The most vital statuses for VKontakte. Statuses in "Contact" about life: the best statements for the social network

Life is a fool's story. There is a lot of noise, effects, but inside there is a senseless emptiness.

Lost the meaning of life? Try to do meaningful deeds!

Only in the struggle, in the battle, you can find the meaning of life!

To do good deeds, to live for others, and not for yourself - this is the real meaning of life! - Aristotle

Best status:
Seeing pictures of the distant past, looking for the echo of the past - and there is the meaning of our mortal existence!

And only when a man does not care about a woman, he will never deceive her!

Yes, I was a disgusting bitch, but until the end I was faithful to you!

Lazy people simply don't exist. You just need to be able to choose a motivating goal.

Yes, a constant smile, good mood, optimism are by no means a panacea for success. But this will spoil the mood of others so much that just for the sake of it it will be worth living in a positive way!

Do not strive for money, success. Finding the meaning is much more important! - Albert Einstein

A person's spiritual vocation does not contain any complex, pompous goals. Everything is very simple. The main thing is to find the meaning of your life!

Love cannot be appreciated, nor can it be bought.

I'm tired of everyone and of myself, because everyone always disappoints me, and I put too much hope in them.

Everything is in our hands, never put them down!

Not better way win someone's love than give yours.

Even if I knew what to do, I still would not know what to do.

Do not believe what your lips whisper, but believe what your eyes say

As soon as a person decides to move mountains, someone immediately appears, ready to break his neck.

The telescopic sight on your forehead is also someone's point of view. (Lee Harvey Oswald)

as brought up, so I do

The whole world is a theater, and we are actors in it. (William Shakespeare)

Do what you can with what you have, where you are.

Love is out there, just look around.

Not life, but a fairy tale, not a fairy tale, but paradise.

Some people argue that they made it to the top, when in fact they just surfaced there.

I do not talk about life, I live.

Love, dream, suffer, fall in love, but never humiliate yourself!

Having studied the Kama Sutra, she came to the conclusion that the most suitable position for her is “Come on tomorrow”.

Love forgives everything except dislike.

You throw words, and then people remember them and do not sleep ..

Intuition is the ability of our head to smell the booty.

Tell the mirror how bad you are and you will find out the value of your whining.

Life is a dream, if only you could sleep!

Say only good things about yourself, whoever said they will forget, but what they said will remain!

A confession, once not said, may remain unsaid forever.

Our heart is a treasure, waste it at once - become a beggar.

In love, but I will consider options.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but almost no one has seen it.

If life has turned its back to you, do not be upset - get attached.

You need to love while you can. For who knows whether tomorrow will come or not!

Love gives us the strength to wake up, always breathe and constantly smile.

The worst thing is to wait for everyone, and then catch up ...

Never believe what is said behind your back. Sometimes it is a porsto of gossip and slander.

If you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk, you can dance.

New love will never heal the wounds of the old one, it will only numb.

They say that holding your breath for a long time is very difficult, but it is even more difficult to see your loved one and not hug him.

You need to appreciate those who love you, and not chase after those who are happy without you.

If you have a person to whom you can run with dirty hair tied in a ponytail, a frantically aching heart and tears in your eyes, then appreciate it. Appreciate how life

It is very painful to be friends with the one you love ...

Better a terrible end than endless fear.

Seconds without loved ones last for hours, and hours with loved ones fly by in seconds ...

After the black stripe, a white one always begins, if you do not follow it along ...

Everyone has enemies, but God save us from friends ...

Smart are not those who talk a lot, but those who say a lot.

Still, it is better to do something and regret than to do nothing and then regret.

Life cannot be changed overnight. But overnight, you can change thoughts that will change your life forever.

My character provides me with high-quality natural selection: the unworthy do not stand up and are eliminated.

If you cannot live as you want, live as you can.

Real friends are those who saw you without makeup and you were able to be yourself.

Never tell people about your troubles, most are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!

In love, even too much is not enough.

Men want to be the first love for women, and women want to be the last for them.

They meet in ICQ, communicate in contact, and love in classmates.

Love carefully, but for real!

