Varieties of indoor ficuses with photos with names. Description of all varieties of Ficus Benjamin: varieties, photos with names

Today, about 1000 species of ficus are known to science, but only a few varieties are adapted for home breeding. Separate varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home maintenance. This evergreen representative of the mulberry family appeals to many flower growers. It is easy to care for decorative leafy ficuses, you just need to observe certain conventions regarding a particular species. Due to the low requirements for care, along with external attractiveness, ficuses decorate the interior of a living space, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or cafe.

Rubbery Melanie

All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, the leaves have a dense structure, bright green color (some varieties may have spots, edging), and different shapes.

The plant can be designed as a potted tree, a falling ampelous form or a miniature bonsai. The natural habitat allows them to reach enormous sizes, to become full-fledged trees. Domesticated representatives of the ficus family have dimensions acceptable for the premises, they grow slowly.

Ficus - where does it grow and where is its homeland? He prefers tropical countries, the coasts of the Pacific, Indian Oceans, the Mediterranean, South Africa. It is also common in the Crimea, the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, and India. The tropical rainforests of Malaysia and the Philippines, where ficuses grow and bear fruit, are the birthplace of the plant.

Ficus - types, photos and names

We often grow representatives of the ficus family at home, moreover, they are one of the most beloved. bushes different varieties not always similar, but they are united by almost the same growing methods and care requirements.

Variety of Benjamin - Lovely

One of the most popular varieties - Benjamin's ficus, has a universal size, resembles a small tree.

Starlight (Benjamin) Photos

This variety has several sub-cultivars that differ in the shape of the leaves. The egg-shaped Benjamin leaf has a slightly pointed tip. They can be a rich green hue, have white blotches, edging (variegated varieties). To give a beautiful shape to the crown, frequent pruning is recommended. The trunks lend themselves to weaving: gardeners often use this technique to achieve an unusual decorative effect. To do this, several seedlings are planted together or types of ficus Benjamin are used to create bonsai.

Photo of Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Ficus rubbery, also known as elastic (elastic) - the most common variety for pot growing. Buddhists revere it, consider it sacred. In its homeland (northeast India, south Indonesia), it can reach a height of 30 meters. This variety forms branches as it grows, and also forms aerial roots, especially in high humidity. Due to this structure of the root system, the elastic ficus is also called the "snake tree".

At home, it does not give color, the leaves are rather large, oval in shape with a sharp tip. The Melanie variety got its name due to the milky juice white color, which sometimes stands out on the surface of the sheet. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to produce rubber on an industrial scale.

Ficus elastic should not be over-moistened, especially with the onset of winter.

Rubbery (elastic) - Belize

Of the dwarf varieties, creeping ficus is very interesting. It has curly creeping shoots, roots with suckers that can cling to any surface.

Pygmy Creeping - Pumila Green Sunny

Grows well in sunlit places, loves moisture very much. Creeping ficus has small leathery oval leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this ground cover variety are prone to woodiness. In bright light (but not in direct sunlight), the variegated leaf pattern becomes even brighter, and if it is scarce, it can become just green.

Its other name is pumila ficus (ficus pumila), the most popular for home breeding varieties are: Sunny (with an uneven white border along the edges of the sheet),

Dwarf creeping - Pumilla Sanny

White Sunny (with a continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white spots on the sheet). Dwarf creeping feels equally comfortable in hanging pots (like an ampelous plant) and ordinary pots.

Pygmy creeping - Pumila White Sunny - photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol

Dwarf ficus can be wrapped around special decorative poles, setting the desired direction for the shoots.

Ficus goblet-leaved (Ficus Cyathistipula). He also has one name - Tsiatistipula. This is perhaps one of the most undemanding plants from the ficus family. One of distinctive features- strong branching and closely spaced leaves. Hence the admirable view - it always looks magnificent.

The goblet leaf is large, leathery, elongated: length up to 20 cm, width no more than 7-8 cm. The top of the leaf is rounded, and the tip is pointed. The leaf is dark green on the front and light green on the back. The reverse side of the sheet looks interesting and unusual: in the form of a mesh.

Photo of the reverse side of the Cyatispula leaf:

And another sign: brown scales. This is clearly visible in the photo above. Scales always appear at the ends of branches. They play the role of protecting young leaves from external factors. They fall off over time, but stay on the branches for a long time.

