Bades for women 50 All sections are read. Bioduds and Vitamins for Women's Health

Bioduds are concentrates of natural nutritional and biologically active substances that are obtained from animal, mineral, vegetable raw materials or with the help of chemical synthesis.

Release dietary supplements in various forms: tablets, capsules, powder, balm, infusions and so on.

The birthplace of biologically active additives is the United States. Chemist Karl Renborg worked for a long time in China, there was imprisoned. In prison, he made the first additive to somehow diversify his meager diet. Grinding nails, plants and herbs became components of the first dietary supplement.

When Karl was freed, he created a multivitamin drug that began to distribute among familiar.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the Agency for Food Control and Drugs gives permission to use bodies.

In Russia, this issue is engaged in Rospotrebnadzor. All drugs must comply with strict certification, both in Europe and the United States.

Why are biologically active additives needed?

Previously, man for normal life was required about 4 thousand kcal per day. To date, the indicators have noticeably reduced, but despite this, the need for the body in vitamins, minerals and other substances has not decreased.

Stresses, unfavorable ecological situation, weakened immunity - these and many other factors are negatively affected by our health. Products, in order to increase the shelf life, began to process with chemicals, so they began to lose their useful components.

The main task of biodeadows is the replenishment of the necessary substances in the body. Their composition includes:

  • Minerals;
  • Beekeeping products and fermentation;
  • Animal drawing;
  • Artificial analogues of natural components, etc.

Depending on the existing problems, which are characteristic of a certain age, gender, produce separately dietial dietary supplements for men, women, children.

Remember that applying drugs can only be controlled by a specialist.

Why do you need dietary supplements for women

The use of biologically active additives in Russia is not as high as, for example, in the United States and Japan. This is rather due to the fact that the population is not sufficiently informed about the quality characteristics of the product.

All biooduddes are divided into two large groups:

  1. Nutrceticism. Preparations aimed at replenishing useful components, improving the overall state, recovery of metabolism, etc.
  2. Parapharmaceuticals. Database data is used as additional therapy. These include biographic supplements used in men's climax. They establish the work of the ovaries. There is a category of drugs to facilitate the symptoms of PMS. Separate dietary supplies are prescribed during pregnancy and women after 50 years, which have a hormonal restructuring.

Each representative of a beautiful sex wants to look young, beautiful and well-groomed. Whatever good creams, masks and other cosmetics, the problem always comes from the inside. Lifeless hair, dull and dry skin, fragile nails - all these disadvantages associated with a shortage in the body of certain microelements.

How to make the right choice

To date, in pharmacies you can find a huge amount of biologically active additives. And sometimes it is quite difficult to determine what is suitable for you.

  1. Consult with a specialist. Despite the fact that biodendages are not drugs, you should seek help to a doctor. He, in turn, examines the history of the disease, will inspect, will prescribe certain analyzes. According to the results of the examination, the doctor will find out which trace elements and vitamins missing your body.
  2. Pay special attention to the composition. Remember that the natural will be the preparation that contains medicinal herbs, vitamins and minerals.
  3. Manufacturer. Important should be given to the question of who made the product. The most popular and conscientious countries and European states (France, Germany, Ireland) are recognized. Recently, domestic products began to delight the consumer.
  4. Price. High-quality biologically active additives are learned. Therefore, the cost of goods will be quite high (from 2 thousand rubles).
  5. Reviews. Before the acquisition of Bad, familiarize yourself with the opinion of other consumers. But do not forget that every organism is individual and what it approached one may not have a proper effect.
  6. Certificates. This is perhaps one of the main aspects when choosing an additive. Quality biolates necessarily have a certificate of state registration and compliance with certain standards (GMP, ISO 22000, HACCP).

Biologically active additives may be in its composition:

  1. Antioxidants. They are aimed at preventing signs of aging and the development of various ailments.
  2. Amino acids responsible for the normal work of the body.
  3. Bioflavonoids that strengthen the circulatory system.
  4. Enzymes. They control digestive processes.
  5. Vitamins and minerals governing certain functions.

What should pay attention to the purchase of dietary supplements for women?

