Primary school, program "Perspective": reviews of teachers and parents. "Perspective"

"Features of the program" Perspective "

Kuzminova Elena Vasilievna

MOU Pustynskaya OOSh

The system of textbooks "Perspective" reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy and at the same time maintains a close connection with the best traditions of classical school education.

Academic Supervisor system of textbooks "Perspektiva" since 2010 became a doctor of pedagogical sciences, laureate of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of educationL.G. Peterson .

The advantages of teaching according to the system of textbooks for elementary school "Perspektiva" is that,the nature of the construction of educational material allows each student to maintain and develop interest in discovering and learning new things. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a form that the cognitive activity, cognitive interest and curiosity of the child develop into a need to learn new things, to learn independently. The student at each lesson, as it were, reveals the content of future topics.

Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking child, his imagination, intuition. In the textbooks, theoretical material is systematically built, to which practical, research and creative tasks are proposed,

Much attention in the system "Perspective" is given to artistic design of textbooks and teaching aids, modern design, excellent quality of printing, "warm" and "smiling" illustration: And relevant to modern standards, the content of teaching aids, systematically and clearly presented.
This and diversity interesting views work, as for independent search work: "quizzes", riddles, logical tasks with the participation of cartoon characters, fairy tales, using geometric and graphic material, tables, and for cooperation with classmates (“do the work in pairs”), with the family (“find out from your grandmother, “tell your parents”).

In addition, all publicationsa navigation system is used to help the child navigate educational material, and creates conditions for the inclusion of parents in the learning process.

And the presence of workbooks on the outside world, the Russian language, technology allows you to increase the pace of the lesson and its productivity.

The system of textbooks for elementary school "Perspektiva" was created in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

A large number of developmental tasks are presented in the EMC (“Compare, prove why it is so, what do you know, think, remember, find ...”), which allows you to build the educational process in a problematic and research way. In the lessons on the world around and at home, each student will be able to generalize and supplement their knowledge using the section "Behind the pages of the textbook"

In 2011, electronic supplements to L.F. Klimanova's textbook "ABC", "Russian language" and to N.I. Rogovtseva's textbook "Technology" were published in the system of textbooks "Perspektiva".

Thus, the textbooks of the program "Perspective":

    do not give ready-made knowledge, but teach children to think, provide evidence, draw conclusions;

    educate children in the spirit of traditional spiritual and moral values: love for the Motherland, for its history, for nature, for their loved ones;

    correspond to all the principles of didactics: scientific character, connection of learning with life, nurturing learning, developing learning, systematic, conscientiousness, visibility, accessibility.

The textbook "ABC" for the 1st grade by L.F. Klimanova and S.G. Makeeva is compiled in the best traditions of domestic alphabet writing.
As in most modern alphabets, teaching in this textbook is divided into pre-letter, alphabetic and post-alphabetic periods (the authors named them as preparatory, basic and generalizing periods).

Game methods are also widely used: charades, puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles, making words from "lotto" syllables.

When considering the concept of a syllable, the authors abandoned the classification of syllables (syllables-mergers, letters outside of mergers, open, closed syllables, etc.). At the same time, the classification of consonants according to hardness-softness and the identification of their opposition on the model of not only the syllable, but also a whole word (mouse - bear, cat - whale, chalk - mayor, scrap - flax, nose - carried). The same can be said about the opposition of voiced and deaf consonants (mountain - bark, tooth - soup, volume - house, awl - lived). The results of the consideration of these oppositions are recorded in the tablets."Knots for memory" (p.77, 91, 108-109 in Part I and p.22-23, 44-45, 68-69 in Part II). In general, these tablets resemble those in the Russian alphabet.

A characteristic feature of the textbook is that lexical work is constantly, purposefully, but not intrusively, carried out on homonyms (onion - onion), homoforms (washed - washed), homographs (castle - castle), homonymy of roots (goose - goose - caterpillar), ambiguity (spruce needles, hedgehog and sewing needles), thematic groups of words (jackdaw - magpie - oriole, aster - iris - primrose, marmot - gopher - rat), antonyms (easy - difficult), nests of single-root words (snow - snowball - snowballs - snowflakes), phraseological units (winter on the nose, chop on your nose).

Attention is also paid to the study of spelling. Traditionally, during the period of literacy, the spelling of capital letters is given at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names, the spelling of the combinations JI-SHI, CHA-SCHA, CHU-SCHU. This material is presented in this textbook.

Words and texts used as illustrative and training material in the main section of the alphabet are available for perception by first graders. Widely used Russian proverbs, sayings, riddles, tongue twisters, texts of Russian classical children's literature (V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, A.K. Tolstoy, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Fet, V. Maikov , K.D. Ushinsky, works of poets and prose writers of the twentieth century - S. Marshak, A. Barto, D. Kharms, B. Zakhoder, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova, N. Matveeva and others and popular science articles .Bianchi, N.Sladkova and A.Pleshakova)

Minuses: (unlike the Russian ABC of Goretsky) there are very few plot pictures that would not interfere with the development of speech. Therefore, it is necessary to select pictures with plots for the lesson.

Recipe Copybook 1 “Draw, think, tell” (authors L.F. Klimanova, V.I. Romanina, L.N. Boreyko) is intended for work in the pre-letter period, copybooks 2 and 3 “My alphabet” (author L.F. Klimanova) - in alphabetical and copybook 4 "I write beautifully" (authors L.F. Klimanova and L.Ya. Zheltovskaya) - in the post-alphabetic period.

