How to poison wasps in the country. How to get rid of wasps in a summer cottage

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Neighborhood with insects with the onset warm season can become really dangerous, because, in addition to relatively harmless butterflies and dragonflies, nature can be rich in much more disturbing surprises. These, no doubt, include the appearance of wasps - striped buzzing pests that can cause a lot of problems. It can be quite difficult to get rid of them in a country house or in a private house, on the balcony of an apartment building.

Selecting the method by which the destruction will be performed hornet's nest depends on a number of factors. If it is located on the site, fixed to the roof rafters or is difficult to access, it will take a long time to “smoke out” the insects. Moreover, unsuccessful attempts are more likely to annoy the pests than to cause them real damage. If the hive is already found, find effective method pest control will be easier. But you will have to be extremely careful, because the bites of these insects can cause severe allergic reactions.

What means of struggle exist?

Before the owner of the site begins to carry out activities on his own, it is worth taking care of security measures and learning more about the life of these insects. Just placing the discovered hive in a paper bag will not be enough. To find a suitable remedy against an unpleasant neighborhood, professionals are helped by observation without haste and caution. So why not follow their example? Moreover, there are several popular areas of struggle:

  • treatment with household insecticides;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • the use of traps and baits;
  • mechanical impact.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Define suitable solution a balanced approach to the situation will help. First of all, it is necessary to determine the localization of the hornet's nest and protect children, the elderly, pets, and people with allergic reactions.

In search of a wasp hive

Regardless of the choice of method of struggle, the destruction of a hornet's nest always begins with its search. Most often they are placed hidden, away from the scorching sun. The most common places for attaching a beehive are attics, cornices apartment buildings, balcony structures, in holes in the ground, holes in the surface of walls, at the locations of ventilation and sewer pipes.

The specialists of the company "site" advise:

When trying to resort exclusively to the mechanical destruction of hives found in a house or on a plot, one must remember that they really pose a serious danger. If there is no free access to the habitat of insects, it is necessary to choose a method that will make it possible to kill them remotely - the safest for humans and excluding the likelihood of painful bites.

Preparatory activities

To the discovered habitat dangerous insect was neutralized quickly and without harm to the surrounding people, the exterminator has to take very serious measures. Special ammunition should provide effective prevention of bites and associated allergic reactions. For example, when in contact with a hive, care should be taken to protect hands with strong, tight gloves or mittens. Protective mosquito nets and special devices-masks, helmets are used as face protection. In choosing shoes, it is better to give preference to rubber or leather boots with a tight boot.

Eye protection will be provided by special goggles. It is better to cover the legs and body with a special suit or, if we are talking about self combat, cotton pants and a jacket that can prevent contact of the sting with the skin. A massive attack of insects is not uncommon in the fight against wasps. In this case, it is worthwhile to provide convenient and quick access to a safe shelter in the immediate vicinity of the place of struggle.

Where to begin?

The first thing to think about when dealing with insects is right choice season. Best time in order to get rid of the hornet's nest - spring, when insects awakened from hibernation are just starting to build a hive. In the middle and end of summer, pests become much more active and protect their home, making every effort to protect it. Another important point is the choice of time of day. Only professionals can afford to disinfest in daylight - they have protective suits and everything. necessary fixtures for quick pest control. In the absence of access to them, it is worth choosing the time when wasps active during the day go to bed.

It is important to prepare everything for a quick and massive attack. If most of the inhabitants of the hive manage to leave it before the moment of destruction, it will take a long time to meet angry and aggressive insects on the site or, even worse, inside the building. That is why it is best to entrust the implementation from the very beginning necessary work specialists.

Will folk remedies help?

Years of experience and folk wisdom offer many ways to eliminate the threat posed by wasps. It is suggested to use:

  1. Detergents for dishes. They are poured into the hive. Of course, it is better to get rid of the dispenser on the bottle. Enveloping abilities chemical agent provide access to oxygen. And most importantly, the soap solution will prevent insects from leaving the tray.
  2. Smoke screen. Fumigating the hive is enough safe way struggle, but it will not prevent the population that has left the object from exercising its right to build a new object. Having driven out insects with smoke from a habitable house, you should immediately use an insecticide and destroy the dwelling itself.
  3. Catching single individuals. For this, baits and traps are used. This approach does not radically solve the problem, but it allows to ensure safety on the territory of the site.

