What you need to know the parents about the bars of the boy and the girls: Signs, the rules of baptism in the Orthodox Church and recommendations. What is the sacrament of baptism and how it happens

The baptism of the baby is a special sacrament requiring careful preparation. Some rules should be followed when planning the date and the definition of godfathers for the newborn.

As long before the child appears to appear, the parents begin to think about the fact that he would need to be baptized. Since ancient times it was believed that only the brightest of the baby, he acquires his name and joins the people of God, becoming closer to the Lord himself. The ceremony of baptism frees a little man from sins, because all children are born in sin.

In any case, this is a matter that requires compliance with many rules.

Why are kids?

Passing the rite of baptism, the child becomes higher on the spiritual step, he comes to the church and acquires a name before the Lord.

  • Baptism is a special solemn sacrament. During the christening of a small child, a real miracle occurs. The church persistently claims that this gate to heaven opens at that moment. Baptism washes off sins per person, making it clean in front of the Lord.
  • If you think about it, this is a way to warn your baby in the future from evil, problems and misfortunes.
  • The church persistently believes that the religion does not choose "as clothes", so parents must take care of baptism in advance, choose the godparents and "from the diaper" to engage in spiritual education of the child.
  • Epiphany people are recognized by the church and you can put candles for them and read prayers. This is another reason for the timely baptism of the child in the church.

Church calendar: When to baptize the newborn?

  • Most. optimal time For baptism, days are considered when a woman has blood postpartum discharge, that is, after the expiration of forty days.
  • After the expiration of this period, it is thoroughly prepared for the rite and count the date.
  • Many choose certain days in which the holy apostles are honored and their names are given to the kid.

When to baptize a newborn?

Since ancient times it was believed that baptism can be carried out on the eighth day from birth, provided that the umbilical wound was completely healed.

There are also situations such when parents do not expect the expiration of forty days for baptism. The reason for this is not good health Toddler, his opportunity to die from illness, difficult and traumatic childbirth. In situations where a clergyman is invited to visit the Church to the hospital and holds a rite. As a last resort, Mom herself reads prayer and kropyt a child with holy water.

After hospital baptism, re-baptism should be renovated in the temple.

  • According to the rules, the sacrament is held on a fortieth after the birth of the baby and it is not by chance.
  • This is the time that should be put in order to mother of the child and the newborn itself.
  • It is believed to postpone the date of baptism for a long time, and, if someone has been punished from relatives or could not come, the church does not accept this.
  • If on the date of baptism, that is, a fortieth falls on the fortieth - it does not become a barrier and prohibitions on church holidays do not exist.
  • Exceptions may be only large church holidays, in such cases the baptism of the church may not be carried out because of the employment of the priests.

Preparation for the baptism of the child - the choice of the godfather, the rules and responsibilities of the godfather

Children's christenings have always been considered a special holiday in the life of each family. This cleansing of the soul and body at the same time. Due to the lack of a child's ability to bow before God, this duty for him is fulfilled by his godparents. It is for this reason that choosing the godfather should be carefully, because they will become spiritual parents to the baby until the end of his days.

The child's godfather must be necessarily Orthodox and among themselves should not have any intimate relationships.

Preparation for the baptism of the child
  • The baptism of the baby should be carried out only in the walls of the church according to the rules. During the baptism of both parents, I read the prayer "Symbol of Faith", which serves as their proof of the Orthodox faith and compliance with the duties of the godfather. In his prayer, both parents are completely reversed from Satan and promise to take full participation in the spiritual Christian education of their child.
  • It must be remembered that Christianity is a voluntary and conscious choice. So with the choice of godfall parents, they should not give up their fate and fully give their forces to the whole process.
  • According to tradition, it is believed that if a girl is baptized, she must have a godmother, and the boy is a godfather. The role of the godfather can be asked to fulfill the Batyushka himself.
  • Godparents should read prayer about their godfather every holiday and before bedtime. It is customary to ask God every time forgiveness and blessings, wish to health a child and thank for every day of life.
  • The duty of the godfather is also acquainting a child with the Bible and make it.
  • The godparents should take the burden of "motherhood" and facilitate the work of the mother, giving her rest.


Ideally, before baptism, both parents should come to church for confession to ask God for forgiveness for all the perfect sins and coming up. Before the baptism of godfather, parents need to spend a day in tranquility, prayers and abandon any intimate relationships with their spouses. It should also be limited in food.

Before baptism, the godfather must prepare all the necessary clothes for baptism:

  • cryfle - a special diaper
  • shirtash
  • cap (for a girl)

The godfather by tradition acquires a cross. The cross should be silver, since this metal is considered clean and able to attract positive energy. Gold does not welcome the church, because this metal is not from God.

Clothes in which the kid and the kryph do not be washed after baptism. In those moments when the child will be sick, it should be hidden by a hound. It is believed that she is able to cure the baby and give him relief. All his mother's clothes should save and transfer to his child for storage already in adulthood.

How to dress on christening in church: Dress Code Rules

The church requires compliance with a special "dress code". Men are recommended not to wear too bright and causing clothes with decor. It is best to wear a shirt with long sleeves and pants. It will be solemnly and right. The short sleeve is better not to wear, some clergymen react negatively to modern T-shirts. Another important moment For men - you should completely hide all the tattoos on the body. They may have a negative value and therefore be invalid in the church.

Women must comply with a more serious dress code:

  • The head of women should be necessarily covered with a handkerchief and, in no case, no headdress.
  • A woman should not be in pants, she should definitely wear a skirt or a dress that will cover the legs at least to the knees.
  • Women's shoulders should also be covered, and the neckline should not open the chest to everyone.
  • Each detail of the godfather should not cause indignation and condemnation. A woman should be traced that her wardrobe is not causing: without heels, bright drawings, skulls, chains and spikes. Church - noble place.

Every crossed must have native Cross on the chest.

What are the rules of baptism?

  • The Orthodox Church states that during the ceremony of baptism, in no case should not be present orthodox people and people of other religions. Therefore, before the christening, carefully check with all your close details.
  • The church is a pure noble place. Go to church follows with a clean soul and heart. Therefore, if you have conflicts in the family, they should be corrected and establish communication.
  • After the ceremony of baptism, parents must necessarily cover the table for their godfall to celebrate the event. It is customary to give the child gifts to leave as many memories of this light day.
  • Baptism can be carried out in a personal order, and you can combine somewhat together. The rite force does not lose and acquires values \u200b\u200bequal to each.
  • Hair aggravated during baptism should be kept by a crossfield.

Rules of baptism in the church

Is it possible to baptize a child under a different name?

Modern fashion dictates its conditions, and more and more often parents give their children unusual names: Viola, Alien, Milan and so on. How to be in cases where the church does not recognize the name? In such a situation, Batyushka offers a child another orthodox name: either similar to what a child has, or the name dedicated to the Holy Apostle.

In such situations, the child has two names, but the force acquires only what the church gave. In prayers and prospects to God, it should be mentioned precisely church name Child.

Is it possible to baptize a child if the mother is unprecedented?

The church states that not baptized people do not have the right to be in her walls. That is why it is prohibited not to baptized parents to be during baptism. The whole situation is in the root is not correct and before you baptize your child, the mother must be baptized herself. Only then, her prayers acquire strength and meaning.

Some churches also do not consider the right to find a mother during baptism next to the child, even baptized. After all, all the duties fall on the godfather - and here it is the main one. All this can be understood from the point of view that the child cannot be at the same time two mothers. In such cases, the mother is outside the temple. Some churches allow mothers who do not have blood discharge to be present in the temple and have been published to observe the rite.

baptism rite

Is it possible to be a pregnant woman to be a godfather and baptize a child?

The church categorically prohibits in their walls "not pure" women, that is, those that have in this moment Postpartum discharge or menstruation. But loyally and even favorably treat pregnant women who decided to come to the temple. Therefore, a pregnant woman may well be a godmother.

However, it should be thought about the fact that the rite is quite complicated and requires endurance. Sometimes it follows a long time to stand in a stuffy room and keep a child on the hands. Will a pregnant woman can withstand this process, and whether he is already another question for her.

Can you baptize a child without a godfather?

Some life situations make parents take complex solutions Regarding the selection of godded parents. Often happens so that suitable people simply no. In such cases, the church itself should come to the rescue and offer its services. The fact is that any father can become a child with a godpiece.

The rules of baptism also say that the child is obliged to have at least one godfather who will pray for him.

