Name Day Mikhail on the church calendar of which. Church holiday Day Mikhail, his dates on the calendar

It originated from the Jews, where it was uttered as Mikael, that by letters in Hebrew meant "the one as God". It then spread to the Middle East, from where it went to Greece along with Christianity. IN Kievan Rus The name Mikhail came along with the rest of the name during the spread of Orthodoxy.

In each country, the name Mikhail pronounced in its own way: in Arab countries - Mikael, in Armenia - Mikhail, in Belarus - Mikhai, in Hungary - Mihai, in Spain - Miguel, in Italy - Michele, in England - Michael, in Poland - Michal , in Serbia - Mikhailo, in Ukraine - Melted.

Symptime-affectionate form name: Misha, Miha, Mishutka, Mishet, Mikhailo, Mike, Mika, Mikhailushka, Mikhail, Mihelenka.

Angel Day Mikhail church calendar Notes almost most often of all names - 81 times a year.


Pros: Active, sociable, inquisitive, good-natured.

Cons: touchy, susceptible, aggressive, gambling.


Little Misha grows a calm, friendly child. Interested in all in the world, parents followed from early childhood to give it to various circles, which he will gladly visit. IN early age May be tamed to yourself good company for games. Loves animals and loves them with pleasure.

The school studies average because of inability to focus on the same subject, but I am pleased to perform on stage, sings, likes to draw. There are many friends around him, not always suitable, according to adults, but he will never leave friends, will always help them in difficult moment. You need to bring up in Mikhail tolerance, the ability to take criticism, failure.

Adult Mikhail does not like loneliness, may be addicted to detrimental habits. He needs to control his sympathetic, because of which he often falls into trouble.


The child is rarely ill, in adulthood is subject to depression, there may be liver and kidney disease due to alcohol addiction.


Workaholic, has a logical warehouse of the mind, knows how to earn big money and likes to lead. It can achieve heights in programming, logistics, construction. Own businessto which he will give himself everything will be successful. Colleagues will never let down, pull them out of trouble.


Despite the popularity of female, sexual life begins late, not always successfully. An experienced lover is difficult for him because of restraint. Does not like to say compliments, is afraid to reveal the feelings, avoids random connections.

A family

The wife will choose a modest and non-conflict woman. Bright, rude women repel it. I will not forgive treason to my wife if the wife accepts its conditions family life, he will love her until the end of his life. He loves his children, with pleasure free time pays to them.

Horoscope named after Mikhail

Aries - displeased, controversial. Stubbornly goes to the target target, regrets the non-affected things. It does not ceremony during communication, can offend careless phrases. If it is not understood, can answer aggression. The husband will be difficult, prone to conflict and reluctance to make compromises.

Taurus - risky, impatient. Despite stubbornness and love of risk, he is a calm and intelligent person. Workaholic, can braid a state. Marries a calm and reliable woman.

Gemini - romantic, dreamy. Aggressively responds to criticism in its address, due to failure it can become insecure. It does not like to work, expenses often exceed income. The wife is looking for a woman who will take on all the concerns about her husband.

Cancer - gentle, workaholic. From parents will not go soon independent life. Because of the failures in life, there can be a long depression. He loves to work and knows how to make money. He marries a woman with whom will feel reliably and comfortable.

Lion - emotional, domineering. For the sake of loved ones, it is capable of a huge feat, donate the last. A little naive, can get caught on the bait of ill-wishers. Adjusts excitement. In work often occupies guidelines. His wife should be a housewife and do everything for the sake of her husband.

Virgo is a logical, charming. Everyone loves order, which requires from others. Avoid noisy companies, from early childhood, saves money to feel independence. In the love of mononomy, marry once and for all, from his wife requires complete submission to themselves.

Scales - balanced, fearful. Trying to stay away from noisy companies and dangerous places. Avoids responsibility, does not like to make decisions. Knows how to communicate, convince, discuss. His wife will change.

Scorpio - temperamental, cruel. Contradictive personality, who has many friends and enemies, he is not alien to the ups and downs of life. Trying to always be aware of everything, keep your hand on the pulse. Marriages in his life are somewhat due to its complex nature.

Sagittarius - good-natured, lucky. In gambling games, he is lucky, he does not know how to keep the tongue behind his teeth, which is sufficient to conflict. He does not like monotonous work, seeks to take a guiding chair. The second marriage is successful first.

Capricorn - closed, ambitious. Persistently goes to the intended purpose, workahol. She strives for financial well-being, respects tradition, does not like to communicate. Wife will choose for a long time and carefully due to the inability to show feelings.

Aquarius - discreet, calm. Does not raise the voice and is not involved in conflicts. His loss is pursued in life, severe diseases. For life, he will change several professions, there will be no financial stability. Can not be a reliable husband.

Fish is a restless, sensual. Thanks to excellent intuition, it takes true solutions. Susceptible to frequent stress and depression, poorly tolerate criticism, depend on the surrounding opinion, floats downstream. In marriage, he is reliable.

When the church calendar of the name of Mikhail: November 21, September 19 - Mikhail Archangel Archrestig; December 5 - Mikhail Bulgarian, equal, December 31 - Mikhail Constantinople, Rev., Confessor.

Characteristics of the birthday name Mikhail:

From the Hebrew language is a god-like, "Divine," Who, how is God? ". Christians Mikhail - the Great Prince, standing behind the sons of the people, the Angel of Mercy for people before God, the leader of the heavenly military in the last battle against the power of evil. Name Day Mikhail four times a year.

Modern Michael, as well as his divine case, is trying to confront evil forces alone. He even has a special identity symbol - "The one who precises." The main features of character: will, activity, health. Totem plant - Elm; Tiemny animal - Tiger. Type of thinking - "Tiger under Vysh". Obviously, so Michael is constantly closed in itself under some tree and sternly looks at others. Overly subjective - rarely trying to put himself in place of another person.