Chemicals for home use


Chemical pest control is the simplest solution that allows you to fully cope with pests. But even here there are subtleties. It is necessary to select the drug taking into account the characteristics of the life activity of the pest. Standard tools with a wide spectrum of action will be useless here. But specialized aerosols will quite successfully cope with the task. The emphasis during processing is on the entrance to the hive - this is where the main blow should come. The procedure is carried out repeatedly, using a directed jet of the drug. The interval between procedures is at least a day. When all pests are destroyed, they are burned.

Powdered substances

The use of insecticidal preparations implies careful selection suitable remedy. Earthen wasps locate their nests in pipe cuttings, abandoned animal burrows. In this case, only the entrance remains on the surface. It is he who is used in order to ensure the penetration of pesticides inside. Here the greatest efficiency demonstrate powdered insecticides. They do not fall asleep inside, but are scattered around, on the surface, so that the drug penetrates into the nest gradually, with atmospheric moisture. It is important to understand that a day after such treatment, the discovered notch is closed with a heavy stone or other devices, having previously been spilled with boiling water.

How will the site help?

If wasp nests are located in hard-to-reach places, and their independent destruction is associated with certain risks, you should contact professionals to destroy them. The specialists of the site company are ready to offer their assistance in resolving this issue. Professionals work using opportunities for prompt and effective elimination source of danger. The specialists have at their disposal cold and hot fog generators, which allow to ensure the prompt implementation of all necessary work. Disinsectors will also take care of the implementation of preventive measures to ensure the prevention of re-infection of the territory. All you need is to contact the specialists and agree on the provision of services with a visit to Moscow and the Moscow region.

With the onset of heat, wasps can be found, and following them, you will find a hornet's nest. You need to get rid of him. How to clean a hornet's nest: a few simple but effective ways.

Found a hornet's nest on the balcony, attic. It needs to be removed urgently, actions must be decisive. How to remove a hornet's nest? Let's consider several methods.

1. This method requires dexterity. Slow insect activity is observed mainly at dawn and at night. Therefore, it is at this time that we will act. Put a bag over the nest, tie it up well and take it as far from home as possible. The place where the nest hung, immediately wash with detergents and disinfect so that they do not return to their chosen place. If you run far, prepare dichlorvos. Spray the product into the bag, the more the better, the insects will die. Now you can safely throw away the nest.

2. If the nest is low, then we will fight with boiling water. We take a pan according to the size of the nest, pour water into it, taking into account the fact that some part of the nest will be displaced. Boil water. We carefully bring a pot of boiling water from the bottom of the nest and raise it to the place to which it is attached. The method is extreme, you need to act carefully. Wasps die instantly.

3. At night, put a bag on the nest, wrap it with tape. Then the bag can be treated with chemicals and burned.

4. Fill nests that are in hard-to-reach places mounting foam.

5. Nests that are outdoors can be treated with gasoline. The insect does not tolerate the smell of petroleum products, so it dies.

After getting rid of the nest, be sure to process the place where it was, otherwise you will have to fight again.

  • How can you quickly and efficiently get wasps out of the house if they have made their nest here;
  • Reliable ways to destroy a hornet's nest, even if it is in hard to reach place;
  • How can you completely remove wasps from your summer cottage using traps made from ordinary plastic bottles;
  • How can wasps be killed with poisoned baits, which will be carried by insects to the nest for feeding larvae;

And other interesting nuances of the fight against wasps.

Ordinary paper wasps often settle near human habitation, while creating many problems with their undesirable presence. So, for example, insects often equip their nests in attics, in sheds, under the roofs of houses, in crevices behind the lining of walls and balconies.

Even if there is one wasp nest in the territory of a summer cottage, few people can feel calm, and by the middle of summer there are usually so many insects that they literally fill the entire adjoining territory- so much so that it is no longer clear who is the boss on the site. Moreover, coming closer than 2-3 meters to a hornet's nest is simply dangerous to health, since insects can one day take a person for a threat and attack in a swarm. Now imagine a small child who, without parental supervision, decided to take a walk near the house ...

