Creativity Blaginina for children. All poems Elena Blaginina

Blaginina Elena Aleksandrovna - Poet, translator, memoirist.

Born in the family of a luggage cashier. The first lessons of verbost received from the grandfather - a rural priest and teacher of the church-parish school, as well as from the mother - the "great book character with phenomenal memory." From here - from the family of durable peasant roots, from childhood who has passed surrounded by Turgenev-Buninskaya nature, under the musical sound of truly Russian people's speech - ethics and aesthetics of her works for the smallest, inseparable from the atmosphere of a completely unnoticed house, where nevertheless father, man A rare kindness, regularly satisfied the "candy holidays" for all the surrounding defensions, children's magazines wrote on the pennies, and where Blaginine itself began to write poetry from 8 years.

After moving the family to Kursk, graduating from Mariinskaya gymnasium, Blaginina enters the pedagogical institute, at the same time becoming increasingly realizing his writer's vocation. The significant for her becomes 1921, when it was first published by her verse. "Girl with a picture", and then a row dr.- in the Almana of Kursk Writers. In the same year, Blaginina leaves for Moscow, where - with the blessing of V. Brüssov himself, goes to the Higher Literary and Art Institute led by him, after which (1925) worries in Izvestia, at the University of Radio Broadcasting, All-Union Radioomitete. Then becomes an employee, the permanent author of the children's journals "Murzilka" and "Cressing". "Children's" poems that composed first simply for familiar ripples are becoming increasingly important for buggy.

In 1936, 2 of her books are published for the children "Autumn" and "Sadko", in 1939 - "That's what mom!", In 1940, "sit in silence", in 1941 - "Mishka-Shalubishka". Blaginina becomes one of the leading children's writers, from 1938 - a member of the joint venture of the USSR. The high professionalism of the poetry of bluntness is based on the organic continuation of the traditions of the Russian poetic classics and oral pop-poetic creativity. She owns all the genres of children's literature - from fairy tales, counting, teasers, patter to songs, ballads, children's landscape and psychological lyrics (awakening of love for loved ones and awareness of the need for concern about the tired mother, about grandfather), and a long-standing home game with brother in " Sister Alynaushka and Bratz Ivanushka "(" Fairy Tale ") naturally leads to the creation of a number of game scenarios (including for the puppet theater -" There is no happiness friendship "," Parsley on the roof "). All-consuming love filled with buggy verses for younger age ("That's what mom!", I will sit in silence, "Autumn", etc.). In the small poem "Alenushka" (1940), even a composite construction of the text seems to demonstrate the logic of changing the nature of works for children depending on their age. The beginning of "Alenushka" - delight of communication with the child, an active affectionate game: "Like our daughter / pink cheeks, / like our bird / dark cilia! / Like our crumbs / warm legs, / like our paws / marigold scratches! ". The same thing, but in a different "quiet" intonation - in the "Lullaby master": "Bay-Bay Binki, Zainki: / - Will your girl sleep, / Give girl? / - Leave, Zaine. / Do not interfere with Bainics! " Then "Color Books, / Let the Children read", and "I brought pencils / let them draw kids!". And then the time of awareness of the need to pour a garden will come, as he - "also wants to drink", like small readers. Labor Theme How joys with a greater psychological depth and tactics is approved by Blaginina in a number of her poems - "I will science to dress for a brother!", "Will be for the winter of firewood", "worried" and others.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the creativity of Blaginina enters military topics: and in its most tragic turn - death, destruction ("lonely stoves"), and in the patriotic faith in the inevitability of victory as the celebration of good and truth. In the postwar years, this topic will be continued in approval of grateful memory, without which the future is unthinkable ("Shinel" and others). In the collection "At the Privala" (1945), "Raduga" (1948), "Spark" (1949), "Do not bother me" (1959), "Trashka-Muravichka" and "Gori-Gori clear!" (both - 1971), "Zhuravushka (1973) especially attracts patriotic landscape landscape lyrics based on a number of techniques of folklore poetics," Gori-Gori clearly "," Golden Autumn ", etc.), as well as the topic of the" brothers of our smaller "(S.Senin), the love for which was always inherent in the very bluntman and which she taught her little readers. Baby verses of bluntness are translated into German, Polish, Bulgarian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages. Under her pen, the work of T. Weshechenko, I. Phranco, L. Buchrainki, L. Scitko, Yu.Tustima, and others sounded in Russian.