Of particular interest is prescription 1 “Draw, think, tell”, which is designed to train fine motor skills of the hand and eye as preparatory exercises to writing letters. Here are all the necessarytypes of work: various hatching , tracing and coloring drawings, writing out elements block letters . But apart from this purely utilitarian function,prescriptions contribute to the development of spatial and temporal perception of the surrounding world. Children should reflect on the concepts: what is the center of a square and a circle, which object is larger and which is smaller, which path is longer and which is shorter, where the direction is to the right and where to the left, which objects are similar and which are different. Children learn to compare, compare, group, distinguish, practically get acquainted with the concept of a set and its elements.

Recipe "My alphabet" in two parts also contains a number of interesting findings. Given the great complexity of the writing process for first graders,the author introduces game moments: rebuses, sections "Riddles of words", metatheses (composing words by rearranging syllables), adding "lost" elements of letters, "letter mosaic" (composing letters from disparate elements), chainwords, coloring.

Much attention is paid to the varietywork with sound-letter schemes of words. Vocabulary is not forgotten either: exercises are given to determine the polysemy of words, homonyms, and to compose thematic groups of words. Quite often, exercises are given to develop speech: compiling sentences and texts with the inclusion of the studied words.

The copybook "I write beautifully" is intended for further development of calligraphy skills. Writing assignments are much more difficult. This is the writing of whole phrases, proverbs, answers to questions, stories. In the final lessons, this is writing notes and letters, that is, the practical assimilation of such a communicative-oriented genre as epistolary.

Textbook " The world» A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya DESIGNED FOR THE CHILD. This is a textbook ABOUT THE CHILD and HIS WORLD.
A distinctive feature of the textbook is the presentation of the world not as a separate object of study, but through personal perception: the world of your family, the world of your class, the natural world of your yard, the world of your school, your Motherland.

Most of the information to be studied is entered inductively,through observation, photo matching, task completion, and the information itself is given at the end of the lesson as a conclusion, the result of students' reflections. This information is presented simply, clearly, clearly, understandably by first-graders. Inductive and problem-based approaches, which require children to think and prove, contribute to the development of their thinking and speech.
The textbook is richly illustrated with photographs, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists and drawings specially made for this edition.

The main advantage of the textbook “Technology: man, nature, technology” by N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, I.P. to children who not only learn to make crafts with their own hands, but study the basics of their manufacturing technology, that is, the features of materials, the stages of preparatory work, the stages of work, design features. The textbook is addressed to the children of the 21st century, who live in different sociocultural conditions than the children of the 20th century, and is designed to prepare them as versatile and competitive citizens who possess not only labor skills, but also technological thinking. And the fact that the authors propose to develop such thinking from the very first days of schooling increases the relevance and significance of this textbook.
The textbook of technology is also connected with the textbooks "ABC", "Russian language", "Literary reading", included in the line of teaching materials "Perspective". This is evidenced by the fact that this textbook opens with a similar section "Let's get to know each other", a dialogical way of presenting information, the presence of the same constant characters Anya, Vanya and Sovenok, the inclusion of proverbs, poems, riddles, information on the history of writing and other ways of communicating people in the textbook .

Textbook structure"Mathematics" L.G. Peterson savestraditional lesson structure , which helps the teacher to plan and determine the purpose of the lesson.
starts with a pre-number period , in which attention is focused oncomparing and counting objects , development of spatial and temporal representations . Introduced new topic Sets and actions on them ", which is the implementation of the" set-theoretic approach to the introduction of the basic concepts of "number", "value", "figure".
The study of the numbering of numbers from 1 to 10 is associated with geometric material. This approach is logically justified. Numbers and digits are entered sequentially one by one in accordance with their place in the natural series of numbers.
learning how to add and subtract within 10 the authors entered the workwith a number line. This allows you to clearly explain the calculation algorithm to children.

Textbook "Mathematics" for grade 1 author L. G. Peterson of the developing type. Its content is mainly aimed at the intellectual development of younger students, the formation of culture and independence of thought. In the elementary grades, especially in the first, ways are just beginning to take shape. academic work. Therefore, a continuous clear line is needed, aimed at developing attention, observation, memory, the ability to analyze, compare, and find patterns. This line, it seems to me, is visible in this tutorial.
Before studying the number, a lot of work is done with the concept of "set", "element of the set", which allows children to more easily learn the order of numbers, and the meaning of addition and subtraction.

The textbook is distinguished by a thoroughly thought-out work with a text task. Before the introduction of the term “task”, purposeful preparatory work can be traced. Children learn to compose stories first in pairs, then in triple pictures, they see the key words. By the time the term “task” is introduced, students already understand the meaning and structure of the task. In grade 1, students simple tasks to find the sum, remainder, unknown term, increase (decrease) the number by several units, difference comparison and compound tasks in 2 steps.
The manual studies the numbering of the numbers of the first and second tens, addition and subtraction of numbers within 20 without transition and with the transition through a dozen. However, arithmetic operations are considered more widely: subtraction of two-digit numbers, addition and subtraction of segments, addition and subtraction of quantities are introduced. Thus, both the numerical and geometric lines are studied more thoroughly.
L.G. Peterson's textbook is published complete with "Independent and control work", which material helps to test skills and abilities.
+++ The tutorial contains big number a variety of exercises of a developing nature, contains all the necessary information in mathematics, is compiled taking into account age characteristics, and contributes to the development of the mental and creative abilities of students.

development logical thinking a fairly large number of tasks "for consideration" ("Olympiad" type) and for the compilation of tasks also contribute.
In the second half of the year, work continues on adding and subtracting the numbers of the first, and then the second ten, including the transition through the ten, which corresponds to the traditional approach to compiling textbooks for grade 1. According to the material, the concepts of difference comparison, mass and units of its measurement, terms and sum, displacement property of addition, reduced, subtracted and difference, two-digit numbers, decimeter and transition through ten are introduced. When solving examples and problems, much attention is paid to the understanding of calculation algorithms, to the search for the most rational ways for solving problems by children, to the development of the eye and the muscular sensation of weight. The number of non-trivial tasks also increases (subject to the main psychological requirement of moving from simple to complex in the formation of skills).