The name Ficus Lyre is obtained precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm in length (25 cm in width), have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. A fairly large tree grows out of it, which does not like neighborhood, preferring to stand apart from others. It does not apply to banyans (plants with aerial roots). It has an upright trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background. In their form, the leaves expanding towards the top resemble a violin.

Ficus lyre

Ficus with female name Natasha belongs to the sub-varieties of Benjamin.

Natasha (Benjanin)

It is an evergreen perennial shrub that can grow up to 2 meters in room conditions. The bush has many thin shoots with densely growing small leaves, which are the smallest among other varieties of Benjamin. The leaves themselves have a leathery structure, an elliptical shape with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can vary from white-green to deep green.

Photo of ficus leaves Natasha and Cypress - for comparison

Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, frequent movements, prefers to grow in one permanent place. He likes irrigation (twice daily), regular shaking of the crown (for airing lush foliage).

Photo of Microcarp Retuza

The Microcarp variety looks very similar to one of the Benjamin varieties. It is distinguished by the accelerated growth of the root system, so it is often used to create bonsai. Microcarp leaves can be different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On our shelves flower shops often you can see this variety grown in a special way, which reveals the roots, reminiscent of ginseng rhizomes. The label that is attached to the pot says - Ficus microcarpa Ginseng (Ficus microcarpa ginseng).

To achieve this form of roots, it is necessary to do complex agrotechnical work using hormonal supplements and appropriate fertilizers. Under natural conditions, this plant reaches a height of 25 meters, it is also called the "strangler" because of the tendency to wrap around the trunks of a number of growing trees, preventing their further growth and development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a raw material for the subsequent formation of a plant to get a bonsai style.

Photo Microcarp - bonsai style

Separately, it is worth mentioning the formation of bonsai - miniature trees, which, by their appearance repeat large counterparts (roots and crown). The translation from Chinese "bonsai" is "grown in a tray." For harvesting, varieties of ordinary trees or bushes are used, but with the use of cunning technologies for pruning, pulling the stems with wire, and a special irrigation technique, amazing mini-gardens are created. Ficus is optimally suited for growing bonsai - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this area.

Ficus bonsai is created from varieties:

The Robusta variety belongs to rubber-bearing ficuses.

Rubbery (elastic) - Robusta - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk

Under natural conditions, it can grow up to 50-60 meters in height (but specimens of 30-40 meters are more common), it is the tallest representative of this family.

This is one of the most unpretentious species. Not very experienced flower growers, lovers of ficuses, are recommended to start their activities with him. Ficus Robusta has fleshy large leaves (approximately 30 cm long), which can be either solid (dark green) or with white or yellow patterns.

Photo of Robusta with leaves of different colors

It looks great in floor containers, likes frequent but moderate watering, and is not too picky about light.

Another representative of the Benjamin variety is Kinky.

Photo by Kinka (Benjamin) — photo by Yulia Semenyuk (Mirekina), Krasnoyarsk

This is a dwarf ficus with small, narrow, light-colored leaves. Green colour and cream edging around the edges. Light-loving Kinki, who prefers diffused lighting, does not like hot air(do not place near radiators or heaters), as well as drafts. It is highly undesirable to move it from one place to another (it can drop foliage). He will feel comfortable with moderate regular watering, irrigation.

In the natural environment, a characteristic feature of the Bengal ficus is the banyan - a special form of the structure of the root system, in which one plant from the side looks like a forest of many trees growing nearby.

Bengali - Banyan Tree

Bengal ficus has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves, at home it grows up to 2 meters in a few years. He loves good lighting, sunlight, although it needs to be shaded to avoid burns on the leaves.

Photo by Andre (view of Bengalsky)

Light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower. If natural lighting is scarce, then the installation additional source artificial light becomes relevant. Not too active watering is recommended.

Variety Melanie belongs to the family rubber ficuses, once it was also used to produce rubber, but now it is a full-fledged ornamental plant.

