Why does the late grandfather dream of a living grandson. good or evil

Dream Interpretation Dead Grandpa

Life and death always follow each other relentlessly. The end of something terrible can be the beginning of something new, truly beautiful. Conversely, this cyclical process fascinates and frightens at the same time. Relatives who have long been dead are frequent guests in our dreams.

Why is the dead grandfather dreaming? Basically, he, like his grandmother, attend night dreams in rare cases. At this time, the dreamer needs valuable advice from a wise man. More detailed interpretation leading seers and psychologists will help.

if you dreamed of a dead grandfather

What does the interpreter say?

In every house, sooner or later, misfortune comes. It doesn’t matter if it is often your companion or if nothing has been heard about it for a long time, but every person experiences it sooner or later. Unfortunately, grandparents are the first to die. Think about why such an episode was dreamed of and whether this person is really alive.

Really he died

So, if you happened to see, feel the presence of a loved one in your dream, but in reality he died a long time ago, then it's time to look into the dream book. Was he in a coffin or full vital energy, all these fleeting details will help to give the correct interpretation.

What does he look like?

Remember what emotions were visible on his face, and what other features were present in the dream.

Was he cheerful

  1. Cheerful. If you happened to see that he was both lively, mischievous and joyful, then this is a good sign. He says that soon good luck, pleasant events will knock on your house. It is also an indicator that the dreamer will finally find long-awaited happiness.
  2. Unhappy. Dreamed of a sad relative? Unfortunately, now is not the best period for business development or significant dates. Be ready for lack of money and family crisis. But at the same time, you can always count on the support of your friends, proven over the years.
  3. Offended. But this episode is a sure sign of your selfishness, inattention to the needs of loved ones. Such a way of life and behavior deeply hurts relatives, although they do not tell you about it. The situation may reach the point that they do not want to return to their home and find more like-minded people.
  4. Indifferent to what is happening. He can lie in a coffin, but at the same time be alive in a dream, or stand next to you, but remain absolutely indifferent to everything that happens around him. If you dreamed of something like this, then this is a sign that you are starting to slowly but surely forget about it. In the event that you happen to see a funeral, and your mother, grandmother and other relatives are standing next to you, you should expect changes, often not the most pleasant ones.
  5. Restless. This is a sure sign that you need to visit the burial place of a deceased person, light a candle and remember. Often such images appear in cases where death has recently visited your home.

Circumstances in a dream

In the foggy world of dreams, one can observe a variety of phenomena that one could not even think about in reality. What happened to do and what individual moments are remembered?

If you cursed

  1. Swear. Basically, all visions full of negativity associated with deceased people, whether it be a grandfather, grandmother or other relative, do not bode well. Here and in this case, you should prepare for all sorts of troubles that will await in all areas of life. It is also likely that you will make an unfortunate mistake in professional business.
  2. Beats. Did you dream of a loved one who beats you with hatred? The dream interpretation claims that this is a sure sign that most recently you made a mistake that could cripple the fate of other people. Now best time to remedy the situation.
  3. Hugs. It doesn't matter if he was in a coffin before or next to you. Although you were wrong before, you walked along the wrong path in life, but in the near future the path will turn out to be more true and correct than ever.
  4. Talks about feelings. This means that you need to pay more attention to the area of ​​life that is connected with society, acquaintances and communication. Review your actions and deeds, and be more open to the world.
  5. Practically unfamiliar to you. If you dreamed of a grandfather, but you hardly remember him, then you should be prepared for life's difficulties. However, the dream book notes that in any case their outcome will be positive and it will be possible to benefit from the problems.

In reality he is alive

Sometimes we are overtaken by such visions in which grandfather is actually alive, but in a dream he seems dead. Such phenomena are frightening, but at the same time they carry an important meaning.

So, if he lies in a coffin, but at the same time seems absolutely healthy and energetic, then this is a sure sign not only of your longevity, but also good health all family.

Well, in the case when you happened to see him painful, upset, then be prepared for problems with your own well-being, as well as minor troubles. The dream interpretation claims that all hardships and illnesses will be easily overcome and will not force you to spend a lot of energy.

If you called with you

If in a dream you notice your home and your beloved grandfather is trying to run away from you, then now is the best time to enter a new life stage. Stop relying on your own parents in everything and start learning a little independence.

In the case when the deceased grandfather or grandmother calls with them to the next world, one should be especially careful. The threat of dangers is great, especially diseases.

Other interpretations

Continuing to analyze why to see this sad sight, let's turn to other sources. Famous psychologists and predictors will help you give the right answer.

Miller's dream book

The psychologist noted that the deceased grandfather, grandmother and other relatives are extremely important symbols. He paid attention to the role in which the dreamer himself happened to be.

Be an observer

Had a chance to see a loved one in your dreams, who was smiling, kind and generally friendly? Miller believed that this was a very good sign that would give not only family well-being, stable cash receipts, but also full-fledged happiness in the house.

if you didn't know your grandfather

However, in cases where an elderly man was a stranger, you should be wary and pay attention to how he behaved towards you. It is likely that he may be the personification of your future "I".


An image in which a loved one looks like a living person and is trying to give you an item, a parcel, is a good sign. Although now you have problems, after a night incident they will be resolved by themselves.

But the conversation portends troubles and new responsibilities that you could not even think about before. Remember the nature of the conversation. In the case when you talked warmly and cordially, then the troubles that have befallen will be extremely pleasant.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What does this source say? Tsvetkov believed that it was necessary to pay close attention to what exactly grandfather was telling you in the arms of Morpheus. At the same time, it does not matter whether he was in the coffin, next to you, or you only invisibly felt his presence. The words you hear may turn out to be a prediction, so do not forget them.

In the case when a beloved elderly man hugs you, kisses you, gives you his warmth, be sure that in any situation you will never be left alone. There will always be those who appreciate you and are ready to provide all kinds of support.

