What mom's commemoration is customary to arrange a year after death? Is it possible to remember the dates of death: how to remember and what to do.

The funeral and the first memorial days are in the atmosphere of grief and comprehensive grief. And when the first year passes, the pain from the loss is dulled, but many people still want to do everything according to Orthodox traditions so that the man who left forever rests with the world.
On the anniversary of death, relatives come to the cemetery and visit the grave, arrange a memorial lunch and distribute to everyone who knew or did not even know the deceased. It is very important on this day to keep the main canons of Orthodoxy and worthy to give their last duty to the deceased.

What to order in the church on the anniversary of death

Prayer has always been considered the best faith for both living and the dead. For church canons it is believed that many souls are subject to terrible flour. Good thoughts and sincere prayers to God can help them find calmness.

To adequately remember the person who left the person in a year after the death, people are ordered in the Church the Divine Liturgy. This should be done in advance, for example, from the evening to the morning service, or early in the morning before the start of worship. In the morning to come to the service and stand up to the end, praying along with the priest about the vacation of the sins of the left loved one.

Sorokoust is also ordered for the death of death in the church. If the date falls on the Days of Easter Celebration, you can order an Easter canon. Church prayers during the service are much stronger than the usual prayer of the house or in the cemetery.

In the church you can buy and put a candle, pray for the rest and ask at this time before the icons of the saints about the gaze of the kingdom of heaven and the release of all free and unwitting sins. In memory of the gone, you can also take a prosfora church, the liturgical bread that needs to eat on an empty stomach.

Go to the grave

By tradition, on the anniversary of death, relatives attend the grave, they are removed on it, lay flowers and light a candle or lamp. Then, in the peaceful atmosphere of the cemetery, it is good to stand quietly at the grave, remember everything is good, associated with the deceased and pray for the rest of the soul. Those who want to fully conscientiously adhere to church rules, invite a priest on the grave for the ritual on the anniversary of death.

If the season allows, the grave planted live flowers as well beautiful bush or tree. In Slavic traditions for cemeteries, coniferous and evergreen plants are most popular as a symbol of eternity, as well as birch, Kalina, Lilac.

The anniversary is usually trying to put a monument, a fence and finally arrange a grave. The grave dock the table with a bench, followed by the family to get together to remember the deceased. To keep memory for the descendants, there is a photo of the deceased on the monument. In church rules, the timing of the installation of the monument in the cemetery does not specify. This is done at the discretion of relatives.

Remembrance on the anniversary of death

On the anniversary of death spend the fourth from the day the funeral is a mandatory memorial lunch. On the commemoration for 1 year it is customary to invite the closest people whom relatives choose themselves. The table on this day can be very rich and diverse.

  • In memory of the well-taking place for him, leave the table and put a symbolic device - a plate and a glass with water and a piece of bread from above. The Orthodox Church categorically denies alcohol on commemoration and considers the use of an alcoholic fall, which can very much harm the ascended soul.
  • Before the start of dinner, a senior family member or the one who takes on this role should read the prayer and express the words of thanks to the deceased. Then the symbolic memorial dish is served - Cute, which is necessary to taste each participant.
  • The memorial menu includes a set of traditional dishes, which from ancient times carry a specific symbolism. For example, the first hot dish with the rising ferry symbolizes the lightweight and fast path of ascension to the sky. On the commemoration, soup with noodles, soup, borsch or saltwood are usually served.
  • Porridge is often served on the second, as the grain carries eternal life. It is capable of stored for a very long time, germinate and multiply in the colosue, then new grains form a new life cycle. In many localities, traditionally be prepared for the commemoration of the favorite dish of the deceased.
  • The rest of the dishes can be very diverse: fish in any form, meat rolls, casserole, cutting, cabbage rolls, cheeses and sausages, bay, etc. necessarily there are patties with any fillings.
  • Full dinner also includes sweet dishes for dessert. Drinks are served non-alcoholic.

