The procedure for installing interior doors with your own hands. We install interior doors on our own: step-by-step instructions How to install interior doors

Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors

Today, do-it-yourself installation of interior doors is done in most cases. Manufacturers strive to simplify the installation of their products as much as possible, so almost anyone can handle this. Next, we will consider this procedure in detail.

We study the varieties and their features

Before you install an interior door yourself, you will need to choose the right model. According to the method of opening, they are divided into the following categories:

  • Folding. Such models consist of several wings at once, which move along the guide. They are divided into two subgroups: books (they consist of 2 sections and are durable) and accordions (an alternative to screens).
  • Coupe (sliding). They have the largest number of modifications: 1 and 2 wing, opening inwards or along the wall, left- and right-handed, etc. The main advantage of such structures is space saving. When installed correctly, they also provide a high level of sound insulation.
  • Swing. The last variety is the most popular. Installation of this type of door is much easier, and people without carpentry skills can handle it (which cannot be said about other categories). In addition, their cost is much lower. The main disadvantage of such structures is that they take up a lot of usable space.

Installation of the first two varieties is carried out according to various methods, which have significant differences. At the same time, the skills of a carpenter will be required from the master, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. Therefore, our step-by-step instructions will consider the installation of swing doors.

A few words about the choice of canvas and calculations

Technical characteristics must be selected based on the conditions of the room. First, we determine the dimensions of the canvas, so we measure the opening. Don't forget to leave a gap. Between the uprights and the original surface 10-12 mm, between the canvas and the timber 3-5 mm. This is necessary in order to avoid jamming the door. It may appear due to the swelling of the canvas (from temperature fluctuations and high humidity). The standard width ranges from 60-100 cm, height 180-220 cm.

Remember: the finished canvas cannot be corrected, and expanding (narrowing) the opening is a labor-intensive business. Therefore, select the dimensions as accurately as possible - the complexity of installation will depend on this.

Technical gaps (12-15mm), the width of the box are subtracted from the size of the opening and multiplied by 2. The resulting number is subtracted from the width of the opening. Calculation example:

  • We have an opening 78.5 cm wide.
  • 78,5 - (1,2 + 2,5 + 0,3) *2 = 70,5.
  • So, a model with a width of 70 cm is suitable for us.
  • The standard door length is 200 cm, so you have to adjust the opening for it. To calculate the required height, to two meters (or another figure, if we are dealing with a non-standard model), we add the thickness of the box, the size of the technical gap and 1 cm (the distance between the canvas and the floor). If a threshold is to be set, then add its thickness.

    In addition to size, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which the canvas is made. This is not so important, but you should not ignore this aspect. Remember a few simple guidelines:

    • In rooms with high humidity, it is not recommended to use models made of materials that are unstable to moisture (chipboard, pressed sawdust, etc.). In a few years they will swell and lose their original appearance. In such cases, the installation of laminated doors is recommended.

    Tip: if it became necessary to install such a variety, leave a technological gap 2 times larger, because such a canvas will swell much faster and stronger.

    • If there are small children or large animals in the house, it is better to refuse models with glass inserts.

    Another important point - for newly built wooden houses, when installing the box, it is recommended not to completely screw in the screws. This will allow her to easily survive the shrinkage.

    Where to start - preparatory manipulations

    First, you will need to perform several laborious and important operations.

    What we need - we study the toolkit

    Tools for installing interior doors do not differ in high cost and complexity. To perform all the manipulations you will need the following:

    • A hacksaw with a miter box (it must be of the right size - so that the box fits completely into its grooves, otherwise it will be very inconvenient to cut). You can use a circular saw.
    • Building level. Ideally, laser - it bestows maximum accuracy. However, for a one-time job, it makes no sense to purchase it - it is quite expensive.
    • Drill with cutter.
    • Pencil (or marker), tape measure.
    • Hammer.
    • Screwdriver or furniture screwdriver.
    • Mounting foam with a gun.
    • Fastening materials: finishing nails (usually they are included in the kit), self-tapping screws, dowels, screws (80 × 5), wedges.
    • Two spirit levels (180 and 50 cm).

    The first procedure - dismantling

    This is the most difficult, and most importantly, the dirty stage of work. Self-installation of interior doors begins with the dismantling of the old ones. Let's consider everything in stages:

    • During operations, an unthinkable amount of dirt and dust will appear. Therefore, immediately remove all furniture, carpets and other items from the room. What cannot be moved is covered with something. Do not forget about PPE (goggles, gloves, respirator).
    • Take the old door off its hinges. To do this, unscrew the screws that hold them. If the hinges are of the “father-mother” type (that is, when one part is inserted into the other), then we simply open the door and pull it up at a right angle. If the loops were not lubricated, you will have to make a lot of effort, so we do the work with a partner.

    Tip: If you no longer plan to use the old canvas, you can simply tear it off with sufficient force. This is the most radical and fastest way.

    • Next, you need to dismantle the box. First of all, remove the solution that holds the frame.
    • Then cuts are made in the upper parts of both racks. This will facilitate the extraction process: insert the mount into the holes made and simply pull strongly in different directions.
    • As a result, they loosen up, and they can be easily removed from the opening.

    Preparing the original surface

    The next step is to bring the opening into proper shape. The work is done in the following sequence:

    • We dismantle the insulation (if any). We do this with gloves, because this group of materials irritates the skin.
    • We remove construction debris, after which we conduct a thorough audit.
    • If there are materials that peel off easily, remove them. We also remove all fasteners (hinges, nails, etc.).
    • As a result, we should get bare concrete (brick, timber - depending on what the walls are made of).

    After such procedures, most likely the evenness and integrity of the surface will be violated. Therefore, it will need to be aligned. There are several ways, but the simplest is plastering.

    If, after cleaning manipulations, the width of the opening has increased (for example, the surface layer of plaster has opal), then the installation of extensions will help. These are wooden (in most cases) planks 6-30 mm wide. They are installed in the case when you need to "increase" the size of the opening. A more durable option is cement mortar.

    Main front of work

    The installation procedure for interior doors must be strictly observed, so all further manipulations are presented in the correct sequence.

    We collect the box correctly

    Once again, making sure that the original surface is even, we proceed to collect the box. It is sold in the form of bars of various lengths. Of these, it is necessary to make a U-shaped structure (if a threshold is to be installed, then a rectangular one). The second option is used mainly for toilets and bathrooms.

    If you ordered a box along with a door, then most likely it will be ready - you only need to assemble it (using long screws or nails). When purchased separately, it will have to be adjusted in size. This is the most complex process that will require maximum accuracy, because in the event of the slightest inaccuracy, the door will receive a slope, which will affect its performance.

    Consider the assembly of the U-shaped structure:

    • We lay two vertical racks on the floor, it is necessary that it be perfectly flat.
    • We mark on them the height of the opening from the inside.
    • From these points down we make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees, a miter box will help you with this.
    • On the third rack (horizontal) we mark the width of the opening on the inside. From these points we make a cut of 45 degrees in different directions. Do not confuse the direction, these three elements must be assembled into a single structure, so do a fitting with each new cut.
    • Then we mark the places for the hinges and the lock. This can be done later.
    • We assemble the resulting structure and connect it with large self-tapping screws. For each joint we use at least 3 fasteners.

