How to make a wood boomerang at home. Using Boomerang in a new way

There are many ways to create a wooden boomerang that can go back.

To make it truly “working”, you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to designing and developing a drawing, so it’s better not to hope for quick results.

This is a time-consuming and time-consuming procedure that can give great relaxation and moral pleasure, but also requires endurance, perseverance, perseverance and accuracy.

How to create a drawing of a wooden boomerang yourself

Designing a boomerang can be safely considered a true engineering job, and its first step is the classic creation of a correct and accurate drawing.

The most reasonable solution would be to use a ready-made and proven project.

Such drawings, as a rule, are already created with all the nuances and do not require mathematical calculations. You just need to adjust the desired scale.

How to choose and prepare the right material

It is most correct to make a boomerang not from any board or log found in the forest, but from hardwoods, the most common and affordable representatives of which are linden, birch and oak.

Boards bent at about a hundred degrees are best suited for these purposes - it will be easiest to make the required item out of them.

The best option would be to look for the necessary material in the nearest forest. It is better to take an ax or a hacksaw with you.

If you want to create several boomerangs at once, it is optimal to choose a branch with a diameter of about ten cm. But if you plan to invent just one product, you can skip this recommendation.

If it was not possible to find a dry snag, then it will take a large amount of time to dry. The entire process will take a year.

This rule cannot be ignored. Wet wood will not succumb to the necessary manipulations during processing, which can be pretty nerve-wracking.

To speed up the drying process of fresh wood, you need to get rid of the bark and anoint the ends of the material with wax.

This will help dry the piece evenly and avoid cracking. No matter how much you would like to start making a boomerang as soon as possible, it is forbidden to dry the wood in direct sunlight or near the battery.

The most qualitative tree will completely dry out only after 12 months, provided it is in a ventilated place.

How to make your own wooden boomerang

With a dry piece of wood, you can begin to design the desired boomerang.

To do this, strictly and carefully adhere to the following plan:

  1. Saw off the peripheral parts with a carpentry tool for planing wood
  2. (preferably) or a circular saw, you need to make the bar flat and uniform in width.
  3. Squeeze the bar with a vise and, using a hand saw-hacksaw, cut it. There should be several
    pieces one to two centimeters wide.
  4. Mark the boundaries according to the selected drawing. In order for the wings of the boomerang to acquire the desired appearance, apply a drawing to the bar and paint over unnecessary areas so that it is clearly visible where you need to grind. If you are having difficulty with drawings, you can resort to using a printer and glue it to a tree.
  5. Using a jigsaw or grinder, get rid of excess parts.
  6. The next step is polishing - using a grinder or sandpaper, you need to polish the edges of the workpiece. It is important to remember that the product is polished only from the front side, and the other side should remain flat, not counting the edges. This is the most sensitive stage: you need to work slowly and very carefully, otherwise you can spoil all the work done.
  7. Next, you need to polish the product with fine sandpaper so as to completely get rid of all the nuances of the work done and give it the necessary smoothness.
  8. So that the boomerang does not dry out, does not get dirty and does not deteriorate, it is required to periodically apply varnish on it. If you want, you can use paint to apply a pattern or pattern.

Upon completion of all the steps above, you need to wait until the varnish and paint are completely dry in a well-ventilated place.

A safe place to test is an empty stadium during deserted hours, or any other open space with good visibility.

Previously, people needed to hunt in order to feed themselves and everyone who lives with them. They used many tools for hunting. Some of them are still hunted by mankind, others have become sports equipment, such as bows and crossbows. However, hunting was also carried out with the help of a boomerang. This is a very interesting projectile, now we will analyze in detail how to make a boomerang out of wood so that it looks exactly like a medieval weapon. And then we will create children's copies that are easy to make at home.

Why boomerang flies further than any thrown object

Many do not understand why boomerangs fly so far. It's all about the structure of their blades. They are made on the principle of an airplane wing. That is, the lower part is flat, and the upper one is convex. A different pressure is formed, which pushes this wing up, allowing it to stay in the air at a certain speed.

Why the boomerang is coming back

To understand how to make a returning boomerang, you can only study its geometry. With why he flies for so long, figured out. Now how is he coming back? The thing is that the boomerang blades are different in length, one is longer than the other by a sixth. However, if the boomerang is hung around a corner, you can see that the long blade will be the same in weight as the short one. Thus, when the boomerang rotates, its long blade receives more air resistance than the short one, because of this, with each rotation, it shifts to the side. Having realized the theory, you can begin to understand how to make a boomerang. now it remains to reproduce everything in the material.

What tree to make a boomerang

To craft such an ancient weapon, you need a solid material:

  • Ash
  • Pine
  • Poplar

This will make a great boomerang. It is necessary to find a branch that resembles the letter "G" in shape. If a living branch is cut down, then it is impossible to immediately make a product from it. The material must dry, only after that it will be possible to start work. It takes a lot of time to dry a tree, so it’s worth preparing the material in advance, and then making a boomerang out of it. However, you can use a dry branch, or plywood a centimeter thick. However, here we are discussing how to make a boomerang out of wood, not plywood. Therefore, I will explain how to dry the workpiece.

