How to grow stalked celery in the garden. Secrets of growing stalked celery

Caucasian cuisine cannot be imagined without celery leaves, in Russia they prefer white root, growing stalked celery and caring for it is typical for the inhabitants of North America, Great Britain, Mediterranean countries, and they appreciate it in Japan. In comparison with the root and leaf variety, petiole (salad) varieties are more tender, juicy, healthy. Only from them can you make juice - a drink for health and maintaining an ideal shape.

The petiolate variety of celery wins the hearts of Russian gardeners

Biological features of culture

Petiole celery is cold-resistant, so many gardeners have a question whether it can be grown as perennial or not. Immediately, we note that this is a two-year culture of the Umbrella family, which in the first year gives a rosette of succulent roots and leaves, in the second - seeds. In the south, provided that the soil freezes slightly, celery is cultivated as a perennial, but only to obtain greenery. High-quality petioles, like the root, can be obtained only in the first year of the plant's growing season.

The vegetable belongs to long-growing crops - from full-fledged shoots to ripening, it takes 140-180 days, depending on the variety of stalked celery. During this period, a powerful bush will grow up to 65 cm high with a rosette of thick stems and large pinnately dissected leaves, often of dark green, glossy. Petioles have curved shape, on outside slightly ribbed, the pulp is juicy, crispy, with a piquant aroma and light bitterness. The old varieties are more fibrous, the new ones are delicate, practically have no hard fibers. Light green, bleached or yellow-fleshy petioles are sweeter, more bitter - green or reddish.

One plant of stalked celery, with proper cultivation techniques, gives from 300 g to 1.2 kg of marketable products.

Note! Root celery also has large, thick stems, but unlike the petioled variety, they are not fleshy, but sinewy, moreover, they are hollow inside.

Crispy petioles are a unique product with a “negative” calorie content that burns excess fat

Successful varieties

In the garden centers there are seeds of domestic and foreign varieties of stalked celery. When choosing, pay attention to the ripening time - for regions with a cold climate, early and mid-early varieties are preferable, medium-late varieties are also suitable for greenhouses.

Gustatory characteristics play a role. If you like a savory bitterness, plant celery with green stalks, adherents of traditional neutral flavors will love self-bleaching or yellow-fleshed plants. Let us give short description several of the most successful varieties.

    Celery Utah is bred by Italian breeders. Petioles are long, light green, very tasty, practically without fibers. In terms of ripening - the variety is average, the yield of stems with leaves - up to 3.5 kg / m².

    Malachite is one of the most early varieties(85 days), allowing you to enjoy healthy products in the middle of summer. Productivity - 1.2 kg of petioles per plant.

    Nughet is a Czech variety of stalked celery. Among the pluses is an early ripening period, a neat, tightly closed rosette of stems, a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Tango is a common cultivar with bluish green petioles. It ripens for a long time - the growing season is 180 days. Attracts with delicate pulp without fibers, high yield (1.0 kg per plant), excellent keeping quality.

    Gold will appeal to lovers of self-bleaching varieties. Up to 800 g of elastic petioles with light pulp, pleasant taste and aroma are collected from one plant.

Selection of seeds and producers

How to avoid mistakes when growing?

To avoid disappointment, you need to know and follow the agricultural techniques of cultivating stalked celery. It is in many ways similar to the other two varieties, but has a number of nuances. What mistakes do novice gardeners make most often?

    The seeds are sown too late. Since the culture has a long growing season, it is recommended to plant seedlings at the age of 70-80 days. And given the fact that the seeds of celery are tough-growing, you need to sow it already in February, in extreme cases - in early March.

    Seedlings are planted early, in cold soil and the plant goes to the arrow. The paradox of this culture is that despite its cold hardiness, it is thermophilic. Seedlings of stalked celery will not die with early planting, but the cold oppresses it, it stops growing. In addition, the plant perceives this as a forced dormant period and moves on to the "second series" - expels the flower arrow.

    The petioles are sinewy, with a bitter taste. This happens if the vegetable is planted in poor soil. The plant itself is large, in order to grow actively, it requires a lot of nutrition. If it is not there, it sits in place, the stems coarse. The petioles will be fibrous without watering. An important agricultural technique that allows you to remove bitterness is bleaching the stems. Many do not know about him.

Consider how to properly grow stalked celery from seeds.

Terms and technology of growing seedlings

Vegetable seeds are saturated with essential oils, so they do not germinate for a long time. To speed up this process, you need to destroy the inhibitors that inhibit germination. There are several ways.

