Bassni about kindness and mercy. Bassni New Era (I)

Basnie about good and evil ...

I decided to eradicate "Evil",
But me, friends, not lucky ...
I thought: I will wash the root of "evil"
From under the ground, and all things!
Will disappear "evil" a cunning trail
And the world will reign light!

I began to poke my nose everywhere,
To solve a simple question:
Where is this "root of evil" to find?
Where does "evil" get rich?
In which areas in which country
Source "Evil" to find more than?!

I took a shovel and scoop,
But the "root" could not dig up:
Not that he was deep
(I used to handle it easily) -
Occore forever with "evil"
Good prevented, as it came out!

Everywhere, wherever you throw a gaze -
Good and "evil" in one pattern
Woven tight balls,
Tied a nodule -
Do not break, do not break!
And the "evil" good dreams of becoming!

That for someone was "evil",
Others - is good!
And in turn good
With the "evil" bearing sometimes!
They are in a chain like two links!
How in the sea wind and wave!

I "evil" wanted to take a fly,
But "evil" said: not shoot!
I have a hidden good -
As in alloy copper silver:
It only needs to recognize -
It's time to know about it for a long time!

I raised a spear on him,
But "Evil" on the zeal of my
In response, sparkled silver:
I am an insistent alloy with good!
Alone to drive us
It is impossible ... It's time to understand!

I took a sharp knife in the kitchen,
But "evil" with good will not overcome
And the ocean of clean waters!
And everyone knows about
That "evil" with good, like light and "darkness",
Squeeze the world into one "fist"!

And by the evening, confusing with the legs,
I was such a summed up:
Good and "evil" inseparable
In its unity, never!
And we are all, and all we store,
But we always choose:
Dust with fear
From God, sky and land,
Or accept yourself, reveal
Towards light and love!

Magic flowers

In one village under the mountain
He lived grandfather Illarion;
Once sophisticated sometimes
He saved in the garden ...

So that the garden had a tidy look,
He cut off the bushes
And the neighbor lives nearby - David:
Houses stood in the joke!

Illarion highlighted
And, remembering the long-time dispute
Knitted branches threw he
Neighboring ...

Here shouted roosters,
Entering the garden David:
- These twigs are dry
Such a sad look ...

He branched the branches,
Put in the pelvis with water,
And every morning sent
Hello them is kind!

Covered branches of foliage,
Boots - no number!
That's what kind of magic
David God sent!

David glows a smile
And morning, a little light,
Illarion knocks on the door:
- Accept my gift, neighbor!

Neighbors, rejoicing colors,
Hugged and since
They (in response to their dreams)
Forgot the longtime dispute!

Path to happiness

Once a young man in the way
The sage famous met:
- Tell me where you find happiness? -
I was in the "losers" ...

Oh, everything is wrong in my affairs!
I do not see the point in the life of this!
And, defeats your former fear,
I went to wander in the light!

Say, teacher, where soul
Peace and happiness acquires?
In which country, in what edge
Soul sings, from happiness melts?

Do you believe in God?
- Yes, father! I pray for me daily!
- Excellent, friend! You're doing fine!
Bear with an inspirational prayer!

Understand: answer to your question
In your own stuffy faith -
You can, like silver,
Measure happiness with a full measure!

Happy world - inside you!
Strive to find the road to him!
Listen: Angels Tube
In your soul and glorify God!

You can change with faith
Around itself the space of the world
And in abundance to create
A dream from thought ... from "Ether"!

Connect with yourself
In the unity of sunlight
And you will be your destiny
Male in winter and summer!

You say that I lost,
And leave the battlefield ...
You are a commander, general!
You are a god! And you yourself do not know!

In your hands, the secret is big -
From "Mraka" to the light way reliable:
In connection with you
All "Impossible" - perhaps!

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of ideas about good and evil.

Planned Subject Results:

  • contribute to the proper presentation of students about good and evil;
  • disclose the Christian understanding of the main categories of "good" and "evil";
  • increase the total culture of the personality;
  • improve the skill of expressive commented reading;
  • secure knowledge about Bass, allegory, personification.

