How to grow a peach tree. How to grow a peach from a stone at home? Peach tree description

The thought of how to grow a peach from a stone has probably visited every gardener. Despite some difficulties, this idea is quite feasible and in the end can bring you weighty and sweet fruits.

Selection and preparation of seeds

When choosing a material suitable for planting, do not stop at foreign fruits - no matter how attractive Turkish or Spanish peaches may look, seedlings from them will not take root in our latitudes for sure.

Ideal if you use a peach variety for your seeds, adapted to your climatic conditions. Local peaches on the market or from a neighbor in the country - this is the material necessary for growing.

Do not take peaches from a grafted tree for growing - the seedling will not inherit the properties of the parent variety.

The fruit for the seeds must be taken large, fully ripe, without rotten places and other damage.

When calculating the number of peaches that will go to seed, keep in mind that about a quarter of the seeds will not sprout. Therefore, take fruit in reserve.

Preparing for landing

Remove the fruit pulp from the stone, rinse it clean under warm water. Then dry and set aside in a cool and dry place. Choose whole peach seeds, not cracked and without traces of pest activity.

When to start growing?

The best time to plant a pitted peach is in autumn. In mid-latitudes, planting should be done between late October and mid-November.

In the southern regions, planting dates are the last two weeks of October, in the northern regions - the first two weeks of November.

Growing methods at home

Experienced gardeners know 3 ways to plant a peach at home:

  1. Stratification... The method is also known as "cold". When selected, an imitation of natural conditions occurs, allowing the peach seeds to naturally prepare for germination.
  2. Extracting seeds... This method is faster than the others - the bone is split and the core is carefully removed. Germination occurs much faster than during stratification.
  3. Warm way... The seeds are planted in a pot of soil and grow at room temperature.

Stratification at home

The cold method requires a low, but positive temperature, high humidity and constant access of air to the seeds. The best way to provide these conditions is in the basement or lower drawers of the refrigerator.

The procedure for home stratification is as follows:

  1. Fill a small, shallow container with peat or wet coarse sand. You do not need to close the container with a lid. The sand must be rinsed thoroughly.
  2. Bury the peach pits in the sand to a depth of 7-8 cm, put the container in a plastic bag with cut holes and put the bag in the cold for the whole winter.
  3. Check the container periodically and moisten the sand with a spray bottle if necessary. You don't need a lot of liquid so that the bones don't start to rot.
  4. In early spring, the seeds will sprout and green shoots will appear. Plant them carefully in drained pots. Take a mixture of humus, peat and leafy soil as the soil.
  5. Place the seedling pots in a well-lit place. In order not to get a sharp temperature drop, for the first time keep the air temperature around the seedlings around +10, for example, on the balcony.
  6. After 5-6 days, bring the seedlings into the house. Water sparingly as needed.

Extracting seeds at home

If time is dear to you and you cannot wait until spring to sprout peaches, use the fastest planting method:

  1. Gently chop the washed dry peach pits with a hammer or knife. Do not damage the kernel of the seed, otherwise it will be unsuitable for planting.
  2. Place the removed kernels in warm water for several days. Replace the water with fresh water every day.
  3. After 3-4 days, the seeds will swell and grow in size. Plant each in a separate pot with a drainage system. The pot size can be small because the planting depth of the peach is only 4-6 cm.
  4. Water the seeds and give them a "greenhouse" - cover with plastic wrap or plastic. The film must be removed every day for airing. Avoid excess moisture - it can cause mold or mildew.
  5. When sprouts appear, remove the plastic from the pots.

Warm way at home

Everyone has probably tried this method in childhood - without special preparation, the peach seed is planted in a pot. After a few months, it may germinate, but it may die.

For a successful planting, observe the following technology:

  1. Refrigerate the seeds 7-10 before planting. This can be called express stratification, which increases the chances of germination.
  2. After the refrigerator, soak the seeds for 2-3 hours in the growth stimulant solution.
  3. Plant future peaches in moist soil 4 to 6 cm deep.
  4. Keep pots at room temperature in a well-lit area. Cover them with foil and ventilate them every day, removing condensation and excess moisture.
  5. After 3-4 months, after the sprouts appear, remove the film from the pots.

Peach care at home

In order for peach seedlings to gain strength and grow well, you need to provide them with the most favorable conditions:

  1. The soil... Make a soil mixture of leafy soil, humus, peat and sand in a 2: 1: 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Lighting... The sprouts should be well lit. If this cannot be achieved naturally, use LED phytolamps, which will make up for the lack of light for plants.
  3. Watering... Water the future peaches well, except during the dormant period and when the fruit is ripening.
  4. Temperature... In winter, the temperature around the seedlings should be lowered + 2 + 4, in spring + 10 + 15 degrees, and after the peach flowering period + 18 + 25.
  5. Top dressing... In early spring, starting in March, every two weeks, feed the seedlings with organic (infusion of humus) and mineral fertilizers. There is no need to feed the plants from September to give them rest time.
  6. Transfer... When the seedling needs a larger pot, transplant it. This should be done in early spring, before the peach blossom or in September.
  7. Pruning... When the peach grows to 70 cm and the side shoots begin to grow, it is time for pruning. The crown should be formed taking into account the fact that the side branches of the tree will bear fruit. Therefore, the seedling should not grow upward. Every year, you need to pinch and trim the vigorous peach shoots.

