Arrowroot flower home care description. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

It is a perennial flower, which is characterized by creeping or even shoots, as well as a root system of tuberous origin. Leaves take on a variety of shapes: round-oval, long-elliptical and linear-lanceolate. Most often, arrowroot is characterized by unusual colors of flowers and leaves. You can find this plant with shades from dark green to almost black. At the same time, small veins and small specks will be clearly visible on the surface.

Today, there are about 25 species of flower varieties. The plant was named after one of the famous physicians in Venice, Bartolomeo Maranta (18th century).

The homeland of this amazing flower is the humid tropics and swampy jungle, which are located in Central and South America. It is for this reason that, before purchasing arrowroot, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the correct conditions for its maintenance and care at home.

Varieties of arrowroot

For lovers of green plants, you can pick up the most different types of arrowroot. In this case, it is worth considering the characteristics of each type of flower. So:

  1. To date, the most popular for home breeding is considered to be a multi-strand decorative arrowroot. It has a relatively short stem, which does not exceed 30 centimeters in height, and oval-shaped leaves. Their length can range from 10 to 15 centimeters. In this case, the width is from 5 to 9 centimeters. Such a gorgeous flower will easily take root in a house or apartment. In order for the plant to please its owners for a long time, proper care must be taken for it, although the arrowroot of this species is not very demanding on the attention of people.
  2. Tricolor flower or red-streaked arrowroot with lilac flowers. Such a flower looks noble due to the color of its leaves. On the inside, they are saturated green tint and closer to the edges of the leaves, it slowly begins to fade and reduce its intensity. The presence of spots on the leaves will allow you to see unusual pattern in the central part. Sometimes it is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's feather. A distinctive feature of a tricolor plant is the presence of red veins. They are very visible and can change their shade under the influence of sunlight.
  3. Kerkhovina, with the presence of oval sheets. This plant variety is characterized by short cuttings and very small flowers. light color... Interesting spots can be seen at the very top of the flower. They can be of various sizes and shapes. The leaves that are at the bottom of the flower can turn red or blue over time. It all depends on proper care behind a flower.
  4. It should also be noted arrowroot massage. It is slightly different from the previous one. kind of topics, which has a different color of spots on the leaves. They, in turn, can go from olive to almost black in color. This type of flower needs constant care and attention.
  5. Bicolor plant. His distinctive feature lack of tuber formation is considered. This type of arrowroot has oval leaves that grow on very short cuttings. The top may turn dark green, while the bottom of the leaf pattern may become more reddish.
  6. Growing arrowroot cane takes a lot of patience and care. It will not work to place such a flower in a small apartment, because its dimensions can reach almost 1.2 meters in height. The flower is presented in the form of a bush with leaves elongated in shape. During the flowering of arrowroot, it dissolves gorgeous flowers white.

Planting a plant

A prerequisite for the normal growth of arrowroot is its competent planting. First of all, you need to correctly form the flower. In order for a lush plant to grow as a result, you just need to pinch off the top of it. The optimal time for this procedure is the active growth of arrowroot.

When planting young plants Special attention must be devoted to land. It is very important not to tamp it when planting. And if you nevertheless decide on this, then the process must be carried out with extreme caution. Until the moment when the plant adapts to new growth conditions, it must be sprayed daily. Remember, both over-spraying and lack of it can provoke the development of plant disease and its death.

When the arrowroot starts to grow, it is very important to feed the plant in a timely manner. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Location and lighting

The reaction of arrowroot to sunlight is very interesting. If the flower is in the shade and there is a significant lack of lighting, then the leaves over time will begin to stretch vertically and gather together (like palms on hands). As soon as the flower receives required amount the sun's rays, the leaves instantly disperse and take their usual horizontal position. For a similar process, the arrowroot people received the name "Praying Flower".

It is important that the plant receives a certain amount of light. Placing it on the windowsill, take into account the fact that the direct rays of the sun are very harmful for the flower. In addition, you can put the flower on the table or place it on a special stand on the floor. A fluorescent lamp is perfect for lighting it.

Pot size

When planting and replanting, special attention is paid to the size and quality of the pot. Since the root system of the flower is not very large, it is best to pay attention to medium-sized pots. The most suitable option will become a pot that will be made of plastic. In this case, the diameter of the pot should approximately correspond to its height.

