Which countries are suitable for pitta dosha people. Seasonal and daily activities

Pita dosha is hot, oily, hesitant, hot, spicy. This is the second most active Dosha, which is much less out of balance than Vata. However, its imbalance can lead to serious problems.

Pita Prakriti people have a number of characteristics and must adhere to specific diet and lifestyle recommendations to keep the dominant Dosha in check. You will get acquainted with the most basic of them in this article.

Psychological portrait of Pita-Dosha

The fire energy of Pita is localized in the Manipura Chakra (the solar plexus chakra located between the sternum and the navel), also called the energy chakra. "Manipura" in Sanskrit means "shining abode precious stones"That, perhaps, the best way describes the energy of Pita. When balanced, this energy rises to the higher chakras.

This Dosha has an unimaginable supply of it, which cannot but affect the intellect and appearance of a person from Pita Prakriti, who is used to enjoying his own power and authority, controlling all events that take place and taking a firm step towards success.

Ayurveda believes that it is the Pitas and their research minds that mankind owes to most of the breakthroughs in the field of science, including the development of ecologically dangerous species industry.

The main qualities of this Dosha are purposefulness, authority, integrity of character and ambition. Petes are reliable, brave, punctual and welcoming, they are able to soberly assess the situation and take responsibility, fanatically following the chosen path.

If Pita is stabilized, the person is in high spirits and thinks clearly. If not, then he can instantly lose his temper, and the consequences of anger and irritability are sometimes very sad, since it is very difficult to pacify the raging Pete.

Physical portrait

People with a predominant Pita dosha are distinguished by an excellent and proportional build, in most cases they are normosthenics (light or medium body build), have a sporty appearance due to moderately developed muscles. They are easily filled with paint, have a large number of moles on the body, brushes of medium thickness, middle length limbs and narrow waist.

Pete always has warm hands and legs, they often sweat, gain weight easily and also lose weight easily.

Separately, it should be said about the appetite - in this Dosha it is always increased, and sometimes it is simply brutal.

Pita is characterized by thin, shiny and oily skin, light eyes, a sharp nose and sharp teeth, piercing eyes and a heart-shaped face.

If Pita Dosha is overstimulated. Diseases

Pita is intensified by: spicy food, urinary stimulating substances (coffee, tea and alcohol), excess heat, sunlight. Emotions leading to illness: hatred, jealousy, suppressed anger.

Summer is Pita's season. This means that during this period it is most often out of balance.

If Pita dosha is overexcited, a person may develop skin diseases (acne, hives, rashes), blood diseases, heartburn and a constant burning sensation, nausea and vomiting, gastritis and ulcers, digestive disorders, inflammation, thirst, sweating, and bad smell, headaches, liver and gallbladder problems.

Psychologically, Dosha, out of control, provokes self-criticism, cynicism, aggressive and harsh statements, anxiety, sometimes resentment, withdrawal or violent polemics. Such a person is driven out of himself by every out-of-place word and even inappropriate glance.

Diseases most commonly occur in the blood, eyes, skin, small intestine, sweat glands, fat, and stomach.

Healing Pita Dosha

Pita is primarily hot in character, so its treatment is mainly carried out with antipyretic and cooling therapy.

The following qualities of this Dosha are lightness and mobility, therefore it also balances it with soothing, drying and nourishing elements.

Taste of remedies: sweet, bitter and astringent, as they all have a cooling effect. At the same time, the bitter taste has the most pronounced effect.

It should be noted that the improvement of the Pita dosha is always directly related to the treatment of rakta (blood) - the tissue associated with this dosha, and the overwhelming majority of pathological conditions characterized by fever and fever or high acidity are also directly related to it.

Herbal laxatives are a potent therapeutic agent in reducing Pita, as it is the bowel cleansing that helps bring it into balance. Also used are strengthening herbs (for abscesses, infections and ulcers), astringents (sweating, diarrhea, inflamed mucous membranes), acute (accumulation of toxins, indigestion), cooling (constipation) and bitter (with insufficient agni).

Pearls are a healing stone for Pita

In addition, Ayurveda prescribes the wearing of healing stones for Pita - pearls, sapphire, emerald, turquoise, as well as metals - platinum and copper. With an excess of Pita, it is not recommended to wear fire metals and precious stones.

Diet for the people of Pita Prakriti

The digestive fire of this Dosha is activated at noon and midnight. It is perfectly acceptable for Pitas to eat densely throughout the day, since their agni always burns brightly, which leads to excellent appetite and a pronounced feeling of hunger, which should certainly be satisfied without delay.

It must be remembered that proper nutrition is to some extent a medicine that is able to smooth out and regulate the fiery nature of Pita. For this reason, Ayurveda strongly recommends people with the dominant influence of this Dosha to purposefully form their eating habits.

The focus should be on food that is not very oily, moderately nutritious, sweetish and bitter. Exclude: dry, overcooked, very cold and very hot food, hot spices, acidic and alkaline mineral water and fermentation products, in particular kefir, spirits and yeast bread. Food with a spicy, salty and bitter taste should be eaten in moderation.

Fasting is contraindicated for this Dosha! Especially lasting more than a week.

Instead, you can arrange fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits.

The consequence of pronounced digestive activity is often overeating fatty and hot foods, taking large amounts of alcohol and hot spices. This can unbalance the Pita dosha and lead to premature aging of the body.

Pita should not miss a single meal, the main of which is lunch. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of hot milk with turmeric or cinnamon. It is very important to consume a sufficient amount of fluids every day, not to allow food to “jam” stress, and to be distracted by other conversations while eating.