And yet it is desirable to prepare in advance to find suitable people for baptism. Age and social status should never have meaning, only the desire to divide the parent of the parent and the Orthodox faith must move people.

Do children in the post and Easter?

As mentioned earlier, posts and church holidays do not become an obstacle for the rite. The only exception is the situation when the clergyman producing the ceremony is too busy on the occasion of Easter or any other date. You should always clarify in advance with the father of his capabilities and plans and only then prepares for the event.
It is best to choose a day preceding Easter.

Baptism on Easter

Is it possible to baptize a child in a leap year?

Church rules have nothing against a leap year for baptism. The christenings are a rite of the child's soul closer to God, and therefore some everyday conventions should not matter. The baptism on the occasion of a leap year is not worth noting in any case, the child should be attached to the Lord as early as possible.

What day of the week there are kids?

As a rule, baptism can be carried out on any day of the week - it is worth a negotiate with the father. Most often, the church collect children during the first half of the week to observe them in the second half, but are always ready to make exceptions and hold a private ceremony.

Baptism is most often held on Saturday, as Sunday is overloaded with church services.

baptism in church

The rite of baptism, as a rule, is a long process requiring careful preparation and complete return. First, the rite takes place in separate roomwhere the godfall read prayers, and the child is smeared by the world and dip in holy water. As a rule, this action lasts from forty minutes to an hour. In this room, the most important thing happens - the child will give a name and put the cross on him.

How is the rite of baptism of the child?

After the rite spent in a separate room, the child is allowed to enter the temple and solemnly enter the church. The priest brings the kid to important icons And reads prayers. Children-boys Batyushka pesters through the altar, the girls are not allowed there. Native Moms are present in the temple and read maternal prayers. It takes more forty minutes.

Baptism of the child: Rules for godparents in the church

During baptism, the godpants should carefully listen to the priest. It will read those prayers that must be mandatory when acquired by the child of the Orthodox faith. They read in the old language, so the exact repetition of some words is not excluded. Should not be lost here. It is necessary not to panic and try to fulfill the task as best.

During the prayer, it is customary at the request of Batyushki three times spit into the wall and pour. It should not overdo it and do everything symbolically. Every godfall should help each other in case the child behaves not calmly. Baptism is a holiday that is not worth darling a bad mental state. According to the rules, if the girl is sacred, the godpan is held, and if the boy is the godfather.

Rules for godparents

Who can't be a godfather in a child?

There are several rules that should be observed when choosing the godparents:

  • gasp parents should not be in intimate relations between each other
  • the godfather should not have menstruation during baptism
  • god's parents can not be people of other beliefs
  • god's parents can not be parents

This is all the requirements. You can baptize several times in my life and cross the children of your loved ones (that is, I will be a godfather of my parents who are the godfather of my child) is also not prohibited.

Who should buy a baptism for the baptism of the child and what?

As mentioned earlier, a cross for a newborn must buy godfather - This is his direct duty. The cross must necessarily be consecrated, so preferably the acquisition of this attribute straight in the church. If you have already managed to purchase this item in a jewelry store, try to dedicate it in advance in the church.

The cross must be the most common, without unnecessary characters and values. It must contain a crucifixion and inscription "Save and Save".


Rules of baptism Girls in the Orthodox Church

The baptism of the newborn is not particularly different depending on its floor and still requires some nuances:

  • Clothing Girls must necessarily have a cap - a headdress that will cover her head as for any woman.
  • It is best to give preference to a long shirt and do not wear a girl suit.
  • During the removal of the cap, you should cover the head of the girl with a hound.
  • The girl does not rush through the altar in the temple.

Rules of baptism of the boy in the Orthodox Church

  • The headdress for boys does not have such a strong meaning as for girls and therefore you can not hold it on your head.
  • The boy's boy brings not only to icons, but also hesitate through the altar, leaving this sacrament only for male.
  • Prayers Prayer reads, starting with male names.

What do you give to the baptism of the child?

Christenings - important dateAnd therefore, on this day, it is customary to give a lot of pleasant and useful gifts. Most often - this is a clothing for a child, toys or cash, which parents themselves decide what to buy.
It is important not to come for a holiday with empty hands. Total pleasant will get important things, for example, walkers or educational games.

It is not rare, someone from the godfall gives the child a silver spoon. Most often it is a godfather mother.

How much is the baptism in the church?

The cost of baptism depends only on the church and your generosity. Rarely churches prescribe a certain amount and most often just asked to bring a voluntary contribution to the development of the Church. Nevertheless, depending on the size and importance of the temple, the amount may vary from $ 10 to $ 80. This amount includes a ceremony, sometimes attributes, evidence and ordered service in honor of the baby.

For the ceremony of baptism should pay the godfather - this is his main duty and a gift for baptism to her child.

Video: "The sacrament of baptism. Rules"

How to baptize a child? What are the rules of the rite of baptism? How much does it cost? These and other questions will be answered by the editorial board of the Portal "Orthodoxy and the World".

Baptism of the child

When to baptize - different families decide this question in different ways.

Most often, sacrifice on +/- 40th day after childbirth. The 40th day - and from a religious point of view it is significant (in the Old Testament Church on the 40th day of the child, they were brought to the temple, a prayer was read on the born of a woman). 40 days after childbirth, a woman does not participate in the sacraments of the church: it is connected with the physiology of the postpartum period, and in general, quite reasonable - at this time, all the attention and strength of the woman should be focused on the child and their health.

After the expiration of this period above it, it is necessary to read a special prayer that the priest will make it before or after baptism. Little children behave much calmerly on baptism and are not frightened when someone else is on their hands (godfather or priest). Well, you should not forget that up to three months, children are easier to carry dipping with their heads, because they preserve intrauterine reflexes that help detain their breath.

In any case, the choice of moment remains behind the parents and depends on the circumstances and the state of the child's health. If the baby in resuscitation and there are health problems, you can baptize the baby in resuscitation. To do this, you can invite a priest or mom can baptize the child herself.

You can baptize and after 40 days.

If the child's life is in danger

If the baby is in intensive care, then you can invite a priest to dub child. From the hospital church or from any temple - no one will refuse. Only you must first find out what kind of baptism's orders in this hospital.

If there is no permission to be intensive care, or if the situation is different - an accident, for example, a mother or father (and a resuscitation sister at the request of the parents and in general anyone) a child can paint themselves. You need a few drops of water. With these drops, you need to cross the child three times with the words:

The slave (a) of God (s) (name)
In the name of the Father. Amen. (for the first time the baptizer and splashing the driver)
And son. Amen. (second time)
And the saint spirit. Amen. (third time).

Child is baptized. When it is discharged, in the temple it will be necessary to make the second part of the baptism - the world-building - joining the church. To explain in advance the father that they baptized themselves in resuscitation. It is possible to take the baby at home, having agreed on this with the priest in the temple.

Capture whether in winter

Of course, in the temples heat, in the font water warm.

The only thing - if in the temple one door and the temple itself is small, someone from relatives can be pressed at the entrance, so that all if the door does not open up at all.

How much to pay? And why pay?

Officially in the temples there is no fee for the sacraments and demands.

Another Christ said: "Darus accepted, let's give for nothing" (MF, 10: 8). But only here the apostles believers were killed, they were allowed for the night, and in modern realities a donation for baptism is one of the main types of income temples, from which they pay for light, electricity, repair, fire-fighting work and a priest who has many more children. In the temple is the estimated amount of donation. If really there is no money, you must write for free. If they refuse - the reason to turn to the adolescent.

Is it necessary to call on the sacraticles

Who wants like. Someone calls on the sacnesses, someone in honor of his beloved saint or someone else. Of course, if the girl was born, January 25, then the name of Tatiana is very asking for her, but the name of the parents of the child choose themselves - there are no "necessary" here.

Where to baptize?

It is unlikely that this question will stand in front of you if you are already the parishioners of some temple. If not - choose the temple in the shower. There is nothing wrong with looking into several temples. If the employees are inconvenient and rude (it happens, yes), you can search the temple where you will be understood benevolently from the very beginning. Yes. In the temple, we come to God, but there is no sin to choose the church of the temper. Well, if the temple has a separate christening. In it, as a rule, heat, there are no drafts and there are no strangers.
If in your city there are few temples and all of them with big arrival, then definitely learn in advance how many children are usually on baptism. It may be so that at the same time will be baptized with a dozen babies, each of which will be accompanied by a whole brigade of relatives. If you do not like this mass, you can agree on individual baptism.