In the summertime, to avoid overheating, it is best to replant the plant in a planter. It is very important to keep an eye on the seepage of excess fluid. If one appears on the pallet, then it must be poured out without fail.

The soil

In order for the arrowroot to grow well and bloom in a timely manner, you need to take care of the quality of the prepared soil. The best option for this plant will be the land, which will be prepared on the basis of 2/3 of leafy soil, part of peat soil, part of soil humus, part of coniferous soil. All components must be mixed with sand. Only then can small pieces of charcoal be placed in the soil.


The procedure for transplanting arrowroot should be carried out once every few years. The best time of the year for this is the spring season. For this, a pot is selected, the size of which should be slightly larger than the previous one. This will enable the root system of the flower to take a horizontal position.

Before transplanting, you must carefully inspect the plant. If curled leaves or roots are found, they will need to be trimmed.

A prerequisite for each transplant (and planting) of a plant is to place the drainage at the bottom of the pot. It is believed that its thickness should be at least 3 centimeters. For this, broken brick, charcoal and coarse sand are suitable.

After the transplant is completed, the plant will need to be observed for several days. Also, do not forget about the daily spraying of arrowroot.

Fertilization and feeding

Arrowroot needs feeding after planting and transplanting. In this case, highly concentrated fertilizers must be very well diluted.

Usually, the feeding procedure is carried out first in spring and until autumn. To do this, once every couple of weeks, you can use ready-made fertilizers of a mineral nature (they are standard for all plants that grow at home).

All that is required for this is to dilute 1 gram of fertilizer in a liter of water, which will be at room temperature. Sometimes it is recommended to alternate the use of mineral and organic fertilizers.

It is very important not to forget that the flower can react negatively to frequent and abundant feeding. Therefore, it is better to create a special calendar in which you can fix the required dates.


Watering arrowroots is carried out not according to a specific schedule, but according to the state of the plant's soil. It is very important that the soil dries up a little before the next watering.

In the hot season, the soil will dry out several times faster. It is for this reason that the flower will have to be watered more often. V winter period you can alternately spray the arrowroot and water it. The flower loves this procedure, regardless of the season and temperature.

It is better to water the arrowroot with settled water. No need to take tap water. Do not spare boiled or melted water for a flower. It is important that the temperature of the liquid is at room temperature!


In the room where the plant is located, you need to carefully monitor the air temperature. The optimal condition for the growth of arrowroot is considered to be a temperature of 20-25 degrees (this is in the warm season). In winter, the mark on the thermometer should not fall below 18 degrees.

It is important to consider the fact that arrowroot does not like drafts and cold. If in winter the plant is on the windowsill, then it is better to cover the glass with a pillow or put a thicker stand under the pot.

Air humidity

Suitable humidity for this flower is 90%. To achieve such indicators, you need to regularly spray arrowroot leaves and monitor the condition of its soil. If white spots form on the leaves, then the water must be changed (after all, this indicates poor water quality). Sometimes the flower can be watered in the shower.

During the hot season, arrowroot must be placed in wide trays and observe the amount of excess liquid that seeps through the soil. You can put moss or expanded clay on the pallet. It is very important that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with water!


In the case of arrowroot, pruning for this plant is not considered the most popular method. If you need to get cuttings of a flower, then you should pay attention to its top, on which there must be several leaves. When the choice is made using scissors, cut off the selected area and immediately place it in a glass of water.

Flower diseases and possible pests

Arrowroot does not have any fungal or infectious ailments. Only with poor care, spots with brown spots can form on the leaves, and the root system can decay strongly and quickly. In order to correct such a nuisance, the missing roots and leaves are cut off. After this, the flower must be treated with a weak solution of manganese, and then transplanted into a new ground.

Leaves curl and dry most often due to very dry air. To eliminate this problem, it will be enough to apply mineral fertilizers. After a few days, the leaves will return to their previous appearance.

When curling and the appearance of spots on the leaves, abundant watering of the plant is necessary. It is important in this situation to monitor the condition of the ground (it may be slightly damp).

A flower can most often rot or wither at low temperatures and abundant watering. To save the flower from death, it is recommended to transplant it into a new land and place it in a warmer room.