Already in the second half of the 1960s, in the work of Blaginina, it becomes more actively to declare "adult" lyrics (Sat. "Windows in the garden", 1966; "Fold", 1973; a number of publications in periodical press, in particular, in the journal " New World "and" Banner "). All this testifies to the growing philosophical saturation and the moral sharpness of the writer's creativity. It was from this time that the attention of publishers and critics to burglary is increasingly decreasing. I managed to internally resist the totalitarianism, to defend its independence, which was a lesser extent, for example, Agniya Barto or the faith of Inbera (Prikhodko V. Cinderella and Prince. P.97), B. All the less fit into the atmosphere of the "stagnant period". She had to face the arrest of his father and her husband. Blaginine supported the persecuted B. Pastenak, L. Chukovskaya and others. In her house (in one of the verse, she called him "the mounds of the miracle") people who were able to "independently", united by honesty and devotion to art, the ability to adequately meet the sorrow and trouble. Roman "I love the tormentor of my whole violence" published in 1997, is dedicated to the bitter literary fate of her husband, the poet Georgy Obandueva (1898-1954), a representative of the ancient nobleman, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who saw during his lifetime printed only one poem (1929).

The memoir prose Blaginina entered a number of memories of childhood, youth, the 1930s, military and post-war period of domestic history. This book is "about time and about yourself," it affected the "age and man" with his intellectual and moral height and tragically unstable life. The publication of the novel completes the cycle of "adults" poems of bluntness: "Other dreams will fly to the headboard, and thunderstorms in the shocking blood. / And all that we called love, / remember will be about love ... / And if at the time of the last foggy / rise suddenly in the woken blood / all unfulfilled promises, / all Rosstani, all sorry for love, / we will meet them with a vigorous sobbing, / We will be glad that we still live, / and what we called suffering, / ordinary life we \u200b\u200bcall ... "


Materials are used: Russian literature of the 20th century. Prosaiki, poets, playwrights. Bibliographic dictionary. Volume 1. with. 221-222.


Russian writers and poets (biographical reference book).


Sparkle. M. 1950;

Do not bother me to work. M., 1959;

ABC in verse. M., 1964;

Windows in the garden. M. 1966;

Gori-Gori clear! M., 1971;

Jew. M., 1973;

Fold M., 1973;

Poems, fairy tales. M., 1990;

As I was, I will be // Total newspaper. 1994. №43. P.16;

Baby care. M., 1996;

I love the tormentor of my all fierce // New Russia. 1997. №1.2;

"I will become cleaner and younger ..." and others. Poems // Banner. 1998. No. 10.


Inbert V. About cheerful and serious // Children's literature. 1940. №11,12;

Szozhenkina S. E. Blaginina. Windows in the garden // New World. 1968. №2;

Prikhodko V.A. E. Blaginina. Essay of creativity. M., 1971;

Ozers L. and only the song remains. Memory of Elena Blaginina // Children's Literature. 1989. №9;

Prikhodko V. was and will. About creativity E. Blaginina // Pre-school education. №10;

Prikhodko V. Cinderella and Prince: Preface. For publication of the biographical novel // New Russia. 1997. №1. P.97.

