What is envy? It is a deadly poison for the heart.


Envy is comparing ourselves to others, recognizing that they are the winners in life, and we are the losers. From this we are struck to the very heart. In fact, at this moment, our common sense “fails”, we are not going to live our lives, and we do not show respect for our nature.

Envy is a mental illness. Whenever we undertake to draw a parallel of our life with the life of another person, we will be defeated, flattened and never be able to stand in full height, because in envy it is simply impossible. We have only our energy, we can develop it, or we can not develop it. And here another? The other, he is the other, from birth. He has a different potential, other opportunities, money, complexion, etc. But entire industries are built on this comparison, and all kinds of neurosis arise in a person. We are exploited, showing us that we are not perfect as we are. We have an imperfect figure, clothes, health, we have caries, dandruff, cellulite, etc. We are not perfect in anything. But we don't have to be perfect. We must be ourselves.

And our common, psychological "quirk", in the full sense of the word, is that we want to be not who we are. And we go crazy, wasting our own energy on comparison, inciting and hitting ourselves with arrows of discontent, self-sabotage, self-hatred for being different from others. But, in fact, we do not even see the other person. We choose only its fragments: legs, hair, face, money, clothes, car. Envying, we mentally pull, cling to ourselves some details, cutting them off from the life of another person as a whole.

Reason lies in the fact that even if we want to compare ourselves with another, we need to know everything about a person, from his birth to the moment when we begin to compare ourselves with him. That is, all his life, everything that he received, at what cost, everything that happens to him is to take the whole canvas of his life. And even in this case, we will know nothing - neither the person, nor his life, nor what happened or will happen to him. Today he may be on the crest of a wave, but tomorrow he won't be. Life is unpredictable.

But we choose the details, the best details of another person's life, and compare with ourselves, thereby striking at ourselves, destroying faith in ourselves and undermining our own strength, and then we complain about fate. And this is with full health of mind. If we are taught logic, then even simple logic implies that "we" is "we" and "other" is "other." This is clear even purely logically.

But we don't hear it. All education system built on competition. The banner of competition has been taken up from birth, when some children begin to be compared with others - someone studies better, someone eats better, someone has better teeth, grades, anything, but better. This is how our mind works - it divides everything into “best” and “worst”. How does he define it? He simply takes some part, a fragment from the whole, and draws conclusions. Our mind is a great divider, it divides everything.

Therefore, whatever we hear and see in ourselves, we must know that it is just a part, a fragment of the whole. But we take this fragment as a whole. And self-knowledge is necessary in order to gradually recognize a fragment as a fragment, to understand the true reason, the motivation for what is happening to us, and to create unity in ourselves in order to see ourselves, life and other people in their entirety.

Why envy when you can become successful yourself and achieve what you want in life yourself?!

What is envy and how does it affect the spiritual life?

Envy is a feeling of vexation caused by the well-being and success of others. AT Christian philosophy they say about calling like this: "Envy is the sadness of the soul, passing from the well-being of one's neighbor." Envy is the root cause and original seed of all sin. Envy is the root of anger, anger and lust.

Remember how hard it is sometimes when someone is more attractive than us. A woman suffers if a man is attracted to another, and not to her, especially when she wanted and planned this relationship. This is a manifestation of envy. Or, let's say, one evening you were sitting and eating buckwheat porridge. You were content and calm, and suddenly someone came and sat next to you and began to eat mangoes and bananas. What feelings will you have? A moment ago you were happy with buckwheat porridge, and suddenly everything changed! And all because of the fact that someone nearby eats the best food, and therefore the porridge no longer climbs. This is also a manifestation of envy.

Envy creates a desire to be envied too. For example, when we buy something new, we certainly begin to tell everyone about it. This is boasting, that is, a manifestation of envy that you want to kindle for yourself. We want to boast, and when we see that someone is better than us, we have this sadness of the soul. Envy breeds pride. Why do you think we have albums? To show off our joy, so that everyone can see how good we once were. That's why people say, "Never show off" “If happiness is in the house, rejoice more quietly, grief walks nearby, it can hear”. What kind of grief do you mean? This is grief in the form of envious people. It is envy that first ignited the fire of material torment and suffering.