When the shade of the leaves changes, this indicates that arrowroot is standing in the sun. In order to prevent the death of the flower, it must be transferred to the shade.

One of the most common pests of arrowroot was spider mite... To get rid of it, preventive treatment is carried out.


Flowering continues during the summer season. At the same time, you can observe an abundant number of small flowers of various colors. In captivity, arrowroots do not always bloom regularly. Therefore, if this happens, then the owners are always glad to such a unique and unusual phenomenon.


Arrowroot can multiply in several ways. Among them, the following are distinguished:

  • Reproduction by division. It is necessary to cut off all shoots to the very root. After that, the prepared shoot is sent to a container with water and is there, until a new root begins to sprout. Only when the rudiments are visible, the plant is carefully transplanted into a small pot.
  • Reproduction by cuttings. It is best done between May and June. For this, cuttings ranging in size from 8 to 10 centimeters are selected. In this case, it is important to cut lower leaves and begin the process of strengthening the root system. After 3-4 weeks, the young stalk can be transplanted into the prepared soil.

Dormant period

Arrowroot is usually dormant between October and February. If we compare it with other flowers that tolerate winter and low temperatures very poorly, then we can confidently say that for this plant this period is the most favorable for its growth.

Useful properties and toxicity

With the correct arrangement of the flower in the house (for example, at the head of the bed), after a certain period of time, the person regains normal sleep, throughout the day he feels great and is in a great mood. Experts recommend placing this plant in places where a lot of negative energy is concentrated. In this way, it will help to normalize the situation and improve the collective spirit!

Arrowroot is a plant unique in its beauty and properties. It can easily take root in the house and apartment, only for this it is necessary to create all the conditions for its existence. At the first sign of wilting of the plant or the appearance of unusual spots, urgent measures must be taken. Otherwise, there is a risk of death of arrowroot!

The decorative leafy arrowroot from the arrowroot family is mysterious for its synonyms associated with the Bible. The typical name of the plant is arrowroot, and the synonyms are “pilgrim plants”, “praying grass”, “ten commandments”, “prayer grass”. ... for in the evening she folds her hands-leaves and with a prayer turns to the Almighty to grant wealth and good luck to the family that has sheltered her. After reading the article, dear reader, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the origin, distribution, characteristics of the plant, and the legends that accompany this flower. The plant is considered capricious. but arrowroot home care endures patiently, as befits a prayer book. In gratitude for the care she brings to the family, folk beliefs, peace, tranquility, getting rid of quarrels, depression, insomnia, cures many diseases of children and adults. Truly arrowroot is worthy of attention of amateur flower growers.

A bit of history about Marant

Unique plants of tropical rainforests of Central and South America appeared in Europe in the 16th century. Venetian physician Bartolomeo Maranta was interested in the plant for its truly magical property- serve as an antidote when wounded by arrows, the tips of which were soaked deadly poisons... The natives called the plant "arrow-root". American activist W. Houston brought arrowroot seeds to Europe from his plantation in South America and propagated the plant in a pharmacy greenhouse garden. Despite the large number of varieties (about 400), 4-5 species are grown at home, which gave rise to the most beautiful cultivars.

Biological characteristics of arrowroots

  • Perennial herbaceous decorative deciduous and beautifully flowering species;
  • plant height in natural conditions is 20-30 cm. indoor views individual cultivars reach up to 1.5 m;
  • the root system is located in top layer soil soil and consists of a tuberous or oblong rhizome, which serves as a reservoir of water in a dry season, with thin roots that supply the plant with moisture and nutrients;
  • erect or creeping shoots;
  • leaves are basal rosette, stems are arranged in two rows;
  • leaf blades on colors from white to dark green and almost black. Variegated leaves are distinguished by brightly colored spots and venation of 2-3 color shades;
  • the upper and lower sides of the leaf blades have different shades;
  • depending on the lighting, the leaf blades are arranged horizontally (with optimal conditions) or vertically folded together, rolling up into a tube or half-tube (in case of unfavorable factors);

Photo of a blooming arrowroot

Arrowroot, flower

  • flowers are small three-membered asymmetric. Located on the tops of the peduncles in spike-shaped inflorescences;
  • the fruit is a box with one seed.

