Wooden mousetrap with your own hands. Electric mousetrap

Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when a mouse starts to scratch in the attic or in the basement. Despite the fact that it is a pest, many feel some pity for the tiny creatures and do not want to kill or hurt them. Of course, if we are talking about an attack by a whole flock on a food barn, then there is no room for compassion. But in order to catch a single mouse, a humane mousetrap fits perfectly.

Capture methods

In fact, there are quite a few of them. It is worth going to a nearby hardware store and you will be offered a choice of several devices with which you can get rid of annoying rodents.

  • The live trap is a kind of humane mousetrap that does not harm the rodent. You can buy it or make it yourself. A reasonable question arises, what to do with the captured creature.
  • Special glue for rodents.
  • Ready glue traps.
  • Poisons. Of course, the poison works flawlessly. Another thing is where the rodent will die and how to find its body, which will exude not the most pleasant smell.
  • Cat. Not always a reliable way, because some pets themselves tend to quickly leave the place where they saw the mouse.

Worst of all are adhesive backings. The rodent will be alive, but its fur and thin skin on the paws will stick tightly into the composition. Therefore, if you are looking for a humane mousetrap, then this is clearly not your option.

We do it ourselves

If you are in the country and there is no store nearby, then you can make a device for catching a rodent with almost your bare hands. A humane mousetrap from a plastic bottle will serve you faithfully. Any bottle of mineral water or juice is suitable for this.

Plus, you don't need anything else to be successful. Open the lid and carefully pour in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Lay out the bait, which is suitable for roasted seeds. The smell will attract rodents. This is a humane mousetrap, because, apart from slight bewilderment, it will not cause any disturbance to rodents. The bottle is placed at an angle. It is very convenient to fix it with books. You can lay out a few pieces as steps along which the mouse will climb into the bottle. Be sure to fix the edges with tape so that the bottle does not tip over. Otherwise, the mouse will just run away.

Operating principle

A humane mousetrap of this design is best placed on steps or shelves. In such places, mice are caught very quickly. The mouse climbs into the bottle to smell the aromatic filling. And the vegetable oil does not allow her to get back. For the same purpose, you can use a glass bottle, such as beer.

In this way, you can catch not one, but several rodents at once in one bottle. If one mouse is caught, then you can free it and return the trap to its original place again.

We catch a mouse with a jar

This is another simple mousetrap that you can make yourself in minutes. All you need is a liter jar, a 5 kopeck coin, a small bait and a piece of cardboard. On a flat surface, you need to put cardboard, on top of the bait and a jar turned upside down.

On one side, place a coin edge-on under the edge of the can. Choose a bait a little more than a coin. The mouse will climb inside and drag the bait, thereby moving the coin. The trap will close and you can do whatever you have planned with the mouse.

The disadvantage of this method

We looked at how to catch a mouse in a jar. But this method has one drawback. If the rodent decides to eat the treat on the spot, then he can safely leave the trap. Therefore, it can be improved a little. To do this, it is recommended to attach the bait with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The rodent leans on the wall of the jar to reach it. It is at this moment that the trap closes. In this case, he will surely stay inside.

plastic container

Today we consider the most effective ways to catch a mouse. Not all of them can be considered humane, but after all, no one called rodents to your house. It is convenient to catch mice with a plastic bucket. To do this, you need to make holes in the container and insert a knitting needle into them. First you need to put a plastic bottle on it. It should spin freely and quickly. The bottle must be coated with a beaten egg or porridge. We bring a plate to the container, which will serve as a bridge. When the rodent climbs onto the bottle, it starts spinning and it falls into the bucket. It can be filled with water, then you don't have to think about what to do with the mouse.

The simplest design

Even a schoolboy can collect it. To do this, from glue and cardboard, you need to build a box with an open top and without one wall. In the side walls we make a hole for a pencil. Now we need a bottle with holes. The bait is laid at the bottom, after which the bottle is fixed in the box. When the rodent gets close to the cherished pieces, the bottle is outweighed - and the exit to the outside is cut off. Now the little creature is entirely in your power.

