Interesting facts about pear. All about the pear - composition, properties, calorie content

A plant such as a pear, in the subject of plant science, is listed as the only and unique in the Rosaceae family. First appeared in Europe. In order for the tree to get the conditions for survival and to grow in favorable conditions, it is necessary: ​​an abundant number of light rays, fertile soil, black soil and a sufficient amount of moisture.

A tree in length should not exceed 31 m. At the same time, its lifespan can be about 49 years. Trees propagate mainly due to the fact that seedlings, cuttings and seeds are planted.

Representation of a pear plant

The plant itself is a huge tree with a length of about 31 m or can be a huge shrub less than 31 m long. Bark predominantly wrinkled and uneven, the trunk can reach 75 cm in diameter. The tree of the plant differs from its other representatives in improved density and strength. Pear branches are completely covered with leaves. The leaves are in the shape of a pointed oval. leaf color predominantly dark green, and the leaves themselves are mostly shiny.

By spring huge flowers appear on the trees, mostly pink and white color. They can grow both one at a time, and gather in several pieces in an inflorescence. The legs on which such flowers are located reach a length of almost 6 centimeters. The crown of the flower is the same color as the flower itself, namely pink or white. At the same time, there are stamens, the number of which does not exceed 50 units, and the pistil itself includes 5 columns. Flowers grow until the first leaves appear on the pear.

Fruit, which germinate after some time, are diverse in taste, shape and smell. Usually these criteria are directly related to what kind of fruit. The pear fruit itself has a round, oblong and slightly elongated shape. The seeds contained in the pear are covered with a brown peel.

This tree blooms mainly in spring. Wherein flowering period can be up to 2 weeks. For the most part, this period begins in the last days of April and lasts until the middle or end of May. And already at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, or rather in the last days of August and the beginning of autumn, ripe and delicious fruits. However, in the first years of the tree's life, there are no fruits, because the tree begins to bear fruit only after 2-7 years of life. This type of pear, like an ordinary one, lives for 49 years and bears ripe fruits for about 45 years.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the tree begins to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant at least two varieties of pears next to each other, which at the same time can mutually pollinate each other. These may be the most various varieties pears, however, varieties such as Vnuchka, Tema, Polya are among the most famous. And secondly, these pear varieties take root perfectly in winter weather. Also, these fruits are one of the most delicious, their fruits can be consumed fresh.

distribution of pears

Any kind of fruit feels great in the territories of such countries as the countries of Asia or Europe. A tree needs a rich soil to thrive. nutrients and high quality black soil. Very often, wild trees can be found in elevated areas. Air drainage is well developed in such areas.

Therefore, it is often necessary to plant and propagate pears in elevated areas, otherwise poor ventilation in low areas and stagnation of cold air leads to poor and sometimes stale fruits. Most varieties of pear are perfectly susceptible to severe frost or drought. However, in winter, branches and wood often freeze on a pear tree. Very coldy spring or a sharp temperature drop can adversely affect the buds of flowers - they can be damaged.

Description of the fruit

Fruits of any kind have a huge popularity among consumers all over the world. After all, each fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins. In addition, the fruit has a very pleasant and sweet taste. The pear contains vitamins A, C, B1, as well as a huge amount of fiber, pectin, etc. Any kind of pear will taste sweet, unlike apples. All this is due to the fact that pears contain the most minimal amount of sugar and acids.

Pears are often used to make sweet juice, delicious wine or other desserts. Dry fruits are used for the preparation of various decoctions. At the same time, juices made from pears are mostly sweet, due to the fact that pears contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Also, compote is often made from pears, mainly from dry ones. Such a compote will help quench your thirst much better than compotes from other fruits or berries.

The use of pear fruit

crown formation

flowering rate, the quality and quantity of fruits directly depend on how correctly the shape of the branches will be formed. Branches need to be trimmed frequently to give them correct form. Once you have planted a tree, whether it is a small pear or an already mature pear, you need to constantly take care that the crown of the tree is properly formed.

There are several ways to form desired shape tree branches:

  1. first and most main way - This is a pruning that is carried out to reduce the length of shoots and branches. Thanks to this, new shoots are created and appear that will be more fruitful, as well as buds. Shoots are pruned mainly after one year of the tree's life. By pruning and reducing the number of branches, a huge amount of light is created for the crown, which leads to the formation more kidneys;
  2. by bending down the branches, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the growth of the tree. In order for a pear tree to bear fruit well, its branches are bent a small number of degrees from the trunk.

At the moment when the time comes to transplant a seedling, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the skeleton of the tree crown.

Important Materials

Those varieties that are most often in demand in national economy, descended from the most common wild plant.

In ancient times the Greeks selected the most delicious and huge fruits, in order to then cultivate them. And already in Russia the fruits came from Byzantium. At first, trees were grown only near monasteries. In total, there were about 16 species that were brought to Russia. However, after some time, Peter I ordered that more and more new types of this fruit be brought into the country every year. The fact is that Peter I really liked the fruits that were delivered at that time, and he became a big fan of them.

Pear juice has also gained immense popularity. during the reign of Peter I.