Arrowroot for home cultivation: what is it like?

Arrowroot in comparison with other species of the family is more hardy to home conditions. Well tolerates wintering on the windowsills of northern windows at normal room temperature. In apartments and offices, arrowroots are grown exclusively as decorative deciduous perennial plants.

Ovate leaf blades up to 15 cm long... The upper and lower sides of the leaf blades differ sharply in color. The upper one is usually painted in deep green colors. In variegated plants, silvery-green to almost white. The underside can be pale green, burgundy red and other dark colors. In the evening, when the flower folds its leaves, preparing for the "evening prayer", it seems that there is a completely different plant on the windowsill. The range of colors in the color of the leaves served as the defining name of some types of arrowroot.

Arrowroot two-color

Arrowroot leaves bicolor

  • arrowroot two-color - there are 2 colors in the color of the leaf blades - dark green with brown spots and light green, which gradually acquires a dark green color from the central vein to the edges;
  • arrowroot bicolor, unlike other species, does not form tubers.

Arrowroot reed

Arrowroot cane

Differs in elongated-oval dark green leaves, decorated with light, silvery spots. The location of the spots is asymmetrical.

Arrowroot tricolor

  • arrowroot tricolor forms a tricolor pattern on the leaf blades;
  • on dark green oval leaves along the central vein, a light yellow pattern is formed, the lateral smaller veins have a clear red tint;

Arrowroot fascinator

The cultivars of arrowroot tricolor and arrowroot fascinator are especially distinguished by the beauty of the leaf blades.

Arrowroot white-veined

The greatest distribution in home cultivation uses arrowroot white-veined or white-veined, variegated. For this species hallmark is a tuberous rhizome and a distinct central vein. The most popular varieties are:

Arrowroot leucon kerchov Kerkhova

Arrowroot arrowroot Kerkhoviana (Kerkhova, Kerkhovena). A distinctive feature of the oval bright green leaves are 2 rows of spots along the central vein, at first green and gradually becoming brown in color. Over time, the variegation of the leaves is lost. This variety is popularly called the flower of the 10 commandments. Kerhoven's arrowroot is characterized by daily "prayer". Its absence is a signal of trouble with the plant;

Arrowroot massangena

Arrowroot massangena (Massangen). A distinctive feature is the dark green, almost black leaves, decorated with silvery veins. For the main color of the leaves, this variety belongs to the group of black arrowroot;

Arrowroot. Red venation

Arrowroot is red-leaved; a distinctive feature from previous cultivars is red venation.

Arrowroot: home care

Care begins:

  • with the purchase of a plant;
  • determining a permanent location in an apartment;
  • immediate transfer to a new container or other container.

How to buy a good arrowroot, what to look for when buying

When buying, you must carefully inspect the plant. Feel the leaves carefully. Have healthy plant real arrowroot stand out well and the veins on the leaf blade are palpable. If the plant is absolutely healthy outward appearance- you can buy. In case of deviations from the norm, it is better to abandon the purchase, since the arrowroot is very capricious, especially the first months - during the period of getting used to new living conditions.

To choose the right healthy arrowroot, it is better to make a purchase in the late afternoon. With a decrease in illumination, arrowroot leaves raise their "palms", preparing for prayer, and black arrowroots also twist them into tubes with a crash.

Choosing a place in the house for arrowroot

In the natural conditions of their homeland, arrowroots are accustomed to partial shade and diffused light. At home, it is better to place them on the western or eastern windows. V warm apartment can be placed by the north windows. In strong light, the optimal location will be on special stands about a meter from the windows with shading. If the lighting is insufficient, additional illumination is necessary for at least 16 hours a day with special lamps.

Remember! With a lack of lighting, arrowroot leaves become small, the color of the leaves fades. Plants die in strong light.

Temperature conditions

Arrowroot does not tolerate sudden changes in air temperature, drafts and cold. Optimum temperature air for delicate heat-loving plants, the average daily temperature is within +22 .. + 25 ° С... In winter, it is permissible to reduce the air temperature to + 18 ° C. When the temperature drops to +10 .. + 12 ° С, the plants die.