Never reject the opportunity to learn something.

I set a status about love, I'm waiting for love.

Each of us has our own world, which only YOU know about!

If you want to ride red - have a lot of green ...

Life is a dream, when we die we will wake up ...

You need to be able to forgive people for their mistakes, because one day, you will be wrong yourself ...

You cannot win in love, you can only leave.

These eyes don't mind ...

Justice is when the weak gives way to the strong, stupidity gives way to the mind, and evil gives way to good.

You cannot keep the rain, the girl and life by force.

The main enemy of love is not a lie, not betrayal or treason, the main enemy of love is indifference!

And I'm smart, though they beat me often ...

You cannot go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish!

Love is not bought, but it is hard to pay for it.

Not he is wise who knows a lot, but he who knows what is needed.

Love is like a rare flower growing on the very top of a mountain, and it takes a lot of courage to get it.

Life is steps forward, steps back, and while I am dancing!

Never offend, and do not try to lie to the person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them ...

Something happens today, something happens tomorrow - this is life.

Just one step forward, and behind there are already a lot of problems and people you hate.

Before you start talking, make sure someone is listening to you.

Get your own opinion. It is difficult to maintain, demanding, but worth it.

Thanks to those who left me in difficult moment... You have made me stronger. So much stronger that we better not cross

Do not be an idiot!

it is better to leave immediately than to cling to the dead remnants of friendship later

people are not spoiled by cigarettes, not drugs, not alcohol and not a way of life .. these are all trifles compared to how people themselves spoil people ..

The less teeth a person has, the better he filters the bazaar.

1 perfect minute, just one, and you remember your whole life and your heart stops as then.

Here you call yourself free ... Tell me, free from something, or free for something?

Purpose in life is striving for purpose.

There are no lazy people. There are lousy goals - that is, goals that are not inspiring.

Love is easy to lose and hard to regain.

If you are afraid, don't do it, but if you started doing, then do it, and don't be afraid of anything!

many people do not even suspect that they are a constant topic of someone's conversation

nothing decorates the evening streets like the absence of people on them

What a person thinks about, so he becomes.

If you were able to express your love in words, then you love a little.

Love can kill time, and time can kill.

Sad people do not think about love, they already know about it ...

The appearance is like the first gear in a car ...

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

Shoot my soul!

If you don't love - don't kiss!

Time does not beat, but slowly kills.

Life is a dream. I wish I had a good night's sleep!

Without love you disappear ... without love I disappear ...

And even if fate is not fair, but life is a game, play beautifully!

"The existence of God is so obvious that not believing in Him is a sin, and it is so non-obvious that it is merit to believe in Him." Karl Jaspers

Life is cruel and not fair, but this is how we ourselves make it.

Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. Smiling is a way to solve many problems, while silence helps to avoid them.

"After dropping your dignity, pretend it's not yours." Gennady Malkin

I have no bad habits, I have a habit of being bad

If it rains in your life, focus on the flowers that rain will bloom ...

Life is like a mathematician until you calculate everything, you get it.

Life is like the movement of dogs in a team: if you are not a leader, the landscape in front of you will never change.

It happens that friends betray, it happens that loved ones leave, and only enemies remain loyal to us.

If you are delaying making a decision, it means that you have already made a decision to leave everything as before ...

Life is too short to imitate anyone else, better be yourself.

I just know that at the last moment, when no one believes you, a passer-by at the bus stop will take you and cover you under a cloak.

There comes a moment when you realize that you shouldn't have let someone into your life. This person does not need you, he just had no one to spend time with.

Let them tell me, all the trains have left, and it's too late to expect something from life, And I will answer, this is nonsense !!! there are still ships and planes!

If the former dreamed it was for money! YES ... YES ... Shit always dreams of money!

Life is a book ... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I look around me ... I have a comic strip ...

What should I be? I don't know myself ... Mysterious or simple? ... Although ... men do dream ... I I will be a girl- a dream !!!

You are looking for happiness, but you gain experience. Sometimes you think - this is happiness! Fuck there, again experience.