Photo by Melanie (rubber-bearing)

Melanie's ficuses are neat bushes with a voluminous crown; they look equally harmonious in offices and home interiors. This variety is unpretentious in care, loves frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering, it starts to hurt from too bright lighting. It has glossy leaves of a leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk, a crown that lends itself well to shaping. Allergy sufferers should take a closer look at this variety before the establishment, as its milky juice is toxic and can cause allergies.

Ficus Moklame is a tall bush with a neat compact crown.

Photo of Microcarp Moklaim (Moklame) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg

The shoots of this plant are directed upwards, the oval leaves of a rich green color have a very dense structure - they slightly resemble plastic ones. This flower loves diffused lighting. With a lack of light, Moklamé leaves turn pale, and with sufficient light they become saturated shade. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in summer).

Ficuses in the house - signs

Ficuses are living plants, like all creatures, they carry an energy charge. Whether it is positive or negative is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums you can read the fears of the owners, discussions about whether ficuses should be kept at home.

If we consider the signs, then it is worth highlighting a few of the main, most often mentioned:

  • If you are experiencing a sudden impulse to purchase this plant, then it is likely that replenishment in the family will soon await you. However, in order for this sign to start “working”, the ficus must be presented to you by a positive, pleasant person for you.
  • If a girl or woman wants to get married, then she should grow a ficus from a small petiole with her own hands. Only she should take care of the plant, direct communication with the flower is also recommended, that is, the layering of favorable energy on it.
  • If you place a flower pot in the kitchen, then the financial situation of the family will improve, and incomes will grow. If you sleep badly or are under stress, then put it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere in a favorable way, optimizes energy in general.

According to biological studies, it has been proven that the presence of ficus purifies the air of the room, saturates it with oxygen (releasing phytoncides). This plant is able to absorb a variety of compounds harmful to humans (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichlorethylene, and others). Special enzymes that contain plant leaves can transform individual poisonous elements into sugar and amino acids.

There is information about the use of ficus folk medicine Eastern countries: with its help, skin, oncological, intestinal diseases are cured. However, you should not try little-known methods of treatment, but it is better to consult a competent doctor.

A plant can only be harmful if a person is allergic to it. Separate types ficuses, the same rubbery ones, secrete juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people with asthma. This juice cannot be tasted, and its contact with the skin is also undesirable.

Be doubly careful if you have small children, curious pets - contact with this plant may not be the best for their health.

As we can see, the positive qualities of ficus are much greater than the possible prohibitions on keeping it at home.

This is a beautiful evergreen plant, the care of which will not require you to spend a lot of time or some tricky conditions of detention. Any member of this family can decorate your home with their decorative effect. We hope that the varieties of ficus described here with photos and names will help you realize right choice and settle a new green friend at home.

Below are varieties of ficuses - photos and names of varieties:

Anastasia (Benjamin) Lovely (Benjamin) Midnight Lady (Benjamin) — photo by Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol Daniel (variety of Benjamin) Baroque (variety Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Starlight (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin)
Baft (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Regidan (variety of Benjamin)
Safari (Benjamin) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo by De Gantel (Benjamin) — photo by Daria Cherepenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamin) Photo of Ali (a variety of Binnendik) - photo of Alla Kholodzen, Simferopol
Amstel Gold (a kind of Binnendik) — photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo Opposite - one of the varieties of figs
Dwarf - Pumila White Sunny - photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Variation of Benjamin - Midnight Lady Photo Esther (Neon) - a variety of Benjamin
Deltoid ficus - photo
The deltoid ficus has a triangular leaf, tapering towards the stalk
Deltoid (variegated) ficus with a triangular leaf

It often happens that at your workplace in the office you feel loneliness, disapproval or misunderstanding. I want to talk to someone about my plans, to complain about troubles. I want someone to just listen and remove the stone from the soul. Or, on the contrary, employees constantly lament about their domestic troubles, complain about work, bosses, tasteless coffee and other nonsense. And from these conversations not only the mood deteriorates, but also any desire to work disappears. Is it possible to somehow cope with this without the help of pills?

The meaning of ficus

There is one magic tool. This is an ordinary houseplant with extraordinary properties - ficus. Psychologists advise growing it at home or at work to maintain harmonious relationships and good mood. Surprisingly, the ficus is sensitive to changes in the atmosphere in the room. He subtly feels the negative environment, the state of depression or nervousness. The plant absorbs negativity from the atmosphere, soothes and pacifies.

