Sleep scary black bats. What does it mean if I dreamed about a bat

Of death. But this dream is a warning that prompts you to perseverance and discretion.

Collection of dream books

Bat - fear of the unknown.

Bat - a symbol of the ability to feel the hidden forces of nature.

Bat - a symbol of fear, death and night.

In Central American and Brazilian mythology, the bat - a powerful deity of the underworld, sometimes depicted as devouring the sun.

In China, the bat - a symbol of good luck, and two bats on the greeting card mean the wish of fertility, health, longevity and a dignified death.

Dreamed bat - portends the sorrow and suffering that people who are not known to you will cause you.

If in a dream you are married to a bat - a dream promises that you will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Bat - to death; see how it flies around the room - sudden departure.

Esoteric dream book

Bat - strange premonitions that you shouldn't rely on.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Bat - portends night orgies.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Bat - sadness, bad news, misfortune / participate in a night orgy.

Follow their flight in the dusk, feel as if everything around them is filled with them - a vague clairvoyance awakens in you.

Bats chase you, bump into you in the dark - a symbol of your fear of the world of reality, which prevents you from living.

See sleeping bats - the image of the power of darkness and evil forces / bad time.

See a lot of different bats outside the window that look into it - to touch with your thoughts the kingdom of primordial chaos / intrusion into your life of the phenomena of an alien world.

See bats roaming around your body - to be possessed by a demon, to go to the abyss / to feel your own vampirism.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Flying bat - all minor troubles will disappear quickly and easily.

If the bat hangs upside down - this means that small troubles can turn into big problems.

Modern universal dream book

It's natural for a bat to hang upside down. If you dreamed about a bat - you should look at what is happening from the other side or from a different angle.

Possibly a bat in a dream - warns you to be more careful and less emotional, because when you hang upside down, blood rushes to your head. Do you feel like the whole world has turned upside down? Perhaps you want to turn your world around?

The bats - usually associated with vampires. Perhaps something or some relationship in your life is drawing energy from you, and it's time for you to step into the game and dot the i's.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bat - the image of evil power; unkind activities; someone's death; sadness, disappointment.

Chinese dream book

For American Indian bat - was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth.

The bat disappears into the darkness of a cave resembling a womb, and reappears from there - this sign may appear to you before you decide to go to explore deep fears and the unknown that lives in you. After a symbolic death, you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

General dream book

Dreamed of a bat - your neighbors will have a fire. Do not be lazy, drop in to your neighbors in the morning before work and notify them of a possible disaster - maybe they will be able to prevent trouble.

You dreamed that you threw a stone at a bat - you will soon witness a fire. Do not forget your mobile phone or a city payphone card at home on this day - you may be the only passer-by who can contact the fire department.

If you dreamed that you were chased by a bat - there may be a fire in your house soon. Prevent a fire in your own home - exclusively in your hands.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Bat - unnecessary worries, troubles.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If they attack you in a dream - this is a warning that a serious test awaits you soon, perhaps some losses and losses.

If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday - failures await you, which will "fall" on your head like snow.

If you dream of many mice that fly around you and try to attack - you will be "got" from all sides, both at work and at home. And the best thing you can do is ignore the claims.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Bats in a dream - this is a harbinger of serious trouble, for which you may not be ready. Usually, such a dream is a sign of an extremely depressed state of mind, which can result in illness, nervous breakdowns and severe psychological trauma.

Often also the image of a bat - is a reflection of your vague premonitions about the approach of some kind of disaster. In general, after such a dream, it will be useful for you to stock up on courage, and even better try to look at life from the bright side.

After all, bats in a dream - this is primarily a consequence of the darkness that lurks in the depths of your soul.
When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is sleep. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

They are nocturnal animals and often like to settle in dark caves: they can personify fear of the unknown, although they know how to move in the dark.

If you are ignorant and the bat appears to you as a sign, then you can make your way in the darkness.

Trust your intuition.

The Bat Can Be: An Old Grouchy Woman.

Are you acting like a grumpy old woman? On the other hand, a bat can indicate strange behavior.

