Perspective Program: Feedback from Teachers and Parents. Primary School, Perspective Program: Feedback from Teachers and Parents

Every parent wants his child to receive a good education. Teachers make a great contribution to learning, but the school curriculum chosen by the director is of no small importance. Today, the "Perspective" program is becoming more and more popular, reviews of which are written by many institutions of secondary education.

"Complete assembly"

EMC, that is, an educational and methodological complex, is the name of the program "Perspective". Feedback from teachers and researchers suggests that the training period includes all the latest developments in the field of pedagogy and psychology. At the same time, special emphasis is placed on preserving the old, one might say, Soviet traditions of education, which were recognized as the best of their kind. EMC is a combination of classics with new trends in teaching.

Pay attention to the fact that "Perspective" is a school curriculum (reviews of which are interesting to every parent), which combines the modern requirements of society, which are tacitly presented to the child along with the cultural and historical development of society.

Thanks to the introduction of a new methodological complex each child will be able to understand the material. Over time, the workload in educational institutions increases. In light of the fact that children have different mental abilities, new forms of education will make educational material accessible to any child. As a result, a concise and understandable presentation of theoretical knowledge will help to significantly increase the level of education in small groups - classes, which will lead to mass interest in continuing education.

Another positive point is that not only the formation of theory is influenced by the program "Perspective" (primary school). Feedback from teachers who have experience in implementing a complex of training indicate that the system is aimed at developing the child's personal qualities. The training complex takes into account his age characteristics, interests and needs corresponding to the given period.

The presence of a set of textbooks implies the program "Perspective". Parents' comments indicate that they are somewhat more expensive than others, but they fully justify themselves. The development of each educational edition the team of scientists of the pedagogical field was engaged. Representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences were involved; Federal Institute for the Development of Education, as well as the Russian Academy of Education. Of course, the publishing house "Enlightenment" is a direct participant in the creation of textbooks. The set of literature meets all the criteria for a second generation education.

The need to create

What is the reason that gave rise to the need to create a new educational complex of the second generation? First of all, the primary factor is the social needs that have arisen in the process of the transition of society from industrial to post-industrial. Here it is necessary to mention the formation of the information type of human life, where the emphasis is on scientific potential. Thus, the program at the "Perspective" school, the reviews of which we are considering, is aimed at innovative knowledge that will give new inventions to humanity in the future.

Another factor is the surprisingly high rate of technological progress. note that Cell Phones appeared only at the beginning of the two thousandth, but after a couple of years they were already transformed into the most powerful minicomputers. Historical experience shows that scientific discoveries are separated by years, decades, but now the situation has changed radically. Information development concerns absolutely all spheres of public life. Any type of production boasts patented technologies that are constantly being improved.

The age has come for the rapid implementation of any idea into reality. As a consequence of this progress, there is a need for continuous updating of theoretical knowledge. Accordingly, the education system provides not only an educational foundation, but also allows the individual to adapt to the constant flow of updated information. Each schoolchild will receive the "Perspective" curriculum, reviews of which were left by both the developers and scientists of the pedagogical field, and will present the skill of "fast learning" in any situation and in any industry.

The essence of the new requirements

The "Perspective" program for children is presented with a difficult set of knowledge. Reviews of many parents indicate that the textbooks contain a lot of that information that, in their opinion, is not needed by the child. And the essence of such high requirements of the second generation training complex is as follows.

First, as mentioned earlier, theoretical knowledge must be constantly improved and updated, while creating a powerful foundation. The modern world dictates harsh conditions. It is possible that former schoolchildren you will need specific knowledge in the field of psychology, social life, as well as the professional sphere. The complex of training teaches children to independently search for the necessary knowledge. Thus, the person will be prepared for various changes, including unfavorable ones, for example, dismissal and search new job that a person has never encountered. You ask, why does the child need this? The answer is simple! It is in childhood that all the most important life skills are formed. So, a child from the very early years prepares to think productively and reveal his talented personality to the world.

New factors of personality are opened by the program "Perspective". Reviews of the training complex indicate a change in the meaning of the training system as a whole. Several decades earlier, the emphasis was solely on the assimilation of theoretical knowledge. Now this position divides the pedestal with the development of creative and mental abilities... Now there is a bright paradigm of transition from theory to personality development. Goal qualitatively new system training is to activate socially significant skills and qualities along with the acquisition of knowledge and social experience. It is important not just to teach, it is important to be able to learn!