  1. Biologically active additives for the skin in the composition must have vitamin E, H, ceramic, antioxidants (grape extract and dr.), Oil (cod liver, cucumber, etc.).
  2. Preparations for hair and nails enriched with biotin, L-cystine, L-methionine, group vitamins, as well as zinc.
  3. Bades aimed at restoring hormonal backgrounds contain iodine, iron, magnesium, vitamins of group B, including plants (Angelika Chinese, St. John's wort, Toloknyanka, clover meadow, hawthorn, astragal). If there are failures in the body of a woman, it is reflected on the nervous and sexual system, the appearance, mood. Therefore, dietary supplements are prescribed to restore the reproductive function.
  4. Climax's biooduddes are in their composition phytoestrogens, calcium and vitamin D3. They do not contain hormones, therefore are considered harmless. This drug use women to postpone the onset of Klimaks and extend the youth. Also, the means protects against osteoporosis and improves the quality of intimate life.
  5. Bades against aging are rich in antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and thereby slow down the processes of withering. In addition, such biodendages improve the work of the heart and blood vessels and improve the skin. The drug contains Asai berries, grape extract, green tea, astaxanthin, amaranth, ginko biloba, coenzyme Q10, Licopene, vitamin E, C, zinc, selenium, beta carotene.

There are also female dietary weight loss. But with such drugs you need to be very careful. Previously popular Chinese funds containing a dangerous sibutramine should be remembered. Remember that weight relief should occur gradually and in a complex with proper nutrition and physical exertion.

Slimming means include chromium picolinat, which restores the metabolism and controls blood sugar levels. Grapefruit Extract - Powerful Natural Antioxidant, Bromelain - an enzyme promoting intensive fat burning, I-carnitine contributes to fatty acids into the cell.

Female Bad Rating

In the modern market, they sell a huge amount of biologically active additives of various spectrum of action.

Women want to stay attractive as long as possible and for this apply maximum efforts: visiting beauty salons, take various drugs. But the main thing is to improve yourself from the inside. How to do it? Proper nutrition enriched with vitamins and minerals, sports. Since the products do not replenish the necessary supply of important substances, you need an additional source of their arrival, which can be a biologically active additive.

Here are a list of the most popular and efficient dietary supplies for women:

  1. Nortia. It's no secret that the reason for many ailments is stress. Therefore, keep calm in difficult situations is very important. In the composition of the drug Nitya, a St. Justice, hawthorn, Astragal, Vitamin B6, iodine. These components are aimed at improving the work of the cardiovascular system, removing the feeling of anxiety. They also contribute to the protection of the body from stress, harmful environmental impact. Nortia maintains the functions of the thyroid gland and normalizes the production of hormones.
  2. Artemis Neo. During the "critical" days, the hormone "Happiness" - Endorphin and Serotonin is reduced. Woman becomes irritable, fusive. The bio-ship supports hormonal equilibrium, smoothes unpleasant symptoms warns the development of mastopathy, fibromomy of the uterus, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia. The preparation is based on vegetable components. For example, angelika Chinese reduces painful sensations. Toloknyanka is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. The tool gives a woman emotional balance, calm and optimism.
  3. Beauty. Bada - powerful antioxidants (vitamin E, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids). They contribute to the cleansing of the body and its update. Bee wax reduces inflammatory processes. Biotin restores the strength and glitter of the hair, prevents the occurrence of seborrhea and reduces the loss. Polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of the beauty protect against dehydration of the skin and penetration of microbes. A biologically active additive is aimed at improving the appearance: strengthening hair and nails, protection of epidermis from aging and adverse environmental factors. In addition, Bad Beauty restores the operation of all organs and systems (digestive, respiratory, urinary).
  4. Medica. The drug is aimed at maintaining the functions of the hormonal system, the preservation of youth and attractiveness. Bud softens the symptoms of the climax. Phytoesterogens of soybeans without complications adjust the hormonal background, and their combination with vitamin D and calcium prevents the emergence of osteoporosis.

What bioature to choose, decides each individually. Remember that dietary supplements are needed not only after 50 years, but also after 30 and 40.

Each woman wants to save youth, beauty and excellent well-being as possible, but it is impossible to achieve this without care for health in general. The female organism has many important physiological features. They are associated with cyclic vibrations of hormonal background and other factors. In order to comprehensively approach the issue of recovery and maintain the optimal condition of the body, you can take dietary supplements and vitamins for women's health and beauty.

When you need additives and a complex of vitamins for women

Helping the body to cope with the loads and correctly function it is advisable at any time and at any age and 40 and after 50 years. However, the increased need for vitamins and Bad for women's health and hormonal background appears:

  • subject to diet and the absence of a balanced diet - Against the background of nutrition restrictions, there may be a shortage of important substances that must be compensated;
  • after transferred diseases- Vitamins and Bad for women's health can provide additional support for the weakened struggle with the body's disease during and after recovery;
  • with active sports - with increased physical exertion, much strength is spent, it is important to prevent overwork; You can use bioactive additives and vitamin complexes if you want to recover faster after training;
  • during pregnancy - during this period there is a change in the hormonal background, the need for beneficial substances for the future mother and fetus increases;
  • with abundant monthly- Together with menstrual blood, the body loses important trace elements, such as iron. Biologically active additives and vitamin-mineral complexes can be taken to compensate for this deficiency.
  • after 50 years - Against the background of hormonal restructuring, changes in metabolic processes is very important to support the body. This will help delay old age and prevent the development of many diseases.