According to the symbolic interpreter, you need to start solving your own problems on your own and not rely on the help of other people.

What is the dream of the deceased grandfather, if he was recently buried, is not difficult to guess. You are missing loved one, his warmth, participation. But if a relative left this world a long time ago, but often appears in a dream, then he warns of changes in life. And not always these changes will be for the better.

Miller's interpretation

If you saw your grandfather in tears, then Miller portends bad news. You need to think about your behavior. Otherwise, by committing an unworthy act, spoil your reputation.

Why dream of getting a kiss from him? Joyful events await you.

Miller's dream book believes that the ancestor, coming to his grandchildren, seeks to prevent them from making mistakes. Therefore, it is recommended to remember as accurately as possible what the deceased said. The dream contains extremely important information and a hint for further action.

Brief explanations

  • Grandfather is alive, but looks sick in a dream - portends a rapid deterioration in well-being.
  • See him dressed in military uniform- you will do a selfless and noble act.
  • If an ancestor asks to get drunk while sitting on the bed, the dream book recommends remembering a relative.
  • To relive the death of a grandfather - heavy worries and burdensome obligations are expected, which cannot be avoided.
  • In a dream, sitting at a table with him means longevity.
  • A gift from an ancestor is interpreted as receiving an inheritance.
  • For what ? This plot portends sadness and sadness.
  • Does the guest from the other world smile affectionately? You will do right choice. But if he cries, you will greatly regret your actions.

The past returns

Dream Interpretation of Veles interprets the appearance of his grandfather in this way. The upcoming events will radically change fate. If he is joyful, the changes will be extremely positive. The losing streak is finally over.

Why does the deceased Grandfather dream in a dream from a dream book?


What did the late grandfather do in your dream?

The deceased grandfather dreamed alive ▼

The deceased grandfather is dreaming - get valuable guidance, important about necessary actions in a certain situation. A deceased relative is trying to protect you from problems.

The late grandfather dreamed alive and talked ▼

The dream of the late grandfather, alive and talking, is interpreted by the dream book as a sign of the upcoming black streak. There is a deterioration in family and financial affairs.

What did you do with your dead grandfather in a dream?

Who dreamed of the deceased grandfather?

Granddaughter dreamed of the late grandfather ▼

The late grandfather dreamed - a bad sign. Your health condition will worsen, and things will not go according to plan. Unpleasant events may occur, there is little you can do or change.

Video: What is the dream of the deceased Grandfather

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The deceased Grandfather had a dream, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    Hello Tatiana! I am 32 years old, Svetlana. I practically don’t see dreams (I don’t remember). But today I had a dream about my grandfather, who died in 1998 (in April). I was at his funeral when I was 17 years old. The dream itself: grandfather lies in a coffin. And I see how he comes to life, and I am very happy about it. I see him start to move right hand lifts it up a little. I don't quite remember what happens next. I remember only one passage, that I am lying next to my grandfather as a nurse, apparently. As soon as he wants something, I help him. That's the whole dream. What does this mean?

    I dreamed of a grandfather who died long before I was born. It never happened before, I never dreamed about it. He stood next to me and talked about something. At first I did not understand that it was him, but I guessed it, because I called him grandfather. Then I close-up saw his face. There were other people around us, but the environment and the people were vague. Then a girl who was at a distance from us intervened in our conversation. She looks to be 25-30 years old. Then we continued our conversation. Then I woke up

    My grandfather died after falling 8 floors. I had a dream that he was alive, and after a few minutes I see him dead near the house (he fell again from the 8th floor of our balcony), and when they brought him to the morgue, they said that he had been lying dead for 2 weeks and no one noticed him there.

    I vaguely remember the whole dream. But it was the case that some kind of virus attacked the earth, which turned people into some kind of wax dolls, and all the people, including myself, fled. there was a lot of things but I don’t understand, but at the end I saw my grandfather who died 4 years ago, I met him when he was beaten by enemies, we met near his house on the playground, he stood next to the horizontal bar, (as a child I always loved to climb there ) he stood next to this horizontal bar and didn’t say a word to me, for some reason his eyes were different, so he had brown eyes, and in that dream his right eye was brown and his left blue, I told him that we were running there, and he bent down and looked in my throat and tried to hug me, but somehow something interfered with him. Then there was a dream, but I don’t remember what happened next. What does it mean? I haven't watched horror movies in a long time. I had this dream today, yesterday I didn’t watch TV for my birthday. I didn't even think it was bad. And then I had such a dream .. what does it mean?

    dream. in a dream there are some tables on the table of the box, then I see dressing table with a mirror and the grandfather of the deceased hugged me and cheered me in front of the mirror and at the end some kind of flash, as if he took a photo

    my paternal grandfather died a little over a year ago, and today I dreamed of him, my grandmother and I bathed him, then something began to happen to him and my grandmother asked me to run to the neighboring yard to bring holy water, and when grandfather came running, he turned into hell, i've never been like that scary dreams didn’t dream, I ran out of the yard and started calling my dad (parents are divorced, we communicate, see each other, but rarely), but he was not available. In a dream, warm tones prevailed, prophetic dreams I don’t remember, dreams are often quite often. Please tell me what it is for, because of sleep I woke up at 3 am and could not fall asleep until 5 am.

    my son, he is 24 years old, dreamed of his dead grandfather, as if the whole family was waiting for his return from prison, and it was as if his grandfather was serving for murder, the son offers to go meet him, but everyone refuses, and now he has already come, standing on the veranda, my son went to meet him, they stood together and cried, grandfather began to offer him money, fifty dollars to buy food, and then refused, pulled out a jar as if with mash and grandfather and my brother, his uncle, began to drink. The son began to reproach that you started your grandfather the wrong way, then the grandfather began to give him his driver's license, and he always cherished them, it was his profession, he was a driver. further it turned out that no matter how the son had no place, some kind of unknown man. Before that, my son and my brother had a conflict - my brother wanted to set fire to the house, doused it with gasoline, a house outside the city, we arrived and wrote a statement to the police, and my brother ran away and hid, the police found him, his son pressed him, now my brother cannot forgive us .

