Projects for log houses on a turnkey basis. Log houses Building a log house

From time immemorial, our ancestors built houses from wood, using sanded logs. The need to use natural, environmentally friendly materials to build your own home is completely justified. That's why newest ways wood treatments that help create rounded logs immediately gained popularity, and the number of country houses from this material grows from year to year.

Our company uses the most modern wood processing technology, and the control system in place in production rejects logs with wood defects. Therefore, the rounded logs we produce fully comply with the regulations of GOST 8486 of 1986. As a result, an almost perfect wood cylinder with a smooth surface and design parameters is delivered to the construction site.

Construction of wooden houses from cylinders

We divide the process of building a house from rounded logs into five successive stages, carried out after familiarization with the results of engineering and geological studies carried out at the construction site: 1. development of a house project or selection of a standard project from our catalog; 2. foundation installation; 3. felling of a log house; 4. roofing; 5. finishing work (if the customer wishes).

Choosing a foundation design

The most important part of a house is its foundation. For log house the most economical and least labor-intensive is one of the options strip foundation: shallow; recessed (reinforced). Choice correct design foundation is carried out after analyzing the results of topographic survey and geological surveys, taking into account weather conditions in the region where the construction of the house is planned. High quality foundations we produce is explained not only by the professionalism of its creators, but also by the refusal to carry out subsequent stages of work until the concrete reaches standard strength.

Log cutting technology

Houses made of rounded logs are built according to those developed as part of the project technological maps. On construction site The logs arrive marked, which eliminates manual adjustment from the assembly process, thereby reducing construction time. During the assembly process, the created crowns are fastened using wooden dowels at the minimum acceptable distance. This technology eliminates the risk of wall distortion and guarantees the geometric immutability of the created structure. To seal the inter-crown space, we use jute tape. This choice is explained by the high content of lignin in jute, which protects its fibers from rotting.


Roofing work during the construction of a log house is somewhat different from the technology used in the construction of buildings whose walls are made of other building materials. When covering a log house with a roof, you cannot connect the rafters, purlins and gables into a single rigid structure. During the process of natural shrinkage of the walls, the upper part of the roof will lower along with the ridge, reducing the angle between the wall plate and the rafters. This will lead to a change in the geometry of the roof, which can lead to breakage of the crossbar or the appearance of cracks. Therefore, the rafter system receives sliding connections to the power plate and is completely independent of the gables. As roofing We recommend to our clients the use of soft roofing tiles or metal tiles. These materials are characterized by relatively low weight, which reduces the load on the walls of the house and the foundation.

Some conclusions

The use of rounded logs allows you to create a stable structure for the frame of a wooden house. Sealed corner and inter-crown connections, created in full compliance with the requirements of GOST 30974 of 2002, help give the walls increased insulating ability and help reduce heating costs during the operation of such a house. The surface of the walls is extremely smooth and in most cases does not require additional finishing.

In contrast to the abundance of urban buildings made of metal and concrete, wooden log houses houses are conducive to relaxation and solitude. Living Homes are a Need modern man in everything natural, despite the benefits of civilization. If your plans are to build a log house, then the main aspects should be: the choice of contractor and material. As a rule, when choosing log house price plays an important role.

Operating principles of DomaSV

Many companies use standard schemes, carrying out modifications for an additional fee. However, most enterprises do not undertake individual design. The DomaSV company has been producing log house projects development of its own design bureau and takes on the implementation of its clients’ ideas.

A nice feature is a completely free design service when concluding a turnkey contract. AND standard project with modification or individual order log houses for the company’s clients are real savings for the budget. Our clients can order full complex: from design to landscape design on the site or buy a log house for self-construction.

As a rule, a typical house kit is accompanied by an assembly diagram and numbered materials. If necessary, issued detailed instructions. You can get advice from the company at any stage.

