What does Omonim mean still. What kind of homonyms

Omonies are words that are the same on sound composition, but not related by meaning: lezginka (dance) - Lezginka (woman); Rye (Figure in Chess) - Rye (ship); Ambassador (method of product harvesting) - ambassador (diplomat). The same external sound accounting and grammatical form of Omonimov makes it difficult to communicate, since the distinguisure of their meaning is possible only in context, in combination with other words. Omonimians, examples of which they show, cannot be understood without context: a favorable offer is an impersonal proposal; The kidneys bloom - cure the kidneys; right hand - right (innocent).

Types and examples of homonyms in Russian

Complete lexical homonymy is a coincidence of words belonging to the same part of speech, in all forms: month (calendar) - month (luminous), assembly of the car (from the verb to collect) - assembly on fabric (fold), motive (musical) - Motive (behavior), read (book) - read (adults, parents), outfit (order) - outfit (clothing), note (diplomatic) - note (musical). Incomplete lexical homonymy involves a coincidence in writing and sounding from words related to the same part of speech, not in all forms: skate (wheel; inanimate) - skate (to the river; inanimate) - skate (fish; animated); Pump the pit (perfect view - to bury) - Put the medicine (perfect view - to roll); Cancer (river animal) - cancer (disease, has only the only number).

There are homonyms, examples of which can be seen further associated with the grammatical and sound change: the mouth is rod (pronounced as [mouth]); Three (from the verb rubbed) - three (digit); Couple (boot) - (clubs) steam; Furnace (pies) - (Russian) oven.

Omonyms: examples and types by structure

  1. Root. Have an unprove basis: marriage (factory) and marriage (happy), peace (reigns in the family and the state) and the world (universe).
  2. Omonium derivatives - the result of the word formation: the stroke (the song is under construction) and the string forest.

Phonetic, grammatical and graphic homonyms: examples of consumption

Omophones (Omonies phonetic) are words that are the same on sound composition, but different on writing (lettering): mushroom and influenza, code and cat, fort and "Ford", highlight and consecrate, people and lyut.

Omographs (alphabetic, graphic homonyms) are the words that have the same letter composition, but differ in pronunciation: shelves - shelves, horns - horns, atlas - atlas, soar - soar (accents in these words fall into different syllables).

Omograms - coincidence grammatical forms Single words or different words: glass window (noun) - glass on the floor (verb in the times of riding - summer time; hunting (on predators) and hunting (desire); ice cream popsicle - ice cream meat (noun and adjective); go back in the spring - enjoy In the spring (adverb and noun); flowing on the floor - to take a flow (verb and noun).

Kalambur and Omonimi: examples of words and case-shaped statements

It is necessary to be careful in the use of homonyms, since in some situations, homonymy can distort the meaning of statements and lead to the Commission. For example, the commentator words of a football match: "In today's match, players left without heads," you can understand two. And from such speech incidents, even writers are not insured:

  • "Have you heard?"
  • "It is impossible to be indifferent to the evil."

Omonies are words that sound and written in the same way, and in meaning have nothing to do. The term occurred from Greek: Homos - "the same", onyma - "Name". Suppose onion - Plant I. onion - Weapons for throwing arrows, thick stove and stick ships.

Consider types of Omonimov.

1. Some words are written in the same way, but are pronounced in different ways: s'amok and deputy., p''ait(lingerie, vegetables) and couple` (in the clouds), st k') (bread in the store) and hundred `it(Machine, tree). Such words are called omographs that translated from the Greek language means "equally writing."

2. There are words that are equally pronounced, and it is necessary to write them in different ways. For example, pond and rod, metal and metal, five and span. it omophons , Translated from Greek - "equally sounding."

Among the oomophones there are many such pairs that match not in all their forms, but in some or even one. If you start changing words on cases and numbers, then immediately detects the difference in their sound. Suppose At the pond, to the pondtwo rods, hit the prude. Word " three»Maybe numeral ( three apples, three things) and verb ( three strongest!). But not all forms of these words will be the coincidence: rub, turnsthree, three. Identical forms of different words are called omograms .

