Getting ready for the workbook.

We are preparing for the All-Russian verification work. Russian language. Workbook. 4th grade. Kuznetsova M.I.

Moscow: 2017 - 112 p. Moscow: 2016 - 112 p.

The workbook is designed to prepare students in grades 4 of general education organizations for the All-Russian test work in the Russian language. The manual is compiled taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education and the results of the All-Russian verification works held in April 2017. It can be used when working with any textbook "Russian language" for grade 4 included in the Federal List. The notebook includes training tasks, mini-test works (for 5-20 minutes) for each section of the program, two educational test works (each in two versions). All tasks and tests are answered with comments. A self-test card is provided for each mini-job. Work in a notebook will contribute to the generalization of the student's knowledge on the leading topics of the course, the development of the ability to independently cope with tasks of the basic and advanced levels of complexity, different in the way of presentation (text, table), the form of the answer (choice of answer, short or detailed answer). Work in a notebook will contribute to the generalization of the student's knowledge of the subject, the development of the ability to independently cope with tasks of the basic and increased levels of complexity, to exercise self-control and self-assessment.

Format: pdf(2017 , 112s.)

The size: 17.8 MB


Format: pdf(2016 , 112s.)

The size: 20.9 MB


Dear fourth grader! 3
Sounds and letters 5
Mini job 1 8
Composition of word 9
Mini job 2 12
Lexical meaning of the word 13
Mini job 3 15
Parts of speech 17
Mini job 4 22
Word combination. Proposition 25
Mini job 5 31
Spelling and punctuation 33
Mini job 6 38
Speech development 42
Mini job 7 47
Verification work 1 51
Option 1 51
Option 2 57
Verification work 2 63
Option 1 63
Option 2 70
Practice tasks 77
Sounds and letters 77
Word Composition 80
Lexical meaning of the word 82
Parts of speech 84
Word combination. Proposition 88
Spelling and punctuation 92
Speech development 97
Teaching tests 100
Verification work 1 100
Verification work 2 105
Dear Parents! 110

Dear fourth grader!
This academic year, you complete your studies in primary school and you have to complete the All-Russian test in the Russian language. You should not be afraid of it, but it is important to be ready for it. This work will allow you to test how competently you can write and express your thoughts in writing, how well you now understand what you learned in Russian lessons. This workbook will help you prepare for the All-Russian Testing Work.
The workbook is divided into three parts.
1. Training tasks for each section of the Russian language. In some tasks, you will need to select one or more answers and circle the number of the correct answer or put a tick next to it (v). Other tasks require writing down a few words, filling out a spreadsheet, answering a question, giving a written explanation, making a text outline, or writing a short essay on a given topic. You can review everything you learned in Russian lessons and check how well you have mastered certain topics.
Quests are grouped according to the skills they test, for example:
I Check if you can distinguish between nouns, adjectives, verbs.
Quests of increased difficulty are marked with an asterisk (*).
If you cannot complete a task, try to understand the reason for this. Perhaps you did not understand the task itself, then you need to read it again, try to understand what is proposed to be done. Ask your teacher or parent for help. Or maybe you will understand that you lack knowledge. Then find this topic in a textbook or reference book and read everything that relates to it - this way you will restore what you learned and remember this material better.

Detailed recommendations for working with ...

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This workbook is designed to prepare students in grades 4 of general education organizations for the All-Russian test work in the Russian language. The notebook includes training tasks, mini-test works (for 5-20 minutes) for each section of the program, two educational test works (each in two versions). Answers are given to all tasks and tests. A self-test card is provided for each mini-job.
Work in a notebook will contribute to the generalization of the student's knowledge on the leading topics of the course, the development of the ability to independently cope with tasks of the basic and advanced levels of complexity, different in the way of presentation (text, table), the form of the answer (choice of answer, short or detailed answer).
The content of the assignments corresponds to the planned results of teaching the Russian language (FSES LEO), therefore the notebook can be used when working on any textbook of the Russian language included in the Federal List.
Detailed recommendations for working with a notebook are given in the manual for teachers "Preparing for the All-Russian test work. Russian language. Mathematics. The world. Guidelines... 4th grade".
2nd edition.


On April 17, 2018, the all-Russian test work of the CDF in the Russian language in 4 grades was started. The first part of VLOOKUP in Russian is dictation.

On April 19, 4 classes will have to complete the second part of the work, which includes 12 tasks, which will take 45 minutes to complete.

Option verification work consists of two parts, which are performed on different days and differ in the content and number of tasks.

Part 1 contains 3 tasks: dictation (task 1) and 2 tasks on the written text.

In 2018, participation in CDF in 4 grades is compulsory. To prepare for VLOOKUP 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

VLOOKUP options in Russian language 4th grade 2018 + criteria

part 1 - dictation

Dictation part 1
Tasks Criteria
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1
part 1

Part 2

VLOOKUP tasks test the knowledge of basic linguistic units, the ability to understand written information, recognize and adequately formulate the main idea of ​​the text, draw up a plan of the read text and ask questions about it, recognize the meaning of a word, select synonyms, and correctly stress the word. Tasks also allow you to identify the level of the learners' proficiency in speech norms.

To complete the tasks of part 1 of the test work in the Russian language, 45 minutes are given.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks, grammar reference books, spelling dictionaries, other reference materials.

You can use a draft if necessary. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

When assessing the answers, spelling and punctuation mistakes made by students to the rules that are not studied in elementary school are not taken into account.

Methods for conducting a VPD dictation in Russian language grade 4

The text of the dictation is read three times.

I. Listening target

- The teacher slowly and expressively reads the entire text of the dictation in accordance with the pronunciation norms of the Russian language. Reading should not be spelling, "prompting".

- Students listen.

- At this stage, it is possible to identify and explain lexical meaning words unfamiliar to the student (it is advisable to ask the students if they understand all the words).

II. Target setting for dictation

- The text of the dictation is read in separate sentences. The teacher reads the sentence. Students listen. Students start writing a sentence only after the teacher has read it to the end. The teacher dictates a sentence for writing, if necessary dividing it into small semantic segments.

- Students write down.

- When dictating a sentence, the teacher maintains a steady pace, a calm tone, thereby preventing a lag in writing. At the same time, it is important to read loudly and clearly, pronouncing the words clearly.

- The teacher can inform students about the formulation of the unexamined punctuation mark a dash in a sentence, as well as when dictating words with orthograms not studied in elementary school, use spelling pronunciation.

III. Self-test target setting

- At the end of the recording of the entire text, the teacher reads it again in its entirety from beginning to end, making pauses between individual sentences.

- Students check what they have written.

Part 2 contains 12 tasks, including 9 tasks for the text for reading given in the version of the test work.

The tasks of part 1 are given 45 minutes. The tasks of part 2 are also given 45 minutes.