Big plus is that a mathematics textbook is a textbook-notebook.

Minuses: In the free sale of methodological kits, notebooks, didactic materials can not found. There are "strange" problems that cannot be solved.

Diagnostics (September-December), observation in the classroom and after school hours, during the first half of the year, showed an increase in the levels of development of cognitive interest and cognitive abilities in general.
An analysis of the results obtained allows us to speak about the growth of educational motivation among first-graders. A positive dynamics in the development of cognitive processes is visible: an increase in the levels of development of thinking, memory, attention

stable high level psychological comfort, working capacity during the school day, emotionally positive perception of teaching materials "Perspektiva" by students, suggest that study guides meet health requirements. The richness of educational and visual material, the variety of types of tasks, sources of information, their developmental orientation, age-related conditionality makes it possible for the teacher to widely use communication, dialogue, health-saving and other student-centered technologies in the classroom, which is the key to positive trends in all areas of the educational process in the future. .

Hello again! Tired of studying? Not confused in their names and authors? Can you take another one? I want to finally put an end to this issue, but not having completed the study in full, I am not ready to do so. So take heart: today we are discussing the training program Perspective.

Lesson plan:

Another traditional project

The "Perspective" set refers to the traditional system of education in elementary school, and it was developed in 2006 during the formation of the first stage of education.

The educational materials were prepared on the initiative of the author of the project, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Lyudmila Peterson, together with the Prosveshchenie publishing house. Scientists from academies of education and sciences, practicing teachers and methodologists took part in the "promising" project.

As befits any methodological kit used in educational process at school, "Perspective" in its composition has everything you need:

  • alphabet for grade 1 L. Klemanova and the same author Russian;
  • mathematician G. Dorofeev;
  • literature by V. Goretsky;
  • computer science T. Rudnichenko;
  • "environment" by A. Pleshakov;
  • technology of N. Rogovtseva;
  • physical education at the choice of a teacher: either A. Matveeva, or I. Viner;
  • ART by T. Shpikalova;
  • music by E. Kritskaya;
  • fundamentals of religion and ethics in the areas of different cultures.

"Perspective" offers the study of as many as four foreign languages:

  • English in standard or advanced programs, as well as in the course "In Focus" or "Star";
  • Spanish and German according to the classical program;
  • French either at the rate "Your friend ..." or "In the future."

It should be noted that, like many other educational sets of school educational programs, in 2014 Perspektivny faced the problem of obtaining recommendations from the Ministry of Education. The textbooks on mathematics and religion were called into question.

As a result, the mathematical work of L. Peterson "Learning to learn" was replaced, and materials on the study of religions in grades 4-5 were finalized. UMC "Perspektiva" passed the necessary approvals in its entirety.

Long-term goals, or how and what the program teaches

As the basis of her educational project, Lyudmila Peterson took the system of the activity approach developed by her, for which she once received the award of the President of the Russian Federation. Wisely said.

In fact, everything is simple: this is another attempt to combine schooling the developing approach already familiar to us and the established classics through the universal skills to set goals, solve problems and be responsible for the results.

The task of such education at school is not to give ready-made information, but to teach the child to discover new knowledge on his own. “I hear - I forget, I see - I remember, I do - I assimilate” - this, I remember, we have already gone through.

As a result of this activity methodology, the Perspektiva educational kit has several directions around which the entire educational “perspective” process revolves:

All of the above areas of student development embodied the ideas of the authors in thematic educational materials: “My planet is the Earth”, “My country is my Fatherland”, “My family is my world”, “Nature and culture is the environment of our life”.

Pros and Cons of Perspective Learning

There are actually not so many reviews on "Perspective", but I noted for myself that there is not much categorical criticism, as in other educational programs, for example, in.

“... they didn’t like the copybooks: after writing from line to line, it is problematic for first-graders to subsequently decide in a notebook with the size of the letters: capital and capital letters are written the same way ...”,

"... mathematics first studies the multiplication table, without giving the concept of numbers up to 100 ...",

“... how to teach children to read and write if there are mistakes in the ABC?”,

“…exercises in textbooks do not correspond to the topics…”.

But the textbooks for the next grades 3 and 4 are quite suitable for teachers:

"... an interesting world around, but often the help of parents is required ...",

“... mathematics is designed for different children: it is interesting for weak and strong at the same time to work, problems are well presented, one topic involves solving them from 4 to 6 pieces per lesson, strong children can try their hand at solving Olympiad tasks ...”.

Parents' opinions are presented dryly and in a nutshell boil down to the fact that children in the 1st grade are given very little in writing, I would like more, and Dorofeev's mathematics is simple and boring for those who would like to master knowledge at a higher level.

Most of all, parents of schoolchildren are concerned about the continuity of the program during the transition to the secondary level, since it is designed only for primary school.

It was not so easy to express all the pros and cons. Those who want to be “promising” do it, it turns out, almost inaudibly. Such, let's say, a neutral program, not asking for compliments, but also not subject to strong criticisms.

Perhaps being a "gray cardinal" is not so bad as you think?

I hope that I have helped you a little to understand the complexity of the many educational programs for elementary education. I think this can be put to rest. I say goodbye to you, but not for long.

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

The work program "Perspective" is quite popular in schools today. All textbooks are included in the Federal State Educational Standard. In this section of the site, you can download and print textbooks, workbooks on a printed basis for free, teaching aids under the program "Perspective" for elementary grades (grades 1,2,3,4).

