The fruit of faith. Conversation with Priest Timofey Chaikin


Priest Timofei Chaikin: “In order to act for good, one must have strong faith”

On November 8, 2018, the executive secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, Priest Timofei Chaikin, confessor of the Moscow State University of Technology. KG Razumovsky (PKU) held another lesson with Cossack students and university teachers.

Welcoming the audience, Priest Timofei Chaikin said: “Life in the Cossacks opens up new opportunities for its young representatives. You participate in events organized in Moscow and other cities of Russia, in spiritually significant places - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery, the Cossack Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka Field, as well as on secular famous sites - in the museum Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill, in the Kremlin Palace at the plenary session of the XXV World Russian People's Council, as happened on November 1. You watch, listen to the speeches of the first persons of the Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church. All this is important for your spiritual, personal, professional development.”

This time, the priest devoted his speech to the topic “Sacraments of the Church”.

“There are seven important sacraments in Orthodoxy. Together with the sacrament of baptism, the sacrament of chrismation takes place. The sacrament of chrismation transfers to the Orthodox the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit, which strengthen faith in a person.

The third is the sacrament of repentance, the sacrament of confession, in which we ask the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness for sins, reconcile with God, because every sin that we commit, we commit against God, against relatives, close people, against our souls.

The sacrament of communion is the most important sacrament in which we are united with the Lord God. Finally, the sacrament of marriage and the sacrament of the priesthood. The last, seventh sacrament is performed by the bishop of the Orthodox Church in relation to a very small number of people who feel called to serve God,” said Timofei Chaikin

The confessor of Moscow State University of Technology explained in detail the meaning of each sacrament in the life of an Orthodox Christian.

“We need to act every minute - to learn a profession, to help comrades, to form a creative, friendly atmosphere around us, to work for the good of the fatherland. But in order to act, you need to have strong faith. As it is said in the Epistle of the Apostle James, for just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also the faith without deeds is dead,” concluded Timofey Chaikin.

At the end of the lecture, the confessor and the Cossack students agreed to hold a meeting on issues of relationships among the youth, including the preparation of young Cossacks for the Sacrament of Marriage.

September 18, 2018 at MSUTU. KG Razumovsky (First Cossack University) held a regular videoconference "Spiritual and moral education of young Cossacks in the educational space of the university."

Organizers - MSUTU im. KG Razumovsky and the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks.

Cossack confessors from the Republic of Bashkiria, Krasnodar Territory, Omsk, Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Bryansk, Rostov, Kaliningrad and other subjects of the Russian Federation were in touch with Moscow.

The host of the event, confessor of the First Cossack University, Priest Timofey Chaikin, executive secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, greeted the participants of the meeting, congratulated the confessors, atamans and heads of 15 regional institutions on the beginning of the new academic year, familiarized the audience with the work plan for the spiritual and moral education of the Cossacks. youth for another year.

He noted: “Our interaction with the First Cossack University is becoming more organized and meaningful. In July 2018, with the participation of the Youth Department of the Moscow City Diocese, we held a joint forum "DobroLeto" and the Third Eurasian Forum of Cossack Youth "Cossack Unity" in Sergiev Posad, adding 200 Cossacks to the delegates, mainly from among the students of Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology. Today, with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk, we have gathered to discuss and concretize the directions of our activity so that the issues of spiritual life more and more clearly begin to enter the educational process. Therefore, it is important that the younger generation of Cossacks be under the spiritual care of the clergy, and the representatives of the Russian Church themselves, who work in the diocesan departments for interaction with the Cossacks, could be involved as students and teachers in educational organizations.

We see what a complex information flow is offered to young people today, and this flow is multifaceted. Sometimes, in the imposed informational noise, a young person may not immediately distinguish what is good and what is evil. Because often the evil is skillfully disguised, and the content of the sounding news is presented and interpreted by various commentators as positive information. Our task is to help young people follow moral principles in life, rejecting cynical approaches, fashion trends, doubts, to show kindness and patience in dealing with people, to adhere to the only true moral line in behavior».

The confessor of the university said that a day has been set in the working week when representatives of the Synodal Committee and Cossack students hold meetings in the Cossack Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy and Consolation" on the Khodynka field, pray at divine services performed by Metropolitan Kirill, other priests serving in the Committee , visit historically significant monasteries in Moscow, celebrate Orthodox holidays, take care of patients at the Botkin Moscow City Hospital. “Showing sympathy and warmth for the suffering is necessary first of all for the young people themselves, they are imbued with love for their neighbors, formally strangers,” said Father Timofey.

In addition, the Synodal Committee, together with the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechesis, created an exemplary program "Orthodox origins of the Cossacks" ( ), which, in the opinion of the priest, can be used in classes at Sunday schools or an educational institution where there was previously a shortage of classes on this issue.

It is highly desirable for the leaders and employees of the units for interaction with the Cossacks to expand the circle of those involved in the educational process, including the leaders of other areas in the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. It would also be useful to make the communication of the Cossack confessors and representatives of the Cossacks with local bishops more regular.

The Cossack confessors, who spoke from their seats via videoconferencing, spoke about the great educational work carried out during the summer vacation period, about the participation of young Cossacks in worship, their sexton and church-choir practice. The priests supported the proposals of Priest Timofei Chaikin, emphasizing that there is a need to strengthen the dynamics and unify the planned work on the spiritual and moral education of the Cossack youth.

Speaking at a video meeting, the rector of Moscow State University of Technology. K. G. Razumovsky V. N. Ivanova, in particular, noted: “To strengthen the connection of regional institutions with the Russian Orthodox Church, I suggest that all Cossack confessors enter the Academic Councils of regional institutions. Our confessor, Father Timothy, has been participating in the work of the Academic Council of the head university for a long time.”

