Vapor barrier tape for plastic windows - where to use and how to glue? Vapor barrier tape for windows: technical characteristics Tape for plastic windows.

Replacing windows in a residential or commercial space is always accompanied by protecting the weakest components of the structure: the seams between the frame and the wall. It is produced by filling the space between the window opening and the frame with the help of polyurethane foam. This material has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. However, with insufficient or incorrect protection under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, the foam begins to break down and lose its original properties.

To avoid this, it is necessary to take measures to seal the seams and protect the filler. To do this, waterproofing is used from the outside, which prevents natural precipitation from entering the porous insulation, while from the inside, a vapor barrier is used for PVC windows, which protects the foam from the effects of water vapor.

The structure of the vapor barrier for a plastic window is shown

What should be the vapor barrier?

Vapor barrier prevents moisture from the air in the room from being absorbed into the thermal insulation material. The coefficient of vapor permeability of the vapor barrier of internal seams for PVC windows should be no more than 0.01 mg / (m * h * Pa).

To protect the joints use:

  • silicone;
  • backing cords;
  • fiefs PSUL;
  • butyl rubber tapes;
  • reinforced foil.

PSUL tapes are designed to create assembly seam with natural ventilation.

The choice of vapor barrier should be made taking into account the subsequent finishing. So there is a material for dry construction (drywall, plastic), wet plaster, there is a separate one for protecting joints wooden windows in wooden houses, for internal and external use.

The tape can be either single or double-adhesive

Butyl rubber tapes are similar to self-adhesive foam, but with a protective impregnation. With their help, all the seams between the window and the wall of the house are qualitatively sealed. Also, a vapor barrier for windows can have either one adhesive side or two.

There are vapor barriers for PVC windows by seasonal periods:

  1. warm season with air temperature from 5 to 35 degrees above zero;
  2. winter period with temperatures below zero.

Read more: Installation plastic windows v wooden house– process details

Vapor barrier prevents the destruction of the mounting foam under the influence of moisture, prevents the appearance of damp corners in window opening, the appearance of fungus and drafts.

If you do not do vapor barrier and slopes - there may be a fungus

It should be noted that the price of vapor barrier for PVC windows is absolutely adequate and affordable for everyone. Very small costs for hydro and vapor barrier will increase the life of windows, and protect the house from drafts and mold in the corners.

Installation of vapor barrier for windows

The following are general rules installation of vapor barrier for PVC windows, as for each separate species tapes may have their own characteristics:

  1. The window frame and opening are cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. The window without fixing is inserted into the opening, the places where the vapor barrier is attached are marked on the plastic.
  3. The window is removed and a vapor barrier is glued to the marked places.

Concealed installation is carried out before the voids are foamed. External tapes are glued only after the mounting foam is completely dry. Anyway, vapor barrier tape glued to the window in a continuous layer.

Do not forget that the choice of tape largely depends on the type of subsequent finishing. It is very important to use materials in compliance with all moisture-permeable characteristics.

Where can I buy? Prices

You can buy vapor barrier for PVC windows at any hardware store. If you have to deal with the replacement of windows in your home, consult with repairmen which vapor barrier is best for you to choose, taking into account the final wall decoration.

Real professionals will give you good advice. But, if you come across "specialists" who assure you of the uselessness of using vapor barrier for windows, drive them into the neck. Someone's incompetence can then bring you a lot of problems with dampness and drafts.

Vapor barrier tapes for windows good finish slopes and assembly seams will provide worthy characteristics of a window. In order for the window in your house to function well and for a long time, you should not miss such a moment as installing a vapor barrier tape. The hermetic tapes used to isolate the installation seam from the vapors and moisture of the adjoining premises prevent condensate from escaping onto the slopes. If you have a kitchen, a room with a pool or a sauna, then installing a vapor barrier tape on the windows is a must for you.


Tapes can be either with one or two adhesive strips. Two adhesive strips are designed to fasten the tape with one side to the window and the other to the wall.

Installation of vapor barrier tape

Same way vapor barrier tapes are classified according to weather periods:

Tape width also varies depending on the needs, which makes it possible to provide reliable vapor barrier seams of various sizes. When choosing vapor barrier tapes, keep in mind that its width should be about 45 mm more than the width of the mounting seam.

