Facing plinth with your own hands with improvised material. Facing the foundation of the house and what material is better to choose for the basement? Base / plinth mosaic plaster - technology

Plinth cladding performs an important function - to protect the foundation of the house. In addition, being part of the façade, it has a decorative value. How to properly arrange the base and what materials to use for this?


The basement of the building, that is, the protruding part of the foundation in contact with the facade, provides protection and increases the thermal efficiency of the building. At the same time, it is exposed to increased mechanical stress, more than others it is exposed to moisture and chemical reagents. In winter, the plinth freezes through, as a result of which it can collapse.

All this necessitates the protection of the base, for which special heat and waterproofing materials are used, a more reliable finish.

We must not forget that this part of the house is a continuation of the facade, so it is important to take care of the aesthetic appeal of finishing materials for the basement.

Among the main technical requirements for basement materials are:

  • High moisture resistance- it is important that moisture from the outer surface of the basement does not penetrate through the thickness of the finish. Otherwise, it will lose its attractive appearance and performance. The insulation (if any) and the surfaces of the basement will get wet. As a result - a decrease in the thermal efficiency of the building, an increase in air humidity, the appearance of an unpleasant musty odor, mold inside and outside the building, the destruction of not only the basement, but also the facade and floor covering.

  • Depends on the indicators of moisture resistance frost resistance of tiles... It should be at least 150 freezing cycles.
  • Mechanical strength- the basement is more than other parts of the facade experiencing loads, including mechanical damage. The durability and safety of the basement surfaces depend on how strong the tile is. The load of the wall panels is transferred not only to the plinth, but also to its finishing materials. It is clear that with insufficient strength of the latter, they will not be able to evenly distribute the load over the foundation and protect it from excessive pressure.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes- cracking of the material during temperature fluctuations is unacceptable. Even the slightest crack on the surface causes a decrease in the moisture resistance of the facing product, and, as a result, frost resistance. Water molecules trapped in cracks under the influence of negative temperatures turn into ice floes, which literally break the material from the inside.

Some types of tiles tend to expand slightly under the influence of temperature jumps. This is considered the norm (for example, for clinker tiles). Preservation of the inter-tile gap during the installation process allows to avoid deformation of tiles and their cracking.

As for the criterion of aesthetics, it is individual for each customer. Naturally, the material for the plinth should be attractive, combined with the rest of the facade and exterior elements.

What is it for?

Finishing the basement of the building allows you to solve several problems:

  • Plinth and foundation protection from the negative effects of moisture, high and low temperatures and other negative natural factors that reduce the strength, and therefore reduce the durability of the surface.
  • Contamination protection, which are not only an aesthetic problem, as it might seem at first glance. The composition of the mud contains aggressive components, for example, road reagents. With prolonged exposure, they can damage even such a reliable material as concrete, causing erosion on the surface.

  • Increasing the biostability of the foundation- modern facade materials prevent damage to the foundation by rodents, prevent the appearance of fungus or mold on the surface.
  • Insulation of the foundation, which helps to increase the thermal efficiency of the building, and also helps to preserve the integrity of the material. It is known that with a significant decrease in temperature, erosion forms on the concrete surface.
  • Finally, finishing the basement element has a decorative value... With the help of this or that material, it is possible to transform the house, to achieve its maximum correspondence to a certain style.

The use of tiles, as well as brick or stone surfaces allows you to give the structure a cost-effective look and add sophistication.

Varieties of basement structures

In relation to the surface of the facade, the base / plinth can be:

  • speakers(that is, slightly protruding forward compared to the wall);
  • sinking relative to the facade (in this case, the facade is already moving forward);
  • executed flush with a front part.

Most often you can find a protruding base. It is usually found in buildings with thin walls and a warm basement. In this case, the plinth plays an important thermal insulation role.

If, in a similar building, the basement is flush with the facade, then high humidity in the basement cannot be avoided, and therefore dampness inside the building. When performing thermal insulation of such a base, you will have to face the difficulties of choosing and installing insulation.

Western plinths are usually organized in buildings that do not have a basement. They are better than others protected from the negative effects of the environment. The plinth lining will perform the supporting function. With this system, the easiest way is to perform high-quality multi-layer hydro and thermal insulation.

The features of the basement depend on the type of foundation.

So, a plinth on a strip foundation performs a load-bearing function, and for a pile-screw - a protective one. For a basement on piles, a sinking type base is usually organized. It is suitable for both wooden and brick houses that do not have a warm underground.

Materials (edit)

There are many types of materials for decorating the basement. The most common are the following:

Clinker tiles

It is an environmentally friendly clay-based material that undergoes molding or extrusion and high-temperature firing. The result is a reliable, heat-resistant moisture-resistant material (moisture absorption coefficient is only 2-3%).

It is distinguished by its durability (minimum service life of 50 years), chemical inertness, and wear resistance. The front side imitates brickwork (from smooth, corrugated or aged bricks) or various stone surfaces (wild and processed stone).

The material does not have a low thermal conductivity, therefore it is recommended to use it together with insulation or to use clinker panels with clinker.

The latter are standard tiles with polyurethane or mineral wool insulation fixed on the inside of the material. The layer thickness of the latter is 30-100 mm.

The disadvantage is a rather large weight and high cost (although this finishing option will be economically more profitable compared to clinker bricks). Despite the high indicators of strength (which is equal on average to M 400, and the maximum is M 800), loose tiles are extremely fragile. This should be taken into account during transport and installation.

Clinker is installed wet(that is, on a wall or solid sheathing with glue) or dry(assumes fastening to a metal frame by means of bolts or self-tapping screws). When fastening with the second method (it is also called a hinged facade system), a ventilated facade is usually arranged. Mineral wool insulation is laid between the wall and the cladding.

If thermal panels are used, there is no need for an insulating layer.


When finishing with bricks, it is possible to achieve reliability and high-quality moisture protection of surfaces. The advantage is the versatility of the finish. It is suitable for any type of substrate, and also has a wide selection of facing bricks (ceramic, hollow, crevice and hyper-pressed variations).

If the basement itself is lined with red fired brick, then it performs 2 functions at once - protective and aesthetic, that is, it does not need cladding.

Due to the rather large weight, brick facing requires the organization of a foundation for it.

The organization of masonry requires certain professional skills, and the type of decoration itself is one of the most expensive. Such cladding will cost more than using clinker tiles.

A natural stone

Finishing the base with natural stone will ensure its strength, resistance to mechanical damage and shock, moisture resistance. All this guarantees the durability of the material.

For decoration, granite, gravel, dolomite versions of the stone are usually used. They will ensure the maximum strength of the part of the facade in question.

Marble cladding will allow you to get the most durable, but very expensive surface.

From the point of view of convenience, preference should be given to flagstone cladding. The latter combines different types of materials characterized by a flat, tile-like shape and a small (up to 5 cm) thickness.

The large weight of natural stone complicates the process of its transportation and installation and requires additional reinforcement of the base. The complexity of finishing and high production costs cause high prices for the material.

Fastening of the stone is carried out on a pre-primed surface, the material is fixed with a frost-resistant cement mortar. After hardening, all joints are treated with a hydrophobic grout.

Fake diamond

These disadvantages of natural stone pushed technologists to create a material that has the advantages of natural stone, but lighter, easier to install and maintain, and affordable material. It was an artificial stone, the basis of which is made up of fine-grained granite or other high-strength stone and polymers.

Due to the peculiarities of the composition and the technological process, natural stone is distinguished by its strength, increased moisture resistance, and weather resistance. Its surfaces do not emit radiation, bio-waste, easy to clean (many have a self-cleaning surface).

Release form - monolithic slabs, the front side of which imitates natural stone.

Fastening is carried out on a flat primed surface using special glue or on a crate.


The panels are sheets based on plastic, metal or fiber cement (the most common options are indicated), the surface of which can be given any shade or imitation of wood, stone, brickwork.