Photographing for baptism

If you decide to hire a photographer on the christening, be sure to find out in advance whether it will be allowed to remove it, use an outbreak. Some people are very negative about the shooting of the sacraments and you can wait for an unpleasant surprise.
As a rule, anywhere photos and video shooting are not prohibited. Photos from baptism - a big joy for many years for the whole family, so if you can not remove the temple in the temple, then you need to search the temple where you can shoot (but even in old-owned churches allowed to shoot in christening)
In some cases, the child can be baptized at home. The main thing to agree on this with the father.


Who can and can not be a godfather is the most frequent question. Is it possible to pregnant / unmarried / unbeliever / childless baptize a girl, etc. - The number of variations is infinite.

The answer is simple: the godfather must be a man

- Orthodox and church (he is responsible for raising the child in faith);

- not the parent of the child (the godfall should be replaced by parents);

- It is impossible to be a husband and wife of the godfather of one kid (or those who are going to get married);

- The godfather cannot be monastic.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary that the godfather was two. Enough and one: women - for girls and men - for boys. .

Conversation before baptism

Now it is necessary. For what? To baptize those who believe in Christ, and not those who come to "a child_bole_to_breet_t_a_to_tela_A_A_A_WERS_RUV_I_I_A_A_WERS.

You need to come to the conversation, it is not an exam. Usually the priest tells about Christ, the Gospel, reminds that the Gospel must be read independently looks like this.

Often, the need for conversation causes indignation from relatives and many are trying to "get around". Someone, complaining about the lack of time, and even just desire, looking for priests who can neglect this rule. But first of all, this information is needed by the human himself, because bypassing them to become a godfather of their child you impose a big responsibility on them and it would be nice to know about it. If the godfather do not want to spend at this time, then this is a reason for you to think, and whether the child needs perceptions who cannot sacrifice the whole pair of their evenings.

If the goddes live in another city and can come only on the day of the sacrament, then the conversations they can go through any temple in which it is convenient. At the end, they will be given a certificate with which they will be able to participate in the sacrament anywhere.

Very well, the godfather, if they still do not know, learn - this prayer is read three times during baptism and, it is likely that the godfather will ask her to read.

What to buy?

For baptism, the child needs a new baptismal shirt, a cross and a towel. All this can be bought in any church shop and, as a rule, is the task of the godfather. The baptismal shirt is then stored along with other memorable things. In foreign stores there is a whole line of amazingly beautiful clothes for baptism, you can use some beautiful set on an extract.

Name with baptism

Find out in advance what the name will be baptized. If the child's name is not in the saints, pick up a close in advance (Alina - Elena, Jeanne - Anna, Alice - Alexander) and tell the priest about it. And sometimes the names are given strange. One familiar Jeann was baptized by Evgenia. By the way, sometimes there are unexpected names in the saints, say. Edward - there is such an Orthodox British Saint (although then all the employees of the temple will not believe that there is such an Orthodox name). In church notes and when performing other sacraments, it will be necessary to use the name given during baptism. Based on it, it will be determined when a child has an angel's day and who he has a heavenly patron.

We arrived in the temple, what's next?

In the church shop you will be asked to pay a donation for baptism. Before the sacrament, the baby is better to feed, so that he was more comfortable and calmer.

To feed in the temple It is good for this to be in a firing clothes or have apron with you. If you need privacy - you can ask someone from the Temple's employees to find a secluded place.
The only thing is if the kid feeds for a long time, it is better to have a bottle-syringe bottle with me, so that it doesn't work out that the baby was hung in the middle of the service and it is necessary or waiting for half an hour while he will take or he will cry from hunger.

During the sacrament of the child, they keep the goddes on the hands, parents can only observe. The duration of baptism is usually about an hour.

It is useful in advance to familiarize yourself with what will happen in the service to understand the meaning of what is happening. Here.

But Moms on baptism are not allowed everywhere - it is better then to clarify this question in advance.

Cold water?

In the font water warm. First, there usually pours hot waterThe sacrament is diluted with cold. But the water in the car was warm :)

The fact that the water is warm will take care of the employees of the temple, who are gaining it - they do not want to do it, so that the child is frozen. After perching the child, it will not be immediately able to wear, and here again it is worth mentioning that it is very small to baptize well in some rooms and not in the temple itself, where it is cool even in the summer. In any case, do not worry, everything happens quickly and freeze the child will not have time.

Should a child wearing a cross constantly?

Often parents are concerned about the security of the child wearing a kaptist. Someone is afraid that the child may suffer from a rope or a ribbon, on which the cross hangs. Many are worried that the kiss child can lose or can steal it, for example, in the garden. As a rule, the cross is worn on a short-lived ribbon, which cannot be confused anywhere. And for kindergarten You can prepare a special inexpensive cross.

And they say that ....

Baptism, like a lot more in our life is surrounded by many stupid superstitions and prejudice. Senior relatives can add worries and excitement by stories about bad signs and prohibitions. Any dubious questions better clarify with the priest, not trusting, even if it is very experienced, grandmothers.

Is it possible to celebrate baptism?

It is quite logical that relatives who will gather on baptism will want to continue the holiday at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is that during the holiday did not forget the reason because everyone gathered.

After baptism

When the sacrament is over, you will give you a testimony about baptism, where it will be indicated when the baptism is committed, who will also be written the day when a child has a birthday. After baptism, you will definitely need to go to the temple again to grab the baby. In general, kids must be adjusted regularly.

Reading time: 10 minutes

One of essential events In the life of a believer man - this is the sacrament, during which he is taken in faith and the church. The baptism of the child, both the boy and the girls, is carried out according to a certain rules of the Church. The sacrament is carried out on the rite, which has not changed in a few centuries. Native and godparents should carefully prepare for this iconic event in advance.

What is the baptism of the child

The rite of baptism of the child is a responsible step for believers and their baby, the procedure, after which a person is accepted into the Christian faith and the church. Christenings have a long history, but before today's day The main rules and canons are preserved. The Holy Baptism of the Child is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, the rite eliminates the baby from sins (hereditary or personal) and occurs for the life of the holy, spiritual.

Select name

If the name, which is registered in the birth certificate, is not in the saints, then it is necessary to determine the choice of another. Pick on the baptism of the child consonant with worldly names, for example, Jeanne - Anna, Sergey - Sergius. When there is no such conformity in the church calendar, the name of the saint is used directly after the birth of the baby. When choosing a name, it is better to seek help to a clergy, and not to do it yourself. In church rites, the name given in the sacrament is used. He needs to know to honor the heavenly intercession.

At what age is better to baptize the child

The church recommends appointing babes of the baby as early as possible. Catholics and Orthodox prescribe the baptism of the child for the first months of the date of birth, although it is allowed to make a rite of man of any age. Some lay baptism until the person can decide on the choice of religion. Often, the date of the mystery is appointed for the 40th day of the life of the infant. The choice of the dates of baptism establishing when baptize the child has several reasonable explanations:

  • newborn up to 3 months easily carry dive with their heads;
  • kids are calmer behave and are not afraid when they are taken on the hands of other people;
  • mom baby is allowed to enter the church after 40 days from the date of birth.

Children's christenings - Rules and Signs

If baptism is baptized according to all the rules, the preparation for the sacrament should begin in advance. For Future cross Church Prescribes to go to the confession a few days before the date of the christening, repent and compete. It is also recommended to observe the post 3-4 days, although this condition is not compulsory. In the morning, the godfall in front of the ceremony should not eat and have sex on the eve.

For what days kids in the church

Conduct the sacrament of the baptism of the child can be on any day, whether it is a festive, ordinary or lean. IN church calendars There are no prohibitions on certain dates of the rite. The exception is only Christmas, Easter and Trinity, when the churches are overflowing and to hold the sacrament will be difficult. In some temples, there is a schedule associated with the inner schedule. When choosing a day, the baptism of children will be appointed, it is better to consult with a priest.

Rules for the baptism of the child in the Orthodox Church

When you decide to baptize the child, it is important not only to choose the temple, acquire baptized accessories, but also familiarize yourself with certain churches that parents and guests should follow. In church rules it is indicated that everyone should be with jacket crosses. Women should wear closed dresses, cover headscarf. The baptism process lasts at least half an hour, the baby will be on hand, so it is better to abandon uncomfortable shoes in high heels.

Men will need a suit dark, but not black. Although the church does not establish strict rules about external view Men, no need to come to the place where the sacraments are made, putting the shorts and a shirt. On the eve of the solemn event, native parents, as both the godmothers and dads, must confess. A few days before the sacrament, the post should be held.