Tip: at home, ficus can be placed in the bedroom, if the strongest experiences go to this particular room; if the reason to be sad or cry is in the kitchen - place your pet there.

Signs and beliefs about ficus

In shape, ficuses resemble small trees, they please with their appearance, moreover, they are not very demanding to care for. It is enough to choose a suitable place for them, water after the soil has completely dried and spray more often. These manipulations are available even to beginner flower growers. When planting a plant on your windowsill or desktop, you want to know more about it, not only in terms of care, but also about magical properties and how it affects people. Ficuses really have similar properties.

Interesting fact. The larger and older the plant, the more powerful the factor of its influence on the environment and people.

There are quite a few signs associated with ficuses. Some of them work, while others are hard to test. And, nevertheless, they all recommend starting a plant for emotional, quick-tempered and, conversely, reserved people. Ficus in the house is a good sign. The more beautiful the plant looks, the better. To have a flower at work means to get rid of unnecessary worries over trifles.

Signs about pregnancy

The most interesting beliefs are related to pregnancy. They say that if a woman wants a child, and she fails to get pregnant, you need to put a ficus in the bedroom. A large bush is not suitable for this purpose. Need to buy it small plant, put him close to the bed and raise him like your own child. That is, the flower must be surrounded by attention, groomed, watered in time, fertilized, told him about his worries, treated like a living little creature. This method allows a childless woman to tune in the right way, the brain itself is programmed to take care of a small creature. The main condition is to feel the importance of what is happening, to believe that the plant needs your love and care.

Where not to put ficus in the apartment

The plant is calm about lighting, even shaded areas of the apartment are suitable for it. It would seem that in this case the flower can be placed anywhere. But no.

It should not be placed in the center of the room. Whether it's in the middle of a work space or a living room in a home.

Also, you can not place the plant close to other flowers. He will miss free space and attention.

A sunny window sill on the south side is also not suitable. Since burns will appear on the leaves of large specimens, and small-leaved trees will shed their foliage.

Where is it better to put a ficus in an apartment

In order for a tree to be useful, to influence the mood of the inhabitants of the house, it is important for it to choose the right place. To do this, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve.

If you want career advancement, place a pot on your desk near the light. The positive energy of the plant will help overcome internal insecurities and focus on business.

If you take the news too close to your heart and overreact to it, grow a few trees. Put them where you are the most during the day. Excess energy will go away, you will become calmer.

To obtain material wealth, ficus is placed in the kitchen. So you will attract money to the house.

ficus photo

Pay attention to how beautiful trees look in the interior of a bedroom, living room, cafe or office.

Ficus is a tree of happiness. It brings peace and joy to its owners. It feeds on bad emotions, helps to survive difficult moments in life. Gives a feeling of security and calmness.

For flower growers, ficus is a real gift and not too whimsical indoor culture. Having settled in a room or in a house, he pleases the eye with his green or variegated leaves of different sizes and shapes. This flower is very popular among both experienced and beginner flower growers.

Types of ficuses for the home with photos

In the world there are numerous varieties of ficus - several thousand. Originally from the tropics, where growing conditions are quite harsh, these plants are able to tolerate drought, high temperatures, and can grow on rocks and even rooftops. Ficus trees reach a height of several meters, and indoor ones can be both ampelous and grown using the bonsai technique, delighting the owners with an evergreen crown.

In the list of a huge number of representatives of this genus, there are about two dozen indoor. We present you ficuses and their varieties with photos and names so that you can choose the cutest for your home or office.

Ficus elastica (rubber)

Perhaps this is the most popular species that came to us from West Africa, Burma and India and the most unpretentious, which does not require much attention. In room conditions, it reaches 2 m in height, the trunk is tree-like, it can produce air "roots-props". This type of tropical plant cannot boast of a lush crown - its branches are quite rare, but the leaves are large, leathery, dense, as if covered with wax. By purchasing Ficus Elastica, you can not worry about the lighting in the room. Ficus rubber well survives penumbra, but is picky about watering. If the earth ball regularly dries out too much, the flower sheds its leaves. Its color can be either bright green or paler with spots resembling opaline. Ficus elastica loves to spray and bathe. At this time, its dense leaves are rubbed with a sponge on both sides.