Ribbons for outdoor work consist of foamed materials (for this work, well-sealing materials with plaster mortar are needed, which will provide the required vapor barrier of the outer layer).

The vapor barrier tape can be butyl rubber, for tightness interpanel joints or to install door or window units. This tape contains a non-woven fabric. During installation, it is primed, plastered and painted. This type is also self-adhesive.

For protection against high humidity mounting seam for dry finishing of slopes on the market there are metallized vapor barrier tapes.

Installed vapor barrier tape

General information on installing vapor barrier tape

  • Initially, you need to prepare your opening: clean the inner and outer surfaces of the opening and frame from dirt, dust and other debris. The frame is inserted into the opening and is not temporarily fixed.
  • After gently mark the line on the frame for attaching the vapor barrier tape.
  • After carrying out the calculations and marking with the window, we remove the frame and glue our internal vapor barrier tapes. We do not remove the paper strip that protects the inner adhesive layer, which later attaches to the walls.

As a rule, the installation of a vapor barrier tape on the structure is carried out before the joint is foamed. Therefore, before finishing, moistening and filling with foam, you can remove the protective paper strips from the vapor barrier tapes. This will allow you not to lose the adhesive properties of the tape. If you are driving concealed installation, then from above and on the sides the tape should be attached to the ends of the structure, and from below to the installation profile.

  • External heat-insulating tapes can be glued no earlier than the complete polymerization of the mounting foam.
  • Installation of vapor barrier tape under the window sill can be done last. When installing a vapor barrier tape under a plaster layer, the tape must have an outer coating, which will provide the necessary adhesion to this plaster layer.

In that case if the window quarter with gaps between the frame and the wall, a different technique is used: an uneven joint can be closed with a window flashing, and a vapor barrier tape can already be glued onto it. Installing a vapor barrier tape on windows is installed in a continuous layer along the entire contour of the opening.

Do not forget that the use of finishing building materials in combination with a vapor barrier tape is allowed only if the moisture-permeable characteristics are observed.

Joints, seams of any structures are the most vulnerable places. The same can be said about the windows installed in the window opening. It is the mounting seam that will be the weakest point in the entire structure. Through a poorly laid seam, heat can escape, moisture and extraneous sounds from the street can penetrate, and finally, the condensate that forms during the temperature difference will accumulate inside the insulation and worsen its characteristics, leading to destruction. The description of the characteristics of the mounting seam and the technology of its installation is given special attention in GOST. On the this moment GOST 30971-2012 is valid.

Technology features. Why you need vapor barrier tape

According to GOST, the assembly seam must be three-layer. Each layer has its own function:

  1. The middle layer - the main one - provides heat and sound insulation due to the porous structure.
  2. The outer layer protects against moisture coming from the street (it removes it) and from UV rays.
  3. The inner layer is a vapor barrier. In fact, it traps heat in the house and prevents the steam that accumulates in the interior of the room from penetrating inside the insulation layer.

Thus, compliance with the technology of the seam device is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of moisture, the formation of condensate, and to improve the heat and sound insulation properties. Refusal to install insulating layers will reduce the cost of installation and construction by about 15-20%, in general, but GOST does not allow such cases.

Classification of vapor barrier for windows

To install a PVC window, a vapor barrier tape is used in all its variety of varieties and a diffusion vapor-permeable tape.

Tapes can have one or two adhesive surfaces. The former are installed on the frame itself, the latter can be installed in the window opening, gluing them to the wall and to window profile. The range is divided into winter and summer options. Summer ones are designed for installation at temperatures from +5 degrees to +35 degrees, winter ones - for installation at temperatures of +5 degrees and below. Moreover, when installed in winter time heating of the surface of the window opening is necessary.

The tape should be approximately 5 cm wider than the installation seam.

According to the material of manufacture, two types of tapes are distinguished:

  1. Butyl rubber tape with non-woven reinforcement for joint sealing.
  2. The tape is metallized, intended for installation in damp rooms.

Tape types

The functionality of the tapes is different, therefore, when installing windows, different varieties are used depending on the goals at each specific stage. The tapes should be reviewed.

Production material

Where applicable





It is used when organizing a ventilated assembly seam from the outside. Allows for high quality seams.

Acts as sound insulation when glued to the lower surface of the tide.

Provides a tight fit of the frame to the wall.