    Attention! Watch for the vertical position of the self-tapping screw during twisting, because at the slightest deviation it will pierce the rack.

    For a rectangular design, the assembly will be identical, only with the addition of a second horizontal post.

    How to set the hinges correctly

    The canopies will determine how comfortable the closing and opening will be, so perfect accuracy is required. Most people think that two loops are enough for normal use. We recommend using three (one is placed exactly in the middle). In this case, even with prolonged use, you will avoid distortions. So, you need to do the following:

    • We apply loops to the applied markup and circle them with a pencil (marker).
    • We make two grooves along the drawn lines (on the door and on the canopy) - to the depth of the canopy. A chisel will help us with this. The hinge should be "flush" with the main surface.
    • Having made the adjustment, we fasten the canopies on self-tapping screws of medium length (at least 3.5 cm) first to the canvas, and then to the racks.
    • If necessary, we make an adjustment: we put the structure on the floor and begin to open (close) - if the movement is not smooth, we tighten the screws.

    Insert the box into the opening

    The next step is to install the door frame. We do everything in the following sequence:

    • If the hinges are of the “father-mother” type, then we take out the door - this will facilitate the work. Otherwise, leave it as is.
    • We level all three racks with a level. We achieve perfect verticality!
    • We burst the upper crossbar with wooden wedges.
    • We level again and, if necessary, use linings.
    • We drill through the side racks with a drill.
    • We insert dowels into the holes in the wall.
    • We fix the box with the help of long self-tapping screws.
    • We carry out the final revision and alignment.

    Final chords - handles, platbands

    After making sure of the perfect evenness, we make the final manipulations. First, the handle is installed on the door. To do this, a through hole of the appropriate diameter is drilled in the canvas (If you purchased a complete set, then this will not be necessary). Then the two parts of the handle are connected. In most cases, this is not difficult.

    At the end, platbands are exposed - decorative elements that hide all the irregularities and form the integrity of the structure. They are glued around the entire perimeter on special liquid nails. Joints are also made using a miter box.

    Any business in which you are poorly versed requires special knowledge, as well as accuracy, attentiveness and concentration. This also applies to the installation of interior doors. Of course, you can always turn to professionals. However, having studied a number of technological nuances, you can completely cope with this task on your own.

    The procedure for installing interior doors with your own hands

    Instructions for installing interior doors include several items:

    • unpacking the purchased set of door frame and leaf;
    • box assembly;
    • installation of a door frame;
    • installation of platbands;
    • door installation.

    Now let's look at each step in turn.

    The subtleties of unpacking the goods

    At first glance, the simplest thing, as unpacking the purchased goods has its own characteristics. This should be done very carefully. Indeed, when opening the package with a knife, there is a high probability of causing a visible effect to the door leaf, which is subsequently difficult to eliminate. First of all, experts recommend unpacking only the door frame. The container with the door leaf must be opened immediately before the start of operation.

    Since it is possible to spoil the “presentation”, this is especially true for laminated or varnished coatings.

    Box assembly

    Assembling the door frame is the most complex and painstaking process. After all, the most innocent errors can entail, at best, difficulties in operation, at worst - to a complete replacement of the material.

    To assemble the box you will need:

    Owners who want to find out how to install interior doors with their own hands can make a base without a threshold, in the form of the letter "P".

    In this case, you need:

    • a bar, in other words, a feigned stand;
    • hinged timber;
    • ceiling plate.

    If you want to create a door with a threshold, you should add a lower beam-bar of the appropriate thickness to the listed list. Ultimately, the assembled box will look like a rectangle.

    Initially, you should take the hinged beam and attach it to the door leaf, if necessary, adjust it along the length of the door. At the same time, a small gap should be left above and below, a couple of millimeters. We perform such a manipulation with a feigned stance. This is done with the aim of free movement of the future door.

    Next, we apply a lintel to the hinge bar attached to the door leaf. We make appropriate marks on it, which we then, if necessary, transfer to the lower bar-bar. After you need to cut down the protruding strips, which play the role of door latches.

    We make an incision with a saw until the end of the protrusion of the ceiling strip, which is subsequently knocked off with a hammer and chisel. Do the same with the bottom bar.

    The completed algorithm of actions allows you to fasten all the bars into a single structure - a door frame using self-tapping screws. In this case, you should first drill holes for the screws with a thin drill in order to preserve the integrity of the box.

    If you buy timber yourself, its thickness should fluctuate within the thickness of the door leaf.

    Door frame installation

    Installing a door frame often begins with the dismantling of the old one. After that, you should prepare the surface for the installation of the structure folded by you. To create a rigid base, narrow wooden planks are nailed along the edges of its corners.

    The installation of the door frame has been recently carried out by blowing the mounting foam. But before that, the box should be fixed with anchor bolts. This manipulation will extend the life of the door, as well as ensure its reliability. However, you should take care of some of the nuances of using foam.

    First of all, you need to cover the work surface with molar tape to prevent material from getting on it. It is also necessary to provide for the fact that the foam increases its volume by 50% when it solidifies. If you do not correctly calculate the amount of this material, you may encounter deformation of the door frame. After the foam has hardened, its excess is removed and all necessary fittings are mounted.

    You can fix the box structure with a special glue, which builders call liquid nails. They make it possible to avoid drilling holes (as would be the case with dowels). At the same time, the aesthetic appearance of the door will be preserved. In addition, using special glue is much easier.

    Mounting foam is poisonous, so it is necessary to work with it with gloves.

    Hardware installation

    Before you attach the door leaf to its frame, you need to cut the lock into it, install the handles and hinges.

    The location of the lock is determined using a special measuring tool. Then we remove a layer of wood, based on the shape of the shutter hardware. In this case, the front part of the lock should be flush with the surface of the door leaf. We remove wood with a milling saw.

    The hole for the working part of the lock should be deeper. Therefore, a drill with a drill of the appropriate diameter is suitable for its formation.

    A core is laid in the installed lock, after which handles are attached to it. Finally, we clamp all the appropriate fasteners and clamps. In most cases, screws, bolts, which are fixed with a hexagon, serve as their role.

    After the done algorithm, you should proceed with the installation of the loops. Similarly with the installation of the lock, first of all, the marking of their location is done. After that, loops are attached to the ends. With a milling saw, as in the previous case, a layer of wood is removed to fasten the hinges at an identical level with the door leaf.

    Pre-final stage

    After all operations on the door leaf are completed, we return to the box. On it we also mark the areas of location and fastening of the loops. A milling saw also comes in handy in this case.

    The next step is to mark the area of ​​the door frame, which will include the core of the door lock. To do this, use a chisel, which allows you to make a hole of the required depth. And finally we fix the cap.