All panels are characterized by resistance to moisture and UV rays, heat resistance, but have different strength indicators.

Plastic models are considered the least durable. With a sufficiently strong impact, they can become covered with a network of cracks, therefore they are rarely used for finishing the basement (although manufacturers provide collections of basement PVC panels).

Metal siding is a safer option.

Light weight, anti-corrosion protection, ease of installation - all this makes the panels popular, especially for those foundations that do not have additional reinforcement.

Fiber cement panels are based on concrete mortar. To improve the technical properties and lighten the mass, dried cellulose is added to it. The result is a durable material that, however, can only be used on solid foundations.

The surface of panels based on fiber cement can be painted in a certain color, imitate the finish with natural materials, or be characterized by the presence of dusting - stone chips. To protect the front side of the material from burning out, ceramic spraying is applied to it.

All panels, regardless of the type, are attached to the frame. Fixation is carried out by means of brackets and self-tapping screws, the reliability of adhesion of the panels to each other, as well as their wind resistance are achieved due to the presence of a locking system.


Installation is carried out with a wet method, and this type of finish requires impeccably flat basement surfaces. To protect the plastered surfaces from moisture and sunlight, acrylic-based moisture-proof compounds are used as a topcoat.

If it is necessary to obtain a colored surface, you can paint the dried layer of plaster or use a mixture containing a pigment.

Popular is called "mosaic" plaster. It contains the smallest stone chips of different colors. After application and drying, it creates a mosaic effect, shimmering and changing shade depending on the angle of illumination and viewing.

It is produced in the form of a dry mixture, which is mixed with water before use.

Polymer-sand tiles

Differs in strength, moisture resistance and heat resistance. Due to its sandy base, it is lightweight.

The polymer component ensures the plasticity of the tile, which excludes its cracking and the absence of chips on the surface. Outwardly, such tiles are similar to clinker tiles, but they are much cheaper.

A significant drawback is the lack of additional elements, which complicates the installation process, especially when finishing buildings with complex configurations.

The tile can be attached with glue, but a different method of installation has become widespread - on the crate. In this case, using polymer-sand tiles, it is possible to create an insulated ventilated system.

Porcelain stoneware

When finished with porcelain stoneware, the building acquires a respectable and aristocratic appearance. This is because the material imitates granite surfaces. Initially, this material was used for cladding administrative buildings, but due to its refined appearance, impressive service life (on average - half a century), strength and moisture resistance, it is increasingly used for cladding the facades of private houses.

Professional list

Sheathing with profiled sheet is an affordable and simple way to protect the basement. True, there is no need to talk about special decorative qualities.


The decoration of the basement can be done not only through the use of facade materials. One of the simplest and most affordable options is to paint the base with suitable compounds.(mandatory for outdoor use, frost-resistant, weather-resistant).

By choosing a color, you can highlight the base or, on the contrary, give it a shade close to the color scheme of the facade. Using special materials and 2 types of paint similar in tone, it is possible to achieve an imitation of a stone. To do this, on a lighter layer of paint, after it dries, strokes are applied with a darker paint, which are then rubbed.

Decorating the plinth with plaster will be a little more difficult. The plastered surface can have a flat surface or be characterized by the presence of decorative reliefs, which also make it possible to achieve an imitation of a stone base.

If there are columns, their lower part is also lined with the material used to decorate the basement. This will allow achieving the stylistic unity of the building elements.

Preparatory work

The quality of the preparatory work depends on the indicators of hydro and thermal insulation of the basement, and therefore of the entire building.

The waterproofing of the basement assumes its external protection, as well as isolation from groundwater. To do this, a trench is being dug along the entire perimeter of the basement near it, the depth of which is 60-80 cm with a width of 1 m. In case of strong soil crumbling, reinforcement of the trench with a metal mesh is shown. The lower part of it is covered with gravel - this is how drainage is provided.

The surface of the base is cleaned, treated with water-repellent impregnations, insulated.

Preparing the visible part of the basement for cladding involves leveling the surface and treating it with a primer for better adhesion to finishing materials.

If a hinged system is used, you can not waste time and effort on correcting minor defects. Of course, the preparatory work in this case also means cleaning and leveling the surfaces, installing a frame for cladding.

Preparatory work should be carried out at temperatures above 0 degrees, in dry weather. After applying the primer, it must be allowed to dry.

Ebb device

Ebb tides are designed to protect the plinth from moisture flowing down the facade, primarily during rain. The plinth with one of its parts is fixed to the lower part of the facade at a small (10-15 degrees) angle, which contributes to the collection of moisture. Since this element hangs over the plinth by 2-3 cm, the collected moisture flows down to the ground, and not to the surface of the plinth. Visually, the ebb seems to separate the facade and the basement.

As an ebb tide, strips 40-50 cm wide made of waterproof materials are used. They can be sold ready-made or made with your own hands from a suitable strip. The design and color of the structure is selected taking into account the appearance of the finish.

Depending on the material used, a distinction is made between:

  • metal (universal) ebbs;
  • plastic (usually combined with siding);
  • concrete and clinker (applicable for stone and brick facades) analogs.

Plastic the models, despite their high moisture resistance, are rarely used due to their low strength and low frost resistance.

Metallic options (aluminum, copper or steel) demonstrate the optimal balance of moisture resistance, strength characteristics and low weight. They have an anti-corrosion coating, therefore, self-cutting of ebbs is unacceptable. Such strips are overlapped.

Concrete models are cast from durable (grade not less than M450) cement with the addition of river sand, plasticizers. Raw materials are poured into silicone molds. After hardening, a strong frost-resistant element is obtained, which is fixed to a special solution at the border of the facade and the basement.

The most expensive are clinker ebbs, which have not only high strength (comparable to porcelain stoneware), but also low moisture absorption, as well as exquisite design.

Installation of an ebb tide depends on its type, as well as the structural features of the building and the material of the walls.

For example, clinker and concrete sills are not suitable for wooden walls, since they are attached with glue. Lacking sufficient adhesion, the wood simply will not withstand the tides. Metal options with self-tapping screws remain available.

Concrete and ceramic elements are usually installed at the stage of cladding the facade and basement. Fastening them starts from the corner; to fix the element, glue for external work on stone and brick is used. After gluing the ebb, the joints of its adhesion to the wall surface are sealed using silicone sealant. After it dries, the installation of the ebb is considered complete, you can proceed to the facing work.

If there is a need to fix the drips on the lined surfaces, it remains to use only metal or plastic structures. Their installation also starts from the corners, for which special corner pieces are purchased.

The next stage will be the finishing of all protruding architectural elements, and already between them, on a flat surface, planks are installed. Fastening is carried out on self-tapping screws (to the wall) and dowels, nails (fixed to the protruding part of the base). The resulting joints are filled with silicone sealant or putty.

The installation of ebbs is preceded by careful sealing of the joints between the wall and the basement. Water repellent sealants are well suited for these purposes.

The next step is to mark the wall and determine the highest point of the basement part. A horizontal line is drawn from it, along which the ebb will be set.

Subtleties of installation

Do-it-yourself plinth cladding is a simple process. But to obtain a high-quality result, the sheathing technology should be observed:

  • The surfaces to be treated must be level and clean. All protruding parts should be beaten off, a self-leveling solution should be poured into small recesses. Close large cracks and gaps with cement mortar, having previously reinforced the surface.
  • The use of primers is mandatory. They will improve the adhesion of materials, and also prevent the material from absorbing moisture from the adhesive.
  • Some materials need preliminary preparation before using outside the house. So, it is recommended to additionally protect the artificial stone with a water-repellent composition, and keep the clinker tiles in warm water for 10-15 minutes.