All Michael have a living analytical mind. However, they lack diplomatic to their favorite saying: "either Pan or disappeared." Perhaps they need to learn more and a friend "saying, the Polish" Tso Names, then not healthy. " They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but gives them some heat, which gives them the opportunity to choose their friends of smart, intelligent, which sooner or later subordinate to their will.

Easily achieve success. Mikhail from childhood gets used to very strict discipline. It works to achieve a certain and clear goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays a lot of attention to children, as well as people sick and old he likes medicine, as well as trade where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. It has a living analytical mind, so never makes conclusions until everyone will learn all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - never forgets her good, nor the evil caused to him. As for his health, Mikhail has a huge survivability. It is healthy, resistant to diseases. Weak place in his body - the cardiovascular system. He has a very high sexuality. Early reaches puberty, but absolutely does not know psychology. Instead of sealing a woman, behaves like a caveman

Congratulations to the name of Mikhail:

Congratulations on you, Mikhail,

Happy Name Day, with a wonderful day!

So that the angel will illuminate you,

So that the night is nipple!

I wish you love,

So that with her happiness came to you!

Good luck let it help again

Dreams Find soon window!

Give no wonder names.

Our Mikhail is like God!

Always hurries to his threshold

His favorite family!

Tries for everyone as can

He is famous for his kindness

And if the house is waiting for guests,

Always my wife will help!

Allow, Misha, you say:

You deserve respect

Perseverance to achieve

And do not lose the soul of fun.

Let it also be sophisticated,

Let's go to the leg go

And does not disturb your feelings

Sadness, longing or anxiety.

One of the famous holidays today is the day of Angel Mikhail. The people say that he comes to us on a white horse. And it is not surprising, because often the first snow falls on this day. St. Archangel Mikhail is considered one of the most revered not only in Christianity, but also in other religions, such as Judaism, Islam.

According to the church calendar of patrons, Mikhail has a lot of them, therefore his angel day is noted far from once a year. One of the most famous is the celebration of the Cathedral of the ArchReart of God Mikhail and other celestial forces of obsolete. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is celebrated on November 21. This saint is the head of the angels of the angels, the winner of evil spirits and diseases, so it is often about it to be treated with a prayer for healing. In many places of the world, there are healing sources dedicated to this saint. He is also guarded by paradise, so on some icons is depicted with a sword and a nymba from the plant ornament. His Angel's Day is celebrated on November 21 in Orthodox and Grequocatolic Churches. Catholics celebrate him on September 29th. Each of religions attaches particular importance to this saint, respectively, the dates in which this day of angel celebrate, differ.

January 24, the name of Mikhail Klopsky, who lived in the XV century, is celebrated. This holy voluntarily refused to power, wealth and went to the monastery. He possessed the gift of the prophecy and the diverse of the vices of people, despite the ranks. February 27 - the transfer of the relics of Prince Mikhail Chernigovsky, and in March, the 23 days, - Martyr Mikhail Solunsky. June 5 and December 31, respectively, the Saint and St. Michael Confessor, in July, 13 and 25th, - Martyr Mikhail Gardener and St. Michael Malein.

The dates dedicated to the holy patrons of this name are every month, so the day of the angel everyone marks closer to his birthday.

Character and meaning

Translated from the Hebrew, this name means "who is like God." The zodiac sign are scales, and the planet - Saturn. The color of the name can be considered blue, stone - green jaspea, a plant - a lamp, Elm and Malina, and animals - a tiger and a bear. In other world languages, the name is somewhat different. For example, on english language Mikhail will be Michael, in French is Michel, but in German - Michael.

As with any other name, Mikhail has both positive and negative character traits. He is very inquisitive, with a great power of will, with him it is easy to find mutual language. Active, therefore, as a child, attend several circles at once. In addition, when Michael is still a child, he is already responsible than teachers and parents please. But Mikhail does not make any criticism in his address, an incredulous and almost everyone suspects evil intentions. Adult, the owner of this name cannot stay alone and especially sit at home. He collects noisy companies around him, and thanks to his sense of humor, almost always becomes the center of attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that he also celebrates his day angel with a scope. In the soul, he considers himself the best, unsurpassed, so it takes a lot tolerance. Name Day in Mikhail can be celebrated quite often, but this person, although generous by nature, is unique. Therefore, it will not arouse grand holidays every month.

Folk signs and customs

The day of Angela Mikhail, which is celebrated on November 21, the people are considered to be a landmark and shut off on numerical signs and customs.

This date from ancient times helped people to predict the weather on the near future. In addition, by November 21, all agricultural works were already completed, a profit from sales was received, therefore the rest time and celebrations occurred. To this day, the hostess was prepared very carefully. Preparing a lot of delicious dishes, which were treated endless flow of guests. The table was served by pies, jelly, noodles, pork, lamb, veal and other delicacies, from the drinks, the river was raised wine, vodka, beer, and more and especially honorable guests were served. This day Angel is the last big holiday before Christmas, so they celebrated it all with a scope.

The people were believed that in the name of Mikhail, November 21, you can predict the weather for the whole winter and even spring. For example, if the land is tamed by the injury, then it is large snow, fog foreshadows sunny and warm weather. There is a sign: what day of Angel Mikhail, the same will be at Nicholas. If on November 21, wet snow fell out, this is a rainy spring. Interesting fact It is the fact that on this day the angel girl was guessing on the narrowed. To do this, they sprinkled with linen bed and sentenced: on you, Mikhail, Len Seia, let me know with whom I will sleep.

Good hostesses were trying to whitewash the house until November 21, losing flax and hemp, and after that they sat down. It was believed that the Holy Mikhail himself helps the taste of work. In addition, this date ended the grazing season of sheep and cows, even autumn was warm enough. In the afternoon, they watched those who will be the first to enter the house. If it was a woman, sheep and chicks will be fruited in the farm, if a man is rams and bulls. Mikhail Name Day has been a rather popular holiday for a long time and managed to transfer this property through the century to the modern world.