    Adjustment, alignment, completion

    Hang the door leaf on one screw in the hinge and see how it closes. If the lock and strap are rubbing against the jamb, deepen both or one groove. Do not fasten the door with all the screws until it closes and opens satisfactorily. Convinced of the reliability of the work done, feel free to fasten the canvas.

    In the end, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the procedure for installing your own interior doors with your own hands should include the processing of drilled, sawn and cut wood with plain paint. Thus, you will protect the surface of the door and keep its “presentation”.

    How to install an interior door

    We install interior doors with our own hands

    We begin to install an interior door

    How to properly install an interior door

    How to install an interior door video

    If you have a need installation of interior doors, then do not rush to call an expensive master, because if you wish, this can be done with your own hands. Few things, understanding in the construction business, you can use our advice and independently install interior Door .

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    We install interior doors with our own hands

    The process of installing interior doors is quite complicated, so a positive result depends on clear implementation every action.

    If you decide to do this kind of work on one's own, then be patient. You should carefully study all the instructions and tips for installing interior doors with your own hands, and then scrupulously carry out all actions.

    Observing all the rules that are given below, you and your loved ones will be satisfied with brand new interior doors.

    We install interior doors ourselves. Training

    To get started, you need straighten the walls cover them with putty and plaster. After that, the wall in which the door will stand should be well dried, otherwise there is a risk of displacement of the door frame.

    The floor must also be prepared for flooring. When installing an interior door consider the final height of the future flooring, to correctly calculate the height of the door frame. If you are replacing an existing door, then the last conditions are not so important.

    The next step will be selection and purchase of interior doors. which we will talk about in the next article.

    You can purchase the box and doors separately, or as a complete set. The door frame can be made on one's own. This U-shaped design, consisting of box timber. In essence, these are two racks, as well as a horizontal rail, called a lintel.

    Note! The best option for a door frame is without a horizontal bar at the bottom (sill). If you do not hide this bar, then it will only interfere with walking.

    When you choose a timber, carefully make sure that there are no bumps and black (dead) knots on it.

    Important! The thickness of the door frame must be equal to the thickness of the door, otherwise the interior door cannot be installed.

    To see the qualitative result of our work, it is necessary professional tool. However, it is expensive. At the same time, if you do the work with simple tools, then there is a risk of not maintaining the required accuracy.

    • Hacksaw
    • Level meter
    • miter box
    • Tape measure for measuring distance
    • Screwdriver Set
    • Hammer
    • A set of chisels.
    • Electric milling machine
    • Perforator
    • Miter saw
    • screwdriver
    • Circular.

    We begin to install an interior door

    To begin with, you need to decide How will the interior door open?. This largely depends on the layout of the house.

    For example, in the bathroom it is recommended to make doors that open outward, because there is not enough space. And if the door is a transition from a small corridor to a large room, then you can install doors that will open into the room.

    Let's move on to door frame installation. This is the most crucial moment and the basis of all work on the installation of interior doors, since the entire success of the work depends on the installation of racks.

    1. With a miter saw, we saw off the upper parts of the racks at an angle of 45 °. If you do not have a miter saw, then this operation can be done with a small hacksaw and a miter box.

    2. We measure the stands. It is better to measure and mark the desired length of the two racks from the inside.

    3. Now let's prepare the lintel. Similarly, we measure it from the inside.

    4. With a miter saw or a small hacksaw, we saw off the lintel from both sides at an angle of 45 °.

    How to properly install an interior door
    Installation of door hinges

    Installation of door hinges is also a responsible undertaking. Dimensions must be accurate regarding the door leaf and door frame. It is also necessary to accurately calculate the dimensions of the recesses of the loops.

    1. On the rack on the inside, you need to step back 20 cm. A loop will be fixed at this place.

    2. The hinge installation distance will be 0.4 cm (the distance from the door leaf to the pillar) + directly the recess in which the hinge will be located.

    3. We put the loop in the right place and circle it with a pencil.

    4. It is better to make a platform for a loop using a milling cutter, and if there is none, then this work is done with chisels.

    5. By the same principle, we make the seat of the lower hinge, which should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the lower edge of the door leaf.

    6. We make recesses for hinges both on the rack and on the door.

    Door frame installation
    Door frame installation should happen like this:

    1. We fix the racks perpendicularly to the lintel with self-tapping screws. But first you need to make holes with a drill of a smaller diameter than the diameter of the self-tapping screws.

    Then we screw the self-tapping screws into the holes obtained, otherwise the structure at the screwing points may burst. It will be enough to screw in only 4 screws, 2 per side. The whole procedure must be done on a soft substrate (for example, on cardboard) so as not to scratch the door leaf.

    2. We place the resulting box in the wall opening, while fixing it with spacers and wedges.

    Do not forget! There must be a gap of 2-3 cm between the box and the wall for mounting foam.

    3. Align the door frame horizontally and vertically using a level.

    4. We finally fix the entire box with self-tapping screws, but before that we drill holes in the box and in the wall.

    Before drilling the wall, we mark with a drill through our door frame. If the opening is made of brick, then you should hit the whole brick with a self-tapping screw, and not in the gap between the bricks, otherwise the dowels will not hold well.

    5. After the holes are ready, which can be made 6-8 per side, dowels can be installed.

    6. Now we screw the screws (it is better to use wood screws) into the dowels through the door frame. It will be more convenient to screw in the screws with an electric drill with an appropriate nozzle or a screwdriver. Do not tighten the screws to the limit, otherwise the box may bend. When screwing in, periodically check the level of the structure.

    7. Installing hinges.

    Be careful! The hinges must be installed so that the door leaf can be hung onto the hinges from above.

    8. We put the doors, hanging it on the hinges, and check whether the door closes and opens correctly. The door should not open or close on its own - this will indicate that the interior door is not installed correctly. If there are any defects, we eliminate them.

    9. Now you need to close the door and insert small spacers of appropriate sizes between the door and the uprights (you can use cardboard) so that in the future the foam does not deform the door frame.

    10. And finally, we apply foam between the wall and the box. Start filling the vertical seam from the bottom. Do not overdo it, fill in about a third of the total volume of the joints, as the foam increases in size as it dries.

    In addition, excessive application of foam leads to its overspending. Also, excess foam can get on the front of the door. The foam should dry for about a day at a temperature of 20 ° C.

    11. After the foam dries, you can remove all spacers.

    Platband installation

    After the door frame is installed, there is still install platbands.

    1. To do this, we cut the required length at an angle of 45 °.

    Advice! So that when cutting the casing, there are no chips left, and the cut is “clean”, saw from the outside.

    It is better to cut the slats for platbands, leaving a margin of a few millimeters to insure in case of an error.

    2. We fix the resulting platbands with screws, nails or glue.

    3. If you used nails, then their hats need to be rubbed.

    And if these are self-tapping screws, then you can simply put decorative plugs on them. It is enough to screw 6-8 self-tapping screws on each side of the trim.

    There are times when the width of the platband is too large, because of which it cannot be installed to a wall perpendicular to it. Then you just need to reduce the width of the casing by cutting it. You should end up with a platband that fits right butt against the wall.