  • The use of special corner elements allows you to beautifully veneer the corners. In most cases, installation begins with their installation.
  • All metal surfaces must be made of stainless steel or have an anti-corrosion coating.
  • If you decide to sheathe the base with clinker, remember that the material itself has a high thermal conductivity. The use of a special gasket placed at the joints of the internal heat-insulating material allows to prevent the appearance of cold bridges.
  • It is permissible to decorate the facade with plinth material, if the strength of the foundation allows. However, it is impossible to do the opposite, using facade tiles or siding for facing the basement.


One of the mandatory stages of lining the basement is its waterproofing, which is carried out using horizontal and vertical methods. The first is aimed at protecting the walls from moisture, the second - provides waterproofing of the space between the foundation and the plinth. Vertical insulation, in turn, is subdivided into internal and external insulation.

For external protection against moisture, roll-on coating and injection materials and compositions are used. Lubricating insulation is performed using semi-liquid compositions based on bituminous, polymer, special cement coatings applied to the base.

The advantage of the compositions is the low price and the ability to apply to any type of surface. However, such a waterproofing layer is not resistant to mechanical stress and requires frequent renewal.

Roll materials can be glued to the surface (thanks to bitumen mastics) or fused (a burner is used, under the influence of which one of the layers of the roll is melted and fixed to the base).

Roll materials have an affordable price, they are easy to install, the process does not take much time. However, with regard to the mechanical strength of roll waterproofing, there are also more reliable options, for example, innovative injection technology.

It involves the treatment of a moistened base with special deep penetration impregnations. Under the influence of water, the components of the composition are transformed into crystals that penetrate into the pores of concrete to a depth of 15-25 cm and make it waterproof.

Today, the injection method of waterproofing is the most effective, but at the same time also expensive and laborious.

The choice of waterproofing material and the type of its installation for external surfaces is determined by the used facing material.


Laying insulation on the outer part of the basement goes 60-80 cm underground, that is, the thermal insulation material is superimposed on the walls of the foundation located underground. To do this, a trench of the specified length with a width of 100 cm is dug along the entire facade.

The bottom of the trench is equipped with a drainage system to eliminate the risk of the thermal insulation material getting wet under the influence of groundwater.

When the facade is wet finished, a layer of bitumen-based mastic or more modern liquid waterproofing is applied to the reinforced insulation. After this layer has dried, the cladding elements can be fixed.

When organizing a hinged system, the heat-insulating material in the sheets is hung on the waterproofed surface of the base. A windproof membrane is applied over the insulation, after which both materials are screwed to the wall at 2-3 points. Poppet-type bolts are used as fasteners. The attachment system does not involve digging a trench.

The choice of insulation and its thickness are determined by climatic conditions, the type of building and the cladding used. An available option is extruded polystyrene foam. It demonstrates high levels of thermal insulation, moisture resistance, and has a low weight. Due to the flammability of the insulation, its use requires the use of a non-combustible basement finish.

For the organization of ventilated systems, mineral wool is used (it needs a powerful hydro and vapor barrier) or expanded polystyrene.

When using thermal panels with a clinker surface, they usually do without additional insulation. And under the tile is attached polystyrene, polyurethane or mineral wool insulation.


The features of the plinth finish depend on the selected material. The easiest option is to apply plaster.

An important point - regardless of the type of material, all work is carried out only on prepared, clean and dry surfaces!

The dry plaster mixture is diluted with water, kneaded thoroughly and applied in an even layer to the surface, leveling with a spatula. If you have artistic skills, you can emboss the surface or make the characteristic bumps and grooves that mimic stone cover. A similar effect can be achieved using a special mold. It is applied to a fresh layer of plaster, pressing against the surface. By removing the form, you get a base for the masonry.

However, even without these frills, the plastered and painted base is reliably protected and attractive enough.

You can paint a layer of plaster after it is completely dry.(after about 2-3 days). The surface is preliminarily sanded. For this, acrylic paint is used. It is suitable for outdoor use and allows surfaces to breathe. It is permissible to use coloring compositions based on silicone, polyurethane. It is better to refuse enamel analogs, they are not vapor-permeable and environmentally hazardous.

The concrete finish of the base is more reliable. In the future, the surfaces can be painted with paints on concrete or decorated with vinyl panels, tiles, and brickwork.

This process is quite simple. First, a reinforcing mesh is fixed on the plinth (usually it is fixed with dowels), then the formwork is installed and concrete mortar is poured. After hardening, it is necessary to remove the formwork and proceed with further finishing.

Facing with natural stone due to its large mass, it requires strengthening the base. To do this, a reinforcing mesh is stretched on its surface, and plaster is performed on top of it with concrete mortar. After drying, the concrete surface is primed with a deep penetration compound.

Now stones are "set" on a special glue. It is important to immediately remove excess protruding glue. The use of beacons is optional, since the material still has different geometries. After waiting for the glue to completely harden, start grouting.

Installation of artificial stone is generally similar to that described above.

The only difference is that the stages of additional reinforcement of the basement are skipped. There is no need to strengthen it, since artificial stone is much lighter than natural.

Clinker tiles also glued to a completely flat base / plinth surface or solid battens. However, to maintain the same inter-tile space, assembly beacons are used. If they are absent, you can install a rod with a circular cross-section, the diameter of which is 6-8 mm. Laying starts from the corner, going from left to right, from bottom to top.

To organize the outer corners, you can join tiles or use special corner pieces. They can be extruded (hard right angles) or extruded (plastic analogs, the bending angle of which is set by the user).

After the glue has set, you can start filling the joints between the tiles. The work is carried out with a spatula or using a special tool (similar to those in which sealants are produced).

Siding plinth slabs are attached only to the crate. It consists of metal profiles or wooden bars. There are also combined options. In any case, all elements of the frame must have moisture resistant characteristics.

Brackets are installed first. Sheet heat-insulating material is placed in the space between them. A waterproof film is preliminarily laid under it, a windproof material is laid on top of it. Further, all 3 layers (heat, hydro and windproof materials) are fixed to the wall with dowels.

At a distance of 25-35 cm from the insulation, a lathing structure is installed. After that, the siding panels are attached with self-tapping screws. Additional strength of the connection is provided by the locking elements. That is, the panels are additionally snapped together. Corners and other complex elements of the plinth are designed using additional elements.

Porcelain stoneware slabs also require the installation of a metal subsystem. The fixing of the tiles is carried out thanks to special fasteners, the compatible halves of which are located on the profiles and on the tiles themselves.

Despite the strength of porcelain stoneware, its outer layer is very fragile. This should be taken into account during installation - minor damage will not only reduce the attractiveness of the coating, but also the technical properties of the material, primarily the degree of resistance to moisture.

Flat slate fixed to the wooden subsystem using self-tapping screws. The installation starts from the corner, and upon completion of the cladding, the corners of the basement are closed with special iron, zinc-coated corners. Immediately after that, you can start painting the surface.

When cutting slate, it is important to protect the respiratory system, since at this moment harmful asbestos dust hovers around the workplace. It is recommended to cover the material with a layer of antiseptic before installation.

  • When choosing the option for finishing the basement, it is better to give preference to thick-layer, wear-resistant materials. First of all, these are natural and artificial stone, clinker and porcelain stoneware tiles.
  • In addition, the material must be moisture resistant and durable. As for its thickness, in most cases, you should choose the maximum (as far as the foundation and the surface of the basement allow). For regions with harsh climatic conditions, as well as buildings in places of high humidity (a house by the river, for example), this recommendation is especially relevant.
  • If we talk about affordability, then plaster and cladding will be cheaper than other options. However, plastered surfaces have a shorter lifespan.

  • If you do not have a sufficient level of skill or have never done stone or tile cladding, it is better to entrust the work to a professional. From the first time, it is unlikely that it will turn out flawlessly to perform the cladding. And the high cost of materials does not imply such "training" on it.
  • When choosing any material for cladding, give preference to well-known manufacturers. In some cases, you can save money and purchase domestically produced tiles or panels. Definitely, you can do this by purchasing plaster mixes. They are of sufficient quality from Russian manufacturers. It is better to buy clinker tiles from German (more expensive) or Polish (more affordable) brands. Domestic ones usually do not meet the high requirements for the reliability of tiles.