In some cases, it may be necessary to remove wasps (and hornets) from the site even when there is no nest directly on it, but insects are often in large quantities come here and cause damage. For example, if hives with bees are placed on the site, strawberries, cherries and grapes are grown - at the same time wasps very often spoil a significant share of the berry crop, and hornets actively destroy bees.

On a note

A detachment of 20-30 giant hornets destroys a bee family of 30,000 individuals in about 2 hours.

In all such cases, in order to remove the wasps from the house or from the site, the following methods are used:

  • nest destruction is the fastest, most reliable, but also quite dangerous method of getting rid of an unwanted neighborhood;
  • catching wasps using traps, both homemade and purchased, is a longer method, but also very effective (especially with a large number of traps), while being safe and not requiring serious labor costs;
  • gradual destruction of wasps with poisoned baits.

In order to quickly remove the wasps from the house or from any other dacha building, it is most rational to try to destroy the nest of insects. If the wasps have settled, for example, in an attic that is not visited by people, and at the same time there is no desire to approach the nest directly, then traps and poison can be used to remove insects.

If the nest is not located on the site, and insects fly here only in search of food, then it is most reasonable to bring them out with traps or poisoned baits.

Let's take a closer look at all these methods ...

We take wasps out of the house: we destroy the nest correctly and safely

In order to get wasps out of the house, you first need to find the place where they placed their nest. In many cases, their dwelling is located in rather inaccessible places where it cannot simply be removed or burned.

For example, wasps can settle in holes under the slate, between the siding and the wall, under the visor of the house. However, even with such an inconvenient (for us) location, it is quite possible to destroy the nest if you approach it correctly.

But let's start with simple cases...

If a round-shaped nest hangs under the ceiling, cornice, just on the wall and is mounted on a small leg, then the easiest way to get close to it is at night, when all the wasps are inside and are inactive: you need to quickly “pull” a tight plastic bag onto the nest, tear off the leg paper ball from the point of attachment and tighten the neck of the bag. Before this, it is useful to pour any insect repellent into the bag so that all the wasps in it die within a few hours.

On a note

Effective insecticidal preparations that allow you to remove wasps in this way are, for example, modern Lambda-Zone, Get, Delta-Zone, as well as Karbofos, which is somewhat outdated today, which, however, also works quite well.

In more difficult situations the nest can not be simply torn off from the place of attachment. See an example in the photo:

In these cases, a bag with pre-poured insecticide it is also pulled over the nest, but its neck is not pulled together, but is glued to the surface with adhesive tape. Within a few days, all the wasps in the bag will die, and it can be thrown away along with the nest.

As you understand, this option will require more agility from you. And it’s far from a fact that the adhesive tape can be securely glued to a dusty uneven surface, so think about your escape routes in advance.

“How we tried to breed wasps on the site is a whole epic. They wound up under the roof of the toilet, and when the husband tried to remove one of the metal tile shields, they immediately flew out in a swarm to bite him. We bought a remedy called Get, they use it for cockroaches. They made an emulsion, the husband processed the entire roof at night. They waited for three days, it was clear that there were fewer wasps, but there was a problem, since it rained every two days. We thought that a bottle of the product would not even be enough for us for a week and started making baits. They just took spoiled plums, crushed them, put them in halves of plastic bottles and watered them with the same Geta. Wasps flocked to them just like that.

Five of these bottles were hung under the roof, and so that when it rains, water does not flow into them. A week later, not a single wasp was visible on the site at all! The happy husband climbed there again to remove the tiles and throw out the nest, and from there again a whole swarm! He fell down the stairs and broke his rib. While I was in the hospital, I called the firemen, paid them 1,500 rubles, and they did everything themselves, they removed the roof, took out the nest. And baits need to be poisoned for at least a month.

Lidia Alexandrovna, Astrakhan

Even more difficult is sometimes the situation when the nest is located, for example, behind the cladding of the house or under the slate, as a result of which it cannot be accessed. In this case, it is best to use any aerosol insecticidal agent (Combat, Reid, Dichlorvos Eco, etc.). If for some reason this did not help, then you can consider another effective, but more long way removal of wasps.