    C was standing with his grandfather's friends in his garden, and grandfather was sitting in the garden on the ground, one of his friends tells Vova that the main thing is to live here, but we don’t know what will happen after death. And grandfather replied, who knows, most likely there is life there too. And in a dream he was healthy strong))))

    I dream that I’m rushing with my grandfather on a bus somewhere. we go up the hill. suddenly I look, and I'm sitting on top of it. and he drags me upstairs. then he says "I'm tired". and becomes so weakened. I realize that the old man is dragging me uphill, I get off, I feel uncomfortable, ashamed and embarrassed. I take him by the arm, because he wants to lie down on the ground from impotence. I say “everything, everything grandfather. Let's go back." (that it's all over. not much more and he will rest). and we went down. I took him home holding his hand.

    I was fishing, but it was rotten but alive, and in between I saw my dead grandfather, he cursed at me, and my grandmother stood up for me. as I understand it from a dream. grandma is also not in this world. for some reason, all this happened in their old house and the lake where I was fishing was in the garden, although it was never there in riyal. the dream continued, but already in the house there I saw acquaintances and a classmate. I I haven’t seen it for a long time and don’t communicate. Then there is some kind of quarrel between a classmate
    and to our common acquaintances, he is older than us, we have never had a close relationship with him, so hello hello in real life, what did he dream of. then he beats a classmate, he falls and does not get up, then I inflict a couple of blows on our friend and he runs into me already, but the verbal situation heats up and I I feel that he wants to hit me at that moment, a classmate comes to his senses and the two of us hold my hands, and my classmate cut out something shameful with a knife on his chest, I didn’t remember and we let him go, and for some reason he roared, there was a little blood and I woke up in a sweat at 6 am

    I dreamed about my grandfather, who died about 4-5 months ago. I dreamed that he was looking for some stones, and showed a bowl or something similar to a bowl with yellow stones. They are not big and look like ordinary pebbles for an aquarium, they are still with sharp edges. Grandpa dreamed the day before yesterday, and today I dreamed of some house, for some reason everything was in dark colors, and again I saw a bowl with the same stones. They were the only bright ones.

    Hello! I don’t really remember the dream, but I know for sure, it was very scary. The action takes place in our house, I remember exactly, someone was here, but I don’t know who. I run out into the corridor and there is grandfather, I remember well, he was almost fully dressed, his face was not even visible, free space, but I knew for sure that it was grandfather. I was very scared when I saw him. When he was alive, he loved me very much, especially since I am his only granddaughter. I still remember in this dream, I open the cabinet, and there is a knife. Again, I was frightened and did not take it, left it lying there. But after this dream, I felt such fear. I often dream of my grandfather. He died just over 3 months ago. I don't dream very much good dreams. My family dreams of him being good. And after the dreams I saw with him, I almost always worry, I'm scared. What does all of this mean?

    First dreamed of a spirit dead mother girlfriends, it’s as if I’m lying awake at night and the spirit came and I shrank all over, it was very scary and a little painful, it seemed to me that they were killing me or checking from the inside, in my opinion I started to pray and everything went away. I didn’t see her, but I knew that it was her. I don’t know what to connect this dream with, I didn’t really know her and hadn’t seen her for a very long time, the only friend gave her new boots and I didn’t know why, only then I thought if it was possible. Then I dreamed about grandfather, we talked about something, he treated me in a dream, but said that this was not enough, then he said goodbye and said that it was time for him, where I don’t remember exactly (he died sort of like throat cancer, but the story is dark, as they told me, my uncle grabbed him by the throat and he began to fade quickly, a month later he was already delirious and died), and in a dream it’s not the first time I dream of a picture of how he was lost, he was cold, there wasn’t much years later he comes home, but in reality this didn’t happen. Some other people, then a drunken mother, then immediately normal. Then I'm on the street an unknown guy in love with me and I feel it, then suddenly I'm already hiding in the closet naked to the waist, the guy finds me and brings me pantyhose. Everything I remember from a dream.

    Hello! Tonight I had a dream, how my deceased, grandfather and uncle, looked from above, it seemed to me as if from the ceiling, I was lying, and they were looking at me, the image of grandfather, in the form of a clear face, he appeared to me as if at a young age , the hair is not gray, his face was clearly remembered, and my uncle, his face was blurry for some reason, the grandfather’s face was on the left, and my uncle was on the right, they didn’t talk to me, but simply silently watched me, and I remembered some of my thoughts during sleep, I asked my grandfather why he was young, and my uncle, why his face was blurry, in response there was silence, they continued to watch, then I became anxious, and I woke up. After this dream, I had another dream, after which I became even more anxious, I dreamed that we were in country house(at the dacha), in a new house not yet built (which is planned next year), I was in the yard, and my grandmother called me to help bring some cans to the basement, under the house, we went down to the basement, and walked along him, after I followed my grandmother, the basement was semi-gloomy, and I felt uneasy, after which, grandmother, in one of the corridors turned a corner, I rushed after her, but turning, my grandmother was not there, I began to rush about through the basement and call my grandmother, but she was nowhere to be found, in the end I found a way out of the basement, went out into the yard, and woke up.

    I dreamed of a dead grandfather, in a dream I didn’t know that he had died, I was very glad to see him, then he turned into a dog, said that it was easier for him. I returned to my grandmother's apartment, it was closed, my things were next to the apartment.