Omonimi may be a hindrance in communication languages, especially greater difficulty they represent for the translator. In this case, the context helps, because In the natural conversation, the words are rarely used isolated. By the context, it is easy to guess, what's the point in mind: This is a completely simple example. - simple equipment is quite expensive.

§ 51. Omonium and its types

The meaningfulness of words is a big and multifaceted problem, with her various questions of lexicology, in particular, the problem of homonymy. Omonimi words, the same sound, but different in their meaning. The relationship between polsmia and homonymy is due to historically. With the development of the language "one and the same, the inner shell of the word is becoming shooting new values \u200b\u200band meanings" [Vinogradov V. V. 1947: 14]. Omonimis in some cases arise from Poland, who has undergone destruction process: fist - Brush hands with compressed fingers and fist - a tricky peasant, a good strong owner and then fist - Operator's peasant (class definition). The problem of delimitation of polsmia and homonymy is complex, linguists offer various criteria For breeding data of phenomena. There are several approaches.

    O.S. Akhmanova built a distinction between Polemia and Omonimia, first of all, on taking into account the nature of the ratio of the word with objective reality. If each of the meanings is an independent name of a certain object of the surrounding world and is out of all dependence on another item, then these values \u200b\u200bbelong to different levels of homonyms. For example: hail (city) and hail (precipitation); Spit (hairstyle), braid (otmel) and braid (labor instrument).

    E. M. Galkina-Fedhoruk held the opinion that the delimitation of Poland and Omonimia should be carried out by selecting synonyms. If synonyms do not have anything in common, then these are homonyms: Bor (drill) - Bor (coniferous forest) - Bor (chemical element).

    A number of scientists, without rejecting the named criteria, offered to take into account the derivative features: for example, reaction as the term of various sciences has different word-forming rows: reaction (biol., chem.) reagent, reactive, reactivity; reaction (Polit.) - Reactionary, reaction, reactionability.

Omonies often have different syntactic combinations, different management forms: care from work I. care behind the child, behind flowers; change Plan, no change Motherland. However, these criteria are not universal, so sometimes discrepancies are found in the dictionaries. Omonium sources are as follows:

    Omonimi - a product of the collapse of Phasemia: drying - drying and drying - product view (Branca).

    Word-forming homonyms: buy (from the verb "buy") and (from the verb to "bathe").

    The consequence of the historical change in the sound appearance of different words: there is (available) and yat (eat) on the sound coincided by the middle of the XVIII century: the sound "ê" (closed) or the ancient Russian difthong "IE" (transmitted in the letter "Yet") became Pronounce as [E], so the pronunciation of words stopped varying. In 1918, the orphography reform was carried out, some letters, including the letter ¯, were abolished, and the words presented above coincided not only on sound, but also by writing. Let us give an example. Word lynx (Animal) in antiquity sounded "Randy" and was classified with words crop, red; Then "DS" simplified in "C". Word lynx Like a horse rises to the ancient Russian "RF" (cf. ristar), later the final "T" "disappeared, and" P "turned.

    The richest source of homonymy are borrowed words, for example: Tour (Bull - Old Russian) and Tour (from French): Waltz Tour, Balka (Rasp - from Turkic Yaz.) And Balka (log - from German), marriage (marriage - Russian) and Marriage (flaw - from German) and others.

Omonies are divided into full, or actually lexical homonyms, and incomplete homonyms, among which, in turn, distinguish between several species. TO actually lexical homonyms These include, for example: English: Flaw1 - crack; Flaw2 - wind gust; Russian: light1 - energy; Light2 - World, Universe. These words coincide on the sound, writing and belong to the same part of speech. Types of incomplete homonyms are as follows:

1. Omatics - Miscellaneous words and shapes that coincide on the sound, but differing in writing:

meadow (field) - onion (gun for shooting), ball (dance evening) - score (evaluation).

2. Omvigaty. - Words, different meanings and sound, but the same writing:

atlác (fabric) - Átlas (Collection of geographical maps), Zamok - Lock.