Ficus Pumila (dwarf)

He came to Russia from China and Japan, where ampel cultures are very popular. Numerous shoots 5 cm long with a huge number of leaves diverge from the main trunk to the sides. Growing, the shoots take root due to the "air" roots that reach the ground and give new shoots. With regular pruning, you can create various crown shapes, which will very soon cover the entire surface of the pot and window sill. Ampelous ficuses, like many others, do not tolerate direct sunlight, leaving burns on the leaves.

Ficus Benjamina (Benjamina)

A variety of indoor ficuses have original forms. This species is more like a dwarf tree or even a shrub. Its trunk has a small height, but Ficus Benjamina pleases with a lush crown, which, with proper pruning, turns into an oval or round bush. This genus includes plants with green leaves, such as:

  • exotic;
  • Natasha;
  • Daniel.

And with variegated leaves:

  • Anastasia;
  • Starlight;
  • Kinky.

Experienced flower growers create elegant unusual compositions, weaving trunks in one pot different types. Ficus Benjamina can reach 2m in height.

Ficus Lirata (lyre-shaped)

Suitable for those who have large apartments or spacious rooms in the house. Ficus Lyre-shaped does not like close proximity to other home flowers. Its large shoots, which, with proper care, can reach 50 cm in length, are shaped like a violin or lyre, hence the name of the flower. To house tree grew better, it should be watered with warm water, regularly sprayed and wiped the leaves, often, at least once every 2-3 weeks, fertilize with mineral fertilizers. The leaves of this flower are streaked with light green veins, and the appearance of spots can be a sign of root rot or other diseases. Lirata is propagated by cuttings.

Ficus Binnendijkii (Bennendika)

In its homeland - the island of Java, this species reaches a height of about 20 m, and with its long, narrow shoots it resembles a willow familiar to our climate. In room conditions, the flower grows very quickly. For stability, he needs a support, which is installed directly into the ground next to the trunk. Narrow leaves 30 cm long hang down, forming a beautiful crown geometry.

Advice. If this indoor culture is not properly located in the room, it will be impossible to achieve its healthy growth. Ficus Binnendijkii absolutely does not tolerate drafts, and even a short-term drop in temperature can lead to its death.

Benedica is well propagated by cuttings. A healthy plant regularly sheds lower leaves. The fall of the upper part of the crown may indicate a disease or improper care.

Ficus deltoidea

A beautiful shrub or tree that is easy to grow at home. Proper Care behind it is:

  • in creating high humidity;
  • in regular spraying;
  • in the application of mineral fertilizers every six months.

The plant is very thermophilic, the optimum indoor air temperature for it is at least 21-22 degrees. Grows slowly. The shoots are round, deltoid, covered with a glossy skin, are dark green in color, and fading in color may indicate improper care or insufficient watering. A feature of Deltoidea is yellow-green fruits that form on shoots. The culture was brought from the South East Asia, where it is more common in the form of a tree, reaching a height of 5-6 m.

Ficus Benghalensis (Bengali)

A very spectacular indoor culture, whose birthplace is India. In this country, the flower is called the Sacred Banyan because of its rare shape. A tree growing in natural conditions gives many roots. They descend from the shoots, take root and, having reached the ground, turn into a huge massive natural creature, which sometimes covers an area of ​​​​several hectares.

The leaves of the ficus Bengal are quite large - up to 30 cm in length, often twisted into a tube and blooming as they grow, arranged in a spiral around a tree-like stem. Their color is light green, and a clear white vein runs through the center, from which several side “stripes” extend to the edges.

The most unpretentious variety for growing in an apartment is Audrey (Audrey). Ficus Benghalensis is great for bonsai. From its shoots, roots gradually begin to branch off, descending to the ground. With careful watering, sufficient humidity and a consistently warm air temperature, they reach the substrate and take root very quickly, forming another trunk.

Ficus Microcarpa (Microcarpa)

A magnificent bonsai plant that can grow up to 1.5 m in height at room conditions. A bright green crown on an intricately woven twisting tree-like stem looks very impressive in a room. The leaves of the ficus Microcarp are small (5-8 cm), but growing very close to each other.