    If the platbands do not fit well in the corners, then such angles can be adjusted with sandpaper, but it is better to use a belt grinder.

    We also consider the case when the walls in the room are not straight, and arranged in a trapezoid shape. This usually happens in the toilets and bathrooms of the old "Khrushchev". In such cases, it makes no sense to cut the architraves at an angle of 45 °, because they will not converge. Therefore, you can take our advice and cut the platbands as in the photo.

    However, such methods of installing platbands can be applied if the thickness of the box matches the thickness of the wall. And if the wall thickness is greater, then apply the installation additional allowances.

    Installation of extensions

    So, in order to prepare the extensions and make the installation, you first need cut rebounds according to your size. It can be done with your own hands from a flat board.

    Perfect for wet and thick walls waterproof plywood(BS), which can be additionally pasted over with a decorative film. But it is often easier and cheaper to put ready-made extensions from MDF with decorative design.

    Let's consider one more nuance: if the design of the interior door has a significant skew, then the installation of extensions is highly discouraged.

    Skews are evidence that the door frame has been installed not properly, and if rebounds are still adjusted to such an incorrect design, then later they will split and warp.

    Maybe, walls in a room with a slight slope. If we are talking about small irregularities (about 5 mm), then this can be corrected with a layer of plaster. With a much greater curvature of the walls, there will be no choice - you will have to file rebounds under the walls.

    After installing the extensions, and before applying the plaster gaps must be filled with mounting foam.

    As you know, the foam tends to expand during solidification, creating a lot of pressure, and so that the design of interior doors does not lead, take advantage of our tips:

    • Do not remove the wedges and leveling bars until the foam is completely dry.
    • Apply foam in 3-4 layers: apply the next layer after the previous one has dried.
    • Leave within 1 cm of unfilled foam between the rebounds and the wall. This space is better to plaster.

    We hope that our advice will bring you benefit and joy from new doors.

    How to install an interior door video

      A necessary attribute of each room is a heating radiator, and we are all accustomed to these cast-iron ribbed…

    Installing interior doors is a very important process in the repair of an apartment or a private house. It is quite simple and does not require special skills, but still it is worth recognizing that making doors strong, reliable and durable is a very important job that should be approached as responsibly as possible.

    At what stage of the repair are the doors inserted in the apartment?

    Of course, before you start installing interior doors, their owners have a lot of different questions: how to do it, which doors are better, how to make them more durable and reliable? Probably one of the most basic and very first - at what stage of the repair are the doors inserted in the apartment?

    There are actually several options here:

    • The first option is best considered when it is planned to expand the doorway in the future. In this case, the process of installing the door should be done before finishing the room. This is done with the aim that during such an action as installing a door, a very large amount of dust settles on various pieces of furniture, and it, like ceilings with walls, cannot remain clean.
    • The second option should be considered when the door already exactly fits the size of the doorway. In this case, it would be best to install the doors after the ceilings and walls are finished. Then the new door will not be damaged during the repair work.

    • And, finally, the last case, the third, - after wallpapering, as well as processing and washing ceilings, floors and walls. This will also help keep all furniture, doors and the room itself clean.

    What is better to insert and from what material?

    The second question that arises among the owners of apartments being renovated before installing doors concerns the material of manufacture and the very type of door. In fact, there is no single correct answer to this question, since something individual will suit each person and each apartment. But in this article we will try to weigh the pros and cons of each door option from each material.

    The choice of such an item in an apartment or house as a door depends on several parameters:

    • The first is, of course, the price. It varies from each company, the quality of the material and the product itself. For example, the cheapest and most affordable option is a honeycomb door, which usually costs around a thousand rubles. The most expensive and "elite" option is a solid array and a door made from it, it costs about 20 thousand rubles, which is quite expensive. Of course, there are also intermediate price categories: for example, a leaf door costs in most cases 4,500 rubles, which is quite acceptable.
    • The second parameter follows from the first parameter - the material of the product. About honeycomb material, solid array and leafy canvas has already been mentioned above. The first one is the most low-quality because of its cheapness, the second one is of very high quality, reliable and durable, while the average quality is possessed by sheet (or type-setting) canvas, MDF, chipboard, and also glued wood. The middle price category also includes a door with metal and glass.

    There are also doors classified by material, such as: glass, eco-veneer:

    • The choice of door also depends on its design and color. Naturally, classic, very simple designs will cost less and fit into the vast majority of interior styles, but they will not have a special personality and will not become a decoration for a house or apartment. So it's a smart option to invest in a beautiful, distinctive door design, as it can make your home feel even more inviting and enjoyable. Do not forget that the combination of this product with the interior and style of the apartment is very important, and its incorrect selection can spoil the appearance of the house.
    • The next parameter is, of course, the design. Naturally, for the most part, the door has a classic, standard rectangular shape and an average thickness, but it, like the shape, may vary. It is necessary to focus on the width, height and other dimensions of the doorway, as well as, as in other cases, on the interior of the home. By design, there are also doors: double, sliding, sliding, double-leaf, hidden, hinged, folding, single-rail, on rollers, as well as telescopic and soundproof.

    • In the end, we come to the last but not least parameter: company manufacturer. A lot can also depend on it, since different companies offer a different assortment and quality, and also differ in price and sometimes very much. The best door manufacturing companies are Vladimir Door Factory, Verda, Alvero, Bravo and others.

    What tools and materials will be needed?

    Naturally, for such a process as installing an interior door, you will need a variety of special tools and materials. They must be purchased before this action. So, we will need:

    • hammer;
    • chisels (20 and 15-16 mm);
    • roulette;
    • level and scrap;
    • screwdriver and screwdriver;
    • a hacksaw designed for woodworking;
    • miter box;
    • perforator;

    • drill;
    • milling machine (milling cutter) and circular (if possible);
    • mounting kit;
    • installation accessories;
    • planks;
    • Miter saw;
    • vacuum cleaner (for cleaning the room).

    As for the materials for installation, we will need:

    • door leaf;
    • door frame and fittings (it includes locks, hinges, handles);
    • mounting foam;
    • wedges;
    • nails, dowels and a few screws.

    We take measurements

    Step by step, we approached, directly, the work itself. And the first step on the way to the result will be measurements - a very important step.

    So we need a few measurements. The first, as you might guess, is the width of the doorway: it determines the size of the door itself. If the doorway itself has yet to be built, it is imperative to take into account what size furniture will have to be carried through it in the future. An error in choosing the size can make it very difficult to repair and rearrange furniture in the future. although sometimes custom sizes are acceptable and possible.

    Next is the next step. First you need to process the door block with a primer, before that, clean it with sandpaper. Before the next step, you should try on the future door in the opening to check its size, as well as the direction in which it opens. In addition, we will need a level: with its help, we will need to measure and check the level of verticality and horizontality and, by measuring the diagonals, make sure that all right angles in the structure are observed.

    After all these installation measurements, you can proceed directly to the work itself.