Today there are about 6000 various kinds pears. Any species and variety has a different size and taste of the fruit, as well as a different length and strength of the tree.

I think that everyone loves the sweet fruits of pears. They are greenish, amber-yellow, slightly elongated, thickened downwards, covered with a smooth skin. Juicy sweet pear flesh can be pale pink or golden yellow with small dark brown pits.

Listen to the poem.


Pear! swarthy sides,

Juicy and sweet!

A hand reaches for a pear

Stealthily tannin,

Like a pear whispers to Tanya:

“Come on, eat me, Tanyusha!”

What does a pear tree look like?

The trunk of a pear is straight, dark gray, young branches are brown. A dense, dense crown forms a carved green tent. White- pink flowers pears are large and fragrant. With their honey aroma, they attract bumblebees, bees and butterflies, which pollinate these fruit trees.

Like an enchanted princess in precious lace, a pear blossom stands in the garden.

Listen to the poem.

pear blossom

The garden is flooded with moonlight,

And the pear princess

All wrapped up is worth

Airy lace.

And the nightingale wizard

In the cap of invisibility

Whistle, hiding between the branches,

In petal mist.

The people call the pear "golden tree". After all, pear fruits are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They contain a lot of vitamins B and C, potassium, magnesium and iron salts.

What kind of delicacies do good housewives make from pears! They make jams and jams, mousses and compotes, pears are dried and pickled. Compotes and jelly are prepared from dried pears. Soaked pears with lingonberries are unusually tasty!

To prepare this dish, ripe pears are placed in a wooden tub, shifting them with a layer of lingonberries and blackcurrant leaves, and then poured with marinade. The pear is an unpretentious and generous tree.

She loves warm sunlight very much and grows well on loose, humus-rich soils, easily tolerates drought, but does not like excess moisture. The area where pears grow should be protected from cold winds.

In August-September, gardeners harvest pears from the branches. Bergamot is one of the most fruitful pear varieties.

And on the dwarf trees of the Pass-Krassan variety, huge fruits grow, up to 1 kg in weight, very juicy and tasty.

To collect a rich harvest of pears, the gardener has to work hard: loosen the ground, water and hill trees, fight harmful insects and rodents. The gardener also has good helpers - plants, birds, animals, as well as beneficial insects: ground beetles, ladybugs, ants. They help him clean the garden from aphids, voracious caterpillars, beetles and larvae.

Frogs and toads are also excellent protectors of the crop that ripens in the orchard.

Answer the questions

What does a pear fruit look like?

What does a pear tree look like?

What kind useful material found in pears?

What dishes are prepared from pear fruits?

Why is a pear called an unpretentious tree?

Interesting facts about pears

Homer called this fruit the food of the gods, in the old Arabic medical writings it is said that the pear cures lung diseases, kidney diseases, and lowers the temperature.
Both official and ethnoscience recommends the use of these fruits in many diseases.

A pear, even uncut, emits an unusual delicate aroma, and the riper and healthier the pear, the stronger the aroma. Nutritionists consider it one of the most useful fruits, fresh and dried fruits are part of diets for weight loss and diabetes, as they help reduce blood sugar.

With obesity, it is useful to drink pear compote without sugar. In addition, a pear is a low-calorie product - it contains only 47 kcal per 100 g.
The fruits are good for the heart, improve metabolism, help with anemia, even treat a sore throat.

The benefits of a pear are due to the fact that it contains vitamins A, B, P, PP, minerals, essential oils, sugars, fiber, phytoncides, flavonoids, folic acid, tannins.
Essential oils, phytoncides contained in fruits help the body fight infectious diseases, inflammatory processes.
A few pears eaten will help restore muscle tone, as they are high in potassium, which speeds up cell regeneration. The fruits contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances intestinal motility, and improves metabolism.

Pears contain a lot of iron, which is responsible for the synthesis of healthy blood cells in the body, therefore, with anemia, it is recommended to eat two large pears daily for dessert.

After forty years, it is imperative to include and even increase the amount of these fruits in your diet - they help strengthen capillaries, normalize the functioning of the heart and kidneys, and provide the body with vitamins and other useful substances.

A decoction of dried pears has an analgesic, antiseptic effect, helps with inflammatory, colds. A decoction of fresh leaves and dried fruits, as well as pear juice is used for pyelonephritis, cystitis.

Not only fruits, but also fresh young leaves have medicinal properties, they contain an antifungal substance, they can be used to prepare infusions and decoctions, used in the treatment of fungal diseases and dermatitis.

Pear jam is very tasty and healthy; in winter it will help with coughs and sore throats.
The use of a pear is also in its fixing property, the riper the fruit, the stronger its fixing effect. A feature of the fruit is that if they are plucked unripe, then after lying down for a while, they successfully ripen.

If we want unripe pears to be green after ripening and not rot for a long time, we need to put them in the refrigerator, and if we want to get ripe fruits with red barrels, then we need to put them in a plastic bag and put them in a dark place.