Church rules share the concepts of the name and Angel Day. Name Day Mikhail is the dates when orthodox Church It remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the rite of baptism of a particular child set up by this name was held. Date of the day of Angela Mikhail is individual, on this day you can come to church and put a candle, remembering the sacrament. What is the number of the day of Angel Mikhail, only the closest people can answer, but the date of the name is set by the church.

Name Mikhail: Value, Origin, Name Day

This name comes from the Hebrew and means "God-like". Media of this name have such features of character, as activity, principle. Mikhail is distinguished by good will and excellent health. It is usually a smart, but very demanding to others. Just like your holy, seeks to protect everyone.

For Orthodox Mikhail - a special figure - he is a touch for mortals in the face of God, and also leads heavenly forces on the battle against the evil's army.

Mikhailov Day, which is celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. He loved the people very much. It was November 21, the Orthodox Church holds the Cathedral of ArchReart Mikhail, and this is considered one of essential events Autumn. Mikhail is a defender of believers from diseases and all sorts of temptations.

It has long been in Russia that Mikhail will not be able to resist the Archangel, after all, it is worth it only to appear, and all evil spirits hides on the nora and caves, or falls under the ground.

Slavic beliefs related to this day

Dependence on the region, Mikhailov day noted in different ways. For instance, In Polesie, he was respected, because it was believed that he was a defender from thunder. Therefore, on this day, no one cut anything, did not cut and not the fault, so as not to offend the saint. In some areas of Belarus, they noticed that after Mikhailov, the bears fell into a hibernation. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter, frost began from this day. There were signs: if on this day I will be the winter - winter will be a snowy, if the fog will be a thaw. If there are clear weather on Mikhailov - Winter will be cold and frosty.

Mikhail also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone who wanted to die easily had to celebrate his day.

When Angela Mikhail's Day.

When is the day of Angel Mikhail for the church Orthodox calendar?

Name Mikhail - Ancient Eugene, endowed with enormous energy potential. It is believed to be Mikhail - the owner of a special force. There are two options for the translation of this name. The first treats the name as "equal to God", the second - "Scared of God". In European countries, men are called counterparts. Among them are the most famous as follows: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia, Mitchell is considered derived named after Mikhail.

  • A man with the name Mikhail is endowed with the abilities approaching him to the Creator. Orthodox especially reveal the main of the seven Archangels - Mikhail. It is believed that Mikhail is able to deal with unclean powerrepresented by the source of various ailments. Book Enha tells that Archangel Mikhail patronized the Israeli people.
  • Misha boy enchants those surrounding his tenderness, greed to caress. Beauty, insight is used to achieve its goals. He is not indifferent to the beautiful and tries to surround himself from childhood with beautiful things, among which it is often possible to meet objects of art.
  • Becoming adults, Mikhail strive to please everyone who is next to him, because it is important for him to be in harmony with others.
A man with the name Mikhail is endowed with the abilities close to him to the Creator

When Mikhail's name is a church calendar, in Orthodox faith: in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Name Day Mikhail (Angel Day) - Dates for months:

Some saints are worshiped only once a year. Name - Mikhail does not apply to such. Saints with this name 92 times a year. The main date for each Michael is considered an angel day.

Name Day Mikhail in January

  • January 3 - reverence of the memory of the righteous Archpriest, Much. Mikhail Kiselev
  • January 8 - Removing the memory of the righteous Much. Mikhail Smirnova, Sacred Martyr, Diacon
  • January 13 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Berezina, Ierhea
  • January 14 - Removing Memory of the Righteous Mikhail Bleeve, Archpriest
  • January 21 - Removing the memory of the righteous Much. Mikhail Novoselova
  • January 24 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Klopovsky Novgorodsky
  • January 28 - Remove the memory of the righteous Mikhail Samsonov, Archpriest
  • January 31 - Removing the memory of the righteousness Mikhail Kargopol

Name Day Mikhail in February

  • February 16 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Agayeva
  • February 17 - Removing Memory of the Righteous Mikhail Rybina
  • February 18 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Amelushkin
  • February 26 - Remove the memory of the righteous Mikhail Popova
  • February 27 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vsevolodovich Black
  • February 28 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Pyataeva

Becoming an adult, Mikhail strive to please everyone who is near

Name Day Mikhail in March

  • March 2 - Removing the memory of the righteous man Mikhail Nikologorsk
  • March 7 - Removing the memory of the righteous of Mikhail Gorbunov
  • March 8 - Removing the memory of the righteousness Mikhail Radzhkin
  • March 12 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Markova
  • March 14 - Removing Memory of the Righteous Mikhail Buprinsky
  • March 16 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Straigh
  • March 22 - Removing the memory of the righteousness Mikhail Maslov
  • March 23 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Mavrudis Solunsky
  • March 26 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Okolovich
  • March 27 - Removing the memory of Rostislav Rostislav (in the baptism of Mikhail) Mstislavich Kiev
  • March 28 - Remove the memory of the righteous Mikhail theological

Name Day Mikhail in April

  • April 11 - Remove the memory of the righteous Mikhail Viktorova
  • April 29 - Removing the memory of the righteous of Mikhail Vurliota
  • April 30 - Removing the memory of the righteous Mikhail Novitsky

Name Day Mikhail in May

  • May 15 - Remove the memory of the righteous Boris (in the baptism of Mikhail) Bulgarian
  • May 24 - Removing the memory of the righteousness Mikhail Belorossov

Name Day Mikhail in June

  • June 1 - day of the iconization of the memory of Much. Mikhail Deineka
  • June 3 - Day of the Iconlement of Memory Much. Mikhail Muromsky
  • June 4 - Day of the Iconlement of Memory Much. Mikhail Borisov
  • June 5 - Day of Iconlement Memory Much. Mikhail Savvaita
  • June 16 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhail Markova
  • June 18 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhail Voyakova
  • June 20 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhail Denisova
  • June 28 - the day of revered by Mikhail Kievsky
  • June 29 - Day Removing Memory Mikhail Makarova

archangel Michael

Name Day Mikhail in July

  • July 13 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhaila
  • July 16 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhaila
  • July 17 - day reverence of memory Mikhail Athens
  • July 22 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhail Dreams
  • July 25 - the day of reverending the memory of Much. Mikhail Maleina