  • Pita dosha is beneficial for swimming, acrobatics, skiing, jogging, hiking, mountaineering and tennis. These sports should be practiced during cooler times of the day.
  • Practice yoga regularly, ideally twice a day. Special attention give asanas massaging the gastrointestinal tract (bends, twists), and postures aimed at overcoming mental fatigue. Meditation before bed is very helpful.
  • From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and also from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. it is Pita time, therefore, conflict situations should be avoided during these intervals. After 6 pm, you need to reduce your overall activity level.
  • To bring the dosha into balance, inhale the aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, calamus, sandalwood, daffodil, lotus, peppermint, nutmeg, jasmine, violet, rose and bitter orange.

With my usual consistency, I say to you - hello! Most of you know that this greeting has always meant a wish for health. Fortunately, I am privileged not only to wish him, but also to give more specific instructions to maintain and strengthen him. Now it's time to talk about what Pitta dosha nutrition should be in Ayurveda.

Pitta's tendencies

A person with a predominance of Pitta dosha is, first of all, Fire in all its manifestations. He is hot in thought and action. If the nutrition corresponds to the dosha, then the body remains beautiful, fit, with a well-developed muscular apparatus throughout life. The body constitution is a so-called standard, the proportions are close to ideal.

The digestive fire is very strong, sometimes lightning fast, and therefore Pitta's appetite is always high, requiring large amounts of food. But Fire, like everything else, has a downside. Due to rapid digestion and frequent bouts of hunger, sometimes catching by surprise far from home, Pitta tends to overeat, especially various junk food such as fast food.

Such food is not good for all three doshas, ​​but it is Pitta that it can cause serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent this from happening, let's be friends with our natural data. You don't need to do something supernatural for this. Just follow the recommendations below from Ayurvedic specialists who have long proven their authority in.

  • Of the main six flavors of Ayurveda, Pitta is particularly well suited to sweet, bitter and astringent. Sweet is easy to digest, but it is for this reason that you need to have a sense of proportion and not overeat sweet, especially honey and especially old honey. Bitter and astringent give a feeling of fullness, normalize appetite.
  • Pittas are by nature always hot, they are always hot, they often sweat. Accordingly, they need to eat food that would not in any way intensify these manifestations, and it is better if even softened. That is, it should be cold, dry, refreshing food. In summer, sweet lassi is perfect for these purposes. In the cold season, barely warm food is allowed.
  • Pitta's skin is usually oily, oily, shiny, and often problematic. For this and other reasons, you should not refuel food with different oils, at least often. It is worth making it a habit to fry in a dry frying pan, and do not season salads with anything. Still sattvic ghee oil I advise all doshas without exception.

  • Given the strength of the digestive fire, Pitta needs to eat large amounts of food for normal functioning. But this does not mean that she can overeat. On the contrary, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to this issue and take breaks between meals for at least 3-4 hours. In winter, you need to eat 3 times a day at the same time, and in summer you can eat 2 times, skipping dinner sometimes.
  • People of this dosha digest even the most high-calorie foods, so they can eat cereals and legumes indefinitely. With the latter, of course, and they should be careful, as their excess increases, which in turn imbalances Pitta in you.
  • Most spices have the energy of rajas, which Pitta already has so much, so spices can be used rarely and in small doses. Pitta does not need a sharp taste. Let the spices be mild, such as cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, less often ginger, turmeric, saffron. Bitter spices are naturally healthy - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, etc.
  • Of course, you can add salt to your dish when cooking. But limit your intake of anything that is highly salty and sour. This may upset someone, but such products include soy sauce, all pickles and marinades, hard cheeses, etc. winter time of the year.
  • But you can eat vegetables and fruits directly, as they say, from the bush. They will be absorbed by your body without any processing. This type of food is preferred over all others.

Below I give an approximate list of foods that will benefit a person with predominant Pitta, as well as people whose Pitta percentage has suddenly become higher than the main dosha.

  • Vegetables. Necessary: most vegetables, except onions, garlic, horseradish, radish. Pay special attention to bitter vegetables and all leafy greens. In summer, eat vegetables with a high water content - squash, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin. Can: eggplants, tomatoes, corn, and all this is extremely rare.
  • Fruits. Necessary: only sweet fruits and berries, excluding all sour and citrus fruits. In the summer, eat fruits-berries with a high water content - watermelon, melon, pear, grapes. Can: sweet varieties of plum, cherry, orange, pineapple.
  • Cereals. Necessary: almost all known cereals, pasta and bread. Can: breakfast cereals, muesli, biscuits, crackers, breads, chapatis and other foods harmful to Vata. But it is preferable for you to wash them down with milk.
  • Legumes. Necessary: all known legumes with a restriction in the diet of lentils.
  • Dairy products. Necessary: milk, cottage cheese, unsalted Adyghe cheese, excluding sour milk. Can: ice cream (in summer).
  • Beverages. Necessary: Fruit and vegetable juices, mint tea, coconut milk and other lighting drinks. Can: black and green teas, chicory.

Features of Pitta dosha

Like any other dosha, Pitta has special characteristics:

    1. This dosha is rarely out of balance, so the health of such people is very strong and stable. But if the dosha is still out of the norm, then the probability of manifestation is high enough. serious illnesses... In their case, support correct mode nutrition is much easier than then being treated.
    2. According to Ayurveda, the time of Pitta is the end of spring and all summer, therefore it is during this period that it is important to be most attentive to your diet and not to consume foods harmful to the dosha, such as alcohol, spices, etc.
    3. The Pitta man reacts hard to the unsatisfied feeling of hunger, becomes nervous and even angry. Despite this, such cleansing as fasting is useful for them at least 2 times a month. To soften the effect, you can fast on freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits. They also find it easy to practice raw food and fruitarianism.