Since the relatives and relatives for the family are going to this day, they can remember together happy moments, View old photos, video. It is necessary to all good and thank the deceased and fate, for the fact that this man met in the life path.

Commemoration in post

If the goodines fell into the church post, then it must be strictly observed. Commemoration to the post is carried out without consuming meat products. All of them are successfully replenished with satisfying mushroom dishes. An excellent meat replacement is also lentils.

Lenten menu can be no less rich and tasty than usual: any vegetable salads, cabbage or carrot cutlets, stuffed with vegetables or zucchini rice, peppers, eggplants. The table can also be diversified by porridge and pickles.

The main thing on this day is the family's union in the general memory of the deceased, in general prayer for him and consolidate the good memory of him, which will remain in the hearts of relatives for life.

Per hour of commemoration, until the hroptedness was amended, the first thing you need to remember is delicacy. Find out, check out the examples of the words of condolences and. These guides will give an idea of ethics commemoration and prompt faithful words of consolation.

But measurement It has its own specifics. In it you handle To a whole circle of guestswho gathered to console close, to remember the deceased and listen to what friends and relatives would tell about him. Wait for your words, and your Mourning may sound S. B. ABOUTlies PaphosThan this is customary with the personal expression of condolences.

The words of the sorrow directly at the funeral should be extremely brief, but the speech on commemoration may not be limited to a pair of phrases.

Measurement words of grief and mourning speech

First appear and, if it is not obvious to everyone, tell me who you come to the deceased. Many spoke on the commemoration. therefore mourning speech should be laconic, and thoughts are pronounced. Guests will understand if the phrase will be interrupted from a sudden crying. But unpreparedness, verbidity, and even more so drunk, the gathered will be perceived as a sign of disrespect for the deceased. Do not rely on improvisation! Have brief theses with you, and at home or along the way to the mourning ceremony, repeat your memorial speech several times.

Do not retell a biography - enough tell about one bright case, episode of lifeso that the guests remember this interesting fact. It is important that the event you described has highlighted one of positive traits The deceased. It is better to tell about the episode, which you yourself highly appreciated. Examine examples, their close (in each necrologist is given an episode of life and condolences).

Accent public attention on the nature of the character that has demonstrated your story. Any negative trait It has a light face. Examples of complimar synonyms:

  • You can say about a grumble person "He gave me a lesson of a critical look at the world."
  • About the sight: "Caution, rationality and foresight - that's what we all have enough today, and what can be led by the deceased."
  • Carelessness in finance: "He was so confident in the best future ..."
  • Suspiciousness: "I knew human nature ..."
  • Not very smart: "Gulling, naive, so believed people ..."
  • Supposed: "I knew myself the price, only the best ..."
  • Opened, stubborn: "Principal ..."
  • Breakable, without a rod: "Conflict ... His Credo - Compromise."

On the commemoration it is impossible to talk about the shortcomings: " About deceased or good or nothing"- This is the basis of the foundation of etiquetteing. It is not necessary to remember, especially, out loud, about failures, weaknesses, sins and insults. Uncompanying, reconciliation, remembrance of the best - Here is the necessary aura of the memorial ceremony.

Sorrow words It is appropriate to supplement the quote thought of the deceased: ordinary, instructions, commandments or moral Maxim, which he voiced during his lifetime. Then the mourning speech should be summed up to the mention of the benefit that he brought close and society. It is not for nothing to conclude that a person lived life and promise eternal memory in the hearts of the relatives and friends of the deceased.

"Let the land he / her will be a fortune! Everlasting memory!" You can complete your commemorative speech by these words, but many will come. It is better to choose the relevant epitaph, the consonant personality of the deceased:

  • If you or the deceased are believing people, look here:, or phrases.
  • If, on the contrary, the deceased is consistent.
  • For the dead, as well as epitaph.
  • Lot beautiful ideas words of grief in or in epitaphy.