Blaming me alone for all my sins, having discussed everything and pondering everything soberly, you wish that there was no me ... Do not worry - I have already disappeared.

Time is the most amazing thing. There is so little of it when you are late and so much when you wait.

You should not be offended by friends, family, instructing you on the right path. They all want you to live in peace and enjoy life, and not like those people who have gone down the wrong path and are now dying of hunger in poverty.

We often hear that time is a good teacher. But ultimately it kills all of its students.

A wise woman does not complain about fate! She rolls up her sleeves and gets down to business, because she knows - everything is in her hands !!!

Sometimes a few minutes of communication with the right person to want to live on.

In general, I got to the bath, flopped into the water and decided to drown myself. And then I suddenly remembered that I had a few pieces of yesterday's chocolate pie in store! No matter what they say, there are still things in the world that are worth living for.

When it's hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.

Never say never". Life has a good sense of humor.

Letting go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to slowly sink ...

I don't give a damn about those who leave my life. I will find a replacement for everyone. But those who stayed, I love more than life!

You need to cross out people from your life with a black marker, not a simple pencil, hoping that you can find an eraser at any time.

With the onset of the crisis, losers and lazy people finally have an explanation why everything is bad for them, and who is to blame.

When it seems that everything is going awry - in fact, it is something new that is trying to enter your life very much. 9

A dark past often provides a bright future. 9

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on, we take off! 169

Life is like playing poker: you always have to be ready for someone else's bluff and have a trump card in your sleeve. 57

Life is like a piano: the key is black, the key is white, the cover ... 306

The best way to keep your promise is not to make it. 114

The best road is the one that leads home. 165

Look forward with hope, back with gratitude, up with faith, around with love. 149

When you have to remember badly: if you give up, it won't get better! 110

Sow an act - reap a habit, sow a habit - reap character, sow character - reap destiny. 47

There are no cowardly men. Either a man or a coward. 79

Weak people believe in luck, strong people believe in cause and effect. 58

Getting up at 7 in the morning for work - anguish, pain and tears. Getting up at 5 am for a trip abroad is easy! 109

Everyone has their own hell: there is not necessarily fire and tar .. Our hell is a wasted life! 41

Life is like hot tea. Scorching, but fine with sweets! 98

Life is always fair, just sometimes it tests for strength ... 86

If no one criticizes you, then you have not yet achieved success. 73

Everyone must pay for his own stupidity, otherwise he will never grow wiser. 53

The best teacher in life is experience. Takes, however, expensive, but explains intelligibly. 103

When we are really expected, we return even from the other world. 97

Don't try to fix the past. Better do your best not to ruin the future. 112

The more difficult the chosen path, the fewer fellow travelers. 50

Life is short! Break the rules! Goodbye fast! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably! 129

We must live so that everyone at the top went nuts and said, well, stop, repeat it again! 37

You need to live so that others have depression! 66

Nonsense happens by accident and then becomes the best moments in life. 45

Fate sometimes takes such a hold by the throat that you involuntarily show her tongue. 16

To see a rainbow, you have to survive the rain ... 71

Do not envy someone who is strong and rich.
Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life, short, equal to a sigh,
Treat as given to you for hire.
Omar Khayyam, however. 73

The Internet is like life - there is nothing to do, but you don't want to leave ... 65

The secret is to be friends with those who are better. Train with those who are stronger, love those who cannot be. Don't give up where others give up. 51

Only children and dogs love you just like that. Just because you are! 41

Life is given to learn, life is given to love. But you need to know what you are learning and you need to know whom to love. 60

Lessons in wisdom are given to us free of charge, but very expensive. 44

Remember: all people fall into your destiny for a reason. Some bring happiness and others experience. 71

There are people whom you can know all your life and forget in 1 day, and there are those who you can know for 1 day and remember all your life. 94

After 40 °, life is just beginning! 34

Fate is a book ... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I have a comic strip :) 60

All the time pretending that you feel good is not worth it. We live once, and there is no point in leaving room for pretense. Put in VK only a sincere status about life.