Landing in a permanent place

At home, you can only grow a full-fledged peach tree if you have a winter garden or greenhouse.

After the first year of cultivation, subject to all temperature conditions, the peach seedling should grow up to 1.5 meters.

Plan to plant it in open ground in March or early September next year. If there are several seedlings, then when planting, maintain an interval between trees of 3-4 meters.

The landing site should be well lit, open, but protected from drafts. Do not plant peaches in the shade of other trees or outbuildings.

Before planting peaches, prepare a hole: dig it 1 meter, add infusion of humus and dig it well. Plant a peach and compact the soil around the tree. Water the planting well and add mulch.

A tree grown from a bone will need special supervision for the first 2-3 years so that it can fully adapt to weather conditions.

Cover the tree with burlap for the winter, and insulate the peach trunk with a layer of glass wool. To prevent the roots from freezing, sprinkle the soil around the trunk with fallen leaves or spruce branches.

It is quite possible to grow a peach from a stone at home, even if you live in cold regions. A little patience and after 2-3 years you will be able to taste your own peaches!

Imagine the scent of a spring garden, delicate pink flowers on the branches. Now imagine that this is in your home. And the juicy fruits of the color of the setting sun will ripen in your apartment. Great, isn't it? An exotic peach tree will decorate the interior instead of annoying ficuses and palms - fresh and original!

Do not bother to go in search of indoor peaches in stores. They are not there. You can get such a treasure differently if you know how to grow a peach from a stone at home.

Where to get peach seeds for growing at home?

A store-bought peach may not work. Fruits for sale for large retail chains are harvested in the phase of technical maturity, when they are barely beginning to ripen. Most often, the stone of such a peach does not have time to ripen.

Attention! To increase the shelf life of fruits, special means are used even at the growing stage. A signal of this is a broken or fragile bone inside the fetus. Such processed specimens are not recommended for growing pitted peaches at home or for eating.

It is best to buy your favorite fruits in the summer on the market. The real owner of the peach tree will be happy to share information about the variety and care features. Fruits from your region will provide the best planting material. The grown tree can be transplanted onto the street.

How to choose a variety for growing a peach seed

At home, a peach of any kind will grow. If you have a choice, they give preference to the following features:

  • short stature;
  • early maturity;
  • self-pollination.

The varieties Redhaven, Kievskiy early, Mignon early, Krasnodarskiy nectarine, Pineapple nectarine most correspond to these criteria.

It is important! Peaches grown on grafted trees may not retain their species characteristics during seed germination. A tree with its own root will give planting material that will show all the characteristics of the variety. Check with the seller if the tree has been scion-grown.

Preparing the seed for growing a peach

Overripe, soft fruits without rot, mold and worminess are selected for seed germination. It is advisable to take several of them - the peach sprouts reluctantly. For any growing method, the preparation is carried out in the same way:

  1. Remove the seeds and rinse them well. There should be no pulp left.
  2. Dry. Store at room temperature until planting.
  3. Before planting, soak in water for several days (up to 10), in the last two days, you can add any growth stimulant.
  4. Carry out stratification, that is, provide a winter regime.

It is better to "hibernate" more whole bones, so there is less chance of damage and death of the embryo.

The requirements for the soil are simple - it must be fertile and loose, because the peach sprouts are tender. A standard store (for flowers, seedlings) or just fertile soil mixed with sand is suitable.

Further steps depend on the method you choose.

Three ways to grow seed peaches at home

the main task- get a sprout from a bone. Different gardeners have achieved this in their own way. Summarizing their experience, there are three main methods of germination.

Cold way

Stratification is directly related to such germination. Having placed the prepared bones in pots with earth to a depth of 6‒8 cm, we send them to the refrigerator or cellar. It will take a long time for the seeds to wake up. All this time, you need to monitor the moisture content of the soil, it should not dry out.

It takes 3 to 4 months to "hatch" a peach bone. Sprouts appear even in the refrigerator. When planting in the fall, the time is calculated so that when the shoots appear, the heat has not yet come.

It is important to avoid sudden temperature changes - the sprouts may die!

First, the pots with sprouts are taken out into a room with a temperature of about 10 ° C (balcony, veranda), after a few days you can go into a warmer room, and then onto a sunny windowsill.

Warm way

This method is a little simpler. It is still desirable to "cool" the bones for several days in the refrigerator. After that, you can plant them in the prepared soil.