Named after Mikhail in August

  • August 4 - day of the iconing of the PRP. Mikhail Nakhasakova
  • August 11 - the day of the iconing of the PRP. Mikhail Savvaita
  • August 17 - the day of the iconization of the PRP. Mikhail Zhuka
  • August 20 - the day of the iconing of Much. Mikhail Plyheshevsky
  • August 25 - day of the iconization of the PRP. Mikhail Garezhiysky
  • August 31 - day of the iconization of Much. Mikhail Eregodsky

Name Day Mikhail in September

  • September 4 - Church honors Moch. Mikhail Lyubertseva
  • September 9 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Voskresensky
  • September 13 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Koshukhina
  • September 15 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Trubnikova
  • September 16 - Church honors Much. Mikhail Sushkova
  • September 17 - Church honors Moch. Mikhail Bogorodsky
  • September 19 - Church honors Much. Mikhaila
  • September 20 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Name Day Mikhail in October

  • October 1 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Skobelev
  • October 3 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Black
  • October 10 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Platonova
  • October 13 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Kievsky
  • October 14 - Church honors Moch. Mikhail Zowi (Sevastia)
  • October 15 - Church honors the memory of Much. Mikhail Kazansky
  • October 17 - Church honors Much. Mikhail Tverovsky
  • October 27 - Church honored the memory of Much. Mikhail Lectorec

Name Day Mikhail in November

  • November 2, the memory of Mikhail Isaev is worshiped
  • November 20, Mikhail Guseva is honored
  • November 21, Mikhail's memory is honored
  • November 23, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Arefieva
  • November 27, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Nekrasova
  • November 29, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Abramova
  • November 30, the memory of Much is revered. Gobron (in the baptism of Mikhail) Kakhetian

Name Day Mikhail in December

  • December 2, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Quanina
  • December 5, the memory of Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverovsky is revered
  • December 7, Mikhail Bogoroditsky is honored
  • December 9, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Zelentsovsky
  • December 20, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Uspensky
  • December 23, the memory of Much is revered. Mikhail Yakunkin
  • December 31, Mikhail Singella (Assistant Bishop) is revered

Also a lot of interesting things about a man named Mikhail you will learn from the video.

The name has an extraordinary impact on each person. Scientists have proven that during his pronunciation, the mood immediately begins to rise, especially if it has been said affectionately and friendly. Parents seriously relate to choosing the name of their child, since it directly depends on it further fate, as well as some traits of character.

Meaning name Mikhail

To the selection male name It is worth not less serious than the choice of female, because it is on the shoulders young man The whole responsibility and protection of your future family, relatives and loved ones. The name Mikhail is considered one of the most sacred and clean, it is milled and very beautiful. Translated means "the one who is similar to God." In ancient times, people personified Mikhail with the Lord who could not bear hostility or dislike, as well as negative emotions.

Since then, the name has become very popular, and many boys were named after them. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, would be the same sincere, righteous, pure soul. It is not surprising that in our time the name of Mikhail is celebrated, and even so often.

Origin of name

In each country, the name Mikhail is pronounced in different ways. Some this is Michel, others have Michael, and the rest of Miguel. In fact, the name comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, the people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, movable. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mindset, capable of focusing in an unfamiliar atmosphere and in any situation show composure, character hardness. Mikhail's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people with soft, retrieving, friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named after this name, he is waiting for success in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: a lawyer, driver, gardener, animal husbandry.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is not easy. As a rule, such people painfully perceive criticism in their address, but quickly release negative emotions. Also, young people with great respect belong to their parents, causing them and fulfilling their desires. Michael loves children very much and enjoy communication with them. Women in them enchants softness and skill to make concessions. Uniquely to the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also leads to the delight of cute girls.

Name Day Mikhail is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are devoted to martyrs, other preachers, noble princes, soldiers. Celebrate Name Day Mikhail Cenior Celebrations, as a rule, do not like. But relatives and friends should certainly make a small gift to their close man, as it will definitely appreciate it. As a present there may be figurines from bronze, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Talismans Mikhail

Each person is known that, on the basis of the name, you can find out the color that suits its owner, element, phonosectative and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. It looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man who can support his soul mate in any situations, dividing all its sorrow and problems with it. The day of the name of Mikhail is best to cope in a calm, family atmosphere. So a man will feel comfortable and relaxed. It is believed that the most successful will be the name for children born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for the child will be blue, and as a sacred stone, affecting the topic about the talismans, it should not be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, courage and kindness to people around himself.

Dates named Mikhaila

The people were established by dates when Mikhail's names are celebrated. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, the nameman is celebrated on January 24 (this day was devoted to the presence of the Clef Saint). Next is celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbui, the name of May 20 is celebrated. Then the momentous dates are June 3 (Saint Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). 13 The number of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and 25 - Reverend Maleina. Next, it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (Saint Blessed Prince Mikhail). Orthodox named after Orthodox is also dating 3, 13, October 14, November 21 (Archangel's Day). December 5 is dedicated to the Great Warrior, and 31 the number of the same month is the presented confessor.

It is not surprising that many rulers worn such an unusual name that combined such different character traits. These include the princes of Russian, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also a lot of Mikhailov - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, a circle, Zadornov and many others.