Native of the Orlovsky village Yakovlevo, Elena Blaginina I did not immediately find your calling. Initially, the future children's poetess, dreamed of becoming a teacher. With great perseverance, she went for seven kilometers to study in the Kursk Pedagogical Institute
Still, Elena Blaginina was born in a poet. The wish to write was stronger, and already during the years of students, the first lyrical poems appeared among Kursk poets Elena Alexandrovna.
Later, Elena Blaginina entered the Supreme Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, who was led by the outstanding poet Valery Bryusov in those years.
Elena Alexandrovna came to children's literature at the beginning of the 30s. Blaginina could not print his serious, based on the Christian faith, and dedicated her life to children's poetry. It was then that on the pages of the magazine Murzilka appeared a new name - Elena Blaginina.
Children's poems, counting, fairy tales loved by many generations of children.
The journal publications followed the book.
Elena Aleksandrovna had a long saturated life. She constantly worked. Elena Blaginina wrote children's poems sparkling by humor, "teasers", "readers", "patterings", songs, fairy tales. But most of all she has lyric poems.

Which is closely related to the world of childhood, is the famous Russian poetess and translator. In good and spiritual poems of the author, not one topic of her works was understandable to an adult man.

The Creativity of Elena Blaginina lies Russian folklore. Her poems, songs, fairy tales, boosters, teasers, countertilers, saying sparkling a good humor, and the themes: the world around the world, the care of the mother about the child, communication with the peers, rustic nature is close and children, and adults.

Blaginina Elena: brief biography

Blahinina Elena did not forget, the biography of which is a vivid example of the purposefulness and love of poetry, and about the adult audience, for which two collections of poems were issued: in 1960 - "Window to the Garden", in 1973 - "Fold".

Creative contribution to children's literature

In the personal life of Elena Bladynina was married to the Russian poet Georgy Oboldov, whose original creativity for many years hid from the reader Soviet censorship. About his original and bright spouse of the poerate subsequently wrote the book of memories.

Many works of Elena Blaginina were translated into other languages, and the best included in the domestic fund of children's books, becoming in one row with the poems of Samuel Marshak and Kornea Chukovsky.

Talented poetess, a favorite author of many children lived a long life, which put a point on April 24, 1989. Blaginina Elena, whose biography entered the history of Russian literature, buried in Moscow at Kobyakovsky cemetery next to his spouse.

. Today is our first blog on the theme "The most famous authors of poems for children." And we dedicate the first to the famous children's poetessElena Blaginina. Creativity of this poetess, well-known readers since the 30s of the last century, to this day is one of the most reading sections of literature for children. Elena Blaginina Poems For the smallest readers for many decades, any matinee in kindergarten always decorate, and for children older children, and various poetic collections for children have been taken to school textbooks. Her most famous poem "Sit in silence", which our grandmothers taught in their childhood and now with warmth they tell their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, for many years does not leave any reader indifferent, bribing with their pointing and simplicity.

Sit in silence.

Mom sleeps, she is tired ...
Well, I did not play!
I do not start a wolf,
And sat down and sit.

My toys do not noise,
Quiet in the room is empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The ray is mounted gold.

And I said the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like much:
Loud read and roll the ball
I would have sang a song
I would wake up
Yes, I want a little!
But mom is sleeping, and I am silent.

The ray darted along the wall,
And then slid to me.
"Nothing," he whispered as if, "
Sit and in silence! ..

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina(1903-1989), a native of the Orlovsk village, did not immediately understand what was born in the poet. She was a subsidiary of a luggage cashier at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of the priest. The girl was going to become a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in homemade shoes on the rope sole, she was seven kilometers from the house in the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. However, studies at the Pedagogical Institute, which had to walk for many kilometers, the difficulties of relations with peers influenced the perception of the world. Elena Blaginina expressed real feelings in his first samples. Sad works touched to the depths of the soul, read in one breath. Over time, the desire to write grew, because it turned out well, and Elena thought about his future. Soon the girl easily entered the literary institute in Moscow and from that moment did not stop writing. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and then, during the years of students, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in Almanac of Kursk poets.

Then she entered the Supreme Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, who was led by the poet Valery Bryusov.