    We are preparing an opening

    The preparation of the doorway is one of the most important stages in this work. The following details how to produce it carefully and correctly:

    • First, you should evaluate the door leaf. In other words, it is necessary to initially remove the old door from its hinges, if there is one, but if not, then this stage, of course, is not required.
    • It is necessary to remove all door frames, and those voids that were formed between the opening and the door frame and filled with insulating material should be disposed of.
    • After all these actions, cuts are usually made in the places of the side parts of the door frame, while moving from top to bottom. The next step is the destruction of the lower, and then the upper elements of this very box. Then do the same with the upper and lower bars.

    • Among other things, the preparation of the opening includes fitting to the dimensions of the door itself, which is very important for its reliability. Enlarging the opening usually does not cause any particular difficulties, while expansion will require the use of devices such as a puncher and a grinder.
    • In the event that it is required to reduce our opening and quite significantly, a brick is required. With a slight decrease in size (up to about 50 mm), you just need to install a frame in it. It can be made from both metal and ordinary corner.
    • This structure then needs to be leveled, gaps filled in it, treated with a cement mortar, if necessary.
    • There may be such a problem that the opening loses its appearance during processing. Then it should be leveled and plastered again. In any case, it is always worth checking the condition of the doorway, its evenness and other parameters very carefully.

    How to assemble the product yourself?

    When we purchase furniture in a hardware or furniture store, the purchase most often is not a structure that is completely ready for installation, but a set of many large elements that you need to work with later on your own. For beginners unprepared in this matter, at first the question often arises of how to assemble the product yourself?

    The main problem with this work is this: the cuts and connections of the door components are often unusual and have a specific structure, which can greatly complicate the whole process. But even this problem has a solution.

    This article presents the simplest possible scheme for assembling an interior door:

    • The first step is to place on the floor (or on another necessarily flat surface) the beam of the door frame, spreading it around the canvas.
    • Next, you should form a gap between the door and this very canvas, then you need cardboard from the packaging. After that, it is necessary to attach the blanks of the upper crossbar to the upper ends of the bars of the box, to measure the parameters of the lintel very accurately.
    • The next step is to create cuts. They are best made with a hacksaw, which has fine teeth and is specially designed for carving metal surfaces.

    • At the next, already fourth stage, you need to attach the upper part of the structure to the bars, lay cardboard to form a gap. Next, we cut off the profile, if it prevents the connection of the elements, we screw the screws into the places for them.
    • The last stage - we leave a gap (approximately 0.8-2 cm in size). By analogy, we create the necessary threshold.

    How to put the loops right?

    Installing hinges on an interior door is an important stage, which has many individual subtleties and nuances. Before this work, which includes such subtleties as tie-in, installation of overhead hinges (as well as non-separable, non-mortise and simple canopies), you should also familiarize yourself with the correct instructions for installing the hinges so that the future design is reliable, serves the owner for a long time and faithfully.

    This article describes one way to install hinges, it is called the artisanal method. It is medium in its complexity, while being very reliable and promising durability of the product, besides, it allows you to conveniently adjust the height of the hinges:

    • So, first you need to mark the groove. To do this, you need to attach a canopy to the end of the full (or box) and circle it with a simple pencil, there is no difficulty in this.
    • Second step: edging with a hammer and chisel. A border should be made along the entire groove, and very evenly and efficiently.

    • The last stage: sampling the groove with a chisel. This process requires utmost care and accuracy, because even a slight careless movement of the hand can spoil the appearance of the door surface. There are other, alternative ways to install hinges. For example, a professional method that only professional workers can usually bring to life with their own hands, but the quality of this method is worth it.

    As for what you can create with your own hands, there are several ways. Firstly, this is the installation of loops without tie-in. Secondly, non-standard, but very convenient trunnion loops. Thirdly, screw hinges, although they do not have the most aesthetic appearance.

    Mounting options

    Ease of use depends on many different nuances. One of them is the method of fixing the door and There are several such ways:

    • The first known option for fastening a door is the so-called frame system. Its essence is that the door is placed in a steel frame and it can be moved by installing a groove on the wheels.
    • The second option is a rail system, which differs from the first one in that instead of wheels or rollers, special rails are used here. They are very reliable and easy to use.

    • There are also other ways and options. These include the well-known hinged installation, as well as such unusual methods as the option without self-tapping screws or also without anchors. There are a large number of options for fastening doors, and each person will be able to choose something to his taste.

    Do-it-yourself installation: step by step instructions

    Do-it-yourself door installation includes its own technology, scheme, installation procedure in accordance with GOST. It has its own standards and nuances that you need to know and follow, regardless of whether it is the installation of a box, a sheathing without additional elements or with them, and so on.

    Box installation

    So, this process has already been discussed in detail above. It is only worth mentioning that this type of repair installation work is one of the most important in the installation and installation of any door, because it can actually be considered the basis of the structure. It is very important to accurately make all the necessary measurements, perform work carefully and observe safety precautions.

    Correct installation of the box is the key to a reliable, sturdy construction.

    How to insert with extensions?

    Dobors are called two vertical racks and 1 horizontal bar, the purpose of which is to increase the size of the so-called box coverage area. That is, they simply expand it.

    Usually such products are made from solid wood, as well as from materials such as MDF and fiberboard.

    The sequence of work is not very complicated, but such an operation can help in many cases, for example, to install awnings:

    • So, first of all, it is necessary to make a groove in the timber with the help of a milling machine along the entire door frame, along its perimeter.
    • Next, false slopes need to be attached with glue, and then strengthen this structure with self-tapping screws.

    • The next step is to attach the false slopes to the beam, and put the panel at the top on the remaining vertical elements.
    • In the middle of the work, you need to match the already enlarged box, install it in the already made opening, for this we use self-tapping screws, as well as spacer wedges.
    • Finally, the wedges need to be placed around the perimeter of our door. The distance between the door frame and the door itself must be filled with special foam, cut off the excess. Ready!

    Self-set threshold

    There are two ways to install such a detail for a door as a threshold. The first is called open, the second, respectively, closed. The first method is quite simple, but still does not look very aesthetically pleasing:

    • In this method, first of all, a hole is drilled openly, in which fasteners are then fixed.
    • Then the threshold itself is laid, fixed at several points at once with the help of self-tapping screws.

    Although the first method is many times faster, the result after the second one looks much prettier and more aesthetic:

    • First of all, we fasten the first part of the threshold to the floor with the help of several self-tapping screws.
    • The next step is the decoration, we insert the bottom bar into the resulting grooves.
    • Another option - a decorative bar is attached to ordinary glue. This completes the threshold setting.

    How to align?

    Correcting mistakes, such as unevenness in the design, is very important. After the assessment of irregularities is carried out, the door is removed and re-measured in all respects, you need to get straight to work:

    • If there are gaps between the floor and the door itself, first of all it is necessary to apply a level approximately 1.2-1.4 meters wide across the door opening. This will help level the surface.
    • Also, sometimes in this case, the alignment of the carpet, if present, can help.
    • At the end of the work, it is necessary to hang the door again and check its condition.

    How to fill gaps?