Meaning, origin

Mikhail (IVR. מִיכָאֵל, Michael) - the name of Jewish origin, widespread from Christian peoples, Jews and Muslims. Comes from the words of the IVR. מי כמו אלוהים (Mi KMO Elohim, abbreviated by Mi-Ka-El) - literally - "Who is God?" Or "Who is like God?" In the meaning - "no one is equal to God." Although often the meaning of Mikhail is interpreted in an unimproving form: "Who is God", or "the one who is like God."

meaning, origin

Name Day, Holy Patrons

Mikhail Archangel, ArchReart. In his honor, the Cathedral of believers was built for the glorification of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces, which he was chaired, 19 (6) September 21 (8). Mikhail Bulgarian, equivalent, king (Bulgaria Baptist), 15 (2) May. Mikhail Bulgarian, Warrior, December 5 (November 22). Mikhail Vsevolodovich Black, Chernigovsky, Prince, Martyr, 27 (14) February, October 3 (September 20). Mikhail Zowysky (Sevastiysky), Igumen, Sacred, 14 (1) of October. Mikhail Kakhetsky, Prince, Martyr, 30 (17). Mikhail Kiev and All Russia, Metropolitan, October 13 (September 30). Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Christ for the coherent. From the genus of the great princes of Moscow. Forty-four years have lived in great exploits and disorders in the Klopsky monastery near Novgorod (XV century), 24 (11) January. Mikhail Malein, Igumen, 25 (12) of July. Mikhail Mstislavich Kievsky, Smolensky, grand Duke, 27 (14) Martha. Mikhail Muromsky, Prince, June 3 (May 21). Mikhail Savvit, Zholesk, Chernivaris, Rev. Martyr, June 5 (May 23), August 11 (July 29). Mikhail Sadinsky (Frigisky), Bishop, Confessor, June 5 (May 23). Mikhail Singell (Assistant Bishop), Constantinople, Rev., Confessor, 31 (18) December. Mikhail Ulumbiy, Rev., One of the founders of Georgian monasses, 20 (7) May. Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskaya, Grand Duke, December 5 (November 22).

name Day, Holy Patrons

Zodiac name

zodiac name


Color name

Color sea wave, red. The main color is blue. There is also a dark red strip.

color name


Lipa, Elm, Strawberry



Tiger, Bear



Will, Activity, Sexuality

main features


Different personality, often judges people in themselves or some of their criteria.

Name and character

Mikhail often acts as a fighter for justice and eradicating deficiencies in other people. In adolescence is naive and excessively kind, becoming older, still "wipe" and adapts to life, but it cannot be called a cynic. He is also very generous and does not regret the latter people. He has an impeccable attitude towards a woman, as to the merits that needs male protection. Many of this use.

name and character


He is inclined to excessive idealism, and therefore his disappointment will be abused in his life. For him, it is best to choose a profession that will contribute to the realization of its need to protect the weak and eradication of the negative, otherwise it will be deeply unhappy.


Sustainable. He is generally stressed. However, for external well-being and a smile, the most real suffering is often hidden.


Very well developed, and it is widely used in everyday life.



He has a logical mindset, he also possesses a high level of intelligence, but it will not learn to think abstractly.



Highly high level morality. He respects parents and older people. Always fulfills their wishes, not counting it with whims.



It has a lot strong healthAlso easily tolerate any injuries. But his weak place is the heart and blood circulation system.



Very sensitive and sensual. Loves caress, but not only take, but also give. Oddly enough, but the sex attaches quite a lot. Availability of sexual harmony



Mikhail - good husband And father. He can have many children, but only if the wife is completely satisfied with him, and in particular sexual terms. Despite his love for the opposite sex and the sincere faith in their defenselessness, Mikhail is very demanding on its chosen. It is difficult for him to please. But if it succeeds, you can rest on the laurels the rest of your life. Mikhail is very faithful if everyone is pleased.

Mikhail translated from Hebrew means equal to God. As a child, Mikhail sings in the choir, because it has an excellent hearing and loves the company. At the educators B. children's garden, as well as teachers at school with him practically no difficulty. The boy is trying to do everything well and since it is necessary.

Mikhails have a logical mindset. Become demanded teachers, lawyers and military. Maximum a short time They are focused in a new environment, they are calm, but at the same time they do not like criticism and treat it painfully. Adore animals, and almost always lives with them. Michael also adore children, play with them, indulge and buying expensive toys.

From Mikhailov, good gardeners come out. Men do not tolerate loneliness. With attention and patientity look after elderly relativeswhose requirements are not tighted.

Mikhail is easy to communicate a person with which it is not difficult to reconcile. The spouse should not be offended for him for a long time, because the impairment and kindness of a woman is of great importance. Mikhail is not staded and does not drink a lot. Even a small amount of alcohol is enough so that the man becomes sentimental and gave everything he has. In the company he will not be clamped, he is joking a lot, performs songs, in other words, is a soul of the company.

It is important for him that the woman be discovered, since the gross representatives of the beautiful gender he avoids. Pretty jealous that he is quite rare to hide.

What is his sexuality

The development of sexual individuality from Mikhail proceeds slowly, for a long time he cannot understand himself. Intimate part He begins to learn his own lives of his life. It happens that for the first time makes love with his wife. And before the marriage, the man still did not understand his sex requests, as well as opportunities.

For a man, it is characteristic of idealize a weak floor, in his youth he considers a woman with something unearthly, which is worthy of worship. As he matched, he changes his opinion, and begins to relate to the beautiful floor, as to the merits that needs a strong shoulder and patronage. In love caresses, Mikhail is quite cold and restrained, he quickly gives back to love affairs.

If a man was born in the summer, then all the pleasures received from the intima, it reduces to rare bonds, as needed. Plus, he is good in bed, and can show his male opportunities. If Mikhail is born in the cold time, he does not like external love figures, does not say nice words, I can't stand caress. For all Mikhailov, disgusting is characterized, which indicates that they avoid accidental connections. They relate to the spouses with patience and intelligent. They soul affectionate and compliant women.

Mikhail, born in January, adores sex and considers it an important part of communication, which does not leave his track in his soul. He chases the entertainment, pleasant time to pronounce the time, the wedding to him for nothing. And if nevertheless decides to marry, the spouse should be prepared for the overestimated requirements that will be presented, they include sexual.

What hides the name

Many the name Mikhail causes the Association with the Bear, because it sometimes calls a teddy bear. The Bear is a good fat man, which is pretty deft and Yarenten, if there is a need for this. It is inherent not only in bad luck, heavyness, as well as duality. Mikhail is under the control of a heavy and tight mechanism, so inevitably has some consequences - an indirect course and slowness, the difficulty of subtle movements, lethargy.