What you need to baptize a boy boy

When the bars are held, the godfather will be involved in the rite. Traditionally, he takes on all financial obligations, buys a cross for a rite and a gift. The custom of paying for the ritual is not always assigned to the godfather, depending on the material position of the donation of the church can make native parents of the baby. Buy the baptismal set, which includes a shirt, a blanket, sometimes nopiece, the godfather is supplied. She is also responsible for the purchase of the hounds and a silk handkerchief with a priest.

Christening girls

The sacrament of the girl is the main perception of the Greatness. The main task is to read the prayer "Symbol of Faith" during the rite. If you learn the text by heart is difficult, you can take a hint with the words. Traditionally, a woman gives a baptismal set, buys a hint for the gods (white towel). As a gift can be presented to the icon with the saint, whose name wears the kiss. The godfather should buy a cross, and still financially helps the parents of the girl, paying the rite.

Choosing godparents

One of the main tasks of the parents is to choose the right gear (perceptions) from Orthodox Christians to their newborn. These are not just those people who give gifts to the baby for the holidays, but also engage in spiritual education, teach the rules of Christian life and the basics of Orthodox creed. One percept is obligatory for the church charter: for a girl - a woman, for a boy - a man, but often for the baptism procedure is invited and the godfather. Both perceivers must be necessarily Orthodox Christians.

Percepton cannot be changed, so parents should carefully approach the choice of mentors for their crumbs. Often, relatives of the baby invite this responsible "position". The godfather can be grandmothers, uncle, older sisters and any other close family people. If you choose perceivers from the family, the sovereign will more often communicate with them, for example, at family events. In addition to the conditions supplied by the Church, it is worth paying attention to the following qualities of potential godfares:

  • reliability;
  • a responsibility;
  • high moral and ethical values.

Who has no right to be a godfather

According to the norms of church law, sometimes a person cannot become a god dad or mom. High responsibility that is superimposed on perceptions, determines the circle of individuals who cannot claim such a guideline. Can not become a critic:

  • spouses or bride and groom for one child;
  • parents for their baby;
  • monks and nuns;
  • uninosty, unprecedable;
  • immoral or insane;
  • children (boys up to 15, girls under 13).

The sacrament of baptism - Rules for the godfather

Responsibility for the upbringing of its gods in the Orthodox Spirit is appointed to perceivers. Preparation for this the most important stage The child's life plays a huge role, although it does not require special efforts. Previously perceivers need to undergo a special interview, visiting the church. The godfather helps their native parents to prepare some items for the baptism of the child. It is important that she must deal with the child, could remove clothes from him, wear a baptismal set.

The most important role is the godfather plays when the sacrament is carried out above the girl. In the case when male babies cross, the godfather is greater responsible. He takes the baby after the dipping in the holy font, when the baby is wrapped in the hryon. Still the godf can participate in buying a baptismal set, cross. All material spending are secondary, the main condition for the baptism of the child is the sincere faith of relatives and godparents.

What you need to know

On the godfather parents are entrusted with the great responsibility of the spiritual education of the kidnik, training its basics of the Christian faith. If the perceptuals are not aware sufficiently, the gaps should be filing, to study the appropriate literature, talk to priests. Before the sacrament, it is better to learn about the rules for holding a rite. It is important to clarify, at what stage the baby takes the child, and when the baby holds the godfather, at what moment the child is wrapped in the hryon, and when they put on him a baptism shirt.

Prayer for the baptism of the child for the godfather

For the adoption of the sacrament of baptism to a person (or perceivers, if the rite is held over the child) you need to know two fundamental prayer Christians for all: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith". The text is better to know by heart and understand the meaning. The modern church loyally belongs to the fact that perceptions do not remember prayers. It is allowed to read them by prayer.

Responsibilities of godparents

The role of godparents does not end after the sacrament of baptism, they need to pay a lot of attention to the spiritual education of the kiss. On a personal example, perceptions should demonstrate human virtues, teach it the basics of Christian religion. In Christian education, children need to learn to resort to the sacraments of confession, communion, familiarize with the dates church holidays. Greats give knowledge about the fertile strength icons God's Mother, other shrines.

Perceptmen teach gods to attend services, pray, observe the post and other positions of the church charter. Of the many tasks set in front of the godparents, the most important thing is daily prayer about his kid. Throughout his life with a gym, a warm and trusting relationship should be maintained, to be in sorrow and joy.

How is the baptism rite

The sacred sacrament is carried out according to a specific plan and in installed mannerwhich many years does not change. The baptism of the child is called spiritual birth, the main participants of the process are a priest, godparents and a newborn. According to ancient custom, the native parents of the kid should not be present when making a rite, but today it is loyal to this, allow mother and dad to the sacrament. The procedure can be divided into such steps:

  1. Chin announcement. At that stage, the priest reads a prohibitive prayer against evil and renunciation from him three times. Crumbus wrapped only in diapers, his chest and his face should be free.
  2. Prohibition of spirits are unclean. Turning to the West, the Batyushka reads prayers directed against Satan three times.
  3. Refraction of perceivers. The clergyman asks questions, and perceptions are responsible for the baby.
  4. Confession of loyalty to the son of God. The godfather with the kid turn to the East and again respond to the questions of the priest. Upon completion of the rite of confession of loyalty, percepts read the prayer "Symbol of Faith".
  5. Consecration of water. The clergyman is in white clothes and holds a rite. Perceivers take in hand in the candle, 3 more are lit on the east side of the font. After reading the prayer and petitions on the lighting of the water, the clergyman baptizes water three times and blows on it.
  6. Consecration of ily. This stage of baptism is carried out similarly to water lighting. Batyushka blows three times in a vessel with a barely, autumn him cross sign, reads prayer. The sacred oil is acknowledged by car water, the bachelor.
  7. Trootage immersion baby in the font. The clergyman baptizes the child with a three-time immersion in the water. The procedure is accompanied by special prayers. After the baby is dipped three times in the font, the father passes the baby to perceptions. Baby takes a child boy, a girl - the godfather. The kid wrapped in a baptismal towel or a hryon.
  8. Toddler vestments in baptismal clothes. The ceremony of baptism continues to put on baptismal shirts on the new-stop, still babbies put on a cross.
  9. The sacrament of the world-building. The forehead, eyes, cheeks, chest, hands and feet of a baby. Patushacks, uttering prayer. The boy is applied three times around the altar, the clergy girl helps to make the icon of God's Mother of God. The process takes place accompanied by the prayer of the coercury.
  10. Rite of hair riding. The clergy makes some hair from the head of a newborn. These hair at the end of the sacrament remain in the church as the symbol of the first sacrifice to God.

Celebration Celebration

The holy sacrament of the baptism of the kid ends with a family celebration. At the solemn table there must be dishes from dough and croup. Often guests treat pancakes, cakes and other baking. Traditionally serve the poultry meat on the table, the clay dishes are used to baked. Vegetables and greens, symbolizing the spring and the beginning of a new life should become an indispensable treat. Godparents and guests present a gift to the baby. There are no special requirements for the selection of the present. All can be given: from the icon of the saint to a set of silver spoons.

What to do with baptized things

How to adopt baptism is described in detail in the Bible, and the recommendations on the use of baptismal attributes are completely absent. Because of this, there are many opinions and advice. The clergymen may recommend parents of several storage options Rounds:

  • fold it into the corner of the chest and get in extreme cases (if the baby fell ill or behaves restlessly);
  • place the kryphor near the bed, screaming from universal viewing so that it protects the baby.

When the kid will not wear a cross constantly, it can be stored along with a hound in the dresser. If there may be an actions that are categorically impossible to use the horizons of opinion. The baptismal towel can not be washed, throwing away or baptize another person in it. The baptismal shirt is folded into the casket or a special bag, keep it all life. There is an opinion that it possesses the healing force, the shirt can be applied to the patient the place of the person who baptized in her.


Before accomplishing the baptism occurs chin announcement.