So, if the aerosol did not work, then you can spray the entrance to the insect shelter with contact insecticides (the same Get, Delta Zone or Lambda Zone). The concentration should be used increased. And then - with regularity every two or three days it is necessary to renew the layer of the drug. All wasps that crawl along the treated surface will die within a few hours.

When removing wasps on your own, all operations must be carried out in tight clothes with long sleeves, gloves and a beekeeper's mask.

In the most extreme case, when you can’t get close to the nest at all, you can call firefighters or a pest control service. They will destroy the nest within half an hour for quite reasonable money and generally without the participation of the residents of the house.

However, this is an extreme case, since it is possible to breed wasps without access to their nest (see below about traps and poisoned baits).

Destruction of the nest of wasps on the site

At a distance from living quarters, the nest of wasps is sometimes destroyed in the following ways:

  1. They burn it, dousing it with gasoline first. This procedure can be carried out if the nest is located on a brick building, in an earthen hole, between stones or building blocks. In no case should a nest be set on fire if it is in a tree or on wooden building.
  2. When the nest is located in the hollow of a tree, an insecticide solution is simply poured inside, and the entrance to the hollow is plugged with a cloth moistened with the same composition.
  3. The nest of the so-called earth wasps can be filled with water (sometimes boiling water is used, and so that the insects do not get out, they simply cover the entrance to the hole with a stone). - These are ordinary paper wasps that simply arranged their dwelling in the ground.

As in the house, it is advisable to carry out all procedures for destroying the nest on the site at night and in tight clothing that completely covers the body. These simple rules will help not only to destroy all the wasps at once (after all, in dark time days they are inside their dwelling), but also to protect themselves from insect bites in case of failure.

On a note

To find a wasp nest in the area, you should put fresh fish or a piece of meat in an open area, wait for the insects to find food, and watch where they fly with pieces of prey. Adult wasps do not eat meat, but feed it to their larvae. Therefore, with such prey, insects will fly straight to the nest.

We catch wasps with traps

In the spring or at the very beginning of summer, when there are still not many insects in the nest, traps can become the main means of removing wasps (both from the house and on the site as a whole) - often additional poisonous preparations may not even be needed.

At the height of the season, the traps will perfectly cope with the "vagrant" wasps that fly to the site for food, as well as with those insects that have arranged their dwelling directly in the garden or vegetable garden.

A very effective wasp trap can be made with your own hands from a simple plastic bottle. To do this, the lid is twisted from it, the upper third is cut off, which is then turned upside down and inserted into lower part bottles. Approximately in the middle of the resulting structure, small holes can be made for a rope or wire handle, on which the trap will then hang.

As a bait, sour jam diluted with water, beer or kvass with sugar is poured into the bottle, you can also put fermented sweet fruits (for example, rotten peaches or plums). It should be borne in mind that it is the fermented bait that will not attract bees, which, of course, should not be destroyed.

A trap is set up where the wasps fly most often.

On a note

Some summer residents sometimes add borax or odorless insecticidal preparations (Lambda Zone is quite suitable) to the bait in traps - these funds guarantee that after a few hours all the wasps in the trap will die, as well as those single individuals that can from bottles to get out. And shaking out a trap with a hundred dead insects is much safer than if they were alive.

If there are a lot of wasps on the site, several traps should be placed - up to one for every 20-30 square meters.

As the traps fill with insects, they are cleaned and refilled with fresh bait.

With the help of these simple devices, wasps can be removed both from home and from any non-residential buildings. If the location of the nest of insects is known, then it is advisable to place traps not far from it - this will allow you to bring out the wasps at an accelerated pace.

If for some reason you can’t make a trap out of a plastic bottle on your own, then you can buy it in a store - purchased wasp traps of this type work on the same principle.

On a note

Generally speaking, you can also get wasps out of the house or from the site using the so-called glue traps. They are sold in specialized stores, but you can make them yourself.

To do this, Alt, RaTrap or any similar glue is applied on a sheet of cardboard with a continuous layer, and bait is placed in the center - a spoonful of fermented jam or a piece of rotten peach (you can also use meat or fish). Such a trap is placed in a place where wasps are most often and in the largest quantities. Insects flying onto the bait will simply stick to the glue, and will no longer be able to tear themselves away from it.