This sign can also symbolize throwing, the inability to come to a definite conclusion. For the Chinese, the bat symbolized long life and happiness.

For American Indians, the bat: was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth.

The bat disappears into the darkness of a cave resembling a womb, and reappears from there: this sign may appear to you before you decide to go to explore the deep fears and the unknown that lives in you.

After a symbolic death, you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

Dream interpretation - Bat

If it flies, then little problems can arise.

If it hangs upside down, problems will grow into something more.

A bat floating in the air - all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear.

If the bat hangs upside down, it means that small troubles can turn into big problems.

Interpretation of dreams from

Bats, due to their nocturnal lifestyle and extraordinary appearance, seem to many to be mysterious, mysterious and ominous. They fly in complete darkness, hang upside down and prefer to live in caves. The appearance of a creepy night flyer in a dream is perceived by many as a bad sign. Do not be afraid, you just need to find the answer to what the bat is dreaming of.

I dreamed about a bat - the general meaning of the image

Among the peoples of the world, the image of a bats receives different interpretations. The Chinese consider her to be a lucky symbol that bestows a long life. The Indians see it as a symbol of intuitive knowledge. For some interpreters, a white bat in a dream is a sign of death. For all peoples, this image is important for the dreamer. This is a sign that you must pay attention to!

The details of the dream storyline affect the correct interpretation. The color of the animal also matters, there are many of them or it is one. Often this image can be regarded as an alarming signal, a warning of danger.

Dreamer gender

  • If a woman dreamed of a bat and bit her in a dream, this may warn of the presence of a rival in her personal life. The dream warns that it is necessary to preserve the existing relationship in order to prevent a dark heavy streak in life.
  • A bats promise a young girl a difficult test, perhaps the death of a loved one or the rupture of an expensive relationship, a lot of trouble.
  • Pregnant women should pay attention to their health.
  • For a man, such a dream threatens with loss of reputation, debts, and possible prosecution.


If there are many bats around in a dream, this promises many small problems. They make a squeak - the reputation can be irretrievably damaged.


The white color of the animal gives hope for a successful resolution of an unpleasant situation, if the dreamer is careful. Both he himself and relatives and friends can get into trouble. By providing help, you yourself can avoid the blow of fate.

It is more difficult to understand why the black animal is dreaming. It is believed that this is a reflection of the heavy thoughts of the person himself.

Feelings of hatred and envy erode the body from the inside, you need to get rid of them.

Gray nocturnal animals are an unlucky symbol. He warns of physical injury.

Mice attack, bite, attack ...

  • If a bats curls over your head and then gets tangled in your hair, get ready for a very difficult period in your life. It cannot be avoided, so you have to show persistence.
  • According to dream books, chasing and attacking flocks of bats speak of the dreamer's desire to escape from attacking relatives, work colleagues, and a real fear of persecution.
  • The night guest flew into the house - to a quarrel with uninvited guests.

A bitten mouse warns of failing health.

Dreamers expect illness. If someone else is bitten, the person will witness someone's loss or miss. By providing the support you need, you can get a loyal friend.
  • The bat says something, you need to remember its words - perhaps they carry important information for you and the subconscious mind thus tries to reach the mind.
  • The fallen dead animal symbolizes the victory over the enemies. A strong, good sign that everything will be fine.
  • To turn into a bat himself, from a bite or according to the plot of a dream - the dreamer will become a constant source of trouble for loved ones. The dream warns of arrogance and categoricalness in relation to others.
  • To feed the animal from your hand - to the found correct solution to problems. Moreover, the decision will come by itself, without significant effort.
  • The awakening of extrasensory abilities foreshadows a dream in which a person observes the flight of several flying individuals. You have to believe your sixth sense.

Interpretation from dream books

Various sources interpret this striking symbol in different ways. Depending on the direction of the dream book, bats can be both a good omen and a bad omen. Old books promise nocturnal orgies!

The Bat: Freud's Dream Book

According to the psychoanalyst, sleep promises disappointment in the beloved.