In the catalog, you can choose biodendages and vitamins for women's health and hormonal background with various active ingredients. Do not know: what better to buy vitamins for women? To obtain additional information about the preparations, ask a question on the website of the online hypermarket "Fitomarket Evallar".

On our site you can order multivitamins and biodendage for women for youth, beauty and health from the best domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Hormonal restructuring of a woman's body causes special physiological changes that are accompanied by unwanted symptoms:

  • periodically tilting heat replaced with chills;
  • heart mental fence;
  • migraine torment.

The change in the hormonal background in the body has an influence on the dairy glands. In such a state, there is a risk of formation of various breast tumors.

General immunity weakens, fabrics are exposed to aging, because of which the body can not, as before, absorb all useful substances. Usually this condition is accompanied by a calcium deficiency.

The bone system begins to weaken. Therefore, at this age there is a big risk of getting a fracture even with a slight drop.

Nails and hair are subject to change. In addition, in this state, you should pay attention to the teeth, they also have a predisposition to destruction. The deviations of the cardiovascular system appear.

The use of vitamins will help strengthen the body of a woman. It has been proven that the representatives of the beautiful gender, which consume additional complexes of vitamins, retain performance for many years.

Symptoms of deficit

Nutrients are necessary to accelerate all biochemical processes. With the help of such an impact, the formation of new cells is the formation, which significantly rejuvenates the body.

In addition, useful trace elements are necessary for women of this age to ensure the normal functioning of the heart and brain. Some nutrients help the work of the central nervous system, which is also important.

In the female organism after 50 years of age with a shortage of vitamins or absence, the following symptoms arise:

  • weakening of memory functions, reducing visual acuity;
  • dry skin, partial hair loss;
  • predisposition to colds;
  • reduced immune functions;
  • pathology of the urogenital system, as well as fungal infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  • disruption of the vascular system of the whole organism.

In addition to special vitamin complexes, a woman needs to fully rebuild the power mode. To ensure the body, all the necessary trace elements should be carefully monitored abroad.

What vitamins are needed?

All useful elements are divided into water-soluble and fat-soluble. All of them are in one degree or another to maintain the healthy state of the body.

Vitamins fat-soluble type:

  • With the help of retinol, the cell structure is restored. With regular reception, the skin acquires smoothness, uniform color, the hair looks alive, shine. In addition, this component supports the work of the immune system, which protects a person from constant colds.
  • Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant. This substance protects the skin from the penetration of free radicals. It is recommended to apply inside and outside in the form of various masks. It helps stop the process of leather fading. The drug allows you to normalize blood pressure.
  • Vitamin D enters the body of a woman with food, and also has a feature to be produced under the action of sunlight. It plays an important role in the metabolic processes of the body, normalizes the process of blood circulation and coagulation.
  • With the help of vitamin K, the bone system is strengthened, and the operation of the digestive tract is normalized.

To water soluble compounds include:

  • Thiamine is necessary for the functioning of the hormonal system of the body. It supports the work of internal systems of organs.
  • The use of riboflavin is extremely important for the period of menopause. It is this substance that affects the symptoms of the climax. Participates in the development of erythrocytes, it allows to normalize vision.
  • Pyridoxine is an essential element that is a conductor for many other nutrient components. It produces a special enzyme that promotes the operation of metabolic processes. This allows you to saturate the female organism with vitamins and minerals.
  • Nicotinic acid allows you to split fat and carbohydrate molecules in the body. This substance is prescribed during gastritis, ulcerative disease, as well as for the prevention of such ailments. It contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, controls blood pressure.
  • All vitamins for women after 50 years have ascorbic acid. Because this trace element carries out the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the youth of the skin, hair and the whole organism. In addition, this vitamin allows you to derive all toxic substances. Helps control the work of the immune system, protects against various infectious diseases.

Taking vitamin complexes throughout life, after 50 years of age, you can extend the youth of the body. It is important to choose the components that are necessary for a person individually. Therefore, it is not recommended to take any drugs, without prior consultation of a specialist.