Beautiful examples

The use of stone and brick in the decoration of the basement gives the buildings monumentality, good quality, makes them respectable.

Painting and plastering of surfaces is usually used for small in height (up to 40 cm) plinths. The shade of the paint is usually darker than the color of the facade.

One of the latest finishing trends is the tendency to "continue" the plinth, using the same material for the lower part of the façade.

You can highlight the basement of the building with color using siding panels. The solution can be gentle or contrasting.

As a rule, the shade or texture of the basement is repeated in the decoration of the facade elements or the use of a similar color in the design of the roof.

You will learn how to independently finish the basement of the foundation with facade panels from the following video.

The procedure for finishing the basement of a building is a rather important process that requires special care. Since it is the base that is under the strong influence of moisture and other irritants. How to choose the right material for finishing the basement and how to install it will be discussed further.

Features of the cladding of the basement of the house

The basement is located at the bottom of any building, most often tiles or stones are used for its decoration. The plinth not only serves as a decorative function of the building, but also protects it from moisture penetration, dampness, and load distribution.

The basement is the basis for the construction of load-bearing walls. Correct construction of the basement is reflected in the quality of the future building.

The most annoying factor for a plinth is precipitation. In addition, it is under the influence of groundwater, and the difference between the temperature in the ground and in the air.

Therefore, the most important requirement for the finishing material used for lining the basement is its stability and protection of this element from moisture. In addition, a properly finished base / plinth ensures reliable protection of the foundation.

The selection process of materials for finishing the plinth should be based primarily on the use of high-strength materials that are resistant to changes in temperature and moisture. At the same time, they must have an attractive appearance and be in harmony with the overall exterior of the building.

There are cases of monolithic plinth finishing, which is a combination of a foundation with a plinth. For these purposes, concrete, individual blocks, stone or special bricks are used. The rise of the basement above the ground occurs at a level of 500-700 cm.

Most often, the basement is finished after the walls have been erected. It is advisable to do otherwise, the base must be protected immediately after the foundation has been erected. In this case, all work is carried out in the form of waterproofing, plastering, finishing.

Before starting the facing work, a drainage cushion is created, covering the entire perimeter of the structure. It looks like a depression, 150-200 mm wide, about half a meter wide.

After finishing, the recess is backfilled with gravel, which acts as a drain. After the preparation of the base, it is plastering using cement-lime plaster. To increase the strength of the structure, in order to connect the basement with the foundation, they are reinforced with a special mesh. To provide additional waterproofing of the basement, special additives in the form of plasticizers, such as river sand, should be added to the solution.

If this is not done, then the quality of the finish of the basement will significantly decrease, while the foundation will suffer, and the walls in the house will always be damp. On damp walls, the wallpaper does not adhere well and mold appears with a fungus, which are especially dangerous to human health.

In addition, there are two options for arranging the basement:

  • drowned;
  • exalted.

The first option is preferable, since it does not lead to the accumulation of snow and ice on the surface. In addition, it is not exposed to atmospheric precipitation and needs less protection from moisture.

The second option for arranging the basement is distinguished by a more attractive appearance, but it requires special protection using ebb tides, tiles with slopes, waterproofing components.

Before finishing the basement, you should inspect its base. It should be strong and even. It should be free from dirt and dust. To eliminate all kinds of irregularities, to remove protruding areas or fill a recess, special compositions of the leveling direction are used.

A special primer is used to impregnate the surface, it will improve the adhesion between the surface of the base and the finishing material.

Materials in the form of artificial stone require additional treatment with moisture-repellent agents. Thus, the material will acquire additional resistance to moisture and dirt. For these purposes, formulations in the form of water repellents are suitable. To apply them, it is enough to use a brush or roller.

Plinth clinker tiles

Materials in the form of slabs for finishing the basement have a cement-stone, expanded polystyrene or asbestos-cement base. To fix them, special compositions based on moisture-resistant glue are used.

The use of clinker tiles for plinth cladding results in an aesthetically pleasing subfloor that is in perfect harmony with clinker bricks. The tile is particularly lightweight and does not load the building structure. Its thickness varies between 7-20 mm. In addition, special materials are used to improve corner joints to simplify finishing.

Installation of clinker tiles involves determining the level for installing its first row. For this, the height of the plinth is divided by the height of the tiles added to the width of the joints.

For example, to clad a plinth 400 mm high with a 65 cm slab with 6 mm joints, 6 tiles are required. At the same time, a six-millimeter gap will remain in the lower part of the base, which will require acrylic or polyurethane mass to fill.

For gluing the tiles, an adhesive composition with increased frost resistance is used, which is distinguished by elastic characteristics. It can be applied both to the tile and to the base / plinth surface. Please note that the solution can be on the base not covered with tiles for no more than half an hour, then it loses its properties.

To fill the joints between the tiles, a jointing clinker mortar is used. Clinker tiles are characterized by zero moisture absorption, therefore, they do not need to be treated with special compounds.

To finish the basement, you will need:

  • primers;
  • tile adhesive;
  • tiles;
  • mortar for grouting.

Facing the basement of the house with your own hands: stone, polymer sand and resin tiles

The basement, in the decoration of which was used stone tiles, is distinguished by its showiness and attractiveness of appearance. But, at the same time, it will take a lot of money to carry out the work and purchase the material. Natural stone for plinth cladding is most often limestone, granite or marble. The shape and configuration of the tiles can be very different. Some elements are made in the form of bricks, others in the form of slabs. Such a tile has a peculiar texture, its surface is of four types:

  • polished;
  • rubble;
  • granular;
  • polished.

The installation of this kind of tiles is similar to the installation of clinker material. To fix the tiles to the surface, a special adhesive is used, designed for working with stones. The use of another type of glue is unacceptable, as cracks and defects may appear on the tiles. If it is necessary to have a complete appearance of the tile, it is recommended to leave gaps of 4-5 mm between small parts of it, and 2-3 mm between large ones. A special solution is used to fill the joints. To process limestone and sandstone, you will need to purchase a special moisture-repellent impregnation.

If there is a protruding base, a cornice is used to protect the finish. To clad the basement of the house with a stone, you will need:

  • primers;
  • glue;
  • mortar with which the seams are filled;
  • slate, granite, marble or limestone tiles.

Facing the basement with granite is characterized by a long service life of such a coating and good technical characteristics.

A more modern finishing material is polymer sand tiles. Its use is associated both with the decoration of the facade of the building, and with the cladding of the basement. This type of tile is a composite material on which there is a relief brick texture. The material is lightweight, therefore it is suitable for finishing any type of base / plinth. The tile is characterized by high plasticity, resistance to cracking, moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes.

To fix the tiles, you should equip a special crate, on which the material is attached using self-tapping screws. In the space of the crate, insulation is most often installed. The material is easy to clean, does not collect dirt and is easy to use.

The latter is based on the use of resin for its manufacture. This material is an imitation of clinker tiles or natural stone. They are three millimeters thick. With the help of the material, various kinds of surfaces are finished, even with slight irregularities. Scissors are enough for trimming tiles. It is mounted on either a concrete or plaster base. There are nine color options for this tile. In addition, it differs in texture, which is embossed and smooth.

Facing the plinth photo:

The installation of such a tile involves the determination of the upper section for its fastening. A notched trowel is used to apply the adhesive. Laying should start from the corner sections; additional materials are not required to fill the seams, since they are filled with glue. To increase the aesthetic appeal of the tile, use a brush previously moistened with water to distribute the glue along the seams. The wall must be protected from moisture for three days from the moment the tiles are installed.

This material very naturally imitates natural stone, while installation work is easier and cheaper.