Protocol commemoration

On the commemoration you need, standing, the honorable a minute of silence. The mission of the lead trust the close family to a person who in a mourning situation will be able to control his emotions. It alternately gives a word native to the degree of proximity - spouse / spouse, children or parents, closest relatives, and then the deceased friends.

The presenter must prepare several phrases in advance to remove the pause and switch the attention of the guests if the speaker's speech is interrupted by tears. Remembered words.

Orthodox Christian tradition of commemoration

If the deceased was a believer, then the commemoration need to be held according to church customs, with compliance with church rituals. Speeches and prayers are the key components of the Christian ceremony of the commemoration. After the leading ceremony, thank all the guests for the fact that they came to commemorate and pray for the soul of the newly represented. Mourning speeches Pronounce when everyone has already gathered at the table.

In the Orthodox Christian tradition, the commemoration starts with 90 psalms and. The furnishings at the table is restrained, it is necessary to talk quietly, half-sew. The first word is provided by the chapter of the family. The head of the ceremony is then leading - a relative family of a person is respected by guests. Mourning words on Orthodox commemorations Pronounce on seniority. All who want to speak can and should get the word.

Mourning toasts * on Orthodox commemorations completed with the words: Let the Earth be [Name] Pooh, and the memory of eternal! Everyone drinks, not choking and putting a portrait or free place The deceased.

* Alcohol is not included in orthodox tradition Returning (see). But practice to remember "not changing" deeply rooted in the people. It is important to observe the measure!

In Orthodoxy, it is known that, thanks to prayers, fans and other Christian rites, the soul of the new-represented becomes easier. A kind warm word from Rodney and friends pacifies the soul of the deceased and dults the mountains of loved ones. At the end of the commemoration, getting out of the table, each i can portrait or towards the place of late. Leaving. It is not accepted for the commemoration.

Poems on the commemoration? Yes, but delicately and in moderation.

Expressing condolences personally, with an eye on the eyes, contact verse is undesirable. Read gathered at a common table You can friends of the deceased - after all, everyone expects mournful spokes, memories and some pathos. Perhaps in verse. The main thing is that the rhyme is not vulgar to reflect the best features of the deceased and corresponded to the moment. And was brief. Or very short.

Example of mourning speech at the funeral

So as not to say "correct", but unsuitable to you by speech, we instead specific example We offer optimal structure meaning words with examples of phrases.


  • Dear friends and relatives [Name]!
  • Dear guests!
  • Brothers and sisters!
  • Dear native and friends of our favorite [Name]

Personal positioning towards late (modestly):

  • I am our nephew of our revered [Name].
  • I am a brother who commemorated today [Name].
  • We with [Name] Long / last years worked together / served.

About a mourning event (News of death or memories of funeral):

  • Father had a long time; We understood what would be, but when we were called from the hospital ...
  • When I found out that [the name] died, this evening I could not think about anything else.
  • Although grandfather has lived long life, the death message struck me.
  • Today 40 days, as Mom left us.
  • A year ago, we said goodbye to [Name], a man respected and worthy.

Few words about best qualities Usoped:

  • Grandma was good man, hospitable and hospitable mistress.
  • She was supporting and reliable rear for five years ago by the spouse.
  • He was known as a joker and an optimist, it was easily and careless with him.
  • He gave confidence in the future and was a support for others.

Citizize the melts, advice or moral value, which the deceased urged to follow relatives and relatives. Then in several phrases tell about bright case or episode of lifewhich illustrates the positive quality of the deceased. Well, if this is yours as inexpensive to buy monuments in Moscow at the grave? Photo and prices for tombstones from granite and marble.

"Production of monuments.ru" is a portal about monuments and " order table" Fill out the application, and it will see the granite workshops of your city and make you suggestions.

Orthodox mummation of the departed primarily implies prayer. And only after that a commemorative table. Of course, the funeral themselves, 9 and 40 days are no less significant events that all relatives, close friends, just familiar and colleagues from work are invited. However, in 1 year it can not be done, but to spend a day in prayer among the most native people in the family circle. Also a year after a sad event, it is customary to visit the cemetery.