Air humidity

At home, as at home, air humidity high enough is required, within 85-90%... Reducing humidity to 70% negatively affects the condition of the plants. To create the necessary conditions, it is necessary to constantly humidify the air from a fine mesh spray gun and the presence of an air humidifier at the heated devices. It is necessary to spray plants and humidify the air with boiled, distilled or settled water without chlorine. Water purity is very important, so be careful when spraying.

Considering the requirements for environment, arrowroots in the house are best placed near aquariums, in florariums or in the middle of the room, if the interior design allows.

So, the location of the arrowroot is determined. The purchased plant must be transplanted immediately.

Transplanting arrowroot: preparation

When working with arrowroot, all tools and transfer containers must be disinfected so as not to infect the plant with fungal, bacterial and other diseases.

Arrowroot roots are superficial, form a rhizome, so the container must be wide. The lower part of the tank is occupied by a sufficiently high layer of drainage from broken bricks or shards, crushed stone, expanded clay and other material. The soil mixture for the location of the root system should be the top 10-12 cm.

Only plastic containers or pots should be used for transplanting. In the ceramic roots of arrowroot in winter will be very hypothermic. As a result, the plants will start to hurt and may die.

Preparing the potting mix

Arrowroot prefer slightly acidic soil, within pH = 5.5-6.0 units... The mixture should be light, water and breathable. It is best for beginners to purchase a ready-made potting mix.

You can prepare soil by yourself by mixing:

  • 2 parts turf;
  • 2 parts peat;
  • 2 pieces of leafy land;
  • 1 part sand, but it is more practical to use agrovermiculite, which will absorb excess moisture and, if necessary, give it to the plant. V chemical compounds agrovermiculite does not enter with the soil. It is considered the best natural soil improver;
  • to the mass of the prepared soil mixture, add about 10-15% of dry mullein, finely crushed charcoal, a little soil from under the conifers;
  • in the middle, you need to install a support in the form of a ladder or ring to prevent the bush from lodging.

The soil mixture can be prepared in other proportions with other components. The main thing is that it should be slightly acidic, light, water and breathable.

How to transplant arrowroot at home

  • After laying the drainage and filling the container with soil, the plant is freed from the old container;
  • remove old, yellow leaves. An adult shrub can be completely cut at the root.
  • New shoots and young leaves will form lush bush;
  • when planting, it is necessary to place the rhizome of the plant in the upper 10-12 cm layer;
  • carefully cover with soil, compact a little;
  • pour over the edge of the container with warm, settled or distilled water;
  • the surface is mulched with humus, you can use coniferous needles.

Arrowroot young up to 3 years of age are transplanted annually. After 3 years of age, transplants are carried out in 2-3 years. Transplants are combined with reproduction and carried out in the spring.

Arrowroot flower is a graceful representative of perennial herbaceous plants... The culture is distinguished by straight and creeping shoots. The roots are tuberous. Depending on the type, the leaves are elliptical, lanceolate, linear, oblong. On the green leaves of a spectacular color, spots and bright veins stand out. The genus Maranta includes about twenty-five types of crops. The plant is found naturally in the swampy and tropical jungles of Central and South America. At home, the arrowroot height can reach more than twenty centimeters. Leaf blades are able to change their location. Under proper conditions, the vegetative organs are horizontal. Indoors with insufficient lighting leaves can rise up and fold. Due to its distinctive ability, the plant is often referred to as a "praying crop". There is also a popular name for arrowroot - "ten commandments".

Arrowroot leaves can change their location.

The most widespread is the decorative arrowroot whitish. Oval leaves are located on small shoots (about thirty centimeters). Vegetative organs have a dark green color. A dove-gray pattern is clearly visible on the lower part of the plate. The culture is unpretentious. White-streaked arrowroot can be easily bred at home.

Tricolor red-streaked arrowroot forms purple inflorescences. Small oval-shaped leaves have a rich hue. By outside leaves can be seen clear red streaks.

Arrowroot kerkhovina has tiny inflorescences and short cuttings. Green spots form on the top of the oval leaves. There is a light strip in the middle of the plate. The lower part of the vegetative organs may have a blue or red tint.

Arrowroot masange is presented with bright shades of spots. There are representatives with black and olive dots.

