What studies oral folk art. Oral folk art is a source of age-old wisdom

Since ancient times, the younger generation has been studying the oral folk art of their ancestors, drawing from it the most important knowledge, primarily related to morality, human relationships and spirituality. Since then, much has changed, but the very essence of obtaining knowledge through generations has remained the same ...

Oral folk art is a collected and systematized experience received from previous generations, which clearly reflects the essence of the life of these generations. Oral folk art appeared long before written speech was mastered by people. People passed on their creativity to the next generation by word of mouth, and this is how the corresponding name came about. Also, oral folk art is often called folklore.

Folklore includes folk songs, anecdotes, fairy tales, ditties, plays, dramas, dances and much more. Thanks to oral folk art, the language has additional brightness and expressiveness. For example, some proverbs help to tactfully hint people at their mistakes, without causing a feeling of resentment.

It is believed that folklore works are not the work of a particular author. They are created by groups of people, reflect their way of life, traditions, customs, mores and ideas about life in general. Each nation has its own folklore with its own characteristics and character.

Oral folk art was reflected in the activities of many poets and writers. For example, according to some experts, Charles Perrault has fairy tales from the collection “Tales of My Mother Goose” related to folklore. Researchers believe that the writer simply processed them on his own, subsequently presenting the reader in a new light. Among the Russian poets and writers who used folklore in their work, one can name A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasova, N.V. Gogol, A.N. Tolstoy and M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Oral folk art expresses the dream of the people about joyful and creative working days, about the conquest of nature by man; people believed that goodness and justice would win, they pinned their hopes on the inexhaustible power of folk heroes, considering them to be the defenders of their native land. The people changed the previously appeared works, reworking and supplementing them. Despite the obvious fantastic nature of many plots, Russian folklore is for the most part quite realistic.

Folklore works have noticeably lost their original appearance over time, but their meaning has not changed - to convey to the next generation the traditions, customs and customs of their people.

  • What is oral folk art? Tell using key words.
    author-people, word of mouth, dream of happiness, small folklore works, fairy tales (about animals, household, magic), magical objects, fabulous transformations.

Oral folk art is small folklore works created by anonymous authors and passed from mouth to mouth. A fairy tale is one of the oldest types of oral folk art. Fairy tales are divided into magical, everyday, about animals. Since the storytellers were ordinary people, they kept and passed on to each other only those stories that corresponded to their ideas about beauty, kindness, honesty, justice and nobility of the soul, carried the dream of happiness. The events in the fairy tale take place in such a way as to repeatedly test the hero: his strength, courage, kindness, love for people and animals. Therefore, the hero is often rescued by fabulous items and miraculous transformations.

  • Complete your statement. Find the information you need in a handbook, encyclopedia, or the Internet.

Oral folk art - works created by anonymous authors and passed from mouth to mouth. Songs, fairy tales, epics, proverbs, sayings, riddles - these are all works of oral folk art. In ancient times, they were composed by talented people from the people, but we do not know their names, because beautiful songs, fascinating tales, wise proverbs were not written down, but were transmitted orally from one person to another, from one generation to another. When telling a fairy tale or performing a song, each storyteller or singer added something from himself, omitted something, changed something to make the fairy tale even more entertaining and the song even more beautiful. That is why we say that the author of songs, epics, fairy tales, proverbs, ditties, riddles is the people themselves. Acquaintance with the treasures of folk poetry helps to get to know our Motherland more deeply.

  • What types of folk art do you know?

Fairy tales, riddles, incantations, fables, epics, tales, songs, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings.

  • Make a list of books with a friend that can be placed in the exhibition "Folk Art".

Russian folk tales. Proverbs and sayings. Riddles. Jokes and jokes. Folk lyric songs. Legends. Epics. Spiritual verses. Ballads. Jokes. Chastushki. Fables. Tongue Twisters. Lullaby songs.

  • Prepare a story about one of the Russian folk crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo toy). Perhaps, in the place where you live, some other kind of folk art is developed. Prepare a message about him, first make a plan for your story.