Tin can trap

You will need a regular can of tomato paste or condensed milk. In any of its walls you need to make a hole the size of a coin. In this case, the teeth should look outward. The rodent freely enters the jar, but the teeth prevent it from getting back out. It remains to pour the bait, and the mousetrap is ready. Place such homemade structures around the perimeter of the basement or attic and do not forget to check them regularly.

Mouse repellers

All of these methods are good for dealing with single representatives of the rodent family. But what if they constantly raid your home? How to get rid of mice in the house permanently? Today, your attention is invited to a large number of ultrasonic devices that help very well in the fight against gray invaders. These devices do not cause any harm to them, that is, they can also be attributed to humane methods of controlling rodents.

The effect is obvious, annoying rodents simply bypass your home. Exposure to certain wavelengths causes mice to panic. Sometimes it even leads to a loss of orientation in space. As a result, they will rush about without a goal and forget about the search for food.

When choosing a mouse repeller, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • A high-quality device in a private house has the "Ultrasound frequency adjustment" function. More advanced models then adjust the ultrasound automatically. This does not allow rodents to get used to.
  • Don't expect one device to protect a big house. Sound waves cannot penetrate upholstered furniture and thick curtains. Therefore, if one device is enough for a small apartment, then at least two, and maybe three, will be required for a house.
  • Be sure to check the specifications of the device you are purchasing. Some models have a specific range that guarantees their smooth operation. For example, if you decide to place a repeller in the cellar, then it may not be suitable for working at low temperatures.
  • Don't skimp on the device. Cheap models may have a limited lifespan. In addition, they may malfunction.

What to remember

To prevent rodents from visiting your home, you need to not only invent mousetraps, but also prevent them from appearing in your home. Do not allow unsanitary conditions in the home. Close the trash can and take out the container with food waste in time. Flour, cereals and seeds should be stored in special containers with lids. Regularly check the condition of skirting boards, floors and door frames. Seal holes in time through which mice can enter your home. Control the activities of services that deal with garbage collection.

Preventive measures are the most important in order to protect your home from intruders. But if they have already appeared on the threshold, then you need to take action. To do this, today we considered several options for home-made designs.

Human life is not complete without pests created by nature - mice. Mousetraps are used to fight them. Usually people buy them from specialized shops, but this method is not always effective because the mice learn to avoid falling into the same mechanism that is used in factory devices. Therefore, it makes sense to try to make a trap yourself.

Mice have long learned to bypass the monotonous factory traps, so you should try homemade traps.

Harmless do-it-yourself devices

Not every person can afford to buy factory mousetraps, especially in large quantities. In this case, you can use homemade mouse traps. Moreover, many of the homemade mousetraps do not kill animals, and this is a significant plus for humane pest hunters.

Thin paper construction

One of the easiest to make is a mousetrap made from a can and paper. To make a trap you will need:

  • jar with a wide neck;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • bait.

This video shows how to make mouse traps:

To make such a mousetrap with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. cover the open neck of the can with thin paper;
  2. hang the bait over the jar;
  3. cut the paper in the center in such a way that, standing on it, the mouse falls into the jar;
  4. provide access to the mouse jar by placing it in a place where rodents can often be found.

When the rodent wants to get the bait, he steps on a thin layer of paper, which he perceives as a surface and falls into the jar. The cut parts of the paper will close the exit for the prey so that it cannot escape.

Using the jar and lid

The principle of operation of this trap is similar to the previous one: you need a jar with a wide neck and a bait in the form of smoked sausage so that the mouse will definitely smell the smell. But instead of paper, a tin lid is used, the center of which also needs to be cut and the notched tin teeth bent into the can. This is necessary so that the mouse does not get out.

Sausage or wheat, which also strongly attracts mice, is placed in a jar. Then you need to put it in a place accessible to mice. In such a simple way, you can make a fairly effective homemade mousetrap at home.

Bridge rotating over the bucket

If there are a lot of rodents in the house, such a trap will become simply irreplaceable. The list of necessary materials for its manufacture is as follows:

  • bucket;
  • long needle (any other thin cylindrical iron object);
  • plastic bottle;
  • bait;
  • Scotch.