Poison bait to kill wasps

Poison baits are made from the same products that are used to attract wasps to traps. Additionally, insecticidal preparations that are odorless are added to them - boric acid or borax (medium effective), or in small quantities Lambda-Zone or Delta-Zone (highly effective insecticides lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin are almost odorless). For example, 3-4 sachets are consumed for half a liter of beer or jam. boric acid 10 grams or 10 ml of Lambda-Zone.

The finished bait is poured into saucers, plastic lids or cut off bottoms of plastic bottles, and simply placed in different places suburban area or in a room near the nest. Those wasps that feed on it will die within a few hours.

Cannot be used as bait sugar syrup or honey, as they attract bees.

And finally, we note that in your war with wasps you should not go too far. There are situations when these insects should not be destroyed. For example, if they fly into the area occasionally, in small numbers and stay mainly on flower beds and in the garden.

Here, wasps destroy a lot of harmful insects, and the damage to a vineyard or strawberry patch from striped raiders will be clearly insignificant (in addition, this damage can be minimized using, for example, special mesh bags).

By by and large, without a clear threat from wasps to human health, it is better to live in harmony with these insects (as well as with others) than to burn them with fire, poison with poisons and pour boiling water - simply because they decided to arrange their dwelling not far from yours.

Interesting video: effective improvised wasp traps

Here's another pretty good way to get rid of a wasp nest...

In cities and in holiday villages, people often have to meet with striped flying insects that can deliver a lot of unpleasant moments. But it is even worse when such neighbors appear in your house or apartment. Here you can forget about peace. After all, they love sweet fruits, they will not refuse to eat jam or honey. And if you happen to be their competitor, they might bite you. Therefore, the question of how to destroy wasps often appears on the net. And we will look for the answer to it together with you.

Acquaintance with them should begin with the fact that by their nature they are not so harmful. On the contrary, from the point of view of natural balance, they are useful. After all, the main food for their larvae are various small pests, which they destroy in your garden or vegetable garden.

Therefore, if you find wasps on the site, then do not rush to get rid of them. Think, maybe a peaceful coexistence is possible, which will be useful to you and them.

But if they settled in an apartment or in the attic, then it is reasonable to eliminate their nest without fail. Otherwise, when you approach it, insects will protect their home and begin to violently attack you. You can never accurately predict how these striped neighbors will behave in any other situation. They may start to defend the nest even if you just walk a short distance from it. And if children live in your house, then the danger of such a neighborhood only doubles.

And if a single wasp sting can somehow still be endured, then swarm attacks can lead to lethal outcome. But killing one or more individuals is easy, however, this will not save the situation. Therefore, you need to fight the whole hive at once - this is the only way to secure your home.

Wherever a wasp nest is present, a person is in danger of being bitten for no apparent reason.

How and where to look for a hornet's nest

Like other insects, these prefer to settle in secluded corners that are hard to reach for people. AT natural conditions are considered to be:

  • Hollows in old trees
  • Spaces in the thick of the crown
  • Burrows and caves.

If there are no places listed above on your site, but there is a thick and rarely mowed lawn, then this is where you will find the nest.

Entrance to a wasp nest underground

They do not refuse to settle in the neighborhood with people. In this case, they choose outbuildings and even residential buildings.

It is much easier to find a nest in a house or on a balcony.

The most attractive places for them will be:

  • Homes where people rarely go
  • Free spaces under the corrugated slate roof
  • Where the cladding does not adhere well to the walls of the building
  • Balconies.

In nature, they can also settle in dense hedges or thickets of shrubs.

As you can see, there are a lot of places where these stinging insects can live. And checking them all to find and kill wasps is a rather lengthy task. But there is an easier way. Put a piece of meat or sweet fruit in an open place and watch where they carry their prey.

This way they will show you where their house is. But the whole problem is that even finding a home to drive them away will not be so easy. We will talk about this below.

Ways and methods of dealing with wasps

There are many methods of dealing with these insects. The choice of a particular one depends on the location of their house and its accessibility. In our article, we will look at some of the most popular ways to get rid of wasps, and each of you will be able to choose the most suitable for your situation.

It can be:

  • Burnout
  • Use of insecticides
  • Immersion in water
  • Use of poisoned baits
  • Setting traps
  • Calling a special service.