Advice. To form a beautiful crown in the form of a bonsai, flower growers are advised to cut the leaves as soon as their number on the shoot reaches 6-10 pieces, leaving no more than 3-4 of the most healthy ones.

The trunk of Microcarpa is covered with thin bark with small tuberculate formations. Easily tolerates dryness in apartments during heating season, and caring for it consists in timely watering and spraying, so today it is becoming very popular among amateur flower growers.

For growing a plant in the form of a bonsai, the Panda variety is best suited, and for the formation of a shrub, Moclaim, the crown of which is distinguished by rigidity and a bright, saturated green color.

Ficus Carica (Carica or Fig)

This plant belongs to the mulberry family. At different times in numerous countries where it was grown, Ficus Carica was awarded different names - fig, fig tree, fig tree, wine berry. home decorative feature- small fruits that have a bright orange color when ripe. The culture is easily formed in the form of bonsai, thanks to numerous layering, which quickly take root with sufficient watering.

Advice. If you want Karika to bear fruits that undoubtedly make him more attractive, you should create optimal conditions for him - a spacious room (better winter Garden), abundant watering, high humidity and heat.

This is one of the few species that requires wintering for normal growth. During this period, he is placed away from heating appliances, and sometimes even cleaned in the pantry or basement until the first shoots begin to appear on the plant. For the winter period, Ficus Carica can completely shed its crown.

Young ficuses of this species are transplanted every year, changing the pot to a slightly larger diameter. Adult plants can perfectly exist without transplantation for several years - from 5 to 7. Karika easily spreads by shoots, cuttings, and when fruiting, you can achieve ripening of berries and, having received seeds, plant them in the ground. At the same time, any type of reproduction requires the creation of abundant soil moisture and greenhouse conditions (covering with a film).

Growing and caring for these exotic crops is actually not a very difficult process. They are responsive to care and creating an optimal atmosphere, they will delight with a beautiful, healthy crown, strong trunk and original leaf colors. The ficuses presented in this article with photos and descriptions are the most popular in cultural floriculture. Observing all the conditions for their cultivation, you can achieve the appearance in your apartment of a unique, exclusive and very beautiful plant.

ficuses are again gaining wild popularity, especially as indoor plants - for their originality and unpretentiousness in care. But many of us know little about ficuses. Let's get to know them better.

The genus Ficus belongs to the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Other well-known plants belong to the same family, for example, mulberry, paper tree, breadfruit, maclura, Brazilian dorstenia. Ficus was isolated by C. Linnaeus in 1753. Now up to 1000 species are known, which are distributed in the equatorial and subequatorial belt in the territory from about 35 o north to 35 o south latitude - in Africa, America, Asia, Australia.

There are so many different types of ficuses in the world that it is easy to confuse them. The difficulty in identification also lies in the fact that the same type of ficus can be found under different names, or, conversely, two different ficuses can have the same name. To avoid such confusion, it is customary to put at the end of each Latin name the name of the scientist who first described this species, often in an abbreviated form.

If other plants can be recognized by leaves, then this number will not work for ficuses), because very often a ficus leaf plate within one variety can change more than between varieties. This feature is called heterophilia. prominent representative which can be called ficus heterophyllous, or deltoid. Therefore, when determining one or another type of ficus, attention is also paid to the color of the bark, the size and color of syconia, the nature of the venation of leaf plates, general form plants.

Each type of ficus has its own habitat on Earth. For example, in the Amazon River basin there are such types of ficuses that cannot be seen anywhere else.

Ficuses growing in equatorial humid forests have an evergreen crown with hard, shiny leaves, adorning powerful columnar trunks, at the base of which are flat plank-shaped roots, which also rise above the ground several meters in height. In the equatorial climate, where it is always warm and very humid, plants grow all year round. At evergreen ficuses, for example, ear-shaped ficus, crater-leaved ficus, old leaves do not have time to turn yellow and fall off, as new, young leaves bloom again. That's why they seem to be evergreen.

In the mountainous regions of the tropics, at an altitude above 1.5 kilometers above sea level, ficuses with densely pubescent leaves, for example, ficus Hirta. Pubescence protects ficuses from hypothermia. Cherry ficus has pubescence in the form of short bristly hairs, almost invisible, but because of their presence, the ficus leaf plate seems rough.