First you need to put the bottle on the needle so that the edges of the needle remain a few centimeters from the edges of the bottle, the needle itself runs through the center of the neck and bottom of the bottle. Then, in the center of the bottom of the bottle, it is necessary to fix the bait with adhesive tape, and there should be a minimum amount of adhesive tape: its smell can frighten away mice. The made construction of the knitting needle, the bottle and the bait is placed on the opposite edges of the bucket. Tempted by the appetizing bait, the mouse will slip on the spinning bottle and fall into the bucket.

Horizontal trap with a bucket of water is the most effective among homemade

If this mousetrap is intended for reusable use, it should be improved: the needle must not just be placed on the bucket, but passed through the sides of the bucket, and in such a way that the needle can easily rotate. If the survival of mice is not a priority, then the bucket can be filled with water.

Gravity trap for rodents

A good option for a homemade mouse trap is a simple gravitational device, the principle of which is based on the use of gravity. For self-production of such a mousetrap, you will need the following items:

  • plastic bottle;
  • weight in the form of any heavy object;
  • scissors.

In the area of ​​​​the neck on the surface of the bottle itself, it is necessary to cut a hole in the plastic, through which the mouse will get into the bottle. Then you need to tie the bottle by the neck to any object that can hold it.

The next step is to place the bait on the bottom of the bottle and place the bottle horizontally on the edge of the table so that the part with the bait remains on the weight, but the bottle does not fall. As soon as the mouse reaches the treat, the weight of the part that is on the weight will increase, the bottle will turn over and fall down. She will not be able to fall to the floor because of the weight to which she is tied, and the mouse will remain inside, because the entrance to the bottle is arranged on the neck, and the rodent cannot reach it in such a situation.

Making a plastic trap

For this trap, you only need a plastic bottle, scissors, tape or wire, bait in the form of seeds or bread. First you need to cut the bottle into pieces in a ratio of 1: 2, where the smaller part is the top with the neck, and the larger part is the rest of the bottle with the bottom.

The smaller part must be inserted into the large neck down. Pour seeds or bread on the bottom, to enhance the smell, the neck can be lubricated with oil. Secure the smaller part with wire or tape. Due to the light weight of the bottle, it is necessary to fix it on any surface.

This plastic bottle trap is very effective and does not harm the rodent.

Cans and coins application

The beauty of the can and coin mousetrap lies in its incredible simplicity. The bank is easily replaced by a pan, a coin - by a button or a metal washer. In addition, you will need bait and double-sided tape. In order to make such a design, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Wrap the bait with tape on both sides.
  2. Place the jar upside down.
  3. Fix the adhesive tape with the bait inside the jar on one side.
  4. Put a coin or puck (button) with an edge and put on this edge, as on a support, the part of the can opposite to the bait.

Thus, the mouse that pulls the bait will also shake the support, so the jar will fall, and the pest will remain inside. This method is suitable for those who do not want to kill the mouse. However, this trap gives a lot of misfires: a breath of wind or a strong draft can shake a coin, and the bank will slam shut ahead of time.

Less humane options

A special glue has been developed for catching mice and insects. Using it is very simple: you need to take a piece of cardboard, fix it tightly and spread glue on it. Then you should put the bait on this cardboard. If a mouse gets in there, it won't be able to get out. But this does not apply to large and strong rats, it is more difficult with them. In addition, such a mousetrap is not the safest, and children or pets can easily step on it. To remove the stuck cardboard, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. Work with such traps must be carried out with gloves.

You can make a mousetrap out of wood. In this case, you need a wooden block measuring 180x160x60 mm. You need to drill a hole in it with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm - a way for a rodent to get inside. It is also necessary to drill holes for installing the spring. You will need a loop and a wire noose. A thin wire noose is attached with a thicker wire loop. The rope connects the mechanism of the spring and the noose. The bait is placed inside the holes drilled for entry. When the mouse tries to take the bait, it will tear the rope with its teeth, and the noose with the help of the spring will do its job.

Any of the traps will be a good choice for those who are tired of rodents, but there is no opportunity or desire to buy a ready-made mousetrap. It is worth noting that most of them are assembled by improvised means and their manufacture does not require special knowledge. For those who consider it inhumane to kill mice, there are mousetraps that are safe for animals, which you can make yourself.

Baits can range from simple seeds to smoked sausage, you can try each of them in order to understand which is the most effective. Simplicity and low cost of manufacture are the main advantages of the presented mousetraps.