    Soak alternately in hot (up to 50⁰C) and cool (18⁰C) water. This is done in three steps, holding the seeds in hot water for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, respectively, and the third time until the water cools down.

    Germination for 7-10 days. To do this, they are soaked, and after swelling, they are placed on a damp cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

Prepared petiolate celery seeds are sown in shallow boxes; loose soil based on peat and humus is taken for planting. After sowing, they are not closed up, since light is needed for germination. From above, the seeds are sprayed with water from a spray bottle so that they adhere well to the substrate. You can cover them with a layer of snow, which, melting, will slightly pull them into the soil. Next, the box is covered with foam (glass) and placed in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill. When thin seedlings appear, they are sprinkled with earth for half a centimeter, the film is removed.

Water the crops carefully - from a spray bottle or through a strainer, so as not to damage fragile seedlings.

Plants dive at the stage of 2-3 true leaves, pinching off the 4th part of the central root. Suitable as containers plastic cups... Seedlings deepen to cotyledon leaves. The cut seedlings are sheltered from the direct rays of the sun for several days, after engraftment, they are returned to the windowsill.

The hardened and hardened seedlings will quickly take root after planting in the garden, will begin to build up the green mass

Landing in open ground

The next stage of growing stalked celery is planting in open ground... Pay attention to the following nuances.

    The indicator for planting seedlings is the onset of stable heat (16-18⁰C during the day).

    The culture loves fertile, loose, slightly acidic soils (pH 5.5–6.5) with good aeration.

    Prefers sunny places, in partial shade it turns out a vegetable with a sharper smell.

    It is impossible to cover the heart of the seedling with earth when planting.

Advice! The crop is suitable for compacted crops. The vegetable is planted together with cucumbers, along the borders of the beds, along the paths.

Subtleties of care

Caring for a vegetable plant consists in regular watering, top dressing, and frequent loosening.

The first feeding is recommended to be done 2 weeks after planting - 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 10–15 g of potassium salt and superphosphate are applied per 1 m². This mixture can be replaced with nitroammophos or other complete fertilizer. Application form - water solution... From organic matter, a solution of poultry manure at a concentration of 1:10 is suitable, mullein - 1: 5.

Refeeding mid-summer - emphasis on potash fertilizers, trace elements are also needed, namely boron and magnesium.

The plant loves deep, abundant watering, but this must be done at the root, avoiding water getting on the stems and leaves. Waterlogging is one of the reasons for the appearance of stem rot.

An obligatory element of caring for stalked celery is frequent loosening (5–6 times per season). In addition, it needs hilling, in contrast to root celery, the fruit of which is exposed.

Petiole whitening

When the petioles become plump, a care technique such as whitening is used. The stems are collected in a bunch, the lower part is wrapped in an opaque material - paper, burlap, lutrasil, but not with a film - the plant must breathe. Some people simply spud the socket with earth - but the quality will be worse, and it is difficult not to fill up the heart.

Reception leads to a decrease in the level essential oils, bitterness goes away, the aroma becomes more delicate.

The petioles are wrapped for bleaching a few weeks before harvest

What is celery sick with?

The main causes of diseases of stalked celery are associated with improper care, waterlogged soil, poor aeration, lack of nutrients... In a rainy summer, the aerial part of the plant can be affected by fungal infections.

    Cercosporosis appears as spots with a light center and a reddish-brown edging on the leaves and petioles. The diseased parts of the plant dry out. For prevention, it is recommended to disinfect seeds. The affected crops should be sprayed with a fungicide solution.

    Septoria, in contrast to cercospora, affects celery by the end of summer. This is also a spotting, but different - the spots are oblong, yellow and, as it were, depressed. Control measures are the same as with the previous disease.

    Rust is a cold summer disease. The reddish-brown growths begin to crumble as the spores mature. Spraying with phytosporin helps.

In addition to diseases, petiole celery also has pests, although not as many as in other crops - it scares them off with a pungent odor.

The plant can be attacked by celery and carrot flies. The pest lays eggs in the petioles and under the skin of the leaves. The larvae eat the passages in them, after which they become rough and bitter. Effective method control - pollination of plantings with tobacco dust, wood ash, dry mustard during the summer of the fly (June, August).

Planting and caring for celery:

Petiole celery is a biennial crop of the Umbelliferae family, grown to produce bleached leaf stalks that are used in various dishes.