  • a bone is buried 6‒8 cm into damp ground;
  • germination occurs at room temperature, in the light;
  • the container with the planted material is covered with polyethylene or glass, creating the effect of a greenhouse;
  • every day the covering material is removed for ventilation, the condensate is wiped off.

Note! Peach loves moisture, but does not tolerate its stagnation. In the bottoms of the pots, there must be holes for the outflow of excess water and respiration of the soil. Drainage is laid at the bottom (special garden or pebbles, expanded clay).

First, the sprout develops a root, so you will have to wait for the seedlings for several months. When the leaves appear, the shelter can be removed.

Fast way

This technique can be applied without stratification. After two weeks of soaking, the bone must be opened. This is done with a knife, carefully opening the halves. There is a nucleolus inside, it should be removed and again soaked in water for swelling (2 days is enough).

Enlarged nucleoli can be sown immediately. Planting depth is less than with whole seeds, about 3-4 cm. Seedlings will emerge earlier than with previous methods. You can also speed up the process by covering the pots with foil.

Whichever way the seedlings are obtained, you can praise yourself. Now we know how to grow a peach from a stone. At home, this turned out to be quite achievable, but it's too early to relax, a full-fledged fruit tree will grow only with proper care.

Homemade peach tree sprout care

In favorable conditions, a peach tree grows quickly. In one summer, you can get an increase from 0.5 to 1 meter. What are these favorable conditions?

  1. Illumination.
  2. Watering.
  3. Top dressing.

Southern plant, loves the sun. If natural light is not enough, you will have to additionally illuminate the young peach with the help of special phytolamps. LED lamps do not consume a lot of electricity, and the lighting is given to the tree in the spectrum that it needs.

Regular watering is important for a young peach. While growing, it is able to assimilate a large amount of water from the soil. When fruiting comes, the irrigation pattern will change. Temporary drying of the soil will accelerate the ripening of the formed fruits.

Note!Observe the dormant winter period for the tree. Watering during the winter should be reduced, the supplementary lighting should be stopped, and the plant should be taken to a cool room with a positive temperature. Intensive care resumes only after the kidneys awaken.

Fertilizer for pitted peach

The peach has an exquisite taste, it needs fertilizers containing certain microelements:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper.

Experienced gardeners advise! Spray the tree with the following composition: 5 g of soda ash, 1 g of boric acid, 2 g of copper sulfate, 1 drop of ordinary iodine, one crystal of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water. Several sprays per season will saturate the tree with all the necessary elements, protect it from diseases.

Irrigated fertilizers are appropriate in the second year after germination. The universal composition of nitroamofoska (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) allows you to limit yourself to one fertilizer. Read the instructions and halve the recommended concentration. Since the peach grows in a pot, fertilizers are not washed out and work in a small amount of soil.

For a houseplant, an overdose of fertilizers is especially dangerous, with a small excess, the plant will grow violently and "heal", with a large one - it will get intoxicated and die.

Since it is required to form a compact plant, pruning of homemade peaches is carried out regularly. Already in the fall of the first year, you can begin to form the desired height and shape of the crown. It should be noted that further fruiting will depend on regular cleaning of the crown.

With good care, fruits on a homemade peach will appear in 2-3 years, and will delight you for many years. No matter how troublesome it is to grow peaches from seeds at home, the result is fascinating. Not everyone can boast of an orchard in their apartment. Good luck with your experiments and sunny, delicious fruits!

Not many people know that you can grow one of the most beautiful southern plants - a peach from a stone. This is a very tasty and healthy fruit that attracts with its juicy pulp and bright orange colored skin.

This is one of the fastest growing stone fruits - the tree begins to bear fruit for the first time already in the third year after planting. The peak performance of a peach plant occurs at 8-11 years of age. Then the fruits begin to shrink and the yield drops sharply. Such trees quickly weaken, and cease to be of practical use. Fortunately, you can renew your peach plantations at home by growing the fruit from the seed. Peach is a demanding culture. To get a fruitful tree in your country house or apartment, you need to try a lot. How to choose the right planting material, plant a peach and subsequently get good yields, we will tell you in this article.

Who can argue with the fact that vegetables and fruits from their own garden are environmentally friendly, and therefore doubly useful products? And if with vegetable crops the situation is different (they are easier to grow), then few people decide to grow fruit trees.

Meanwhile, cultivation of a peach in a summer cottage has a lot of advantages. Let's consider them:

  • the method costs mere pennies: the seed from the peach you eaten is used as planting material;
  • self-rooted plants have better resistance to diseases, bad weather conditions;
  • it is possible to grow a peach from a stone not only in the southern regions, but even in the Far North;
  • trees "made of stone" are long-livers in comparison with their counterparts obtained in the usual way (grafted, from seedlings).

The disadvantages of this cultivation of a peach include:

Which variety should you choose?