    Today I dreamed of a deceased grandfather, he stood near his house, where he lived during his lifetime, I don’t remember what he said, I stood with my daughter, grandfather gave us some things, in my opinion outerwear. and then called my daughter, but she did not go. then I don’t remember anything, the dream was not in color.

    i dreamed that I was at school, I had a classmate, we walked around the school for some time, then for some reason we went into the class, I checked my portfolio and left it in the classroom. Then we went to another block and when we returned back we went through the watch, and there my briefcase lay all dirty, shabby and it was clear that they opened it and looked at my things. I presented all this to the watchman with whom I communicate well, after I saw that my classmates were laughing or grinning at the homeless, I did not make out. I was very upset and ran from school to the stadium. At the stadium, either my mother or a classmate came up to me, I don’t remember, gave me the phone and said to call my grandfather (grandfather from my mother’s side, whom I loved very much and could not come to the funeral because I was in the hospital and my mother called me there and said that grandfather had died ) well, they said to call because he sees and hears everything, and if there are beeps, you have to tell him whatever you want, and at this time he will be silent. After these words, I called him and heard beeps and wanted to say something, but immediately woke up.

    My grandfather died recently in October on the 3rd day after his birthday. I had never dreamed like this before. I had 2 dreams with him. 1 dream: he was at our house with me with my parents, he smiled, but we didn’t greet him very well, because we understood that he had died. Oddly enough, he looked pretty healthy. He talked to us, his eyes always fell on me (I don't remember what we talked about). He insisted that he was alive (although we buried him). In general, we received him in 1 dream not very positively. And in the second dream it was only me, mom and him. My mother and I were going to her friend to sit and drink tea. They collected mugs, plates (I still don’t understand why they are ... if she already has them at home). And suddenly the doorbell rang, my mother went and looked and said that this was my dead grandfather, he was healthy and smiling again. But we did not let him in, even though he rang the doorbell very intrusively. Mom forgot to close the peephole on the door so he could watch us. And I scolded her for it ... and quietly went to the door to close it and bent down so that he would not see me. I closed it. And then my mother and I heard the sounds of the piano, a very beautiful melody. Mom said not to succumb to the sound of this melody, as this is grandfather playing outside the door (although there was no piano). Then, I don’t know how, but we ended up on the street, although I didn’t see how we left. I saw many cats, they looked at me menacingly, their eyes shone, they hissed and said that they were under the rule of my deceased grandfather. We went to the entrance of my mother's friend. It was dark there, but at the same time we saw everything that was here. Cats chased us, they talked to us about the same ... I tried to strangle one of the cats (although I love them very much), her eyes were very shining, I did not strangle her. And here we are on the fifth floor ... even higher than my mother's friend. And here again we see a lot of cats, and we ended up on the roof of this house, we didn’t get into the apartment of her friend, I see my grandfather’s hand, I see his back. He said something and did not let my mother and I see this woman, although she is good, he also wanted me to be with him, but I refused, he suffered. And suddenly dawn. And mom says that everything is over, grandfather is gone, but there are cats. their eyes are no longer so bright, they just look at us. And mom says when the sun is in the sky, he can't reach us. And then I kind of understood that the night would come and he would come again. Here is such a 2 dream. Tell me what he meant to tell me and what I should expect. What can I do so that he doesn’t come to me anymore, I love him very much and I know that he loved me very much, but I don’t want trouble. Thank you.

    Hello! i dreamed that someone was showing me old photographs of my grandfather, which I didn’t actually see in the photograph; he was an adult and small; former home and I hear some kind of voice that he (grandfather) used to grow up here, but in reality this cannot be, and the house in the dream was slightly changed. Thank you.

    At night, in a dream, I went to the cemetery, where we buried my grandfather in September, the cemetery is located in our village. I don't know which grave I approached, and from which grave I took a handful of earth. I remember well the exit from the cemetery, the fence. It was winter, for some reason I peered into the depths of the cemetery at the exit, but I didn’t see anything, already at the entrance to the village, I wanted to light a cigarette, but it fell out of my hands, I saw a dead grandfather, white as a ghost .. Not alive ... I got into our car without closing the door and asked my grandfather: What are you doing here? You don’t need this world ... He simply answered: I’m to my mother .. (as he called his wife, my grandmother ...) Then my mother and my daughter came up to me, and grandfather just stood and looked at us ... Why this dream what does he mean? My grandma has a bad cold, will she be all right? Didn't her grandfather come for her?

    in a dream I saw a dead grandfather (father of mothers), he tells me that he will no longer bother me, that this is the last meeting with me. I saw him in a dream from an early age to old age, why did I have this dream?

    Hello! I dreamed of a dead grandfather who loved me very much ... I had never dreamed before! It’s as if we are sitting on a bench with him and weeping together, I have never seen such tears in my life, like from a bucket ... And then my grandfather takes my wife’s nephew by the hand (1.9 years old) ... my wife and I are on the verge of a break (

    i dreamed of his funeral. although I wasn’t there, I was very small, most importantly, he was lying in a coffin, and when I was left alone with him, he abruptly jumped up and sat next to me and said something to me. and again lay down, I was very scared , but what exactly he told me, I unfortunately do not remember

    i dreamed of a cemetery and the undead grandfather was dead the graves were strange for some reason the dead lay on them and they talked and moved I was very scared and ran almost all over the cemetery because it was scary

    Hello, my name is Andrei, I'm 31 years old. Here's my dream: With my father (67 years old) we went to the 5-story building (I used to walk here with my peers as a teenager) in the neighboring yard where I grew up. And for some reason they climbed to the 3rd floor along the balconies and gratings on them. On the balcony of the 3rd floor, the door to the room was open and on the bed to the right of the entrance, a grandmother lay against the wall (she died about 3 years ago). my grandfather was sitting or lying near the far wall on the bed or sofa (he died in the same year, like my grandmother, only in the fall, and she died in the spring) So the father with whom I climbed onto the balcony began to scold that copy of himself that was in the room. I got the impression that these are two different halves of one person, good and bad. In general, with whom I scolded, and the other made excuses. During their dialogue, grandparents were silent and didn’t seem to say anything to us. That seems to be the whole main fragment of this dream. already in the morning, today.