  • A bite from a bat will bring a quarrel based on gossip, and a woman - a successful rival.
  • The bite site seen warns that one should not return to a partner from the past - a new meeting awaits ahead.

Opinion of the French dream book

The French dream book considers the bats to be a sign of troubles that the dreamer brings through the fault of others. You need to carefully choose your acquaintances. The same source indicates that the wedding seen with a bat symbolizes the rightly chosen worthy partner.

Bat in a dream according to Miller

In Miller's writings, the white fly foreshadows both death for the seer himself and the loss of a loved one. In addition, financial collapse should be expected. A general state of sadness and anxiety will poison life.

Psychological dream books

The image of the flyer speaks of a deep inner conflict of a person.

Perhaps the dreamer will have to give up his principles in order to achieve a result and make a deal with his conscience.

It won't end well. Also, large mice are the dreamer's own fears, which he needs to cope with. Their bites warn of possible depression.

Other interpretations

  • The modern interpreter of dreams, Nina Grishina, believes that a night flyer is an unkind sign. Soon you can expect information that will upset.
  • According to Tsvetkov, to see a sleeping animal - it will be possible to avoid trouble.
  • The gypsy dream book considers this animal a good sign. All troubles will be a thing of the past, and good luck will overtake the dreamer.
  • The esoteric dream book believes that a bat in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in all directions. But the dead, on the contrary, prophesies illness and loss of strength.
  • According to Vanga's dream book, the bat recommends a person to clean the energy, since he himself attracts negative to himself.

It should be remembered that if you dreamed about bats, you need to be careful in the coming period of your life. Sleep is a subconscious clue.

Bats in many cultures symbolize intuition. If a person saw such an animal in his dream, perhaps he should listen more carefully to his own inner voice. Other interpretations of what the bat dreams of are published in our material.

In popular dream books, the bat is considered a very important symbol that cannot be ignored. It often turns out to be a meaningful warning for a person, which allows him to avoid serious problems in real life. But there are also other meanings of the plot under discussion.

According to modern dream books

The first is to study the information from the dream book of Nina Grishina. The interpreter notes that the bat is a harbinger of bad news. The information received will greatly upset the sleeping person and deprive him of a good mood for a long time.

In the French dream book, the animal under discussion is a symbol of the suffering that other people inflict on the dreamer. He needs to be careful when choosing acquaintances for his immediate environment. Interestingly, in the same dream book, a wedding with a bat in night dreams turns out to be a positive sign. This strange plot suggests that the person has chosen a very worthy partner for himself. It is with him that you can safely connect your life.

And in the Gypsy Dream Book, the bat turned out to be a good harbinger. If you managed to see her in a dream, it means that all the minor troubles that annoy a man or woman so much will soon disappear by themselves.

In Miller's work, the most negative symbol is the snow-white bat. She always turns out to be a harbinger of death, which is able to overtake both the sleeping person and those close to him.

Esoteric dream books

The most famous exoteric dream book is the book by Elena Anopova. This work helps a person to penetrate into his own inner world and understand it.

If a bat sits on a person's shoulder in a dream, such a plot suggests that one should not rely on intuition in the near future. She is able to deceive a man or woman. Before making each decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons, assessing them as soberly and rationally as possible. And it is better to ask an uninterested stranger to express a true opinion about him.

An animal that flies into the dreamer's house from a closed window is a bad harbinger. It symbolizes the sorrows that will enter the sleeping man's dwelling along with some stranger. Guests who are unfamiliar should be treated with extreme caution.

According to psychological dream books

If the dreamer himself turns into a bat according to the plot, this indicates his inner discord with himself. A person understands that in order to achieve his goal, he needs to step over his own principles. The dream suggests that such transactions with a conscience do not end well.

In the famous psychological dream book of Ushakov, it is noted that a bat looking directly into the eyes of a sleeping person symbolizes his own fears. The larger the animal, the stronger they are. You should not try to push away existing fears and hide them far away. It is imperative to fight with them. Perhaps even with the help of a professional competent psychologist.