3. Omographic (Morphological homonyms) - words that coincide with the sound and writing in one or more grammatical forms:

roy (Sostor.) Bees - Roy (verb.) Pit, Dorgoya (SUM.) - Durable (adj.), New saw (SUM.) - Saw (verb.) Coffee, harness (verb.) Grass - Medical Harness ( SUN.).

To homonyms are adjacent pARNIMI close on sound and writing words, but different in value. They are sometimes mistakenly used by one instead of another: the subscription (the right to use anything) and the subscriber (a person who has a subscription); effective (efficient) and spectacular (rushing); Hidden (closed) man and hidden (invisible) mechanism and many others.

Omonimi - words are different by meaning, but the same sound and writing.

Word homonym It happened from Greek. Homos is the same + Onyma - a name.

Most of all homonyms among nouns and verbs.


1. Stay - protect (defend a friend).

2. Stay - to stand up (to stand).

3. Defend - to be at some distance from someone (The airport is five kilometers from the city).

Causes of appearance in Omonimov

    random coincidence of words:


1. ONION - borrow. Gardening plant with sharp taste.

2. ONION - Statement. Rus. Manual weapons for throwing arrows made of flexible, elastic rod (usually wooden), pulled in an arc of the guide.

    coincidence in the formation of new words:


Send - send with the instructions. Manifold 1. AMBASSADOR .

Salt - canning something in a salt solution. Method of Solving Products - 2. AMBASSADOR .


So happened in antiquity with the word SHINE :

Light - 1) Lighting, 2) Earth, peace, universe.

These values \u200b\u200bhave become so distant that they lost a semantic connection. Now these are two different words.

1. Light - radiant energy making the world around the world.

2. Light - Earth, peace, universe.

Omonyms need to be distinguished from multivalued words. Omonium values \u200b\u200bare clear only in phrases and suggestions. Separated word Rank unclear. But if you enter it into the phrase, it will become clear what we are talking about:


ancient rank Musical rank .

Types of Omonimov

Often homonyms, omophorms, mistifones and omographs are used in calaburas - witty expressions, jokes.


You're not mine this umbrella, since he is not mine, lost his dumb.

Use homonyms, omophorms, mistons and omographs in their speech should be very careful. Sometimes they lead to unwanted ambiguity.


Yesterday I visited the bottom of poetry. Day poetry? Or bottom poetry?

In Russian, there are a lot of words, equally sounding, but not having anything in common. For example: Bow - Plant and onions - Weapons for throwing arrows.

This phenomenon is called homonym. Let us give a few definitions of this phenomenon for different authors.

Omonimia is:

  • The similarity of words in sound attitude with the difference of values.
  • Sound coincidence of words, various meanings.
  • Coincidence on the sound of words, different value.

The phenomenon of ionymia is found in many languages, in Russian, he was most deeply studied by Abaev V.I., Vinogradov V.V., Swedov N. Yu.

Omonimy called:

  • Science studying the phenomenon of homonymy
  • A combination of homonyms of any language.
  • The section of lexicology studies homonyms.
  • Sound coincidence of words, different meanings.

The relationship between different lexico-semantic versions of the same word, synonymy, antonymy - all types of semantic communications between lexical units based on the generality, coincidence or the opposite of the values \u200b\u200bof lexical units. But there is another type of communication between them, which is based on not the similarity or the opposite of the values \u200b\u200bof different words, and the coincidence of their external form. This type of communication is homonymy, and the words associated with such a connection are called homonyms.

The term omonymis goes back to the Greek elements: "Omos" is the same, and "onima" - a name. In Russian, there are a lot of homonyms, for example: Spit -Lexo-coherent gun, braid - woven into one strand hair, braid - from the shore a narrow strip of earth, shallow; The key dries out of the ground the source and the key -Mtallic rod, which lock and unlock the castle.

Consider various definitions of homonyms.

Omonym in linguistics:

1. A word one-block with another, but different from him. For example: "Out" - fur sheath and "edge" - the edge of the forest.