    I go down the stairs from my grandmother, I see people go to a meeting with I know that they will go to her, going out into the street on the way to me, a dead grandfather, although not my own, but my grandfather, I leave the entrance and go to the stall to buy bananas and he apologized and touches me for the green hand

    I dreamed of this picture: My grandmother and I are at her house. Only the house doesn't look like her house at all. Something else, not even mine. Then I saw the bathroom, it was filled with water and my grandfather was lying there. I tried to talk to him, shouted deed - deed. He was mumbling something under the water, but he didn't hear anything. Then I dreamed about how they take away his brain. And without a brain, he seemed to stop talking all of a sudden, was silent, did not breathe, and drove his eyes back and forth. I didn’t dream about him for 7 or 8 years already.

    I dreamed that with my mother's brother and some other people we were looking for where to bury the coffin with my grandfather (who actually died in September 2014). The lid is open, grandfather lies with open eyes, I try not to catch his gaze on me and at this place I wake up from fear ...

    I dreamed of my dead soul, which stood under the apple tree on a great number of unreached apples. sho robili already overachieved. on whom my dream ended.

    Hello, I had a dream, as if, My grandmother and mother were sitting near the stove and clicking seeds, we already knew that grandfather had died, but somehow he suddenly came home from work alive, I ran to hug him, but he pushed himself away.

    hello i had a dream like i'm a mom and grandmother sit near the stove and click seeds, we already knew that grandfather had died, but suddenly grandfather comes into the house completely alive, I ran to hug him, but for some reason he pushed himself away and did not let himself be hugged.

    hello in May, I’ll tell you what I remember exactly, I’m my poor grandfather and someone else I don’t remember who we are walking along a country road and my grandfather draws attention to a big tree with green apples and something makes me feel better, I just realized that he says that they are sour

    I dreamed that I needed to bury the dismembered parts of the body of my already deceased grandfather. I try to collect all the parts, and they fall out of the bag ....... at the same time, I drip the earth with a shovel, which removes snow in winter. And when I dig the earth, I dig out some bones.

    My son dreamed of a grandfather (my father), who left us on 01/20/2015. He knocked on the door, the child opened it and saw that he was standing in only his underwear. Then he went into the house - bathed, ate and left again.

    i dreamed of my grandfather and my dead grandmother! it was in the house of my ancestors, May my aunt carried a tray of sweets and hurt him, I began to scold her saying how you can drop and not pick it up! then she went to another room, I followed her and there she saw my good friend grandfather and grandmother ((((and he tells me straight granddaughter in life you need to teach them how to properly manage the household and complained about my grandmother saying she didn’t know how to do anything and cried and grandmother entered this mammoth she had two carrots in her hands she washed them and was silent, didn’t say a word

    In a dream, my grandfather hit me on the back (but it didn’t hurt me) and said that I was the most worthless granddaughter and that he would tell my mother something, and then he told my mother something, he got angry with me and also wanted to beat me and she ran after me, and I ran away from her

    In a dream, I dreamed that my grandfather hit me on the back (but it didn’t hurt me) and said that I was the most worthless and bad granddaughter and that he would tell my mother something, then he told something to my mother and she was at me She got angry and wanted to beat me, but I ran away from her.

    Hello! I dreamed of a long-dead grandfather and said that I always had, have and will have the name of my fiancé. And in a dream I concluded that I can’t get pregnant (in fact, I have a problem with this), because my fiancé is a very distant brother to me.

    Hello Tatyana, I dreamed about my deceased grandfather already 2 times and he takes offense at me in a dream. What am I like, what did she do wrong and in a dream they beat me on people, and they are chasing me in a dream. And in the previous dream, he would pull me into the mirrors and ran after me with a cane, he wanted to beat me, what is all this for.

    Hello. I had a dream about my grandfather. He died on March 22 and dreamed on the night of 22 to 23 he died about 15 years ago. I dream that I’m at my mother’s kitchen in the kitchen talking with some young girl and we are looking at some kind of notebook, I don’t remember what was written there, but I remember the pictures that were pasted there, what a fascist sign, the demon was pasted. Then I begin to clean something from the dishes and pour salt from there, there was a lot of it. I saw that this salt was unsuitable and wanted to throw it away, and since I scattered it a little, I got up and went to the bucket and wanted to throw it over my left shoulder. And at that moment there were screams. I ran with this girl into the hall in the window and saw a man with a long hair who screams. This girl ran into another room. Then I see that a man is coming towards me, but only the other one came from I don’t understand where. I got scared and ran for the knife. I took 2 large knives, though we never had such at home. And she ran to this man. When she ran, she remembered that the knives were blunt and went back to the kitchen to get a sharp one. When she saw this man, she began to stick a knife in the stomach and throat. There is no blood and he continues to walk towards me, I ran away from him, and he just stands looking at me. I looked into his eyes and only in his eyes realized that this was my grandfather. He was young with a different hairstyle, tall, big eyes. And he looked like he was expecting something from me. As a person who said something and is waiting for a reaction from another. I put the knife on the table and hugged him. She began to groan and cry. Then I lie with my eyes closed and I know that I am lying in a coffin, but I hear and feel everything and I know that people are standing around me. Then it's like I'm flying in an unfamiliar place and I hear a conversation about how when people die they become particles that can fly to us whenever they want. And at this time, I fly up to these people, look at them, and I understand that I am this part. I would really like to know what this dream means

    the deceased grandfather was 35-40 years old (he died at that age), in a dream he was very handsome and famous, allegedly saw me for the first time and told me that I was very beautiful, admired my beauty very much and quickly left sleep.