To ensure the success of the enterprise, it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of planting material. It is preferable to use the seeds of those varieties of peach that are suitable for the climatic conditions of the region of cultivation.

Experienced summer residents do not advise buying "raw materials" blindly - there is a risk that you will be slipped into a variety that is completely unsuitable for growing in your region. Heat-loving varieties often get sick and bear poor fruit in the harsh conditions of the Moscow region and central Russia.

If in your environment there are summer residents who successfully grow this fruit, then it is best to see firsthand the appearance of trees and evaluate the quality of the fruits obtained from them. If everything suits you, then feel free to plant the same variety as your neighbor.

Next, you should pay attention to how the tree was obtained, the fruits of which are supposed to be grown in the future. The peach tree can be grafted or self-rooted. Preference should be given to the latter - plants with their own roots, more resistant and viable, give better fruits.

What else you need to pay attention to:

  1. Winter hardiness. If the seed is planted directly into the open ground, it is better that it be from a variety that is resistant to low temperatures.
  2. Self-pollination. Choose peach varieties that have the ability to pollinate on their own. If you plant several self-pollinated peach seedlings nearby, then there will be no problems with the harvest in the future.
  3. Ripening period. In order for the peach to bear fruit as early as possible, experts recommend planting early-maturing varieties that ripen in August.

Experienced summer residents have already appreciated many peach species, and suggest using such early-maturing varieties as Redhaven, May Flower, early Kievsky and others on their plots. These species are unusually hardy, extremely unpretentious and high-yielding.

Table # 1. Comparison of the most suitable varieties for planting

Namea brief description of
CollinsLarge-fruited variety that produces sweet juicy peaches already in July. Collins is a high-yielding variety. The fruits ripen in waves, within a month. The variety perfectly tolerates frosts down to -15 degrees, is not susceptible to curliness and powdery mildew. Demanding on top dressing, timely watering and pruning.
RedhavenThe variety of foreign selection, however, is perfectly adapted for gardens in the Russian climate. Branched trees with a rich crown give large beautiful fruits, the weight of which is 150-160 grams each. They are endowed with great taste. The peel is thin, with few villi, red-yellow. The variety tolerates short-term changes in temperature well, but with improper agricultural technology, it can be affected by fungal diseases.
May flowerA very promising variety from American breeders, which has an ultra-early ripening period, the first fruits are ready for consumption in mid-June. It is a very frost-resistant variety that can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees. The fruits weigh 130-140 grams. The skin is slightly pubescent and has a light orange color with a scarlet side.
JuicyAn impeccable cultivar for beginner gardeners. A very unpretentious, cold-resistant variety with an early ripening period. Round poured peaches of a sunny color ripen by the end of June. The Juicy Peach tree is a sprawling, vigorous plant that is practically unaffected by curliness and powdery mildew.
Kiev earlyA well-known early ripening variety - peaches ripen in the middle of summer. Fruits are small, weighing 100 grams. Very sweet and fragrant. The disadvantages of the variety include average resistance to powdery mildew and cold weather. The plants are vigorous and vigorous.
Fluffy earlyDomestic variety. Very frost-resistant, can withstand temperatures down to -28 degrees. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is low susceptible to various kinds of diseases. Ideal for growing in the North Caucasus. The peaches are round in shape, with a firm pink hairy skin and crispy white flesh. Ripening of the crop is observed by the end of July.
Kazakh earlyAn early variety that yields tasty juicy fruits at the end of June. Large peach balls have a pink-burgundy color. Weigh from 80 to 120 grams. The early Kazakhstani is rarely sick, not capricious in cultivation. High-yielding frost-resistant variety.

Breeding a peach from a stone

The cultivation of peaches for amateur gardeners is of great interest. If the seed sprouts, then the process of growing an exotic fruit will go on without much hassle. Peach grows especially successfully in areas with a predominance of gravel or pebble soils. On such soils, self-rooted trees grow better and bear more fruit, in contrast to grafted ones.

There are three ways to grow a peach:

  1. Stratification.
  2. Extraction of seeds.
  3. Warm way.

Growing technique by stratification

This method is also called "cold". Its essence is that the seeds are placed in a cool, humid environment so that they harden and subsequently receive a strong immunity to low temperatures.

Step-by-step instructions for growing a peach

Step one: in the fall (at the end of November), the selection of seeds (seeds) of ripe, strong, healthy fruits is made.

Step two: "raw materials" are placed in a container filled with wet sand (it is permissible to use peat). The depth of the touch is 6-8 centimeters. The container is covered with plastic wrap, in which holes must first be made for the supply of fresh air. Put away for storage in the refrigerator. The container is regularly checked for mold. If the sand is dry, then add water.

Step three: when the seeds hatch and sprouts appear on the surface, the container is removed from the refrigerator and the seedlings are transplanted into a flower pot or school. This time the seedlings are planted in fertile soil and placed on the lightest window sill.