2. Word having the same sound with another word, but different from him. For example: "Tank" - nose part Ship decks and "tank" vessel.

3. A word coinciding with another word for sounding and writing, but diverging and system forms. For example: "Course" - the direction of the movement of the ship and the "course" - the finished cycle of learning.

4. A word that has the same pronunciation with another, but different meanings. For example: "Nose" - part of the body, part of the ship, geographical term.

Types of Omonymov

Omonies, Omophones, Omographs, Ohormforms are all different manifestations of homonymy in the language. We bring

1. Lexical homonyms are called two or more different words that coincide in writing, pronunciation and grammatical design. For example, "Block" - the Union, the Agreement of States and Block - simplest car For lifting weights.

In lexicology there are two types of words-ionov - full and incomplete.

Complete lexical homonyms include such words of the same part of the speech, which coincides with the entire system of forms.

Incomplete lexical homonyms include the words of the same part of speech, which coincides the entire system of forms. For example, the word factory - industrial enterprise and the plant - the device to actuate the mechanism; The world is a set of all forms of matter in the earth and outer space and the world - consonant relations, calm, no hostility, war, quarrels.

2. Omophones, - s; MN. Ling. Different in meaning and writing the word coinciding in their pronunciation. For example, fruit and raft.

3. Omforms. Among the Omophones there are many such pairs that are not the same in all their forms. Really; It is worth starting to change the words of the pond and rods on cases and numbers, as the difference will immediately find the difference in their sound: the pond, to the pond, two rods, hit the rod.

If you say: "Three!" This can be understood as numeral, and as a verb. But not all forms of these words match: rub, ter - three, three. The same forms of different words are called omoborms.

Omoforms - forms; MN. Ling. Words coinciding in their sound in separate forms.

4. Omographs, - s; MN. ; Different words and pronunciation of words that coincide on writing .. For example, flour - product and flour - torment, depending on the stress.

Most often, homonyms are found among nouns. But there are many of them among the verbs, for example, to trample - to keep the fire in something, drowned - heating, melting and drowning - to make sink. There are homonyms and among adjectives, for example, nice - worthy of glory and nice - good.

The emergence of Omonimov

Omonyms arise in a language for various reasons. Sometimes the word borrowed and the word invoko Russian coincide in one sound. So, the word club in the meaning "organization, society", coming to us from of English language, coincided with the sound with the old Russian word club.

In other cases, two words come from different languages \u200b\u200bwith different values, but the same sound. Thus appeared in Russian, the word Raid - Raja and Raid - Water Space; Focus and focus - trick and others. In some cases, both words come from one language: Mina and Mina - both words from French.

Many homonyms arose in Russian as a result of the disintegration, cleavage of a multivalued word. If the two values \u200b\u200bof one word diverge in the meaning so much that they become different words, ionics occur. For example, dashing is a bad, damaging, dashing - bold, brave. There are other ways of homonyms.

So, homonyms in the language appear as a result:

  • borrowing words from other languages;
  • transforming one of the lexical values \u200b\u200bof the multivalued word into an independent word;
  • word formation.

The difference between homonyms from other types of words

Omonyms should be distinguished from other types of words. The main thing is not to confuse them with multi-valued words.

Multivalued words are words that have several lexical values. In many-value words, one value is associated with another in meaning.

The word satellite in modern Russian has several values \u200b\u200brelated to each other:

  • Man who makes a path with someone
  • What accompanies something
  • Heavenly Body Around Planet

Multivalued words are among all independent parts of speech, except for numeral.

Omonimians should also be distinguished from multivalued words that apply in their figurative value.

Hat girl, nail hat.

Rye gold and golden hands.

A figurative value is one of the meaning of the meaningful words. When transferring the name of one item as a name for another subject, a new word is formed lexical meaningwhich is called portable. Name transfer occurs based on the similarity of objects in any.

Determine where different values The same word, and where is Omonimi, sometimes it is not easy even to scientists. Therefore, in doubtful cases, you should contact the help of a dictionary.