Two-colored arrowroot does not produce tubers. The leaves are oval and have wavy edges. The vegetative organs are located on a short shade of red. The upper side of the organ has green and brown spots. A reddish pattern can be seen on the bottom plate.

Arrowroot is represented by an elegant compact bush. The culture has a thick tuberous root. Differs in gigantic size. The height of the flower can reach about 1.2 meters. Long leaves are dark in color. A pointed top and a gray oval-shaped ornament stand out against a green background. Small inflorescences are milky.

Arrowroot care at home


To moisturize the substrate, use a soft warm water... The arrowroot plant responds well to boiled, settled and thawed liquid.

It is important to inspect the condition of the arrowroot before watering. It is possible to determine the necessary soil moisture as the upper layer of the substrate dries.

In the summer, you will need to water the plant more often. During the cold season, you can reduce the amount of moisture to twice a week. During work heating system it is advisable to alternate watering with spraying water. Unlike other representatives of the flora, the plant responds well to spraying at any time of the year.


How to care for arrowroot indoors? Arrowroot should be placed in a darkened area of ​​the room. The plant does not tolerate exposure to sunlight. On the northern windowsills (with low level lighting) the plant can also lose its luster

Sunlight destroys the gloss of arrowroot leaves.

In the shade of arrowroot produces new leaves bright shade... Buds may form. In the period of short daylight hours, it is necessary to move the flowerpot closer to the window. It is not recommended to put the culture on the windowsill.

Temperature regime

The tropical plant prefers warm microclimatic conditions. In the summer, for the development of culture, it will be necessary to maintain the temperature at 20-25 degrees. In the winter season, it is desirable to provide at least seventeen degrees.

Even a small draft can kill the arrowroot. Exposure to cold air will dry out sensitive leaves. It is not recommended to place the flowerpot on a cold floor.

In the hot season, you can take the plant outside. It is important to prepare a darkened place without wind, precipitation and drafts.

How to ensure even humidity?

Spraying liquid is not enough to properly care for arrowroot. You can maintain an optimal level of water in the air using a sump. Place wet pebbles and moss on the tray. You can put a flowerpot on top.

Sprinkle the crop regularly. You can protect arrowroot from waterlogging with a plastic bag.


Maranta can stretch out during the cold season. It is quite easy to restore compactness to the plant with the help of careful pruning.

During the transplant, it is necessary to carry out sanitary cleaning. It is important to remove old and diseased areas.

Pruned arrowroot leaves should be trimmed.


It is advisable to carry out the procedure every year. Optimal time to change container and soil - in early spring, at the initial stage of the growing season.

For transplanting, you need to prepare a wide container and soil mixture. Arrowroot prefer a loose peat substrate. You can also add leafy soil and compost. In garden dealerships, a ready-made substrate for arrowroot is sold.

Features of transplanting arrowroot can be found in the video:

Arrowroot on the site

At home, arrowroots are often grown outdoors. The plant is prized for its high starch content. Overgrown rhizomes are ground into flour. The resulting component is used in dietary supplements.

In a temperate continental climate, the plant on open area may die. A sharp drop in temperature, precipitation and gusts of wind will destroy the arrowroot. In the summer on open area the plant may suffer from heat. It is allowed to move the flowerpot to the open air, provided that the culture is completely protected from environmental influences.

Provided that it is completely protected, the arrowroot in a pot can be taken out into the open air.

Growing technology

Soil mixture

To breed arrowroot, you should take care of good drainage. It is recommended to prepare expanded clay, pebbles or clean coarse sand as a layer. It is important to determine the acidic reaction of the substrate. The pH should be around 6.0.

At home, you can mix humus, leaf and peat soil. It is also advisable to add pine needles, dry mullein and crushed wood ash to the substrate.

Florists on forums often share their experience of growing crops in hydroponics or ion-exchange soil. Plants are compact in size and large massive leaves.

There are enough useful substances in the substrate for several years. That's why young plant the first 3 years do not change the container and soil. It is also not recommended to feed a small culture.

How to feed arrowroot

The grown plant can be fertilized after the start of the growing season. Fertilizer should be applied twice a month. For feeding, you should use complex products for indoor flowering crops. For one treatment, you will need to dissolve one gram of the drug in a liter of water.