And now we will study each of them in more detail. Let's start with burning.

Fighting wasps with fire

This method is unacceptable for dealing with wasps if their home is on a tree or wooden building. After all, a dry nest burns strongly enough and the fire will easily spread to a house or a plant.

And even deciding to fight in this way, do not forget to prepare yourself. Remember that during the day there are only a few individuals in the hive caring for the queen and larvae. All the rest during these hours are actively foraging. Having decided at this time to destroy their house, you risk being bitten.

Therefore, it is better to postpone the destruction of wasps for the night. First, at night the whole family is going home. Secondly, sleepy insects are unlikely to be able to understand in time what happened and fly out to protect the nest.

As for the process itself, there is nothing complicated in it. It is quite fast and efficient, since the walls of the house are similar in structure to cardboard, so they will burn out in a matter of seconds. And to speed up the process, spray the hive with gasoline and set it on fire.

All work should be carried out in thick clothes with long sleeves, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.


The use of insecticides is considered universal way. It is suitable for those who are looking for how to get rid of wasps in wooden house and on the site, on the balcony and attic.

Perfect tools such as: Lambda Zone, Get, Aktara

This method is based on the use of such means as:

  • Aktara
  • Karbofos
  • Tetrix
  • Executioner.

In fact, a huge amount of insecticides are produced today.

Among them there are both weaker and more powerful in terms of the strength of their impact. You can buy them in any specialized store, and use as follows.

Prepare a strong plastic bag large enough to fit the nest easily. A glass of the solution prepared with the use of an insecticide is poured inside it and carefully put on the nest. The neck is tightly wrapped with tape and kept for 2-3 days. Usually this time is enough for everyone to be poisoned. This is best done at night when the colony is inside.

The insecticide bag is abruptly put on the nest in such a way that the flight of insects is blocked.

Filling the hive with water

Eating one way to get rid of wasps in the country is drowning. But it is far from universal and is only suitable for cases where the nest is built in the ground or hanging in the attic.

It is as follows. If this is a hole, but such an amount of water is simply poured into it that will fill all the cavities and at the same time it will flow out. After that, the exit must be closed with something heavy: a stone, metal or other object that will not allow insects to get out. But this method doesn't always work. Water may well soak into the ground and another exit will be made from the nest.

It is better to fill the nest with water hot, in a protective suit and at night.

If their hive hangs under a roof, then destruction comes down to immersion in a bucket of water. There are two options for this:

  • Cut off the nest and close the bucket with a lid;
  • Raise the container and press its edges tightly to the ceiling.

But in both cases, it will take at least a day for its inhabitants to live.

Lures and traps

For those who are looking for ways to get rid of wasps in the house, these are the most acceptable options, although not the fastest. The use of baits gives good results and is the safest for humans. Insects readily flock to the meat, sprinkling it with a poisonous substance, it is easy not only to get rid of working individuals, but also of the whole family.

Trap from a plastic bottle, in which the cap is twisted and the upper third is cut off, inside is a sweet bait

After all, the product will certainly be delivered to the nest, where the queen and larvae will taste it and poison themselves. As toxic substances, insecticides Lambda or Delta Zone can be used.

There is another simple way to get wasps in the country - use traps. The most primitive is a cut plastic bottle filled with poisoned bait. Then, the cut off upper part is inserted neck down into the lower one. Once inside, the insect will no longer be able to get out and die there. The only thing you have to do is regularly shake out the dead from the trap.


Often wasps settle in the neighborhood with people. They make their nests in the attics of outbuildings or houses. Especially often the owners of cottages face them. At the same time, do not forget that wasps inject poison under the skin. To save your health and comfort of living, check out how to deal with a hornet's nest.

Fight against wasps under the roof

At the dacha, wasps choose any wooden surfaces, niches under the slate, gaps between the detached sheathing and the wall of the house, as well as places where there are many unused things. When visiting, do not forget about the precautions! The fight against wasps in the country is possible by the following methods:

  • mechanical destruction of the nest;
  • spraying with chemical insecticides to poison the swarm;
  • the use of purchased makeshift traps;
  • etching using folk tricks;
  • seeking help from specialists.

Wasp remedy

Destruction wasp nests easier and faster with the help of chemical insecticides.