Petioles of different varieties painted white, pink or red. The varieties with white petioles are of the greatest value, varieties with red ones are the most cold-resistant, they can be harvested until late autumn.

Planting and leaving

Celery - cold-resistant plant, grows and develops best at moderate temperatures and sufficient humidity.

A trench 40 cm wide and 25-30 cm deep is made in March-April. The very width of the future bed will be 60 cm. Top dressing is applied to the bottom, earth is poured on top so that the level in the trench is 8 cm below the soil level. Then I mulch the soil.

I sow seeds in late February - early March. First I fill them in hot water(about 60 degrees), wait for the water to cool, dry it in a napkin and sow it in a seedling box, without sprinkling it with earth. The box must be covered with foil, watering by spraying only... With proper observance of all the rules, seedlings will appear in 10-12 days.

Celery likes bright lighting, do not forget about it. In the phase of two true leaves, seedlings can be dived into pots. Petiole celery should be planted less often than root, keeping the distance between plants 50 cm, and between the rows - 40 cm. Then 1 sq. m you will need only 5 pieces of seedlings. These conditions must be met exactly, otherwise good harvest, namely - juicy petioles - do not get. It is necessary to ensure that the "heart", i.e. the apical kidney was not buried.

Petiole celery - very moisture-loving plant , in dry weather the irrigation rate is 20-25 liters per 1 sq. m.

As you grow, you need delete side shoots , they will immediately attract your attention with their untidy appearance, small thickness, so remove them.

Feeding stalked celery with infusion and vermicompost, I use the biological product "Shining". Here, everyone decides for himself what top dressing should be prepared. The main thing is that feeding should be weekly.

Long, thick, not hollow, but juicy petioles grow only if the entire growing season of the plant grew continuously... Meanwhile, they sometimes experience growth retardation even due to seals the top layer of the soil, when, during irrigation, the roots begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. Then you need soil loosen.

Petiole whitening

Next important stage- whitening of the petioles. To do this, you need to tie the leaf stalks lightly with twine, then wrap them with thick paper (such as packaging), tie them again. You can also wrap it in straw, only so that there are no gaps. The leaf blades should remain free. Several times I tried to sprinkle with earth, but after such a test, the petioles acquired an unpleasant earthy taste.

After bleaching, the petioles become tender and tasty. This year I didn’t pay much attention to celery, therefore, compared to last year, the petioles are not so thick, but there were no hollow ones, and they were full of juicy.

But at the time of my first summer cottage experiences, this happened. This year's mistake - I removed a few lateral shoots, regretted it and left tough ones. Another mistake is to cover it late with paper from the light, the petioles are not sufficiently bleached. But it tastes good. Now several roots of stalked celery are stored in my basement just in buckets, the paper has not been removed, the leaves are cut off, the stalks continue to bleach perfectly.

It is enough to lightly spray a clod of earth. Peeled and washed petioles can be stored for a long time in the lower drawer of the refrigerator, and taken as needed.

Indulge in something so healthy and rich in vitamins vegetable plant... Its petioles contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates, rare vitamins, salts, trace elements, aromatic compounds. The use of celery has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body, strengthens nervous system... Petioles can be used fresh, boiled, stewed as an independent dish. They are also served as a kind of garnish for meat, poultry, potatoes and vegetables. In China, there are petiole celery dessert dishes.

A variety of salads using petioles will enrich your table, because celery goes well with any food - meat, chicken, fish, vegetables. Even a simple salad of grated carrots with petioled celery or ordinary potato soup with petioles will impress a gourmet. Grow stalked celery in your beds, it will pay you back with health!

Many dream of summer cottage, where you can relax in summer, retire with nature, admiring the beauty and breathing clean air without emissions. Often in dreams there is also a small vegetable garden where you can grow vegetables, beans and herbs. But not everyone knows that stalked celery can be grown on your own and enjoyed in a variety of cooked dishes.

Description and main characteristics

Celery is one of the most useful plants... This plant is considered by herbalists to be an essential component necessary to maintain healthy way life. Often included in weight loss products and recipes.

it herbaceous plant has a number of useful properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It also has a delicate but rich taste. For its beneficial qualities, this plant is appreciated by lovers of delicious food all over the world. Most recently, celery was grown only for medicine, but today it is present in many gourmet dishes.

The range of effects of this plant on the human body is very wide.

The root vegetable is enriched with the following features:

  • raises tone;
  • is able to increase mental and physical performance;
  • brings appetite back to normal;
  • relieves pain;
  • is a diuretic.