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 1 part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

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  • GDZ Russian language workbook Grade 3 Part 2 Klimanov, Babushkina

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  • GDZ Mathematics grade 4 workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚✍

    On this page GDZ to the second part of the workbook in mathematics for grade 4, the authors of which are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. This is the program "Perspective", the style of the notebook is already familiar to everyone who studies from it. In the same way as in the previous ones, tasks and examples are given, and you need to enter the answers in the boxes or in the empty spaces. Unlike a textbook, tasks in a workbook are much simpler, they take less time to complete, and you can even do without a solution book, with the exception of a few difficult tasks that Dorofeev suggests that fourth-graders complete on their own, but even parents cannot do it.

  • GDZ Russian language textbook grade 4 part 1 Klimanov, Babushkin. Answers to tasks ✍

    Anyone who studies by perspective is familiar with this series of textbooks on the subject of the Russian language, the authors of which are Klimanova and Babushkina. The fourth grade was no exception, the same authors are with us again and give us new tasks. But we are with you - GDZ for 7 gurus, so it will be much easier to do exercises in the Russian language. We have only the correct answers to the tasks.

  • GDZ Russian language workbook Grade 3 Part 1 Klimanov, Babushkina ✍

    I’ll start again and again with the fact that although these printed Russian language exercise books are provided for by the Perspektiva program, they don’t allocate money to the school and parents are forced to buy exercise books at their own expense. They cost a lot, 250-300 rubles for 1 part, but there is not much sense in them. Therefore, parents, together with the teacher, often decide not to buy the workbooks of the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. In this case, the teacher prints out and gives the children any other tasks, except for the exercises of the textbook. But if suddenly your class is a rare exception that works on notebooks on a printed basis, then these GDZs are for you. I will clarify that the answers are for parents to check their child's homework.

  • GDZ Mathematics Grade 4 textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚✍

    Those schoolchildren who continue or for some reason started studying under the Perspektiva program in the fourth grade again meet with textbooks by authors with already known names Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. The program becomes more complicated, but not too much. The textbook begins with a repetition of what was covered in the third grade as part of operations with numbers from 100 to 1000. Half of the textbook is occupied by the study of rational methods of calculation, such as grouping terms, multiplication by a column, and tasks for finding the unknown by two sums are considered. From the second half of the first part of the textbook for the fourth grade, we begin to work with numbers greater than 1000. The tasks are not difficult, but the GDZ will come in handy for verification.

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  • GDZ Mathematics grade 4 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚✍

    If you continue to study under the "Perspective" program in the current academic year, then we have a joyful prospect for you: check your homework with our correct GDZ. Dear parents, this is for you if you are still checking your child's lessons, and for you, fourth-grade students, if you are already so independent that you do your homework and check your answers using the solution book. On this page GDZ to the first part of the workbook in mathematics for grade 4, the authors of which are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka.

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 3 textbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks

    Ready homework for the textbook Mathematics Grade 3, its first part, according to the program Perspective. The authors of the textbook are Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. What we will go through the textbook: these are again numbers from 0 to 100. There will be addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Children will repeat the values ​​​​and how to translate them into each other, practice solving problems.

  • GDZ Literary reading Grade 2. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

    GDZ "Literary reading" Grade 2. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti. Creative notebook "Literary reading" for grade 2, authors Klimanov, Koti, keeps pace with textbooks under the Perspective program. The tasks are mostly creative, and the answers must be creative - these are your own thoughts, proverbs, sayings. You can take from our GDZ on 7gurus, so as not to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary statements.

  • GDZ Literary reading grade 4. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti ✍

    GDZ "Literary reading" Grade 4. Creative notebook with answers. Klimanova, Koti.

  • Examinations in mathematics Grade 4 "Perspective"

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  • GDZ Russian language grade 2 textbook part 2. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks ✍

    In the "Perspective" program of the elementary school, the reference book for students in the subject of the Russian language is the textbook by the authors Klimanova and Babushkina. We continue to work with textbooks and workbooks of these authors. The program is becoming more and more complex, in the second part you will already look more and more often at our GDZ. We hope that you will quickly figure it out and find the answers you need. We offer you the GDZ for the textbook Russian language grade 2, to its second part on this page of the GDZ for 7 gurus.

  • GDZ "Mathematics Grade 3". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚✍

    Reshebnik in mathematics for the program Perspective for grade 3. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for a workbook for grade 3, the second part of the workbook, its authors, like the first, are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers are checked and approved by the primary school teacher.

  • GDZ "Mathematics Grade 2". Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    We continue to study mathematics according to the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by the authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buka. In this semester, we will learn to count in tens, find out what round numbers are, go through the topic of forming numbers more than twenty, and learn how to easily operate with two-digit numbers. There will be fewer ingenious tasks common to Dorofeev in this workbook. The tasks are quite simple, and in principle, a solution book as such is not needed. But still, if parents are responsible for the preparation of homework by the child and there is a need to check his answers with the GDZ, then you are welcome to our solution book.

  • GDZ "World around 4th grade". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

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  • GDZ "Russian language grade 3". Textbook part 1. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks

    Ready-made homework assignments on the subject "Russian Language Grade 3" for part 1 of the textbook (authors of the textbook Klimanov, Babushkina) continue the GDZ series under the "Perspective" program. In the textbook for the third grade there is both a repetition and deepening of knowledge for the 2nd grade, as well as new material, new rules and exercises to consolidate them. The assignments are getting bigger and more complex, and it may not be so easy for parents to figure out if their child has done the homework correctly. It was then that the GDZ came to the rescue - ready-made homework.

  • Write down on a separate sheet a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object - this is one of the creative tasks in the subject "The World Around" Grade 4 according to Pleshakov's textbook. And if everything is clear with the first part of the task, namely, you can write any fairy tale with the participation of plants and animals, then problems may arise with the second. Namely, the teacher will appreciate folk legends about the origin of the name of a natural object higher than a fairy tale about a turnip or tops and roots rewritten from a book. Any region is rich in gifts, let's get acquainted with some of them.