DomaSV company is inexpensive log houses and competitive construction prices without compromising quality. Thanks to own production and the professionalism of the staff, all material categorically corresponds technical specifications for industrial wood, and the cost is an order of magnitude lower than the market average. The use of modern equipment can significantly reduce waste and increase processing volumes. Thereby, log houses Our production is available even for a modest budget.

The advantages of the company include:

  • transparent pricing system;
  • detailed and understandable estimates;
  • strict adherence to deadlines;
  • step-by-step payments;
  • regular promotions and discounts on popular projects and new products;
  • seasonal discounts;
  • assistance in obtaining profitable loans;
  • smooth communication with customers at all stages;
  • well-coordinated professional team;
  • an up-to-date website that allows you to choose log houses, projects and prices; photos and descriptions;
  • a range of services for connecting communications, finishing a log house and landscaping the territory.

Why are turnkey log houses from the DomaSV company popular?

Log buildings are becoming more and more popular among our customers. Erecting log houses, the DomaSV company does not use heavy equipment that can damage the fertile layer of the site. Our database contains more than a thousand finished projects, whose owners can be met in real life and evaluate the constructed object. In the “Houses on promotion” section you can choose turnkey log house, price which is lower than usual by an amount of one hundred to three hundred thousand rubles. At a fairly high final cost, this allows for significant savings.

Modern technologies make it possible to build wooden houses based on logs with a minimum shrinkage period. A balanced approach to choosing a foundation helps to save money without harming construction. The advantages of log houses are difficult to describe in one word, but we will try to highlight the main ones:

  1. environmental Safety;
  2. creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort;
  3. long service life - more than a hundred years;
  4. possibility of using natural compounds for processing;
  5. high level fire safety thanks to special compounds;
  6. use of Russian, Canadian or Norwegian logging technologies;
  7. a combination of modernity and ancient traditions;
  8. excellent air exchange;
  9. high aesthetic characteristics;
  10. large selection of stylistic solutions.

Log houses can last for generations for hundreds of years. At the same time, preservation of operational characteristics is ensured by timely protective treatment wood

What will your dacha be like? log house – projects and prices with photographs of objects in various designs are presented on the website and printed catalogs in the DomaSV office. Our staff will help you calculate the dimensions, dimensions, number of storeys of the house in accordance with the dimensions land plot and the wishes of the customer. A prompt cost calculation taking into account the selected type of foundation can be obtained not only from the company, but also requested through email, by phone or using the feedback form on the website.

DomaSV company builds wooden log houses from pine, cedar and larch quickly, efficiently and inexpensively.

Houses made of rounded logs

The most comfortable and safe place for human habitation - a house made of natural materials. Wood is not only a natural, affordable, but also very healthy material. A wooden house made of rounded logs has an impeccable appearance of the walls, both internally and outside, excellent microclimate of the home all year round and absolute environmental friendliness. Our company in Moscow and the region offers a full range of construction services wooden houses from rounded logs. An integrated and competent approach to projects of any complexity, exceptionally high-quality winter timber, many years of successful experience, the use of the latest modern technologies and a reputation as a reliable partner - all this helps our customers quickly and inexpensively obtain high-quality housing.

Lunar groove technology

A log of a cylindrical configuration with a longitudinal groove of the lunar type is one of the simplest and most expedient technologies. It allows you to reduce the price and speed of construction, and also reduces operating costs in the future. Such blanks fit tightly to each other and eliminate the possibility of heat loss.

Finnish profile technology

Rounded logs with an improved configuration of a labyrinth-type thermal lock prevent the possibility of drafts and simplify the process of subsequent finishing of the building. The production process for making this raw material guarantees exact dimensions wall materials, as well as their environmental friendliness. Wood impregnation special compounds, eliminates the risk of infection by various pests and fungi and protects against aggressive environmental influences.