    Grandfather died on April 10 of this year.
    I have a dream that my dad's brother has a wedding, we go into their house, but it's not their house there is a big corridor, but on the sides of the room, at the end of this corridor, grandfather's room, although he lives in another house. So, he sits in there is no door in the room, but there is some board and the passage to the room is closed. Several people are sitting next to me and we are watching TV. And grandfather gets up and starts to leave, I ask you where? He sits down and says I'm going to sleep, I say let's see it off, he says no, I won't wake up again, I hug him and say something in his ear, like forgive me for everything, and I'll forgive you. And I hug my neck tightly because I can’t go into the room. He holds me tightly by hand and then he gets up and leaves. No one saw him except me. I start to tell my mother but I can’t speak. It’s hard for me to open my mouth and chew words. I start to cry.
    What is it for?
    Mom said in the morning that it was grandfather who said goodbye to me.

    My name is Anya, my friend Nastya dreamed that I was with my mother and looked at my grandfather, that he was lying dead and I was crying, and even more so, grandfather was no longer in this world. What does this mean?

    Just a month ago, my grandfather died, exactly a week after his death, his grandfather died. best friend with whom he was friends throughout his life. Today I had the following dream: I was driving very fast in a car, when suddenly a person appears on the road, limping along as if drunk all over spruce branches(his face was not visible), I dodge him so as not to knock him down and brake on the side of the road. Then I get out of the car to teach this man a lesson, I run up and then he removes the branches from his face and I see my grandfather's friend, I stand in a stupor not knowing what to do, but I think to myself how it is, you died, when suddenly because of groans are heard from his back and I see my grandfather walking in the same way limping, the thought of the walking dead immediately got into my head, in other words, “zombies” and I woke up. I would like to know why this was all a dream? Today I was going to go to church to light a candle for the repose.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed weird dream. My husband and I are in the bedroom and we hear that grandfather is in the next room (he died a long time ago). I ran out, he sits on a chair and he feels bad, sick. Then he is already in the corridor at the table, he does not want to go to his grandmother's room and does not want to go to bed. I ask him about his sympathy, I try to give him a bowl, but he is silent and looks somehow strange

    Hello) I dreamed of my dead grandfather)) as if we were standing in the garden with my family and he comes in, as if to ask for money, in his clothes, and I shout to everyone “look grandfather, how is it, he died” and he answers , his clothes, but I'm not him) Please tell me what this means, I very rarely have dreams. Thanks

    I dreamed of my grandfather alive who died 7 years ago. He was drunk and I helped him get home. he hung on my shoulders. he was calm. In the end, I put him on the bench and he fell asleep. helped to go to him in the yard where he lived.

    I’m having a dream, I come to my yard where I used to live, I go up to the apartment there are a lot of people and they are all of gypsy nationality going into the room and they tell me that my father died, when I pushed people apart I saw my dad’s place, my grandfather lies dead covered with a sheet, he can be seen he was so thin, he didn’t speak himself, he just lay on the bed (my grandfather died almost a year ago, my father also died very thin and due to illness)

    Good afternoon! today I dreamed about my deceased grandfather, he died 4 years ago. I dreamed that we were buying fish with a large carcass of catfish and whole frozen mackerels. tell me what is it for? thank you in advance

    I dreamed of a deceased great-grandfather, the appearance was his, but I could stick my hand or some thing through him, the impression that it was a spirit. He came a couple of times in a dream, he just appeared and that’s it, it was scary, he tried to say something, but I didn’t understand, I started crying, screaming loudly, asking him to leave and never appear again, and here I am I cried not because I was afraid, but because I would not see more, but I was scared.

    Good afternoon! Today I had a dream about my grandfather who died dead .... I dressed him with my grandmother and sister and put him in a coffin ... But the strangest and most terrible thing in this dream was that pus had already begun to leak from his body through the fabric that we covered him with ...... and in a dream I felt a terrible smell ....

    We walked in the village, in which we spent most of our childhood, with our old friend, we haven’t communicated at all for 5 years, we communicate, we go into an old abandoned church, after that it disappears somewhere, I go further 1 to a long-closed room, there grandfather is lying on the window bench, the whole room is dark, but for some reason it’s light around him, I sit down to him and offer to move in with me, and he replied that he and his grandmother hadn’t been left for long, and “Both of us will be in a vomitous state” ... Then I hugged him, cried and woke up ... that's all ...

    I dreamed that my grandfather died. I did not see him in the coffin or how he was buried, but I felt it, and I cried very much. And he came to me like a ghost, I hugged him and talked to him. AT real life he is alive.

    I had this dream 40 days after grandfather's death. I dreamed that he was sitting on a chair at home and, as always, reading a newspaper, then laying down on the bed and snoring very loudly, last week I dreamed that grandfather, as usual, came to our house brought gifts and talked to us. And the day before yesterday I dreamed that he was lying on the bed alive, healthy

    i dreamed of a coffin that stood in a vestibule near the apartment, in which grandfather lay on his side with his legs bent, I looked at him and cried very much, the feeling was that there were still relatives nearby, but I don’t see them.

    Grandpa arrived at the dacha as usual. By car (blue, I think Mercedes, jeep) which I gave to mom and dad just like that. Before that, I talked to him on the phone, well, before he arrived and he told me that he had bought me something. And when he arrived, he led me to his grave, which for some reason was opposite country house from brick. And further after the grave, as on the willow, there were trees and bushes. I still had a torn foot and I walked with my bare feet on the rubble of the temple due to the fact that the foot was torn open. And he led me, and my grandmother said along the way that it was an illusion (grandmother is alive). and we came there was a photograph that stands at home in Moscow in a photo frame. The grave was sandy.