Features of facing the basement with artificial stone

This type of finish is similar in appearance to the use of tiles based on natural stone. Although ordinary concrete is used to make artificial stone. With the help of chemical, organic additives and fillers, the surface has high frost resistance, and dyes help to imitate the stone. Artificial stone takes the form of rock or torn stone.

In accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers, conventional or elastic adhesives are used to fix such a stone on the surface. Special additives are used to fill the seams. After finishing the base, the material is covered with moisture-proof agents, which significantly improve its service life.

The appearance of the surface is notable for presentability, although the cost of purchasing the material is less than the price of natural stone.

Plinth cladding technology with PVC panels

In order not to carry out wet work on gluing tiles, a simpler option is used - PVC panels. This material is characterized by ease and ease of installation. In addition, the panels are resistant to temperature changes. There are two main options for PVC panels:

  • with imitation of brickwork;
  • mosaic version of plaster.

The material is attached to a wooden or steel crate. First, the level is set and the start profile is fixed. The first of the panels is held on it. The elements are docked with each other using grooves, overhead elements are used to close the basement.

There are special overlays for overlapping corners. This type of base does not need to be treated with moisture-repellent agents.

Base / plinth mosaic plaster - technology

This version of the plaster is distinguished by the presence of small grains, which are in the form of a multi-colored mosaic. Due to the presence of resin in the composition, the plaster is moisture and vapor permeable. In addition, it is highly resistant to mechanical stress and low temperatures.

This type of plaster adheres well to plaster substrates based on gypsum, cement, lime and sand. On materials of a piece origin and on a heat-saving version of plaster, the application of this material is prohibited.

This type of plaster is applied by hand. To carry out the work, you will need a grater. To increase the adhesion between the plaster and the coating, it is recommended to sprinkle some ordinary plaster on the wall before applying the mosaic plaster.

After applying the plaster, the process of leveling it on the surface follows. Grouting is done with a float. After its application, special water repellents are used, which increase the material's resistance to ultraviolet light, wind and precipitation.

Brick plinth cladding options

Brickwork enhances the appearance of the building, making it more respectable. In addition, the brick is in perfect harmony with other finishing materials used for wall cladding.

There are several options for facing the basement so that the surface takes on the appearance of brickwork:

1. The use of natural bricks - this method is distinguished by the possibility of arranging a ventilated gap in which the insulation is mounted. In addition, brickwork has good thermal insulation properties. In the process of carrying out the work, a brick is used:

  • hyper-pressed type - characterized by high weight, low moisture absorption and good strength characteristics;
  • silicate type - it is used less often, has worse performance characteristics, but is cheaper;
  • ceramic type - hollow inside, so it retains heat well.

2. In order to give the basement surface the appearance of brickwork, it is sufficient to use clinker tiles. They have the best performance characteristics, are easy to install and do not differ in appearance from brickwork. In addition, the presence of effects such as artificial aging, uneven firing, different colors and textures can improve the appearance of the surface.

3. Basement panels - a simpler version of imitation of brickwork, the cost of which is much lower than that of the previous options, and the ease of installation is higher. In addition, the panels are easy to maintain and are not subject to dirt.

Plinth trim video:

In construction, an important point is insulation and protection from external factors of any element, its quality will affect energy consumption, optimal microclimate and the service life of parts of the building. Since the foundation of any building is the foundation, I will discuss below about its decorative finish and protection of the basement from moisture and other factors.

Finishing the foundation with facing stone

What material to choose

Facing the foundation is a do-it-yourself task, the main thing is to choose the best material that will combine all the necessary properties. By the way, the cladding of the foundation can also be carried out during the repair of the old foundation. First you need to understand - why do you need foundation cladding? Although the foundations of houses are erected from durable materials, they also need to be protected from moisture, precipitation, wind, mechanical damage and other adverse factors. Therefore, the cladding of the foundation is initially the protection of the base of the house and the preservation of its operational properties for a long time. Also, processing the base will help protect the basement from moisture and cold and decorate the house. Since the construction market is replete with the necessary materials, our task is to choose the best one.

Plinth finish with stone

A widespread finish is decorative plaster, its qualities and properties in modern construction fulfill all the necessary conditions for high-quality surface treatment. This finish is an inexpensive and unpretentious option as a foundation design and protection.

But I would not use plaster for several reasons - firstly, it is a laborious process, and secondly, there are many other materials that can provide high-quality home protection and create a noble appearance. Moreover, protecting the basement from cold and moisture requires thermal insulation qualities.

Of course, you can use a variety of siding and slabs, but nothing brings as much nobility to a home as facing stone. Therefore, I opt for sandstone, and you will find out what it is just below.

Natural stone cladding

Noble finishes

The cladding of the foundation should fulfill not only its direct purpose, but also act as a decorative element of the basement floor. Natural stone has always been a noble and durable building material, so the stone finish of the basement looks harmonious and rich.

DIY plinth decoration

Choosing from all the options, I settled on sandstone, which has many properties:

  1. Facing stone is a time-tested natural building material. Its lifespan is mind-boggling, more home renovation required than old sandstone. The brick foundation, faced with sandstone, looks noble and natural.
  2. The strength of the material allows it to withstand heavy physical exertion, therefore, elements protected by sandstone do not lend themselves to mechanical damage.
  3. Repairing an old subfloor with sandstone will help create excellent moisture protection.
  4. Due to the ease of installation, you can revet a brick foundation with your own hands.
  5. Due to its porous structure, sandstone has some thermal insulation properties, which allows to reduce heat loss through the basement floor.
  6. Facing stone is great for finishing a variety of surfaces, be it the facade of a house, interior walls or a brick foundation.
  7. Facing stone looks equally harmonious on a brick house as on a wooden one. Not everyone will be able to imagine what kind the cottage creates, the base of which is faced with sandstone.
  8. The natural texture and patterns of sandstone blend perfectly with a variety of architectural styles.

Plinth finish with natural stone

Combining all of the above advantages, facing stone perfectly protects a brick foundation or any other type of foundation. It should be noted that a brick foundation is the optimal surface for finishing with natural materials. Such a basis is easy to process, which allows you to revet the surface with sandstone with your own hands in a short time.

Sheathing of foundation surfaces

Facing stone is a rather undemanding element, so you can do the repair of the old basement floor from the outside yourself.

The following tools came in handy for repairs:

  • A metal brush is essential for surface preparation and cleaning.
  • A chisel and a hammer will be needed in case of repair, to remove the old coating (plaster).
  • The ax came in handy for making notches for better adhesion to the surface.
  • I prepared a spray gun or brush for applying the primer.

Finishing the foundation with stone

If the foundation is heterogeneous, which is rare, a construction mesh is used, I did without it.

Having prepared the necessary tools, I proceeded to repair the outer surface of the basement floor. He performed all the relevant work on the preparation of the surface, cleaned it well and covered it with a high-quality primer. Next, I took a specialized glue for laying stone and gradually began to lay out my future masterpiece. The seams between the elements were filled with mortar and carefully processed. The result is a great basement floor view.

We start to make the cladding from the corner

Finishing the screw foundation

Houses with brick foundations have a huge advantage over their fellows. The fact is that the construction of the pile foundation does not allow sandstone finishing, so the question immediately arises - how to close the pile foundation from the outside. For me, this question was quite interesting, because it is simply necessary to close the basement from moisture and cold, and you also need to arrange the bottom of the building. But if a brick foundation can be finished with sandstone, what solution can be found here?
Why come up with such a complex foundation, for which it is also difficult to pick up the finishing later - you ask. But a screw foundation is the only optimal solution for unstable and heaving soils. It is the screw foundation that is able to penetrate to great depths and provide reliable support for the house. And the choice of finishing the basement is quite possible with the help of such material as professional sheet.