Numerous recipes balanced nutrition You will find pittas on many vegetarian sites. Take the time to compose yourself a menu. Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope it was helpful to you. Repost the article on social media. networks, write comments and subscribe to the blog by email. The third article in this series is coming soon, explaining the nutrition of Kapha. Don't switch!

If your type is Pitta, you are fortunate enough to have an average physique, fair skin with freckles, a strong metabolism, good digestion and an excellent appetite. The Pitta Dosha type of constitution can gain weight, but it is also easy to get rid of it.

Such a person has hands and feet that are constantly warm to the touch. Hair is soft and has a tendency to premature graying or shedding. They sweat easily. In the psychological aspect, Dosha Pitta implies attentive and intelligent people who have good ability to understand the situation and speak. They love being structured and organized, and are considered good planners. Most of them are leaders and seek material well-being by working in their element. They display wealth and property with pleasure and pride. They are ambitious and athletic.

Doshi Pitt qualities

The Pitta Doshi type got its name from Sanskrit. The main qualities of Pitta-man: oily, pungent (sharp), hot, light, "smelling of meat" and liquid... Thus, if the Pitta constitution prevails, then all these qualities are generously expressed against the background of the mental, emotional and physical state. You can find them reflected in your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Oily quality characterizes the softness of the skin, but in excess can manifest as oily skin or acne;
  • A sharp quality can be manifested both by a sharp, bright intellect, and by a "sharp tongue" if it is exceeded;
  • "Heat" appears warm, pink face, warm (constantly elevated) body temperature, strong metabolism and appetite. When there is an excess of "fire" - ulcers, heartburn, or irascibility are possible;
  • The quality of light can lead you to a slim body or the possibility of earning anorexia if you frivolously skip food and allow weight loss;
  • The quality "smelling like meat" is manifested in the form strong smell body;
  • The fluid quality is expressed in the form of excess sweating; when it is combined with a hot quality, excess stomach acid is possible.

Reducing or balancing Pitta

Since such a constitution is hot in nature, hot weather, hot foods, warm seasons and the time of day, and even hot emotions can increase it. The same principle applies to liquids.

Stress is the main cause of imbalance in all three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Only in Pitta this can happen somewhat destructively. Thus, any practice, such as meditation, yoga, will help the body to come into balance on its own. And of course you need to work with consciousness, find the reason for which the imbalance began. Eliminate this reason, change your attitude towards the situation if the problem is not solved.

With regard to the decrease or increase in Pitta by taste preferences, then:

  1. Spicy, sour and salty tastes increase Pitta, by increasing its hot quality. An example is the pungent taste of chili peppers; sour pickles and salt;
  2. A sweet, bitter and astringent taste will diminish it. Wheat is an example of a naturally sweet taste; bitter and tart (which are often combined): lots of greens and herbs.

When it comes to color therapy, Pitta is soothed by cool colors. It can be blue, blue or green shades.... And very often pitta girls intuitively choose these colors. Whereas reds, oranges and yellows are more suitable for Kapha Dosha.

Description of aromatherapy. For the constitution of Pitta, as well as for the Kapha dosha, sandalwood is suitable. Lavender soothes the imbalance very well; lemon is also used from citrus aromas.... You can use pine, cedar, spruce aromas, which have a calming effect on the mind. We must not forget that this type does not tolerate very strong odors. If you are using aromatherapy, then use oils in small amounts, just a little, and before applying the oil to the body, take a perception test.

Lavender is considered the ideal scent for Pitta.

Climate and lifestyle opposites

The ideal environment for a Pitta person is cool and dry... The best are cold weather sports such as skiing and skating or doing gymnastic exercises in the early morning. Daily 10-20 minutes gentle self-massage using warm sunflower oil will cool the warmth and maintain in you the desire to relax, calm down and “go with the flow”, and not with the help of your will, using the energy flow.

Sweet aromas, melodic music and positive emotions are wonderful "medicines" for Pitt.

From the point of view of emotions and psychological mood, the tendency to strive for aggressive self-control and unified domination in your relationship, as well as the unrestrained development of personal ambitions, can ultimately lead to mental or physical "burnout". Such diseases in Pitta are best treated by positive emotional feedback. If you can develop your faith in a relationship with divine or natural power, then this will contribute to the possibility of relaxation and relieving pressure and tension. For this reason, it is beneficial and vital for the pitta person to enjoy regular meditation before the right way food. It needs to be done with a special mood and attitude, and not just done as if this is another task that they have to master.

Possible effect on the body from the point of view of medicine

A person of the Pitta type is usually worried about diseases associated with the principle of fire: metabolism, digestive diseases, allergies, inflammatory diseases, various eye diseases, skin rashes, burning sensation, heartburn, acidity in the stomach, diarrhea, ulcers, colitis, or pain throat, fever, blood toxins.

  1. Small intestine: The small intestine holds food until it is completely digested. If digestion is slow or weak, metabolic waste from the growing bacterial population causes acidity to build up. The body responds by increasing the Pitta dosha;
  2. Stomach: Hydrochloric acid - harsh, capable of breaking food particles. If the stomach lining is too thin, an ulcer may develop;
  3. Sweat and sebaceous glands: body odor and is a sign of poor digestion. When the digestive tract is normal, sweat and bad breath disappear;
  4. Blood: When Pitta is elevated in the small intestine, acid and bile are absorbed through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. Pitta in the blood causes rash, fever and irritability;
  5. Eyes: When Pitta enters the blood, vision deteriorates. Many people of this type wear glasses. Other signs: sore or yellow eyes;
  6. Leather: Pitta in the blood causes rash, eczema and psoriasis.