Wood from Dacha Stroy with a unique profile

The Finnish castle technology used by our specialists helps reduce construction costs by eliminating caulking of walls. This configuration promotes efficient heat and, accordingly, energy saving, eliminating the possibility of freezing of joints. The price of a rounded log with our profile technology does not exceed the prices of materials with lunar-type grooves.


The company offers to use an extensive collection of projects or will help you create an individual plan. The client can choose a ready-made standard project of a house made of rounded logs, one or two storeys, with a veranda or attic, a garage and a swimming pool - in any combinations at your discretion. It is also possible to order your personal plan for the construction of a building made of rounded logs, where any wishes of the customer will be taken into account. Our architect’s comprehensive and responsible approach to any project guarantees the quality and functionality of the future building. We are responsible at all stages of work with the client and construction, so we work only with the best specialists.

Production of wall kits

A variety of wood species can be used to make rounded logs, but coniferous trees, in particular pine, are best suited. The optimal ratio of price and high performance indicators has made this type of wood very popular among consumers. A tree that has gone through several stages of processing using special equipment is called rounded. First, the raw materials are sorted by diameter, then all loose parts are cut off and then ground along the entire length (up to 7.5 meters). The result is smooth cylindrical beams of the same diameter (from 200 to 400 mm). The next stage of production is the selection of grooves using the selected technology (lunar groove, Finnish profile) and the production of wall kit blanks of the required length. The final stage is wood impregnation protective compounds and drying it.

Turnkey construction

After developing a project for future construction, a site is prepared for it. The site is leveled, materials and equipment are imported. Construction works begin with laying a foundation, the design of which depends on the type of soil, the mass and dimensions of the building being erected, as well as the terrain. Typically, building a foundation does not require large expenses. The next stage is the assembly of the log house and the installation of an insulated roof, which are carried out by highly qualified craftsmen. Next, the log structure is given a period of shrinkage (6-9 months), after which they begin installing windows and doors, as well as finishing works. All construction process, by the time of moving in, it takes no more than one year.

Cost of a log house

Modern wooden house made from rounded logs is not only comfort, warmth, coziness, but also a noticeable attribute of the owner’s success! Thanks to its own production facilities and a responsible team of highly qualified workers, Dacha Stroy will quickly and inexpensively bring any of your ideas to life. You will be able to get free consultations. Company managers will answer all your questions and give qualified advice. Call now - order the wooden house of your dreams!

Houses made from rounded logs look beautiful, provide a high level of coziness and comfort, and serve their owners for a long time. Ivales company designs and constructs such buildings. From us you can order turnkey construction and get a beautiful and cozy home at your disposal exactly on time.

Rounded log: what is it?

This is a popular material that is used in the construction of residential buildings and cottages, as well as bathhouses and various utility buildings. It is produced industrially: as a result machining, which is called cylindering, is removed upper layer wood, and the log takes on a perfectly rounded shape.

The rounded log is thoroughly dried and then treated with special compounds that improve performance characteristics. Building from such material is simple and convenient, and the combination of the traditions of Russian wooden architecture with modern technologies allows you to build beautiful and durable houses With minimal costs time.

Advantages of houses made of rounded logs

Such houses have all the advantages that wooden buildings have. This:

  • the ability to do without a solid foundation due to the relatively light weight of the log house;
  • environmental friendliness - wood is natural material, it provides natural air exchange and maintains a pleasant microclimate for humans;
  • durability - the building will serve its owners for decades, and a house made of rounded logs also has excellent earthquake resistance;
  • fast construction.
  • Separately, good aesthetic characteristics should be noted. Workpieces of the same diameter, having a flat, smooth surface, look beautiful and do not require additional external processing and finishing.

    According to your needs

    The Ivales company offers:

    • select one of the already created projects presented on the site;
    • order development individual project, fully consistent with your wishes.

    Contact us and we will build a house in which you will enjoy living. Extensive experience and highly qualified employees allow us to successfully solve even the most complex tasks. Ivales managers are ready to promptly answer your questions.