  • To correctly write the test, we will repeat the topic. Homogeneous are members of a sentence that answer the same question, refer to the same member of the sentence and perform the same syntactic function (i.e., occupy the position of one member of the sentence). All members of the sentence can be homogeneous: subjects, predicates, definitions, additions, circumstances. Most often, homogeneous members of a sentence are expressed in words of one part of speech, but such homogeneous members are also possible, which are expressed in words different parts speech, phrases and phraseological units (but this clarification is not studied in grade 3).

  • Biography of Vitaly Bianchi for children

  • GDZ Russian language Grade 2 workbook part 2. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks

    The second part of the Russian language workbook for grade 2 by Klimanov and Babushkin does not differ in complexity from the first. The tasks are quite simple, but sometimes creative, which puts the parents involved in the preparation and verification of the child's homework to a standstill. Sometimes you just need to check in and make sure you're on the right way, and our GDZ, that is, ready-made homework, will help you with this. Workbook for the current academic year, all tasks are relevant and the answers are checked by the primary school teacher.

  • "Swing chair and sandbox" technology grade 3

    The Perspective Technology Tutorial is full of interesting tutorials. But the fact is that the authors of the textbook successfully scanned them from somewhere, without going into details, whether they drew everything there correctly or not. Without a textbook, and technology textbooks are not issued in most schools, it is even more difficult to figure it out. Here, for example, is the theme for the 3rd grade "Rocking Chair and Sandbox". There is only a rectangle from the rocking chair and it is said that this is only 1/2 at all, that is, a half. How is a child without a textbook supposed to know what such a wild rocking chair is? We are going to help you, there will be a rocking chair and a sandbox with a fungus.

  • Verification, tests and tests in literary reading Grade 3, program Perspective

    Verification and control works in literary reading for grade 3 under the Perspective program, as well as the final control care for the year.

  • Control dictations for grade 3 under the program "Perspective"

    KIMS ( control dictations) according to the manual " Lesson developments in Russian, Perspektiva program, Grade 3.

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 1 part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks 📚✍

    Let's make a reservation right away that this textbook is suitable for children who are completely unfamiliar with numbers and poorly familiar with counting, and such children are, to be honest, a rarity in our time. Of course, those parents who are for "the same Soviet education system" that gave everything from scratch and at school the child really learned to read, write and count will be delighted. So whether this is good or bad is debatable. But if your child is to learn from Perspective, then take everything as it is. Actually, the solution for this 1st grade math textbook, especially for part 1, should not be useful to you and your child, unless there is absolutely no time to "think". But still, we publish.

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 2 part 1 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks 📚

    Here we are, finally, and finished our studies safely up to the second grade. The lessons started again and again they are homework. To make doing homework with your child and checking answers much easier, you can use our ready-made math homework assignments in the form of a solution book. GDZ in this section of the site 7gurus to the textbook of mathematics for grade 2, to its first part. Textbook of the current year of publication. Authors G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Program Perspective.

  • GDZ Mathematics grade 3 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    At the request of many students and their parents, we are publishing a mathematics solution book for the Perspektiva program for grade 3. These are ready-made homework assignments in mathematics for a workbook for grade 3, or rather the first part of it, the authors of which are G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova, T.B. Buka. Workbook for the current academic year. All answers are checked and approved by the primary school teacher.

  • GDZ Russian language Grade 2 workbook part 1. Klimanov, Babushkina. Answers to tasks

    Ready-made homework assignments on the subject of the Russian language for grade 2 for the first part of the workbook under the perspective program, authors L.F. Klimanov, T.V. Babushkina for the current academic year will help check the child’s answers without spending a lot of time for busy parents.

  • Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov ... Determine the color of Ryzhov's hair (or each)

    Three friends met in the cafe: Belov, Chernov and Ryzhov. "It's amazing that one of us is blond, the other is brunette, the third is red, and at the same time, none of us has a hair color that matches the last name," the black-haired man remarked. "You're right," Belov said. Determine the color of Ryzhov's hair.

  • GDZ Mathematics Grade 2 workbook part 1. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    So our students moved to the second grade. We continue to study the mathematics course under the Perspective program, textbooks and workbooks by the authors Dorofeev, Mirakov, Buka, and those who suddenly switched to this program for some reason will get acquainted with them. The tasks are quite simple, except for a few inadequate "developmental" tasks, which not only many students, but also their very smart parents, as well as grandparents, are unable to solve. Good, good teacher detailed solution and the ability to solve such ingenious puzzles does not ask, the answer written off from the Internet is enough, of course, if you are not going to make a great mathematician out of your child. But, for those who are interested, we solved not only simple tasks and give you answers to them, but those very tricky tasks are given in our solution book with a detailed solution.

  • This is a rather stupid creative notebook in the opinion of many elementary school teachers, and therefore most do not even buy them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go over this creative notebook briefly, without stops and special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook is for a textbook on literary reading for grade 3 under the Perspective program, author T.Yu.Koti, who, apparently, composed half of the assignments and poems right there on the go.

  • GDZ "World around 4th grade". Workbook 1 part. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality finished homework assignments under the Perspektiva program. This time in the field of view there will be a solution book on the subject of the world around us for grade 4. The authors of the textbook and workbook are Pleshakov and Novitskaya. The world around is the lesson where there is a place for creativity, where a child needs to find a lot of material himself in books and other additional sources, and this, as a rule, takes a lot of time, and it takes a whole day to prepare for the lesson. That is why we have prepared homework for you. Now it will be much easier to do the lessons, because all the answers are collected on one page and you don’t have to go through a bunch of sites to find the right answers to the tasks. Our GDZs are tested and approved by the elementary school teacher.