Tasks of the new teaching materials (educational and methodological complex)

Like any complex of training, a number of fundamental tasks contains the school curriculum "Perspective". Feedback from parents, as mentioned earlier, speaks of an emphasis on harmonious and comprehensive personal development. In the process of mastering subjects, the spiritual, aesthetic, moral principles of the student develop. As for the specifics, the main tasks of the teaching materials are:

  1. General development. This task is to form the image of the world. In the process of implementing this stage, each student learns the basic postulates of modern society, learns communication, pays attention to certain patterns, for example, actions and their consequences. In addition, the student develops an artistic image of the perception of things.
  2. Personal development. This task is very extensive and allows you to form unique qualities in a student - a citizen of Russia. So, the student learns his indispensability, gains self-confidence, tries to use those skills that are not so pronounced in other students, to develop talents. Personality education also includes a focus on the creation of a civil society. This means that from the very childhood in the child those concepts and values ​​are formed that are inherent in this type of society. In the course of the implementation of the task, the student gradually learns to make his own and independent choice, as well as to take responsibility for it. The skills of mutual respect of other people, the ability to successfully adapt in a team, as well as to be tolerant as to their own negative qualities and to other people.
  3. Cognition. It is always interesting to study "life subjects", the teaching of which is based on real situations. This is exactly what the "Perspective" program (1st grade) is focused on. Feedback from teachers, scientists, parents suggests that children develop an interest in life, in knowledge, in everything new. This task allows you to effectively connect the experience of life situations that children received already in such early age, with theoretical knowledge of the textbook. The development of cognition allows you to develop the child's creative potential, artistic thinking, as well as forms of behavior in non-standard situations.
  4. Educational activities. Of course, along with personal development, no one canceled the acquisition of the required basic theoretical knowledge. So, in parallel with the creative beginning, the ability (namely the ability!) To receive and assimilate knowledge is formed, turning it into skills. It also develops the ability for continuous self-improvement.
  5. Communication. Without communication in the modern world, one cannot build a career or get a good position. The "communication" task implies the formation of the skill of self-organization and the construction of interpersonal communication.


A theory is useless if its application is not found in practice. The “Perspective” program (initial) helps to form certain skills. Feedback and reviews from developers reveal a number of skills that will be used by students in the future:

  • Communication.

This skill is aimed at shaping and staging one's own speech. Agree, if you are not able to correctly and clearly form your own thoughts, then you are unlikely to be interested in a company with a vacant position. In the process of developing the skill, the student learns to understand the speech of a friend, as well as to control his statements. Moreover, each child is taught to form phrases, depending on the situation and the tasks set, as well as to perceive from the general flow of information the one that he really needs.

  • Modeling.

Building plans and behavior models will help not only organize activities, but also achieve high results both in the learning process and at work in the future.

  • Logics.

Building correct, competent behavior is possible with a certain amount of experience. Here, students learn to compare situations, gain experience that is useful for themselves, and also choose the decision that will most favorably affect the future.

As you noticed, the Perspective program, reviews of which are gradually filling the education system, creates universal skills that will be useful not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in student life, as well as in the process of work.

Where without principles: humanism

A number of principles include "Perspective" - ​​a program for primary school... Scientific reviews from teachers allow us to form the basic postulates on which the EMC is based.

The humanistic principle implies the all-round development of the personality in order to ensure a favorable future for the child. Along with this given, the principle implies the creation of favorable conditions for learning and personality formation. Each student is guaranteed the protection of his rights, recognition of the value of his personality, as well as respect for dignity. is implemented, regardless of the material security of the family, as well as the social status of the child, his nationality and race.

The essence of the principle of historicism

The principle under consideration involves the study of subjects in the light of the cultural and historical development of society. The content of each discipline is based on the basic provisions, which have successfully proven themselves over the course of several centuries. A striking example is the structured presentation of the material, taking into account the laws of logic. In addition, historicism implies linking theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The teacher should facilitate the visualization of the material in the child's mind.

Communication principle

An important element of teaching materials is communication, which includes the program "Perspective" (primary school). Feedback from parents allows us to judge the improvement of the child after several months of training on the program in question.

The communicative principle is considered in several aspects. First, it acts as a subject of special study. In this case, the emphasis is on speaking and writing, communication, the ability to listen and understand a partner. Communication also implies the skill of skillfully resolving conflict situations. Secondly, in the process of communication between the student and the teacher, the emphasis is on fostering a culture of communication.

Creative activity

What direction of personality development does without a creative component? First of all, this principle involves encouraging creativity and creative problem solving. This kind of activity presupposes active participation in teams, performances, interaction with the team in the process of solving a creative problem: forming a scene, staging a performance, and so on.

The Perspective (Initial) curriculum has, as we have found, mostly positive reviews. The above principles and tasks are implemented by each teacher of the educational institution, who is responsible for teaching the younger generation.