The Executive Secretary of the Synodal Committee briefed the participants of the meeting with a brief program of the Cossack direction of the International Christmas Educational Readings. He recommended that the clergy and chieftains choose a topic of interest and prepare a speech in person or in absentia. Events of the Cossack direction of the MROC will take place in the capital of Russia - in the Moscow government on Novy Arbat, in RGASPI, MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky in the period from January 28 to January 30, 2019

Press Service of the Synodal Committee for Cooperation with the Cossacks


In the Patriot park near Moscow, everything is ready for the start of construction of the main temple of the RF Armed Forces. The foundation stone of the cathedral has already been laid. The initiative to build a single temple complex belongs to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

As planned, the temple will become a place of attraction for everyone, because on its territory there will be a modern museum and exhibition complex, which will present the historical chronicle of Russian soldiers who at all times stood up for the defense of the Fatherland. Current issues in the course of construction will be resolved by the Voskresenye Charitable Foundation.

The initiative of Sergei Shoigu found a response in the hearts of many. Journalists and artists, the military themselves and simply caring people express their support. One of these is the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Pavel Gusev.

“The construction of the main temple of the RF Armed Forces is the greatest event for the armed forces and for the entire civil society. This is a great thing. This initiative of the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu was accepted by the President of the Russian Federation, supported by the Patriarch, and this became the basis for laying the first stone of the temple, which in the coming months, and maybe very soon, will stand in the Patriot Military-Patriotic Park. If you want support the construction of the temple, but do not know how to do it, then all the information can be found on our website. Details required for the transfer of voluntary donations are listed here.


September 28 - Transfer of the relics of Archdeacon Stefan

Stephen was the first Christian martyr, which is why he is called the first martyr. He was one of the first seven deacons ordained by the apostles themselves. The book of the Acts of the Apostles says that he was especially filled with faith and the Holy Spirit. Stephen performed many miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. Many Jewish clerics argued with him, but no one could resist his wisdom. Therefore, they slandered Stephen before the Sanhedrin (the supreme court), as if he had blasphemed God and the Old Testament legislator, the prophet Moses. When they brought him to court, the bishops asked him: “Is it fair what they reported against you?” Stephen answered with a whole speech, where he explained that he honors God and His prophet Moses, honors both the temple of God and His law; but that the Jews themselves have no true worship of God in their hearts. He ended his speech with the following words: “Cruel people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! you always resist the Holy Spirit, just like your fathers, so do you; Which of the prophets was not persecuted by your fathers? they killed those who foretold the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now become traitors and murderers, you who accepted the law while ministering to angels and did not keep it. Hearing these words, the members of the Sanhedrin gnashed their teeth in annoyance. And Stephen looked up into heaven and said, "I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God." After that, the Jews rushed to Stephen, took him out of the city and stoned him there. And at that time he was praying, saying: “Lord Jesus! come my spirit." The last words of St. Stephen were a prayer for the enemies: “Lord! do not impute this sin to them” (Acts, ch. 6 and 7). The relics of St. Stephen were acquired in 415 in the vicinity of Jerusalem. Together with them, the relics of Nicodemus, the secret disciple of Christ, Gamaliel, the teacher of St. the Apostle Paul, who defended the apostles in the Sanhedrin when they were judged for preaching Christ, and Gamaliel's son Aviv. On August 2, 428, under Emperor Theodosius the Younger, the relics of St. Stephen were transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople.


What is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

At the end of the prayer, the Cossacks, at the invitation of the Cossack colonel Selitsky V.V. gathered for a joint lunch.

The decoration of the joint meal was the songs of the Borisov ataman, the Cossack colonel Drobyshev I.T., one of the songs was written and dedicated personally for our spiritual father Igor (Korostelev).

Everything around us on this day favored the event and the weather, and the friendly atmosphere, and the communication of the Cossacks and the venue, which many of those present called the Garden of Eden. Many Cossacks spoke to the audience, and especially our elders, who once again showed the great wisdom of their experience and at the same time, the extraordinary youth of their Cossack soul!

Kingdom of heaven to all Cossacks, your belly for your friends and your Fatherland!

Many years to all Cossacks, chieftains, confessors and all Orthodox who serve the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith!

Minsk Cossack District.

Timofei Chaikin: Cossack youth should be aware of their moral duty and fulfill it, no matter what

The beginning of a new academic year inspires us to reflect on the peculiarities of the spiritual and moral state of the younger generation, in particular, modern Cossack youth. Responsible secretary of the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks Priest Timofei Chaikin, confessor of Moscow State University of Technology named after M.V. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University).

- Your Reverence, bless!

- God bless!

- As a young priest, please tell us about your path to God.

- I grew up in a large family of an Orthodox priest, and among my relatives there were and are many clergymen. So my path to God was predetermined. Of course, I am happy that, by the providence of God, I am the successor of the priestly family. One of my great-grandfathers, for example, after the death of his wife took monastic vows and eventually became a Schema-Archimandrite. Brother and sisters have a connection with the Church and the service of God, for which I am grateful to the Lord. In infancy, my parents baptized me, choosing responsible godparents. My godfather is a priest, and my godmother is the priest's mother.

In 2005 I entered the Moscow Theological Seminary; after graduation, he continued his education at the Moscow Theological Academy. The knowledge that was obtained within the walls of the Lavra of St. Sergius helped me and still helps me in my pastoral ministry, in my work in the Synodal Committee, in communication with the Cossacks who are looking for a way to God. Because the main task of the nurturing clergy is to instruct our Cossacks on the path of accepting the Orthodox faith as a “guiding star” in life. After all, the path of the Cossack in past centuries and today is the service of "God, Holy Russia, his people and his state." The Cossacks see, assimilate and adopt the norms of behavior of adults, including those in parish life, as well as the customs and traditions of the Cossacks, their attitude to work, the defense of the Fatherland. This is the irreversible power of personal example.