The nature of the soul is to experience joy, to enjoy. But a person constantly experiences envy, without even realizing it. It is said that envy is the engine of material progress.. That is why we are constantly dissatisfied with ourselves, we improve our body, we watch magazines, films, we want to be like someone else - this is all envy. The Lord says that everything in this world must be viewed through the prism of the three gunas of material nature: in the guna of ignorance, passion and goodness, but all of it is defined in one nature - material, this is all material envy. And until a person gets rid of envy, there can be no talk of any spiritual progress.

Only a low person suffers from the fact that others are better than him. A decent, that is, exalted personality is happy that someone is doing well. Creature by associating with such exalted people, he can raise his level, because only by associating with people better than us, helping them and glorifying them, we can raise our own level. The following expressions are familiar: “If it’s beautiful, then it’s a fool”, “If it’s rich, it means a thief”, “If it’s a politician, it means a scoundrel”? We often hear such words, but these are signs of envy, this is sadness of the soul. The more envy, the more fallen and low person. We think that fallen people, those who drink, smoke, but no. There are a lot ordinary people who sin - but they are not envious, there is no envy in them. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and the Vedas say the same thing, an envious person is the most fallen. The position of envy is very surprising.

The Quran says this about jealousy:“Strictly try to overcome the feeling of envy, for envy devours good deeds as quickly as fire devours dry wood. Envy encourages a person to go to any means to obtain objects of envy, while neglecting the concept of honor, goodness and decency. For sura 113 says: O Allah, protect the envious person from evil when envy ripens in him..

Envy is when the one who envies does not calm down until the one whom he envies loses the object of envy. Envy is a harmful sin, and first of all for the envious person himself. Envy and faith cannot exist together in the heart, because one will certainly crowd out the other. Envy destroys good deeds and deeds of its carrier faster than all other vices. He who is envious destroys himself.

The above examples of envy are in the gunas of passion and ignorance. But there is still good envy. You have certainly heard the expression: "I envy white envy ..."

White envy is when you see something good in another person, and you don’t want him to lose it, but you yourself strive to acquire the same qualities - skill or skill. This is permissible, for the envious desires to learn from the successful. Such a person can rise. All other types of envy are low. In passion, a person wants to acquire not qualities, but fruits, an object of envy, and in the hun of ignorance, a person intrigues people whom he envies - and anyone who surpasses him, from whom he could learn something, he begins to intrigue, spread gossip, rumors downplaying his successes and exaggerating his shortcomings.

Envy and love for God cannot live in the heart at the same time. One will certainly replace the other. So let's love God to drive out of our hearts all the vices and shortcomings!

Materials taken from a lecture by Leonid Tugutov (Laxmi-Narayana das)

It is a deadly poison for the heart. Envy is a deadly poison.

I had days when I felt jealous. What I wanted for myself was easy for someone else to get. It seemed unfair to me, because the unkind and good often deserve it. I'm not a judge for anyone, but that didn't stop me. Has anyone else experienced envy, poisoned themselves? Thank God for His forgiveness of our imperfect children.

The energy spent on envy, I just wasted. She (envy) never brought me what I wanted and what I needed. Jealousy and envy are heavy arrows aimed at our own souls. If jealousy is revealed and turned into action, it strikes innocent bystanders. These innocents are what they are because God has allowed it to be so. Who are we to blame the sovereignty of God?

We somehow believe that we should eat what others have. We must be where they are. We must be able to do what they do. Then anger, bitterness, and confusion in tears, our hearts, when forced to come to terms that we cannot get what they have achieved.

Victims of envy are often unaware of how overwhelmed and unusual the actions of envious people are. By using poisons in slander or exerting pressure, envy can be boldly exposed. After that, how does the victim recover from such a seal on the heart? How are they related to the presence of corrupted associations? I am so grateful that God offers us a remedy - this.

The power and battle belongs to God, the war is not ours.
However, this will not stop those who have planted envy in their hearts with no hope of healing. We must recognize how harmful the work of envy is. The greatest damage will be done to ourselves if we allow envy to stifle our love and security. We have gifts and talents, but envy pulls the blinds down on our eyes, prevents us from seeing the best in ourselves. The truth is that all our attention is directed to what is happening in someone else's house.

We should rejoice that everything is fine with them, rejoice and bless the successes of our neighbors. What God has done for you is interesting to me and should only please me. If we tend to accept envy, then we need to stop ourselves quickly, ask yourself the following questions:

Do we really want others to fail?

Will your illness make me so happy?

Will your poverty increase my wealth?

Will your marriage keep me lonely?

The answer to this question is a resounding no.