Facing the plinth with a metal profile

This material appeared as early as 1820 and is very widespread in the construction industry. The profiled sheet is made of galvanized steel using cold rolled products, after which it is subjected to the creation of the required shape - trapezoidal, wavy. This is done more for stiffness than for beauty. Professional sheet is a unique material used in the construction of new buildings and the renovation of old ones. Steel sheet is used not only for finishing basements, but also for repairing roofs and walls. In the assortment you can find profiled sheets for facing stone or "wooden" element. This choice made me very happy, because with the help of it it is easy to create a unique style with your own hands.

In the assortment you can find profiled sheets for facing stone or "wooden" element

Facing the screw base with your own hands

Usually, screw foundations are used in the construction of light houses, for example, wooden ones. Therefore, the decorative finish of the screw foundation must be in harmony with the wooden elements. Fortunately, I found imitation stone in the variety of profiled sheets that go well with wooden houses. It turns out an imitation of a completely natural, natural home.

Professional sheet "under the stone"

Sheathing a screw foundation is not difficult, so I took it myself and adhering to the following scheme, I did an excellent job:

  • For the base of the sheets, I made a wooden crate, having previously impregnated the parts with an antiseptic solution.
  • To avoid deformation of the sheets under the influence of heaving soils, I left a gap between the ground and the element. To do this, I made sanding at the junction of the earth and parts to a depth of 500 mm.
  • The very fastening of the sheets to the wooden crate I made with self-tapping screws. To avoid dents, I tried not to tighten the fasteners too much.
  • I covered the joints of the material and the corners with additional elements.

So, with a little effort, you can revet your foundation yourself.

The better to decorate the basement of the house beautifully and inexpensively - 3 material options

A basement is a part of the foundation that rises above ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are imposed on its finishing as for the entire base. It consists of a whole range of measures - the arrangement of the blind area, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the characteristics of each building and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to presentably decorate the basement? It is desirable that it is both beautiful and not too expensive and complicated. There are more than enough materials for finishing the basement. But the price of some products is such that not everyone is able to "shell out" that kind of money. In addition, the installation of some products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view, there are not so many options for inexpensive finishing.


This design is suitable for buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick, and so on), with the exception of wood, since it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be in harmony with it.

  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a short operational period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paintwork (in the case of surface application of the composition).
  • The complexity of leaving. It is rather problematic to wash off pieces of dirt that has got in - basically, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of maintenance, decorative plaster mixes are preferable, but they are quite expensive.
Finishing features

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", as such treatment will clog all the pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises - what about vapor permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is not unimportant.

Siding panels

Naturally, this does not mean all that are on sale, but only those that are intended specifically for the base. By the way, they can also be used to decorate walls.

  • Durability and reliability of the cladding. It protects the base well.
  • Maintenance is not difficult - the panels are easy to clean.
  • Possibility of quick replacement of the damaged product.
Finishing features
  1. The crate is pre-installed. Since the finish of the basement is carried out outside the building, it is advisable to use a metal profile as a slats, and not wood - it is subject to decay.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all joints, as well as correctly calculate and maintain the necessary clearances (in case of thermal deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective if the type of product is selected correctly (temperature of use, strength, etc.).

  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home - we wrote about this here. This will slightly increase the time for the production of works, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • Variety of cladding options (appearance).
  • Durability, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Lightweight and easy to attach. The artificial stone can be simply glued onto the base.
Finishing features

Much depends on what material the imitation of natural stone is based on. Practice shows that not everyone can independently perform such work - finishing. Most likely, you will have to pay for someone's services.

It makes no sense to provide a comparison of materials at prices, They depend on so many factors that it is simply impossible to take everything into account. One must not forget a simple truth - it is not always possible to equate the concepts of “cheap” and “quality”.


Plastering a plinth is the most economical option. which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if financial possibilities allow, then it is better to stop at the 2nd or 3rd options.

  • If the house is erected on a pile foundation, then the supporting frame is pre-mounted, which is sheathed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When calculating the cost of work, it is necessary to look not only at the price of the material, but also take into account what the costs of its installation will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is wiser to buy a product for decoration that is more expensive and durable than regularly repairing the plinth lining and at the same time spending money again.



How to inexpensively decorate the basement of a house: siding, plaster, artificial stone

Unfortunately, when considering options for the exterior design of buildings, individual developers are often guided only by the price of the corresponding products, completely missing a number of points. Firstly, the costs of finishing work are not taken into account (including the possibility of performing technological operations on their own). Secondly, it is not specified how much it will cost to maintain the cladding in proper condition. Thirdly, its operational life, after which the sheathing panels (or other) will have to be changed.

  1. Siding features
  2. Application of plaster
  3. Stone cladding

It is clear that every owner wants his house to look beautiful, and at the same time, the cost of finishing it is as cheap as possible. In principle, now there are no problems with this - the market provides a wide range of products with a relatively low cost. But, when deciding how to veneer the basement, it should be borne in mind that higher requirements are imposed on the materials both in terms of mechanical strength and resistance to external atmospheric influences, primarily moisture. This is what limits the choice, especially if we talk about budget finishes. Let's figure out what is advisable to buy for the basement of a house so that its design is both beautiful, reliable and cheap.

Siding panels

It is worth clarifying right away that any will not work. You should buy only the type of product that is intended specifically for the base.

  • High maintainability. In the event of partial damage, the replacement of the sample is done quickly and with your own hands (the services of a specialist will not be needed).
  • The durability of the cladding material. It fully provides reliable protection against damage.
  • Easy maintenance. No costs will be required, since it is enough to wash the panels with water.
  • Sheathing requires an even base. Therefore, you will have to install the crate. Practice shows that not every individual developer is able to do this with his own hands.
  • The cladding panels themselves are not used. For their installation, you need to buy a number of additional parts in the form of corners, strips, and so on. This must be taken into account when determining the final price.
  • For the construction of the lathing, you should buy a metal profile. It is much lighter than wood and does not create a significant load on the foundation. In addition, since we are talking about external cladding, one should not forget about the operating conditions of the frame. Metal, unlike wood, is not subject to decay.
  • Before proceeding with the finishing of the basement, it is necessary to understand the specifics of the paneling - how tightly to tighten the fasteners, what gaps to leave between the samples (taking into account the temperature deformation), and so on.

Plastering compounds

It should also be clarified here that not every solution is suitable for outdoor decoration. In addition, the basement of a wooden house is not designed using this method. It is unlikely that this will turn out beautifully, given the appearance of the building. In this regard, plasters are limited in use. But for the basement of a brick house or a building made of aerated concrete - the cheapest way.

  • Possibility of making "spot" repairs at any time and in a short time.
  • High vapor permeability of the cladding, resistance to temperature (humidity) changes.
  • No professional skills are required when working with plaster.
  • Low cost.
  • You can regularly change the color of the basement of the house, imitate various materials, diversifying the surface texture.
  • If this particular option of external design is chosen, then at the same time it will be possible to finish the foundation of the house (plaster waterproofing). At least that part of it that rises above the ground.
  • Insufficient strength. Even the reinforcement of the finish will increase it slightly.
  • Caring for a plaster base is a certain challenge.
  • If the painting was done by surface application, it will have to be updated quite often.
  • When preparing a solution on your own, it is advisable to introduce a dye into its composition. Such plaster will have a uniform shade throughout the structure, so minor damage will not be as noticeable.
  • When buying a ready-made mixture for finishing a basement, you should clarify which components are present in it. It is on the introduced additives (plasticizers) that the characteristics of the material largely depend - the moisture permeability of the skin, its resistance to low temperatures, and so on.
  • When erecting houses on screw piles, as a rule, in order to close the gap between the supporting frame and the ground, a grillage is mounted. If this is not an imitation of boarding or plywood, but brickwork, then plaster is the best option for finishing the lower part of the building. It will turn out both cheap and beautiful.

Fake diamond

Another option for inexpensive finishing the basement of the house. A variety of samples allows you to choose exactly those products that, in terms of their characteristics, correspond to the conditions of further operation.