Holding a hand to the came to be baptized, the priest says (here I bring this prayer and others in translating into Russian):

"From your name, Lord God of Truth and the only begotten of your son and the Holy Spirit, I place my hand on your slave (Slave yours) (name), who honored to turn to the holy name and under the cover of yours to gain protection. Delete the previous (her) error, fill it with your faith, hope and love, let him ugly, he (she), that you and the only beef your son, the Lord our Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the only true God.
Give a slave (Slave this) follow the ways of your commandments, but he works (she) pleasing to you, good deeds, for if this person fulfills it - will live. Write the name of your slave (of your slaves) in your book of life of your life, enter it (her) in your ochoo herd, the herd of your heirs, and it will become famous in it (in her) the name is your holy and the name of your sweetheart of your son, gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, and Life-giving your spirit. Just always on your servant (slave yours) with mercy, listen to his voice (her) prayer. They went joy in his (her) works and in his (her) children, so that he worshiping, confessed to you and glorified your great and high name and thanked you always, all the days of my life.
Held: For you are chanting all the heavenly forces and there is a glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confident, and in the eyelids. Amen".
Next, the priest reads prohibitive prayers directed against Satan. In them, the priest named God forbids the devil to dominate the heart of the baptismous, drives him away from man. The person is nominated by the "newly elected warrior of the God of our God."

Then, everyone should stand face to the altar, and the godfather with the baby and the priest - face from the altar. Why?
Because now the rank of renunciation from Satan will happen.The altar is focused east, because the east in antiquity was considered the side of Light, God. From the east, the sun is rising, according to the biblical story, in the east, God planted a beautiful paradise garden - Eden ... All Christian temples are built by Altar to the East.
The West was considered the side of the dark forces. That is why, renounced from Satan, the baptismal, if he is an adult, or the godfather with the baby in his arms, turn to the West to the West, to Satan.

After that, the priest blows on the mouth of the baptized, his forehead and the chest, pronouncing the words: "Crawling from it (or out of it) of any delicate and unclean spirit, hidden and nesting in his heart ...".

The baptized (or godfare parents, if the baby is baptized) turns face to the West, and the priest asks (the rank of renunciation from Satan is built in the form of a dialogue. The priest asks - the baffling answer):

- Are you talking from Satan, all his affairs and all his angels, all of his ministry and his best pride?

The baptism is replied:

- I repean.

So repeats three times. Then the priest asks the same three times:

Did you reject Satan?

And the bachership responds:

- Recovered.

The priest says:

- And the Dun, and spit on him.

Breamed must blow and spit in front of his contempt for Satan.

What is happening capturednot only the godfather. All those present in the temple are concentrated and serious, because the challenge of Satan is thrown.
Here with what words the priest turns to the devil:

"God holy, wondering and nice and the most acts of his and victories, an incomprehensible and mysterious, who, devil, predetermined the tomorrow of eternal torment, through us, his servants are unworthy, commanding you and all your servants and angels to remove from the slave (Slaves of this ) The name of the true God, the Lord of our Jesus Christ.
I spell you, the spirit of the tricky, unclean, bad, disgusting and alien, the power of Jesus Christ, the fatal Lord of the Earth and Heaven, who commanded the deaf-and-and-the-way demon: "Get out of a person and no longer enter" - retreat, incessing your powerlessness, not powerful even over pigs . Remember who he himself sent you, in your past, in a pork herd.
Running God, whose vein Earth has established himself, the sky arose, who erect the mountain, as if plumbing; Loaded the valleys as the dimensional cane, which fenced the sands of the oceans and paved the ways to the navigators in the seas and rivers.
From the touch of God, the mountains will smoke, his riza - daylight; Dome of heaven, he extends like a tent, the whole earth is unshakable approved by the Lord on solid foundations and will not shake together ... Go out, Satan, succeeded from the preparing (preparing) to holy enlightenment. I spell you by the saving suffering of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, the true body and blood, wondering his second coming, for he will not slow down to come and judge the whole Universe and will plunge you, with the army of your dear, in Geenna, fire, in darkness is a pitch, where fire does not go out And the worm of torment does not sleep. "

As one of theologians noticed: "The devil does not forget this insult ..." The entire future life of a Christian will be opposed to the evil enemy of the human race.Thus, the baptismal declares warp war.

His weapon will be post, prayer, participation in churchx the sacraments, and above all the sacrament of the Eucharist. He will fight with his passions, evil, lingering in the soul.

The victory will be the eternal life. The defeat will also be eternal - it will consist in endless flour in the underworld with Satan and his angels.

However, the person himself will never be able to brave with a devil - without alliance with Christ. Therefore, after the announcement of the war, Satan in the rank of announcement should be a combination with Christ. The priest asks:

- Do you combine with Christ?

The baptism is replied:

- I combine.

After that, the priest asks:

- Did you combine with Christ?

The baptism is replied:

\u003e - combined.

The priest asks:

- And do you believe him?

The baptism is replied:

"I believe him as a king and God," and then reads the character of faith. "

After that, the chin of baptism begins.


Water is consecrated.

How is water consecrated? Sometimes you have to hear that "the churchings sanctify the water with a silver cross." It is probably meant in mind the practice of immersion in the water of the cross. However, no priest's action can indicate the water of fertile properties. Only God can make her holy. And therefore, the most basic in the rank of sanctification of water should be recognized reading special prayers. And it has the right to pray to the words of these ancient prayers only legally dedicated to the Orthodox priest.

Here is one of the prayers:

"You are great, Lord, and are amazing your business, and not enough words to adequately fight your wonders.
You, Lord, from non-existence in Genesis created all the universe and support and industrial about every creation. From four elements, you combined the whole world, you splled a tape cycle four times of the year. Angelic world trembles from you, you sings the sun, the moon famute for you, the stars greet you, you have a light enthusalemmary, the abyss and rivers are adherent. You spread the heavens, like the tent, put the seas limits, you filled with air, demanded for our breathing, the subwayless sphere. The angels of the angels are bowed to you, multidimed Cherubims and hectic seraphims, standing and flying around your heavenly throne, tremble from fear in the brilliance of an impregnable shine.
You are a lawlessness God, eternal, ineciliable, unrecognizable. You came to the ground, taking the image of the slave, externally in everything like a person. You could not look at those of the torch, which he had the genus of the human devil, and went to the ground to save us. We proclaim grace, we announce mercy, we can not have a chance about the abyss of the benefits of yours: you have freed myself with the birth of my birth, consecrated the Lono of the Virgin that has become your mother. All creation chances your phenomenon.
You are our God, I came to the ground and lived among people, you were consecrated by the water of Jordan, sent from the heavens of your spirit, you saved the water from the filling demons.
Auditable to the king, coming and the descent of Holy Spirit of consecration now this water!
Give her grace of salvation, blessing, like this Water Jordan; Watering by this source of nonsense, the gift of consecration, sins with letters, diseases healing, demons of extermination, strongly impregnable for hostile forces. Let it be running from the water to this plotting treacherous against your creation - the slave (Slaves of this), for your name, Lord, I called on, the name is wonderful, glorious and terrible for enemies. "

The priest blesses the water in which the Brewestham has to wash his sins. He crucifably blows on the water and, immersing fingers into her, turns three times the water with the sign of the cross:

"Yes, it will break under the sign of your cross all the opposite forces! We pray to you, Lord: Let all the air and invisible ghosts retreat from us, from the water from the water that attached a dark demon, and the baffs (the baffling) to get rid of the cunning and dermal spirit, leaving for him (her) to the thoughts and feelings ...

Let, having connected with you and perceiving your suffering and death, this man will become and the participant of your resurrection. Help him to preserve the gift of Holy Spirit and multiply the pledge of grace and perceive the honor of the highest title and to come to sustain the heavenly heritage. "

Then, some of the prayers and the priest makes a baptized oil: forehead, chest and shoulders.

In the east of firs (Greek. - "Oil") had a different meaning than we had today. If now oil is only one of the elements of the edible diet, as well as a cosmetic product, then in antiquity it had a much larger range of applications. Oil contains the necessary person nutrientsSo in the literal sense it was possible to maintain life, feeding with bread cakes and butter.
In ancient times, the oil was the only way of lighting, the only energy tool that could be transferred. Always been at hand, it seemed something like concentrated light. Evenings, all dwellings were covered only by oil lamps.
In addition, oil with additives (or without them) in the hotlights of the Middle Eastern climate was used as a refreshing ointment for the head.
The oil was used as a medicine.
One more important feature Oils - the ability to penetrate, leak throughout. The ancients knew perfectly well about this and to avoid the damage of stone jewelry from the cold, lubricated them with oil, which, leaking inside the stone, prevented the penetration of moisture, threatened to break it.

All these pragmatic oil functions are spiritually rethought, and he was assumed to be religious importance.
Anointing with a baptism in front of baptism is committed as a sign that a person will guard God that he is spiritually feeding and heals that he is strengthened to fight demons ...