Planned metapredal results.

  • Cognitive Wood:
    • independently formulate an informative goal;
    • build messages;
    • exercise semantic reading;
    • search and Select the necessary information.
  • Regulatory Wood:
    • adequately use speech;
    • merging the method of action and its result with a benchmark;
    • allocate and formulate;
    • concentrate will to overcome intellectual difficulties.
  • Communicative Wood:
    • set questions, seek help;
    • offer assistance and cooperation;
    • negotiate the distribution of roles in joint activities;
    • build monologic statement;
    • to have a dialog;
    • carry out mutual control.

Planned Personal Results:

  • develop a sense of tolerance;
  • sweep good human qualities: sympathy, mercy;
  • develop readiness for moral self-improvement;
  • understand the meaning of faith in a person's life;
  • instilling human responsibility for the overall well-being;
  • be responsible for their actions;
    Promote spiritual and moral self-education as the need to confront evil.

Equipment:computer, screen, projector; film; church music; Distribution material: parable, commandments, texts of the Basen; statements of holy fathers; illustration.

"And the light in the darkness shines, and darkness did not argue it" (John 1.5).
Darkness of light does not like (or: does not tolerate), and evil - good . Rus.

Whoever digs will fall into it; And who will roll up the stone, to that he grows. Bible.
Good dog is better than an evil person. Rus.
To believe in good, you need to start doing it . L.N. Tough.

1. Orgmant. The welcoming word of the teacher

2. Actualization of knowledge

- How do you understand the meaning of these epigraphs?
The teacher reads the poem M.Yu. Lermontov. Russian church music sounds (traditional and new chants of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Choir "Blagovest": "Our Father" or "Lord, hear my prayer" performed by the choir "Orthodox singers").(http: //


The gates of the abode of the Holy
Standing asking the foil
Poorly withered, slightly alive
From glad, thirst and suffering.
Sliced \u200b\u200bonly bread he asked
And the eye was a living flour,
And someone put a stone
In his outstretched hand.

M. Yu. Lermontov


- How can you call the act of another person, instead of the alms of the submitted stone? What an unkind quality did he show?
Name the opposite positive quality and action that the Christian should have followed.
- What do you think about talking about a conversation today? (About good and evil)
- The topic of our lesson "Good and evil"
In all, as you wish, in order to come with people, so do you and you with them. (Gospel from Matthew, chapter 7, verse 12)
Listen to the audio recording or watch the animation film. Parable "Mercy Samaritan" ( or ...)

Answer the questions. Conversation

- Find in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov strings based on the words of the Gospel. The gospel speaks of the Son, that is, the native, close (near) man. But isn't it so for all people? Who Christians called their neighbors?

Once a person asked Jesus Christ: "Who is my neighbor?" In response to question, Christ told his parable.
She walked from Jerusalem to another city and got into the hands of the robbers. They took his clothes, wrote down and left on the road barely alive. At that time, one person went to the same way. He looked at the unfortunate and passed by. The second passerby was also accepted. But a samaritan, seeing the wounded road on the road, cleared over him. He bandaged his wounds, put on his donkey and brought to the hotel. The next day, departing, gave the owner of the hotel money and said: "Take care of this person."
After graduating to the parable, Jesus asked: "Which of these three turned out to be a neighbor who fell into the hands of the robbers?" Listening answered: "Showing him with mercy." Jesus told him: "Go, and you do the same."

Domenico Fetty

- What question was asked Christ? How did Christ answer? Who walked on the road, where and where? What happened to him? Who else went on the same road? What did everyone do them? Who turned out to be a neighbor to the affected person? Why exactly this moment depicted an artist?
Why are Christians call their neighbors every person who needs help? What is the Christian mercy manifest?
Archimandrite John Peasteankin considers this parable "by the edification of the merciful Samarynin, whose law of love was written in the heart, for which it was not close to the neighbor, not near blood, but the one who accidentally met on his life path, who exactly A minute I needed his help and love. Material from Wikipedia.
"The good quality of the soul of man is mercy. Mercy is a kind person who regrets everyone, sympathizes, forgives. Everyone refers to each, to his neighbor. By such a relation to the people of Christians, the Gospel was taught, "writes Deacon Andrei Kuraev.