Mikhail itself is a golden middle, he can be bad and good. He needs an effort on himself to achieve their desires. Mikhail needs long crawling even in those places in which others pass without problems. From the foregoing it follows that the case, which is engaged in Mikhail, regardless of the efforts invested in him, does not most often receive proper recognition and the necessary assessment. Based on this, a man does not feel satisfied with his success, and sometimes irritation, anger for incompassing recognition and success.
For a reason for Russia, this name was the second name of the bear Mikhail Potapitch. On the one hand, it is possible to see activity for his calmness, and in certain cases is lazyness.

Basically, in a small age, the boy shows such features as activity, curiousness, excitement in games for children. It is difficult for him to focus on a certain subject, it is interesting at the same time several classes: ranging from hobbies and hobbies to interest in school subjects. And here much depends on adults providing a child Wednesday to his growing. Also, its activity is most often balanced, making it any obedient, adults are rarely seen from the kaprises. His name contributes to goodwill, but in many cases there are touchy person.

Most often, the suggestion becomes such a force that Mikhail can connect hands, but after it regrets it and feels his guilt.
As Mikhail's activity is being consistent, it changes to calm equilibrium, he has a good owner in the family, and in his career shows himself, like a neat and hardworking person, but the sideliness remains with him throughout life. What speaks about the pride of the man, and the resentment often complicates life and prevents the implementation of many life plans. Great value It has that the suggestion is incompatible with ambitious desires, if Mikhail has set up certain goals, he must prepare for the resistance of people around, and sometimes even to the confrontation.

This is a logical law of psychology, and it is not worth offended. Most men overcome this confrontation with a sense of humor, which borders with irony. Many people turn out to be weak in front of this weapon, and quality data is obtained by Mikhail in required quantity, Often among the representatives of this name you can meet Satirik and humorist. Best for Mikhail is to get rid of soreness in pride, which is just done with the participation of faith in itself and the ability to see for negative qualities people do not seem to attack, but misunderstandings.

By the type of character, men often go to themselves and look at all the others. Too subjective in rare cases Can put yourself in place of another. From a psychological point of view, Mikhail is managed by logic, but often they lack diplomaticity. Pride is their weak point, and many can take advantage of their desire constantly and anywhere to be better than others and do not look like anyone. The will of them is strong and despotic. Mikhaili is very sensitive, which in young age achieve sexual maturity, but do not know the psychology of the woman and are not capable of understanding it. Often he does not deceive a woman, but behaves like an ancient man.

From the health of Michael is considered long-livers. They rarely fall ill, having excellent immunity, but it is important to follow their blood circulation and heart. They are cholerics who know how to fully control their reactions. With great seriousness belong to the choice of friends who should be smart and intellectuals. The loyalty to which they keep all their lives, but do not know friendship, in which there is no complete subordination of buddies to their will.
Long cycled on failures and difficulties.
Career often achieve success. From little age, they are accustomed to discipline, which they require from the rest. Work to achieve the necessary, clear task, and not in order to get unexpected discoveries. Most often work in medicine or trade, where intuition often helps. And also possess a cold and strong analytical mind. Initially, they study the situation in detail, and only then sum up.

Strongly susceptible to events, although they try to hide it. Have excellent memory, always remember not only the kind they have rendered, but also received evil. Morality for them is in the first place, and Mikhails do not tolerate jokes on this topic. Men have a weak excitability, which gives them a certain warmth.

When on the church calendar named after Mikhail:

November 21, September 19 - Mikhail Arkhangel Archrestitig; December 5 - Mikhail Bulgarian, equal, December 31 - Mikhail Constantinople, Rev., Confessor.

The name has an extraordinary impact on each person. Scientists have proven that during his pronunciation, the mood immediately begins to rise, especially if it has been said affectionately and friendly. Parents seriously relate to choosing the name of their child, as its further fate directly depends on this, as well as some character traits.

Messengers of the Lord to reveal their plans and fulfill their orders, they constitute the first huge crowd of fans of living God. To celebrate Archangels, you need to draw inspiration from their double loyalty: to contemplate to know God. In fact, properly and well offer you our thanksgiving, eternal and almighty God and give you fame to your angels and your archangels.

The admiration, which their loyalty inspires, is reflected on you, and the magnificence of these spiritual creatures allows us to see how big you are and how you are superior to all creatures. With this set of blessed perfumes who adore you in heaven through Christ of our Lord, we sing to you here, proclaiming: holy!

Meaning name Mikhail

The selection of a male name is worth not less serious than to choose a female, since it was on the shoulders of a young man with all the responsibility and protection of their future family, relatives and loved ones. The name Mikhail is considered one of the most sacred and clean, it is milled and very beautiful. Translated means "the one who is similar to God." In ancient times, people personified Mikhail with the Lord who could not bear hostility or dislike, as well as negative emotions.

St. Michael Archangel, defend us in battle; Whether our help against evil and devil traps. We ask him, praying: God will believe him; And you, the head of the Heavenly Army, the power of God, come back to hell, Satan and others evil spiritswho roam the world to lose the souls.

Name Day Mikhail in March

This prayer was published in the book from which you can download excerpt. The sanctuary has four types of Prince Angels. Once at Elvio Emanuel, the rich owner of Monte Gargano, one of his beautiful bulls disappeared. After several days of search, he finally found a bull on top of the mountain, motionless, at the entrance to the inaccessible cave. Elvio Emanuel, since he could not reach her bull, was covered by a big anger and, stretching his bow, shot it. The poisoned arrow, but the rotated dart hit the angry arrow, wounded it, and people were worried, and because they had no courage to enter the caves, they went to the bishop of Lorenzo to ask him what to do. In prayer will be given an answer, so go to the mountain and dedicate the cave Christian divine service.

Since then, the name has become very popular, and many boys were named after them. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, would be the same sincere, righteous, pure soul. It is not surprising that in our time the name of Mikhail is celebrated, and even so often.