Drying wood for boomerang production

After the necessary branch is cut down, its annual rings must be covered. To do this, use garden pitch, resin, you can even fill it with PVA glue. In general, this is done so that moisture does not escape very quickly through the cuts. So, the tree will dry out gradually and there will be no cracks in its structure. The material should dry for at least six months, and, in general, it would be nice to have a year. But you can reduce this time to a month. Let the workpiece lie “sealed” for a week, and then you need to remove the bark from it, leaving only a centimeter or two rims at the ends of the cuts. Then the material should lie down for another two weeks in a dry place, after which there is nothing left but to make a boomerang with your own hands and test its aerodynamics.

Starting production of a boomerang

We need a tool:

  • File
  • Sandpaper
  • jigsaw
  • Hacksaw

Our log needs to be cut in half to get two blanks similar to the letter "G". You can even make two boomerangs or more if the tree is not defective. In a word, we cut the material into blanks one centimeter thick. To accurately observe the shape and size of the product, you need to make a template for it. And we have no choice but to make a boomerang out of cardboard, or rather, it will be the outline of the product. After that, this template must be glued or simply attached to a wooden blank and carefully circled. Having a line for an accurate cut, you can not be afraid to cut off the excess, and we cut out our future throwing weapon along the contour. This can be done with a jigsaw or cut off the excess with a knife, the main thing is how to make a boomerang, and nothing to grind it.

Making the lifting force of a boomerang

When the contour is perfect, we proceed to the formation of convex parts so that the product can stay in the air. The picture shows all the thicknesses of the boomerang. You have to do it exactly like there. In order not to be mistaken with the dimensions on each section of the surface, you need to make patterns. Segments are cut from cardboard in which the shape is depicted, and the exact size of the bulge of a particular part of the boomerang. After that, cut out, creating patterns. Applying them, it is easy to see how much to grind.

Boomerang centering

We have mastered everything related to how to make a boomerang, but it still cannot fly as it should. In order for the product to return when thrown, it must be centered. To do this, you need to make a loop of thread, and thread a boomerang into it so that the blades look down. When the product is not centered, then its longer part outweighs, but it needs to hang perfectly even. This can be achieved by grinding the material, or by drilling a small hole in a smaller blade and pouring glue into it, insert a piece of lead. Thus, the workpiece is brought to perfect balance, after which all these ancient weapons are polished.

Coating the boomerang with a protective layer

When used, the boomerang often falls to the ground; the material from which it is made saves it from blows. It's made of solid wood! But in wet weather, how to make a boomerang protected from external influences of nature? After all, if its surface is “open”, then the view can significantly deteriorate. Dirt adheres well to untreated wood. But more importantly, moisture can deform the entire structure, or even create cracks. To secure the product, it must be waxed or varnished.

For waxing, wax is needed, it is mixed with turpentine, and then rubbed into the surface of the product. You can also simply rub in the wax using a rough cloth. But you need to do this, pressing hard with sharp movements so that the wax melts from friction and is absorbed into the wood.

Also, the surface can be varnished. It must be applied in a thin layer so that droplets do not form. After the first applied layer has dried, cover with a second one. So, four times is possible for the best protection of the product. When all the protection has dried, you can start testing the boomerang in the field.

Now consider how to make a boomerang out of paper

This is a great toy for kids and they can make it themselves. So, let's start in order.

  • A sheet of A-4 is needed as tightly as possible. We put it horizontally in front of us, and bend it in half away from ourselves. So that the length of the sheet remains unchanged, and the width is doubled. We cut it in half, and in the future we work with only one half.
  • We bend it in half lengthwise, and carefully smooth the bend. Then we unfold the sheet and bend its left half to the central fold, one centimeter, without bringing it to it. Then also with the right side. The halves should be folded in half, and a central bend should be visible between them. To understand exactly how to make a boomerang out of paper, we use the scheme

  • In this position, fold the sheet across all the bends exactly in the middle of the sheet. After on this line we turn the corners to the middle, as when we make an airplane. After that, we unfold the corners, and fill them inward along the bend lines.
  • Then you need to unfold this origami to the state where the left and right sides were bent to the central bend. Unscrew the right side, in its center lines of folds in the form of a diamond will be visible. By pressing it with your finger, you need to fold it along the bends so that you get a triangle. It should be inside, and the whole structure will be bent in half. Everything is outlined in the diagram.

In ancient times, boomerangs were made mainly for the reason that it flew further than any other object that a person threw, and only closer to our times they began to make them so that they also returned to the hands of the thrower. And they were able to explain that return effect only when they mastered aerodynamics and the first planes flew.