Mineral and organic fertilizers can be used until the end of August. Arrowroot is very sensitive to over-feeding. You must strictly follow the instructions.

It is important to observe the dosage of fertilizers for feeding arrowroot.

How to choose a container

For planting, it is advisable to prepare a plastic container. The material helps to retain moisture for a long time. Arrowroot roots are located close to the surface. Therefore, you should choose a shallow container.

Typical problems and diseases of the flower

With proper home care, the plant is able to withstand various diseases and pests. Lack of sufficient watering or excessive moisture leads to a decrease in the plant's defense reaction.

Frequent waterlogging contributes to the development of brown spot. The root system in a swampy substrate may die. It is necessary to clean the culture of damaged areas. For disinfection, the flower should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is advisable to transplant the flower into a new soil mixture.

Low air humidity causes the leaves to dry out and curl. The water content needs to be increased. Minerals will help to correct the condition of the plant.

Simultaneous mottling and curling of foliage is the result of insufficient watering. During hot seasons, moderate soil moisture should be maintained at all times.

The result of improper plant care.

Rotting stems and wilting of leaves occurs due to low temperatures and excessive watering. Transplant the flower immediately. The extracted plant should be thoroughly cleaned of rotten areas.

It is important to maintain optimal climatic conditions of the environment. Too bright sunlight will cause the leaves to fade. Exposure to direct light often causes burns.

Influence of arrowroot

The inflorescences of the plant do not pose any danger. All areas of the culture do not contain toxic substances.

There are known incidents of accidental consumption of a flower by animals. The plant did not harm the pets.

Reproduction methods

You can distribute an ornamental plant at home in two ways - by cuttings and dividing rhizomes.

For seed reproduction it will take a long time and preparation. If the fruits are tied on the culture and the rudiments ripen in the seed box, you can try to breed the flower.

For reproduction by division, you must choose the most lush bush. To form a large specimen, you need to cut off all above-ground areas to zero (at the root) in advance. New leaves and shoots will appear on the plant.

It is advisable to carry out the breeding procedure during transplantation in late spring or early summer period... The air temperature should be between + 20 and + 28 degrees. An overgrown crop must be removed from the ground. The rhizome should be carefully cut into two segments with a clean, disinfected knife. Leaves and roots should remain in both areas.

The resulting plots must be planted in prepared soil. For protection, the plant should be covered with a plastic bag. In the shelter, it is imperative to make several holes for air circulation. The container should be moved to a semi-shaded room. After rooting, you can remove the bag and move the flowerpot to a permanent place.

Cutting arrowroot.

Cuttings are preferably carried out in late May or early June. It is necessary to cut a stalk with two and three leaves. Length planting material must be at least ten centimeters. Each shoot should have leaves and a pair of internodes. A side cut is recommended. It is advisable to cut off the stalk at a distance of two centimeters from the internode. The shoot must be treated with growth stimulants.

Kornevin and Epin are ideal for a flower. Then the culture should be placed in a container with water. room temperature... You can disinfect the liquid with activated carbon. After 40 days, under favorable conditions, the first roots will appear on the shoot. The cutting should be planted in a prepared peat substrate. The plant must be evenly moistened.

With direct planting in the substrate, it will be necessary to create greenhouse conditions. Cuttings should be placed in slightly damp soil. It is not recommended to overfill the substrate with water. The shoots will die. It is recommended to cover the top with transparent polyethylene or a jar. Rooting in the substrate will occur in 7-8 weeks. After the formation of the roots, you need to remove the protection. The grown flower should be looked after as an adult plant.

Flowering culture

During the flowering period, the culture is abundantly covered with inflorescences. Peduncles can form throughout the summer season. Simple flowers do not constitute a special decorative effect.

Miniature petals can be pale yellow, light pink, or milky.
It is quite difficult to achieve flowering at home. The plant may never bud during its entire life cycle.