3. Opening a new one.

- So what is good, and what evil?

The statements are distributed, their discussion occurs in groups, followed by a brief retelling and sounding of the main thought.

Saint Vasily Great: " Evil not live and animated essence, but the state of the soul opposite is virtuewhich is happening in the carelessness due to the disappearance of good. Therefore, do not reach evil internship, do not imagine that there is some kind of original evil nature, but everyone declares himself the most culprit of his own grievance. "
Saint Grigory Theologian: " Evil by nature depends on ourselves: injustice, ignorance, laziness, envy, murder, poison, deceptions and similar flavors that defile the soul, created in the image of creating it, perplete her beauty.

This is how one of the last righteous of the Russian land says about it, John Kronstadt: "Evil, of course, does not have a positive foundation and justification, and it could not be and should not be, but since it is, God and he wants to always pay him For the benefit and, for this purpose, temporarily populates it (with the purpose of pedagogical). You will not experience the actions of evil ... The Spirit ... Evil, ... And you do not know and you don't care how the blessings goverted to you by the Spirit are good, you will not recognize the spirit of killing, "you will not know (sometimes) and the spirit of the life-giving."

"Good creates, evil destroys. Good loves, evil hates. Good helps, Evil Topit. Good wins good, evil strength. Good joyful, evil frowns. Good beautiful, evil ugly. Good peacefully, evil hostile. Good calmly, evil annoyed. Good peace-loving, evil is joined. Good forgives, evil is malicious.
From here it becomes clear that there really is a creative force in the world - good, and destructive power - evil. Good gives rise to good, and evil destroys everything and, in the end, and itself. And this is a life fact and truth in which everyone can make sure of himself.

Christian faith puts as one of the foundations of his teaching. What you need to live by good and in Christian love. On this foundation you need to build all your life, all your affairs, all your words and all your thoughts. For all this, you need to know what good, and that evil, and be able to distinguish them, "says the abbot of the church of the SVV. Vessel. Cosmas and Damian in Shubin Archpriest

A. Borisov.

"Evil has no essence and comes from a lack of good."

Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov.

4. Fastening

A. Relying on sayings, fill in the table.

Mutual sample. Estimation.

Spiritual leaf "Road home" El. Pages:

B. Working with a textbook.

- Remember and independently give the definition of basci, personification, allegory. Compare it to the definition of the textbook. Rate the student's response.

Fable - A small product of narratives in verses or in prose with moral, satirical or ironic content. The features of a human character, actions and attitudes of people are depicted allegorically: people's relationships are replaced by animal relations or things.
Bass often ends with a brief conclusion - moral, in which the main instructive thought is clarified.

Allegory - One of the types of trails is an allegorical image of an abstract concept or a phenomenon of reality using a specific image. Allegory is often used in fables and fairy tales, where the trick is allegorically depicted in the image of fox, greed in the purity of the wolf, etc.

Elimination - One of the techniques of an artistic image, consisting in the fact that animals, objects, the phenomena of nature are endowed with human abilities and properties.

B. On the example of the Bassen, we consider who of the heroes personifies good, and who is evil.

Expressive reading Basni Pinayeva A. K. "Sophisticated".(


He lived in the courtyard ordinary dog, -
Stern master good.
And day and night, in heat, frost
He guarded everything as his own.
For many years he has come,
Weakened quickly disgrace, rumor, -
And he remained not from affairs.
The owner was rude and dry with him.
He said somehow on the winter day:
- Foolless dog! It is high time
Understand you for laziness!
And PSA was driven away from the yard.

Easy to say "soulless dog."
But who is soulless? - Here is a question!