It is necessary to unwind the tape (it is supplied rolled into rollers) immediately before installation. Over time, it expands and loses its sealing properties. The width of the PSUL tape must exceed the width of the mounting gap.

Non-woven material. BC+ - foil.

Used when installing internal slopes. Combined with plastic, drywall, prevents condensation.

Prevents moistening of the insulation used for insulation of slopes, in particular mineral wool.

BC+ has an adhesive double-sided layer. It is an effective vapor and thermal insulation

There is an adhesive layer across the entire width.

BC+ is thicker than BC.

Non-woven material. VM + - foil.

It is used when finishing internal slopes, but under plaster.

Does not allow the penetration of condensate to the mineral wool insulation. VM+ has an adhesive layer on both sides.

Provides adhesion to plaster.

VM+ is more resistant to moisture.

It is made of foamed polyethylene, which is laminated on one side with a metallized film. On the other side, an adhesive layer is applied.

Combines the properties of several tapes. Has increased elasticity mechanical strength and resistance to aggressive chemicals.

It may not adhere well to gas and foam concrete.

A thicker layer of polyethylene foam is used than HPL. Metallized layer based on polyurethane film.

Universal tape. Used for heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

Unlike GPL tapes in the fact that an additional adhesive strip has been removed from the side of the metallized film. Tape has the best thermal insulation characteristics. Reflects heat effectively.

Sufficiently voluminous, which is inconvenient when finishing slopes.

Diffusion Tape

Polyester fabric with self-adhesive strips based on butyl rubber.

It is used to seal the assembly seam from the side of the tide.

Vapor permeable from the inside, has waterproofing properties from the outside.

Resistant to UV rays.

Butyl rubber mounting tape

Butyl rubber

It is installed between the window sill and the insulation.

Protects from blowing.

There is a self-adhesive layer.

The procedure for installing a vapor barrier tape

The vapor barrier tape is installed after performing the preparatory procedures: dismantling the old window, cleaning the opening from debris, dust, sealing and leveling large irregularities.

  1. The window opening is wiped with a dry cloth and the window structure is pre-installed. In the process, the future location of the PSUL vapor barrier tape is marked.
  2. The window is removed from the window opening and a vapor barrier tape is glued to the frame with a 5 mm indent from the markings. In the corners, the tape is glued end-to-end, for which the tape is initially cut off with an allowance that will go to fit. The surface must be degreased and dust-free.
  3. Tape for slopes is glued to the side profiles and the top one. leave an overlap of about 10 cm.
  4. Install the window. Foam the seam.
  5. The mounting seam is closed from the outside with diffusion tape.
  6. Before installing the tide, PSUL is glued along its lower surface.
  7. On the seam at the bottom of the box with inside fix the metallized vapor barrier tape.
  8. The tape on the window sill is glued last.

Helpful information

Installation of PVC windows involves the use of special insulating materials. This category includes mounting foam for PVC windows and tape. Each of these materials has a specific purpose. As a rule, the tape serves to isolate the joints from dust and moisture, preventing the formation of fungus and mold in the joints. In turn, the foam compensates for the effects of temperature changes and provides reliable sound insulation.

Mounting tapes for windows

The tape is selected taking into account functional purpose. We offer mounting tape for plastic windows to buy for any task - for sealing ebbs or slopes, window sills or window openings. We recommend paying attention to the PSUL tape.

At a relatively low cost, it has excellent performance parameters, reliably protecting the seams from dust and moisture. In addition, its installation is carried out without special tools. The self-adhesive surface adheres snugly to the base without much effort.

Mounting foam for windows

Insulation of windows with polyurethane foam Lately especially relevant. Having correctly installed the window unit, you can significantly reduce heat loss. Naturally, the effectiveness of such insulation is determined by the properties of the material. And here the question usually arises: polyurethane foam for PVC windows - which is better? Basically, the insulating characteristics depend on the components that make up the foam, as well as on the production technologies used by the manufacturer.

Buy PSUL in Moscow

Our category is represented by the German company Bauset, which has been one of the leading manufacturers in Europe for many years. If you follow the manufacturer's instructions, the consumption of mounting foam on the window is minimal - at low cost, you can reliably seal the window unit and extend its service life. In the neighboring sections of the catalog you can pick up everything necessary tools to do the work.