  • Comprehensive final test work 1, 2, 3, 4 class GEF

    Our administration is very fond of giving children administrative comprehensive test papers every school year. In principle, the choice is correct. Complex work tests knowledge in all subjects at once, the ability to analyze, think and draw conclusions. It is evaluated in points - it is easy to trace the statistics throughout the region. It is a pity that in the middle of the year no complex work is given, and some children get lost when they see such tasks, which affects the results not in better side. Here are examples of such complex works.

  • GDZ Mathematics textbook grade 2 part 2 Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Reshebnik, ready-made answers to tasks

    Mathematics Grade 2 Part 2, authors Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. UMK Perspective. The tasks in the textbook are quite simple, but due to the numerous requests of students and their parents, we publish a solution book for you with answers to these tasks. Ready-made homework assignments will help a second-grade student in self-examination, and parents in checking their child's homework.

  • Examinations were compiled for the textbook by G.V. Dorofeeva, T.N. Mirakova "Mathematics Grade 2" UMK "Perspective". At the beginning of the page, there are options for tests compiled by primary school teachers, at the end - options for tests from the compiler of the mathematics textbook UMK Perspektiva - Dorofeev.

  • Variants of test papers on literary reading for grade 2, UMK Perspektiva. Partly on the knowledge of the program, partly on logic and attentiveness. Tests will help in preparing for a unified verification work in the 4th grade, because it is also given in the form of tests.

  • GDZ "Write beautifully" workbook grade 1 Klimanov, Abramov. Answers to tasks 📚

    Ready-made homework for a workbook on the subject of the Russian language "Write beautifully" for grade 1. Authors L.F. Klimanova, A.V. Abramov. It is well known how difficult it is for children to write. So, the children have already studied the alphabet, the notebooks "My alphabet" have finished. Interesting and entertaining tasks of the notebook "Write beautifully" are designed to help first graders master a beautiful written font. The tasks are quite simple, but still sometimes cause difficulties in preparing homework, primarily because on some pages it is not entirely clear what the authors of the notebook had in mind. All answers are checked and approved by the primary school teacher.

  • GDZ "World around 3rd class". Workbook part 2. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Ready-made homework with answers to the second part of the workbook on the subject of the World around, Grade 3. The authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Perspective program. The solution will be useful to every third-grade student who studies according to Pleshakov and Novitskaya, because in the workbook there are not only tasks for knowledge and logic, but often you just need to find this or that information, answers to tasks in the literature or the Internet, and you can easily find all this is with us, on the 7guru website. The answers have been checked and approved by the elementary school teacher. With us you will do all your homework easily, simply and on one five.

  • GDZ "World around 3rd class". Workbook 1 part. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    Answers to tasks in the workbook on the subject of the world around for grade 3, part 1 of the workbook, authors Pleshakov and Novitskaya, program Perspective. The guide will help you with your homework. The workbook is organized in the same style as for the previous grades 1 and 2 (the answers to them are also on our website), but the tasks, which is logical, are more complex, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find answers to them. Our ready-made homework assignments will help you navigate the world around you and do your homework easily and for 5 plus!

  • Horse made of cardboard and thread with moving parts with video. Lesson technology grade 2

    This is not just a horse, it is a horse with moving parts, a twitch horse. You pull the thread, and she seems to be running, raising her legs high and lifting her fluffy tail. The manufacture of such crafts is included in the Perspective program, a technology notebook for grade 2. But not every second grade student will understand without detailed instructions how to make such a craft, where to thread the threads so that the horse runs. Now we will understand everything: from what and how to cut, how to fasten, how to give the horse movement. At the end of the instructions - detailed video about how to correctly connect the moving parts of the figure.

  • Workbook "The world around" for the second grade, part two, TMC "Perspective", the authors of the notebook - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya. If the first part was entirely devoted to autumn, it is logical that the second should cover winter, spring and summer. Yes, there are many pages about winter and spring, but the topics exactly repeat 1 part of the workbook. It is a little unclear why 3 times per academic year to teach the constellations of the starry sky or the same birds, but the authors of the textbook ordered that. There are only a couple of pages about summer, although, you see, this time of the year is almost one of the most wonderful and remarkable. Our solution contains all the answers to the tasks for the second part of the workbook on the world around us for grade 2 in Perspective. All answers are checked by the primary school teacher. For many tasks you can find an extended answer or presentation on the pages of our website.

  • These tasks are found in Pleshakov's textbooks on the world around him for grade 2, and in the first and second parts of the Perspective and School of Russia programs. The tasks are quite difficult, but we will help you find the answers on this page. Tasks perfectly develop the child's ideas about the world around them, allow you to look for logical connections between the names of the months and natural phenomena or the work of people in spring, winter, summer and autumn. Naturally, when performing this task, one cannot do without additional literature or an Internet source. Tell the child the old names of the months, but do not immediately explain why people called it that way, let him think and find the answer.

  • GDZ "World around 1 class". Workbook second part. Pleshakov, Novitskaya. Answers to tasks, solution book

    The second part of Pleshakov's workbook on the world around him for the first grade, the Perspective program is a continuation of the first part. The notebook harmoniously complements the first. Assignments are no less complex, but no less simple, and there are also such as everywhere by Pleshakov, where you need to use his books "Green Pages" and "Giant in the Glade". Thanks to our answers to the assignments for this workbook, the process of learning and preparing homework will take place with the least loss of time, because the world around us is one of those primary school subjects where the main thing is not the ability to think logically, but the ability to search for material. Congratulations, you have found it :)

  • Atlas guide to animals "From earth to sky" for textbooks Pleshakov. Insects, spiders, birds, fish, animals.