- What is shown in the illustration? What did the owner with his aged dog, who has served him with faith and truth for many years? What is the name of his act? What unkilled qualities showed the owner of the PSA? How should a Christian be done? Who is the personification of evil?

Setting groups.Relying on the table, give the characteristic of the dog owner. Choose synonyms and antonyms for the word soulless.

How can I fix evil? Can we say that the one who creates evil sins?

Expressive reading Basni Pinaeva A.K. "Puppy and donkey". (

Puppy and Oslick

Grew in the forest on the old farm
Cheerful donkey and puppy.
The puppy was another gentle, faithful
And the donkey called his "friendship".
Two years have passed. Pensik grew up.
And the donkey became donkey.
He became important and as if mercy
Throwing "hello", having waved his tail.
It took another nine, ten years.
Our dog is noticeably aged,
But it was, as before, kind and cheerful
And helped everyone as he knew.
Donkey forgot, of course, a friend:
He is always busy, all things,
In his soul as if blizzard
All feelings went out to the bottom.
When meeting, he is already from the threshold
Not to nourish a little bit, -
Looked at the PSA arrogantly, strictly
And tormented him to mild.
In com fraction, rudeness sprouted
In that sensitivity, it is not found.

- What do you look like on the illustrations of the village and puppy? What do they think about?

G. Work with dictionaries.

- Is it possible to call vain Invalid, evil, arrogant, coarse donkey? (Look at the meaning of the word conceited in dictionaries).
- Write synonyms and antonyms to the word vanity.
- Is the evidence of evidence? Sin - Sinonym Evil. What sins were Osl? Prove. Who became the exact opposite of the donkey? What qualities need to bring up in ourselves to carry in the world of good?

Material from Wikipedia

Vanity? VIA (from vain (vain) + glory) - the desire to look good in the eyes of others, the need to confirm its superiority is sometimes accompanied by the desire to hear from other people to flattering.
Adjacent concepts are pride, fasting, star disease, pride.
Dictionary Daly about Pride
Proud - proper, arrogant, sicky; inflated, the ranging; Who puts itself higher than others (Dal).
The explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya defines vanity as a human property, expressing in a greedy search for worldly glory, striving for honor, praise, in the need to recognize the surrounding imaginary advantages, and the tendency to make good deeds for sake of praise.
The Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov determines vanity as "empty arrogance, dishes, the desire to be the subject of glory, worship."
Vanity is considered one of the pride manifestations, which is one of the main sins, called in Orthodoxy with sinful passions.
A vain person is an idolatry, although it is called believers. He thinks he honors God; But in fact pleases not God, but people.
Scripture in many places condemns the pride. For example, in the Old Testament, in the Book of Wisdom of Jesus Son Syrahov says:
The beginning of sin is pride, (Sir. 10:15 PC).
Here the Holy Scripture teaches us that the beginning of all sins is pride. It follows from this that the virtue is opposite to Gordin, humility.

D. projects are projected. Commented reading at the instructions of the teacher. How to recognize pride?

Holy Fathers about pride (Gordin). In creation, in the holy Father of our Ephraim Sirin, there is a chapter 3rd called "in the depths of pride". Nature is perfectly described there pride and the opposite virtue of humility.

In the saint of Tikhon Zadonsky, in his creations, there is such a reasoning about pride: "Premourzing sin is pride, but there is little from anyone to know, it is deep in the heart of Sokhomegen.
Signs of pride.

1. Fame, honor and praise in every way to look for.
2. Cases above their strength to start.
3. In any way to interfere with it.
4. He yourself undooked.
5. Other despise.
6. Honor having lost, indign, rap and complain.
7. Higher to be repeated.
8. Good for yourself, not God to attribute.
9. In all, to seek people. (Torture - try (Dal).
10. Other cases to rebuild.
11. Error to rise them, praise to reduce.
12. In the word and act, there is some kind of showing.
13. Corrections and admission not to love, council do not take.
14. Do not tolerate in humiliation to be, and so on. " (Creations in the holy Father of our Tikhon Zadonsky, flesh and spirit, book 1-2, p. 34).