Simultaneously with my studies at the Moscow State Academy of Arts, I graduated from the Faculty of History of the Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov, having defended my thesis on the topic "Tertullian - a teacher of Christian morality" and I can teach theology. Therefore, it is appropriate to say that fully devoting your life to God, you do not deprive yourself of secular knowledge. And today, carrying out one of my obediences at a secular university, at the First Cossack University, I have every right to spiritually nourish young Cossacks.

Priest Timofei Chaikin:

“You must firmly understand here once for yourself that it is always only about you. You accepted the Orthodox faith, you were baptized, your parents prayed for you, your godparents prayed, according to the faith of these people, vows were made to God: I, Lord, belong to You, I agree to keep Your commandments. This is your responsibility. If you have it, a great responsibility before God, you are obliged to answer for your deeds and actions precisely as an Orthodox Christian. Same with the Cossacks. The Cossack, like the priest, takes the oath in the church on the Cross and the Gospel before the Cossack brotherhood, before the holy icons, being in the truest sense of the word a part of the Church, he promises to serve the Orthodox faith, the Fatherland and the Cossacks. I think that these are the main words in life, and you should be ready to bear responsibility for your words, because the Lord will ask from you.”

“... there is no need to fall into another temptation, now very common: children are then, first a profession, to live for themselves. It is not money that needs to be earned, especially at the cost of refusing to have children, but to engage in one's own spiritual life. God is especially attentive to spiritual people, he will never leave such a family, no matter how many children are born in it. Cossack families or families of priests have never been left without a piece of bread, a good education. From such families, children come out decent, with great potential for humanity, creative abilities, and who know how to properly use this potential.”

… I love church singing very much. Therefore, in the Church of the Okovets Icon of the Mother of God, now the Cathedral of the Rzhev Diocese, where my father, Archpriest Konstantin Chaikin, was the rector, we created a mixed youth choir of more than 20 people, and, to be honest, we performed rather complex musical works. Of course, we didn't sing Rachmaninoff, but we performed sacred compositions and arrangements of traditional chants by Pavel Chesnokov and Alexander Kastalsky and other authors. The vocal dynamics of our choir was favorably noted by the priesthood and parishioners, and Metropolitan of Tver and Kashinsky Victor, and in the years of my early youth, the archbishop, spoke positively about our performance. I dare say that in the Tver region we were one of the most successful singing groups. Therefore, entering the Moscow Theological Seminary, I dreamed of getting into the fraternal choir under the guidance of the famous, most unique regent of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Matthew Mormyl, with whom the entire singing history of our Orthodox Church is connected. For many generations of MTA graduates, he was a universally recognized authority and a very beloved "father"! I was lucky not only to enter the circle of choristers, but to accompany him in recent years. In 2008, I was ordained a deacon by the rector, Bishop Evgeny Vereisky, at the Intercession Academic Church. Soon I came to the Donskoy Monastery, where I served as a deacon under Bishop Kirill of Pavlovo-Posad, now Metropolitan of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk. Three years later, I was ordained a priest, and I served in Lesnoy Gorodok, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region. Later, by the Decree of His Holiness the Patriarch, I was enrolled in the clergy of the city of Moscow and determined to serve in the Church of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt in Zhulebino, where I have been performing my pastoral service for the last five years.

- You have been working in the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks for 7 years. What place in the life of the Committee and the Cossack clergy was occupied by the questions of the spiritual guidance of the Cossack youth at the beginning of its activity and now?

- With the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill, I was lucky to be at the origins of the creation of the Synodal Committee for Cooperation with the Cossacks. I remember the first steps of the Committee and all the employees. At first, it was difficult for all of us to understand what the Synodal Committee is, what it should do, what measures we should take to church not just Orthodox believers, but precisely the Cossacks. Historically, the Cossacks are associated with Orthodoxy, but how can this be conveyed to the Cossacks themselves, and only to the emerging military Cossack clergy? The Cossacks themselves were still scattered, and the years of godless Soviet power hit the Cossacks hard. In 2009, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs was created, headed by Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov, now the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District. With the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, Metropolitan Kirill, chairman of the Synodal Committee, became a member of the Council. And this whole period of joint work of the Church, the Cossacks and the state became perhaps the most fruitful time in the revival of the Russian Cossacks.

Then, in 2010-2011, the Cossacks, of course, talked about supporting the Cossack traditions. But not everyone understood what the Orthodox faith is, the behavior of an Orthodox person throughout his life, and not just the idea that, having received the Sacrament of Baptism, occasionally go to the temple, leave a memorial note, stand with a candle. The process of churching affected several layers in the work of the Synodal Committee: determining the legal status of the institution of a military priest, the head of the diocesan department for interaction with the Cossacks; conducting catechism work, sending methodological materials created by the Committee to confessors, atamans, as well as to educational organizations with a Cossack component to form a unique system of Cossack education, which is perhaps the main element of Cossack culture as a whole. It is precisely because of the powerful genetics of the Russian Cossacks, unlike other social groups, that they retained their historical memory and desire to restore their foundations and traditions, primarily Orthodox ones. The content of the nature of such a phenomenon as the Cossacks is really comprehensive. These are defenders in the highest sense of the word - guardians of state interests, of the Russian Orthodox Church, of their communities, of the whole people. All these features are of an exceptionally positive nature, adequately manifested in glorious campaigns and in peaceful life, therefore there are more than enough examples for the formation of patriotic views, camaraderie, mercy and social service in the modern young generation of Cossacks.

The churching of the Cossack youth also became one of the tasks of the Synodal Committee. In 2010 it was too early to talk about youth organizations and associations. They simply didn't exist yet. The understanding of how to organize such work for the state itself, military Cossack societies was just emerging. After all, when a person with an active life position is in an organization that has a charter, a program of action, then he cooperates more qualitatively with various authorities, public associations, and institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. Let me remind you that in the very first year of the work of the Synodal Committee, we held events of the Cossack direction of the International Christmas Educational Readings. Later, a college of military priests was determined, which was approved by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and invited representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Belarusian Exarchate, and the Kazakh metropolitan district to join it. The hierarchy also adopted the Regulations on the head of the diocesan specialized department. We are in constant working and fraternal contact with all the Cossack clergy.
Let me remind you that at the final meeting of the Cossack direction of the International Christmas Readings in January 2016, Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk urged the priesthood to focus with particular attention on the pastoral care of the Cossack youth.