In spring and autumn, residents of houses and apartments are faced with a problem that is as old as the world - the invasion of mice. They have always caused trouble for people, especially those who have stocks of grain, etc. To combat mice, there are many means and traps that can not always be called humane.

Although they are pests, not everyone can just kill this animal. There are many ways in which you can get rid of uninvited guests in a humane way. Moreover, such methods of struggle do not require you to invest money and effort. We are talking about making a mousetrap from plastic bottles.

Everyone has such a container, so a mousetrap made will cost a penny. Let's find out the advantages of manufacturing these structures and the technology itself.

What is the advantage of a bottle mousetrap

Most traditional mousetraps are quite dangerous if there are children and pets in the house. After all, they can fall into a mousetrap and damage their body parts, and poisons that resemble seeds can attract them. As a result, poisoning and abrasions. In addition, buying a lot of traps for a huge family of rodents is quite expensive.

A plastic bottle mousetrap is good because it will not harm anyone. Children and animals can be calm. And the fact that the creation will require completely simple materials speaks in favor of home-made designs. You will not need much time for manufacturing, since the design is quite simple. Due to its design, the mousetrap is very humane and after catching a rodent, it can simply be released away from home.

Note! Homemade mousetraps are reusable. With one such design, you can catch many mice. It is enough to install it in the right place.

An important component is bait

If you want your mouse trap to be successful, bait is a must. It can be even the most high-tech, however, without a bait, the likelihood of a mouse entering the trap is minimal. Mice are not stupid creatures and will not climb anywhere for fun. Therefore, before considering how to make a mousetrap, you need to figure out the bait for it.

What do mice just love? Cheese? Not really. Undoubtedly, they love him, but this is just a banal stereotype that advertising and television dictate to us. Mice respond much better to sunflower seeds, which are not only tasty, but also smell good. Mice look for food by smell, so smell is important. For greater effectiveness, you can lightly fry them in sunflower oil. In addition, rodents do not disdain bread, which can also be moistened in oil for fragrantness. And to make sure pests go into the mousetrap, take sesame oil. It has a great option.

Advice! You can also use lard, crackers or popcorn.

When you have the right mouse bait in your arsenal, you can start making a trap out of plastic bottles.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 1

For this simple design, you will need a minimal list of materials. It can be done in 10 minutes. You will need:

  • 2 l plastic bottle;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife.

That's all. In the photo you can see what the finished structure looks like.

So, all you need to do is make one cut and connect the two parts of the bottle. Just? Absolutely. Visually split the bottle in half, identifying the half. The part where the neck is located, visually divide in half again and make a mark. It turns out that you divided the bottle into 2/3. On the mark, using a clerical knife, cut off the top.

You got two elements from a plastic bottle, one is shorter, the other is longer. It remains quite a bit, to collect a mousetrap. It is enough to insert the smaller part into the larger one, neck down. And to fix it, you can use a stapler, wire or glue. The mousetrap from the bottle is ready. It remains to make it effective.

There are two steps for this:

  1. Lubricate the neck walls with oil. Not only will it be slippery, but it will also attract mice.
  2. Sprinkle seeds or bread crumbs on the bottom.

The mouse will easily fall into the bottle, but will not be able to get out.

Advice! Since the plastic bottle is a light product, the structure may fall and the mouse will come out. To prevent this from happening, strengthen it or simply glue it to a wooden block.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 2

The second way is not much harder. Even vice versa. The work needs all the same plastic bottle and stationery knife. That's all. The creation technology is as follows:

That's it, the trap is ready. It remains only to place the bait inside. The principle of operation is simple: the mouse will climb inside without problems, but it will not be able to get back, due to the design. As you can see, these are simple options for which you do not need to be an engineer. And in such a mousetrap many rodents can fit.

Mousetrap from a bottle - option 3

This method is already more complicated than the previous ones, but in general it is simpler than simple. Here is what it looks like when finished.

This is where balancing plays an important role. All that is required is to cut off the neck of the bottle. Everything. Next is the matter of technology. In its upper part, as shown in the figure, make a small hole and tie a rope. The length of the rope should be such that, having fallen from the table, the bottle is 5 cm above the floor. One end is tied to a bottle, and the other can be fixed to a shelf, a pipe at a table, etc.