All training features are revealed in additional materials: annexes and explanatory notes that are advisory in nature. The first generation of children in the elementary school has already passed training in the teaching and learning method and, it should be noted, gave the first fruits. Children successfully pass the transfer exams, and have also decided on future profession, began to better navigate difficult life situations. Considering that every child in the future needs to pass not a single dozen exams, not only educational, but also life, then "Perspective" is focused on educating a smart generation.

Parents of future first graders think about the education of their children long before the first and most memorable Day of Knowledge. In search of a suitable educational program, many are spinning their heads: how to choose the one that will help the formation of the child's personality and at the same time will meet all the requirements state standards primary school? According to reviews, the "Perspective" program is what is needed for the integrated and all-round development of the student.

The creators of the complex

Perhaps it should start with the fact that this educational project belongs to the traditional system of teaching primary school children. The complex was developed in 2006. By the author teaching materials and the initiator of the creation was a teacher with many years of experience, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Lyudmila Peterson. Together with the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" and young scientists, she managed to create a unique school curriculum.

Reviews of "Perspective" for primary school are not always rosy, but, as you know, any project always has its critics and admirers. It is no coincidence that the authors of the program had to face difficulties in obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For this reason, some materials had to be replaced and revised in 2014, after which all stages of the approval of the curriculum for the “Perspective” primary school were passed. Feedback from those parents whose children have already studied according to the updated educational and methodological complex deserve attention.

How do parents assess Perspective?

In general, the project has more positive than negative responses. The most important thing that parents of primary school students note is that their children are interested in learning. This opinion is counterbalanced by disgruntled mums and dads, who believe that any experiments with educational forms are doomed to failure. Next, let's take a closer look at the features of the school curriculum for the "Perspective" primary school. Testimonials from 2016 or earlier really help get an idea of ​​this training course v general outline, but it is possible to understand objectively whether it is worth giving your child to study in this program only by delving into its content and principles.

What disciplines are included in the program

Like any other traditional projects, Perspektiva has the necessary theoretical and practical basis. Primary school students are trained in the areas of philology, mathematics, social studies, art and modern technologies... The textbooks of the following authors help them in this:

  • "ABC" for grade 1 and the course "Russian language" L. Klemanova.
  • "Mathematics" by G. Dorofeev.
  • "Literary reading" V. Goretsky.
  • "Informatics" T. Rudnichenko.
  • "The World Around" A. Pleshakov.
  • "Technology" N. Rogovtseva.
  • "Physical culture" by A. Matveev or I. Wiener (at the choice of the teacher).
  • "Fine Art" T. Shpikalova.
  • "Music" by E. Cretskaya.
  • "Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" A. Shemshurina.

Everything tutorials written in an accessible way and are easily perceived by children, judging by the feedback from parents.

The "Perspective" program for primary school in 2017 offers the study of several foreign languages ​​at once:

  • English - in standard or advanced courses in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as in the textbooks "In Focus" by Y. Vaulina and "Zvezdny" by the author K. Komissarov;
  • French - according to the project by N. Kasatkina "In the future" or A. Kuligina "Your friend is French";
  • Spanish and German in classical programs.

All textbooks and manuals that were included in the school program "Perspective" for primary school, according to teachers' reviews, are designed for children with at different levels preparation. The training materials have passed the certification procedure for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOE, having received the appropriate reviews from the Ministry of Education.

Basic principles of "Perspective" for primary grades

The goal pursued by the creators of the program is to provide an opportunity for the teacher to fully develop children and their individual abilities. At the same time, "Perspective" has its own principles of conducting the educational process in elementary school. These include the following provisions:

  • continuity of learning;
  • taking into account the personal qualities of students;
  • the formation of a child's worldview, a holistic picture of what is happening;
  • the presence of a worthy illustrative example for schoolchildren;
  • maintaining the physical and mental state of students.

It is interesting that Lyudmila Peterson based her educational project on the system of the activity approach developed by her earlier. By the way, in 2002 the President of the Russian Federation awarded Peterson the State Prize in Education.

Providing the child with universal skills and abilities, developing his ability to set the right goals, solve problems and be responsible for the results - this is the essence of the "Perspective" program for primary school. Reviews of teachers indicate that to implement the complex in studying proccess not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to teach the child to study and discover new knowledge on their own, and not provide him with ready-made information. Several directions are basic for this activity methodology of the school curriculum. Let's devote a few words to each of them.

I want to study!

The teacher must maintain and constantly warm up the child's interest in everything unknown, develop his cognitive abilities with exciting tasks, instill the ability to plan his actions and achieve goals, objectively evaluate the results and correct mistakes.