If a bat painfully bites a sleeping person, it means that it portends depression to a person in real life. At the moment, the dreamer is very tired, depressed. Perhaps he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Relaxation and positive emotions will help to cope with this condition.

Many bats

If a large number of the animals under discussion turned out to be in the room of a sleeping person, it means that he cannot come to terms with the position that he has recently taken in society. Probably, a person is dissatisfied with his material well-being or the social step that he managed to achieve.

It happens that in a dream several animals at once get entangled in the dreamer's hair. This is a clear sign that a period of troubles and misfortunes awaits the latter. It will be quite long and exhausting. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the suddenly surging troubles. Therefore, it is worth at least in advance to prepare mentally for them. There is no need to hesitate to seek help in solving problems that have arisen from relatives, friends and even colleagues.

If a large number of bats in the daytime move around the sleeping room in daylight, this is a positive sign. The dreamer will be able to find out in advance and competently prepare for the attack about the insidious plans of his ill-wishers. As a result, the enemies will not be able to harm the man or woman in any way. They will only waste their own energy.

Dreamed of a black, white bat

Often, after waking up, a person manages to remember what color the animal turned out to be the main character of his dream.

In this case, it is imperative to take this detail into account when interpreting the plot that has been embedded in the memory:

  • If the bat turned out to be not the usual gray, but unexpected white color, this is a very important warning for humans. It suggests that the sleeping person is in very serious danger, which can even lead him to death. True, in some dream books it is interpreted as spiritual death - a kind of rebirth and the beginning of a completely new life.
  • The black animal symbolizes darkness in thoughts and soul. Most likely, a man or woman is simply very jealous of some familiar person - his achievements, merits. And, perhaps, he even feels hatred. If the dreamer has conceived revenge or some other bad deed, before committing it, you need to carefully analyze the possible consequences for yourself.

Often, animals of other colors also dream. So, gray ones promise injury, bright scarlet ones - an unpleasant conflict with complete strangers. It is important at the moment of awakening to understand the sensations that the dream brought.

The bat is a nocturnal animal that most often lives in caves. They terrify someone, but they touch someone. Such animals usually rarely dream, but remain in the memory for a long time. Why is the bat dreaming?

Such animals usually rarely dream, but remain in the memory for a long time.

Flying is a symbol of your fear. Perhaps you are afraid of something that prevents you from moving on. There is also a possibility that you are not sure about your future, you are afraid of the unknown. But despite this, you can overcome everything. You will be able to go through the dark streak of life.

This dream may tell you that you are in some kind of uncertainty. You rush from one to the other. It is worth paying attention to this and trying to be more constant and decisive. In addition, the dream has a different interpretation:

  • You have probably been very picky and grumpy lately. You should be more restrained, as because of your behavior, you can seriously quarrel with your family and friends.

Different cultures have their own meanings of this dream:

  1. In China, this dream foreshadows the owner of a long and happy life.
  2. For Indians, a dream tells of a new stage in life. Man leaves everything behind and seems to be reborn, starting his new path.

The bat is also a harbinger of bad news that will undoubtedly break your spirituality indefinitely.

Bat in a dream book (video)

Seeing a black bat in a dream: meaning

Such a vision usually does not bode well. It can be a messenger of sad news.

  1. Perhaps one of your loved ones will face death. It will be very difficult for you to get over this loss. This event will instill bad thoughts in you. Your mood will change very often and always for the worse. This dream is closely associated with mysticism, as well as with various occult practices.
  2. You may be corrupted. It is she who is the root of the problem. You should contact special people as soon as possible who will help you get rid of this terrible, mystical disease.
  3. There may be a person next to you who is commonly referred to as an "energy vampire." This "vampire" drains all your physical and spiritual resources. It is highly recommended that you spend as little time as possible with such a person.

Such a vision usually does not bode well.

This is the most obvious symbol of evil that threatens your health. You will tend to be depressed, which can negatively affect you. Try to pull yourself together and not take everything too personally.

What is the dream of a bat in a house, apartment

Such a dream warns the dreamer of the imminent appearance of the deceased in his house.