The appearance of mice in photographs and cartoons is tender. However, when gray tailed creatures enter the house, outbuildings, garages, the attitude towards them changes dramatically. After all, rodents cause not only material damage, which is calculated as damage to products, building materials, and electrical wiring. , helminths, which entails serious consequences for human health. Therefore, when rodents are found in their possessions, the issue of combating them is beyond doubt. How to make a mousetrap with your own hands and why this method is used most often - the answers to these questions will be useful to beginner mouse fighters.

Advantages of mousetraps

The fastest way to get rid of rodents at home is the use of rodenticides, that is, poisons. But this method has a number of significant drawbacks. In addition to the fact that their use is dangerous when small children or pets live in the house, the death of a rodent can occur in the most unexpected place. A decomposing body will exude a disgusting putrid smell for a long time, which is very difficult to get rid of. Yes, and the search for the carcass of the animal itself can end with a major overhaul of the premises. When using traps, these problems can be avoided.

And this is by no means all the advantages of mousetraps:

  • Even a schoolboy or a fair sex can make traps for mice with their own hands. After all, most designs in the manufacture do not imply soldering skills, technical knowledge or professional possession of a hammer and other tools.
  • Homemade mousetraps are in no way inferior to industrial options in terms of efficiency.
  • The cost of devices made by hand can be several times lower than purchased traps, since most of them are made from improvised means.

Varieties of traps

All mousetrap designs are a device, in the center of which is located, attracting tailed pests with its aroma. Depending on the type of device, the mouse either dies or continues to exist in anticipation of its fate. Types of mousetraps that you can make yourself:

  • spring, made of wood and metal knitting needles, act when the spring is triggered;
  • a variety of containers, ranging from all kinds of jars to a bucket or pan - the effect is achieved by shifting the center of gravity or a banal drop of the mouse from a height;
  • live traps - an automatic trap designed by Tishleev, a Zünner trap are more complex structures for self-manufacturing, can be either single or designed to catch several individuals at once;
  • glue traps - a modern version of live traps, they are compact and easy to manufacture and further use, trapping of living creatures is carried out by gluing a rodent to;
  • electronic traps powered by a network or other power sources - a bait is placed inside the module, and as soon as the rodent is inside, a powerful electric discharge is released, from which the mouse instantly dies.

The photos of the mousetraps below will help you assess the complexity of the design.

What to do with a caught rodent

Often the question arises, what to do with the mouse caught. If the animal remains intact and unmutilated, the most humane thing would be to take the captive to its natural habitat. In the case when he has damage, it is advisable to feed him to cats or take him to a garbage dump. Particularly compassionate persons before disposal can first put the mouse to sleep in an apartment or house, for example, by feeding it with poison. If a decision is made to leave the gray pest as a pet, it should be taken for examination to a veterinary clinic, and only after the conclusion that it is healthy, equip a new home for it.

Whatever manipulations are done with the captured animal, it is necessary to do it with gloves, since the possibility cannot be ruled out that the mouse is a carrier of various diseases or simply be rabid. The room in which she was, is subject to thorough disinfection.

The forums also offer more creative options for solving the fate of a captive animal: feed and eat, flush down the toilet, hook up with the mother-in-law.

How to make a bottle trap

What the fantasy of craftsmen does not reach when it comes to plastic containers for liquid products. Not without them and catching rodents. A plastic bottle trap is made in just a few minutes. You can make it from a poltorashka or a container of 2 liters. In the absence of the latter, mouse traps are constructed from a 5-liter bottle. Traps can be made in several ways.

Option number 1

The walkthrough looks like this:

  1. Using a clerical knife, cut off the neck of a plastic vessel, approximately a third.
  2. Lubricate the cut neck from the inside with any vegetable oil.
  3. Put the bait inside the remaining part with the bottom.
  4. Turn the element with a neck so that it is directed down the structure and secure it with tape or wire.

The mouse, tempted by the aroma of the bait, freely penetrates through the greased neck into the trap, but will not be able to get back. On the part of the neck where the cork is screwed, several fan-shaped vertical cuts can be made. This will increase the chances of catching a large rodent.

On a note!

So that the mousetrap from a plastic bottle does not turn over, a weighting agent is placed on the bottom: stones, a small bag of sand.