Healthy body - healthy mind!

In the course of the educational process, it is extremely important at the same time to teach the child to take care of himself, observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety measures. In addition, in their reviews about school curriculum“Perspective” for elementary school teachers note that it is important to lay in the child's perception the foundation of moral values, manifested in the ability to empathize, care for others and protect nature.

I am in the world, the world is in me!

This principle helps the child to build his own "I", including to know himself through the prism of moral and moral foundations in society, to improve communication skills (freely conduct a dialogue, be able to listen to others, identify suitable sources of information, work with a book, etc.) ...

What teachers say about this complex

In their conclusions about Perspective, the teachers are like-minded people: it will hardly be possible to call training in this program difficult. If a child is engaged not only in school, but also devotes enough time to self-education, there will be no difficulties in mastering the material. Despite the fact that all children adapt completely differently in the lower grades, as evidenced by the feedback from their parents, the “Perspective” program in primary school is universal. It allows the teacher to find an individual educational approach to each child. To some extent, it all depends on the teacher, rather than on the type of curriculum.

According to reviews, the Perspective elementary school curriculum is not widely criticized. Of course, there are drawbacks in it, or rather, flaws - apparently, the authors of the project have confused something with the manuals and materials. To imperfect moments, teachers and parents include:

  • Registration of prescriptions for first graders. Pupils adapt with difficulty to the proposed notebooks, so they write capital and uppercase letters of almost the same size.
  • Sequence of topics in the course "Mathematics". The study of the multiplication table, according to the textbook, is planned earlier than familiarization with numbers up to 100.
  • The presence of grammatical errors in the "ABC".
  • Exercises and assignments in books do not always correspond to the topics studied.

At the same time, in their reviews of the “Perspective” program for primary schools, teachers note that, for example, the course “The World Around” is composed in an unusual way, and children read the textbook itself with great interest. True, when doing homework on this subject, students rarely do without the help of their parents. The teachers did not leave without attention and "Mathematics", which is designed for children with different levels of knowledge and degree of preparation. Any of the topics implies the solution of several problems in the lesson (from 4 to 6), and at the end of the paragraph, tasks of the Olympiad type are proposed.

What skills does the child get?

The "Perspective" program for primary schools, according to its founders, was developed according to three fundamental principles:

  • independence;
  • instrumental;
  • integration.

The first presupposes the child's ability in the learning process to use the proposed sources of information (textbook, reference book, dictionary, workbook, etc.) to solve the assigned tasks. Elementary skills help in this. business communication, which are acquired by children in the course of mastering the material, role-playing games, work in pairs, joint assignments, conducting discussions. It is important that the teacher, revealing new topic, presented several possible options solving a problem - this lays in children the ability to continue to look at the same situation from different angles.

The principle of instrumentality implies the introduction into the curriculum of specially designed mechanisms that contribute to easier perception and mastering of the material. According to the authors, of greater importance is not how much information the child has comprehended, but whether he is able to apply the knowledge gained in practice. For this, for example, in each textbook there are heroes, thanks to whom, from the first to the last topic of the course, the material is studied in a playful way.

The Perspective program is designed in such a way that each elementary school student could get a general and comprehensive picture of the world. The most striking example is the integrated course "The World Around". During lessons and homework, each child receives knowledge of geography, social science, natural science, astronomy, life safety.

Benefits of the program

The teaching aids of the "Perspective" complex, as the teachers admit, have become real helpers for them. Each course has detailed classroom plans. According to parents' reviews, the Perspective program for primary school in 2016 and 2017 pleased with an increase in teaching materials: now, in addition to textbooks, each course is accompanied by a reader, notebooks for independent, control and verification work... It is also convenient that the annual process of studying any subject is conditionally divided into two parts - theoretical and practical.

What are the goals pursued by the authors, creating a program for the primary school "Perspective"? According to the teachers, the likely goal was to include in the project everything that will help the child in later life. Indeed, starting from the bench of primary grades, schoolchildren should learn to analyze their actions, comprehend their correctness and draw appropriate conclusions. Most of the existing curricula are aimed at personal development. The creators of Perspektiva did not deviate from the main concept either. In the understanding of the creators of this project, students should develop creatively, completing regularly relevant tasks and participating in various thematic competitions.

And yet, if there are any significant differences between this educational complex from the rest, then they lie in non-fundamental nuances. The primary task of teachers working on this program is not so much the conduct of the educational process, but the ability to direct and motivate the child to in-depth study of each subject independently.