Varieties of root crops

This plant has several varieties. They concern external structure. There are three types of celery:

  • sheet;
  • root;
  • petiolate.

This plant is able to beneficially complement any dish without losing its useful qualities when cooking. Fortunately, celery is a dietary product and does not harm your figure.

Celery is grown for the sake of juicy stalks. At the moment, the petioles are white or green. The difference in color does not apply to varieties of varieties - the same species can be different color... The color is influenced by the cultivation methods. For example, White color appears if you huddle celery by placing the stalks deep into the soil.

As a rule, celery is planted in the garden in May, towards the end, in warm areas you can start planting already in the middle of the month. By the time the seedlings are transplanted into open ground, the sprouts should be 5-7 cm high. It is important to ensure that the sprouts are not just long, but strong and lively.

White celery varieties are planted in holes in a garden bed with a distance of 25x25 cm.If the choice fell on non-self-bleaching varieties, then a trench is suitable for planting, in which case the marking should be 30 cm between seedlings.

It is necessary to plant the plant deep in a trench, then, as experienced gardeners say, white stems will form when ripe. If the planting took place in an ordinary garden bed and the stem grows green, then a number of activities must be carried out a month before harvesting.

The fact is that the color of the stalk of petioled celery depends on the level of illumination, a white tint appears in the root crop if it grows in a darkened place. Therefore, around September, when the celery grows by 30 cm, it is necessary:

  • collect the leaves up into a bunch and tie loosely with a soft ribbon;
  • wrap the stem itself in a wrapping material (from the soil itself to the leaves);
  • secure the wrapper with twine or tape;
  • leave for 3 weeks, then dig out and release from the fixing materials.

The celery is ready to dig out. The one that will not immediately be eaten must be dug in moistened sand in cool place- you get a good fertilizer.

For preservation for the winter, various unnecessary thick paper can serve. Suitable also plastic bottles or pipes, as well as Penofol and straw. Small sawdust or dry leaves should be poured into bottles / pipes.

Celery is one of the three types of celery. Seedling planting for this variety is perhaps the only way to get a crop. The period of its ripening occurs 80-150 days and therefore it is impossible to have time to grow methods of sowing seeds directly into the ground in the country. The most common varieties that have already earned them Special attention- Golden feather, Utah, Golden path, Golden self-bleaching. These are not all the proven varieties for growing stalked celery, but the most popular and widespread.

Germination of stalked celery seeds

Before planting celery seeds, you should take into account its feature of poor and long germination. After dry sowing, the first shoots may appear no earlier than a month and will grow out of order. There are a lot of gardeners who soak the seeds for several days at home before sowing, while changing the water several times daily. Due to the excess of essential oil of the seeds, slow germination occurs, which can be accelerated warm water about + 60C. After the water cools down, the oil rises to the surface of the water and then the seeds should be rinsed with running water.

After washing, they should be laid out on damp paper or cotton cloth on a plate, and packed in a bag for the greenhouse effect at home. To enhance this effect, the plate can be placed in a warm, dark place, but remember to ventilate it and dampen the cloth or paper. There is another method of germinating seeds for seedlings at home. You need to take a jar, preferably a glass one, and send sawdust there. After moistening the sawdust well, you can lay out the seeds mixed with sand. The unopened jar is placed in a warm and lighted place until germination, constantly adhering to regular watering and room temperature+ 25C.

Video "Instruction for growing"

A detailed video instruction on the cultivation of the stalked type of celery.

Preparing the soil for planting

The soil for planting celery seedlings is prepared in advance before sowing. Since the seedlings are planted from late February to early March. If you prepare the soil yourself, then you will have to stock up on peat, humus and wood ash. The proportions of the mixture are 3/5 peat, 1/5 humus, 1/5 ash and a little sand. If you do not have these ingredients for preparing soil for seedlings, then such a mixture can be bought ready-made in a specialized store. In this case, an earthen mixture is suitable, which is also suitable for growing onions and other vegetables.

In pre-prepared pots or boxes for growing seedlings, the prepared or purchased mixture of earth is poured and poured with water. Seeds that have sprouted are carefully planted in shallow grooves without disturbing or breaking off their weak roots. It is not necessary to sprinkle them with earth, you can just press a little, but no deeper than half a centimeter, otherwise it will be difficult for them to grow. You can also grow celery seeds using the snow method. The processes are almost the same only instead of daily watering the earth, the box is covered with a layer of snow, on which the seeds are spread. When the snow melts, it will give the right moisture and will deepen them to the desired depth in the ground.