The oil is a grace, and in this case the grace of God in relation to the sinner. When anointing the oil also refers to the parable of good Samarynin, told by the Savior. In this parable, a good Samiarian who was the prototype of Christ, anointed man, "in the robbers", butter, so that he was healed.

Then, finally, comes the most main momentbaptism itself.

The word "baptism" (in Greek "Vaptisis") means "immersion."

The baptismal font is a coffin. Immersing in the water of baptism, we die for your old life. Triple immersion means the threesome stay of Christ in the coffin.
But we know what happened later: after three days of the stay of Christ in the lap of death - he was resurrected!
So we rebel from the baptismal font renewed for a new life. Truly baptism - not only how we called it, the sacrament spiritual birth, it and the sacrament of the resurrection of our soul!

So, the priest immerses the baptized into the water with the words:

- The slave of God (called the name) in the name of the Father, Amen (first immersion). And Son, Amen (second dive). And the Holy Spirit, Amen (third dive).

It should be noted that the water in the font is poured warm, the temperature with which the child is usually bumping. If the kid is weak or indoors, it is only sprinkled with water.

The godfather usually takes a kid on a snow-white fabric or towel.The adopted baptism goes into new white clothes, meaning the purity of life in Christ, the transformation of a man by divine light. On the neck of Khfezhemoy hanging a native cross, which should remind of a wretched feet of Christ, about the debt of Christian and the commandments of the Savior. The cross is worn under the clothes and wore a lifetime, like a baptismal shirt.


Then the world congestion is performed; Through him, the Holy Spirit comes off on each of us, filling us by the power of God. The Holy Miro - specially cooked butter, which once a year is consecrated by the Patriarch and is sent over all dioceses, where the bishops are distributed to his priests. This is a great shrine. The priest misses the holy world of the already baptized person: his forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, hands and legs. Every time he repeats the words: the seal of the gift of the spirit of Saint. Amen. Through this sacredness per person comes with the Holy Spirit.

"In the early church, the word Sphragis had many values. But its main value, which is opened in the anointing of the holy world, is obvious: this is an imprint on us who owns us; This is a seal that saves and protects in us, as in a vessel, valuable content and its fragrance; This is a sign of our high vocation "(protopres. A. Shmeman).

Moreover, the world building is performed over a person once in life, like baptism. With this sacrament should not be confused by excitement, as well as anointing during cobble.

Then follows a small procession around the aalo (table) on which the gospel lies. Symbolically, this procession means a procession for Christ himself. Lying for an analogue Gospel points out that the Word of God, his commandments will lie in the center of our life.

Then the gospel is read.
Here is the text (translated into Russian):

... The eleven students went to Galilee, on the mountain, where Jesus commanded them, and, having seen him, bowed to him, and others doubted. And approaching Jesus told them: I am given to me every power in the sky and on Earth. So go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe everything I commanded you; And this, I am with you all the days before the condense of the century. Amen".

What are these words, with what the church turns to the newcomer and what does this ancient text about the apostles relating to us today?
The apostles met the Resurrected Christ - and the based man in the internal level experienced a meeting with God;
Christ testifies that he is God, - and we agree with this, recognize Jesus God and the Son of God;
The Savior sends disciples to preach - and we will go to testify to the world about God, grace, salvation, commandments of God.
Faith without real good deeds is nothing, because and "demons believe" (James 2, 19). Genuine faith should manifest as a feud of love for neighbor, in the affairs of mercy, good ... That's why Christ says that we ourselves must remember and others to learn that you need to "observe everything that [Christ] commanded." Observe - it means "to carry out" as a Christian, to live in Christian, build a Christian life.

After some other rituals, the priest reads the prayer, which states that now the newly cropped in the hands of God, and then takes the new ones.


From his head cruciate ( some hair on the back of the head, then with the front of the head, then with the right and left side) Correct some hair, fold them on the wax pellet and omit in the font. The break symbolizes the submissions to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the newly worn brings God to gratitude for the beginning of a new spiritual life.

Today, the priest's tonsured hair puts in the wax plate and lowers in the font. Later, they are getting out of there and fold in a clean place or bury.


The baptism of prayers and the rite of insertion is completed, Which indicates the first attachment to the temple. The baby, taken by the priest, swears on the temple, the girls are made to the iconostasis, the boys are made to the royal gates and are brought to the altar, after which they are given to parents. The coercurement symbolizes the sanctification of the baby to God on the Old Testament pattern. After baptism, the baby should be gentle.

However, a person coming out of the temple must remember that his Christian life just begins that he renounced Satan and combined with Christ. Now he should start another life ...

Baptism is the beginning of a new life. A person must bring the fruits of baptism, and for this you need work.

Baptism obliges a person to a lot. First of all, it obliges him to combat himself: with his passions, bad inclinations, in general, with his "Old Man", which hates other people, is, hinders, proud, despises, deceives, nervous, etc.

<Крещение также обязывает человека вести церковную жизнь, которая прежде всего заключается в участии в Таинстве Евхаристии – причащении Тела и Крови Господа нашего Иисуса Христа. Это Таинство совершается в православных храмах во время Божественной Литургии. После принятия Крещения человек должен прийти в храм для воцерковления, после чего он уже может участвовать в Евхаристии.

Eucharist is a rod of church life. Lord Our Jesus Christ during every Orthodox liturgy gives people themselves in communion itself. People come with his flesh and blood to be in constant union with him. Without participation in the Eucharist, a person cannot hope for its salvation.

Every truly believer in Christ must regularly participate in the Eucharist. Previously, he is obliged to clear his conscience through the sacrament of repentance, to post a few days, reinforcing the post of enhanced prayer. And then, asking permission from a priest, coming up with the preching Tain of Christ.

Little children parents or godfall should bring to the sacrament as often as possible.They do not need special training, as they are without it without it. The only thing that needs is that the children are told on an empty stomach, in the morning nothing singing.

Another major condition of spiritual life is prayer. A man who adopted baptism is oblige to prayer.

Prayer is the appeal of a person to God. In her, he asked the Lord mercy, asks for the forgiveness of sins, assistance in difficulties, thanks God for his blessings to himself.

Prayer is food for the soul, without which she dies from spiritual hunger.

It is necessary to pray. Usually all Orthodox Christians in the morning and in the evening are read by the so-called "morning" and "evening rule", which are contained in "Prayer". In the afternoon, you can pray "Prayer Jesus":

Lord, Jesus Christ, nice me.

Or, more extensively: Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful.

This prayer is convenient because it can be prayed everywhere: on the street, at work, on the road.

In any case, about your prayer rule, you must consult with the priest.

A man who adopted baptism should always remember that he renounced Satan and promised not to participate in his affairs. Therefore, it breaks this oath given to God, the one who after baptism begins to go to all kinds of "psychics", "Claviers", "People's Healers", etc. Thus, he again comes into an alliance with Satan and refuses the Union with Christ, denying his baptism.

A person must remain faithful to the Orthodox Church and not to participate in the congregations of Baptists, Jehovists and other sectarians. Mortal sin commit those re-accepting "baptism" by Baptists.

A Christian cannot be a follower of Roerichs, Occultim, various Eastern cults.

What gives a man baptism? If you answer this question, then everyone can be fully conscious and argued to make a choice - it is necessary to be baptized by him, or not.

Firstly,in baptism, a person is cleared of all sins, including the original sin, which is inherited by us, as a genetic disease (the name "original" does not have any attitude towards childbirth). This is stated in the main Christian prayer, which is called the "Symbol of Faith", and which is necessarily read during baptism: "Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins." When preparing for the baptism of "Symbol of Faith", it is necessary to read, understand and remember, and if you suddenly disagree with some of its items, it means to be baptized early.

SecondlyIn baptism, a person is born into a new life, the life of the spiritual, in which he appears completely different, inaccessible to the opportunity: the connection with God, receiving grace, and in the future - the inheritance of eternal life.

When is it better to baptize?

The question of when it is better to adopt baptism - before or later - in different periods of history decided in different ways.

In favor of later baptists (in adulthood and even elderly), there is a simple logic: in the baptismal font, the person is cleared of all his sins - and the inheritance of the original sin, and accumulated on their own life before baptism. It means that later he pursed - the less errors have time to do for the remaining period of time, the more righteous will be at the last court.

However, this logic has several serious flaws. Firstly, death does not always come in old age and according to a predetermined schedule, and the baptism of "for later" must be remembered that this "then" may not come. Secondly, baptism gives a person the opportunity to connect to God here, in this life, in the sacrament of communion, and, laying the baptism - deprive itself of this opportunity.