Today, work with young Cossacks is more targeted. Many organizations have their own statutes, which determine interaction with the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, with confessors who minister to the Cossacks. This list of organizations is constantly updated, and it is needed in order to appoint Cossack confessors there through the ruling bishops.

Both the Synodal Committee and local Cossack confessors are working hard to ensure that young people build harmonious relationships with God, the world and people. Our joint experience shows how fruitful the interaction of the state, the Church and society can be in matters of cultural and spiritual enlightenment and upbringing of young people. Just a few words about the Cossack youth forums that we held in St. Petersburg last year, and in Sevastopol this year. Representatives of all military Cossack societies, Belarus, Kazakhstan come to the Eurasian forums "Cossack unity". Participants have the opportunity to make pilgrimages to holy places, venerate holy relics, pray together with the Cossack brothers from other Cossack societies in the historical cathedrals and temples of the great Russian cities, heed the instructions of Vladyka Metropolitan, receive his blessing, as well as listen to lectures by priests and teachers, visit famous museums and theaters. Such impressions and experiences gradually develop into a psychological readiness to "serve the Fatherland not out of fear, but out of conscience."

- A unique system of continuous education with a Cossack component has been created and is developing in Russia. The competition for the Cossack cadet corps is growing every year. What, in your opinion, explains such a great attention of the state to the education of the Cossacks, and the parents themselves when choosing an educational organization for their children?

- When they talk about the system of continuous education with a Cossack component, they mean the maintenance, development of a kind of chain - from kindergarten to university. With such a university, the Synodal Committee interacts in the most active way - this is Moscow State University of Technology. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University).

The core of the system is, of course, the Cossack cadet corps. Let me remind you that the decision to open buildings is made by the administration of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the military Cossack army led by the ataman with the support of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossacks and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. I do not rule out that this segment of Russian education is perceived by someone as exotic. Meanwhile, we are happy to observe how the spiritual growth of the Cossacks takes place, almost from the first steps of their life.

Today, more and more new Cossack cadet corps are opening in Russia. These are really "piece" educational institutions, which are nothing more than one of the sources for the formation of the Russian elite, which has devoted itself to protecting national interests and serving the people.

It is not for nothing that from ancient times there is such a saying: “Learning forms the mind of a Cossack, and Orthodox education forms character.” Realizing the importance of the unique combination of upbringing and educational processes for the preservation of the fundamental traditions of the Cossacks and their families, representatives of the authorities, the Cossacks, educational and public organizations drew attention to the existing form of educational institutions before the 1917 revolution. Today there are 30 Cossack cadet corps in Russia. There are hundreds of Cossack schools, and thousands of Cossack classes throughout the country. There are more than 100 of them in Moscow alone. In addition, Cossack cadet vocational schools and centers for additional education for Cossacks have been opened.

Before entering the Cossack Cadet Corps, the guys must successfully pass the tests, competing with their peers. For example, the competition in the MPKU named after M.A. Sholokhov, which has a Cossack component in the training program, reaches 80 people per place! Teenagers receive knowledge not only in general education disciplines, but also in the history of the Cossacks, the basics of the Orthodox faith, they are trained in drill, the rules of hand-to-hand combat, and so on. This is a new quality of the Russian education system. Why do people send their children to Cossack classes, Cossack cadet corps? I can answer with the words of the parents of these same children: “We want the child to grow up as a true patriot, selflessly loving his Motherland, striving to live the fullness of church life.” And the Synodal Committee sends confessors to take care of students in Cossack educational organizations, of course, with the consent of their parents.

The First Cossack University, which is headed by Rector Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova, a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs, unites 18 regional institutions. We know that the branch network of federal universities has been significantly reduced in recent years. And at Moscow State University of Technology, by the grace and care of Metropolitan Kirill, everyone remained in place. In regional institutes there are confessors who provide for students and teachers, and carry out constant spiritual and educational work. And life itself, and the history of Russia, and finally, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church has convincingly proved many times that without a spiritual core, without turning our inner gaze to the heavenly world, to where the Lord showed His plan for man, so that the immortal soul that was given to every person by birth, would live her life together with the body not in vain, but would bring good fruit for eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven - there is not and cannot be a stable state, a single, indivisible morality in society, lasting peace in families and souls of people.

- For several years you have been the confessor of Moscow State University of Technology. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University). Spiritual and educational centers have been opened in the head building in Moscow and in 18 regional institutes. To what extent are Cossack students churched? Is it possible to characterize such a delicate process as the degree of standing in the faith, the spiritual strengthening of student Cossack youth?

- We have been cooperating with MSUTU since 2011, since the time when the university was not yet awarded the status of "First Cossack University". The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossack Affairs decided to make one of the leading areas - the training of Cossacks entering the university in the direction of the military Cossack society and the administration of the subject of the Russian Federation. Realizing that the Cossacks are a way of life, the educational component in the programs and activities of this institution has become more and more significant over time, largely due to the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The university trains mainly specialists in the food industry. Taking into account that applicants come to Moscow on a targeted basis from “Cossack” regions – say, from the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Rostov, Volgograd Regions, where there is a developed agriculture, then, having received a profession and returning to their region, they become successful practitioners. And the Cossacks in peaceful periods cultivated the land, were engaged in fishing, animal husbandry, winemaking and taught their offspring to work. This tradition was not interrupted, only the current Cossack youth had a positive opportunity, having entered the budget, to receive a modern profession, guaranteed employment and a pastoral blessing for the beginning of any good deed.