Seedling care

Home care for already grown seedlings will not be difficult. The earth should not dry out, but the water should not stand in the box either, spraying from a spray bottle is the most the best way... Within a few weeks it will be possible to make the first plant feeding. Densely grown seedlings should be thinned out and the plants should be dived when 3-4 leaves appear. The seedlings should be deepened by half the stem into the ground.

After picking, after two weeks, it is worth feeding the plants again. But a week before planting in the country in the open ground, celery should be hardened at a temperature of + 15C. To maintain this temperature, you can take the container out to a well-lit balcony. When the very moment of planting comes, it is imperative to water the plants.

Landing in open ground

You can start planting celery seedlings from mid-May. There should be at least 15-20 centimeters between the plants, and the rows between themselves should be no closer than 30-40 centimeters. After planting, water and sprinkle with earth. The care includes feeding, weeding, loosening, watering and fighting diseases. Petiole celery needs regular feeding and care after planting in the soil.

When exactly a month has passed since the planting of seedlings in the soil, the first top dressing is carried out, the second with strongly active growth of greenery, the third with increased root growth. For top dressing, 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2 are used. Being careful not to develop stalks in celery, but a root, part of the soil is removed from its upper part and the lateral shoots of the root are pinched. The procedure should be repeated three to four times until the root crop is formed. Mulching around the plant will be an additional care; watering should be moderate depending on the weather conditions.

Do not let the land dry out or stagnate water in the grooves of the garden beds. Hilling for stalked celery is the most important thing in caring for it. It is carried out with the onset of intensive growth and thickening of the petioles. Repeat the procedure if necessary to care for the plants. This will help to get bleached stalks without bitterness on the inside and delicate taste. But there is another method of care for obtaining delicate pulp.

A couple of weeks before harvesting, the celery is tied at the top of the petiole and wrapped in paper. The harvest is fully harvested before the first frost. On cold September nights with temperatures below -5 C, celery should be covered acrylic material... Despite all this, there are still difficulties in growing celery.

A sufficient amount of water in a vegetable may not externally manifest this in any way, but its stalks simply cannot be eaten. Try to water the plant as often as possible, otherwise all the work and care may be in vain. The plant is not spared from the simplest shooting, it is a signal of drying out of the soil or untimely planting of seedlings in the country. Wherever there is good humidity, snails and various slugs can appear. To save the plant, weeds in the garden should be weeded out in time.

The decay of the middle proceeds imperceptibly and the problem can be realized only by harvesting. This is due to putrefactive bacteria, which were formed as a result of stagnation of water in the ground. When the soil is too dry or too much nitrogen in it, the stalks crack.

How to harvest and store crops

Depending on the ripening of the vegetable, harvesting of the grown crop begins, depending on the climate, but presumably from August and may last until the first frost. Storage is no different from other root crops growing in the country. Petioles are cut from August, and its leaves are cut as needed. The crop can be stored dry or frozen.

Informational video with helpful practical recommendations for gardeners.

Petiole celery is used in cooking in various dishes fried, stewed, even boiled. This is a healthy and tasty product, while caring for the plant is simple, so if you have the opportunity to grow it in the garden, do not miss it!

In our climate, it is very difficult to get a rich harvest of stalked celery. Therefore, planting it through seedlings is so popular. The growing season of this culture ranges from 80 to 150 days. This means that if you sow it directly into open ground, it will not have time to ripen to frost even in warmer climates.

In addition, the seedling method allows you to get a harvest in the year of planting, which is good news.

The most popular varieties of stalked celery are: Golden Way, Golden Pen, and Utah. There are other good varieties, it is advisable to study them and choose the most suitable one for yourself. It is important to take into account the features of your garden.

Germinating seeds

Stalked celery seeds germinate very poorly. This must be taken into account when sowing seedlings. If you use dry seeds, then they will begin to sprout no earlier than a month later, and the percentage of germination will be small. Therefore, experienced farmers recommend to process stalked celery seeds before sowing. The planting material is poured with water and left in such conditions for three days. The water needs to be changed regularly - three times a day.

Seed germination is hindered by the abundance of essential oils inside them. Hot water relieves them of excess of these oils. When the next portion of the liquid cools down, you can see a greasy film on its surface with the naked eye. It is necessary to carefully remove the seeds and rinse them with running water.