In the subequatorial zone, where there are periods of drought that can last several months, there are growing semi-deciduous(cape ficus, or sur, sacred ficus, racemose ficus) and deciduous ficuses. The erect ficus (Ficus erecta) is considered to be completely deciduous. Even those plants that grow far from their homeland shed their old leaves every year in October, and new leaves appear only in January.

In ficus dye, or green (Ficus infectoria), the leaves fall off twice a year: in autumn and spring. His young leaves begin to bloom at the ends of the shoots, when the old leaves have not all fallen off.

On the rocky slopes of the mountains of the Mediterranean, in Iran, Central Asia, the carian ficus (Ficus carica), better known as the fig, or fig tree, grows. This is a deciduous ficus that freezes over after severe frosts, but quickly recovers in the form of root shoots.

Semi-deciduous ficus rough (Ficus aspera), sheds only part of the leaves.

Among ficuses there are not only trees, but also shrubs, for example, scaly ficus (Ficus ramentacea), as well as large lianas, a typical representative of which is hairy ficus (Ficus villosa).

On the island of New Guinea grows a lot undersized ficuses in the form of small climbing vines that cling to the support with aerial roots. One of them - tiny ficus (Ficus pumila) - is called the "climber from East Asia" and is used to decorate the walls of houses in tropical countries. In room conditions, such ficuses are used as ampelous or ground cover plants.

There are ficuses that start life as epiphytes on other trees, then, as they grow, turn into banyans or strangler ficuses. How the epiphyte behaves rubber ficus (Ficus elastica), golden ficus (Ficus aurea), high ficus (Ficus altissima).

Strangler ficuses belong to the category of natural wonders. Tropical plant researchers J. Korner and A. Fedorov described an approximate life cycle ficus-suffocators. Birds or insects bring ficus seeds to the top big tree. The seeds germinate, and at first the ficus receives nutrients from the air and water with the help of its aerial roots. Gradually, the roots wrap around the trunk of the tree on which they grow. As soon as the aerial roots of the ficus reach the ground, they quickly take root and begin to grow rapidly in thickness. Some roots grow together, cover and squeeze the entire trunk of the tree. The tree dies, turning into humus, but continues to serve as food for the ficus for a long time. When the tree finally disappears, a strong frame-trunk of intertwined and fused roots of the strangler ficus remains in its place.

Another, no less exotic form of ficus life - banyan, which got its name in honor of the sacred tree of India - Bengal ficus (Ficus benghalensis). Strangler ficuses turn into banyan trees in the later stages of growth. Over time, on the horizontal branches of an adult tree, aerial roots hang in garlands, which, having reached the ground, take root, thicken and turn into additional trunks. Sometimes such offspring trunks are separated from the mother plant. But often multi-stemmed groves grow. In the Calcutta Botanical Garden (India), the "Great Banyan" grows, which has up to 1000 root offspring. This tree is 160 years old and it will take 10-15 minutes to walk around it. Other large banyan trees cover an area of ​​up to 2 hectares.

However, not every plant in this group of ficuses turns into banyans. It helps or hinders natural conditions in which ficuses grow. For example, yellow ficus in arid regions of Africa grows as ordinary tree, even without growing to their maximum values.

Malaysia and New Guinea have earth ficuses, in which shoots develop in the lower part of the trunk, underground. Leaning and reaching the ground, the shoots penetrate the surface layers of the soil, forming inflorescences there, which eventually become seedlings. Earthen ficuses include long-horned ficus (Ficus uncinatavar. strigose).

There are even succulent ficuses. Such ficuses grow in arid areas. And in order not to lack moisture, they store it in a thickened trunk. These ficuses include Ficus palmeri (Ficus palmeri).

Ficus flowering- this is another of the wonders in the plant world. The fruit of a ficus is called a fig. In fact, sweet berries with an abundance of small seeds are fruit. Usually they pear-shaped with a hole at the top. Scientifically, ficus seedlings are called syconia. They are lined inside with flower petals, but you can see the petals only by breaking the fruit in half. In general, ficus has three types of flowers: male, consisting of stamens; female, consisting of pistils; and another type of inflorescence with long pistils, which turn into sweet fruit. In wild ficuses, all three inflorescences are on the same tree. Only in cultivated forms of the fig tree, the inflorescences that form the fruit are found on female trees and are called figs. Male infructescences (caprifigs) always remain hard and inedible.