But besides this, the dream also suggests that the owner of the vision will face serious financial problems. He will run into debts that will be difficult to pay off due to his own financial insolvency.

  • A bat in a house is still a harbinger of fire. But, if you dreamed of how an animal flies outside the window of your house, then you should be careful with fire devices.
  • Sleeping mice in the apartment symbolize the difficulties in the dreamer's life.
  • A dream in which a bat flew into your house, and then suddenly flew away, speaks of a wonderful journey. You will be able to rest and recover after a difficult period, which took a lot of strength from you.

The bat in the apartment tells you about a sudden departure. The reasons for leaving can be different, for example:

  1. You will have to change your place of work.
  2. There will be a desire to visit old friends or relatives.
  3. Unfortunately, unpleasant news can become a reason for leaving. Perhaps the unexpected death of a loved one.

What does it mean if a bat attacks in a dream

Serious problems are moving. You will have to go through many trials. It is at this time that only losses and disappointments await you.

  • Dreams that were dreamed from Monday to Tuesday are harbingers of sudden trouble. It will seem to you that everything is going better after all, but the moment will come when problems begin to pour in like hail. It is worth paying more attention to this dream, as it can warn you in advance about failures.
  • If in a dream an animal attacks a sleeping person, then this suggests that you will be able to overcome the most serious adversities that will befall you in the near future. All failures may not seem so terrible to you, but they will fundamentally ruin your life. If you become the winner in this difficult fight, then this means that you will stand firmly on your feet and, in the end, will win in reality. Willpower is the true key to overcoming all obstacles.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday are harbingers of sudden troubles.

If an animal of black color attacks, then this indicates your unstable state of mind. You are burdened by some thoughts, do not give any rest and tirelessly persecute you. Envy, resentment or revenge, whatever it is, leave them and move on. This will definitely not lead to anything good.

Why dream of a bat in someone's arms

If in a dream you caught or just hold this animal in your hands, then this dream suggests that you will gain secret knowledge.

If a pregnant woman had this dream, then this may mean a miscarriage. Therefore, try to monitor the health of the child.

  • Talking to her in a dream is a good sign. You may meet people who will disgust you, but they will help you in solving some problems.
  • If you dreamed of how you miraculously found a bat in your arms, then this indicates a change.

If in a dream you caught or just hold this animal in your hands, then this dream suggests that you will gain secret knowledge

Seeing a dead mouse in someone's arms is bad news.

Bat in Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book claims that this dream carries all the most terrible qualities. You will have to face a lot of setbacks, which, strangely enough, will give you a sense of resilience. You will lose a lot. Sad events will accompany you throughout the unpleasant period.

  • If this ugly animal was white, then this dream is a real symbol of death.
  • If in a dream the animal sat on the head of your loved one, then he portends serious injuries.
  • A biting mouse speaks of a very neglected state of the dreamer. He is on the verge of a real breakdown.
  • Catching an animal in a dream does not bode well. You can be shocked by some event, and this will cause you the most serious psychological trauma.

Fleeing in a dream is a symbol of victory over the upcoming troubles.

Why dream of a bat in your hair

A dream in which a mouse is entangled in your hair warns of the imminent death of a loved one. Times are going to be tough. After such a vision, be ready for anything. Take care of your loved ones.

Perhaps you will have an ailment that will torment you for a long time. The disease can come to friends, as well as to relatives.

A dream in which a mouse is entangled in your hair warns of the imminent death of a person dear to you

All your troubles can arise from the negative influence of a certain woman who clearly does not wish you well.

Why is a flock of bats dreaming

The dream in which you observe the flight of bats suggests that all your secret affairs will be successfully completed. A flock of these animals symbolizes real luck. In addition, the dream speaks of unfounded fears that have enveloped you in a dense veil.

It only bodes well for women.

If you dream of a flock of mice attacking you, then expect imminent difficulties.

Why is flying dreaming (video)

Be extremely careful. Watch out for accidents. Keep a close eye on your loved ones. Try to keep everything under control and do not get lost on others. Try to abstract yourself and not forget about your health. Spend more time relaxing and having fun.

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