Be content, grateful for what you have in your life today, and always rejoice!

It is a deadly poison for the heart. Don't let poison into your heart today, now and always!

What is envy and how does it affect the spiritual life?

Envy is a feeling of vexation caused by the well-being and success of others. In Christian philosophy they say about calling like this: "Envy is the sadness of the soul, passing from the well-being of the neighbor". Envy is the root cause and original seed of all sin. Envy is the root of anger, anger and lust.

Remember how hard it is sometimes when someone is more attractive than us. A woman suffers if a man is attracted to another, and not to her, especially when she wanted and planned this relationship. This is a manifestation of envy. Or, let's say, one evening you were sitting and eating buckwheat porridge. You were content and calm, and suddenly someone came and sat next to you and began to eat mangoes and bananas. What feelings will you have? A moment ago you were happy with buckwheat porridge, and suddenly everything changed! And all because of the fact that someone nearby eats the best food, and therefore the porridge no longer climbs. This is also a manifestation of envy.

Envy creates a desire to be envied too. For example, when we buy something new, we certainly begin to tell everyone about it. This is boasting, that is, a manifestation of envy that you want to kindle for yourself. We want to boast, and when we see that someone is better than us, we have this sadness of the soul. Envy breeds pride. Why do you think we have albums? To show off our joy, so that everyone can see how good we once were. That's why people say, "Never show off" “If happiness is in the house, rejoice more quietly, grief walks nearby, it can hear”. What kind of grief do you mean? This is grief in the form of envious people. It is envy that first ignited the fire of material torment and suffering.

The nature of the soul is to experience joy, to enjoy. But a person constantly experiences envy, without even realizing it. It is said that envy is the engine of material progress.. That is why we are constantly dissatisfied with ourselves, we improve our body, we watch magazines, films, we want to be like someone else - this is all envy. The Lord says that everything in this world must be viewed through the prism of the three modes of material nature: in the mode of ignorance, passion and goodness, but all of it is defined in one nature - material, this is all material envy. And until a person gets rid of envy, there can be no talk of any spiritual progress.

Only a low person suffers from the fact that others are better than him. A decent, that is, exalted personality is happy that someone is doing well. A living being, by associating with such exalted people, can raise his level, because only by associating with people better than us, helping them and glorifying them, we can raise our own level. The following expressions are familiar: “If it’s beautiful, then it’s a fool”, “If it’s rich, it means a thief”, “If it’s a politician, it means a scoundrel”? We often hear such words, but these are signs of envy, this is sadness of the soul. The more envy, the more fallen and low person. We think that fallen people, those who drink, smoke, but no. There are so many ordinary people who sin - but they are not envious, there is no envy in them. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and the Vedas say the same thing, an envious person is the most fallen. The position of envy is very surprising.

The Quran says this about jealousy:“Strictly try to overcome the feeling of envy, for envy devours good deeds as quickly as fire devours dry wood. Envy encourages a person to go to any means to obtain objects of envy, while neglecting the concept of honor, goodness and decency. For sura 113 says: O Allah, protect the envious person from evil when envy ripens in him..

Envy is when the one who envies does not calm down until the one whom he envies loses the object of envy. Envy is a harmful sin, and first of all for the envious person himself. Envy and faith cannot exist together in the heart, because one will certainly crowd out the other. Envy destroys good deeds and deeds of its carrier faster than all other vices. He who is envious destroys himself.

The above examples of envy are in the gunas of passion and ignorance. But there is still good envy. You have certainly heard the expression: "I envy white envy ..."

White envy is when you see something good in another person, and you don’t want him to lose it, but you yourself strive to acquire the same qualities - skill or skill. This is permissible, for the envious desires to learn from the successful. Such a person can rise. All other types of envy are low. In passion, a person wants to acquire not qualities, but fruits - an object of envy, and in the mode of ignorance, a person intrigues people whom he envies - and anyone who surpasses him, from whom he could learn something, he begins to intrigue, spread gossip , rumors, downplaying his successes, and exaggerating his shortcomings.

Envy and love for God cannot live in the heart at the same time. One will certainly replace the other. So let's love God to drive out of our hearts all the vices and shortcomings!

Dash between subject and verb

1. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    To die of love is to live.

    A shooting star is a good omen.

    How important it is to remember that the sun is warm and the grass is green.

    The soul of a real person is the most complex and most delicate musical instrument.