The composition of such products contains poisonous poisons, so it is important to follow the instructions clearly so as not to harm your health. You can get rid of wasps by means of:


Description, effect

Mode of application



Mr. Volt Dichlorvos

Volume - 200 ml, type - spray, country of manufacture - Russia, composition - tetramethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, solvent, fragrance, hydrocarbon propellant. It has a neuroparalytic effect, as a result of which insects quickly die.

It is applied by conventional spraying.

Low cost, ease of use.

Very unpleasant smell.

Karbofos 50% a.e.

Volume - 5 l, toxicity - class III (moderately hazardous substances), active substance - malathion 50%, form - emulsion concentrate, shelf life - 4 years. Karbofos paralyzes the absorption of food by pests and disrupts their metabolism.

Freshly prepared emulsions are used. Diluted with water at room temperature.

Large volume, ease of use.

It is more expensive than analogues, toxic.

Delta Zone

Volume - 50 ml, country of origin - South Korea, active substance - deltamethrin 2.5%, type - microencapsulated suspension, treatment area - up to 100 m 2, shelf life - 5 years (when unopened package). Getting on the surface of the body or paws of the pest, active substance soaked into internal tissues and poison insects.

For use, the concentrate should be diluted 10-30 times. Applies to any surface.

Microencapsulation gives the insecticide safety, duration of action, practically no smell, leaves no streaks.

High price.

Mosquitol (Mosquitall MQ01-10440)

Volume - 500 ml, active ingredients - Cypermethrin 0.2% + Bioalletrin 0.2%, country of origin - Russia. It has a nerve-paralytic effect.

Processing is carried out by spraying from a distance of 6 m.

Narrow specialization, ease of use.

Ends quickly.

Volume - 100 ml, country of manufacture - Russia, active ingredient - highly active organophosphorus compound chlorpyrifos. It has a contact-intestinal, nerve-paralytic effect on insects.

Spray treatment. Dilute 1:20 or 1:15 with water before use.

Ease of use, long-lasting effect (6-18 months), does not leave odors.

It's expensive.


You can quickly get rid of wasps in the country with the help of mechanical methods for destroying their nests.

In winter, the wasp house is easily removed from the place of attachment, because. insects do not hibernate in it - after that, the place of deployment must be treated with an insecticide. If the room is warm, then insects can stay there and live in winter. Manual destruction - methods:

  • It is necessary to carry out the destruction at night, when the insects in the hive are sleeping. Throw a tight garbage bag over the hornet's nest, and tape the entrance with tape. Then carefully tear off the house from the mount, and place the package in barrels and burn it.
  • Knock the nest down with a stick in a bucket of boiling water. After that, immediately cover with a lid and leave for a while.
  • Plug the entrance to the hive with glue, pouring it over the entire surface and forming a glue plug at the entrance. The wasps will accumulate and get stuck in the hole. After some time they will die.
  • If the nest was formed in a hard-to-reach place, then it can be neutralized using construction foam.

You can also get rid of a wasp nest using a wide vacuum cleaner with a long hose. Make sure your appliance's grate is small, otherwise the wasps will get out. How to get rid of insects:

  1. Pour 3-6 cm of soap solution into the vacuum cleaner - this will destroy insects as soon as they are sucked in.
  2. Next, place the hose next to the hole in the hive, turn on the device and do not turn it off until everything is sucked up. This may take several hours.
  3. At the end of the procedure, turn off the vacuum cleaner and quickly plug the pipe (suction) with a cloth. Leave the device for a few hours. As soon as the buzzing and buzzing inside is over, you can open the vacuum cleaner and throw the contents of the bag into the trash.

If a nest of wasps has appeared in the country, try to get rid of them with water. This method is optimal if the hive is free-hanging. Detailed instructions:

  1. Put on protective clothing, place a bucket of water under the hornet's nest.
  2. Carefully and quickly put a bag without holes on the wasp house. Tie the top tightly with string.
  3. Remove the wasp nest and dip the bag into a bucket of water. Put a heavy stone on top, otherwise the bag will rise.
  4. Leave the bag with the contents overnight. Please note that this method of destroying the hive in the country involves coming into close contact with insects.