The constitution and character of Pitt Dosha

Dosha of this type can rarely go out of balance, however, if this happens, the consequences can cause various disorders for the human body. A huge store of energy lives inside the Pitt Dosha. People of this dosha enjoy power, control, authority. They want to control all events, all people around. All of this allows Pitt's people to achieve influence, success and self-confidence.

According to Ayuverde, it was Pitt's people who helped civilization develop and improve, it is to them that science owes such breakthroughs in the field of knowledge. The character of Pitt Dosha can be described as: domineering, reliable, courageous, honest, purposeful, punctual, responsible and not giving in to difficulties. In short, leaders. However, Pitt people have negative characteristics as well. These are irascibility, irritability, anger, anger, envy. These negative traits appear when the dosha is not in the right, correct balance.

As for the constitution of the body, the Pitt people can boast of their good, proportional and athletic figure, normally developed muscles.

The limbs of the body are of medium size. Pitta people's hands are often warm and sweaty. There are also many moles on the body. Often they have a triangular or heart-shaped face, features are sharp, sharp. Pitta Dosha's skin is slightly oily, oily and often problematic. The piercing and attentive gaze of Pitt's people can inspire both confidence and apprehension at the same time. The eyes are often light.

Psychological picture

The fierce glint of the eyes of a fire-breathing dragon in the city of sparkling gems is the true nature of Pitt doshas.

Pitta dosha, the dynamic force of the universe, is influenced by the primary element Fire. The symbol of fire is a ram, which throws its horns forward with a wild pressure. The fire energy of Pitta is concentrated in the solar plexus chakra of manipura. Manipura translates from Sanskrit as "sparkling abode of precious stones" and this term accurately describes the energy of Pitta dosha.
Pitta type people have a colossal supply solar energy and this is reflected in their intellectual and noble appearance. Like representatives of other Ayurvedic types, a highly developed mature Pitta type representative follows the path of self-knowledge and understands his true purpose.

The Pitta type always requires the lion's share and usually gets it. They are like fierce fire-breathing dragons, leaving scorched deserts behind them, frantically rushing forward, demonstrating fierce pressure and inexhaustible energy. The uniqueness of the Pitta type is that the physiological and psychological centers are located in the same central region of the body - the solar plexus region.
The main qualities of the Pitta type are energy, ambition and aggressiveness; by these qualities he is easily recognizable. Born from the energy of the universe, the Pitta type turns ideas into reality and makes a fairy tale come true. After all, cosmic love (anahata heart chakra) and creative imagination(Vishuddha Throat Chakra) Vata type grows from the energy of the universal fire. When Pitta dosha is balanced as a result of conscious life, its fiery energy rises to the higher chakras.

Pitta dosha plays the role of a catalyst, the very force of acceleration that mobilizes the activities of the other two types - Vata and Kapha. Pitta people enjoy absolute power, controlling any situation that arises. They are always focused on success, and strength gives them brightness and originality. They know how to concentrate on one task and throw all their strength into its implementation. Driven by the power of the sun, this type of people is theatrical and spectacular, they are actors in a breathtaking performance.

Pitta people tend to lose their temper instantly and unpredictably. Their irritability and anger is amazing. Pitts need to work a lot with consciousness in order to understand someday that besides them, many people live on earth. different types... Trying to pacify Pitta is tantamount to trying to block a forest fire. Is it often possible to extinguish forest fires that broke out during the dry season on vast territories?

At the same time, their indomitable will is responsible for the giant breakthroughs of humanity in the field of science and technology. (And also for the flourishing of environmentally hazardous industries.) The Pitt type can be easily recognized by character traits such as determination, ambition, integrity, and domineering.

If the Vata type should borrow the strengths of the egocentric Pitta type, then they need to learn not to stick out their "I", stop considering themselves the hubs of the earth and not overestimate their own significance. The Pitta type does not need to constantly declare themselves and prove that they are the central and guiding force in the interaction of people of different types. Nature benefited them with this role, because it is not for nothing that the Pitt type has developed the manipura chakra - the center of self-expression. All people have a karmic debt, so do not frustrate the plans of the architect of the universe. This is the most main lesson to be extracted Pitt type.

Manipura controls not only Pitta dosha, but also the stage of youth in the life of every person. Therefore, it is quite normal when Pitta is called "hot head" and when he is irritable. Pitta is always unstoppable at the start line. But on a marathon distance, he must slow down and look around to see what the other runners are up to. After all, a center can be called a center when there is a periphery around it, it cannot exist by itself. The vanguard is Vata TP, and the rear is Kapha. Only when there is a team around Pitta will he be able to complete the task.

Pitts should always remember people! From time to time, a fire-breathing dragon must slow down in order to look closely at its surroundings, to see individual faces and look within itself.

The pittas are endowed with the highest energy potential. If they can cope with their arrogance towards people, they will be able to learn the secrets of the human "I". They are endowed with the greatest gift of sattvic thinking, which leads to harmony with themselves and the world.

There is a widespread misconception about Dynamic Pitts. People of this type mistakenly believe that material victories and conquests are the measure of success. But in the center of the blinding flame is a gem, cooled by its own bright, cold light. When Pitta learns to overcome the obstacles erected by his own ego, he will be surprised to discover that life is not limited to the material plane, that in addition to material values ​​in life there are goals and values ​​of a different order, which can and should be pursued in real life.