After soaking, the seeds for seedlings should be laid out on a damp paper towel or gauze. The napkin is laid out on a plate, everything is placed together in a plastic bag and left in a warm, dark place. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the improvised greenhouse, as well as monitor the humidity in it.

You can germinate seeds for seedlings in a different way. For this, glass containers are used. It is filled with wet sawdust, seeds mixed with sand are poured on top. You don't need to close the bank. It is also placed in a warm, but this time lit place and the humidity is kept constant until the seeds germinate.

Preparing the soil for seedlings

Planting of petiole seedlings for seedlings is carried out in late February or early March. The soil for this is prepared in advance. You can purchase ready mix, but you can cook it yourself. For the second option, peat, humus and wood ash in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. You can add a little fine sand.

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare the mixture with your own hands, then the factory universal soil for vegetables is quite suitable.

You also need to take care of the container for seedlings in advance. For stalked celery, separate small pots or spacious boxes for seedlings are best suited. Prepared soil is collected in a container and watered. After that, it is necessary to mark the grooves, not very deep, and spread the seeds in them. This must be done carefully, the sprouted roots are very thin and weak. Since the seeds are small, it is enough to lightly sprinkle them with earth on top. A thick layer of soil will only delay the growth and development of plants.

There is also another technology for planting stalked celery. Instead of watering, a layer of snow is spread over the ground, and seeds are scattered on it. When the snow melts, the water sinks into the ground, dragging planting material to the required depth.

Seedling care

Caring for young sprouts will not cause you much trouble. The soil should be kept moist at all times, but don't overdo it. It is better to spray the seedlings with a spray bottle instead of watering.

It is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room with the sprouts at around + 20 + 22 ° С, and also monitor the sufficient illumination of the place where you placed the boxes with seedlings.

Several weeks after sowing, top dressing is necessary. Also, care includes picking and thinning. When diving, the stem is half-deepened into the ground. It is worth carrying out the procedure when the plants have acquired 3-4 real leaves. Two weeks after the pick, you can carry out another top dressing. Perhaps this is where the care of the seedlings ends, followed by hardening and planting of seedlings in open ground.

Petiole celery hardly takes root in the garden, therefore, it must be hardened. This takes about a week. Hardening is carried out at + 15 ° C. Plants are taken out to the balcony, each time increasing the time of their stay on fresh air, bringing it to a day.

Before planting seedlings in the garden, it is thoroughly watered.


For successful cultivation stalked celery plays a role not only in getting good seedlings, but also proper care behind it, but also timely and correct planting it in the ground.

Celery is planted in mid-May. It is important to follow the seating chart. The distance between the rows of seedlings should be at least 30 cm. And the distance between individual bushes in a row is 15-20 cm. After planting, water the plants and add a little dry soil on top. Next, you need to organize proper care. It doesn't differ much from caring for other cultures. It is necessary to feed, weed and loosen the stalked celery in time. Also, care includes prevention and measures to combat pests and diseases in the garden.

For the first time, you need to feed the plants on the ground two weeks after they are planted. The second feeding is carried out when active growth of greenery is observed. The third should be done when the root begins to grow.

Some gardeners carry out the following procedure. To root system did not grow in all directions, pinching of the lateral shoots of the roots should be included in the care. To do this, you need to periodically remove the soil from the top of the plant. While the root crop is being formed, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times. The earth, surrounding plant advise to mulch.

Watering is another important part of grooming. It should be done in moderation. It is unacceptable to overdry, or vice versa, overmoisten the soil. If a strong cold snap is planned, it is better to cover the plantings with foil. When the temperature drops to -5 ° C at night in autumn, it is also necessary to protect the celery garden.

Harvesting and storing celery

In August, the celery ripens and you can gradually start harvesting. To understand if it is fully ripe, you can selectively remove the fruits. The last final cleaning has no clear deadlines. It all depends on the timing of sowing and the climate. Sometimes the harvest is in September, sometimes in October.
like other root vegetables.

The petiolate variety is cut in the last month of summer, in contrast to the leafy variety, which can be harvested from the moment of germination to severe cold when needed.

You can store this culture dried or frozen.


Growing through seedlings is the most promising way to get a good harvest. It is important to observe the sowing technology and proper care of the seedlings: timely watering, feeding and protection from pests. The choice of soil and the careful planting of shoots in open ground also play a significant role. Shouldn't be neglected preparatory activities- soaking and germination of seeds, as well as further hardening of seedlings. All this in combination helps to achieve maximum results when growing.