The University has always valued the support of the head of the Synodal Committee, Metropolitan Kirill of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk. He blessed the creation of spiritual and educational centers at the head university in Moscow and branches, contributed to the opening of the department of theology, where young Cossacks and students not associated with the Cossacks are taught the basics of the Orthodox faith. Recently opened courses for the study of the Old Slavonic language. We hope, by the grace of God, that Church Slavonic will also be taught. In the spiritual and educational center. Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, where the icons are located, and where the Cossacks come in the morning and evening to read prayers. The reputation of the university and its branches is largely strengthened because believers pray, Metropolitan Kirill and the clergy who care for the Cossacks pray, the entire Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks is working hard for the common future. How churched the Cossack students are, this is a separate issue. Young people had different degrees of religiosity in their families. At the same time, I note that people who studied at this university were already subdeacons of the bishops of the southern dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church. Different people come - there are those who have a spiritual beginning, and those who are just beginning to get acquainted with the priceless spiritual treasures of the Church. All these guys have the opportunity to get deeper spiritual training and strengthen their faith. We regularly hold prayer services, swearing-in ceremonies for first-year students, invite you to services at the Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery, including September 1, when Orthodox people celebrate the Day of the Don Icon of the Mother of God. And this year, Cossack students prayed at the Divine Liturgy. I am sure that their prayers addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos will not remain in vain. The Most Holy Lady will help them on their way. Also at the head office and at regional institutions, we hold various lectures and videoconferences on spiritual and moral education, the basics of the Orthodox faith, family and marriage issues, and overcoming neo-paganism. In addition, the guys often come to the church of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt in Zhulebino, in which I serve - they confess, take communion, see affirmation and salvation in faith. Of course, these are church-going people who have learned that you need to be aware of your moral duty and fulfill it, no matter what.

What a profoundly constructive, salvific significance the fellowship of the flock with the shepherds has. All of us, believers, make up a single community - the Holy Church. But young Cossacks must first of all build their own small Church - a family. How to help them so that their families do not fall apart, but are strong, happy, based on Cossack traditions?

I believe that people entering into a life together should not neglect the Sacrament of the Wedding. Why? When people come to get married, wonderful prayers are offered by the priest together with the newlyweds, their parents and friends, so that the Lord unites these two bodies into a single person. He united, strengthened and approved in eternal love. Then it is difficult for the devil to intervene and destroy the God-sanctified union. And when a person finds the other half himself, determines how to live on, does not turn to the Lord, then, of course, the enemy of the human race intervenes in a difficult moment and exacerbates a difficult situation, and does not resolve it. People who are not churched really often disperse in different directions, although there may not be serious reasons for parting. I say to such people: find the strength in yourself to turn back, mentally return to the moment of your own decision to go the same way, get married and continue your family life already under the blessing of God. By the way, there is an opinion that they should not look back. So you need to be afraid to look back at sin. And when the cause is just, you can look back at it many times and think about the good continuation of the joint path. That is why in the upbringing of a Cossack or Cossack women they always correctly set priorities. But, in addition to a strong desire to overcome everything together and continue to move on, there is no need to fall into another temptation, now very common: children are later, first a profession, to earn extra money, to live for themselves. It is not money that needs to be earned, especially at the cost of refusing to have children, but to engage in one's own spiritual life. God is especially attentive to spiritual people, he will never leave such a family, no matter how many children are born in it. Cossack families or families of priests have never been left without a piece of bread, a good education. From such families, children come out decent, with great potential for humanity, creative abilities, and who know how to properly use this potential.

But there are families where close people even eat separately ... Liberty and life without restrictions for the young happens to be much more dangerous than modesty and ordinary worldly oppression. Having reached adulthood, such people do not understand what they need to do next. The family life of any person, regardless of material wealth, is all sorts of difficulties, overcoming, but always common joys in family holidays, family trips to the temple of God. For example, when you, together with your parents, brothers and sisters, turn to the Lord with a prayer for help to your sick relative. When the whole family rises to pray, goes to the Liturgy, when before your eyes there is an example of constant burning in the name of the Lord, which is the father-priest - all this is great happiness, the most powerful spiritual support in the life of a young person.

We must rely on the commandments of the Lord, because they will never deceive. Treat people according to your conscience, through which the Lord God speaks to us. Because conscience is the voice of God within us. Meditate, think with your head, educate yourself, be true to your conscience, devoted to the country and our Lord.

- Today, the participation of Orthodox people in the social work of the Church is in great demand.

As the old masters said, it is important not only to give knowledge, it is important to be able to take it. The most important thing is that a person does not become a traitor to his own life. Studying is not in order to be filled with even the necessary information. And in order for the knowledge acquired to be embodied in good deeds. For example, there are hospitals and shelters where they need your active participation, energy, patience, kind, encouraging word. In the neighborhood of many churches, there are elderly parishioners who need care. Many people came to my temple asking for help. And the Church immediately responds. A little later, literally a few days later, a woman appears who herself expresses a desire to help someone. This is how the Church unites people for their mutual help, the growth of love for God and for each other, and the elimination of any contradictions. God grant that as many representatives of the youth as possible serve the cause of mercy.

- What movement does a person himself need to make in order to be useful in parish life and lead an Orthodox way of life naturally? How to connect modern, technologically equipped young Cossacks with life in the Church?

- When we address young Cossacks, we want to see them smart, educated and responsible. And here you can draw a parallel - a person belonging to the Cossacks, and a person belonging to the Orthodox faith. Lots of similarities. There are a lot of people who are baptized, but do not come to the temple of God, do not participate in the Sacraments of the Church. And the Cossacks are often rightly scolded for their superficial attitude: they seem to be in uniform, they seem to enter the temple, but then what?