How to make a commemoration for 1 year?

If a person in his lifetime was baptized, he ordered a fancy remembrance on liturgy. Prayer is a huge help for people who left this world. After all, big account The dead man does not need a monument, nor in a gorgeous meal, the only thing that can do close person For his soul - it is to read prayers and remember his good actions.

You can order a liturgy in the church in the evening a day before the commemoration or in the morning on the same day. Among other things, commemorate the deceased and for the meal. On this day, it is customary to prepare various dishes: it is necessarily a soup, the second, and at the request of relatives are preparing favorite dishes of the deceased. Do not forget about pancakes, pussy and baking.

On the day of the commemoration of the death of the deceased must be visited by his grave. If necessary, there are order: tint, plant flowers, chevy (the thuja is best, it does not grow stirring and does not allow roots, but it grows only upwards). If a temporary monument was standing on the grave, then it was a year after death, it is replaced by constant.

Pominal meals on the commemoration for 1 year

Of course, the owners want to treat invited people more riser, but do not forget about Orthodox posts. So, if the commemoration fell on the day of the post, the prohibited products should be eliminated and the dishes that are allowed for the meal should be eliminated.

At the table it is necessary to remember the deceased, his good business and character traits. Do not turn the commemorative table in the "drunken gathering". After all, the word "commemoration" originated from the word "remember."

The first dish, which is served on the remembrance table is Casca. It is a boiled rice or wheat cereal with honey and raisins. During the dishes of dishes think about the mustache. Such food is considered a symbol of resurrection, according to tradition, it can be sprinkled with holy water.

The following dishes on the memorial table, namely soup, second, can be any, depending on the taste preferences of the deceased or hosts. It can be ordinary chicken soup with noodles or welded borsch, goulash with pasta or kelid, stuffed pepper or pilaf, just to meat dishes were not forbidden by post. You can feed cake with filling or pancakes as baking.

It should be noted that the commemoration days must be found in good location Spirit, be in the mood and not be offended by the deceased for left this world. Moreover, the right thing is considered to hand out alms and clothing or other things of the depleting needy.


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Acknowledged - it's rather complicated funeral traditionfound in most cultures. On the day of the commemoration there is a treat, as the memory of the dead, and both on the day of the funeral, and on certain days later.

In some nations, the grave is assigned sacrifices used after in food. Other customs say on the venue at the site of TRISS (military fun). This tradition was distributed among Slavic and German tribes, in the ancients. In other places, the deceased was accompanied by mourning processions and crying.

We have a common Christian custom. According to Orthodox canon, it is necessary to carry out three times: on the day of the funeral, on the ninth day, as well as on the fortieth. They are in the memorial meal. There are the same custom in many. The meaning of this ritual is very deep. Believing in the immortality of the soul, people approach the dead to God, while in parallel giving the tribute to him as good. It is not necessary to talk or talk about dead well, or not to speak at all.

The commemoration process includes prayers about the crown of the earthly world. In general, all actions on such rituals have deep meaningEven the meal menu is not exactly by chance.

So how do you remember?

  1. Before starting the meal, you need to read the Prayer "Our Father". This is a necessary minimum, as it is advisable to make lithium and regain the 90th psalm (for this you invite the so-called "singers"). In the process of commemoration it is necessary to remember the deceased, and only his positive traits And actions, prohibited obscene, laughter, jokes, drunkenness.

  2. The menu is undesirable to do saturated. Even on the contrary - modesty and simplicity are needed, since the abundance of dishes does not benefit the process itself. The first dish, without whom it is not to do, is the so-called Susta - a porridge from solid grain millet, or rice, refilled by honey and raisins. And it must be sprinkled with holy water, or

A year after the death of a person, it is believed that the soul of the deceased has already found soothing. For the year that has passed since the death of a person, it is believed that his soul reunited with the souls of the ancestors and now you can remember all the departed. According to Christian customs, there are special parents (radonitsa), when they commemorate all the dead.