Omonium use

Use of Omonimov different types It may strengthen the effectiveness of speech, since the collision of "the same, but different words" attracts special attention to them.

Omonies give special sharpness and proverbs, and aphorism. Omonium is based on many riddles. For example: what bulls have no tails or horns? . What cats do not catch mice? In battle chicken, and after the fight entertain. Weapons, fruits, gem stones, one name - different items. Everyone from the road is going to chase, since screaming. And on the roof I stick, do not peel. Ice on the river cut along and across, and at the bottom of the sea I am kindly ... who?

In some ries, the mistifones are played: ate the old man was dry ... Where did the fish bones come from? .

The phenomenon of homonymy is used in jokes and jokes when creating a paradoxical meaning.

However, homonyms can not only delight and entertain us, giving a speech of bright expressive paints. In special cases, homonymy is the cause of annoying misunderstandings, speech errors. Omonimi requires caution from us in circulation with the word. It is impossible not to take into account the possibility of an erroneous or ambiguous understanding of what we are talking about. For example, it is unclear sentence sentence: "The capable students are translated", because the verb here can mean both translation into the next class, and can be perceived in the meaning "disappear, they are becoming less and less." And how to interpret the remark of a woman who holds a frightened boy and excitedly says: "He's not mine, I don't know anything about him ..."

Random homonymy can cause an inappropriate comiability. For example, a sports browser writes: "The football players left the field without a head," "did not hold the goalkeeper's ball, but it was worthless ...".

Omonimov's dictionaries

Omonium is fully represented in modern sensible dictionaries. However, not all cases of homonymization of words are given in them equally consistently and clearly, which is explained by the invertation of many theoretical issues of homonymy and the absence of generally accepted criteria for the distinction of homonymy and Poland.

In 1974, the first in the Russian lexicographic practice "Russian Omonimov Dictionary", compiled by O. S. Akhmanova, was published. In the dictionary included over 2000 dictionary articles containing a pair of homonyms. Each article is given:

  • an indication of one of the three main types of education and its types: a derivative of homonymy of words with a pronounced morphological structure, originally different wordsseparated by polesia;
  • grammatical information about words;
  • stylistic characteristics;
  • etymological data;
  • translation of each of Omonia words into three languages: English, French, German;
  • examples of use of homonyms in phrases or suggestions.

In the dictionary assembled big interesting material, for the first time the translation of Omonimous words to other languages \u200b\u200bwas given, an attempt was made to distinguish the phenomenon of Omonimia actually and functional homonym, and t. It is complemented by "the reference point of homonyms various types Omonimia "and two applications. In the first application, a dictionary of the so-called functional homonymy is given, i.e., such words, the homonymization of which occurs when they are functioning in speech. In the second application, an omographic dictionary is given.

In 1976, the "Dictionary of Omonyms of the Russian Language" was published in Tbilisi, compiled by N. P. Kolesnistems containing four thousand words-ionics. The phenomenon of Omonimia N. P. Kolesnikov understands a little extended and includes the composition of ionic all the words "with various lexical and / or grammatical meaning, but with the same on the Scripture and / or pronunciation" that is, lexical homonyms, omophorms, and omographs. The dictionary highlighted different groups Absolute and relative homonyms, as part of which is considered by the homonymy of significant and service words. All given words are equipped with an interpretation of the value, etymological litters, strokes. There are no examples of their use in text or phrases. There are no stylistic litters.

In 1978, the 2nd publication of this dictionary was published, which differs significantly from the previous one. The vocabulary is excluded omophorms of the type of oblique and oblique, but a lot of new words-homonyms have been introduced. The interpretations of the words of words are clarified, stimples are stimples in omographs, stylistic litters are given. The new publication of the dictionary will be very useful to anyone who actively masters and creatively uses the lexical riches of the Russian language.

In Russian, as in other languages, there is a phenomenon of homonymy. Its essence is that words that are equally written and pronounced, can mean absolutely different things. This amazing phenomenon is dedicated to our article.