Holy Righteous Father John Kronstadt in his diary "My life in Christ" writes like this: "Who is infected with pride, the one is tilted to render contempt, even to the subjects of the Holy and Divine: Pride is mentally destroying or desets all the good idea, the word, the matter, all Creation of God. This is a dead breath of Satan. " (Paris, 1984, p. 10).

Signs for recognition of pride (pride).

To the question: "How to recognize pride in yourself?" - Jacob, Archbishop Nizhny Novgorod, writes the following: "If you are born first of all, it's not the thought of meekly fix a mistake, others allowed, and displeasure and alentability, then you know that you are proud and proud deeply. If the slightest dishes in your affairs are saddened and suck boredom and burden, And the thought of the fishery of God, participating in our affairs, you will not have fun, then you know that you are proud and proud deeply. If you are hot to your own needs and is cold to the needs of others, then you know that you are proud and proud deeply. If at the sight of any other, at least your enemies, you have fun, and at the sight of the unexpected happiness of your neighbor sad, then you know that you are proud and proud deeply. If you are offensive for you and modest comments about your shortages, and praise of unprecedented advantages for you pleasant, delicious, know that you are proud and proud deep. "

Saint John the Distrownger writes about it like this: "The image of extreme pride is that a person for the sake of glory hypocritically shows the virtues, which in it there is no."
Proud in this stage is in a state of complete isolation. See how he talks, argues: he or not hears what they say to him, or hears only what coincides with his views; If he is spoken by something dissent with his opinions, he is angry, as of his personal resentment, mocks and fiercesly denies. In the surrounding he sees only those properties that he imposed them himself, Even in his praise, he remains proud, in himself closed, impenetrable for objective. "

Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov:

"The search for the glory of human. Boasting. The desire and quest for earth honors. Looking out beautiful clothes, crews, servants and celon things. Attention to the beauty of your face, votes and other body qualities. Location to the sciences and arts of the digestible century, the quest to have time to acquire temporary, earthly glory. Shame to confess their sins. Hiding them before people and the father of spiritual. Craftiness. Talk. Precloss. Drawing up their mind. Hypocrisy. False. Flattery. Manognos. Envy. Deposition of the Middle. The changes in the short. Pretense. Selflessness. "

Vanity It is considered one of the manifestations of pride, which is one of main sins, referred to in Orthodoxy sinful passions.

E. Creative work in a group of 2-3 minutes.

Write a mini-essay "How can I fix evil?" (on the fables of Pinayeva AK) sounds Russian church music. (Youth Choir "Oh, Pressenger Miracles Optitu Etitimate Desert" or Orthodox Hearts of the Children's Choir "Lord, Homes. Spiritual verse"). (http: //

The representative of the group reads an essay.

5. Conclusion

- Bible commandments lead people on the goodness of good, so they are of great importance for all mankind.

Indeed, the commandments help people build relations between themselves and lead the right way of life.

The student retells the commandments (homework).


1. God for all alone.
2. Do not worship idols.
3. Do not pronounce the name of God in vain.
4. Six days work, and the seventh rest.
5. Read the father and mother.
6. Do not kill.
7. Do not change - love right, devoted.
8. Do not wade.
9. Do not donosi and not LGI, do not glory, not gossip, do not condemn, and also do not believe the slanders.
10. Do not envy someone else's good, please contact what you have. Unfinished wishes are born by envy, and from unkind desires - evil deeds.

"For a successful, fruitful and right life, it is very important to know and understand that good, and what evil, in order to follow the right path. Many people tried to understand that good and that evil, but no one was clear so deeply and so truly did not define that good, and that evil, as Christianity.

6. The result of the lesson

- What and from whom the presence of evil in life depends?
- What do you think is the meaning of human life: in creating a wonderful, kind or ugly, evil?
- What should a person in his life?
- Can we change the world with you?
- What is really done in our power so that we can say about ourselves and our loved ones - yes, we go expensive good?