It is important that from the first grade children understand which of the human values ​​is above all. This concept implies the upbringing of a sense of patriotism - every student from an early age should be instilled with diligence, respect for the rights and freedoms of other people, the manifestation of love and care for others, nature, family, and the state. An equally important role is played by the unification of the educational and cultural process. Moreover, it is important that the child knows not only about his national traditions and customs, but also remains tolerant of representatives of other cultures. Thus, a simple conclusion suggests itself: the "Perspective" program teaches children to live in society and keep up with modern world, but at the same time be fair, be able to defend and defend your position.


As you know, parents have the right to independently choose educational institution for your child. Do you want your children to study in elementary school according to educational program"Perspective"? Reviews about this project for most parents often serve as a meaningful argument, despite the ambiguity of opinions. The entire educational and methodological complex is a huge system of subprograms, interdependent on each other. At the same time, each of the items is a separate direction, an irreplaceable link in educational activities students. The program does not have any fundamental differences from traditional projects that correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard. "Perspective" from the first grade helps the student to become more independent, but this does not mean that the child will not need the help of parents throughout the entire period of study.

Hello again! Not tired of learning? Are you confused about their names and authors? Can you handle another one? I want to finally put an end to this issue, but without completing the research in full, I am not ready to do so. So take heart: the Perspective training program is on the table today.

Lesson plan:

Another traditional project

The "Perspective" kit belongs to the traditional system of teaching in primary school, and it was developed in 2006 during the formation for the first stage of education.

The teaching materials were prepared at the initiative of the author of the project, Doctor of Pedagogy Lyudmila Peterson, together with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. Scientists from the academies of education and sciences, practicing teachers and methodologists took part in the "promising" project.

As befits any methodological kit used in the educational process at school, "Perspective" has everything you need:

  • the alphabet for grade 1 L. Klemanova and the same author in Russian;
  • mathematician G. Dorofeev;
  • the literature of V. Goretsky;
  • T. Rudnichenko informatics;
  • A. Pleshakov's “surroundings”;
  • N. Rogovtseva's technology;
  • physical education at the choice of the teacher: either A. Matveev, or I. Wiener;
  • Art by T. Shpikalova;
  • music by E. Cretskaya;
  • foundations of religion and ethics in the direction of different cultures.

"Perspective" offers the study of as many as four foreign languages:

  • English for standard or advanced programs, as well as for the "In Focus" or "Star" course;
  • Spanish and German in the classical program;
  • French either at the rate "Your friend ...", or "In the future."

It should be noted that, like many other educational kits of school educational programs, Perspective was faced in 2014 with the problem of obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education. Textbooks on mathematics and religion were questioned.

As a result, the mathematical work "Learning to Learn" by L. Peterson was replaced, and the materials on the study of religions in grades 4-5 were revised. UMK "Perspektiva" has passed the necessary approvals in its entirety.

Long-term goals, or how and what the program teaches

As a basis for her educational project, Lyudmila Peterson took the system of the activity approach developed by her, for which she received the prize of the President of the Russian Federation. It is said tricky.

In fact, everything is simple: this is another attempt to combine school teaching the developing approach that is already familiar to us and the established classics through the universal ability to set goals, solve problems and be responsible for the results.

The task of such education at school is not to provide ready-made information, but to teach the child to discover new knowledge on his own. “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I learn,” - I remember that we have already gone through this.

As a result of such an activity-based methodology, the "Perspective" training set has several directions around which the entire educational "promising" process revolves:

All of the above directions of the student's development embodied the ideas of the authors in thematic educational materials: "My planet is the Earth", "My country is my Fatherland", "My family is my world", "Nature and culture is the environment of our life."

Pros and Cons of Advanced Learning

In fact, there are not so many reviews on Perspektiva, but I noted for myself that there is not much categorical criticism, as in other educational programs, for example, in other educational programs.

"... did not like the recipes: it is problematic for first-graders, after writing from line to line, to decide later in a notebook with the size of letters: capital and uppercase are written in the same way ...",

"... mathematics first studies the multiplication table, without giving the concept of numbers up to 100 ...",

"... how to teach children to read and write if there are mistakes in the" Azbuka "?

“… The exercises in the textbooks do not correspond to the topics…”.

But the textbooks for the next 3 and 4 grades are quite suitable for teachers:

"…interesting the world, but parents' help is often required ... ",

"... mathematics is designed for different children: it is interesting for the weak and the strong to work at the same time, the problems are well presented, one topic assumes their solution from 4 to 6 pieces per lesson, strong children can try their hand at solving the Olympiad tasks ...".

The opinions of parents are presented dryly and in a nutshell boil down to the fact that children in grade 1 are asked very little by writing, I would like more, and Dorofeev's mathematics is simple and boring for those who would like to master knowledge at a higher level.