What attracts the Pitt type?
The positive qualities of the Pitt type include good nature and cheerfulness, energy and activity, a high intellectual level, excellent diction, wit, courage and ardor. At the first acquaintance with the Pitt type, their discipline, an inner need for "harmony and order" is striking. They are welcoming and reliable. Look for the crazy brave men who come to grips with fate among this type. They do not give in to circumstances and always make them work for themselves. As a rule, Pitts are punctual, picky, meticulous in small things and very perceptive. They are good at remembering information and picking up other people's ideas. When a person is said to be “able to concentrate,” do not doubt that he is of the Pitta dosha type. Pittas are loving and affectionate spouses and parents. They are very determined and ambitious. Pitta is the most collected and punctual type of people. They are very responsible and able to soberly assess the situation.

What's annoying about Pitttype?
When the Pitta dosha is out of balance, this type of person becomes irritable and aggressive. In any stressful situation, they lose their temper, blame others for the failures (and never themselves!), Fall into a rage, shout and wave their fists. During such periods, they become rude, discourteous and harsh in their statements. When Pitts are angry, their timbre and tonality of voice change, they are able to shower others with curses and open words (bites of fire-breathing dragons!).

Pitta fanatically follow the chosen path. Moreover, they certainly want to arrange so that all other people also follow this path. Sometimes the imbalance of the Pitta dosha is manifested in the fact that people of this type get irritated, withdrawn (again, irritated), violently polemicize and acrimoniously criticize.

Manipura is the chakra of warriors and rulers, so Pitts can be extremely belligerent, unyielding and merciless. When manipura is blocked, Pitts become intolerant, angry, jealous and envious. They are capable of even strong emissions of negative energy in the form of hostility and hatred, but they themselves suffer from this, since this energy affects their stomach, intestinal and skin diseases.

What is detrimental to Pitta?
By nature, Pitts are touchy. If they try to suppress their grievances, do not show offended pride and show external calmness, they will begin to gnaw themselves from the inside, which will not add to their health. They need to learn to abstract from the situation and look at it through the eyes of an outside observer. Perhaps the offense will not seem so terrible to them.

These "pepper and vinegar" people love to compete. They have some physical strength, but they don't like to lose. They are possessed by a fighting spirit, it pulls them to feats and achievements, but they do not have enough endurance. They experience losses so hard that they are ready to join a fight, believing that their honor has been violated.

When the Pitta type begins to abuse its excellent digestion, eating sour, spicy, fried, salty and canned food, richly flavored with hot spices, Pitta dosha easily gets out of balance. Due to overeating, persistent addiction to alcohol and food before going to bed, Pitts have dreams in which they participate in fights and wars with bloodshed, violence and murder.
Dosha Pitta, out of control, signals this with excessive criticism and self-criticism, pedantry, as well as the tyranny of relatives and subordinates. A person begins to rush at others for no apparent reason, he is offended by any word said inappropriately.

Pitt type people are conceited. The desire to show their "I", to exhibit in front of others and to show their remarkable abilities so that everyone will notice them, lures them into a trap: they overestimate their strength and demand from others respect and recognition. Not receiving high recognition from others, they can turn sour and from Mars clashing with knightly armor to turn into a staff clerk, gallantly bowing to the ladies.

Energy and appearance
Pitta types are distinguished by a beautiful proportional build. These are normostenics with "medium bone" (they are not bony like Vats). They have a normal, balanced gait and hands of medium thickness. Usually Pitt type has moderately developed muscles, and this gives their figure a sporty look. They blush easily. There are often many moles on the body. They always have hot hands and feet, and they sweat profusely and frequently. Pitta gains weight easily and sheds it just as easily.

If you see in front of you a nice girl with a fairly developed chest, smooth beautiful hips, a narrow waist and slender, but not long legs, do not doubt that Pitta dosha is strongly expressed in her constitution. Pitt has a type of determined gait; when walking, they never slouch.

Pittas often experience ups and downs in energy. This is reflected in their appearance, well-being, sleep and the ability to remember new information... Among the Pitta type, many gourmets are born who are able to enjoy the quality and beauty of food.

Sexual nature
Since the Pitta type is ruled by the Sun, sunshine comes from all the activities that people of this type do. The brightness and splendor of the Sun cannot but influence the fate, intentions, aspirations and personality of Pitta. Like the Sun, the Pitts are in the thick of things, they are always in the central arena of battles. Inside Pitta, primal, elemental energies are raging, prompting him to ram the target with ram's horns. Pitta strives to be the first always and everywhere. Without false modesty, he tirelessly breaks through to the forefront of life and love.

Difficulties can arise when Pitta's intellectual fire interacts with the deceptive bottomless waters of Kapha, as Pitta's overwhelming passion for winning and being first leaves little room for beneficial interaction.

Here is a typical situation for this type of people: burning with passion, Pitta breaks off the start, races furiously at full steam ... and burns to ashes before reaching the finish line. The Pitts consider themselves to be brilliant lovers, but in fact they often lack patience and humility. The inability to compromise prevents them from getting along harmoniously with love partners.

In short, they can only show miracles of passion and be the most violent and ardent lovers when they feel their own independence. Pitts often sacrifice their gentle nature for intellectual ability. Potentially, Pitts can experience great happiness in intimate relationships, if this relationship does not prevent them from moving towards their goal.

For Pitta, sex is not just a sequence of certain actions, the meaning of which is to satisfy the instinct of procreation. But Pitts should not treat sex as an act of lust, dictated by sexual desire, because this way they quickly fizzle out and lose energy. Since Pitts are naturally endowed with high intelligence, they should ennoble sexual contacts, bringing in them tenderness, affection and care for a partner. So that Pitta does not burn out to the ground, but retains his ebullient energy, he must pass his emotions through the heart, and not through the genitals. When Pitts act contrary to their nature and treat sex as a sport, they reverse their natural upward flow of energy and experience sexual frustration.