    In the atlas to Pleshakov's textbooks, almost the entire animal world from small insects to large mammals. The child will learn to identify animals from pictures, remember their names, learn to divide animals into groups, that is, classify them. The atlas will be an excellent assistant in preparing lessons on the subject of the world around us in grades 1-2 of elementary school, especially under the program Perspective and School of Russia, which are built on Pleshakov's textbooks and in them he often refers to the search for material in the atlas-determinant "From the earth to sky".

  • GDZ "My alphabet" copybook 1 class Klimanov, Abramov, Pudikova. Answers to tasks 📚

    "My alphabet" copybook class 1 Klimanov, Abramov, Pudikova. Let me start by saying that the writing is good. Not without flaws, of course, but in general, they put handwriting well, provided correct use. In the first part, we train to write capital letters, gradually move on to writing letter combinations and words. There are many tasks where you need to circle letters and even whole sentences, and this is where the catch lies. If a child circles thoughtlessly, not in order, but in the order in which he pleases (for example, from the end), he will not develop a beautiful handwriting. It is very important that the first-grader circles in order and pronounces each letter aloud, so the hand-brain connection will be formed, concentration of attention will improve, the child will subsequently not skip or replace letters in words due to inattention.

  • GDZ "Mathematics" Grade 1. Workbook part 2. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka. Ready-made answers to tasks, a solution book 📚

    Workbook "Mathematics Grade 1" ed. Dorofeev, Mirakova, Buka, enlightenment publishing house, the second part of the solution book with answers to assignments. As usual, some tasks surprise not only children, but also parents, but will it still be when you prepare homework with your child in grade 2 according to the same Dorofeev, no, no, and they will throw a puzzle for the mind. But don’t worry, we’ll figure everything out in order, because we publish not only a solution book, but also explanations for the most difficult tasks in this workbook. And, like all our GDZs, these answers are also checked and approved by the elementary school teacher.

  • GDZ "Russian language grade 1". Workbook. Klimanov. Answers to tasks 📚

    It seems that everything is simple - the first notebook in the Russian language after copybooks. But after all, this is the Perspective program, authored by Klimanov, so the workbook will certainly contain flaws and confuse the minds of not only children - grade 1 students, but, of course, their parents. We will understand this workbook together under the guidance of a primary school teacher, who, by the way, checked and approved all the pages of the GDZ.

  • Atlas-determinant of mushrooms and lichens "From earth to sky"

    Pleshakov, the author of textbooks and workbooks on the subject of the world around the programs Perspective and School of Russia, constantly gives assignments to look at the information in the atlas "From Earth to Sky". But what if you don't have an atlas? The way out is easy! View this information in our atlas. The topic of mushrooms and lichens is studied already in the 2nd grade of elementary school. The identification atlas is made up of the most common mushrooms growing in Russia, it is perfect for identifying mushrooms in the forest (outside of school), it is easy to find out from it whether a mushroom is edible or inedible in front of you.

    The child is introduced to the professions in kindergarten, and in the primary grades of the school this knowledge is expanded and consolidated. Of course, it is impossible to cover all the professions that exist in the world, but the child should know about the main ones - this is a doctor, teacher, pilot, cook, carpenter, engineer and others. But, which is not surprising in our age of computer technology, now many children want to become programmers in order to make games. Well, a good profession, but you need to realize what qualities will be required for success in this field. Discuss all these points and encourages the task of the teacher in the subject of the world around us to write a report or presentation about future profession chosen by the child.

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The main feature of the complex is that work on its creation was carried out in parallel with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education(FGOS), the requirements of which have found their theoretical and practical implementation in the textbooks of the TMC "Perspektiva".

The educational and methodological complex "Perspektiva" (series "Academic school textbook") was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical Russian school education. UMK was developed within the walls of the Federal Institute for the Development of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Institute is headed by the head of the Department of Personality Psychology of Moscow State University, Academician A.G. Asmolov, under whose leadership theoretical and methodological materials were developed, which are the backbone components of the Federal State Educational Standards and focused on the development of the personality of the student based on the assimilation of universal educational activities.

methodological basis new complex is system-activity approach. In this regard, in the textbooks of the Perspektiva EMC, tasks aimed at including children in activities are built into a system that allows you to build the learning process as a two-way one:

§ learning as a means formation of universal educational activities and personal qualities of younger students;

§ learning as a goal - obtaining knowledge in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program GEF.

EMC ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation program material, all-round development of personality elementary school student taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the UMC "Perspektiva" is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values , acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting our homeland. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The UMC uses unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan the student's activities in the classroom, organize homework, forms the skill of independent work.

Educational and methodical set "Teaching literacy". 1 class. BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeev. The literacy course is distinguished by a communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is the active formation of all types of speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of speech thinking in first graders, the ability to communicate and understand themselves and others. The effectiveness of the new system is ensured by educational material selected in accordance with the level of development of the child's cognitive interests, game and entertaining exercises, structural-figurative models of words that are inscribed in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented in a different way, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form. All the conditions for differentiated approach to students with different levels of preparation for school.

Educational and methodical set "Russian language". BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, S.G. Makeeva (Grade 1), L.F. Klimanov, T.V. Babushkina (grades 2-4). In EMC "Perspektiva" the system of teaching the Russian language is organically linked with literacy and has a common communicative-speech, cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. Course features - holistic view of the language , which provides the study of the language system (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.

In this regard, language is considered as the most important means of communication, cognition and influence, as a special sign system, where the sign is not a sound or a letter, but a word in the unity of its meaning and sound. The study of the word and the sentence as two-sided units of the language is carried out on structural-figurative models, in communicative speech situations and texts of various stylistic orientations, which significantly increases interest in language and speech, contributes to the conscious study of grammar and spelling. A new integrated approach to language learning develops the functional literacy of students, increases the level of their general culture and creative activity, teaches children to communicate and better understand each other.