  • Light weight of the cladding.
  • Simple fastening - by gluing.
  • Large assortment of products.
  • Beautiful finishes for every taste.
  • The possibility of self-production of tiles, which makes such cladding even cheaper.
  • The base practically does not need maintenance.
  • If necessary, it is easy to repair the cladding in a separate area.
  • Finishing can only be done at a specific temperature (determined by the characteristics of the adhesive).
  • Such a design of the basement requires accuracy and time.
  • The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to accurately determine the gaps between the samples in case of thermal expansion. And this depends both on the components from which the mixture was prepared and on the characteristics of the climate. You may need professional advice on this point.

  • It is advisable to level the surface well to get off. In principle, tiles on the base can be easily adjusted to each other using glue, adjusting the thickness of its layer. But at the same time, the consumption of the composition will increase, and given its price, such a cladding can no longer be called cheap.
  • When choosing an adhesive for a base, you need to pay attention not only to the specifics of its application, but also to the temperature range in which it does not lose its properties.

All other finishing options are difficult to classify as “cheap”. And it's not only the price of materials, but also the additional costs. Many of them have significant weight, therefore, before decorating the basement, it will be necessary to strengthen the foundation. And this will turn out to be very significant expenses.


How to decorate the basement of a house inexpensively

The modern market offers a wide selection of materials that are used in the plinth cladding. Each client will be able to choose good products for themselves at an affordable price that will match the family budget. Not all claddings can be assembled on their own, therefore it is important to take into account the additional costs of wages for workers. However, there are not so many cheap and more acceptable quality materials. Further in the article, some options for inexpensive plinth cladding will be considered.


This type of finish can be suitable for any type of building, for example, a house built of concrete, brick, and so on. An exception can be wooden houses, since the plaster base will not fit the general appearance of the building. Among the advantages of this type of cladding are:

  • The plaster is able to withstand different temperature extremes.
  • The finishing process is not time consuming.
  • You can plaster the plinth by imitating other types of finishing materials. When finishing, it is really possible to change the color of the plaster, both at the initial stage and at subsequent stages.
  • This type of finishing is not expensive.
Do-it-yourself plaster plastering

Plastering has its drawbacks, which are determined by the following parameters:

  • This type of material is not durable and reliable, which reduces the life of the base.
  • After plastering the basement, it will be necessary to periodically renew the coating with various means, for example, varnish or paint.
  • It is quite difficult to follow this type of finish, because it is not easy to clean the base from dirt.
  • Experts recommend purchasing decorative plaster mixes, but their cost is twice as much as usual.
Decorative plaster for plinth cladding

To carry out the lining of the basement, it is first necessary to install polystyrene foam plates. This will insulate the base, as well as level the surface for further cladding. Next, a plaster mortar is applied to the prepared surface. When finishing, special attention must be paid to the preparation of a mixture, which must have certain properties. For example, when buying, consider the frost resistance and moisture resistance of the product.

Features of plastering plaster base can be seen in the video:

There are different options for applying plaster to the plinth. In the first case, dyes are added directly to the solution; this option will not damage the properties of the plaster. In the second case, the coloring compositions are applied to the surface of the plastered base, which will protect the base from moisture penetration. However, in both options, it is necessary to take care of vapor permeability relative to the basement.

Cladding siding

Of course, siding is intended not only for decorating the walls of the house, but also for cladding the basement. In this case, special panels are made that are suitable for such work.

There are several advantages to using this type of material:

  • Siding is a durable and reliable finishing material.
  • The structure of the panels helps to protect the base of the house from external influences.
  • Siding panels are easy to wash or clean from dirt, so there should be no complications.
  • Damaged parts of the base / plinth trim can be easily replaced with similar inserts.
  • Siding panels, which are used in the decoration of the basement, have their disadvantages:
  • The installation process is time consuming.
  • The cost of purchasing other elements for attaching siding increases.
Siding panels in the plinth cladding

To install siding panels, you need to mount a special crate. For greater strength and reliability of fastening parts, it is recommended to use rails made of metal. We do not recommend using wooden elements in finishing work. In the process of work, it is important to monitor the correct connection of all parts and siding elements.

Artificial stone in the plinth facing

Artificial stone is not an expensive material, but it is quite effective during operation. Facing the plinth in this way has its advantages:

  • Artificial stone can be made by hand, but this will increase the time to complete the work.
  • There are different forms of material, which allows you to choose a stone for a specific building architecture.
  • This base / plinth finish has a long service life.
  • The stone is lightweight, which makes it easy to carry out repair and finishing work.
Facing the basement with an artificial stone with your own hands

Significant disadvantages are determined by the following parameters:

  • It is recommended to make the cladding only at positive temperatures. Of course, there are certain types of stone that lend themselves to finishing even at sub-zero temperatures.
  • The work process takes a long time and requires careful preparation and attention.
Plinth trim with artificial decorative stone

The finishing characteristics depend on the constituent components of the artificial stone. As a rule, it is rather difficult to do such work on your own, so you have to resort to the help of specialists. The cost of an artificial stone may differ in different ways.

The most affordable and acceptable options for lining the basement are plastering, siding or artificial stone. Most experts believe that using plaster as a plinth cladding is the most economical option.


How and how to decorate the foundation of a house with your own hands cheaply under a stone? + Photos and Videos

The technology for finishing the foundation of a house with your own hands differs depending on the material chosen. In this article, we will talk about the types of foundations and their features. We will also take a closer look at the most popular types of materials for finishing the basement of a private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and siding, mosaic plaster and different types of tiles.

After the house is built, it's time to start finishing work. Many are determined in advance with the choice of materials, think over all the details to the smallest detail. In addition to finishing the walls, it is necessary to pay due attention to the foundation of the house. Experts advise not to skimp on cladding, because the appearance of the basement is one of the main points when building a house. What is the main thing - aesthetics or practicality, and can these things be combined into one whole?

The basement is the foundation of the house, and it must be protected from temperature extremes, moisture and strong winds. In addition, the appearance of the facade is an important detail in creating a harmonious home design.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of a house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • DIY materials for finishing the foundation of the house:
  • plastering solution;
  • tile;
  • siding panels;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The presented materials have their own advantages, and also differ in the methods of their application and installation.

In no case should the foundation be left without finishing, since concrete is prone to absorbing moisture, which has a destructive force when the air temperature changes.

Before you start finishing the basement of a private house, you should thoroughly clean it from dirt, level the wall, repair chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with a primer for better adhesion of the finishing materials to the base.

Types of foundations:

Falling down. This type of foundation is located in the depth with some offset in relation to the main facade. The depth is often at the level of 5 cm. With this arrangement, the drain can be made unobtrusive and reduce the cost of lining.

On one surface. This type of base must be carefully sealed, because the drain is attached during the construction phase of the house.

Bulging. To finish the foundation of a house with your own hands, you first need to take care of the drain. If installed incorrectly, water will begin to collect at the division between the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, the drainage should be planned taking into account the plinth lining.

Certain types of materials for finishing the foundation must be subjected to additional processing before starting to lay them. These include an unnatural stone, on which water repellent agents are applied before fixing.

They help to reduce the force of moisture absorption and increase the resistance of the finish to smudging. There is a huge selection of water-repellent impregnations on the market for finishing materials today. These are colorless compounds that protect against water penetration into the structure of the material. They are applied using rollers, cysts and other devices. The end result of this treatment seems to be like this - the water flows down without being absorbed and leaving no marks on the finish.

How to finish the foundation of a house with your own hands

The appearance of the foundation, finished with such tiles, is similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that they are lighter and less thick (8 - 20 cm).

The length and width are similar to those of bricks. You can purchase additional corners to simplify work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Stone finishes are very attractive to look at, but also expensive. The most popular materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite are among the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are pre-torn with a waterproofing compound. The laying pattern is the same as for tiling. Stone glue is used to fix the elements. Seams are left between small stones, large ones - 2 mm. With a foundation protruding forward, it is necessary to install a cornice to drain the water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural stone. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent performance properties.