Pitts often become impotent and infertile. The reasons can be different: frustration, weak semen, or premature ejaculation. Pittas need to learn to direct the flow of natural male power back on track. The paradox of the situation lies in the fact that the most powerful male type must learn humility and patience. Only in this way will he be able to get the most out of his natural prowess. Lack of knowledge about our true potential breeds bad habits and leads to degradation.

In Pitt's type, this manifests itself in the need to demonstrate his sexual superiority, which always ends in failure.
If the energy of Pitta is passed through the heart, the center of compassion, patience and tenderness, then people of this type are distinguished by inexhaustible masculine energy. But if the fire blazes violently, it will certainly burn its master. Pitt, who have learned how to properly direct their energy, have a great relationship with a partner, and they are capable of numerous ejaculations.
The most suitable partners for Pitt are Kapha, Kapha-Pitta and Pitta-Kapha. It is a healing balm for wounds and burns of Pitta. To live in harmony with Pitta, his partner must also enjoy physical activities and passionately love the beauty of nature.

The pittas feel great in the area of ​​material success. There are no obstacles in the universe that a ram would not be able to overcome or ram with his horn-rays. When all is lost, when failures follow one after another, Pitta is charged with a new portion of energy and again makes his way to the goal.

Fiery people are a miracle. They deserve our applause and our appreciation for innovation that other types of people are not capable of. They are born to play leading roles in the performances of life, so they need to be given leading roles, not to interfere, and to express respect. If Pitta feels that he is grateful and appreciated for his work, he with a dear soul and an open heart will rush forward, faster, higher and further towards the goal. Like a fire-breathing dragon, he will pose and solve ever more grandiose and large-scale tasks. But if Pitt does not notice, does not support words of gratitude, does not say how wonderful and amazing he is, then he, like a ram, will stubbornly stand in one place, forcing others to recognize his merits. They desperately need our respect.
Pitta's solar energy illuminates the business world and advanced activities on the material plane. If Kapha copes well with everyday, earthly and maternal tasks, and Vata excels in the sciences and the spiritual sphere, then the Pitts are successfully engaged in those activities that contribute to progress. They make excellent administrators, directors, and innovators. If you get in the way of Pitt, then burn in their fire.

Pitta's fire shines brightly, it is visible from afar and dazzles up close. But what supports it? The world of peace, silence, earth and water of Kapha. The world of the sky, cosmic jets, soaring clouds and the movement of Vata cyclones. But it turns out that the fire that connects heaven and earth can hardly cope with everyday affairs. Every day, Pitta prepares for battle. He is armed with a sharp sword, as if going to the Hundred Years War.

When Pitta ignores his own nature, he becomes arrogant and arrogant. When Pitta becomes patient, knows how to wait and remain calm, learns to respect people and respond to other people's needs, his real strength increases many times over. Until Pitta learns to respect those around him, he will senselessly race at breakneck speeds until he burns to the ground. Pitta must learn to be compassionate and stop criticizing others.

All people need to understand that the life of any creature in the world is priceless, that all living beings have an equal right to well-being and prosperity. The universe does not divide the living into "us" and "aliens", necessary and unnecessary. Each Living being is at its stage of evolution and strives to achieve its life goals. Fiery people inherit karma of a rajasic nature, that is, karma in which the nature of universal activity is embodied. When Pitta stubbornly stomps on the ground with his heels, his true nature regresses, turning into a tamasic kingdom of stagnation, decline, inertia. Pitta has to move forward into the sattvic world. Sattva is a state of balance and harmony. In sattva, a fierce, blazing fire turns into a cool glow. To achieve sattva, Pitta must tirelessly work on his fiery ego.

Pitta are born leaders; these are presidents and prime ministers, directors and chiefs, heads of government agencies and organizations. Pitts often become designers, architects, engineers and scientists. Their discernment and intuition are useful in innovative endeavors, when a new path is laid and the very first steps are taken. Pitts excel in areas of high and advanced technologies... They can be excellent programmers in space flight control centers or in the military-industrial complex. The Pitts have great artistic vision and are successful in visual arts and design.

Pitts are born leaders, and their courage, perseverance and energy can be compared to ball lightning.

Style, colors and gems
As a rule, Pitt is dressed exquisitely, rightly believing that "they are greeted by their clothes." Their criterion in choosing clothes is sophistication. With the help of clothing, they gain success in society. They do not understand and do not tolerate negligence in dress. Pitta will never wear unfashionable things, but at the same time, she will try not to be too conspicuous. If someone puts on a similar dress, Pitta will definitely change, just to present herself in a winning light.

Fiery people attract the attention of others and stop their gazes. They love to wear expensive outfits that perfectly highlight their athletic, energetic figure.

Pitts should wear natural fabrics of white, green, blue, purple and purple flowers, shades of mallow, lilac and lavender, pastel colors and combinations thereof.

Pitta is always ahead of the mainstream trends and styles in fashion. Pitta is always neat and well dressed, his clothes always have some kind of "zest" by which you can easily recognize him in the crowd.

With an overabundance of Pitta, people of this constitution are contraindicated to wear precious stones and metals of fire. On the contrary, healing stones for them will be those that increase the energy of all chakras, except for manipura. For example, lilac-lilac carries the power of ether and water, helping fire to control emotions. When worn around a neck in gold, it balances fire and gives the wearer compassion. Also, healing stones for Pitta are pearls (primary elements - water, air and earth), turquoise, sapphire, emerald, and metals - copper and platinum.

Seasonal and daily activities

Summer is rightfully considered the season of Pitta, therefore, in the summer, people whose constitutions are dominated by this dosha, there are many problems. The natural glow of Pitta under the sultry scorching sun only intensifies. This is why the Pitts need to prepare in advance for this season and prudently reduce their level of activity.