Origin of name

In each country, the name Mikhail is pronounced in different ways. Some this is Michel, others have Michael, and the rest of Miguel. In fact, the name comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, the people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, movable. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mindset, capable of focusing in an unfamiliar atmosphere and in any situation show composure, character hardness. Mikhail's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people with soft, retrieving, friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named after this name, he is waiting for success in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: a lawyer, driver, gardener, animal husbandry.

Meaning name Mikhail

However, since the pagan cult was still alive on Mount Gargano, the bishop, hesitation, possibly, fearing that his gesture was misunderstood, differs from the execution of angelic order. The second appearance occurred two years later. In 492, the Christian city of Siponto was besieged by the pagan army of the King of Odacra. The Christian defense of the city was in the extreme case, Bishop Lorenzo, received three months from the enemy king, ordered repentance and prayers. Again, a powerful Archangel appeared and promised him Siponto, if they attacked the pagan troops.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is not easy. As a rule, such people painfully perceive criticism in their address, but quickly release negative emotions. Also, young people with great respect belong to their parents, causing them and fulfilling their desires. Michael loves children very much and enjoy communication with them. Women in them enchants softness and skill to make concessions. Uniquely to the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also leads to the delight of cute girls.

Folk signs and customs

Sipontini attacked the opponent. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and a storm of sand and hail suddenly broke out, who scattered the troops of Odacra, who was afraid to run. The city was saved, and Bishop Lorenzo held Thanksgiving procession and he rose with all the people on the mountain, but did not dare to enter the holy cave of Archangel.

Congratulations to the name of Mikhail

Enter and, under my help, bring prayers and celebrate the victim. From the entrance to the cave San Lorenzo built a church that was dedicated to September 29th. With the advent of the new cultivation of Mikhail in the village of Asketa and hermits remained in the small caves of the mountain, dedicating themselves to the devotion of Archangel. Among the earliest Asceticians, Sant Aniello, Bishop Castellammar, who moved from the Campania region near the cave, and the presence of San Germano, Bishop Capoi was established.

Name Day Mikhail is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are devoted to martyrs, other preachers, noble princes, soldiers. Celebrate Name Day Mikhail Cenior Celebrations, as a rule, do not like. But relatives and friends should certainly make a small gift to their close man, as it will definitely appreciate it. As a present there may be figurines from bronze, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Name Mikhail: Value, Origin, Name Day

Before he left for Constantinople, he reached the holy cave. At the beginning of the year, a thousand, was the visit of San Marino, who was the first master of San Romualdo. In fact, pilgrims, especially in the Middle Ages, allocated three types of sanctuations. In this regard, it should be noted that from France, the bishop Sant Santo sent the representation of the Mont Saint-Michel's clergy to Gargano to ask the canons of the sanctuary a piece of the Vermillion Palliaon and the Angelitz Grotty Stone Block. Upon returning the submission of the Holy Bishop "After Wunderkind, with great piety reel into heavenly relics in a luxurious temple."

Talismans Mikhail

Each person is known that, on the basis of the name, you can find out the color that suits its owner, element, phonosectative and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. It looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man who can support his soul mate in any situations, dividing all its sorrow and problems with it. The day of the name of Mikhail is best to cope in a calm, family atmosphere. So a man will feel comfortable and relaxed. It is believed that the most successful will be the name for children born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for the child will be blue, and as a sacred stone, affecting the topic about the talismans, it should not be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, courage and kindness to people around himself.

It was 708, when there were three centuries of life in the sanctuary of Gargano. The chronicler of the festival of San Michele, not far from Turin, tells the angelic description and consecration of the "small basilica" in two fragments, which Mikhail Archangel was ordered by Giovanni's pious hermit.

It is said that Saint Francis, considering himself unworthy to enter the sacred grotto, consecrated by the intervention of the Heavenly Archangel, stopped in prayer at the entrance. He kissed the land as a sign of reverence and cut the T-shaped cross on the stone. In the Bible, Tau sign is a seal captured on the forehead predetermined by eternal glorification, and thus Saint Francis, with this gesture, this meant that the holy grotto was the temple chosen by the angels to save many who would be devoted to heavenly spirits.

Dates named Mikhaila

The people were established by dates when Mikhail's names are celebrated. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, the nameman is celebrated on January 24 (this day was devoted to the presence of the Clef Saint). Next is celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbui, the name of May 20 is celebrated. Then the momentous dates are June 3 (Saint Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). 13 The number of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and 25 - Reverend Maleina. Next, it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (Saint Blessed Prince Mikhail). Orthodox named after Orthodox is also dating 3, 13, October 14, November 21 (Archangel's Day). December 5 is dedicated to the Great Warrior, and 31 the number of the same month is the presented confessor.

When is the day of Angel Mikhail for the church Orthodox calendar?

In the same twelfth century, the Visitors could not miss the Holy Foma Aquinas, in love with Angels, called "Dr. Angelik". This great genius of the history of thought went to Gargano when he was a public reader of philosophy in Foggia. Two other outstanding visitors were the Swedes of Santa Brigid and her daughter Santa Katerina Vergin.

Archbishop Alfonso Pucchinelly called for prayers and post and turned to the help of St. Michael, who appeared on September 25 of the same year: "I am Archangel Mikhail," he said. "Anyone who uses the stones of this cave will be released from the plague bless the stones, cutting the sign of the cross and my name on them."

It is not surprising that many rulers worn such an unusual name that combined such different character traits. These include the princes of Russian, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also a lot of Mikhailov - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, a circle, Zadornov and many others.

When the church calendar of the name of Mikhail: November 21, September 19 - Mikhail Archangel Archrestig; December 5 - Mikhail Bulgarian, equal, December 31 - Mikhail Constantinople, Rev., Confessor.

Camillo, a native of Abruzzi, was a grumpy young man, a depravant and habit of playing gambling, and boiled down to the request for alms from San Giovanni Rotondo and Monte Sant-Angelo. To live, he adapted to become a slave of Capuchins in Manfredonia, here he turned. He became Kapuchin and went to pilgrimage to the grotto. Later, by going to Roma, he founded the Order of Camillaan and became the holy patron of hospitals.