Fashion for late baptism occurs periodically, and every time causes a discussion around him. In particular, St. Gregory Nissky, in writing with the speaking name "against the baptism deployment", wrote like this: "Mustache itself from impermanence and the uncertainty of life. Do not trade with grace so as not to lose the gift. "

Do I need to baptize babies?

You can be baptized at any age starting from the moment of birth. But the question of whether it is necessary to baptize babies, it arises quite regularly. What arguments are most often nominated against the baptism of children?

Argument number 1: "To make a choice for the child in favor of baptism is violence; Growthrates - will understand himself. " Raising children is inevitably due to the fact that we have to make a choice for them. We choose your children books and toys, circles and sports sections, school and place of residence. We decide whether to put the vaccinations and take antibiotics, they inspire that it is good and what is bad - and exactly in the form in which they themselves understand. In any case, parents seek to raise children in their value system - this is the question of the freedom of choice of children. And baptism is not just a change in the status in the Heavenly Office, this is primarily the acquisition by a person new opportunities. And here I want to quote a fragment of one of the discussions of the forum about the relevance of baptism of babies:

"You see, this dispute is meaningless, because in the root there is a question of how parents perceive God. If God is most valuable for them in life, the meaning of her, truth and love, then mom with dad and people cannot leave her baby without this gift. If God is only one of the forms of knowledge and communication with the world, part of culture, etc. ... then, of course, they can postpone the baptism of the baby with a cold wording: "It will grow up - it will choose."

Here, perhaps add just nothing.

Argument number 2: "Bract the child is not necessary, because up to seven years he is so sinless." Indeed, children up to seven years in the Orthodox tradition are considered babies who are not able to respond fully for their actions, so the confession is not necessary for them. However, they are not free from original sin, as already mentioned above. And before the baptism devoid of many opportunities - they can not be used, celebrating the day of the angel (whom they simply do not have), you can not pray for them in the church - only at home.

In any case, the choice in such a question remains for parents (it is behind the parents, and not grandparents and other relatives, friends and sympathizer).

What is needed for this

In addition to the wishes, it will be necessary to be baptized by the implementation of some conditions and accompanying accessories. The following conditions can be the following: if a child is baptized, then you can not do without the godfather, and also, in some temples you may be visited by public conversations. From the necessary accessories, perhaps, probably, but their full package will depend on both your desire and the temple where baptism is performed.

So you will need: cross With the device on which it will hold on the neck, the chain or thread does not matter. If a little child is baptized - it makes sense to take a silk or wide satin ribbon so that they do not cut gentle skin. There are observations that gold and silver chains also do not cause the skin of the kid's unpleasant irritation.

Baptist shirt - It can be purchased in a specialized temple, or if you like difficulties, sew yourself, cut simple, she resembles a night shirt with an embroidered cross on his back. In fact, this is not a mandatory attribute of baptism, but it betrays additional refinement to the event and corresponds to the traditional church aesthetics. If a baptismal shirt does not acquire, you need to stock such a form of clothing that would not confuse you and those surrounding when in contact with water. Now in many temples there are fonts for complete immersion, respectively, everything that the baptist will be dressed will be guaranteed wet. But even there, where baptism is performed by a refusal way in a small font, at least the belt will also be seized with water.

Candles - They can be purchased directly in the temple, where the baptism will occur, they are necessary to participate in the cross move, which takes place in the process of this worship. It is worth clarifying how much in the temple in which you are baptized, it is necessary to candle on one baptized and godfather, because some of them are given to the altar as a donation.

Towel - But here you yourself understand, the more, the better, if someone thinks that there is enough little waffle towel, he will be very jealous of people who are not cleaned to take real bath towels, still a wet cause.

Replacement clothing - If you do not have it, then not only until the end of baptism, but a lot after it you will have to experience a number of awkwardness and inconvenience about your appearance. As a rule, the temples provide a place where you can separately change clothes to men and women, and for especially chaste and individual. However, it will be better if you ask in advance whether there is such a place in the temple and if it won't be it, and you are going to be baptized exactly there, you can foresee everything, by the way, usually take a baptic look only before the baptism itself, with the exception Foot, but about it below. Until the very moment of baptism and after it you can stay in everyday clothes.

Slippers - They will need because, because you need your runled legs. As a rule, it will be offered to you at the beginning of worship, and in order not to stay barefoot can take slippers with you. The most ideal option is shale.

Certificate of baptism In some temples, it may not be available, so you ask in advance whether it will be issued. Now they are different types: simpler and painful, you can choose and purchase yourself, but you can rely on that temple where baptism will be performed. In any case, it is necessary to ensure that it is correctly filled, the name of the baptized and the godfather is correctly delivered, the date of the baptism, the name and surname of the priest, the name of the temple, the indication of the heavenly patron and the day of the angel.

Camera or video camera, Of course, at your discretion, but baptism is performed only once in life, why not capture him. Again, ask in advance whether there are no restrictions on the photo and video in this temple.


In fact, the institution of the godfather currently lost its former importance. It is very rare to meet an example so that the goddes really participate in the upbringing of their gods. Moreover, the godparents are very often just living very far and physically cannot fulfill their duties. How is ideal? And Ideally, the godfalls are fully responsible to the parents before the age of adulthood for its Orthodox education and education. In fact, they are the second parents. This concern includes a whole range of events - from home education, to joint church services and financing the relevant needs - for example, the acquisition of spiritual literature, icons, baptismal cross, finally.

During the very baptism, the godfall is tortured for the bison from Satan and are connected with Christ, confirm this desire to confirm loudly and perceive their child from the font. In short, testify before everyone about his own adequacy in the Christian education of his kid. Naturally, according to church opinion, the godfather and before God are responsible for the spiritual and moral life of their children.

This, of course, is ideal, but it must be striving for him. Consequently, and the godpass pick accordingly. Church practice, however, leaves the ability to be harmful to get upset and reflecting about not fulfilling their duties if the satell or his parents do not want it. Here, the family world cannot be tested by the efforts of the godfather if the family is not ready for this. But it is necessary to remind regularly. That is why the crisses are necessarily fit into the evidence of baptism.

Traditionally, the boys pick up the godfather, and the girl's godfather, if there is no possibility to have both immediately. The godfall cannot consist among themselves and the Khfezhatim in direct relationship, for example, a husband and wife cannot be godparents to each other and at the same time in one child, to whom they were invited. Other relatives may well come up for this role.

With all the frivolism of the performance of his duties, at least with the names and other personal and church holidays, simply by human, the godfalls should congratulate their gods, not depriving them of this communication. And finally, if parents disappear for the baptized, the goddes should take care of them, as their own children, up to the fact that they take them home, at least as Sirius Black took Harry Potter.

About public conversations, or why do you need lectures before baptism?

Today in most temples of Yekaterinburg as part of the preparation for the sacrament of baptism, a visit to special occupations - public conversations is offered. The amount and quality of them in each temple is different, the meaning is the same - to explain the Breatham Basics of the Faith, which they are going to accept, tell about the changes occurring in life after baptism. That is, public conversations should contribute to a more conscious and more serious approach to baptism.

An announcement - that is, oral instruction in faith before accepting baptism - this is just a new one, which is well forgotten old. The tradition of published conversations was formed in the church in the second-third centuries from the Nativity of Christ. Then the announcement lasted from forty days to three years. Even special publishing schools, which have become truly educated centers. For example, in one of the most famous - Alexandrian acceleration school, not only theology and philosophy, but still ethics, dialectics and even physics were taught.

Before us, the memory of the traditions of the ancient church came in worship and folklore. Until now, the main church service is liturgy (the one, on which you can get, if you come to the temple Sunday morning) is divided into two parts. The first part is called "Liturgy announced" - it is also present on it, but preparing for baptism, that is, announced. Pray together with everyone, listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures and sermon. This part ends with a special prayer - precisely about announced. There are words addressed by the priest to themselves: "Polyus, announced, the dominance", after which they themselves should answer "Lord, Pomemui". And since there was a lot in the ancient church, and they answered with enthusiasm - there was a saying "screaming as announceable." However, today it is not relevant, since all prayers come across the church choir. The second part of the service - "Liturgy of the faithful" - begins with the words "announced, sore". Only baptized on the second part of the liturgy remain.