7. Reflection

"What did this lesson think about?"
- It was difficult…
-I understand that…

8. Homework (to choose from)

- Draw a drawing on the topic "Expenditure of Good".
- Write an essay - reasoning on the topic "Good and evil".
- find stories of writers about the good deeds of people, make a brief retelling.
- to give someone help.
- Find proverbs, statements about kindness and explain their meaning.

Basnie about good and evil ...

I decided to eradicate "Evil",
But me, friends, not lucky ...
I thought: I will wash the root of "evil"
From under the ground, and all things!
Will disappear "evil" a cunning trail
And the world will reign light!

I began to poke my nose everywhere,
To solve a simple question:
Where is this "root of evil" to find?
Where does "evil" get rich?
In which areas in which country
Source "Evil" to find more than?!

I took a shovel and scoop,
But the "root" could not dig up:
Not that he was deep
(I used to handle it easily) -
Occore forever with "evil"
Good prevented, as it came out!

Everywhere, wherever you throw a gaze -
Good and "evil" in one pattern
Woven tight balls,
Tied a nodule -
Do not break, do not break!
And the "evil" good dreams of becoming!

That for someone was "evil",
Others - is good!
And in turn good
With the "evil" bearing sometimes!
They are in a chain like two links!
How in the sea wind and wave!

I "evil" wanted to take a fly,
But "evil" said: not shoot!
I have a hidden good -
As in alloy copper silver:
It only needs to recognize -
It's time to know about it for a long time!

I raised a spear on him,
But "Evil" on the zeal of my
In response, sparkled silver:
I am an insistent alloy with good!
Alone to drive us
It is impossible ... It's time to understand!

I took a sharp knife in the kitchen,
But "evil" with good will not overcome
And the ocean of clean waters!
And everyone knows about
That "evil" with good, like light and "darkness",
Squeeze the world into one "fist"!

And by the evening, confusing with the legs,
I was such a summed up:
Good and "evil" inseparable
In its unity, never!
And we are all, and all we store,
But we always choose:
Dust with fear
From God, sky and land,
Or accept yourself, reveal
Towards light and love!

Magic flowers

In one village under the mountain
He lived grandfather Illarion;
Once sophisticated sometimes
He saved in the garden ...

So that the garden had a tidy look,
He cut off the bushes
And the neighbor lives nearby - David:
Houses stood in the joke!

Illarion highlighted
And, remembering the long-time dispute
Knitted branches threw he
Neighboring ...

Here shouted roosters,
Entering the garden David:
- These twigs are dry
Such a sad look ...

He branched the branches,
Put in the pelvis with water,
And every morning sent
Hello them is kind!

Covered branches of foliage,
Boots - no number!
That's what kind of magic
David God sent!

David glows a smile
And morning, a little light,
Illarion knocks on the door:
- Accept my gift, neighbor!

Neighbors, rejoicing colors,
Hugged and since
They (in response to their dreams)
Forgot the longtime dispute!

Path to happiness

Once a young man in the way
The sage famous met:
- Tell me where you find happiness? -
I was in the "losers" ...

Oh, everything is wrong in my affairs!
I do not see the point in the life of this!
And, defeats your former fear,
I went to wander in the light!

Say, teacher, where soul
Peace and happiness acquires?
In which country, in what edge
Soul sings, from happiness melts?

Do you believe in God?
- Yes, father! I pray for me daily!
- Excellent, friend! You're doing fine!
Bear with an inspirational prayer!

Understand: answer to your question
In your own stuffy faith -
You can, like silver,
Measure happiness with a full measure!

Happy world - inside you!
Strive to find the road to him!
Listen: Angels Tube
In your soul and glorify God!

You can change with faith
Around itself the space of the world
And in abundance to create
A dream from thought ... from "Ether"!

Connect with yourself
In the unity of sunlight
And you will be your destiny
Male in winter and summer!

You say that I lost,
And leave the battlefield ...
You are a commander, general!
You are a god! And you yourself do not know!

In your hands, the secret is big -
From "Mraka" to the light way reliable:
In connection with you
All "Impossible" - perhaps!