How to choose planting material

An ornamental plant is desirable to purchase in a garden nursery. The grown arrowroot "Fascinator" in a pot is estimated at 613 rubles. The average price for a suspended crop in a container with a diameter of 15 cm is 1,887 rubles.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Someone might say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case are repaid a hundredfold. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, Coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs is a "supplier" of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then poured with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of the salmon and the pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants not only flavor, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adult conifers are considered to be very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the shade of flowering trees have long become an integral part of the welcome of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year begins here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their blossoming. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how the tastes and addictions of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for over 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. NS. about 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your kids will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative leafy pets among tuberous crops. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Care and attention will help to avoid any difficulties in growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or whatever. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do it ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the many different varieties of these most popular vegetables, we will tell you about three that are distinguished by excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the varieties of eggplants "Almaz", "Black Beauty" and "Valentina". All eggplants are medium-firm. For Almaz it is greenish, while for the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Skin color and shape are different for everyone.

The arrowroot flower is grown at home for its beautifully colored leaves. The combination of dark and light green spots on large leaves arrowroots (length - up to 15 and width - up to 10 centimeters) create a bizarre geometric pattern that is very effectively superimposed on the veins of the leaf blades. Below the arrowroot leaves are colored purple.

In England, the arrowroot flower is called "praying grass". The plant got this name due to the fact that in daylight its oval-rounded leaves are lowered down, and closer to night they rise to the top and take the so-called "sleep pose".

Arrowroot flower, varieties

The most popular type of arrowroot flower is white-veined, in which the central vein of the leaves is painted in light colors. A very interesting variety of arrowroot Kerchoveana (Kerchoveana), in which on each leaf of a pale green color there are exactly 10 dark spots, due to which in Europe this arrowroot flower is called the "ten commandments".

Arrowroot flower variety Massangeana is distinguished by dark green, almost black leaves, decorated with silvery veins. The leaves with red veins have a rather unpretentious appearance of the arrowroot Fascinator flower. Such varieties of arrowroot as Green Player, Red Player, Kim and others are also popular.

How to care for an arrowroot flower

The arrowroot flower is native to South America and requires an elevated temperature and high humidity... In summer, the temperature of the arrowroot content should not go beyond 20-25̊ Celsius. In this case, the flower can sometimes be taken out into the "fresh air" in a windy place. The flower must be kept warm in winter, at an air and soil temperature not lower than + 18̊ Celsius.

Arrowroot lighting requires bright and indoors, it is better to place the flower pot in an appropriate place, but out of reach of direct sunlight. However, in conditions of partial shade, the arrowroot flower feels rather well.

Arrowroot is watered abundantly in summer, maintaining constant soil moisture, but avoiding stagnation of water in the pot. Always watered with warm and soft water. In autumn and winter, the intensity of irrigation is reduced. Humidity for a tropical flower must be provided as high as possible. To do this, it is often sprayed, especially in rooms with central heating.

The soil for growing arrowroot needs slightly acidic, and you can prepare such a soil mixture by mixing three parts of garden soil, one and a half parts of peat and one part of sand. It is also useful to add dry mullein, crushed charcoal and a little coniferous earth to it.

Fertilizing the arrowroot flower is necessary during the growing season, in spring and summer. The plant is fed with a highly diluted 1:10 solution of mineral fertilizers and mullein infusion. This is done every two weeks.

Young arrowroot flowers are transplanted annually in the second half of spring, and large plants - every three to five years. During transplantation, arrowroot is divided into two or three new flowers.

Propagate arrowroot by dividing bushes or green cuttings and do it in the spring. The bush is divided during flower transplantation, while trying not to damage the plant roots. Green cuttings are rooted in greenhouses in conditions of high humidity and temperature.

Arrowroot blooms inconspicuously, with small white or pale lilac flowers.

Arrowroot flower, care for growth problems

If the arrowroot leaves fade and dry out, then the lighting is too bright for the flower and it must be protected from direct sunlight or the pot should be placed in the shade.

If the arrowroot flower becomes lethargic and the stems rot, then the soil in the pot is waterlogged or the temperature of the plant is very low for it. Increase the temperature, check the drainage layer in the pot and water the flower less often.

Drying of the tips of arrowroot leaves or their falling off indicates dry air in the room. The frequency of spraying the plant should be increased, and the flower pot should be surrounded by moist peat.

If arrowroot leaves curl up and become covered with dark spots, then the potting soil is not sufficiently moistened. The soil should not be allowed to dry out.

The main insect pest of arrowroot is a spider mite, and in order to get rid of it, you should increase the humidity in the room and spray the flower more often.