    The gaps between the door and the frame are a common problem that many owners of apartments and houses have to deal with. You can cope with it with the help of ordinary mounting foam, but it is better to choose a better and more expensive one in order to maintain the quality of the work performed longer.

    There are also options such as the most common foam rubber and even moss! Another way: heaters sold in any hardware store.

    Mounting nuances

    Mounting the door, like any other repair work related to furniture, has many different nuances that you should definitely pay attention to the owners of the door:

    • For example, to install a door in a deep or very large opening, you need to either purchase additional extensions, or also install the second door structure. Also in this case, it is worth considering the option of buying and installing heavier doors.
    • In order to correctly, reliably and efficiently install the door at the corner of the room, you need to take into account that the box must be installed at a special required angle, you should also pay special attention to cutting bricks into a brick opening and fastening the structure of this very box, since this may cause some Problems.
    • With different wall thicknesses, it is necessary either to make all measurements very accurately, or to align them before installing the door or mounting.

    • In a panel house, when choosing materials and structures for the work itself, it is worth paying special attention to wall internal expanded clay concrete panels.
    • To equip a door in the opening of a load-bearing wall is a very difficult task, and in this process one should not forget these important points: the material used to build a house or create an apartment, the layout of the room and the apartment or the house as a whole, the condition of the floors, as well as the thickness and other parameters of the wall .

    Installation in some cases is a very difficult type of work, but following these tips, you can handle everything perfectly and without much difficulty.


    Finishing is a very simple, practical and convenient way to decorate and transform an interior door or even the entire interior of an apartment, house or cottage. There are several main types of interior door finishing: installation of such a structure as slopes, decoration and installation of a door frame or door leaf, installation of platbands and, finally, laminate finishing.

    Finishing slopes is not the most difficult, but the dirtiest and most unpleasant type of design. For it, you will need a primer, different types of putty (starting and finishing), corners, a mesh for plasters. With the help of these tools, you need to putty and clean the door, its slopes.

    Designs that can decorate and transform a door beyond recognition are a door frame, platbands, a door leaf. These options, as a rule, do not take much time and effort, but still require extreme accuracy, patience and compliance with special rules.

    How to check if the installation is correct?

    In order to check the correct installation of the door, you need to perform several simple, but at the same time very important actions for its further operation:

    • In no case should the door creak, the hinges should move easily and stand firmly, opening the door should not present any difficulties.
    • When opening the structure at an angle of any size, it should stand straight, not stagger, not deviate.
    • It is necessary to conduct a very careful external inspection of the door, check it in operation, carefully consider every detail of the structure.

    Beautiful interiors

    There are a lot of different interior options for interior doors. For example, a door in a white, light, neutral color is perfect for bright rooms or apartments with a minimalist design. Bright, for example, red doors will perfectly fit into non-standard interiors.

    There are many doors on the market, the installation of which, in principle, is not a very complicated technical process, it requires knowledge of some details during assembly and installation. The installed door structure should not open spontaneously, as well as close with the use of significant mechanical forces. Finally, the doors must be strong and not fall apart at the slightest bang.

    Types of interior doors

    First you need to deal with the types of doors, which are classified according to the material from which they are made:

    • The most popular option for interior doors is a wooden structure. A solid wood door will always look attractive and solid, its service life is very long even with careless handling;
    • Veneered doors are widely used due to their relatively low cost and lightness. In addition, they are made of natural material and are of high quality;
    • Laminated doors and PVC doors are also popular in the building materials market. They are inexpensive and sold everywhere. Covered with a special film, they are resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. In addition, they are light and quite durable;
    • Metal-plastic doors are also in demand today. For interior designs, they are made to match the color of the tree. These are very strong and light doors.
    Four main types of interior doors

    Door frame and architraves material

    The material of the door frame and platbands is often made of fiberboard (in fact, it is pressed paper). This design has minimal strength, because the fiberboard bar can bend under its own weight. Installing doors with it requires maximum accuracy, and during operation, boxes and trim can be easily damaged. Platbands made of fiberboard are inexpensive and light in weight. Fiberboard is not suitable for hanging a high-quality door leaf, it is better to use wood in such cases.

    Natural wood without processing is profiled edged boards. This is a solid enough base that you can hang interior doors on, but it needs to be sanded, painted or varnished.

    Coating and design options for interior doors made of solid oak

    When choosing wood laminated with plastic or veneer as architraves and door frames, you should make sure that the thickness and quality of the coating are appropriate. For large doorways, you may need an additional plank.

    Tools and Consumables

    To install the door structure, you must stock up on the following power tools:

    • perforator;
    • Bulgarian;
    • Drill;
    • Screwdriver;
    • Electric jigsaw or manual router.

    Also for hanging it will be necessary to have a hand tool:

    • Hammer;
    • Axe;
    • Crowbar or mallets;
    • Chisels;
    • construction knife;
    • Straight and Phillips screwdriver;
    • Hacksaws.

    For measurements you will need:

    • Corner;
    • Roulette;
    • Building level.

    It will not do without nozzles and consumables:

    • Drill for wood;
    • Feather drill;
    • Drill for concrete;
    • Cross bit nozzles;
    • spacer bars;
    • wooden pegs;
    • Mounting foam;
    • Screws for wood and dowels for them.

    Additional tools and consumables may be needed for inaccurate dismantling of the door frame; for this case, putty and a spatula will be required.

    Preparation for work

    Before installing the door, you will need to remove the old door structure, which is attached to the walls with nails, screws or ribs of masonry or brickwork. It is possible to knock out a block with a sledgehammer, but there is a danger of damaging the walls, which will require their restoration. It is best to cut the fasteners and remove the box carefully and without loss.

    Dismantling the old door frame

    First you will need to separate the trim and remove the door from the hinges. Before cutting or unscrewing the fasteners, you will need to free up the space between the door frame and the wall from the plaster. This will require a hammer and chisel. Try not to seriously touch the masonry. Fasteners cut from top to bottom. Doors are on a metal frame, which is bolted to the base. Before sawing the clamps, you must first unscrew the bolts.

    The old door frame is sawn and removed from the doorway

    Now that there is nothing holding the box, you can remove it using a mallet or a small crowbar. There are times when the box is tightly held in the opening, then you need to cut it into pieces and take it out in fragments. The vacated opening must be cleaned of everything superfluous, after which it is ready for the installation of a new door structure.

    Work sequence

    Installation of interior doors must be carried out in compliance with a certain sequence, which guarantees the correct installation process.

    Assembling the door frame

    You can easily assemble the door frame by following the instructions. First you need to carefully unpack the box with the kit, carefully opening the container with a knife, without scratching it. The kit should contain:

    • Loop bar;
    • Ceiling or top beam;
    • Porch.

    First, a new door frame is assembled on the floor, all its parts, including trim on one side, are connected to self-tapping screws

    There are several methods of connecting these components of the door frame assembly. With a spiked connection, it will be necessary to cut the spikes onto the elements of the box, and in the future it will be necessary to align with the corresponding grooves on the opposite side.