    I and my late paternal grandfather were on their former site with my grandmother, on which their former house was dilapidated. I was pleased to see him, he had a pleasant and friendly appearance, he sat on a chair, crossing his legs (his usual posture in life). Seeing his benevolent disposition, I told him: “Come on, build a new one here. brick house“He didn’t answer, and in order to arrange him for construction, I decided to feed him, set the table, went to call him, but he disappeared, I looked for him, didn’t find him and left there. I woke up with a distinct feeling that finally we will have money, we will sell this site and everything will be okay. But then I remembered that it was sold a long time ago. didn't get upset.

    me husband. the son went to the village to his grandfather (long dead) to help with the garden. the whole garden was dug up and only 1 beetroot and huge carrots grew. I offered to make a refrigerator and went to the kitchen. grandfather to eat. he refuses, the son runs into the kitchen and asks to eat, I start cooking pancakes. then my husband leaves and I remember that he didn’t give me some nags and I run after him. I catch up with him in the minibus. please stop. but it’s far from the stop and I jump out of the car on the go. I get up as if it never happened. but my claws are torn and disheveled. I run as best I can along the road, I vaguely remember a man with a boy. they prevent me from passing through. (the passage is narrow. and they walk very slowly. and I am in a hurry) when I enter the house, I hear the cry and cry of my child. and my grandfather is sitting on an old sofa, beating and strangling my son. (the son was capricious and he could not stand it) everything happened in silence. I took the child. I took him to a far corner and put him on a chair. an old leather belt hung on the chair. I took it and started beating my grandfather. then she took her son's hand and calmed her down and said that we were leaving. and to grandfather: “we will never come here again. until you apologize” and he: I’m not going to apologize to me and it’s good without you. get out! and I woke up.

    i dreamed that grandfather was lying in a coffin and we were going to bury everyone crying that day and then he screams tired of you all crying we were all scared who was there after that a minute later he comes in alive and talks to me sitting on a chair and I ask him grandfather you died he says I'm alive I touched him well then it seems like he wanted to hug me but I woke up

    I dreamed that my parents and I were going to swim in the lake, it was very hot, we got into the car and drove off, when we arrived, I got out of the car and saw my grandfather, who died a long time ago. He was sitting on the shore and fishing, holding my little brother in his arms, grandfather saw me and started calling for me to help him, I went up to him and he hugged me very tightly and said “I really miss you and Vlad” (Vlad is my younger brother whom he held in his arms) then I said I caught fish for you, give it to your grandmother and clean it. Then I woke up

    my son dreamed of my dead father (his grandfather), he died long before his birth, and today he had a dream and greeted him, his son is very scared, he says that in a dream he knew that he was not alive

    It was somewhere in the summer, my grandfather and I were sitting near the garage, and he was digging a hole, but I noticed that he went down to the cellar for wine (grandfather made his wine every summer from grapes near the garage), he poured me into a cup and let me try , I liked it after that I showed him a gesture that I liked it (thumbs up). There were no words in the dream, I dreamed it before my grandfather died. I woke up from the fact that my mother woke up my father and said that his dad had died .. He died 9 months ago, but decided to find out only now what this could mean.

    I dreamed of a grandfather who had died for more than a year. He did not die with me, in another city. I only dreamed of a voice, he loudly called me by name (he didn’t call me, but called me). The voice was very serious. I knew in my dream that he was dead. Waking up, I clearly knew that he (grandfather) was nearby ...

    I have grandfather died in 2001, and today I had a dream, alive, and I had to bathe him, as if I fell asleep and overslept, came, and he was already in the bathroom, and was very angry with me, and my grandmother said that nothing would go away with him and I awoke. They both died, and it is strange that I dreamed of a house that was sold a long time ago - this is their house, where they lived, and I lived for some time.

    I was walking from somewhere in complete darkness, stumbled and almost fell, but kept my balance and went on. I went to the gate and saw how it became very light and beautiful around. beautiful trees, garden. I turned around and saw how my late grandfather was sitting 30 meters from me, and looking in the other direction.
    Only recently it was 40 days.
    Please tell me what this means

    I dreamed of my grandfather, who for some reason was dug up, for some kind of analysis, in the end I see him sleeping on a bench (wooden benches with wooden tables and there are a lot of them in length somehow), there are also a lot of all sorts of people sitting nearby, sleeping. And here grandfather asked me to bring a razor to shave off his stubble.

    The deceased grandfather had a dream, we were in the hospital area in the city in which I now live (he had not been here before), we hugged, we didn’t talk much about anything, and went towards our old house (where we don’t live now). Grandfather was in a good mood, and there were no such close relationships as in a dream in life.

    I dreamed of a deceased grandfather (he died about 5 years ago), and I dream that he is alive and lost (during his lifetime there was a case that he forgot where he was and how he got home later). I really wanted to find him, and kept thinking about the case when he had a memory lapse during his lifetime, that he would not be able to find his way home this time, that he was like a child, I went to the police and explained to them what he was like the little one cannot return and is somewhere waiting for me to pick him up, and in my arguments I pointed out to the police that it could be my child, and that she (I have two daughters) would also be waiting for them to be found. The police were looking for him, I dreamed that we were at the cemetery (it seems that once he also left like that and waited at the cemetery and we found him there then - I remembered it like that in a dream, but this didn’t happen during my lifetime) but this time we didn’t find him, and I was already full of despair and wanted to return home, but suddenly I saw some kind of factory or warehouse (it seems to be something connected with a tree), I went in and asked the workers if they had seen grandfather here and described him, they said that he came to them and does not remember anything, I rushed to him - it really was him, his behavior was like that of a small defenseless child (no, he did not cry and did not tell me anything - he was just confused and frightened, because was alone). I hugged him and I felt joyful and light, and I felt that he was glad about it. And we went home with him with the full feeling that now everything is over and everything is fine ...

    I dreamed of a grandfather who died many years ago. I don’t remember that he ever dreamed of me again ... I saw him on the street, it looks like a place in my hometown where I was born, in the private sector ... I can’t say that he communicated with me or with another person (perhaps it was an elderly woman ). But I immediately recognized him and clearly saw his gray hair on his head. He was not in a very good mood and everything was somehow gloomy in a dream. What he said, I don't remember.