Most of all, parents of schoolchildren are concerned about the continuity of the program during the transition to the secondary level, since it is designed only for primary school.

It turned out to be not so easy to express all the pros and cons. Those who want to be "promising" do, it turns out, it is almost inaudible. Such, say, a neutral program that does not ask for compliments, but also does not undergo strong criticism.

Perhaps being a “gray eminence” isn't as bad as you think?

I hope that I have helped you a little with all the complexity of the many educational programs for primary education... I think we can put an end to this. I say goodbye to you, but not for long.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

This issue is especially acute for the parents of future first-graders. Everyone wants not to harm either the child or himself. A survey of acquaintances and a study of sites begins in the hope of finding an interesting answer to the question.

Parents face a choice educational program.

But whatever the program, a lot depends on the primary school teacher: teaching style, interest, responsibility, attitude towards children and work. It would probably be fair to say that in elementary school "you have to go to the teacher." So it is worth learning more about the teachers who will recruit future first-graders and.

Let's start by listing the existing programs for the 2017-2018 academic year in Russian schools:

It should also be noted that all curricula are developed in accordance with the LEO, which allows you to master the necessary minimum of knowledge (the invariant part of the textbooks) or acceptable for the curious (the variable part).

Let's look at the pros and cons of each curriculum in elementary school:

OS "School 2100"

This program is continuous with kindergarten and up to the 11th grade of the school. Covers a large amount of material. The teacher guides and controls the students' search activities. The most difficult subjects are mathematics Kozlova S.A. and the world around Vakhrushev A.A.
On this moment the program is limited in the use of schools, since the teaching aids were not included in the Federal list, that is, they did not pass the examination of the Ministry of Education.

Pros: students are trained to learn and acquire knowledge. They can easily find the information they need. They write a lot of essays and presentations, abstracts, have a wide outlook of knowledge.

Minuses: tasks are feasible for the development of intermediate and high-level students, requires supervision and help from parents. Another disadvantage is that not all middle and high school teachers are ready to continue their education in 5th grade.

The traditional program, according to which many studied in the Soviet period and today it remains relevant, involves the cultivation of patriots who want to learn, study the country in which you live, love nature, and respect other people.

Pros: tasks are feasible for mastering students of even a very weak level.

Minuses: few developing tasks for logic, thinking, broadening the horizons of children. Here everything will depend on the teacher who is ready to go beyond the scope of the program, to select developmental, logical tasks. The outlook of the students' knowledge will be insufficient for successful learning at the middle level.

The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

Elkonin D. B. and Davydov V. V. - famous psychologists, founders of the system of developing education. The program is complex, but "ingenious", it is fundamentally different from other systems in general.

Students should be in constant search of information, develop theoretical thinking and imagination. Students are not expected to go to school for grades, but for knowledge. Assessment uses a grading ruler or scale for students and teachers. As a result, the child develops self-esteem, self-control and self-education. The technique is also characterized by a minimum of homework.

Pros: children strive for knowledge, not grades, are highly motivated, have deep knowledge, a desire for thinking outside the box. The lessons are interesting, games are often used. And again, it all depends on the teacher, who knows exactly what to do.

Minuses: complex level of the subjects taught, it is difficult to reorganize to a different teaching system in the changed conditions.

Zankov L.V. - psychologist, developer of a developmental training program. Training in this program takes place in a creative form, unconventional, at a fast pace, information from the middle classes is offered for familiarization. Much attention is paid to the development of logic, thinking, independent acquisition of knowledge.

Pros: children learn consciously, have arguments and prove their point of view, group work is used. The training takes place to the best of its ability, since the program does not intend to reach the maximum.

Minuses: upon admission to school it is necessary good preparation, and when entering the middle link, a continuation is necessary, otherwise everything is in vain.

And again there is a problem, the lack of "smart" teachers who are sick of Zankov's ideas.

EMC "Planet of Knowledge"

Development focused program creativity and thinking of primary school students. The teacher controls and helps to open the "planet of knowledge".

Pros: bright attractive textbooks, creative development child.

Minuses: good preparation in account and writing is essential when entering school. Large amount of homework, as well as text errors in textbooks.

Educational complex "Perspective primary school" or PNSh

Roza Churakova - head of the team of authors, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, professor at the Academy for Advanced Training of Educators. "PNSH" or Prospective Primary School is a humanitarian program based on student-centered principles educational process.

Pros: textbooks for grades 1-4 are based on the life experience of the child, teach to speak, read and observe.
At the end of primary school, students move to the middle level with a large store of knowledge, prepared for further education. They independently search for information in different sources and use it, work with a large number of dictionaries.