Option number 2

Catching a mouse in a bottle is even easier:

  1. Cut off the top of the container where the constriction ends.
  2. On the upper edge of the element with a bottom, make cuts 4-5 cm long with an interval of 1.5-2 cm. You will get a semblance of petals that need to be sharpened.
  3. Bend the pointed edges down so that they look at the bottom.
  4. Lubricate the walls of the trap with fat and put the bait on the bottom.

For the convenience of the mouse, small boards are attached to the device. The animal will climb them without interference, fall into the vessel, and sharp edges and slippery walls will not allow it to leave.

On a note!

A primitive trap is easy to make if you put the bait in a bottle of oil after using the product and slightly cut off the neck and bend it down.

Option number 3

This type of trap is somewhat different from the previous ones:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle and throw it away. This part is no longer needed.
  2. In the resulting container, it is necessary to drill two holes and stretch a rope or wire through them, through which the mousetrap will be tied.
  3. Place the bait at the bottom and position the trap so that part of it hangs from a shelf or countertop. Fix fastening.

As soon as the mouse climbs for a treat, the center of gravity will shift, and the mousetrap will invariably hang with the captive. Catching pests with bottles is quite convenient. Consumables for their manufacture cost nothing, and captured animals can be disposed of along with the trap, which avoids direct contact with them.

Traps from large containers

A mousetrap from a bucket of water is a disgracefully simple, but very effective device. With its help, it is possible to catch several representatives of the mouse family in one night. Mousetrap manufacturing process:

  1. Drill two holes in the top of the bucket.
  2. Take a metal rod, the length of which is not less than the diameter of the bucket.
  3. Put an empty bottle on the axis, after coating it with a mixture that is attractive to rodents, so that it can rotate.
  4. Fix the rod with the strung bottle in the drilled holes. The neck should be as close as possible to the edge of the bucket.
  5. Fill a third of the bucket with plain water.
  6. Attach a kind of ramp from a plank to the trap, along which the mouse will climb for the bait.

Feeling the aroma, the tailed animal will climb along the bridge to the bottle, which, under its weight, will immediately turn over and drop into the water. Instead of a bucket, a deep basin or a large saucepan can be used.

The device is designed to catch several individuals at once. The construction process consists of several stages:

  1. Take a wooden beam about 40 cm long. Drill 6 holes on the end part with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm and a depth of at least 1-2 cm. These will be holes for potential captives.
  2. At a distance of 1 cm from the same side, cut the bar lengthwise to the bottom of the notches.
  3. Drill 2 more holes perpendicular to the minks, into which the springs will then be attached.
  4. Build a spring mechanism from the knitting needle, make a loop of strong thin wire at the end.
  5. Insert the free edge of the spring into the previously prepared hole, fix it on the bar, hide the loop in the cut.
  6. Pass the thread through the free holes.
  7. Put the bait in the center.

The mouse will try to get to the treat and gnaw through the thread, as a result of which the spring mechanism will work, and the rodent will be in the hole prepared for it.

Adhesive structures

To make a mousetrap, you will need small cardboard squares, sheets, each side of at least 5 cm. For the base, building residues can be used - drywall, MDF panels, fiberboard, chipboard. The second necessary component is glue. You can cook it with your own hands according to the following recipe: mix rosin, petroleum jelly, pine resin and bituminous pitch. If you do not want to prepare the adhesive mass yourself, then the simplest way is to purchase special glue for rodents in a specialized department.

Further construction of the trap is outrageously simple. Glue is applied pointwise to the workpiece. In the center is a fragrant bait. The mouse is firmly fixed to the adhesive mass. The only drawback of such structures is the heart-rending squeak of the caught pest.

To or, often use a mousetrap house. A cardboard frame is being made. The inner walls are covered and in the middle - a traditional delicacy for mice. This design eliminates the risk of moving an animal smeared with glue around the room.

Electronic devices

Do-it-yourself electronic mousetrap can be made according to several schemes. For people with a technical background and knowledge of the laws of physics, making such a device will not be difficult. The simplest trap is a small device, in the center of which a fragrant treat is placed. When a mouse gets inside, the resistance of the circuit changes, as a result of which the damper closes and an audible signal is given to warn of the capture of the pest.