Time often hurts us

  1. Life took a lot from me, but in return it gave me a real family.
  2. It is so difficult to realize that everything that can happen is happening now, and after death there will be only emptiness ...
  3. It is possible to experience difficulties with a smile on your face. The main thing is that it does not turn out taut.
  4. If someone abandoned you, give free rein to your feelings, cry and suffer. But not for long - you don't need to get hung up on anything.
  5. The character of a person is evaluated by things because of which he may be offended.
  6. Before you start trying to achieve something, make sure that you are not actually enjoying suffering.
  7. Any difficulties can be experienced, but forcing yourself to live in the moment is almost unrealistic.
  8. Remember: you can only trust yourself, and even then not always.
  9. Perhaps life is a mirror. The main thing is not to stumble upon a curve.
  10. If the person did not give you anything good, you can reassure yourself with the phrase: "It was an experience."

Fill your life with events!

Fortitude and perseverance mean more than talent. If your life lacks motivation, inspire yourself and others with the VK life status!

  1. What has passed and what is remembered are fundamentally different things.
  2. Since when has it become worse to seek your calling than to live by a template ?!
  3. How much easier it would be to live if we left in time those situations in which we do not want to be at all.
  4. In your life there will be more than one person who will shake the strength of your spirit. But there will certainly be someone who can strengthen it. Perhaps there will be only one.
  5. You also need to be able to wait. This is the golden mean between indifference and zealous desire.
  6. We enjoy life exactly the way we want to enjoy it!
  7. You need to be able to use your beauty, intelligence and youth. Otherwise, they will simply be wasted.
  8. You don't have to lose your memory to get rid of memories. It is enough just to relive the moment, and not to hide it deep in the soul.
  9. Our life is, for the most part, our reaction to certain moments.
  10. People are amazing creatures: they want to be like everyone else and, at the same time, expect some unimaginable results.

Life is beautiful because it is unpredictable

The essence happy life is to bring as little disappointment as possible to others and, at the same time, stay true to yourself. How can you achieve these results? Learn from life statuses in VK.

  1. It's scary to imagine how much our life consists of our own imagination ...
  2. The simpler we are about what is happening, the less harsh it is on us.
  3. And why, in fact, should I listen to someone? Everyone has their own lives in order to dispose of them.
  4. To be able to love is not only a talent, but also an ability that can be developed.
  5. What kind of life is this without a fleeting desire to cry and be sad somewhere in the corner?
  6. Yes, we do not choose who to be born, but we do not choose who we become!
  7. The easier it is for you to imagine that the black streak will end, the more difficult it is to break you.
  8. We are used to being guided by exact dates, but life cannot be accustomed to this ...
  9. Betrayal is so commonplace: all that remains is to infinitely appreciate good deeds!
  10. The best medicine for healing many diseases is love. It is worth taking regularly and without limits.

Get rid of the experience in time

Life rushes so fast that it is simply impossible to keep up with it, being in the past. Keep up with the times - set life statuses for VK.

  1. The most important thing is to become a harmonious person. Only then will the family be happy!
  2. Any choice must be treated responsibly, but by no means fanatical.
  3. Excessive joy cannot last long, so take advantage of the moment.
  4. You will never be able to disguise the pain well, but it is quite possible to readily accept and cope with it.
  5. Compassion paints even the most serious person, even the most complete cynic.
  6. To regret the past is to deny reality with your own hand.
  7. People would live happily if they stopped tolerating at least half.
  8. Throwing money down the drain is almost a crime; giving up hope is common.
  9. Fight and believe. Take action while you're alive!
  10. It's good that there are people who do not allow you to fall ...

Loving yourself for the good of others.