An ideal summertime pastime for a Pitt type is relaxing with family and friends near cool streams, springs and mountain lakes where you can swim. It is not recommended to relax in the summer on the hot beaches of the ocean and sea coasts of Pittam, since the skin of fiery people easily burns and becomes inflamed in the sun. If the Pitts still prefer to relax on the coast, then they can only appear on the beach at sunset. Then it is useful for them to swim and jog on the beach sand.
When rage ignites Pitta-type fiery fuel, the health effects are devastating. When unstoppable, hot-tempered and impetuous rams rush on the leash of their own anger and are guided by fiery passions, they drain their energy resources and lose their vitality.

If Pitts are under stress, they must find the strength not to explode, as usual, but to calm down and cool down. Pitts can achieve a state of calm and serenity when they paint landscapes, admire the beauties of nature, green meadows, fields dotted with flowers, or the sparkling smooth surface of the river. Coolness, calmness, contemplation and serenity, bathing in the moonlight - all this perfectly harmonizes Pitta.

Since Pitta time comes from ten in the morning to two in the afternoon and from ten in the evening to two in the morning, people of a fiery constitution should try to avoid situations that provoke irritability and stress in them. At this time, it is advisable not to get angry, not shout and not get into heated arguments and conflicts. This behavior is even described in books: it is the Pitts who tend to arrange wild antics and explode emotionally in the middle of the day at lunch and in the evening before bed.

With an exuberant, irrepressible appetite, light food and weak drinks are recommended. They should not abuse spices, hot, pungent and bitter condiments, as well as spices that stimulate the appetite and disperse the blood. They should not drink alcohol. If the Pitts follow this advice, then they will cease to be angry, violent and explosive.

The digestive fire of the Pitta type is maximized at midnight and noon. Pittas can eat well throughout the day because they have high level metabolic processes. Proper nutrition can regulate the fiery nature of Pitta. It is a kind of medicine that smooths out and soothes their explosive nature and helps them remember their cognitive self. Therefore, Pitts must purposefully form their own taste and eating habits and eat consciously.

To tame the raging fire and relax after intense mental work, it is useful for Pittas to meditate before bed. After 6 p.m. they should slow down and relax. They find it helpful to visualize beautiful landscapes in subdued or pastel colors, in which the cool waters of the river roll, the sands and snows turn white, the forests turn green, the animals move gracefully and the birds sing.

In the middle of the night, the Pitt type has a burst of creative energy, but they would be wise to resist the temptation to spend the night awake and fall asleep at dawn. Their sleep usually lasts six to eight hours. Pittas need to sleep longer than Vatas and Kaphas to replenish the energy they waste during the day.

When evening comes, Pitta must forget about victories and exploits. Trusting the inner wisdom of Vata and the ability to feed and warm Kapha, Pitta will be able to completely restore the lost energy and prepare for the battles of the coming day.

Pitts must learn from their air and water partners tact and courtesy, mercy and the ability to forgive, graceful grace of feelings, as well as many other humanly attractive character traits.

The time, free from the routine struggle for self-affirmation and power, becomes for Pitta a time for strengthening and healing vital energy. Pitta's free time should be devoted to charity work. Through her humanitarian work, Pitta learns to be compassionate and empathic with people. When Pitta becomes human, he loses the need to protrude and draw attention to his "outstanding" person, because he begins to understand that narcissism and vanity are ridiculous, and that the spiritual qualities, subtlety and liveliness of his fiery nature are important.

These types of pitts are useful physical activity that are uniform, not intermittent. Swimming, acrobatics, skiing, figure skating, speed skating, jogging, cross-country and marathon runs, tennis, chess, are very useful for their physical and mental health. hiking trips and mountaineering.

Fiery people naturally love sports. But they should always remember that sports that require a lot of energy - be it swimming, running, aerobics, rowing, tennis or football, can only be practiced during cooler times of the day.
During sports activities, Pitts burn excess energy. But they must be sensitive to themselves and prevent the acceleration of metabolism in the body.

It is useful for Pittas to perform a complex of yoga asanas twice a day. Pittas should pay special attention to bringing their minds to a calm, peaceful state. From yoga asanas, they are shown poses aimed at overcoming mental fatigue and relaxation. If you want to stretch your body or target specific systems and organs with yoga, do these exercises before you start any other sporting activity!

Aromatherapy and body care
Pitta types benefit from dry, cool, sweet aromas that are slightly spicy but not tart. To balance the Pitta dosha, it is beneficial to inhale the aromas of rose, orange, neroli, cinnamon, vanilla, sandalwood, myrtle, mint, nutmeg, jasmine, violet.

Pita dosha is hot, oily, hesitant, hot, spicy. This is the second most active Dosha, which is much less out of balance than Vata. However, its imbalance can lead to serious problems.

Pita Prakriti people have a number of characteristics and must adhere to specific diet and lifestyle recommendations to keep the dominant Dosha in check. You will get acquainted with the most basic of them in this article.

Psychological portrait of Pita-Dosha

The fire energy of Pita is localized in the Manipura Chakra (the solar plexus chakra located between the sternum and the navel), also called the energy chakra. "Manipura" in translation from Sanskrit means "sparkling abode of precious stones", which, perhaps, best describes the energy of Pita. When balanced, this energy rises to the higher chakras.

This Dosha has an unimaginable supply of it, which cannot but affect the intellect and appearance of a person from Pita Prakriti, who is used to enjoying his own power and authority, controlling all events that take place and taking a firm step towards success.

Ayurveda believes that it is the Pitas and their research minds that humanity owes most of the breakthroughs in the field of science, including the development of environmentally hazardous industries.