    When sawing the segments of the door frame at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees, using a chisel, the elements to be connected are trimmed and fixed with self-tapping screws. After basting the holes for them, the parts are again disassembled to install the hinges.

    The places where it is required to place the door hinges are marked with a pencil on the bar. They are determined by looking at the placement of the hinges on the door leaf. After connecting the upper fittings on the vertical bar and the canvas, you need to determine the location of the lower loops.

    The installation of the door frame ends with the connection of the hinged and ceiling wooden beams through pre-marked holes. Masters advise to assemble the doorway on a solid and even base, for example, on the floor. All parts must be connected with self-tapping screws, and then carefully inspect the assembled structure for flaws. In the absence of such, you need to start installing the door frame in the opening.

    Fastening should be done using previously removed plastic elements. Hit them with a hammer, using a peg, so as not to damage the box. Displaced planks must be returned to their place with a light hammer blow.

    If there is no special fastener in the design, assembly is carried out using self-tapping screws.

    In fiberboard, self-tapping screws must be screwed into pre-prepared holes with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm. For example, for 2.5 mm screws, take a 2 mm drill.

    It is recommended to mark the place for fasteners exactly in the middle of the end of the vertical segment. The end strips must be extended into a strict straight line; if inconsistencies occur, you need to turn the required part over with the other end.

    The bottom of the box should be fixed with a special spacer bar. Measure the width with a tape measure, apply a wooden plank and fix in places that will not be visible during installation.

    Checking the distance between the sides and collecting the bottom of the door frame using a special spacer bar

    The screw must not be screwed in at the edge of the plank, as splitting may occur. Mounting should be done at an angle and not completely, avoiding distortions, which is controlled by a corner.

    Preparing the doorway

    When preparing a doorway, consider the following:

    • The door frame should be 1-3 cm smaller than the doorway, and mounting foam will be needed to fill the remaining distance;
    • The opening should be strengthened along the width of the doorway, for this you will need to clamp horizontal and vertical bars to avoid unsteadiness, and the brickwork and plaster must be sealed with mortar;
    • Along the perimeter, the depth of the doorway should be the same; for this, putty, plaster or drywall are used;
    • The contact of the floor coverings at the junction should take place in the middle of the canvas, since in other cases both floor coverings will be visible from the same room;
    • The opening located at the perpendicular wall must be rescheduled in advance, otherwise complex work will be necessary with trimming the platbands along, etc.

    Installing the assembled box in the doorway

    For self-installation of the assembled box in the door, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

    • Attach the posts perpendicularly to the lintel with self-tapping screws. When installing MDF doors, it is necessary to pre-drill holes for screws to avoid cracking;
    • Install the box in the opening and fix it with spacers and wedges;
    • Align the structure with a building level, and then fix it with screws;
    • Hang the door leaf on the hinges. Installation of the box will not do without quality control, elimination of installation flaws, if any;
    • At the next stage, you will need to close the door and put spacers between the canvas and the opening, this will protect the structure from being squeezed out when pouring foam.

    Scheme of installation and fastening of the door frame parts in the opening

    In conclusion - foam blowing the gaps between the wall and the box. When the foam hardens, the spacers are removed. Now you need to install platbands. To do this, file a 45 degree angle and place the pieces in their proper place. Secure with screws, glue or finishing nails.

    The screws are covered with decorative caps, and the nails are rubbed. Everything, with the installation of the door frame is finished.

    Box fixing

    To fix the box, you need to level its position with a level. Mark the connection points with the wall, on the planks and the wall itself.

    Remove the end decorative strip and drill 5-6 holes on both sides with a drill at a distance of 30-50 cm.

    Remove the box from the opening. Drill holes in the thickness of the wall with a puncher using a 0.6 cm drill. Drive dowels into them. Take a drill more dowels by 2-3 cm, since sand from concrete or brick collects in the hole. This will not block the dowel.

    Installing a door lock

    When installing the lock, you need to take into account the level of other locks and handles in the apartment. To do this, the position of the lower edge is marked from the bottom of the door leaf by an integer (80 or 90 cm).

    Attach the lock to the end of the door exactly in the middle and mark along the contour. Remove the top layer with a milling cutter with an overhang of 0.2-0.3 cm. In the absence of a milling cutter, you can use a chisel and a hammer.

    The lock body will require more deepening. To do this, take a pen drill of the desired diameter. With a wide working part, several holes are drilled, removing the partitions with a chisel.

    We prepare a seat for a door lock by making a recess on the end of the door leaf with a chisel and a hammer

    The lock is tried on to the door facade at the place of fasteners and the position of the handle is marked. Drill with an appropriate drill.

    In the groove you need to lay the lock and attach to the end. Install part of the lock - the core, put on the handles, securing with clips and pins.

    Loop fastenings with fitting occur in a similar way. The excess layer is removed with a milling cutter or chisel. Do the same with the box.

    We fasten the hinges with self-tapping screws, if the doors are made of MDF, then first you need to drill holes in the attachment points

    To accurately mark the place of fastening of the door hinges, screw them to the canvas, and put the door in place. Mark the points of contact with the box with a pencil.

    Installing the lock plate

    Hang the door leaf on the hinges and close. On the opposite bar, mark the location of the lock tongue. Cut out the extra layer with a chisel. Screw on the metal bar.

    The gaps between the door and the box should not be more than 0.2-0.3 cm.

    Fastening platbands and additional strips

    The usual width of the door frame is 0.75 cm, which is quite enough for mounting the door into the wall. If the door is placed in a load-bearing wall, then the open surface is trimmed with plaster or an additional plank. It should be fixed with glue like liquid nails. You can also use decorative nozzles on screws.

    The very last stage is the installation of platbands covering the assembly seam. Installation is carried out using screws with decorative caps or nails without caps.

    Doing the installation of an interior door on your own is not a difficult job. A simple step-by-step scheme will be described below, starting from choosing the interior door you like in the store and ending with the self-installation of interior doors with step-by-step photos.

    Interior doors can be divided into several types

    On the market, manufacturers of door structures offer a fairly wide range of models. Ready-made interior doors can be made of different materials. The most common types of materials are:,,.

    Helpful information:

    1. fiberboard - door: the frame is made of wood, and sheathed with fiberboard sheets with lamination. The advantages of such doors include: low cost relative to other types, low weight, which makes it possible to deliver them from the point of sale to the house on their own, ease of installation. Given these points, they are popular among buyers, so that their wide range is most often presented in stores.

    Of the minuses, one can note the low strength of the fiberboard itself, which is why the door breaks and becomes unusable quite easily, poor resistance to moisture, the door can twist. Therefore, we do not recommend its installation in bathrooms with weak ventilation, this material loves dry rooms.

    Photo - Models of MDF doors

    3. natural wood- Interior doors made of this material are the most durable. Their price directly depends on what kind of wood was used for their production. Doors made of valuable species of wood are used for installation in rooms with the author's design; they will perfectly fit into a classic interior. The width of the interior doors is selected according to the size of your opening.