Name Day Mikhail in January

Sant Alfonso Maria de Ligory, the founder of the Redeployers, stopped in Fodgia and, given his great devotion to St. Michael, went to visit San Gerardo Maysel, was also very devoted to St. Michael, since he was still a child when the parish priest refused his first communion for His gentle age, received at night from the hand of the Archangel of the Holy Card, he went, already a rarertorist, together with a group of students' students from Delicato to Monte Sant "Angelo" to worship the Heavenly Prince, the patron of their religious order.

Characteristics of the birthday name Mikhail:

From the Hebrew language is a god-like, "Divine," Who, how is God? ". Christians Mikhail - the Great Prince, standing behind the sons of the people, the Angel of Mercy for people before God, the leader of the heavenly military in the last battle against the power of evil. Name Day Mikhail four times a year.

Modern Michael, as well as his divine case, is trying to confront evil forces alone. He even has a special identity symbol - "The one who precises." The main features of character: will, activity, health. Totem plant - Elm; Tiemny animal - Tiger. Type of thinking - "Tiger under Vysh". Obviously, so Michael is constantly closed in itself under some tree and sternly looks at others. Overly subjective - rarely trying to put himself in place of another person.

Name Day Mikhail in November

This pilgrimage will be held in the last decade of the fifth century. Akatista in San Michele, Slavic-Byzantine Liturgy, in the 22nd stanza, sings: "Hello, you who wonderfully puts their faithful servants at high places in time." "Rejoice, you who are invisible at the height of power and glory. How many unworthy and harmful. " There is an oral tradition, which says that the Cardinals that come to Monte Sant "Angelo" are doomed to become detacians. After the Holy Mass, he stopped in prayer and, having hurried to his hasty accompanying, called him to get up from the buried child, he said: "Let me stay a little," here we pray.

All Michael have a living analytical mind. However, they lack diplomatic to their favorite saying: "either Pan or disappeared." Perhaps they need to learn more and a friend "saying, the Polish" Tso Names, then not healthy. " They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but gives them some heat, which gives them the opportunity to choose their friends of smart, intelligent, which sooner or later subordinate to their will.

This story was reported by the Benedictine Father, who was present at the scene. In the register of famous visitors, Cardinal wrote in Polish: "Saint Mikhail Arkhangel protects us in the fight against malice and traps to protect us." Christian life is not easy, and for strong, going to heaven, passes through a narrow door. Pilgrimage made in Monte Sant "Angelo", with the relevant provisions of repentance, post and prayer will certainly cost the powerful protection of St. Michael and all the angels so that we can make the world "genuine witness of the Christian faith." "Go and greet San Michele", Padre Pio repeated those who approached him, inviting everyone to visit the cave of Archangel, an invitation that Padre Pio put on believers as "sacramental repentance" at the end of the confession and often asked who he knew that he was going Go to Monte Sant "Angelo" for prayer.

Easily achieve success. Mikhail from childhood gets used to very strict discipline. It works to achieve a certain and clear goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays a lot of attention to children, as well as people sick and old he likes medicine, as well as trade where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. It has a living analytical mind, so never makes conclusions until everyone will learn all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - never forgets her good, nor the evil caused to him. As for his health, Mikhail has a huge survivability. It is healthy, resistant to diseases. Weak place in its body is a cardiovascular system. He has a very high sexuality. Early reaches puberty, but absolutely does not know psychology. Instead of sealing a woman, behaves like a caveman

An invitation that Padre Pio is still repeating by his devotees so that they do not forget about the debt to fight the courage and generosity by the forces of evil through the intercession of Archangel Mikhail, who always protects us. However, the origin of the cult of Mikalese Gargano could be expected in the middle of the fifth century, when Christianity, spreading through the surrounding plains, has also reached impermeable cape.

Name Day Mikhail in June

The story is known by three episodes. First, the "Episode of the Bull" reports that one day or the rich lord of Siponto graze his herds on Mount Gargano, suddenly his most beautiful bull disappeared. Go to the mountain and dedicate the cave Christian worship service. According to the tradition, the city of Siponto, deposited by enemy troops, is now close to surrender. Lorenzo received a truce from the enemy for three days, and he confidently turned to Celeste Condottero with a prayer and repentance. At the end of the third day, Archangel Mikhail again appeared before the bishop, which predicted a confident and complete victory.

Congratulations to the name of Mikhail:

Congratulations on you, Mikhail,

Happy Name Day, with a wonderful day!

So that the angel will illuminate you,

So that the night is nipple!

I wish you love,

So that with her happiness came to you!

Good luck let it help again

Dreams Find soon window!

Give no wonder names.

Our Mikhail is like God!

This message filled the hearts deposited with hope. The defenders came out of the city and began a fierce battle accompanied by earthquakes, thunderous strikes, thunder and arrivals of extraordinary intensity. Siponti's victory was not complete, with the destruction of enemies. The third calling is also called an "episode of initiation." Archangel told him that he had already consecrated the cave. Then the bishop of Siponto, together with the seven other apulist bishops, in the procession with the people and the priest Siponto, headed towards the sacred place.

During the trip, a miracle happened: some eagles painted with wings defended the bishops from sunlight. Archbishop Alfonso Puchchinelli, not finding a human obstacle to the fight against the occurrence of the epidemic, turned to Archangel or Michele with prayers and fasting. Pastor even thought to force the Divine Will, leaving a plea in the hands of the Statue of St. Michael, written on behalf of the whole city. Anyone who devotedly held these stones with him would be insured against the plague. The bishop did how he was told.

Always hurries to his threshold

His favorite family!

Tries for everyone as can

He is famous for his kindness

And if the house is waiting for guests,

Always my wife will help!

Allow, Misha, you say:

You deserve respect

Perseverance to achieve

And do not lose the soul of fun.

Let it also be sophisticated,

Let's go to the leg go

And does not disturb your feelings

Sadness, longing or anxiety.