On the day, when the year after the death of a person, close and relatives in the morning attend the grave of the deceased and order the requiem service in the church.

On Christian customs, only live flowers and wreaths of them are put on the grave. Tradition to decorate the grave with alive flowers goes back to the ancient Romans, which in May brought the bouquets of living flowers to the graves of the ancestors. In Russia in 1889, the Synod of the Orthodox Church banned at the funeral held on Christian customs, to use wreaths and inscriptions on them. The ban explained that all these flowers-wreath distract the believers from the main classes at the funeral - prayers for the salvation of the soul of the deceased. The ban to our days was outlived. Today, traditionally put live flowers and wreaths on the grave, believing that a person, like a flower, never dies without a trace and he was given to the resurrection and eternal life, since the man's soul is immortal.


An anniversary is usually installed on the grave of the monument with a brief epitaph of the mustache. After a prayer service is stopped in the church, relatives go to the cemetery, where they decorate the grave with flowers and harness to remember candles. All those present are invited to a memorial lunch that can be organized at home or in a cafe.

What is the difference in the anniversary of death from the amersion immediately after the funeral?

The difference is that the monument is established to the anniversary on the grave and it is believed that the soul of the deceased has already found calmness.

The meaning of the compensation

The museum of the memorial lunch is traditionally included. Cute, pancakes and eggs. From the rest of the dishes are served the most familiar and those who loved the dead man. Do not overload the table in the form of caviar and huge cakes. From alcohol drink, not choking, only one glass of vodka on the pominus of the soul. Wine and other alcoholic beverages are not served.

The anniversary of death is celebrated in a narrow circle. How to remember who to invite what to make a menu - organizational moments Worry the family of the deceased. The affairs of mercy, prayers, visiting the cemetery should honor the memory of the late.

The history of the emergence of commemoration days

Commemoration (or Pomin, commemoration) is a ritual in memory of the deceased person. Usually, the commemoration is carried out by relatives, if there are no, close people, friends.

The tradition of commemoration arose in connection with Christian teachings. Each religion exists their rites of remembering people. Adapted folk consciousness often combines several beliefs in one ritual.

Christian traditions are fundamental in Russia. Nevertheless orthodox rules (With funeral commemoration, prayers) only people who have passed the rite of baptism. The exception is suicides, unresolved, uninosty, heretics - the church does not pray for them.

Publication dates

In Orthodoxy, the commemoration after death spend 3 times. On the third day after death, on the ninth, forty. The essence of the ritual is a memorial meal. Relatives, acquaintances going for a common table. Remember the deceased, his good deeds, stories from life. Dishes with a commemorative table are distributed to friends, familiar, the colleagues of the deceased, so that they remembered him.

On the day, the funeral gather everyone who wanted to honor the memory of the deceased. The Christian is first brought to the rite of funeral to the church or the cemetery chapel. Unresolved dead, after goodbye with the house, immediately carry on the cemetery. The burial occurs according to the traditions of the region in which the person lived. Then everyone will be returned to the house on the commemoration.

On to honor the memory of the deceased name only, the commemoration resemble a family dinner, with the difference that the photo of the deceased is not far from the meadow table. Next to the snapshot of the deceased put a glass with water or vodka, a chop of bread. This is a pagan tradition, unacceptable for Christians.

On the 40th day they invite everyone. On this day, those who could not be present at the funeral come to the commemoration.

Then the anniversary of death comes. How to remember who to invite - relatives of the deceased decide. Usually it is called on the anniversary of the death of the closest friends, relatives.

Christian traditions of commemoration

According to the Christian faith, the commemoration of July 3, after death, is committed in honor of the resurrection of Christ (on 3 days after execution). On day 9 - in honor of who ask the Lord about the pardon of the deceased. On the 40 day - in honor of the Ascension of the Lord.