Minuses: the program requires direct parental assistance and active participation. The course requires an experienced and trained teacher, with whom everything will be accessible and understandable.

Educational complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

One of the most widespread programs in Russia, awarded by the President of the Russian Federation. Project manager - N.F. Vinogradova

Pros: fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard. Children show good results. Students learn self-control and self-esteem. Very strong textbook on literary reading, classics well presented, text analysis.

Minuses: many parents, and even teachers, are strained by other spellings of letters in grade 1, recording the listing of words with a small letter; a kind of presentation of material in mathematics, different from other programs. The developmental program, like many others, requires the direct participation of parents and a skilled teacher.

UMK "Perspective"

The name of the program promises a lot. The main thing is to bring up a spiritually developed personality, a citizen. The author of the project is L.Peterson, Doctor of Pedagogy.

Pros: teaches children to keep up with the modern world, to be prepared, to defend their position.

Minuses: a large amount of information assumes the constant participation of parents.

Pros: diversity teaching material teaches schoolchildren on their own to look for the right solution, think logically, argue and debate.

Minuses: requires good preparation for school, since in the future it implies close cooperation with parents, many topics are taken up for self-education.

  • first of all, parents of future first graders need to focus on the level of development of their child;
  • take seriously the choice of a primary school teacher, because a competent, experienced teacher will make any program interesting and useful, and the child will surely learn it;
  • It is also necessary to remember that the success of education depends not only on the teacher, but also on the desire of the parents to participate in the life of the student himself, to spend their energy and time.

In December 2012, Russian legislation was adopted by the Federal It is considered the main regulatory legal act in the field of education.

General education in Russia

Education in our country is aimed at personal development. And also in the learning process, the child must master the basic knowledge, skills and abilities that will be useful to him in the future for adaptation among people and the right choice of profession.

General education levels:

  • preschool;
  • general primary (grades 1-4);
  • basic general (grades 5-9);
  • general secondary (grade 10-11).

Thus, it becomes clear that education in Russia is divided into 2 types:

  • preschool - children receive it in kindergartens and schools;
  • school - from grades 1 to 11, children study in educational institutions, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

Many children, coming to grade 1, begin to study according to the educational program "Primary School Perspective". There are different reviews about it, teachers and parents discuss the program in various forums.

The main provisions of the program include all the requirements of state standards for the initial general education... The basis was a systemic-active approach to the development of a child's personality.

Prospective Primary School Program in Grade 1

The opinions of parents and teachers in elementary school about the Perspective program are versatile, but in order to understand its whole essence, you need to get to know it in more detail.

What the program learns:

  • philology;
  • mathematics;
  • informatics;
  • Social Studies;
  • art;
  • music.

The child, studying the program, as a whole, can form his own opinion about environment and get full scientific picture the world.
There are a number of textbooks in the Perspective program. Among them:

  • Russian language - alphabet;
  • literary reading;
  • maths;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • the world;
  • foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics;
  • art;
  • music;
  • technology;
  • English.

All textbooks that are part of the "Prospective Primary School" curriculum have passed certification for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO. And they were recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for use for teaching children in educational institutions.

The main task of the entire Prospective Primary School program is the full development of the child based on the support of teachers for his individual characteristics... At the same time, the program is designed so that each student will be able to visit different roles. Thus, at one time he will be a student, at another he will be a trainer, and at certain moments he will also be an organizer of the educational process.

Like any program, Prospective Primary School has its own principles for teaching children. The main ones are:

  • the development of each individual child must be continuous;
  • in any situation, the child must formulate a holistic picture of the world;
  • the teacher must take into account the characteristics of each student;
  • the teacher protects and strengthens the physical and mental state of the child;
  • a student for education should receive a clear example.

The main properties of the program "Perspective"

  1. Completeness - at the time of learning, the child learns to find data from different sources. Such as a textbook, a reference book, the simplest equipment. Children develop business communication skills, since the program has developed joint tasks, work in pairs, problem solving by small and large teams. The teacher, while explaining new material, uses several points of view about one task, this helps the child to consider the situation from different angles. The textbooks contain main characters who help children learn to perceive information while playing.
  2. Instrumentality - specially designed mechanisms for children that help to put the acquired knowledge into practice. It was made so that the child could outside help to look for the necessary information not only in the textbook and dictionaries, but also outside them, in various teaching aids.
  3. Interactivity - each textbook has its own Internet address, thanks to which the student can exchange letters with the heroes of the textbooks. This program is used mainly in schools where computers are widely used.
  4. Integration - the program is designed so that the student can get a big picture of the world. For example, in the classroom of the surrounding world, the child will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge from different areas. Such as natural science, social science, geography, astronomy, life safety. And also the child receives an integrated course in the classroom literary reading, since there the teaching of language, literature and art is included in the basis of training.