UMK "Literary reading". BUT second: L.F. Klimanov, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky. The main task of the EMC "Literary Reading" is formation of the personality of a younger student , acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. For this, the textbook uses highly artistic texts, folklore works different peoples. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of a culture of speech communication, the development of students' creative abilities, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic norms, develops figurative and logical thinking of students and forms an interest in art in younger students.

the work as the art of the word. The headings “Independent reading”, “Family reading”, “Going to the library”, “Our theater”, “Reader-educator”, “Little and big secrets of the country of Literature”, “My favorite writers” offer various forms work with a literary work, systematize knowledge and enrich the practical experience of the child, they present a system for working with a book both in class and in extracurricular activities. Education of children is built on a communicative and activity basis.

UMK "Mathematics". BUT second: G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova. "Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics" is the leading idea of ​​the TMC line in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child's personality. In this regard, the content of the material is focused on the formation in younger students of the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops divergence of thinking, as an essential component of mental activity, speech culture and allows them to expand their ideas. about the world by means of mathematics. Great importance is given to the development of numerical literacy of students, the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action. The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and actions with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing figurative and logical thinking, spatial perception, imagination, and intuition. The practical tasks proposed by the authors contribute to the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills, allowing students to apply them in various life situations and form a complete picture of the world. Textbooks contain assignments different levels complexity, which allows the teacher to differentiate the learning process.

UMK "World around". BUT second: A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.

The main idea of ​​the course is the idea of ​​the unity of the world of nature and the world of culture . The surrounding world is considered as a natural and cultural whole, man as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product. The course reveals the structure of the concept of "world around" in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, man. These three components are consistently considered at different socio-cultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, native country, etc.), due to which the main pedagogical approaches to the development of the subject are determined: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented. The content of the course "The World Around" contributes to the effective construction extracurricular activities younger schoolchildren, including project work, work with families. In this regard, at the end of each topic in the program, a “Block of extra-curricular, out-of-school work” is proposed with an approximate topic that any teacher can transform, taking into account the regional and local conditions in which a particular school is located.

UMK "Technology". BUT second: N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova. The main objective of the subject "Technology" is to create conditions for students to gain experience in project activities from conception to product presentation. Younger students master the techniques of working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, constructor, study the properties of various materials and the rules for working with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational actions in junior schoolchildren, allows the formation of specific personal qualities(accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), the ability to work with information and learn basic computer skills. The material in the textbooks is built in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activities in different areas: Man and Earth, Man and water, Man and air, Man and information space. The textbook "Technology" introduced a sign system for assessing the quality and complexity of the product, which allows you to form the motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.

The teaching aids of the set are developed in accordance with the requirements of the standard of general education of the second generation and are focused on creating a holistic picture of the world for the child, the harmonious development of the personality of the younger student, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs.
The textbooks of the kit contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, which gives the teacher a tool for implementing a differentiated approach to each student. All publications of Perspektiva use an intuitive navigation system that helps the child navigate the educational material and creates conditions for the inclusion of parents in the learning process.
All textbooks in the set have passed the examination of the Russian Academy of Education and are included in the federal list of textbooks approved for use in educational institutions.

The teachers working on this EMC made the following conclusions:

1. For UMK "Perspektiva" developed methodological support " Technological cards”, which are published on the website of the publisher. They clearly show how interdisciplinary connections are realized and metasubject skills are formed.

2. Textbooks of teaching materials form the interest of children in the history of their family, small and large Motherland, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia, cultural heritage, labor activity etc. The textbooks include theoretical material, to which practical, research and creative tasks are proposed, which allow you to activate the child's activity, allow you to apply the knowledge gained in practical activities, create conditions for the implementation creativity student.

3. Each textbook is equipped with a system of tasks aimed at developing both logical and figurative thinking, imagination, intuition of the child, the formation of a value worldview and moral position of the individual.

4. Training in the "Perspective" package will allow each student to maintain self-respect and interest in learning and discovering something new. Cognitive activity and student initiative are welcome. In textbooks, tasks are offered in such a way as to revive the cognitive activity, curiosity and cognitive interest of the child. The new system directs the child's activity into the sphere of culture and free creativity.

Another advantage of EMC "Perspektiva" is that, studying according to this program, the student at each lesson discovers future learning topics for himself. Education is based on the dialectical principle, when the introduction of new concepts and ideas, originally presented in a visual-figurative form or in the form problem situation prior to their detailed study.

5. An important condition The success of the implementation of the program "Perspective" is an individual approach to each student. Textbooks contain tasks of varying degrees of complexity, providing the opportunity to vary the tasks, taking into account the level of preparedness of the student. The choice of tasks that lie in the zone of proximal development of the child (i.e. tasks, the implementation of which involves joint work with the teacher and at the same time requires the mobilization of their own efforts, allowing the student to experience a sense of success and pride in their achievements), makes learning truly developing. Training in the zone of proximal development forms such personal qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, self-confidence, readiness to overcome difficulties.

6. The federal educational standard for elementary education does not imply an assessment of the personal results of a child's development. Personal development is understood as the creation of conditions for self-knowledge, moral and ethical development, self-esteem. In the textbooks of UMK "Perspektiva" much attention is paid to the moral and ethical formation of the personality. The textbooks on literary reading include works that allow one to comprehend spiritual and moral values, the content of the textbooks "The World Around" includes materials of a cultural nature, this approach makes it possible to acquaint students with the concepts of tradition, values, national characteristics. tolerance. As part of the subject "Technology", which is built on the basis of project activities, students get acquainted with folk crafts, professions and crafts, production cycles, which forms a positive attitude towards work and "working people".