The church legend states that the soul from the day of death is in wandering. Up to 40 days she is preparing to solve God. The first 3 days after the death of the soul visits the place of earthly life, close people. Then she takes off the paradise abode from 3 to 9 day. After that, he sees the torment of sinners in hell from 9 to 40 days.

The decision of God occurs on 40 days. Leaves a directive about where the soul will be to a terrible court.

The beginning of a new, eternal life is the anniversary of death. How to notify what to invite to order is important organizational issues. By the day of remembrance must be prepared in advance.

Anniversary of death: how to remember

On a mourning date, only those whom the family of the deceased wants to see in the Godina. It should be the closest and native people, the friends of the deceased. It is necessary to clarify who can come. Knowledge of the number of guests will help correctly make a menu. In case of an unforeseen arrival of someone from acquaintances - portion dishes to make 1-2 more.

In the anniversary of death, you should come to the cemetery, visit the grave of the deceased. After that, all relatives, close to those are invited to note that the days of the commemorations will appear at the discretion of the family of the deceased. Subsequent discussions of foreign people about the correctness of the ritual are inappropriate.

The anniversary of death is approaching. How to remember how to cover the table? It is important to note that such events are convenient to carry out in small cafes. It will eliminate the owners from the exhausting preparation of various dishes and subsequent tidy in the apartment.

Christians ordered special memorial services in the church. You should discuss in advance with the priest all the events that need to be held. You can confine yourself to home reading akathists, invite a father to the house.

Who to invite?

In a close family circle, commemoration, the anniversary of death passes. How to remember whom to call the relatives in advance. It is customary to invite only those who want to see.

Unwanted visitor can unexpectedly hardened on the anniversary of death. The family of the deceased should make a decision - to leave an unwanted guest to a memorial lunch or not to invite to the table. The anniversary of death is an event only for the closest people.

Do not arrange a crowded gathering. Mourning date, the memory of the mustache is not a reason for a noisy party. Modest family dinner, warm memories of the deceased - this is the anniversary of death. How to commemorate - the immediate relatives of the deceased are solved. Leisurely, calm atmosphere, quiet music, photos of the deceased - a worthy way to honor memory.

How to get dressed?

Clothing on the anniversary of death has an important meaning. If before measuring dinner A trip to the cemetery is planned - weather conditions should be taken into account. To visit the Church, women need to prepare a headdress (handkerchief).

All funeral events should be dressed strictly. The shorts, deep decollete, bows and ruffiers will be considered indecent. Bright, motley colors better exclude. Business, office suits, closed shoes, strict dresses of muffled tones - a guilty choice for mourning dates.

How to remember the anniversary of death? Good memories in a close circle. You can distribute alms - pies, candy, things of the departed.

A visit to the cemetery

We must visit the cemetery. If weather conditions do not allow (heavy rain, blizzard) This can be done on another day. The cemetery should come to the first half of the day.

Behind the grave of the deceased must be followed. In a timely manner to paint the fence, you can put a small table and bench. Plant flowers, we rize unnecessary weeds that give the grave unbending. This is the anniversary of death ... how to remember a person? Conditioning on his grave, light the candles in special cups, lay alive flowers.

By christian traditions The synod back in the XIX century forbade wreaths with inscriptions from the butt colors. Such laying distracted from prayers about the soul of the deceased.

You can bring with you tea, alcohol, pies, candy. Modestly to remember the deceased, pour out the remnants of alcohol on the grave, pour crumbs - this is a symbol of the presence of the deceased next to alive. Such pagan tradition Many families adhere to the amersion.

In Christianity, it is forbidden to bring something to the grave. Only alive flowers and prayers should be remembered by the deceased.

How to cover the table

Table setting for sound standard. The only difference is to put on the table even number dishes. Forks on mourning dates, usually excluded. Such a moment in the godina remains at the discretion of the departed family.