Any window needs additional sealing. This is especially important if street noise has increased, a draft has appeared, and heat is lost in winter. Warming is best done in warm weather. Many methods are used for this, up to window replacement. Fortunately, there are Construction Materials that successfully solve this problem. Such material is considered a tape for insulation.

About warming

The microclimate of the room depends on the windows. Because of the uninsulated windows, the glass fogs up, cracks and fungus appear on the slopes, there is a constant draft and street noise. In order to effectively insulate windows, it is necessary to determine the causes of low thermal insulation.

Most often they are the following:

  1. Wooden windows

First of all, insulation is required for old window structures for the following reasons:

  • Previously, glass was attached to the frame with a special putty. Over time, it dries out and crumbles;
  • the frames dry out, so cracks and gaps appear between the glazing bead and the glass;
  • the sashes are deformed and loosely held on the frame.
  1. Plastic windows

It is erroneously believed that such windows are quite tight, so they do not need insulation. Unfortunately, after a few years, the seal is destroyed, and insulation is indispensable.

There are other reasons why you need to deal with plastic windows:

  • violation of window installation technology;
  • skewed window structure due to shrinkage of the house;
  • factory defect of the window structure;
  • mechanical damage to structural elements.

Varieties of insulation tapes

The widespread use of tapes for window insulation is due to a number of reasons:

  • no annual replacement required
  • when pasting there is no dirt, since no water is used;
  • there are no traces of adhesive on the frame;
  • no diffusion of the adhesive layer with the frame paint.

But this method of insulation also has disadvantages:

  • after gluing, you can not open the window sashes;
  • low-quality or poorly glued tape lags behind the frame small areas.

Hardware stores offer two types of tapes, which differ in the way they are installed.

  1. pasting

Adhesive-backed foam tape

Tapes of this type have a wide grip. Adhesive composition applied during manufacture (self-adhesive type) or during installation work.

To create a self-adhesive tape, polyvinyl chloride, rubber and polyethylene foam (foam rubber) are used.

Due to the plasticity of these materials, the tape is easily compressed to the size of the gap. So that the insulation does not stand out against the background of the window, dyes are added: black, brown, white.

Typically, the packaging indicates the size of the gap that the tape closes. Popular options with sizes 3 - 7 mm.

Foam tapes were the first to be used. Their popularity is due to a number of advantages:

  • high compression ratio;
  • the frame does not collapse in places of insulation;
  • low cost;
  • high protection efficiency.

Such tapes have negative qualities:

  • insufficient efficiency for large gaps;
  • short service life. Effectively operate during one winter season;
  • for cheap models, the adhesive tape is poorly fixed;
  • low water resistance.


It is more convenient to use self-adhesive tapes on foam rubber for insulation.

They stay longer on the window and adjust the degree of pressing of the sashes.

  1. Sealing

D - shaped tubular sealant with adhesive base

Tapes of this type have a hollow tubular shape, which is why heat is retained. The material used is rubber and polyvinyl chloride.

On one side of the tape there is a groove hook or adhesive coating with paper protection.

It is believed that the groove is more resistant to mechanical stress.

The following qualities are considered to be advantages:

  • gaps up to 0.7 cm are blocked;
  • any temperature fluctuations are maintained;
  • it is possible to choose the color to match the frame color;
  • the use of the window is not limited;
  • affordable cost.

But most of the disadvantages relate to adhesive tapes:

  • not suitable for all window designs;
  • when the temperature changes, the adhesive layer is destroyed;
  • with frequent deformations, delamination occurs in glued places;
  • The foam tape gets wet quickly and dust sticks to it. For this reason, frequent replacements are carried out.

Tubular seals are checked annually. If necessary, individual fragments are replaced.

As a rule, the tape is selected according to three indicators.

By material

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • high elasticity, allowing you to close gaps of different sizes.

There are also disadvantages:

  • due to the porous structure, moisture is quickly absorbed. The drying process takes a very long time;
  • low durability. With prolonged use, the material turns yellow and crumbles.

Unfortunately, such tapes are rarely used for window insulation, as they increase the cost of window construction by up to 15%.

  1. Rubber― it is used for production of two kinds of tapes: self-adhesive and sealing.

Groove Tubular Seals

Self-adhesive tapes are produced on the basis of synthetic rubber and everyone has it positive traits: elasticity and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber seals are not afraid of aggressive environments, so they last a very long time.