What is Omonimi

Omonies are words that are equally written and pronounced, but absolutely different in meaning. An example of homonyms may be the word "bow". It can mean both weapons and (in a homonymic value) plant. for example, onion and tight onions.

The phenomenon of Omonimia is devoted to the funny and informative children's book of the poet Ya. Kozlovsky "On the words of various - the same, but different." There are a lot of funny short risers that help to understand the essence of the phenomenon of homonymy.

However, it must be said that the phenomenon of homonymy is very difficult, mysterious and multifaceted. It only seems simple and understandable children who study the topic in grade 2, when the answer to the question is what isonimies in Russian looks quite defined. But it should be borne in mind that there are other types of homonym - such words that do not always coincide and not in all forms.

If words refer to the same part of speech and coincide in all forms, they usually speak of complete homonyms. For example, full homonyms are the words "Bor" (forest - pine forest) and "Bor" ( chemical substance). But there is in language and incomplete homonyms.

Consider a number of such cases:

  • omophons- these are words that are equally pronounced, but they are written differently; eg, cat - animal and code - digital lock code, rod (branch) and pond (lake);
  • omographs- words that, on the contrary, are equally written, but differently pronounced, as a rule, with different stresses; eg, words "castle" and "castle", "Iris" and "Iris" - this is omographs;
  • omographic- these are words that coincide only in some specific forms, in fact they can even be in words different parts speech; eg, Such words: "Glass" (window) and "Glass" (something down).

How to distinguish homonyms

It is sometimes difficult to understand that we are in front of us: Omonies or multivalued words. After all, they, in general, are similar.

Like homonyms, multivalued words have many values; But all these values \u200b\u200bare much closer in meaning. for example, word "brush".

It can mean both part of the hand (handbrush), and decoration from threads (handkerchiefs with brushes), and a drawing device (dip the brush in the paint), and a twig on which there are many small flowers or berries (grapes). All these words are connected common value: beam, several long items bonded at one point. That is, the values \u200b\u200bof one multi-valued word are something similar in meaning.

Omonima do not have anything in common among themselves. The concepts they mean are in no way connected. For example, a mink (in the ground, an animal dwelling) and mink (animal). Even if the mink lives in a mink, it is impossible to consider them similar yet.

In order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to remember the usual rule: seeking to distinguish homonyms from multivalued words, you have to look into the dictionary. IN explanatory dictionary All the values \u200b\u200bof one multi-valued word are given in the same vocabulary article list and numbered inside it. As for homonyms, they are explained in various vocabulary articles. That is, the word is written again, separately.

We give examples of the words of Omonimov:

  • LINE,y; g. 1. To Schedule (1, 4 zn). 2. Solid seams on fabric, skin, etc. Machine line. 3. The genus of openwork embroidery. Openwork, curly stitch.
  • LINE,y; mN. Rod. -receipt, dates. -bels; g. 1. \u003d Row (1-2 zn). Curve Stitch. 2. Smooth row chain of. Stitching of animal traces. <Строчечка, -и; mN. Rod. -receipt, dates. -bels; g. Reduce.-Caress Stricken ,y ,y.

Both Omonimises inside the vocabulary article there are several interpretations under the numbers. This means that each of these words is multi-valued.

Of course, the language tends to exclude homonymy, because the basic function of the language is communicative, that is, the transfer of information; And if homonyms are used in speech, it is not always easy to understand what is meant. For example, the offer "Bring onions" - it is not clear that we must bring (bow-weapons or a bow-plant).

But if homonyms create so many problems, what explain that they exist in the language at all? In many cases, the reason for the appearance of homonyms is that once these words were written and uttered differently and only with changing the sound and graphics system of the tongue, they began to be written and pronounced equally; An example is the word "world", which was written differently in different values.

In addition, jokes are often built on homonyms - Kalaibura.

For example, you can recall the pun-associated with the word "outfit": "One outfit, and the other is outfit out of turn." The essence of the joke is that one of the homonyms means festive, beautiful clothes, and the other is an order to fulfill any work or a document regulating the types of work.

What did we know?