The main features of the program "Perspective"

Developed for teachers teaching aids became great helpers, as they have detailed lesson plans. Most of the parents and teachers are satisfied with the program.


  • in addition to textbooks for each subject, a reader is attached, workbook, additional teaching aid for teachers;
  • the course for schoolchildren consists of two parts. In the first part, theoretical lessons are offered to the teacher, while the second part helps the teacher to build a lesson plan separately for each lesson. And also in the methodological manual there are answers to all the questions that are asked in the textbook.

It should be understood that education in primary school is a very important process in which the child builds the foundation for all subsequent education. The curriculum "Perspective Primary School", reviews confirm this, has many positive aspects. The child is quite interested in gaining new knowledge.

How do authors see the perspective of their program?

When developing the program, the authors sought to include in it all the key points that will help the child in later life. Indeed, just in elementary school, children must learn to comprehend the correctness of their actions, to get a more complete picture of the world around them.

In our time, virtually all school programs are aimed at personal development. Perspective is no exception. Therefore, as teachers say, who are faced with the work on this program, there is nothing complicated in it. The main thing is that the child does not only study at school, but also at home.

Is it worth learning according to this system?

Whether or not to go to school with the Prospective Primary School program is up to each parent to decide for themselves. In any case, the child should receive primary education.

Teachers try not to leave negative comments about the Prospective Primary School program, as they will continue to work with it. But the opinions of the parents are ambiguous, some like it, some don't.

What you need to know about the Perspective program:

  • the program is designed very close to the traditional one;
  • should help the child to become independent;
  • parents will not be able to relax; throughout the entire education, the child will need their help.

A little about the "Promising elementary school"

If a student enters a primary school in the Perspective program, feedback for parents very often becomes a powerful argument to think about whether he can understand all aspects of learning.

The whole program is one large system interconnected routines. At the same time, each discipline is a separate link and is responsible for a certain direction in the activity. For many parents, feedback on the Primary School Perspective curriculum helps them assess their capabilities and their child's abilities.

  • the child must be ready to develop independently;
  • the child must comprehend and understand the basic values ​​in life;
  • it is necessary to motivate the child to learn and learn.

For many parents, these goals seem irrelevant and rather difficult for first grade students. That is why the reviews about the "Perspective" training program (primary school) are far from unambiguous. Some people like textbooks and the material presented in them, some don't. But this is true for all tutorials. Each of them has its pluses and minuses, and the task of the parents is to understand what is more.

If we consider the programs1 "Prospective primary school", grade 1, the reviews of the authors will help to understand the principles on which the entire educational process is built. What are the creators hoping for?

  1. The greatest attention is paid to personality development in this program. The child must understand which of the human values ​​should be above all.
  2. Education of patriotism. A child from childhood should be hardworking, respecting human rights and freedoms, show love for others, nature, family, and the Motherland.
  3. Combining the cultural and educational process. Protection national culture and understanding the importance of all cultures, different nations for the entire state as a whole.
  4. Self-realization of personality. The child should be able to develop independently and participate in various creative tasks.
  5. Formation of the correct point of view and general picture of the world.
  6. One of the main goals is to help the child learn to live in society with other people.

From the feedback on the Primary School Perspective program, you can understand how completely different children learn information and how adaptation goes in school. It should be noted that this largely depends on the teacher (sometimes much more than on the program).

Achievements of schoolchildren

Primary school under the "Perspective" program, reviews of employees of the Ministry of Education confirm this, contributes to the harmonious development of students.


  1. In the meta substantive results- students are quite easy to master
  2. In objective results, children learn new knowledge and try to apply it based on the general picture of the world.
  3. Personal results - students easily independently study and find the necessary material.

These are the main achievements towards which the Primary School with the Perspective program is directed. Reviews about the project are often positive, as parents notice changes in children in better side... Many become much more self-reliant.

School Program "Primary School Perspective": Feedback from Teachers

Despite the fact that the "Perspective" program appeared relatively recently, many teachers are already working on it.

Feedback on the Prospective Primary School (Grade 1) program from teachers is very important for parents. Since they work with her and know all the pitfalls that will have to be faced.

With the appearance in the learning process of a large number of school programs for primary school, it is impossible to say unequivocally which one will be better. So in "Perspective" there are both minuses and pluses.

The teacher's pluses include teaching aids for teaching lessons. They are divided into two parts, one of which contains theoretical material, in the other - a detailed lesson plan for the school curriculum "Primary School Perspective".