I am sure that, starting from childhood, every person, every Cossack needs to firmly understand that he bears a colossal responsibility. Not only on all the Cossacks, not only on the entire Russian Orthodox Church, but personally on him. People are accustomed to think, speak and justify themselves "and I, like everyone else." And at confession they confess: "I sin, like everyone else." No need to talk about everyone and about others. Here you must firmly understand once for yourself that it is always only about you. You accepted the Orthodox faith, you were baptized, your parents prayed for you, your godparents prayed, according to the faith of these people, vows were given to God: I, Lord, belong to You, I agree to keep Your commandments. This is your responsibility. If you have it, a great responsibility before God, you are obliged to answer for your deeds and actions precisely as an Orthodox Christian. Same with the Cossacks. The Cossack, like the priest, takes the oath in the church on the Cross and the Gospel, before the Cossack brotherhood, before the holy icons, being in the truest sense of the word a part of the Church, he promises to serve the Orthodox faith, the Fatherland and the Cossacks. I think that these are the main words in life, and you should be ready to bear responsibility for your words, because the Lord will ask exactly from you. And if today every young Cossack thinks: what good should I do? Today I am 30, tomorrow I will be older, then my children and grandchildren, the ataman and the Cossack brothers - all these people will look at my behavior, deeds and words, the ability to live honestly, rejecting condemnation and pride, show love for my neighbor, not condemn him, and to endure his shortcomings - this is the life of an Orthodox Christian, if you like, the only true civic position. It is the same in the Cossacks: to love your country, to serve its interests, rejecting all kinds of evil spirits that were mixed in from different sides, to respect your history, your family, and your parents. Carry your cross not in the common understanding of some kind of oppression, but in the understanding of the natural path of salvation. Salvation cannot be without the cross.

It is no coincidence that every day, before starting any business, at every divine service, we read the prayer “To the King of Heaven.” May the Lord sanctify our path with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is so important for everyone to read prayers meaningfully, to call on the grace of the Holy Spirit so that it sanctifies us and helps us think rationally. If we think rationally, then we will definitely understand our true purpose, we will find our place in the service of the Church and the Cossacks. And each of us is placed in that place where, having put work, he can acquire holiness.

Natalya Selivanova
Photo from the archive of the Press Service of the Synodal Committee for Cooperation with the Cossacks

Modern Cossacks - who are they? How do they serve the state and society, how do they build families and raise children? These and other questions are answered by Priest Timofei Chaikin, Executive Secretary of the Synodal Committee for Cooperation with the Cossacks.

A very serious and interesting topic is the modern Cossacks. In the late 80s - early 90s there was, one might say, a fashion for the Cossacks. Someone had Cossack ancestors, someone just an interest in history and culture led to the fact that people began to unite. These were spontaneous associations, and often people who were far from this topic perceived it as something very strange: people walk around in some kind of incomprehensible shoulder straps. How are things now? I know that in the 2000s the state began to actively work with the Cossacks, the Church began to take an active part in the spiritual nourishment of the Cossack troops. How do you see this situation now? How much of these "self-proclaimed" associations does the Cossacks really turn into a social force?

First of all, I would like to recall the beginning of the 20th century, when, to our great regret, our country underwent various upheavals, which were probably formulated on the basis of some foreign policy views. The Church and the Cossacks suffered persecution, and, in principle, the Cossacks were completely destroyed. In 1919, a directive was adopted, signed by Yakov Sverdlov, on the policy of decossackization, which, unfortunately, led to the consequences that we have observed throughout the twentieth century.

By the grace of God, with God's help, in the early 90s of the twentieth century, we already saw that the Cossacks began their formation. Like our Holy Church, which, together with the Cossacks, was persecuted, exterminated, also flourished in the early 90s. Those people appeared who began to put on the Cossack uniform. Of course, these were representatives of completely different Cossack associations, structures, calling themselves differently, to which there was a completely different attitude both from the side of the state and from our Russian society. These were people who considered themselves the successors of the Cossacks. In many, the Cossack blood of their ancestors really flowed and still, thank God, flows: those who died, were destroyed, or those who were forbidden to talk about the Cossacks at all, to put on a uniform because of the policy of decossackization, which I mentioned above .

In our time, from the beginning of the 90s, these people began to engage in patriotic education of children, various activities regarding assistance to the state in the protection of public order. And gradually the state began to pay attention to these people who put on uniforms.

Of course, it should be noted that the Cossacks are a society that has a very serious self-organization, it has its own hierarchy. There is the highest body of the Cossack administration - the Cossack circle. According to historical traditions, a clergyman is invited there, who blesses this Circle, and if there is no clergyman, then the Circle is considered illegitimate. Therefore, together with the Church, the Cossacks gradually began to revive in the early 90s. Of course, the state paid attention to this, and over time, the Presidential Council for Cossack Affairs was created, which today is headed by Alexander Dmitrievich Beglov, the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Northwestern Federal District.

At the same time, registered Cossack troops were recreated (there are eleven of them at the moment), located in various regions of the Russian Federation, which include representatives of the Cossacks. This, for example, is the Central Cossack Army, organized just in the early 90s; Historically, such an army did not exist. We know the ups and downs that shook our Motherland, our Russia, many people moved, including people with Cossack roots, arrived and live in the subjects of the Russian Federation of the Central Federal District. Therefore, of course, a lot of representatives of the Cossacks today live here, on the territory of Central Russia. Therefore, it was decided to create the Central Cossack Army.

There is historically the Great Don Host on the territory of the Rostov region, precisely in the traditional places of residence of the Don Cossacks. The Kuban Cossack army, the Ussuri, Transbaikal, Volga ... Only eleven such registered Cossack troops exist, their headquarters are located in the main cities.

And, of course, the Church, always taking care of its faithful children like a mother, also saw the process of the revival of the Cossacks. And many Cossacks, preserving the traditions that we have already talked about (about the need for clergy for blessing, spiritual nourishment), gradually began to turn to their ruling bishops and eventually turned to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia so that the Cossacks were under the spiritual guidance of the Church. His Holiness the Patriarch in 2009 in Novocherkassk took part in a meeting of the Presidential Council for Cossack Affairs and announced that he was taking the Cossacks under his spiritual guidance. Already in March 2010, the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks was created, the chairman of which was then Bishop Kirill of Pavlovo-Posad, vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch, now Metropolitan of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk.