To prevent wasps from disturbing you in the country, try setting special traps. You can buy them in a specialized store or make your own. Known wasp trap options:

  • Wasp Trap SWISSINNO. A trap with bait, which must be filled with water up to the indicated mark and shaken before use. Then it needs to be hung 2-10 m from the ground. From time to time it needs to be supplemented with water so that the insects are in a drowned state. After the trap is completely filled, the bait must be replaced.
  • Argus garden. Used outdoors. It is located no closer than 20 m from the nest. Food fillers can be used as bait, for example, sweet syrups, jam, honey, kvass, apple juice.
  • Remiling WT-220. Before using, put the bait on the bottom of the lower part of the trap and screw it to the transparent cap. Then the trap is suspended in a place where there is no strong winds. Once inside the product, the wasps can no longer get out. The bait should be changed at least once every 2 weeks.

You can make bait and get rid of the nest yourself. For this:

  1. Cut off the top third of the plastic bottle. Pour sweet bait into the rest or put spoiled fruits, meat.
  2. In odorous bait, you can add a drug to combat wasps. An alternative is ordinary boric acid.
  3. At the cut off third, unscrew the lid, turn it upside down and insert it into the trap.
  4. Make small holes with an awl to spread the smell of the bait. You can make a couple more holes to thread a rope through them to hang the trap in the attic of the country house.

What Wasps Don't Like

The list of funds for repelling wasps outdoors and indoors is wide. Choose the right tools:

  • acrid smell of smoke;
  • water;
  • the smell of plants such as mint, lemon balm, basil, bitter wormwood, different types geraniums;
  • common harmala - insecticidal properties are especially noticeable when a bunch of grass is set on fire;
  • a pronounced smell of kerosene, diesel fuel, gasoline, solvent;
  • ultrasound.

How to destroy a hornet's nest in the ground

Some wasps build their houses in the ground. In order not to stumble upon them while working in the garden and not be stung, resort to the following methods:

  • The easiest method is to use boiling water. Fill them with a nest, then fill the wasp hive in the ground and tamp. Please note that this method may be ineffective, because. wasps have many underground passages and water cannot flood their entire house. Many insects will survive.
  • Use a special insecticide and spray the entire nest or entrances with it. Suitable such contact means like K-Flow, Cordon 10 WP, Sulfak WP 10, etc.
  • If you don't like to resort to pesticides, prepare a regular solution with dishwashing detergent. Mix it up with hot water until the solution becomes soapy. Pour the composition directly into the opening of the underground house and quickly free the area. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Folk remedies

You can also get rid of wasp clusters in the country with folk remedies. Some of them are quite effective. Popular options:

  • Treatment of the hive in the country with kerosene. You need to do this several times, and you will need to perform this procedure daily. Gradually, the wasp house will be saturated with kerosene and the insects will die. You can use a water pistol or a medical bulb.
  • You can build a small fire under the nest or light a fire right in the grill. The smoke will force the inhabitants of the hive to leave it. After that, make sure that the nest is empty - in this case, you can knock down the wasp house with a stick. Please note that this method suitable only for air nests in the country, which are located on tree branches and other open areas. Indoors and places close to home, the use of this method is unacceptable.
  • Try using regular or other non-drying glue. Spray it on the surface of the ceiling and walls near the nest. Insects will stain their paws in it and smear the path of entry inside with sticky glue. After hardening, the nest of insects will be insulated, as when applying mounting foam.
  • One more folk remedy- the use of watermelon or melon peel moistened with pesticides. Put it next to the hornet's nest.

Precautionary measures

Before you get rid of a hornet's nest, prepare suitable clothing and follow certain precautions. More about them:

  • First, check for allergies. With a positive result, it is better not to take risks and use the services of specialists.
  • Put on socks, shoes, long jeans, gloves, sweater with a hood on the head. You can wrap a scarf around the lower half of your face and wear ski or other goggles. When using pesticide spray, wear old clothes, because the remnants of the product will be absorbed into the fabric.
  • It is desirable to carry out the procedure at night, when the wasps are inactive and everyone is in the nest. If the swarm nevertheless flew out, then the procedure must be interrupted and wait until the next night.
  • Make sure that children and pets are not near you during the procedure.


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