    Photo - Models of wooden doors

    The list of interior doors by type can be supplemented with steel ones, but these types are not very popular among the general population, so they are not included in the article for a detailed description.

    Come here if you are interested in and.

    Types of door frames for interior doors

    The right interior door should be in a reliable box for the door, because its quality will depend on how long the door will last, as well as the design of the doorway of your room. Door frames can be divided into three main types.

    1. Fiberboard box. It looks pretty decent, but when choosing a box made of this material, the strength of the entire structure will be questionable. The middle of the box bar sags from its own weight, not to mention the possible deflections from the weight of the door leaf itself. Since the main components in fiberboard, to put it simply, are glue and paper, it must be borne in mind that they are very fragile and not durable. It is not recommended to hang wooden and MDF doors on them because of their heavy weight.

    Photo - Fiberboard box

    2. Raw wood box. The cost is at the level of fiberboard boxes, but unlike the latter, boxes made from dry profiled timber have a higher strength. Therefore, when choosing between fiberboard boxes and raw wood boxes, we recommend choosing the latter. You also need to consider that you will need additional materials for the final finishing of the box.

    Photo - Raw wooden box

    3. Laminated wood box. It does not require final finishing, as it is already laminated with paper. And here there is one important point, when choosing such a box, the quality of lamination is very important. If thin paper was used for this, there is a high probability of scuffs, scratches, cracks, the coating loses its appearance. Perhaps a better option would be a box made of raw wood with self-finishing and painting.

    Photo - Laminated wooden box

    Also, the entire doorway of the interior door may require additional processing after the doors are installed. Everything will whistle from your opening, its size, the location of the door in it, the interior of the room.

    For such processing, you can use an additional bar and platbands. Required kits can be purchased at the store. We recommend that you decide on their need after the final installation of the door in order to understand what kind of final finish you need. After all, the purchase of additional materials is an additional cost, which in the end may not be necessary.

    An example door is considered with a fiberboard frame. If you need to install wooden boxes, you need to work on the same steps. Installation will be easier, as wood is stronger than fiberboard.

    Step 1. Choice tools and necessary additional consumables. For installation you will need:

    • saw;
    • electric drill ();
    • drills 3 mm and 4 mm for wood;
    • drills 4 mm and 6 mm for concrete;
    • screwdriver;
    • roulette;
    • pen;
    • wood screws;
    • fast mounting dowels;
    • mounting foam.

    Step 2. We determine the scheme for fixing the box in the doorway of the interior door.

    Photo - Scheme of fixing the door frame in the opening

    The figure shows the scheme of fixing the door frame in the opening. As you can see, the interior door (2) is installed in the box (1), which is fixed in the opening with screws (3). Blow foam between the wall and the box (4). The process is as follows: we install the box in the opening, fix it to the wall, foam it.

    Photo - Disassembled door frame and door before installation

    If, after installing the door, its threshold cannot be hidden in the floor, for convenience, choose a box without a U-shaped threshold. It does not have a lower crossbar, so you will simply have nothing to interfere with walking.

    Step 3. Assembling the door frame.

    Photo - The door frame must be assembled for ease of installation

    Loops must be attached to the purchased box. The door should have a cutout for the handle, as well as for the door lock of the interior door. We begin assembling the door frame. It is necessary to connect all the parts of the box together and fit the size of the opening. The factory length usually comes with a margin of 5 cm.

    The surest option not to make a mistake is to assemble the parts on the floor the way they should be in the doorway. Particular attention must be paid to the metal bases of the hinges, they should stick up so that the door can be hung on them from above.

    Choose the opening side depending on the rooms between which the doors are installed. From small rooms, such as a bathroom, pantry, it is better to open the doors to the outside, from large rooms to the corridor - to the inside.

    Photo - The correct position of the end strips

    We attach the upper bar to the screws. The end strips (1) must lie in line. If there is no line, then the bar lies incorrectly and needs to be deployed.

    Photo - Tighten the screws after pre-drilling

    Given the structure of fiberboard and the characteristics of its strength, in the box, before screwing in, it is necessary to drill holes with a wood drill with a diameter of 3 mm. We carry out this action so that our box does not crack during the assembly process. For the same reason, screw fixing points should be located closer to the center, away from edges and corners.

    Photo - Assembled box

    Four self-tapping screws will be enough to fasten the bar, two on each side.
    If the door is lying flat on the floor, place a soft cloth under it to reduce the chance of damaging the laminate.

    Photo - Factory stock box

    We will cut off the factory stock of the box (protruding edge). To fit the box, we accurately measure the dimensions of the doorway of the interior door. And we transfer it to the door frame, taking into account the gap minus 1-2 cm on all sides for the possibility of foaming. We recommend that you double-check yourself on the dimensions of the structure several times.

    Photo - Measuring the height of the opening

    Photo - Cutting line of the excess part of the box

    The protruding surplus is best cut with a hand saw. It is advisable not to use an automatic saw to avoid damage to the coating.

    Photo - Trimming the excess with a hand saw

    As a result of all the manipulations, we get a U-shaped door frame, ready for installation in the doorway of the interior door.

    Photo - Wooden box assembly

    Step 4. Installing the box in the opening.

    We put the box in the doorway. Level up. We check the correctness and evenness of the assembly of the box by hanging the door on the hinges and closing it.

    Photo - Checking the position of the box with a level

    Photo - Drill diameter 4 mm for wood

    The box installed in the opening must be fixed with self-tapping screws. We remove the end decorating strip and drill 7-8 through holes on each side. The distance between the holes is 25-30 cm.

    Photo - Drilled box

    The wood drill is not designed for drilling walls, we only drill a fiberboard box with it. After that, we again check the position of the box with the help of a level, since it could move during the drilling process. If there are no changes, start drilling the wall. Using a thin concrete drill with a diameter of 4 mm, through the holes in the box, we mark the wall. It is impossible to completely drill the wall through the box, as it can be damaged. The hole diameter is 4 mm, if you make more, then the caps of the self-tapping screws will fall out. Next, we remove the box from the opening and begin to make holes with a drill with a diameter of 6 mm. If the wall is brick, the mounting holes should be in solid brick, and not in the masonry joint, in which the dowels do not hold very well.

    Photo - Drilled brick wall

    Photo - Dowels in solid brick

    Photo - Self-tapping screws for quick installation - on the left, wood screws - on the right.

    Dowels are mounted in the finished holes. We fix the box in the wall with self-tapping screws. For convenience, you can use a screwdriver or a drill with a nozzle for a self-tapping screw head. Do not screw in the screws completely, the deflection of the box is possible. In order to avoid deflection, wedge lining is possible. To check the evenness and absence of distortions, in the process of screwing in the screws, additionally check the box for level.

    Photo - Lining wedges

    At the end of the installation, the box is checked from the side of the room using a level.

    Photo - Checking the box by level

    Step 5. Installing the door on the hinges.

    How to install an interior door? It is enough to put the door on the hinges

    If this is a fiberboard door, given its weight, it is possible to do it alone. After its installation, we will try to open and close. In the closed position, the gaps between the box and the door should be about 3 mm.