Step four: in the summer, the grown seedlings are transferred to a permanent place of residence in the garden.

You can try growing a peach from seed using natural stratification. That is, in the fall, around October, the bones can be placed in the school. The soil should be loose, nutritious and of course moist. Before the start of frost, the bone successfully rooted, and hardened during the winter. In the spring, when the snow melts, the first young shoots will sprout.

With this method, the seeds are planted shallowly, but they must be covered from above with branches, foliage or needles - this will guarantee that birds or animals will not damage the sprouted sprouts. The method of natural germination has a clear advantage - growing initially in the wild conditions of nature, the plant acquires a stable immunity to diseases and unfavorable weather. As a result of natural selection, the strongest seedlings will remain, which will bear fruit in the third or fourth season.

Extracting seeds

You can resort to a simpler growing method that doesn't have to wait the whole winter. For this, the fruits should not be kept in the refrigerator all winter.


  1. A bone is taken out of the fruit, dried, then split in half and the seed is extracted from it.
  2. The seed is kept in warm water for 2-3 days, until it swells and becomes larger in size.
  3. Seeds are sown in separate containers, sinking them into the ground to a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Cover the pot with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. Plantings are regularly watered and aired.
  5. Seedlings appear three weeks after planting. After another couple of weeks, they are transferred to a cold greenhouse, where the round temperature does not drop below 0 degrees.

Important! This method carries great risks. The fact is that the seeds germinate very poorly, therefore, they usually plant not one, but several seeds at once. Then, when they sprout, they dive, leaving the most viable shoots.

If you provide the seedlings with proper care, then at the end of spring they will rise by 40-50 centimeters. As soon as lateral branches begin to appear on the central trunk, it is necessary to begin to carry out formative pruning. Remember that the crop is formed precisely on the lateral shoots.

Sprouting the seed in a warm way

This method is used in rare cases, since seed germination at home is a long and painstaking process.

Step by step process:

  1. The bone is preliminarily kept in the refrigerator for a week. This little stratification will fill them with energy.
  2. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator.
  3. The raw materials are planted in a pot with moist soil mixed with sand or peat.
  4. The container is placed in the lightest place in the house.
  5. The first shoots will appear in 3-4 months. When the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted into open ground.

Timing of landing in the ground

It is important to transplant on time, otherwise the plant can quickly wither away due to the fact that there will be little room for the roots in the pot. Planting can be done in spring, autumn or summer, the main thing is that the tree is strong at the time of planting and has a well-developed root system.

Homemade peach, originally grown in indoor conditions, is not adapted to the unpleasant weather conditions of the street. Therefore, it must be properly cared for.

Planting a peach should be done when the plant is in the hibernation stage - in March or September. Usually by this time the height of the peach is about 80 centimeters. Saplings are planted in a quiet and well-lit area, usually 3-4 meters from the wall of the house. If the growing region has a cool climate and precipitation is not uncommon here, then it is recommended to grow the peach in a greenhouse. Indoors, medium-sized varieties with medium ripening times grow well.

Video - Growing a peach from a stone

Young tree care

Peach is a short-lived tree. If the living conditions are uncomfortable for him, then after 4-5 years of fruiting the tree begins to erupt - the fruits become smaller, the crown thins. Regression occurs especially quickly on dried soils.

With a lack of moisture, the growth of shoots is weakened, the yield decreases, and the commercial quality of the fruits deteriorates. If the plant is provided with timely watering, top dressing and pruning, then more than 100 kilograms of fruit can be removed from one tree annually. Therefore, first of all, it is very important to establish the timing and rates of watering.

If the peach is grown in the south of the country, then in the middle of summer, one young shrub needs to spend up to 500 liters of water. In a humid summer, 300 liters of water are consumed under one tree. The number of waterings per season is as follows:

  • in May (flowering period) - 1 time;
  • June (the appearance of ovaries) - 2-3 times;
  • July (period of active, intense fruiting) - 3 times;
  • August (bud formation and formation) - up to 4 times;
  • September - October (preparation for wintering) - 2-3 times.

Crown formation

During the growing season, the central trunk is pinched on the trunk so that all the energy is directed to growing lateral shoots. They are subsequently also shortened so that additional branches can be formed on them. Skeletal branches are directed to the sides so that the horse takes the form of a vase. In the middle of summer, the central conductor is removed.

You can read more about the formation of the crown of fruit trees in.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied under each plant. The composition of the dressing should include trace elements and complete organic fertilizer. They are introduced in liquid form at the beginning of June (40 grams) and at the end of July (80 grams). The soil in the near-trunk circles is mulched with a layer of 8-10 centimeters grass.

Summing up

Your efforts, attentiveness and care for the peach plant will not be in vain - after a couple of years, a fragrant peach will bloom in your garden. And its fruits will be natural, which means they will bring a lot of benefits to your body.