Dishes, in addition to mandatory on the memorial table, are prepared in accordance with the preferences of the deceased. You can add mourning ribbons to the interior, freezing the candles.

For the Orthodox - to consecrate Kutu in the Church. Exclude alcohol, stick to the rapid and lean days - from them to repel when making a menu. More attention to pay no meals, but prayers about the mustache.

Menu on the anniversary of death

As ordinary commemoration marks the anniversary of death. How to remember what to cook? Mandatory are considered to be aware of Kisel, Cute, pancakes. The symbol of Christianity is fish dishes - it can be cakes, cold snacks, smoked.

From salads you can cook winegare, beets with garlic, vegetable caviar. Subtle sauer cabbageMarinated cucumbers and mushrooms. baked cheese. Meat and cheese cutting.

For hot dishes, fried or baked chicken (rabbit, goose, duck, turkey). Cutlets or steaks, french meat or chop, stuffed vegetables or a side dish - boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, fried eggplants.

In the form of a dessert - gingerbread, sweet pies, pancakes, cheesecakes, candy, fruits and apples. Drinks are purchased juices or cooked at home compote, kissel, lemonade.

Exclude sparkling and sweet wines from the menu, as there is no fun holiday, the aggress of death. How to remember? To give preference to strong drinks (vodka, brandy, whiskey), dry red wines. During the feast conversation, it is customary to remember the deceased, his good deeds on earth.

Pomding in cafe

To eliminate the mass purchase of products, cooking dishes, table serving and subsequent tidy - you can order a small room in a cafe. So that the anniversary of death in a relaxed atmosphere passed. How to remember what can beolate cafes. Their menu is not very different from home.

It should be warned in advance cafe employees that guests will gather on commemoration. The administrator will try too fun visitors to keep as far as possible from the relatives of the deceased (if we are talking about the general hall).

Usually it is customary to order a small banquet hall. Then festively tuned neighbors will not interfere with the quiet mood of the anniversary of death.

If there is no cafe, but you want a cozy, home furnishings - you can order lunch at home. Move the menu in advance, assign the time and shipping address.

Death anniversary: \u200b\u200bhow to remember in the church

According to Christian beliefs, the duty of living - praises about the mustache. Then the greatest relegations can be forgiven. Church Surveral Services are designed to ask for the forgiveness of sins of the deceased. Not only in the days of the commemoration, but also on ordinary days you can order a pahonocide.

During Divine Liturgy, prayers are heard about the dead. Immediately in front of the liturgy (or in advance, in the evening), a note is applied, in which the names of the late Christians are inscribed. During the liturgy, all names are voiced.

You can order a fortyst about the mustache. This is a surprise for 40 days before the liturgy. Sorokoust ordered for a longer period - a mid year or a year.

The usual candle about the rest of the soul is also a memory of the mustache. In home prayers, you can remember the deceased. There is a special book of Christian - a snan, where to enter the names of the departed.

During a visit to the cemetery, Christians read the Akathist, commit a lithium (she is also committed before a memorial lunch, for which the priest is invited).

Distribution of alms

In memorial days, attention should be paid to the affairs of mercy. I can give memorial dishes in need, familiar, colleagues. This is done in order for as many people as possible remembered the deceased good word.

A good reason for alms is the anniversary of death. How to remember the deceased? You can distribute money, sweets, cookies in the church and ask them to pray for the deceased, donate money for the construction of the temple. In need of familiar, usually give things to the deceased.

Almighty is a good deed in relation to the poor. Therefore, the family of the deceasement is not necessary to distribute food, the church in the church. You can find people in your environment (pensioners, large families), which will be important to real help. Or attribute a little offering to the nursing home, boarding school, baby house.

The procedure for holding the anniversary of death

  1. Notify in advance about the approach of the mourning date, invite relatives and close to the deceased.
  2. Select a cafe or organize an event at home.
  3. Visit the cemetery, the grave of the late.
  4. Remembered dinner to honor the memory of the deceased.
  5. Tell alms in need.