Dymkovo toy

Dymkovo toy is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts. It originated in the settlement Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now in the territory of the city of Kirov). This is one of the oldest crafts in Russia, which arose in the XV-XVI centuries. For four centuries, the Dymkovo toy has reflected the way of life of many generations of craftsmen. The appearance of the toy is associated with the spring holiday Whistle, for which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks and other animals; they were painted in different bright colors. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the craft not only survived, but also received further development. Dymkovo toy is a handmade product. Each toy is the creation of one master. Making a toy from modeling to painting is a creative process that never repeats. There are no and cannot be two absolutely identical products. For the production of Dymkovo toys, local bright red clay is used, thoroughly mixed with fine brown river sand. The figurines are molded in parts, individual parts are assembled and molded using liquid red clay as a binder. Traces of molding are smoothed out to give the product a smooth surface. For more than four hundred years of existence and development of the Dymkovo craft, traditional themes, plots and images have developed in it, the expressive means inherent in very plastic red pottery clay, simple (geometric pattern) mural ornaments, which are dominated by red, yellow, blue, have been displayed and consolidated. , green colors. Halftones and imperceptible transitions are generally alien to the Dymkovo toy. All of it is an overflowing fullness of feeling the joy of life. Bright, elegant Dymkovo toy does not like "loneliness". Quite often, the masters of the Dymkovo craft create whole thematic compositions in which there is a place for both people and animals, both animate and inanimate objects. Not only a person, a horse, a dog or a deer can appear before the audience, but also a tree, a decorative fence, a carriage, a sleigh, a Russian stove ... In the 19th century, from 30 to 50 toy families lived and worked in the Dymkovo settlement. Entire dynasties were formed - Nikulins, Penkins, Koshkins ... The shape and proportions, color and ornament in their products had their own characteristics. At that time, the Dymkovo toy consisted of single figures of people, animals, birds, whistles, carrying ancient images - people's ideas about the world. Dymkovo toy has become one of the symbols of the Kirov region, emphasizing the originality of the Vyatka region, its ancient history.

Folklore(folk-lore) is an international term of English origin, first introduced into science in 1846 by the scientist William Thoms. In literal translation, it means - "folk wisdom", "folk knowledge" and denotes various manifestations of folk spiritual culture.

In Russian science, other terms were also fixed: folk poetic creativity, folk poetry, folk literature. The name "oral creativity of the people" emphasizes the oral nature of folklore in its difference from written literature. The name "folk poetic creativity" indicates artistry as a sign by which a folklore work is distinguished from beliefs, customs and rituals. This designation puts folklore on a par with other types of folk art and fiction. one

Folklore is complex synthetic art. Often in his works elements of various types of arts are combined - verbal, musical, theatrical. It is studied by various sciences - history, psychology, sociology, ethnology (ethnography) 2 . It is closely connected with folk life and rituals. It is no coincidence that the first Russian scholars took a broad approach to folklore, recording not only works of verbal art, but also recording various ethnographic details and the realities of peasant life. Thus, the study of folklore was for them a kind of area of ​​folklore 3 .

The science that studies folklore is called folklore. If by literature we understand not only written art, but verbal art in general, then folklore is a special department of literature, and folklore, therefore, is a part of literary criticism.

Folklore is verbal oral creativity. It has the properties of the art of the word. In this he is close to literature. However, it has its own specific features: syncretism, traditionality, anonymity, variability and improvisation.

The prerequisites for the emergence of folklore appeared in the primitive communal system with the beginning of the formation of art. The ancient art of the word was inherent utility- the desire to practically influence nature and human affairs.

The oldest folklore was in syncretic state(from the Greek word synkretismos - connection). A syncretic state is a state of fusion, non-segmentation. Art was not yet separated from other types of spiritual activity, it existed in conjunction with other types of spiritual consciousness. Later, the state of syncretism was followed by the separation of artistic creativity, along with other types of social consciousness, into an independent area of ​​​​spiritual activity.

Folklore works anonymous. Their author is the people. Any of them is created on the basis of tradition. At one time, V.G. Belinsky wrote about the specifics of a folklore work: there are no "famous names, because the author of literature is always a people. No one knows who composed his simple and naive songs, in which the inner and outer life of a young people or tribe is so artlessly and vividly reflected. a song from generation to generation, from generation to generation; and it changes over time: sometimes they shorten it, sometimes they lengthen it, sometimes they remake it, sometimes they combine it with another song, sometimes they compose another song in addition to it - and now poems come out of the songs, which only the people can call themselves the author. 4

Academician D.S. is certainly right. Likhachev, who noted that there is no author in a folklore work, not only because information about him, if he was, has been lost, but also because he falls out of the very poetics of folklore; it is not needed from the point of view of the structure of the work. In folklore works there may be a performer, narrator, narrator, but there is no author, writer as an element of the artistic structure itself.

Traditional succession covers large historical intervals - whole centuries. According to academician A.A. Potebnya, folklore arises "from memorable sources, that is, it is passed from memory from mouth to mouth as far as memory suffices, but it has certainly passed through a significant layer of people's understanding" 5 . Each carrier of folklore creates within the boundaries of the generally accepted tradition, relying on predecessors, repeating, changing, supplementing the text of the work. In literature there is a writer and a reader, and in folklore there is a performer and a listener. "The works of folklore always bear the stamp of time and the environment in which they lived for a long time, or "existed." For these reasons, folklore is called mass folk art. It does not have individual authors, although there are many talented performers and creators, to perfection owning the generally accepted traditional methods of speaking and singing. Folklore is directly folk in content - that is, in terms of thoughts and feelings expressed in it. Folklore is folk in style - that is, in the form of conveying content. Folklore is folk in origin, in all signs and properties of traditional figurative content and traditional stylistic forms. 6 This is the collective nature of folklore. traditional- the most important and basic specific property of folklore.