Historically, there have never been synodal structures responsible for the spiritual guidance of the Cossacks. There were certain priests, military priests, who, together with the Cossacks, went to war and in everyday life provided for them and their families, but there was no such definite church structure. Of course, the wise decision of His Holiness the Patriarch is connected with the fact that the Cossacks as a spiritual army (because a Cossack without faith is not a Cossack, the Cossacks themselves formulated such a truth and profess it) should be as close as possible not only in their external behavior, but also in their internal spirit to the Orthodox Church, to the sacraments of the Church of Christ. Therefore, such a synodal structure was created.

Already this year, in March, it will be eight years since the Synodal Committee has existed. During this time, with God's help, it was possible to create 174 diocesan divisions for interaction with the Cossacks, where the heads of diocesan departments and their employees work. Already at the moment, by orders of the ruling bishops, the hierarchy of more than a thousand priests is officially assigned to the spiritual guidance of the Cossacks. This is only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but we know that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Belarusian Exarchate, the Metropolitan District in Kazakhstan also fall under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. There are ministering priests everywhere as well.

Moreover, under the Synodal Committee for Interaction with the Cossacks, a collegium of military priests was created. Just the priests responsible for the spiritual nourishment of these eleven registered troops, the most important, so to speak, priests. They, together with the military ataman, are responsible for the spiritual development and other activities of the troops, and are part of the collegium of military priests. And with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Belarusian Exarchate and the Kazakh metropolitan district are also included. At the meetings of this board, we make certain decisions on the spiritual nourishment of the Cossacks, various methodological materials. We have developed quite a lot of methodological materials. In 2015, the "Concept for the spiritual nourishment of the Cossacks" was adopted by the Supreme Church Council and His Holiness the Patriarch. This is the most important document that regulates the activities of the Church in relation to our Cossacks at the diocesan level, and at the deanery level, and at the parish level.

Still, if we mention the historical tradition, we say that the Cossack is a way of life. It's not a profession, it's not even a public service - it's a way of life. Historically, the Cossacks have always been connected with the land. Now the society has changed, everything has changed. What do Cossacks do in everyday life? It's not their profession. To what extent does this lifestyle influence their family life, how they form their families? To what extent do family members share the values ​​that they preach as Cossacks? In general, is it preserved as a way of life? Or is it some public service now?

Of course, the Cossacks have always been primarily defenders of the Fatherland, the Orthodox faith, and they lived on the borders of our Fatherland in order to protect these borders. Of course, the Cossacks took care of the land and even moved with their families to those places where they were sent by the Cossack duty of serving our Fatherland. Of course, family education, family traditions, which our Cossacks have always been famous for (large families, traditions of respect for loved ones, for their Orthodox faith, for the commandments of Christ), are preserved today. Some traditions were, of course, blurred during the years of that period, which we have already talked about - the years of the godless power, persecution of the Cossacks themselves.

Today, the task of both the Church and the state, and all the people responsible for the Cossacks, their spiritual and social development, is to preserve and increase those traditions that the Cossacks were strong in the past. Today, the Cossacks are doing a lot of patriotic work, military-patriotic work, the Cossacks organize many different military sports clubs, if we talk about working with youth.

The project that the First Cossack University is implementing today is very interesting. It is called the Razumovsky University of Technology and Management, is located on Taganka, has eighteen branches. Thanks to modern technologies, young Cossacks are fighting on the Internet with various neo-pagan organizations, with those processes that, like the Blue Whale, led young people to suicide, and so on. In modern society, the Cossacks are still engaged in protecting our faith, our inner feelings, preserving their traditions.

Maybe this guard has already changed a little, because, of course, not only on the borders of our Fatherland today is the enemy coming to us. We know the political situation, and today the Cossacks are embedded in various state structures, in the administrative life of our country. There are Cossacks in the State Duma, in other ministries and departments, where various laws are adopted regarding the development of our country. And everywhere, of course, that weighty word is needed, which leads not to disunity, not to disunity of our modern society, but to ensuring that it is integral, united, that our country prospers.

Today, our Cossacks are embedded in many of these processes thanks to the Council under the President of the Russian Federation, under which there are various commissions, including the commission for interaction with the Russian Orthodox Church, which is headed by our lord, Metropolitan Kirill. There are many other commissions for interaction with foreign Cossack institutions, a commission for cadet education, for agriculture, a commission for interaction with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with various ministries and departments, in order to increase and preserve what was in our glorious Cossacks.

- How many registered Cossacks do we have today?

Call different numbers. About 700 thousand Cossacks, who are now checked by the Ministry of Justice, are registered. And, of course, we are talking only about specific members of the Cossack societies. In fact, if we take their families, their children, we take public Cossack organizations that are not included in the register, then there are much more Cossacks. Today they even call a figure of about seven million, if we take the territory of the entire Russian Federation.

Wanted to add more. If Cossack blood flows in a person, he will not always come to some Cossack society and register, will be a member of the Cossack society. Many simply keep their Cossack succession in their hearts: grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather were Cossacks, and today they are already young modern people who do not necessarily enter into Cossack societies, nevertheless, they are Cossacks by birth, in spirit. Therefore, it is probably impossible to count them.

In general, for what purpose was the register created and what does the state expect from the Cossacks? What powers does it give and what awaits in return?

First of all, the register was created, probably, so that, as I already said, we could not just somehow speak vaguely about the strengthening of our Motherland, about some Cossack traditions and ways preserved in the life of the Cossacks, but also to so that, as you rightly noted, it was really possible to involve the Cossacks in public service through some state bodies, state laws. After all, those Cossacks who entered the register enter the service of our state. They can take part in various security measures, help protect public order.