A woman dies, and Death comes to her. The woman, seeing Death, smiled and said that she was ready.
- What are you ready for? - asked Death.
- I am ready for God to take me to Heaven! - answered the woman.
- Why did you decide that God will take you to him? - asked Death.
- Well, how is it? I suffered so much that I deserved the peace and love of God - the woman answered.
- What exactly did you suffer from? - asked Death.
- When I was little, my parents always punished me unfairly. They beat me, put me in a corner, shouted at me as if I had done something terrible. When I was in school, my classmates bullied me and also beat and humiliated me. When I got married, my husband drank and cheated on me all the time. My children exhausted me all my soul, and in the end they didn't even come to my funeral. When I worked, my boss shouted at me all the time, delayed my pay, left me on weekends, and then fired me altogether without paying me. The neighbors were gossiping about me behind my back, saying that I was a walking woman. And one day I was attacked by a robber and stole my bag and raped me.
- Well, what have you done good in your life? - asked Death.
- I was always kind to everyone, went to church, prayed, took care of everyone, pulled everything on myself. I experienced so much pain from this world, like Christ, that I deserve Paradise ...
- Well, well ... - answered death - I understand you. A small formality remained. Sign one contract and go straight to Paradise.
Death handed her a piece of paper with one sentence, under which it was necessary to put a tick. The woman looked at Death and, as if she had been doused ice water, said she could not put a tick under this proposal.
On the sheet it was written: "I forgive all my offenders and I ask forgiveness of everyone whom I have offended."
- Why can't you forgive them all and ask for forgiveness? - asked Death.
- Because they did not deserve my forgiveness, because if I forgive them, it means that nothing happened, it means that they will not answer for their actions. And I have no one to ask for forgiveness ... I have not done anything bad to anyone!
- Are you sure about that? - asked Death.
- Absolutely!
- How do you feel about those who caused you so much pain? - asked Death.
- I feel anger, anger, resentment! It is unfair that I should forget and erase from my memory the evil that people have done towards me!
- What if you forgive them and stop experiencing these feelings? - asked Death.
The woman thought for a while and replied that an emptiness would come inside!
- You have always experienced this emptiness in your heart, and this emptiness devalued you and your life, and the feelings that you experience give significance to your life. Now answer, why do you feel emptiness?
- Because all my life I thought that those whom I loved and those for whom I lived would appreciate me, and in the end they disappointed me. I gave my life to my husband, children, parents, friends, but they did not appreciate it and turned out to be ungrateful!
- Before God said goodbye to his son and let him go to earth, he finally said one phrase to him, which was supposed to help him realize life in himself and himself in this life ...
- Which one? The woman asked.
- What does it mean?
- So he did not understand what God told him about ... It is about the fact that for everything that happens in your life, only you are responsible! You CHOOSE to suffer or be happy! So explain to me who exactly caused you so much pain?
- It turns out I myself ... - the woman answered in a trembling voice.
- So who can you not forgive?
- Myself? - the woman answered in a crying voice.
- Forgiving yourself means admitting your mistake! Forgiving yourself means accepting your imperfection! Forgiving yourself means opening up to yourself! You hurt yourself and decided that the whole world is to blame for this, and they do not deserve your forgiveness ... And you want God to accept you with open arms ?! Have you decided that God is like a soft, stupid old man who will open doors for fools and evil sufferers ?! Do you think he created a perfect place for people like you? That's when you create your own paradise, where first of all you, and then the rest, will be fine, then you will knock on the door of the heavenly abode, but for now God gave me instructions to send you back to earth so that you learn to create a world in which love and care reign. And the one who cannot take care of himself lives in a deep delusion that he can take care of others. Do you know how God punishes a woman who considers herself an ideal mother?
- How? The woman asked.
- He sends her children, whose fates break before her eyes ...
- I understood ... I could not make my husband loving and devoted. I could not raise children happy and successful. I could not preserve the hearth, where there would be peace and harmony ... In my world, everyone suffered ...
- Why? - asked Death.
- I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me and sympathize ... But no one ever felt sorry for me ... And I thought that God would definitely pity me and hug me!
- Remember that the most dangerous people on earth these are those who want to evoke pity and compassion ... They are called "victims" ... Your greatest ignorance is that you think that God needs someone else's sacrifice! He will never let into his abode the one who knows nothing but pain and suffering, for this sacrifice will sow pain and suffering in his world ...! Go back and learn to love and take care of yourself, and then of those who live in your world. And first, ask yourself for forgiveness for ignorance and forgive yourself for that!
The woman closed her eyes and started the path again, but only under a different name and with other parents