Video - Growing a peach in northern latitudes

Many gardeners have thought at least once about how to grow a peach from a stone. To do this, there are many ways to breed these fruits.

Brief characteristics of varieties

Common peach is the result of a hybridization of wild peach, almond, plum and cherry plum. The fruit is soft, juicy, sweet. The pulp is whitish, yellow, reddish. The rind is slightly velvety or smooth. Slotted bone, bitter taste. Consumed fresh and for canning. The homeland of the peach is China.

Popular types:

  1. Velvety. The variety is early maturing. Ripens by the end of July. Grown in Ukraine and Crimea. Fruit weight - up to 135 grams. The color is yellow. The bone is small, poorly detachable.
  2. Gartvis is a larger fruit, weighing up to 170 g, velvety outside. The taste is juicy, sweet. The stone is medium, separated with small particles of pulp. High-yielding variety.
  3. Starting. The variety is distinguished by frost resistance, good yield and taste, and quickly begins to bear fruit. Peach is not susceptible to powdery mildew. Weight - 140 grams. Yellowish red fruits with a velvety skin. The pulp is dense, the bone is well separated from it.
  4. Golden jubilee. Large-fruited variety, fruit weight - 160 g, oval in shape and compressed from the sides. The color is golden reddish. The taste is pleasant, delicate, elastic flesh. The bone is large enough. The variety is winter-hardy and unpretentious.
  5. Tourist. Fruits are large, weighing up to 200 grams, round in shape. The color is green-cream, half ruddy. Fruits with a rich aroma, greenish-white flesh, sweet, juicy. The total harvest from a tree is up to 40 kilograms. The variety is resistant to cold weather.

How to grow a peach from a stone

How to plant a peach seed

For planting, you need to choose good bones. It is necessary to determine the appropriate way to grow peaches.

Planting material

The seeds of foreign varieties, no matter how beautiful, will not be able to take root in our areas. Imported peaches are harvested in advance for transportation. So the fruit retains its taste and nutrients. But the seed in these fruits is unripe, and an attempt to germinate it will be unsuccessful. Also, southern fruits are not adapted to our climate. Peaches from such seeds simply will not take root, due to the lack of heat and sun.

Important! Look for seeds from local peach trees.

You can choose a fruit from a seller in your region. He will give advice on care and how to grow a peach. You can try sprouting a peach from your neighbor. It is necessary to prepare several varieties for cultivation, since only a quarter of the seeds can germinate.

It is imperative to clarify the type of peach. It is not recommended to take the seeds of a grafted tree, as young seedlings will bear fruit worse. Species traits are well transmitted only from trees originally planted with their own roots.

Selection of varieties

Peaches that grow in local areas will more easily adapt to the climate and will have enough of the natural conditions of the region. When trees are planted in open ground, they have time to acclimatize and do not die from frost.

Planting peaches

When choosing a variety, the following plant parameters are taken into account:

  • Early ripe fruit. In order for the fruits to be in the summer (July-early August), seeds of early varieties are chosen.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes. If you plan to plant it right away, then you need to choose a variety that tolerates cold well.
  • Bisexual plant. Peaches are mostly self-pollinated, so several trees are planted side by side.

Additional Information . Early ripening varieties: Velvety, Startovy, Winner; frost-resistant: Golden Jubilee, Tourist, Kiev early; high-yielding: Gartvis, Nobles and others.

To extract the seeds, take the fruits that are ripe, soft, large, not spoiled and not moldy. Remove the pulp, wash and dry for a while. The seeds must be intact and not infested with pests.

Choosing a germination method

The main methods for obtaining seedlings from the seed: stratification, warm method and extraction of seeds.

Cold way - stratification

Conditions are created as during a cold snap, the seeds begin to prepare to germinate. So the sprouts sprout better. The shells soften, the seed swells. The embryo receives organic matter. Creates a humid environment with air access. A place in a refrigerator or basement will do.

Step-by-step process steps:

  1. Coarse clean sand is taken. You can also use peat. Pour into a container without a lid and moisten.
  2. The seeds are placed 8 cm in the sand, covered with a bag with holes and placed in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.
  3. Check the container if it needs to be moistened.
  4. The sprout will begin to hatch in three months.
  5. The seedlings are planted in pots with holes. Humus, peat and leafy soil are poured there.
  6. They are placed in a bright place.
  7. Initially, the temperature should be around ten degrees.
  8. After a while, they are brought into a room with a temperature of up to 20 degrees. Moisturize periodically.

If everything is done according to the instructions, the result will not be long in coming.

Humus as fertilizer

Extracting seeds

The bones are broken and the contents are removed. The nucleus germinates faster.


  1. Wash the seeds. Then dry. Split the bone and remove the core.
  2. Place the seed in warm water for three days to swell. Change water daily.
  3. After increasing the seeds, they are planted in pots to a depth of 6 cm, and they begin to grow.
  4. Drizzle and cover with glass or plastic. Remove and ventilate the coating every day to avoid the appearance of mold and mildew.
  5. Remove the film when the peach sprouts appear.