To date, this is very well developed in the Kuban Cossack Host, in the Terek Cossack Host, in the All-Great Don Host, that is, in places where Cossacks are densely populated. Today, together with the police, they walk and patrol the streets. If you come to the Kuban, to the south, even at traffic police posts you may meet two or three Cossacks, who are together with the police; and customs officers. Thanks to such activities of the Cossacks, the ability to suppress various offenses has increased to date. I will not appeal to statistics now, but such statistics are very large. If we take the Krasnodar Territory, for example, then when the Olympics were held in the city of Sochi, thanks to the Cossack patrols, a fairly large number of various offenses were stopped. Also, the Cossacks today are well built into the protection of forests, reservoirs, nature conservation. That is, the Cossacks have full legal rights to this.

Today, as I said, there is a Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Cossacks, and today the Federal Agency for Nationalities is responsible for various by-laws that are created in relation to the Russian Cossacks. It forms various laws and enables the Cossacks to take part in various activities in the service of our Fatherland.

On the question of the affairs of nationalities. What are the interethnic relations in the Kuban, in the Stavropol Territory? We know how complex and diverse the situation there is. To what extent do the Cossacks contribute to the settlement, appeasement of the situation?

Of course, the Cossacks in these regions were historically. Every young person, every baby already knows that he is not just a citizen of one region or another, but he is born in order to defend the interests of his country and defend them. Therefore, of course, the Cossacks are always set with burning inside, because they understand that they live in strategic regions. This is especially true today of our "fire-breathing Caucasus", as they say there. But I would like to say that with God's help various difficult relations are overcome, because the Cossacks in these regions are built into the protection of our border. We are well aware that the Cossacks serve in various units and military units of our country. This is the Kantemirovskaya division in the city of Moscow. And in the Caucasus, Cossacks enter various combat units, who guard the borders of our Motherland - not only in an allegorical, but also in the literal sense. Cossacks enter the ranks of the Armed Forces.

I think, hearing various information both from the ministering priests and from the Cossacks living in the territories that we are talking about, the local population and the population that is outside the borders of our Motherland, knowing that the Cossacks live territorially there, more respectfully and are cautious about our Motherland, our regions, our people. They know that Cossacks cannot be offended. When, unfortunately, a great grief happened recently, women were shot in the Makhachkala diocese, it was the Cossack who helped defend this temple, caused this fire on himself and even turned to the criminal: “Shoot me!” And while he was talking with the criminal, he managed to close the temple from the inside - and many victims were avoided. This is a clear example. Both the media and our ministering priest testify that the Cossacks are helping.

Surely our viewers (for example, for sure) are interested in how the Cossack circle usually goes. You must have attended.

Oh sure.

How does this happen, what issues are discussed, how are decisions made, are disputes allowed, is there a heat of passion? Describe the atmosphere.

Cossack circles, firstly, are different in scale. There is a military Cossack circle, when delegates from various regions of a given military Cossack society come. For example, take the Central Cossack Army, when delegates from all regions of the Central Federal District come to Moscow. There are Circles that take place in farms and villages. There are Circles that gather people from more distant regions, unite them. For example, on February 15, we had such a large Cossack circle in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the Hall of Church Cathedrals; it was preceded by a divine service led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. That is, Circles are different in their purpose, in their hierarchy, in the number of people.

Accordingly, the agenda is also completely different. As a rule, current issues of the Cossack society are discussed. If this is an elective Circle, when an ataman of one or another Cossack society is elected every five years, then it is completely devoted to the election of a new ataman. Or leave the old one, reaffirm it. This happens with certain traditions: the elders pass a whip along his back as a sign of punishment. Or is it Circles that determine the inner life of the Cossack society. They talk about financial and economic issues, about the election and inclusion of new members of the Cossack society in their Cossack army. After this Circle, both the layout and the Cossack oath, which takes place in the church, and the Cossacks take it on the Cross and the Gospel. Absolutely different questions are being discussed.

- Is there any kind of oath, an oath that is given?

Certainly. We say that a Cossack without faith is not a Cossack. Not because we want to somehow draw the Cossacks to the Orthodox Church by the ears, but because historically it happened like this: all Cossacks, entering the Cossack society, take an oath, and this oath is taken in the temple of God on the Cross and the Gospel . This is what distinguishes Kazakov from all the others. Only the Cossacks and even the clergy, taking the oath to serve the Church of God, take it on the Cross and the Gospel, no one else: not doctors, not teachers, not even the military.

What are the plans of the Synodal Committee? You have already said how many regional structures have been created. Is there room to expand and develop?

We now believe that we need to think not about quantity, but about quality. As the state today already thinks about the quality of the Cossacks themselves, about the quality of the Cossack education, so we also think about the quality of the spiritual state of the modern Cossacks. The Cossack, who called himself an Orthodox Christian, took the oath on the Cross and the Gospel, of course, should not be the person who says: “Yes, I am a believer, I will come to the church on Easter and Christmas, go to some procession” , and that concludes everything. Our most important task - the Church, the clergy who nurse the Cossacks, and the Synodal Committee as well - is to make sure that every Cossack becomes a true Orthodox Christian, a parishioner of the temple, so that he takes part in the sacraments of the Holy Church, mainly in confession and the sacrament of Holy Communion .

It is very important for us to think about Cossack families today, so that people come with their families. In November, His Holiness the Patriarch blessed our temple for the Cossacks of the city of Moscow, this is the temple of the icon "Joy and Consolation" of the Mother of God of Vatopedi on the Khodynka field, Begovaya metro station. I invite all Cossacks there. Of course, we have plans to create various circles for children, family and leisure centers, organize conversations with the Cossacks, and participate in sacraments. Since November, I think, several hundred Cossacks have visited: they took the Cossack oath, and consecrated banners, consecrated weapons. I mean, it's such an interesting thing to do. If it is approached with complete seriousness, then, of course, it has a very great spiritual significance. And the importance of supporting our state in our very difficult time.

Host Alexander Gatilin

Recorded by Ekaterina Samsonova