2. A dash at the place of the pass is placed in the sentence.

    To achieve perfection in one's work is a great happiness.

    The hardest thing is to know yourself, the easiest is to give advice to others.

3) Greenery near the birch _ like a skillfully carved circle zhevo.

4) Silence is the English way of talking.

3. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

1) Fashion is like a woman, that's why she is capricious.

3) Envy, no doubt, is a poison for the heart.

4) Exaggeration is the lie of well-bred people.

4. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    I despise a world in which love is vanity and friendship is a whim.

2) My only purpose on earth is to destroy hopes.

3) On such a night, a person is like a blind kitten.

4) Small crustaceans swimming in millions upper layers water, _ the main food of baleen whales.

5. A dash at the place of the pass is placed in the sentence

1) The bookshelf is a silent repository of beautiful texts.

2) The history of literature, in essence, is part of the history of a given country.

3) The captain's face is wide, the cheekbones are Mongolian steep.

4) You are like an echo of a forgotten anthem in my dark and wild fate.

6. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the sentence

    Inspiration is not a herring that can be pickled for many years.

    Memories, when they are memories of happiness, are the greatest poetry.

    The nights are still frosty, and the days are already spring-like warm.

    The lights of the buoys on the water are like the blue eyes of deep-sea fish rising to stare at the stars.

7. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    Her face is ruddy and young.

    The highest task of the artist is to kindle the desire of people to be better.

    The world is a book, the pages of which are opened to us with every step.

    Forest and hunting _ the most Better conditions for health.

8. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    Faith without action is empty.

    The desire, the fulfillment of which can make a person happy, is to be useful to people.

    A good library is a bookish reflection of the universe.

    The best thing in a man's life is his friendship with other people.

9. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction.

    How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile, harmful.

    The most important science for kings is to know the benefit of their land.

    Bushes in places _ like an impenetrable forest.

10. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the offer

    To speak mindlessly is to shoot at random.

    Glasnost _,_ is a sword that itself heals the wounds inflicted by it.

    The body of the fish is slippery, shining in the sun.

    Each book of the writer, if it is written with the blood of the heart, is the embodiment of his most cherished thoughts.

11. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the proposal

    Beauty is nothing but the promise of happiness.

    The night is moonlit, warm, clear.

    Life is not a greenhouse, and you are not a greenhouse plant.

    Spending the night in the forest is not an exciting prospect.

12. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the proposal

    Last year's leaf in the ravine among the bushes is like a heap of copper.

    Knowledge is a tool, not a goal.

    To ponder means to go around in a circle, return to the same place and start over.

    The hardest part is working on the word.

13. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the sentence

    Character _ is the finally formed will.

    To be a poet means to sing expanse.

    Lies are like butter: they just skim the surface of the truth.

    Life without movement is empty.

14. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the sentence

1) Equestrian on foot _ not a companion.

    Love is the most mysterious human feeling.

    And the nuts are not simple, they have golden shells.

    Art is like searching for diamonds: a hundred people look for it, but only one finds it.

15. A dash at the place of the pass is put in the sentence

    Music is like the sky above the earth.

    Music is the most widespread and most human of all the arts.

    The historian is a prophet looking into the past.

16. A punctuation error was made in a sentence

    Modesty, according to Paustovsky, is one of the greatest traits of the Russian people.

    Respect is the most disguised, the most hidden and the most elegant compliment.

    Books are like ships of thought, traveling on the waves of time.

    The only passions that do not give pleasure are envy and fear.

17. A punctuation error was made in a sentence

    Being human is a real art.

    Our extraordinary language itself is a great mystery.

    Footprints in the snow like a beautiful promise.

    Intuition is the concession that logic makes to impatience

18. A punctuation error was made in a sentence

    The wind is warm and calm.

    The most important thing in a campaign is to be able to protect matches from dampness.

    The heat for the forest is not a fatal problem.

    The ability to be happy is a rare talent.

19. A punctuation error was made in a sentence

    Worldly rumor that the sea wave.

    Pity is the sister of contempt.

    Grievances interfere with doing things, stopping near them is wasting time for nothing.

    To follow the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science.

20. A punctuation error was made in a sentence

    Respect for the past is the feature that distinguishes education from savagery.

    Belated advice is like rain after harvest.

    All mushrooms are edible, but some are only once in a lifetime.

Parting and meeting are the two main parts of which someday happiness will be formed.