As mentioned above, pears have a fixing effect. Pear porridge will help treat diarrhea. Cut a ripe fruit into medium-sized slices in a saucepan, add a glass of oatmeal, pour boiling water, simmer for 10-15 minutes, let the porridge stand for another half an hour - the medicine is ready. The same porridge is useful for coughing, sore throats, and colds.

Can cook delicious salad with pears. Cut a large pear lengthwise into slices, fry them on both sides in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown. Tear lettuce leaves (preferably salad frise) into a bowl, season them with olive oil and wine vinegar, mix. Cheese grate on a coarse grater. Put cooked lettuce leaves on a dish, put hot pears on top, sprinkle grated cheese on them.

It is not recommended to use pears immediately after eating, you need to wait half an hour. You should also not, if you have eaten a pear, drink raw water, eat heavy food and meat. Pears are also contraindicated for constipation and exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pears are one of the most beloved fruits in Russia. They are different size, shapes and colors, but the taste is pleasant, juicy. One word - pears. What is known about them?

Fact #1: Originally from South Asia

Pears grow in large numbers in the wild in South Asia. From there, a thousand years before our era, they came to the European continent, but to America - only 4 centuries ago.

Fact #2: Gifts from the gods are a gift to the gods

FROM light hand Homer began to call pears "gifts of the gods", but at the same time the pears themselves gave (donated) to the gods: the Greeks - Aphrodite and Hera, the Romans - Juno and Venus.

Fact #3: Ancient Medicine

The ancient Greeks saved themselves from motion sickness during sea passages with the help of pears. They continuously sucked on pieces of these juicy fruits and the symptoms of motion sickness decreased.

Fact number 4: pear and rose are sisters

The pear belongs to the order Rosaceae, along with the rose, the hawthorn, the apple tree, and more than 2,000 other plants.

Fact #5: Symbol of Immortality

The pear tree is very durable, which is probably why the Chinese considered the pear a symbol of immortality (Li). To see a broken pear was bad omen. If a person himself damaged a pear tree, even by accident, then his days were numbered.

Fact #6: Strong as metal

Pear wood is very durable. Therefore, furniture is made from it and musical instruments that keep their appearance for centuries. Pear wood has long been used to make rulers for architects and engineers, as they are not subject to deformation. Now pear is used to make kitchen utensils, plates and mugs. Interestingly, they can be safely washed in the dishwasher.

Fact number 7: sharing a pear means separation

Fact #8: Get stoned on a pear

Before Columbus brought tobacco leaves to Europe, the inhabitants of the continent smoked the leaves of several plants. Pear leaves were especially popular. So, if you want to wean yourself from smoking, switch to a pear.

Fact number 9: pear on rowan

A pear is a whimsical tree, but a mountain ash is not. Therefore, gardeners came up with the idea of ​​grafting pears on mountain ash! As a result, pears grow on mountain ash, but their taste changes: they become not so juicy and sweet and acquire some astringency, characteristic of rowan berries.

Fact #10: in strict order

The leaves on a pear branch grow in strict order, being at an angle of 135o from each other. So pears get maximum light and moisture.

Fact number 11: and citrus too

There is such a variety of pears "Bergamot", and there are citrus fruits with the same name. It is believed that citrus bergamot got its name from the pear.

Fact #12: Female fetus

Many nations consider the pear to be a female fruit, as it resembles a female figure in shape and contains a large amount of vitamin E, which helps women maintain their attractiveness and youth longer. However, men should not be afraid - pears will have a positive effect on their body, they will not lead to any feminization.

Fact #13: Strong teeth

Surprisingly, soft, juicy and sweet pear helps to make teeth stronger. It's all about micronutrients. Pear contains natural calcium and phosphorus, which, acting together, strengthen tooth enamel.

Fact #14: Pay attention to the scent!

The easiest way to choose delicious pears, focusing on their flavor. Pears should smell very nice. If there is no smell or it is unpleasant, then the pears were picked a long time ago and were stored using a special air-gas environment. They won't taste good.

Fact number 15: stored for up to a year

Knowledgeable people can store pears for up to a year. This can be achieved by placing whole, unspoiled pears in a single layer in a dark, ventilated room, but without direct drafts. The ambient temperature should be around 0.

Fact #16: Two names for the same variety

One of the pear varieties has two very popular names: Bartlett and Bon Chretien. Under the name of Bon Chretien they are known in Europe, and they got their second name thanks to a pear dealer who, not knowing their name, sold them under his surname Bartlett.

Fact #17: Allergic to pears

Pears are considered hypoallergenic fruits, however, those people who react to birch and alder pollen may be allergic to pears.

Fact #18: Natural Antiseptic

Pear fruits contain substances similar in action to antifungal and antibiotic agents. Therefore, gastroenterologists recommend eating a pear separately from other meals - this way it rids the human intestines of harmful microorganisms and improves digestion.

Fact #19: Steamed Pears

Some people cannot tolerate raw pears. In this case, they are advised to eat steamed pears. They keep almost everything. beneficial features but do not irritate the digestive tract.

Fact #20: What's in pears?

One pear contains 20% daily allowance fiber, 10% vitamin C and 6% potassium.