Additional Information. It has been noticed that the seedlings reach a height of 50 cm in three months.

Warm way

There are also ways to sprout a seed. The peach seed is planted in a pot of soil. Seedlings are waiting for several months.

Disembarkation stages:

  1. The bone is stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days (not long-term stratification).
  2. After a while, take out and place the bone in a growth stimulator for 3 hours.
  3. To a depth of eight sentiments, the seed is planted in moist soil.
  4. Cover the pots with a bag or glass. Ventilate and wipe every day.
  5. Planting material is placed on a window where there is a lot of light. Water when required.
  6. The sprouts should appear in three months. The film is removed and the pots are rearranged to a calm place and where there is no direct sunlight.

The method is the simplest, but the most time consuming. There is no guarantee that the seeds will sprout.

Care of young sprouts

In order for young seedlings not to die, they need to be properly looked after.

Care principles:

  1. Soil selection. A mixture is made one part of peat, humus, sand and two parts of leafy earth.
  2. Providing normal lighting. If there is little sun, use LED phytolamps. They provide sufficient light and accelerate growth.
  3. Regular watering. Water less when the fruits ripen, and the tree goes into a state of dormancy.
  4. Maintaining optimal temperature. In winter - plus 2-4 degrees, in spring - 10-15 during flowering, then - up to 25.

Important! The tree needs to do rest periods. Reduce watering, reduce lighting, the temperature should be four degrees. After the kidneys wake up, all procedures are resumed.

  1. Fertilization. Since March, they begin to make top dressing once every two weeks. They do this until the fall. From organic matter, settled humus is used.
  2. Transfer to large pots. This is done at the beginning of spring before blooming flowers or at the beginning of autumn.
  3. Pruning. When the main trunk is seventy centimeters, start trimming. Form the crown.

The fruits will develop on the side branches, so they try to keep the tree from growing upwards. Already next spring, they carry out all the pruning. Vigorous seedlings are pruned annually.

By following all the rules, you can grow good trees.

How to plant a tree outdoors

In the garden, you can grow a peach with a veranda, greenhouse or winter garden. Subject to all planting rules, the seedling can grow one and a half meters.

Planting a peach seedling

You need to land in March next year or early September. When there are many trees, a distance of up to 4 meters is left between them. The same number retreat from other obstacles. The place is chosen with a sufficient amount of light and without a draft.

Fertilizers are applied before cultivation. They dig a hole one meter deep. Pour in fertilizers and mix well. A tree is planted and tamped. Water around the trunk. Cover with mulch or rotted humus.

The first three years require special care for a young seedling, since it is not yet adapted to climatic conditions. For the winter, the tree is wrapped in non-woven material, the trunk is wrapped with glass wool, and the ground is covered with mulch.

Important! In order to prevent pests from attacking the tree, you need to regularly cut off damaged branches and do preventive spraying.

Growing a tree from a bone is not difficult. It's just a long process. With proper care, you can get a crop in two years. The tree bears fruit for up to twelve years.

You can try to grow peaches from the stone not only in the southern regions, but also in central Russia and Siberia. Peaches grow well in the country and in a private house.

It has always been considered that the peach tree, its spring flowering and bountiful harvest, is the privilege of the southernmost regions of the country. Since the middle of the last century, breeders and hobbyists have been promoting the crop to the middle lane. Peach can crowd out apricots in country gardens, because it is more resistant to return frost, and the seedling from the stone inherits its maternal qualities. Fifty fans of the Moscow region have been cultivating peach in bush form for more than 10 years.

Peach tree description

Garden varieties come from common peach, shrub or single-stemmed forms. The height of the tree can reach 9 meters, but spreading trees of 3-4 meters are more common. The root system of a peach is superficial, located in a fertile layer up to 70 cm. Peaches love warmth, light and abundant watering. The tree bears fruit for 20 years, starting from the second year after rooting.

The peach tree is a cross-pollinated species. Several nearby growing varieties will increase the fruiting of each, especially if you create a conveyor of fruits from July to September, collecting specimens of different ripening periods. Keeping peaches are low.

Peach trees cannot be called frost-resistant. They lose part of the roots during winter frosts -25 0, if they last more than three days. For a day, the roots will withstand a severe frost of 30-35 degrees. A short dormant period awakens the tree with winter growths occurring in winter.

Delicate peach is difficult to endure wintering. The crown does not withstand frosts of -20 0 without shelter, while fruit buds and last year's growth die. It is comforting that the peach tree has a great self-healing ability and after a year the frozen tree will bloom again.

Peach farming technology for each climatic zone

It is customary to grow a peach tree in climatic zones with a mild climate. At the same time, a cup-shaped crown, pierced by the rays of the sun, is formed, the crown of trees located at a distance of at least 3 meters.