  1. Polyurethane foam (PPE)― porous material from the made foam polyethylene.

Due to the high elasticity, very effective tapes for small gaps. Good insulating qualities. Due to the presence of air in the structure, a heat-insulating environment is created.

Its use is limited by the ability to high temperature turn into a liquid toxic state.


In hardware stores there are tapes from different manufacturers.

However, only materials from the following brands are in demand:

  • Russia ― Profitrast, Ekon, Zubr.
  • Germany - KIMTEC, Deventer.
  • Poland - Sanok.

Domestic manufacturers, as a rule, work according to European technologies and produce quality material no worse than foreign samples. At the same time, although German and Polish tapes are more expensive, they last longer.

By cost

Insulating tapes are sold at retail and in coils from 6 to 10 meters.

Because for standard window you need about 5 meters of self-adhesive insulation, then retail purchases are most often made.

The price range is very wide.

Per running meter Russian material must be paid up to 15 rubles, and the most expensive German rubber insulation will cost 50 rubles.

Features of preparing a window for insulation

Preparing a window for insulation with tape is almost the same as preparing for other heaters. At the same time, there are some peculiarities.

The main steps are:

  1. Everything is removed from the windowsill. Blinds are removed from the window.
  1. The frames are washed with soapy water and then dried. The tape requires a dry and grease-free surface.
  1. Glasses are carefully examined. Wooden windows have cracked glass. They must be replaced, as they are a source of heat loss.
  1. Grooves are prepared for the sealing tape. They should be free of old tape, dirt and paint.
  1. Prior to the start of work, they are determined with the places where it comes from cold air from the street. They warm up first. Weak points are sashes, slopes, window sills.

Insulation with adhesive tape

The technology of insulation is not very complex. First of all, it is necessary to observe the sequence of work.

  1. Plastic windows

Warming is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the previously removed old insulation is used, firstly, to purchase a similar material, and secondly, to pre-cut the old material to size.
  • gluing starts from the top of the window. As you move, it is removed in small sections protective layer and the tape is pressed firmly.

More in our video:


1. The pasted tape should not have many gaps.

2. In the corners, the tape is not cut, but wrapped.

  1. Wooden windows

For these windows, in addition to adhesive tape, thin foam rubber is often used. Work is performed in the following sequence:

  • strips of foam rubber are cut along the window opening;
  • chopped foam rubber is placed between the frames;
  • the tape is cut to the size of the window;
  • with a sticky layer, the tape is applied to the foam rubber and smoothed with a napkin.

Such insulation will last up to three years. But it is better to do as shown in the video:

Insulation with sealing tape

  1. Plastic windows

Typically, plastic windows lose heat for two reasons:

  • equipment failure;
  • seal wear.

Proper installation of the tape increases the insulating ability of the window. The following sequence of work is recommended:

  • before installation, the tape is kept at a positive temperature, since it depends on its expansion inside the groove;
  • the tape is cut to fit the window. The joints are cut at right angles. For thermal expansion, a reserve is created: for each meter, 1 centimeter of material;
  • the tape is pressed with a spatula in the groove, and at the same time, the pasting strips are removed in small areas.


1. In the corners of the frame, the tape is butt-jointed only.

2. To prevent impregnation, the tape does not shrink more than the allowable value.

After installing the sealing tape, the locking mechanism is adjusted: the clamp is changed by pins, which are located at the end of the sash.

Adjustment is made with a hex wrench. The pressure increases when the trunnion head is set in a horizontal position.

  1. Wooden windows

The Swedish method of warming such windows using the EuroStrip technology is in great demand. It has the following advantages:

  • there is no need for annual window insulation;
  • after ventilation, the tightness of the windows is not violated;
  • increases the service life of the frames;
  • high degree of protection against dust and street noise.

For insulation, two types of tapes are used: rubber and silicone.

By the way, branded Swedish silicone seals are easily inserted into the groove and last up to 20 years.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the sashes are removed from the hinges and inspected. Decayed areas are identified, and then restored;

So, both types of window insulation tapes deserve attention. Which one is better depends on the state of the window.

If you choose the right one, then the insulation will quickly pay off, and the apartment will always be warm and comfortable.