Now in many temples, this public conversation is partially restored, however, in very different forms. Somewhere from the goddes or adults of the baptized is required to visit only one conversation, which predicts the commission. And somewhere you need to visit 12 or 16 classes. Oblast conversations allow you to get information what is called, first-grade, and in some ways are the unique possibility of peculiar church liberation.

In any case, you will have to clarify whether in the temple that you have chosen for baptism such conditions for its adoption, and are you ready to agree on it. Another proven and traditionally Russian way to solve all problems remains to be baptized by acquaintance. Then, as a rule, a familiar father hopes for your homemade self-education, and will not torment you with tedious narratives, if you are so evaluating everything that happened from the creation of the world and up to events, at least 33 years from the Nativity of Christ in Palestine.

How baptism is happening

Baptism can be performed both individually and collectively, depending on your wishes. Again, it is necessary to solve this question on the eve. Naturally, individual baptism will always be preferable, but unfortunately, not so many people know about their right to be baptized in this way, and not waiting for one common day. We just need to talk with the priest.

At the beginning of Baptism, the priest will explain where to get up: the Khfezhem, the godfather and sympathizer, who came to be late for loved ones. Also, obviously, explanations will be given for those who lead a photo and video. By the way, the best position is before the priest and slightly on the side, then you can choose the most successful angle for the main points.

Baptism begins with a prayer name, which their Christian names are enshrined. Also, since that time, his Heavenly Patron appears in man and the Guardian Angel is activated. Sometimes people are renamed if there is no name in the saints, who were awarded for his parents. The priest reads prayers and first autumns every procession, blessed those who came, and then puts his hand with his head on his head, symbolizing church patronage. At the same time, the bafesem will need to be loudly informing the priest's names, in the future the father will slowly remember.

After that, four sufficiently long forbidden prayers are read, which is prohibited to act on the baptized forces of the Satanic, the forces of Besysky. Who watched Western thrillers and horror strokes on the topic of exorcism, can safely carry out analogies, so it is. In the Orthodox selection of baptism there is a place to expulse the devil. As a sign of this, the priest turns into the Khfezhatim and blows a triple and crucifier to everyone in the face, pronouncing the corresponding words of the spell. If the worms or cockroaches did not fall out of you - you can assume that the rite of exorcism you have passed successfully.

From this point on, the phase of the active participation of the baptized and godfall in the event of the event occurs. Everyone turns face to the West, as a rule, to the exit from the temple and the priest warn that now he will ask questions that should be loud and clearly, preferably a chorus, respond. What prompted to answer along the go He himself, however, if people visited the public conversations they themselves know. At the same time, in the sign of freedom from Candans Satan, everyone lift both hands upwards, showing that there are no shackles on the wrists. Two times the priest three times asks whether those who came from Satan are rejected, to which they affirmically meet the specified wording.

The most active actions in this event are the fulfillment of the proposal of the priest: "and the Duni and plush on it." At this moment you need to blow and spit on the floor. The fact is that the life of a Christian begins with insults, with a spit on the enemy of salvation. Thus, a person says: I have nothing to do with you, Satan, just no, I spit on you - the latter happens literally.

Immediately after renunciation of the devil, a connection is made with Christ. Everyone turns face to east, as a rule, to the altar, as they stood, and again they answer the questions of the priest, but already with his hands lowered. The priest asks several times about the seriousness of the intentions of those who came, and those also in the prescribed form respond. At this stage, it is good if someone from the godfather is highly prepared and can take on reading out loud of the symbol of Orthodox faith. The symbol of faith is called a set of major chain truths, or dogmas, where the briefly stated that we believe in Christians. If none of those who came by midsend the character of faith knows, he can read the priest himself, and the rest will try at least something to understand. Ideally, every Christian should not just know him by heart, but still be able to comment on why this is exactly the case, and not otherwise. But, usually, this is the first self-education task. It is easy to find a symbol of faith, it is in any prayer or in a book that is simply necessary for everyone and which is called very familiar: "God's law".

After reading the Symbol of faith in the end of all questions, the priest teaches those who came, how to be properly baptized and bowed, mean - how to donate himself with the procession. Besides the fact that we add fingers when baptized in a certain way - large, index and medium together, symbolizing our faith in the trinity, and two triggering to the palm - Unnamed and Mysinette, as a sign that Christ was both God and man, we are autumn It is like this: on the forehead, on the belly, on the right shoulder and on the left, completing the glory sign of a small bow. We are thereby calling for the consecration of God to all our thoughts, feelings and actions. And the rest left in honor of the prudent robber, who was crucified from Christ, and did not swear with everyone with everyone, but just quietly asked the Lord to remember him in the kingdom of heaven.

It is at this point that it should be changed, adopting a baptic appearance actually. Before the immersion, the priest will encourage you with holy oil - a barely, which symbolizes the mercy of God. He willxt the forehead, chest, ears, arms and legs.

Usually, be baptized by seniority, starting with the smallest, but this is how the priest decides. No need to say that the day before you should take a good shower.

In the water you will dive three times, and if it is associated with diving, calculate in advance how much oxygen you need. Try to dive, but do not swim, because with a big font to catch you immediately it will be difficult. While you are immersed or poured, the support team prepares a large towel, and the photo reporters do not leave their cameras on the idleness. Immediately after baptism should be changed, but the legs should still be free.

Then it comes to the crosses. If you purchased them in the temple, they can not be sanctified, but if it is a thing from the store, it is worth asking in advance so that the cross is sanctified to you, to do it here, when baptism.

Batyushka himself puts on all the cross, which should be immediately removed by the gate, because it is not imaginary and not apparent, and the native one.

Mint Miropomania

After that, the sacrament of the world-formation is committed. You will re-smear in holy oil again, but this time it is not a fir, and the Holy Miro. In this sacrament, a person serves the graceful gifts of the Holy Spirit for the conduct of Christian life. And the sacrament is so important that it also, as well as baptism, is accepted by a person only once (the second time in life is minor and only when they are ordained in the bishops and when joining the royal throne, from where and the expression "anointed to the kingdom"). The priest will encourage the forehead, chest, lips, eyes, nose, ears, hands and legs.

Holy Miro (from Greek. Ύύρον "Aromatic oil") - specially cooked and consecrated fragrant oil. In the Orthodox Church, the Miro is preparing on the basis of olive oil with the addition of white wine and many aromatic substances (it includes aloe, incense, rose petals, violet, spicy and caalganic roots, nutmeg, pink, lemon and cloves - only about forty ingredients). The abundance of the components symbolizes the multiplies of Christian virtues.

Miro Patriarch is brewed, on a passionate sadmice in the Small Cathedral of the Don Monastery (in Moscow), where a special oven works for this purpose. Consecrated to the great Thursday (the last Thursday to Easter) in the Patriarch of the Epiphany Cathedral in Elokhov, and from there are delivered by bishops in their dioceses. So where it exists in Russian saying "all in one world of Mazana".

Previously, the baptism was rarely accustomed to baptism, because they were waiting for the release of the public school and arranged a community-recognition holiday. And celebrated as follows: they made a small godfather, to some famous place that was not far from the temple, or walked around the temple itself and sang the songs of the newcomers in which the event was glorified. And so, you will also be offered to participate in the cross move, which, as a rule, is now accomplished around the font, where baptism occurred. To do this, they will need prepared in advance candles on one on each. During the procession, you will also be offered to take part in general singing, and this opportunity should not be overlooked. Especially if everything is fixed on the camcorder.

Immediately after baptism and the world-formation, a person brings the first, at least in his baptized life, a grateful sacrifice of God. And such a victim is nothing more than his own hair, then the decoration that grows the most remarkable part of our body. Do not suffer with hairstyles, the father triggers you very modestly and tastefully, in the form of a cross on my head.

The baptism of the prayers of the churching is completed, while men are injected into the altar - the most holy place of the temple, and they read them before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What's next?

And then you yourself already have the owners of that gift that you just got. Again, ideally, it would be nice to seriously treat the resulting change and start our own religious life. Find out what is a prayer, try to visit Saturday and Sunday worship in the temple, confess and commituate at least once a month and so on, but about it, more details and deployed, it is worth saying separately. In any case, baptism makes everyone to God more than it was before. Baptism is the birth of a new person. And each of us knows that it is not easy to give birth to a person, but it is even harder to grow it.

Symbol of faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the unagnago gentlemen of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born Frogo before all the century, the light from the light, the God is true of God is true, born, unprecedented, one of the father, they are the same. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end.

And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets.

In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church.

Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead. And the life of the future century. Amen.