Elena Alexandrovna came to children's literature at the beginning of the 30s. It was the flourishing of creativity of bluntness, and the guys loved the modest, calm poems of Blaginina, she wrote that he was expensive to children, about what they were clear and familiar. It was then on the pages of the magazine "Murzilka", where such poets, like Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov, were printed, a new name - E. Blaginina appeared. "The guys loved her, and her poems - the adorable poems that closely and expensive children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birrors, about apples, about the garden and a garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their Joy and sorrow, "- recalls the literary critic E. Taratut, who was working in the library, where the authors of Murzilki opposed small readers.

The journal publications followed the book. In 1936, the Poem "Sadko" was almost simultaneously reached and the collection "Autumn". Then there were many other books: Elena Alexandrovna lived a long life and worked constantly. She wrote poems sparkling humor, "teasers", "county", "patterings", songs, fairy tales. But most of all she has lyric poems. She worked on the translations, acquainted the guys with the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Maria Konopnitsky, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko. The best of all created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections "Zhuravushka" (1973, 1983, 1988), "fly-flew" (1983), "Gori-Gori clear!" (1990). The latter appeared when Elena Aleksandrovna was no longer alive: she died in 1989

Poems Elena Blaginina- This is a whole world in which everyone will find a favorite corner for their children. From myself I can add that the collection of poems of the bluntness is my very first and most favorite book, which with me all my life. In the beginning of the 70s I gave this book my grandmother, who always read me on the night these wonderful poems. On this book, I myself studied to read (and even write what my first doodle on the fields testify. Over time, I gladly read this book with all my children, I hope that I still read grandchildren. After all, from the earliest childhood, these wonderful lines filled with sincere warmth, love and tenderness were sat down in my memory.

C. Yerimuha

Cherry, cherry,
What are you standing too?
- for the holiday of Spring,
For May bloomed.

- And you, Grass-Muravoyka,
What are you feeling soft?
- for the holiday of Spring,
For May Day.

- And you, birch trees,
What is now green?
- For the holiday, for the holiday!
For May! For spring!


Crouching behind the window
Frosty day.
Stands on the window

Petals bloom,
As if really
There were lights.

I water him
His shore
His give
I can not!

He is very angry
Very good
Very much mamina
The fairy tale is similar!

Thanks to everyone who has found time to familiarize yourself with our first blog. We remind you that the selection of the greenhouse is devoted to poems for children and the work of our young authors. Subsequently, interesting contests and surprises are waiting for you. Kryuku section of Oksana Schoolboy will answer all your questions, or Sergey Kokolov. To new meetings!

Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989), a native of the Orlovsk village, did not immediately understand what was born in a poet. She was a subsidiary of a luggage cashier at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of the priest. The girl was going to become a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in homemade shoes on the rope sole, she was seven kilometers from the house in the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and then, during the years of students, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in Almanac of Kursk poets.
Then she entered the Supreme Literary and Art Institute in Moscow, who was led by the poet Valery Bryusov.
Elena Alexandrovna came to children's literature at the beginning of the 30s. It was then on the pages of the magazine "Murzilka", where such poets, like Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov, were printed, a new name - E. Blaginina appeared. "The guys loved her, and her poems - the adorable poems that closely and expensive children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birrors, about apples, about the garden and a garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their Joy and sorrow, "- recalls the literary critic E. Taratut, who was working in the library, where the authors of Murzilki opposed small readers.
The journal publications followed the book. In 1936, the Poem "Sadko" was almost simultaneously reached and the collection "Autumn". Then there were many other books: Elena Alexandrovna lived a long life and worked constantly. She wrote poems sparkling humor, "teasers", "county", "patterings", songs, fairy tales. But most of all she has lyric poems. She worked on the translations, acquainted the guys with the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Maria Konopnitsky, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko. The best of all created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections "Zhuravushka" (1973, 1983, 1988), "fly-flew" (1983), "Gori-Gori clear!" (1990). The latter appeared when Elena Aleksandrovna was no longer alive: she died in 1989