Words that are equally written and pronounced, but at the same time are completely different in meaning, called homonyms. Omonium phenomenon include such cases when words are only equally written, but differently pronounced (omographs), only the same pronounced, but they are written differently (omophones), coincide only in separate forms (omophorms). To distinguish homonyms, it is necessary to look into the explanatory dictionary: the interpretation of various homonyms is given there by individual vocabulary articles.

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Of course, you guessed that the boys did not understand each other, because they talked about different things, at the same time calling them the same word. This is an example of homonyms. After all, oatmeal is a bird, and more oatmeal is a cereal.

Omonimi - Words similar to sound and writing, but different meanings. The word "Omonym" happened from two Greek words: omos. - the same onimo - Name.

Consider examples of homonyms, compare the sound, writing and meaning of words.

In the sea sushi strip

Called braid,

And girl braid

Colors of ripe oats.

On the grass lies dew -

Kosits the tricks of the braid.

I have one question:

How much is there in the light of the brain?

Fig. 2. Omonyms: Spit ()

Spit - Narrow shallow, coming from the shore.

Spit - Braided hair.

Spit - Tool for mowing grass.

Kashk saw in the meadow.

Pitch eats a cow Mashka.

Mashke like lunch:

No good thing!

Nasca - White clover.

Nasca - Dish from water-dressed in water or milk.

Say the "Spring" -

And now,

Runs in green more often

Cheerful key murmur.

And we are a spring call

(The key from the doors is not here).

Fig. 3. Omonyms: Key ()

Key - Spring.

Key - Device for lock.

We are chanterelles

Friend sisters.

Well, what's the same?

We are chanterelles too!

How, with one paw?

No, still with a hat.

Fig. 4. Omonyms: chanterelles ()

Lisuki - Mushrooms.

Lisuki - Animals.

I go to shoot with me to learn

And on the ridge I look for me.

I can get aptly in a bird,

And also I get into soup.

Fig. 5. Omonimi: Luk ()

Onion - plant.

Multivalued words and homonyms are written in the same way. The main difference Between them is that multivalued words have something in a lexical meaning (color, form), and omonimov lexical values \u200b\u200bare completely different.

If you doubt the definition of a multivalued word or omonym, the explanatory dictionary will come to your aid. Consider the difference in writing articles:

The root is a multi-valued word, has several values:

1. Underground part of plants.

2. Inner part of the hair, tooth.

3. The beginning, the source of something (figurative value).

4. The significant part of the word.

In the dictionary in a multi-valued word, each of its meaning is indicated by a number.

Consider how Omonimi is presented in the dictionary. For example:

Crane is a locking device in the form of a tube for the release of fluid or gas.

Crane - machine for lifting and moving goods for short distances.

Omonimi has a separate vocabulary article.

It is possible to determine the value of homonyms only when the word is used in the phrase or in the proposal.

Perform the task.

Consider the pictures. We will make proposals or phrases with homonyms to show their different lexical importance.

1. Fluffy mink.

2. Deep mink.

Fig. 11. Omonyms: Mink ()

1. We saw a picture with a predatory trot.

2. The horse ran trot.

Fig. 12. Omonimi: Lynx ()

1. It is impossible to pollute the environment.

2. The grandmother will arrive on Wednesday.

Fig. 13. Omonimi: Wednesday ()

So, we learned that in Russian there are words that are equally written and pronounced, but have a different lexical meaning. These words were called Omonimi.

Omonimi are often used in rebuys and riddles, for example:

What web can not sew a shirt?

From the railway.

What crane can not be drunk?

From the lifting.

In which cage do not keep birds and animals?

In chest.

In which forests do not lead to game?

In construction.

What the belt can not be tied?

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkin T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balam.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Drop.
  1. Bukina-69.ucoz.ru ().
  2. Toyskola.ucoz.ru ().
  3. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkin T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. Ch2. ORP. 33, 34 pp. 25.
  • Select these words of Omonimi. Make proposals to be understood by the meaning of words.

Castle, foam, cream.

  • * Using knowledge gained in the classroom, come up with riddles or rebuses, where answers will be alone words.