For areas with cold winters, a bush form and thickened plantings are more suitable. Here, fruit links are formed from the lower shoots. Low-lying branches are easy to cover in the winter, ensuring the safety of the fruit buds.

Only seedlings of zoned and recommended peach varieties should be purchased. A good result is obtained by gardeners by growing a tree from a local variety of peach pits.

Peach care is year-round, and includes techniques to create conditions for long-term annual fruiting. Therefore, peach agrotechnology in the Caucasus and in the Moscow region includes one operation, but they are performed using different technologies:

  • planting dates and varieties;
  • the formation of a young and fruitful tree;
  • watering and feeding;
  • protection from pests and;
  • preparation for wintering and spring awakening of the tree.

Each of these activities is based on practical techniques to help the demanding tree survive in hostile conditions.

How to grow a fruiting peach tree in the suburbs

The studies carried out by the scientists of the Botanical Garden, who studied the experience of amateurs of gardeners in the Moscow region on growing peaches, led to some conclusions:

  1. Seedlings grown from seeds of local varieties retain their maternal qualities if taken from a native peach. Seedlings from rootstocks are sterile.
  2. Own-rooted peaches are highly resistant to local conditions.
  3. It is proposed to form a fruit tree so as to give a bushy shape, leaving predominantly young growth.
  4. Trees should be planted so that they can be sheltered in the middle of winter. Create a screen from the north wind even in summer.
  5. Use seedlings grafted onto almonds and cherry plums. Apricot Jardel for peach is an unsuccessful stock.

How to care for a peach tree? An example of correct agricultural technology for the middle lane is the garden of the amateur Kostetsky. The harvest from each of the 20 peaches in 2011 amounted to 30 kg per tree. He obtained such results, adapting to the needs of the southerners for 20 years.

Recommendations for those interested in growing peaches in the Moscow region:

  1. Planting several varieties of seedlings with a distance between holes of 3x4 meters.
  2. Spring cutting of dry, weak, non-fruiting branches. After flowering, thinning is required, removal of excess ovary, then the fruits reach 150-200 g of weight.
  3. Protection - 4 times in the spring spraying with 1% copper sulfate against curly leaves, perforated spot.

Fertilizes plants all year round. After a year, 3 kg / sq. m of the area of ​​the plot of humus in a mixture and potash salt for the entire area of ​​the garden in the fall. In early spring, fertilize with liquid organic matter annually. In winter, more than half a bucket of wood ash is poured into each hole. In the spring, when the buds swell, 300 g of complex fertilizer is introduced into the trunk circle, and 5-6 buckets of water are poured into it. After flowering, liquid 10% organic matter is introduced into the trunk circle in the amount of 3-4 buckets. In August, feeding is repeated with the addition of half a glass of superphosphate to the bucket.

In the fall, when the foliage has fallen off, each tree receives 10 more buckets of water. Then the earth is mulched with humus. There is always space near the trunk to prevent diaper rash.

Getting a peach seedling from the seed

If you take a seed from a native rooted peach variety, it will give the seedling the resistance to climatic conditions, the size and taste of the mother's fruit. How to grow a peach from a stone? Can be grown at home, in a pot. To do this, keep the bone in water for 4 days, then remove it, split the bone, and plant the nucleolus in a pot.

For the spring planting of peaches, it is necessary to carry out artificial stratification in winter. In a cool place, the bone is stored all winter in wet sand. In the spring, the bone will burst, a sprout will appear, it needs to be arranged in a tub.

In the fall, you can spread the seeds into well-prepared soil at a distance of 10 cm. In the spring they will sprout, by autumn they will reach a height of 1.5 m, and will give side branches. Then they are seated in prepared planting pits.

In autumn, young plants are planted without cutting off the upper branches, but the roots are slightly shortened. In the spring, on the contrary, the tops are pinched, starting the formation of the tree.

Spring is the most crucial period in peach care

Nature is awakening. It was at this time that the gardener began to suffer to protect the peach from pests and diseases, and to form the future harvest.

Caring for a peach in spring consists in the timely release of branches and roots from the protective shelter, so as not to create diaper rash in the trunk. At the same time, protective measures should be taken, feeding should be carried out in accordance with the schedule. As soon as the flower buds begin to swell, within 3 weeks the grower will have time for the formation of the crown. The event is responsible, requiring practical skills and well-sharpened tools. How to properly prune peaches in spring, watch the video for beginners:

The main goals of spring pruning are:

  • rid the tree of fattening branches;
  • free access to the sun's rays for fruiting shoots;
  • remove old branches on which there are already few fruitful shoots.

It should be remembered that pruning is an operation during which you can weaken the tree. It should be as gentle as possible. It is impossible to close the wet cut with garden varnish immediately after pruning. You can apply a protective layer after 3-4 days so as not to get gum leakage.

Only a well-groomed, strong tree can decorate the garden and bear delicious aromatic fruits.