Any folklore work exists in large numbers options. Variant (lat. variantis - changing) - each new performance of a folklore work. Oral works had a mobile variable nature.

A characteristic feature of the folklore work is improvisation. It is directly related to the variability of the text. Improvisation (it. improvvisazione - unexpectedly, suddenly) - the creation of a folk work or its parts directly in the process of performance. This feature is more characteristic of lamentations and cries. However, improvisation did not contradict tradition and was within certain artistic limits.

Considering all these signs of a folklore work, we will give an extremely brief definition of folklore given by V.P. Anikin: "Folklore is the traditional artistic creativity of the people. It equally applies to oral, verbal, and other fine arts, both to ancient art and to new art created in modern times and being created today." 7

Folklore, like literature, is the art of the word. This gives reason to use literary terms: epic, lyric, drama. They are called genera. Each genus covers a group of works of a certain type. Genre- type of art form (fairy tale, song, proverb, etc.). This is a narrower group of works than the genus. Thus, genus means a way of depicting reality, and genre means a type of artistic form. The history of folklore is the history of the change of its genres. In folklore, they are more stable than literary ones; genre boundaries in literature are wider. New genre forms in folklore arise not as a result of the creative activity of individuals, as in literature, but must be supported by the entire mass of participants in the collective creative process. Therefore, their change does not occur without the necessary historical grounds. At the same time, genres in folklore are not unchanged. They arise, develop and die, are replaced by others. So, for example, epics appear in Ancient Russia, develop in the Middle Ages, and in the 19th century they are gradually forgotten and die off. With a change in the conditions of existence, genres are destroyed and forgotten. But this does not indicate the decline of folk art. Changes in the genre composition of folklore are a natural consequence of the process of development of artistic collective creativity.

What is the relationship between reality and its representation in folklore? Folklore combines a direct reflection of life with a conventional one. "Here there is no obligatory reflection of life in the form of life itself, conventionality is allowed." 8 It is characterized by associativity, thinking by analogy, symbolism.

(songs, instrumental tunes and plays), theater (dramas, satirical plays, puppet theatre), dance, visual and decorative arts. It originated in antiquity, is closely connected with the traditions of any type of artistic activity and is the historical basis of world artistic culture.

Modern Encyclopedia. 2000 .

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    - (folk art, folklore), artistic collective creative activity of the people, reflecting their life, views, ideals; poetry created by the people and existing among the masses of the people poetry (legends, songs, fairy tales, epic), music (songs, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Oral folk art is a vast layer of Russian culture that has been formed over many centuries. The works of Russian folklore reflect many of the feelings of the people and their experiences, history, serious thoughts about the meaning of life, humor, fun and much more. Most of the works of oral folk art exist in poetic form, which made it possible to memorize them well and pass them on from generation to generation orally.

Small genres of folklore include works of small volume: ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs, riddles, lullabies, fables, tongue twisters. Sometimes they are referred to children's folk art, because in ancient times a person's acquaintance with these works occurred at an age when he did not even speak. These works are interesting for their brightness, accessibility, understandable form for everyone.

Small genres of Russian folklore:

Russian folk proverbs

Russian proverbs and sayings - are a short, rhythmically organized, figurative folk statement, often instructive, instructive content, these are a kind of folk aphorisms. They often consist of two parts, supported by rhyme, have rhythm, characteristic alliteration and assonances.

Russian folk rhymes

Folk rhymes are rhymed short stories, songs and rhymes, combined with simple movements, designed to entertain the child, train his memory, develop fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements, harmonious development of the child as a whole, through an unobtrusive play form.

Russian folk jokes

Jokes or amusements are small, funny, often rhyming works that tell in a bright, entertaining way about interesting events that happened to its heroes. They are distinguished by dynamic content, energetic actions of the characters, designed to interest the child, develop his imagination, bring positive emotions.

Russian folk tales

Russian folk tales are small fairy tales, sometimes presented in a rhymed form, the plot of which is built on meaningless, illogical events. Their task is to amuse the listener, instill in the child a sense of humor, logic, imagination and develop the whole process of thinking as a whole.

Russian folk tongue twisters

Russian tongue twister is a short humorous phrase built on a combination of hard-to-pronounce sounds, invented by our ancestors for entertainment and now used to correct problems with speech and diction.