Mice are the oldest neighbors of mankind. Rodents are to blame for many epidemics, as they are able to carry deadly diseases. Modern medicine has gone far ahead, but some ailments can still seriously harm a person. The appearance of mice in the house is a real misfortune. Pests must be dealt with immediately.

It is not necessary to kill the rodent, there are many humane ways to help catch the pest, release it at a safe distance from your home. At home, you can make tricky traps. They are safe for pets, small children, but are highly effective.

Causes of mice in the house

Despite their outer shell, mice are quite intelligent animals. They penetrate small cracks, run through sewer, ventilation pipes, and are able to run into an open window or door. Some individuals easily bypass intricate traps, sometimes survive after persecution, even develop immunity to commonly used poisons. To successfully catch gray pests, stock up on ingenuity and patience.

The human dwelling includes several important aspects necessary for the reproduction and normal functioning of pests:

It is very simple to suspect the presence of mice in the house, it is enough to notice some aspects:

  • gnawed bags of cereals;
  • the presence of rodent feces on the floor, near the accumulation of food;
  • bad smell;
  • at night, the appearance of rustles, noise, squeak is noted. During the day, rodents hide in secluded places, so their presence is hardly noticeable.

Finding roommates deal with them immediately. To do this, use time-tested traps, folk remedies. It is not necessary to spend money on expensive poisons that can adversely affect human health, pets, even indoor plants.

Harm caused by gray rodents

Rodent danger:

Homemade traps: how to make and use

This opinion is absolutely wrong. Rodents prefer pieces of sausage, bread, grain, which is watered with sunflower oil. Seeds are very popular among gray pests; you will definitely catch a big “catch” for this product. Modern mousetraps are compact, lightweight, but have a significant drawback - the mouse suffers before death, which is not very humane. Also, the trap is designed for only one animal, it will not work to catch another individual.

Note! Homemade mouse traps are absolutely safe, the captured animal can be released, the product can be used many times. In addition, traps made at home are made from improvised materials, you do not need to spend money on their production.

Catching a rodent with a can

Use cases:

  • option number 1. You will need a bucket or any other large container, a plastic bottle (0.5), a wooden stick, bait. Insert a stick into the bottle so that it pierces the bottom and neck of the product. Place the bottle in such a way that the ends of the stick are fixed on the edges of the bucket. Put the bait on top of the bottle. The mouse will try to eat it, stepping on the bottle, it will scroll, the rodent will remain in the bucket;
  • method number 2. Place a bucket under a stool, put a piece of light wood in the form of a strip on it. Put the product in the form of a springboard, put a tidbit on the edge above the bucket. The wooden plate will not be able to support the weight of the bait and the rodent, it will fall down into the bucket, and the rodent itself will be trapped along with it.

Glue against pests

Hardware stores sell special types of glue designed to catch rodents. Spread the product on a flat surface, the mouse will get stuck in it during the examination of the glue, it will no longer be able to get out. The glue trap for mice is not suitable if there are small children or pets in the house.

Plastic bottle

Effective recipes for folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment are described on the page.

Go to the address and learn about how to deal with midges in the kitchen.

Helpful Hints:

  • store all cereals, sugar in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Regularly inspect your supplies, the presence of strange objects, small lumps of black is a sure sign of the presence of living creatures in the house;
  • Remove plastic bags from the kitchen. All food stored in them is potential food for rodents;
  • put several cloves of garlic, bay leaf or onion peel into kitchen cabinets. Specific aromas will repel mice;
  • garbage cans should be placed as far as possible from the residential building. Empty the trash can regularly;
  • hang a birdhouse near the house, attract birds of prey with crumbs. For example, one barn owl is able to catch up to seven rodents per night;
  • wash all surfaces with a solution of water and chlorine (take a tablespoon of powder per liter of liquid). A strong aroma will scare away uninvited guests;
  • mice do not like space and lack of trash. Maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment, private house, eliminate all secluded places. So you make your home unsuitable for rodents.

Mice are smart animals, able to multiply quickly and harm a person. Homemade traps will help to deal with uninvited guests. Follow the instructions for their manufacture, adhere to preventive measures.

From the following video you can learn how to make a mouse trap with your own hands in a few minutes: