Development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ "At the end of the expression, after which, indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant this expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "study" is four times relevant to the word "development":

study ^4 Development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

Search in the interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, the boundary values \u200b\u200bseparated by the operator should be specified in brackets To..
A lexicographic sorting will be made.

Such a request will return results with the author, ranging from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
In order to enable the value to the interval, use square brackets. To exclude the value, use curly brackets.

The last meeting of parents of the older group was very active. The problem is the unwillingness of children to go to school. I asked not to scare children with strict teachers and bad marks, respond to our requests for creating a developing environment to solve the problem. Armed with knowledge from courses began to prepare May, June, mid-July was preparing for the game, after the holiday began.

1. Consider the contents of portfolios for classes (Program Recommendation "Rainbow" ) Loving.

According to the go - conversation, what and for what can be useful.

2. On September 1, a ruler at school was visited. Pay attention to the appearance of first-graders.

3. Excursion to school. Teacher's story about training lesson and the whole school day.

4. Who works at school, what can I learn from the teacher? Student Student Grade 5 (child employee d.sad).

6. Reading fiction:

Memorizing poem A. Alexandrova "To school" .

Reading. S. Marshak "The first of September" , Aleksin "First day"

L. Doronkova "Girlfriends go to school" , "E. Moshkovskaya "We play school" , E. Shvartz "First grader" . This book can be said especially. She brought her grandmother Alyosha, who was presented with a book when she went to the first class. More careful handling of the book and such a long viewing of black and white illustrations, I have not seen for a long time. Read for two weeks. Each stories mean.

7. Consider portfolios of graduates who came in the village of the garden along the way from school.

9. Consider: illustration of school life, painting "At the lesson" .

10. Didactic game "Collect a portfolio" , "To whom you need to work."

12. Hearing audio recording songs about school.

13. Observation of the physical education lesson on the street on the sport. School playground.

14. There is a workshop at school. Observation near the workshop window. Consider sawdust, listen to the noise of the machine. Remember the story of a schoolboy. Why not enter?

15. Construction of a school from a builder, including public premises.

16. Drawing up stories for home: "What I learned about school today" .

Here everyone can become a teacher or student. She sewed panel letters.

Made didactic games that children gladly took home to play with their parents.