The technique of finishing the foundation with artificial stone resembles the laying of tiles:

Polymer sand tiles are an innovative material that imitates "torn" stone and brick. It is very light in weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weak-bearing structures. Manufacturers have minimized the risk of cracks and chips on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, treatment with waterproofing agents is not necessary.

Base / plinth trim with resin tiles

The appearance of this material resembles clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. Resin tiles are flexible and can be used on rounded plinths. It can also be bent at plinth corners. The material is cut with scissors, easily attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. Has a smooth and rough surface and a wide range of colors.

Laying procedure:

The mosaic plaster has a granular structure. The grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, a pattern resembles a colored mosaic. Resin acts as a fixing agent.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It should not be applied to lime plaster and plastics. Best of all, it adheres to concrete and mineral substrates (cement, gypsum).

Application procedure:

Finishing the foundation of the house with plastic panels

PVC panels are often used to decorate small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are lightweight and easy to use:

Decorating the foundation of a house with your own hands is a feasible task for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be translated into reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.


When cladding a house, special attention must be paid to the decoration of the basement. Depending on the construction technology, it can act as a separate element or be a separate part of the foundation that rises above the ground. Unlike the main wall, it has direct contact with the ground, which is why a lot of attention must be paid to finishing this area. It may well be done by hand finishing the basement, but experts recommend taking into account some points and nuances.

Before studying the materials and technologies for finishing the basement, it is worth deciding on its type. So, depending on the location of the foundation to the outer plane of the wall, the following main types are distinguished:

  1. Speaker. Such a foundation is poured for thin walls, so you should first worry about arranging a drain. Otherwise, water will accumulate on the ledge. As a result, it will lead to destruction.
  2. One level. In modern construction, this technology is rarely used, since in the process of exterior decoration it will be too difficult to achieve the desired level of waterproofing.
  3. Westerner. A common option that will be easily protected from the effects of natural factors, since it does not need to be equipped with a drain. In this case, the cladding will deform less from snow and rain.

Decorative plaster

A fairly common method of finishing the foundation, moreover, it does not require special knowledge or abilities. The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Cleaning the surface of the foundation from dust and dirt.
  2. Deep penetration primer application.
  3. If there are clearly defined irregularities, it is recommended to fix the reinforcing mesh. Welded, woven, or fiberglass will work.
  4. Application of a layer of decorative plaster.
  5. After complete drying, you can start painting.

Giving preference to decorative plaster, it should be remembered that this option is not suitable for finishing a protruding basement. High loads on the material will soon deform the applied layer and it will lose its attractiveness.

On the still wet layer of plaster, prints of a drawing or pattern are applied, as well as structuring.

You can veneer the basement with both natural and artificial stone. Let's dwell on the natural version in more detail. It should be borne in mind that it has a lot of weight, so the finishing process will be quite laborious. Despite the complexity of the process, many decide to complete it on their own. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Surface cleaning and priming.
  2. Selection of suitable elements in shape and size.
  3. Application of adhesive mortar in a thick layer.
  4. Laying the stone, starting from the bottom row. This will prevent the heavy stone from sliding down.
  5. Coating with frost-resistant and water-repellent composition.

It is also worth considering that the stone will add load to the foundation. Additional calculations will be required to ensure that such a finish can be applied.

This artificial material is very common in modern construction and decoration. The list of its benefits includes:

  • wear resistance;
  • strength;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • low rate of water absorption.

Due to the presence of the latter indicator, porcelain stoneware is resistant to frost. To date, a large assortment of porcelain stoneware is presented in the hardware store:

  • matte;
  • satin;
  • polished;
  • glazed;
  • aged;
  • imitating leather, stone and fabric.

Considering the process of finishing the basement with the selected material, it should be said that it is fixed either to the frame, or with special adhesive solutions. The frame method is provided for additional insulation. This method is more time consuming, but you can also do it yourself:

  1. Foundation preparation: cleaning and priming.
  2. Metal slats with already existing special fasteners act as a frame. It is with their help that the slats are fixed to the base. As a result, a small ventilation gap is formed between the wall and the grill.
  3. A distance of 20 cm should remain from the ground to the beginning of the frame. This will be enough for lifting the ground in winter.
  4. Insulation of your choice is put into the resulting gap. It is best to give preference to foam or rock wool.
  5. With the help of clamps, the frame is sheathed with porcelain stoneware slabs.

If we talk about adhesive solutions, then everything is much simpler here: glue is applied to the prepared foundation and a stone is fixed on top.

It is forbidden to use cement mortar, since in this case, in the cold, the stone will simply flake off.

Vinyl panels

Among the budgetary methods of finishing the basement, this one is the best. The whole secret lies in a simple installation method: the elements are joined together in a groove-ridge way. The result is a durable surface. Thanks to the cladding with siding, the foundation of the house will be reliably protected, since the innovative material has significant advantages:

  • resistance to high and sudden temperature changes;
  • durability;
  • low sensitivity to moisture;
  • there is a wide range of colors and shapes of slabs.

In most cases, vinyl panels are used when external insulation is required. The algorithm of actions is quite simple and implies the presence of such processes:

  1. Waterproofing: the film is laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm and fixed with nails or construction tape.
  2. Installation of horizontal battens. Metal slats are used. The step is calculated individually according to the following scheme: 1/3 of the panel length. In this case, the lowest bar should rise above the ground at a distance of 15 cm. The resulting gap should correspond to the size of the insulation plus 3 cm for ventilation.
  3. Laying the heat insulator and vapor barrier.
  4. From the bottom of the crate, at the corners, the first bar (corner profile) is fixed.
  5. Subsequent panels are fixed to the starting plate and screwed loosely with self-tapping screws. A 3 mm gap should remain from the head to the panel, since the material can change in volume under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.
  6. For the protruding base, a special ebb is installed on top.

The unique siding production technology allows you to convey the texture of expensive types of wood, natural stone and other materials.

Ceramic tile

Clinker tiles can also be used as facing material. In the modern building materials market, clinker tiles are very popular. The surface can be different:

  • smooth;
  • untreated;
  • imitate brick;
  • imitate paving stones.

When decorating the basement of a house with ceramic tiles, the following works are assumed:

  1. Surface cleaning and leveling with special mixtures.
  2. Padding.
  3. Prepare the adhesive according to the instructions on the package. Applying a layer of 4 mm to the foundation.
  4. Laying should start from the outer corner. Pay special attention to vertical seams that do not have to match. For the convenience of creating even seams, it is recommended to use special crosses, which are then removed.
  5. The final stage is grouting with special frost-resistant compounds.

To emphasize the unity of the created design of the whole house, clinker tiles are used not only for decorating the basement, but also for the corners of the walls.

When applying the solution, care must be taken not to form voids. Otherwise, in winter they will expand and the tiles will fall off.

Other materials

In fact, the list of possible materials for decorating the foundation is several times longer. So it is possible to finish the basement of the house with glass, flagstone or ceramic fragments. For these cases, it is recommended to carry out the process in this way:

  1. Cleaning and leveling the surface.
  2. Calculating the required amount of material, according to the allotted area for cladding.
  3. Priming the base with concrete carbonate. Removal of excess cement on the foundation.
  4. Application of tile adhesive or cement (depending on the chosen material for cladding). Apply it in stages.
  5. Fixing limestone or colored glass to the prepared substrate. Secure with light taps to release air.
  6. Filling the voids between large pieces with small broken elements.
  7. Cleaning of seams.
  8. Coating the dried surface with varnish and installing a protective cover over the protruding part of the foundation.

Thanks to the finishing of the plinth, several problems can be solved at the same time: direct protection, additional thermal insulation, as well as giving a complete look. Only the owner himself can choose the best option, since the choice will depend on personal preferences and desires. It is not so difficult to carry out the cladding on your own, as can be seen from the above article.


How to finish with plinth tiles, see below:
