What does the name angelina mean in church. Angelina - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

The origin of the name Angelina, historians and linguists refer simultaneously to several sources. The first source is found in ancient greece, where a word similar in sound had the meaning of "messenger", "messenger". The name "angel" in the sense in which we are accustomed to perceive it goes back to the same word. The Hellenes also had the word "angelos", and it referred to Zeus and Artemis, the main gods of the ancient Greek pantheon.

Many believe that the origin of the name Angelina is the name Angelus, common in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. But, most likely, there is no contradiction in the two versions, since the name Angelus is rooted in the same ancient Greece.

But one should remember Christianity and its traditions in order to finally decide what the name Angelina means. This is one of many variations on the theme of the word "angel", the messenger of God. This meaning of the name Angelina looks the most logical and most natural. After all, it was with Christianity that it came to Russia and to other countries.

Women bearing the name Angelina have very few heavenly patrons. Unlike more common names, Angelina has a church counterpart in only one case.

She lived in the fifteenth century, Angelina Serbskaya, who was the wife of the last ruler of Serbia, Stefan Brankovich, and the daughter of the Albanian monarch George Arianin. After Serbia fell under the blows of the Turkish conquerors, Angelina and her husband fled to Italy. Soon she became a monk, became the founder of the Krushedol Monastery and its first abbess. Over time, Angelina was canonized by the Orthodox Church. This saint's day is celebrated on July 1st.

The character and behavior of Angelina in childhood

The meaning of the name Angelina is an angel, and it affects the character in the most direct way. But here is the case when this influence has a completely opposite result.

A girl named Angelina is often brought up in a family where parents cannot find mutual language, quarrel for no reason, arrange a nervous, tense situation at home. This can not but affect the character of the child, on personal qualities and behavior. Despite the name Angelina, the child grows up stubborn, self-willed, disobedient, quarrelsome. In many ways, she copies the character of her mother, who also does not differ in cheerfulness and friendliness.

The name Angelina brings the girl a penchant for commanding, disposing of other people.

  • She is unyielding and extremely irritable. Angelina can be pissed off even by a minor trifle.
  • The name Angelina also instills in the child a rejection of the school as a place of education and upbringing. She is uninterested and bored there. Therefore, the girl prefers to independently take care of her education, upbringing and development.

From childhood, a child named Angelina gets used to independence, relies only on herself, does not expect support and help from anyone. These character traits will in many ways always accompany her, defining the line of life.

Character and behavior in adulthood

It is noted that the character of a woman with the name Angelina largely depends on the date of birth.

If the day of birth falls in the winter, which means that a woman will be stubborn, uncompromising, possessing some character traits that are more suitable for a strict man.

  • It is difficult to negotiate with her, to come to a mutually beneficial solution.
  • She sees nothing but her own benefit, and is ready for a lot for this, including deception.

Characteristics of the name Angelina for born in the summer or spring months may be completely opposite.

  • Such a woman is often distinguished by great gullibility, which, apart from harm, can bring nothing.
  • She tends to start a family early, but such a family usually does not exist for a long time, everything ends in divorce pretty quickly. Here it should be remembered that a girl named Angelina in childhood was not the most a strong family and often incomplete. This situation often carries over into adulthood, when a person unconsciously copies the behavior of his parents.

A woman named Angelina does not differ in too much activity and sociability. It is almost impossible to pull her into a big company or persuade her to come to visit. But the name Angelina does not prevent a woman from being a hospitable hostess and receiving guests at the proper level.


An incredible passion for work is also attached to the name Angelina. A woman can forget about sleep and food, about rest, if the work is interesting and exciting. She works without looking at her watch, the time of day is of little importance to her.

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk (announcer of the Central Television of the USSR in the 1980s, TV presenter. People's Artist of the Russian Federation)

It seems to her that there is enough energy for everyone and for everything, that her strength will never be exhausted. And this can be a mistake, lead to overwork and aversion to work.

  • For Angelina, the most suitable job is one that requires high-quality and fast service to people. It's about, for example, about catering.
  • No one better than Angelina will be able to organize the work of a restaurant or cafe, to achieve a large influx of visitors.
  • A woman with that name also makes a good administrator, production manager, trade organizer.

For Angelina, it is extremely important what others think of her, how she looks in the eyes of people, and what position she occupies in the social hierarchy.

She is capable of many self-restraints and efforts, if only in society she is perceived as she wants. She has enough strength to take her rightful place and never give it up to anyone!


Independent Active Independent

Angelina Vovk, TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Angelina mean?

When you mention this name, first of all, you think of angels. True, the meaning of the name Angelina is by no means manifested in the angelic character. Very independent and stubborn, she can be both a reward and a punishment for those around her.

As a child, Gelya is an obedient and calm child, most of all she is hurt by the injustice or “wrongness” of the world around her. She is burning with the desire to fix everything and everyone, to restore order and "peace in the world." Having matured, Angelina begins to understand that it will not be possible to achieve harmony in the world, and therefore it is not worth trying.

So the story of what the name Angelina means begins precisely with the transformation of this pure and innocent girl into a tough woman who is resistant to life's failures and difficulties.

Lina will carry all her unspent tenderness and gentleness to the family, while others will know her as an imperturbable and at times even harsh person.

Would you name your child by this name?

The origin of the name Angelina is Greek and is associated with the ancient Greek word "angello", which means "notify". Thus, the name Angelina can be interpreted as "angel", "angelic", "messenger". It appeared in Russia along with other baptismal names and came to us from Byzantium.

Despite this, until the XIX century, this name is not found in the documentation. And even now this sonorous and beautiful nickname is considered quite rare, although beloved by many.

On the other hand, various options received this name wide use all over the world, especially in Europe: Angela, Angela, Angel, Angelica, Angelina. This is a church name, and its canonical form Angelina in Orthodoxy is included in the Christian calendar.

Name Forms

Simple: Lina Full name: AngelinaAntique: AngelinaAffectionate: Linochka

The main secret of the name Angelina lies in the duality of her nature. Outwardly, she can be a very tough, impulsive and self-sufficient woman, but inside she is very vulnerable, impressionable and trusting. It is sometimes very difficult for her to fit in. environment. Developed beyond her years, Gela is bored in class or just in the company of her peers.

She can be known as a quiet person, or maybe a robber, if she does not find the strength to restrain her temperament.

Angelina, who is always ready to help others, relies only on herself and copes with the tasks on her own.

The girl goes to the goal measuredly and carefully, without risking, but not letting herself be led astray.

The characteristic of the name Angelina is such that the opinion of others does not matter to her. Lina does not recognize authorities and rarely listens to anyone's advice, preferring to accumulate her life experience. Another feature of Angelina's character can be called a developed imagination, and therefore it doesn’t cost her anything to invent some kind of story, no matter what happens in reality - just out of boredom.

Behind external coldness and even callousness often hides an offended virtue, an unrealized desire to change the world for the better - this is what the name Angelina means and what she carefully hides from others.

Mature Lina does not forgive insults, and insults inflicted on her family members are generally equated with betrayal: offenders are deleted from life once and for all.

Angelina is endowed with willpower, determination, passion, which most often manifests itself in enthusiasm. However, in work, these qualities are manifested only if Lina has chosen “her” profession, which captivates her and is really interesting. Otherwise, the employee will turn out to be mediocre: it is easier for her to come up with something interesting, to generate an idea, rather than to methodically and boringly implement it later.

The middle name can also affect the character of the owner of this name. Angelina Evgenievna is very efficient, you can rely on her. But Gelya Alekseevna fits a different description: she is a born leader, easily becomes “her own” in any company.

Character traits











Family for Lina is of paramount importance. It is here that such wonderful characteristics of Angelina as selflessness, endurance, the ability to accept her husband and children as they are are revealed. It is at home that Gelya feels at ease.

A rare name, as well as an unusual character and often appearance, attracts the attention of men. But Angelina is not in a hurry with marriage, she looks at a potential candidate for a long time and weighs all the pros and cons.

But having made a choice, she builds a “family nest” with pleasure, and you simply cannot find a better hostess, wife and mother.

An exception may be Angelina Dmitrievna: her harsh temper will interfere with her even when communicating with children. But the bearer of the patronymic Andreevna will constantly pamper them and try to protect them from all life's troubles.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl

Despite the "angelic" meaning of the name Angelina, little Lina is unlikely to be a calm and sweet child, except sometimes. But most of the time, this girl will be very glib, impetuous and stubborn.

Gelya has been very independent since childhood and does not tolerate other people's influence and pressure.

The main character trait for a girl named Angelina will be curiosity. And this means that parents will have to watch her very carefully, because Lina can climb anywhere and for anything. This child has more than enough energy, as well as perseverance and the ability to stand his ground.

What will Angelina succeed in?

From childhood, Angelina does not tolerate control and subordination, and therefore such professions are close to her in which she will command (well, or, in extreme cases, work independently, not obeying anyone). Gelya can also realize herself in creativity.

Of great importance for the upbringing of Angelina are the relationship of mom and dad. A child who grew up in a prosperous family, where parents loved each other, did not quarrel or argue, paid much attention to her and often spent time together, will grow up much more calm, sociable and balanced. So the girl will listen to other opinions.

What games does she like?

Angelina is very smart as a child, and therefore she prefers to play noisy games with the boys in order to spend her energy somewhere. It is possible that this child will be among them the ringleader. Growing up, he can get carried away with something more serious, for example, some strategies or even chess.

The meaning of the name Angelina: this name for a girl means “angel”, “good news”, “messenger”, “messenger”.

Origin of the name Angelina: Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Angel, Gel, Gelina, Lina, Gelusya, Elya.

What does the name Angelina mean? The name comes from the Greek word "angelos", which can be translated as "messenger", "messenger" or "angel". Angelina has a concentration on her own inner world where harmony and love reign. She cannot stand psychological pressure, vicious people and injustice. Gelya is tender and devoted with all her heart to those she loves.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Angelina celebrates a name day once a year: July 14 (1) - a saint named Angelina suffered for the Orthodox faith from Muslims in Serbia (XV century).

Signs: Harvesting of root vegetables begins on Angelina: a garden - a woman's income; without care there is no use.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color - light green
  • Auspicious tree - apple tree
  • Cherished plant of Angelina - water lily
  • Patron - trout
  • Talisman stone - chrysolite

Characteristics of the name Angelina

The nature of the name Angelina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Angelina? It's a secret incarnate. According to numerology, the number 2 symbolizes emotional anxiety. The name Angelina gives inner throwing, variability of character. It is these qualities that can give a person uncertainty in their abilities and even bring themselves to fatalism.

Therefore, psychologists often advise Gela not to be nervous in vain, try to avoid conflicts and disputes, cultivate the ability to accept circumstances as they really are, try to adapt to them, but not try to turn the tide. It is very important for Lina not to be too generous, because in caring for others, a girl with this name is able to forget about herself. But it is also impossible to move away from society - joint work with colleagues, interaction with friends is welcome.

The meaning of the name Angelina is passivity. A girl named Gelya is not active. She rarely visits, but she herself is a cordial and hospitable hostess. It is also worth mentioning the differences in the nature of children born in different months. For example, the "winter" Lina is stubborn and has masculine traits, it is difficult to come to a compromise solution with her. The truth doesn't really matter to her. The girl is capable of deception, if circumstances require it. The "summer" bearer of this name is very trusting.

Angelina and her personal life

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Angelina promise happiness in love? Passionate, temperamental, with a sharp mind, a cheerful disposition, Lina skillfully hides these properties behind a detached calmness, a half-smile, an inattentive, distracted look. It is dangerous to underestimate it - a person runs the risk of being fooled. It’s not worth it to offend her - a girl with this name is sophisticatedly vengeful, but her victim will never guess who framed her so gracefully.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: They are excellent advisers and generators of ideas, but it’s hard to call them good performers. Therefore, it is quite difficult for them to work and live alone. It is much better if there are companions, partners, people next to the Gels, whose support you can count on.

Since very often Angelina's parents do not get along with each other, this affects the character of the child - in most cases, the girl, remaining to live with her mother, adopts her behavioral character traits and becomes quite stubborn.

Business and career: The girl Lina loves to command and rarely makes concessions, she is easily annoyed by trifles. The owner of this name is usually very average at school, but this is not explained by her mental abilities, but by the fact that she does not want to waste time on something that is not interesting to her. Often a woman named Angelina independently masters the objects or directions that fascinate her. attaches great value sports: at the same time, Angelina can skip physical education classes, but at the same time do rhythmic gymnastics at a nearby sports school.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Angelina: The meaning of the name Angelina is restlessness. Gelya is born a restless child, nervous system unbalanced. This is especially true of the "December" Angelina. She is constantly naughty and this complicates her mother's life. Lina's mother cannot understand why her daughter is naughty. Sometimes these whims are connected with the fact that she has bad gases. In this case, she needs to give dill water.

At the age of four, the girl is prone to pharyngitis, follicular tonsillitis. If she is sick with something, it is very important to bring down the temperature. To do this, give Gela warm milk with honey and soda, apply compresses on her head. After that, it is advisable to sit at home for two or three days so that there are no complications.

You need to pay attention to the digestive tract, there may be constipation. Often, the one with the name has scoliosis, you need to pay attention to this in time. Otherwise, after forty years, a woman named Angelina has severe back pain. It is advisable to give Angelina to the pool, swimming helps a lot with scoliosis. In addition, you need to do special exercises and massage.

In November - Angelina is a very restless girl. If she was born in the afternoon, her bronchi and lungs are weakened, she is prone to frequent respiratory diseases.

"Summer" Lina can complain about her stomach, her genitourinary system is weakened. Physically, such Angelina develops well, she is very flexible, plastic. "June" Gel is located to the disease of the thyroid gland.

In December - "December" She is too restless, plays only with boys, prefers noisy outdoor games. Prone to injury. Often falls, knocks knees, but never complains. It is desirable to take such Lina in sports so that her energy is spent purposefully. As a girl gets older, she gets sick less. The only thing she can't get rid of is a sore throat. However, she recovers quickly. Gel undesirable psychological overload. After school, she needs to rest for a couple of hours and only then do her homework.

The fate of Angelina in history

What does the name Angelina mean for female fate?

  1. Angelina Iosifovna Stepanova is a great Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. Since 1924, she has always played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Among her roles are Irina ("Three Sisters" by Chekhov), Lida ("Plato Krechet" by Korneichuk), Patrick Campbell ("Dear Liar" Kilty) and a great many others. In 1952 and 1977 A. Stepanova was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  2. Angelina Serbian or mother Angelina (d. 1520) daughter of Prince George of Albania, wife of the Serbian despot Stefan Brankovich. Canonized Orthodox Church in the face of the saints, the memory is made (according to julian calendar): July 1, July 30 (Cathedral of Serbian Saints), December 10.
  3. Angelina Vovk (born 1942) - Soviet announcer, one of the hosts of the Good Night, Kids!
  4. Angelina Varganova (born 1971) is a Russian theater and film actress.
  5. Angelina Ilieva (born 1972), pseudonym - Yoan Vladimi - Bulgarian science fiction writer.
  6. Angelina Jolie Voight, Angelina Jolie (born 1975) is an American actress, director and screenwriter, fashion model, winner of the Oscar, as well as three Golden Globe awards and two US Screen Actors Guild awards, UN Goodwill Ambassador.
  7. Angiolina Quinterno (1932 - 2006) - Italian film actress.
  8. Angelina Pagano (1888 - 1962) - Argentine theater and film actress.
  9. Angelina Muniz (born 1955) is a Brazilian film actress.
  10. Angelina Chernova is a Russian film actress.
  11. Angelina Guskova (born 1924) - Soviet and Russian radiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, Lenin Prize winner (1963), member of the National Commission on Radiation Protection (since 1959), expert of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (since 1967), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1986), Chief Researcher at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1989), winner of the Sievert Prize for Radiation Protection (2000).
  12. Angelina Stepanova (1905 - 2000) - Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975).

Short form of the name Angelina. Angelinka, Gelina, Lina, Angel, Angel, Gel, Gela, Elya, Ela, Gelusya, Alina, Gilyan, Antota, Nina.
Synonyms for the name Angelina. Angelina, Angelina, Angelina, Angelina.
Origin of the name Angelina The name Angelina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Angelina comes from the late Latin male name Angelus, derived from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel." The analogues of the name Angelina are Angelina (Portugal), Angelina (Italy), Angelina (Spain), Angelina (France), Angelina (England), Andelina (Czech Republic), in all other European countries it is customary to use Angelina.

Not to be confused with related names Angelica, Angela, Angela, Angel, Angela, Angelica. The name Angelina is also a diminutive of the name Angel in Italy and the name Evangelina. And the diminutives Alina, Nina and Lina are independent and independent names.

In Russia and Kazakhstan, there is also a variant of the pronunciation of this name - Engelina, which in some cases is considered identical to the name Angelina, although it also has a different, revolutionary origin.

IN Orthodox saints St. Angelina Serbian (Brankovich) is mentioned, the day of memory is September 12 and December 23. Catholic name days named after Angelina correspond to the name Angelica.

Parents in Angelina's family often do not get along well with each other. This situation within the family is reflected in personal qualities the child himself. Angelina has a stubborn nature, just like her mother.

She likes to command, rarely makes concessions. The girl is easily annoyed even because of the little things. Classes at school do not attract her much and do not give any pleasure. Angelina herself is engaged in her development and upbringing. She is independent, relies only on her own strength, while she never expects help or support from anyone.

Angelina is not very active. She rarely visits anyone. At the same time, she is a hospitable hostess. She likes to invite guests to the house.

Angelina, who celebrates her birthday in winter, is distinguished by stubbornness. She has features male character. With such a woman it is difficult to find a compromise solution. She is looking for her own benefit. May be deceived if necessary.

Celebrating her birthday in the summer, Angelina is very trusting. This quality often harms her in life. Early marriage can turn into a divorce for her.

Name day of Angelina

Angelina celebrates name day on July 1, July 14, July 30, August 12, September 12, December 10, December 23.

Famous people named Angelina

  • Angelina Serbian or mother Angelina ((d.1520) daughter of Prince George of Albany, wife of the Serbian despot Stefan Brankovich. Canonized by the Orthodox Church as a saint, the memory is celebrated (according to the Julian calendar): July 1, July 30 (Cathedral of Serbian Saints), December 10 )
  • Angelina Vovk ((born 1942) Soviet announcer, one of the hosts of the Good Night, Kids! program)
  • Angelina Varganova ((born 1971) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Angelina Ilieva ((born 1972) pseudonym - Yoan Vladimir; Bulgarian science fiction writer)
  • Angelina Jolie Voight, Angelina Jolie ((born 1975) American actress, director and screenwriter, fashion model, winner of the Oscar, as well as three Golden Globe awards and two US Screen Actors Guild awards, UN Goodwill Ambassador)
  • Angiolina Quinterno ((1932 - 2006) Italian film actress)
  • Angelina Pagano ((1888 - 1962) Argentine theater and film actress)
  • Angelina Muniz ((born 1955) Brazilian film actress)
  • Angelina Chernova (Russian actress working in cinema)
  • Angelina Guskova ((born 1924) Soviet and Russian radiologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, laureate of the Lenin Prize (1963), member of the National Commission on Radiation Protection (since 1959), expert of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (c 1967), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1986), Chief Researcher at the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1989), winner of the Sievert Prize for Radiation Protection (2000))
  • Angelina Stepanova ((1905 - 2000) Soviet theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1960), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975))
  • Angelina Bulycheva ((born 1916) Russian poetess and journalist)
  • Angelina Grün (German volleyball player, player of the German national volleyball team (1997 - 2008) and beach volleyball (since 2010), 9-time winner of the title of the best German volleyball player)
  • Angelina Shchekin-Krotova ((1910 - 1992) Russian art critic)
  • Angelina Zolotsevskaya ((1902 - 1963) participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, Commander of the Order of the Red Banner of War, after the war - Deputy Head of the Pskov Regional Department of Culture)
  • Angiolina Bosio ((1830 - 1859) Italian opera singer (soprano))

Gentle woman's name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word "angelos". It is translated as "angel", "messenger", "messenger". This is a very beautiful and rather rare name for girls.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Ruler Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue
  • plant: cornflower pansies, calamus
  • Animal: toad, owl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

By a strange coincidence, in a family where a girl is called that, the parents do not get along well with each other and often get divorced. This is not a pattern, but a common occurrence. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate among themselves and do not quarrel in front of a child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and others. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often naughty, in games with other children he always takes a leadership position and manipulates them.

The secret of the name lies in the fact that Angelina herself forms her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions that she invented herself, and childish naivety often leads the girl, and then the young lady, to make many attempts to change the crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only already in adulthood, she finally refuses to remake others and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly distracted and constantly hovering in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina does not tolerate pressure at all. She is burdened by the implementation of mandatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should give their daughter a lot of time in primary school by playing with the learning process to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who dares to check this, repents for a long time.

The winter representative named Angelina is somewhat cynical and has a masculine mind. She easily steps over the generally accepted norms of morality, if it benefits her. In addition, this is a very stubborn woman who is simply impossible to convince of anything. Summer - too trusting and simple-minded. The girl born in autumn has the most calm and reasonable character. She often goes through life on the principle of a turtle: slowly but surely and with protected rears. Born in the spring, she is a pure and kind soul who tries to reconcile everything and everyone.

Interests and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: she goes to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has excellent vocal abilities and good hearing, often playing a musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly endure when she is given orders. Therefore, she often quickly rises to the level of a manager or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people's ideas. For her good option is a flight attendant, journalist, designer, creative line of work. A girl with this name is a "free artist", perhaps even running a shadow business.


Angelina's health is very precarious due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she is prone to colds. If you do not learn to cope with increased emotionality, then to mature age a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible.

Sex and love

Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and fully enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. He attaches great importance to details: a romantic and comfortable atmosphere, additional entourage, attentiveness and affection.

Family and marriage

Romantically minded Angelina is able to search for her soul mate all her life. To create a family, she is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of the soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in the first marriage he is mistaken in the chosen candidate, then he cannot live with him, but embarks on a new search. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes ideal wife- a loving, caring, devoted and wonderful mother.