Pollination of ficuses occurs with the help of insects. There is a variety of wasps that pollinate only ficuses. Some seedlings of ficus wasps are used as incubators for breeding. Flying into one or another inflorescence, wasps transfer pollen from stamens to pistils. Wasp larvae overwinter in male inflorescences - caprifigs. However, new parthenocarpic varieties of figs have been bred - seedlings develop without pollination and seed setting.

Ficus has another wonderful property - caulifloria, thanks to which its inflorescences, and then infructescence, develop directly on the trunk.

No matter how ficuses are tied to their habitat, a person successfully intervenes in the life of ficuses. Many have been released now beautiful varieties and forms of ficuses for every taste. Some species of ficuses have been transplanted from their usual habitat to other places, and they have successfully established themselves in the new place. Now ficuses decorate not only city streets, parks in areas with a warm climate, but also our homes.

When writing the article, materials were used;
Literature: In Chekurov "Ficuses".
Image source:,,, - Brian Chiu, Black Diamond Images, Joel Abroad , Hans Hillewaert, Reuben CJ Lim, *L, SJ & Jessie Quinney Library, Tim Waters, rosch2012, Pedro Garcia

Mandatory ficus transplant

When transplanting, use good drainage, which prevents stagnation of moisture and rotting of the root system. The soil mixture should consist of sod, deciduous and greenhouse lands, with the addition of sand and acidic peat. If there is no need to change the pot should be replaced upper layer soil to fresher, with the addition of fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

The main pests that affect ficus are scale insects, spider mite and aphids. The use of appropriate pesticides and insecticides will help control pests.
The most commonly affecting ficus diseases when caring for at home are root rot and abundant leaf fall. Roots can deteriorate due to excessive waterlogging of the soil and stagnant water. There are several reasons for leaf fall: lack of light, low watering or stress. The basis for stress can be a change in location, a sudden change in temperature or a draft.

Prevention and control of ficus diseases

The creation of favorable conditions and the environment familiar to him will favorably affect the plant and return it to its former beauty.

The most common domestic ficuses

Among all types of domestic ficuses, the most popular and common are: Benjamin, rubber-bearing, lyre-shaped, Bengal and dwarf. All of them are radically different, and there are nuances for different types of ficus for home care.
Ficus Benjamin in wildlife and indoor have a similar appearance, they grow in the form of an upright tree or bush. The only difference is in the size of the plants. In nature, they can reach 30 meters, indoor varieties grow much smaller.

Beautiful shape of the crown of ficus Benjamin

The branched crown consists of a large number of drooping branches topped with small leaves. They have an oval shape, with a pointed tip, and a dense, leathery texture. Different varieties differ in the edges of the leaves and the color of the leaf plate. The edges of the leaves can be straight or wavy, and the color varies from a solid dark green to almost white, due to the variegated color. Care for ficus Benjamin with a heterogeneous color of foliage requires intense lighting, otherwise the leaves may lose their color and become monochromatic. To increase the brightness of the color, it is recommended to use special fertilizers for variegated plants when watering.

Bright coloring of the leaves of ficus benjamin

Ficus Benjamin care requires careful and systematic. The main condition is a permanent location, without turns and movements. The plant can react to any changes with a sharp reset of the crown and stunting. The location of the flower should be well ventilated, but protected from direct drafts. It responds well to high humidity, so frequent spraying of foliage and periodic showers are a prerequisite for caring for Benjamin's ficus.

For young plants, an annual transplant is needed, from the age of 4, replacement of the pot and earth is required no more than once every 3 years, annually updating the upper earthen layer. The optimal period for transplanting is spring, the plant recovers faster from the stress caused by changes after the winter state of dormancy.
The best way to propagate Ficus Benjamin is the apical cutting, it is immersed in water or peat mixture for rooting. You can use parts of the shoots removed from the plant during pruning, which is done to form a beautiful crown shape.
Florists love to use Benjamin's ficus to create unusual arrangements. To do this, the trunks of young plants are figuratively intertwined and the crown is cut off, forming intricate configurations. Over time, the trunks become strong, and the shape betrayed by them is preserved.