The main qualities of this Dosha are purposefulness, authority, integrity of character and ambition. Petes are reliable, brave, punctual and welcoming, they are able to soberly assess the situation and take responsibility, fanatically following the chosen path.

If Pita is stabilized, the person is in high spirits and thinks clearly. If not, then he can instantly lose his temper, and the consequences of anger and irritability are sometimes very sad, since it is very difficult to pacify the raging Pete.

Physical portrait

People with a predominant Pita dosha are distinguished by an excellent and proportional build, in most cases they are normosthenics (light or medium body build), have a sporty appearance due to moderately developed muscles. They are easily filled with paint, have a large number of moles on the body, brushes of medium thickness, medium limb length and a narrow waist.

Pete always has warm hands and feet, they often sweat, gain weight easily and also lose weight easily.

Separately, it should be said about appetite - in this Dosha it is always increased, and sometimes it is simply brutal.

Pita is characterized by thin, shiny and oily skin, light eyes, a sharp nose and sharp teeth, piercing eyes and a heart-shaped face.

If Pita Dosha is overstimulated. Diseases

Pita is intensified by: spicy food, urinary stimulating substances (coffee, tea and alcohol), excess heat, sunlight. Emotions leading to illness: hatred, jealousy, suppressed anger.

Summer is Pita's season. This means that during this period it is most often out of balance.

If Pita dosha is overexcited, a person may develop skin diseases (acne, hives, rashes), blood diseases, heartburn and a constant burning sensation, nausea and vomiting, gastritis and ulcers, digestive disorders, inflammation, thirst, sweating and an unpleasant odor, headaches, liver and gallbladder problems.

Psychologically, Dosha, out of control, provokes self-criticism, cynicism, aggressive and harsh statements, anxiety, sometimes resentment, withdrawal or violent polemics. Such a person is driven out of himself by every out-of-place word and even inappropriate glance.

Diseases most commonly occur in the blood, eyes, skin, small intestine, sweat glands, fat, and stomach.

Healing Pita Dosha

Pita is primarily hot in character, so its treatment is mainly carried out with antipyretic and cooling therapy.

The following qualities of this Dosha are lightness and mobility, therefore it also balances it with soothing, drying and nourishing elements.

Taste of remedies: sweet, bitter and astringent, as they all have a cooling effect. At the same time, the bitter taste has the most pronounced effect.

It should be noted that the improvement of Pita Dosha is always directly related to the treatment of rakta (blood), the tissue associated with this Dosha, and the overwhelming majority of pathological conditions characterized by fever and heat of the body or high acidity also have a direct connection with it.

Herbal laxatives are a potent therapeutic agent in reducing Pita, as it is the bowel cleansing that helps bring it into balance. Also used are strengthening herbs (for abscesses, infections and ulcers), astringents (sweating, diarrhea, inflamed mucous membranes), acute (accumulation of toxins, indigestion), cooling (constipation) and bitter (with insufficient agni).

In addition, Ayurveda prescribes the wearing of healing stones for Pita - pearls, sapphire, emerald, turquoise, as well as metals - platinum and copper. With an excess of Pita, it is not recommended to wear fire metals and precious stones.

Diet for the people of Pita Prakriti

The digestive fire of this Dosha is activated at noon and midnight. It is perfectly acceptable for Pitas to eat densely throughout the day, since their agni always burns brightly, which leads to excellent appetite and a pronounced feeling of hunger, which should certainly be satisfied without delay.

It must be remembered that proper nutrition is to some extent a medicine that can smooth out and regulate the fiery nature of Pita. For this reason, Ayurveda strongly recommends people with the dominant influence of this Dosha to purposefully form their eating habits.

The focus should be on food that is not very oily, moderately nutritious, sweetish and bitter. Exclude: dry, overcooked, very cold and very hot food, hot spices, acidic and alkaline mineral water and fermentation products, in particular kefir, spirits and yeast bread. Food with a spicy, salty and bitter taste should be eaten in moderation.

Fasting is contraindicated for this Dosha! Especially lasting more than a week.

Instead, you can arrange fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits.

Pita should not miss a single meal, the main of which is lunch. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of hot milk with turmeric or cinnamon. It is very important to consume a sufficient amount of fluids every day, not to allow food to “jam” stress, and to be distracted by other conversations while eating.

Do not forget about spiritual activities, contemplate, meditate

  • Try to get rid of external and internal aggression, learn not to be offended, listen carefully and calmly to other people, watch your emotions, keep them in check. Otherwise, anger and irritability will become your constant companions.
  • Summer is the season of Pita, so people with this dominant dosha can have many problems. To avoid them, try to spend this time calmly, reduce the level of activity, stay near cool bodies of water, swim. Enjoy the beauty of nature, avoid the scorching sun.
  • Exalt yourself in spiritual and charitable activities to better feel and empathize with people. At the same time, you will learn not to stick out your "I", get rid of vanity and narcissism, stop overestimating your own importance.
  • Pita dosha is beneficial for swimming, acrobatics, skiing, jogging, hiking, mountaineering and tennis. These sports should be practiced during cooler times of the day.
  • Practice yoga regularly, ideally twice a day. Pay special attention to asanas that massage the gastrointestinal tract (bends, twists), and postures aimed at overcoming mental fatigue. Meditation before bed is very helpful.
  • From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and also from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. it is Pita time, therefore, conflict situations should be avoided during these intervals. After 6 pm, you need to reduce your overall activity level.
  • To balance the dosha, inhale the aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, calamus, sandalwood, daffodil, lotus, peppermint, nutmeg, jasmine, violet, rose and bitter orange.