    I dreamed of a grandfather who was no longer alive, he was lying on an arugula when I approached him, he stirred, I was in shock and told everyone he was alive, look he was alive, but no one paid attention, he was under a blanket and tried to hide, but he didn’t succeed later he jumped up and ran screaming, turned into beautiful girl 30 years old with whom I talked, she hugged me around the waist

    Good day! On the night of Easter, I dreamed of a dead grandfather who tried to call me and say something, but we never managed to talk, as if I were out of reach for him.
    When I woke up at night, I thought that he wants to warn me about something, is this true? If so, how can you understand what exactly?
    P.S. The little girl dreams very rarely. We had wonderful relationships during our lifetime. I love him very much and miss him.
    Thanks for the answer!

    i dreamed of a grandfather who died a year ago. called me on my mobile ... I was surprised to hear his voice and tell him well, you died, he said something to me in response, but I don’t remember then I woke up abruptly

    i dreamed of a grandfather who died two years ago. he first called me, and then he himself came out of the balcony, sat on my bed, took my hand and said that my boyfriend, whom we meet, does not suit me

    The late grandfather dreamed. I dreamed of being alive and young well and fashionably dressed. He did not want to enter his apartment. He took my hand and talked to me. He called me to his place to work as a dishwasher. What does this dream mean?

    I dreamed that I came to the cemetery and looked for my grandfather’s grave, but in its place there was another stranger’s grave, but near I found photographs where supposedly my grandfather and relatives were depicted, where he was young, the photos were old black and white, I was very worried during dream!
    I had been looking for a grave for a very long time before that, I didn’t understand that there was already another grave on the site, I walked around several times, with anxiety, and then I ended up in some offices where those responsible for the cemetery were sitting and I shouted at them that it was impossible to bury on place of my grandfather another! !!

    I left my car on the edge of the bridge standing next to I fell into a flat cake from behind, I got scared and went to look for a place where I didn’t find me, and then abruptly we sit at the table, I, mom, grandfather and discuss something, I mentally understand that he died and in a dream he sits alive and healthy and talks well , then I do not remember waking up

    I dreamed today that in a dream I hug my late grandfather. During my lifetime, I loved him very much, and he me)) The dream is very warm, like two close friends hugging. Grandpa has been gone for 8 years. I used to dream about him too, 2-3 times. Sometimes he says something in his sleep. Basically, it says what I worry about in my personal life or health. And today, just a dream where we hug and are glad to see each other, did not say anything. At the same time, I understand that there is also a grandmother nearby, but I don’t see her. I just know she's around. I would very much like to know why such a dream?

    dreamed of a grandfather who died a few months ago, did not say anything, looked very well dressed in a blue sweater with a V neckline and blue suede slippers with a heel, like light shoes. Was well groomed. In a dream it was scary, even very, because. I knew that my grandfather was chasing me, I ran away to the subway, but he appeared at the station and ran down the stairs without seeming to notice me.

    I dreamed of a dead grandfather who is not yet 40 days old. I dreamed as if he was asking to hug him, I hug him, and he is so thin that it’s just awful. He was lying on his couch, where he always curled up like this, as if something hurt him.

    Good day. My dream was amazing. My grandfather died 2 months ago. Did you give me here?

    I had another dream before, and then I saw my grandfather, I didn’t notice that he was my grandfather, then I remember that my grandfather died and I saw my grandfather and asked my sister, who was sitting next to me, is this my grandfather? yes, and I asked my grandfather grandfather is it you and he answered yes, but who are you? it's me Bemurat! and sharply hugged and cried, sobbed and he said something to me in the village there is a man named Bolotbek and tell him Salam he said and that's all I woke up and cried

    Yesterday I had a dream about my dead grandfather. I and all his daughters were sitting at my grandparents' house, and he came into the room, approached us, talked to my grandmother and us, and left. I don't remember exactly what I was talking about.

    Good afternoon, my beloved grandfather dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday, who died 10 years ago. For some reason, I was instructed to organize the reburial for some unknown reason, but when I arrived there were all relatives, hustle and bustle, the usual chores. I dreamed in a coffin, his body was half decomposed, liquid flows from his mouth and eyes, accumulates in a bag, his grandmother wiped it and even licked it once. There was a feeling that it is not clear why we are doing this. At some point, he turned his head and looked at me, he had bright (too green bright) living eyes, and I felt that it was him, my grandfather, warmly to him and burst into tears. everyone cried and looked at him, then it passed, the usual fuss began, and he was reburied. The dream is emotional and chewing. I held the whole dream in my hand, clinging to some kind of purple withered ugly asters, which would then have to be put in a coffin, but the dream was cut short. There were also my children and ex-husband, I talked with them, I did not contact other characters and did not see them in essence. I didn’t approach my grandfather and didn’t touch him, I was just there.

    I had a dream about my grandfather who died a few years ago. He is not my own, the husband of my grandmother's sister, but we communicated very well. He was alive, very happy and contented. We inflated balloons, he chose my hairstyle, braided my braid. And we hugged goodbye. And he left, and my own grandfather went to see him off. In general, a pleasant dream. But what could this mean?

    My grandfather died, not long ago it was forty days. I loved him very much. I had a warm dream, smiled and said that everything was fine with him. didn't feel ashamed

    I dreamed that my late grandfather was dancing with me and whispering something in my ear. There was an ambulance next to the fence, my grandfather became ill and died again. .


    Good afternoon, tell me please, the second night the late grandfather is dreaming. The first night I dream that he shows some places, a very amazing beautiful place, he told something at the same time, but I don’t remember. It's like I'm on a tour in an unusual place! The next night, grandfather sits very close to me, he practically sits on my leg, in a dream I think, well, why did he sit so close to us so uncomfortable! I ask him why it's already 9 o'clock and it's still so light! Outside the window is winter and snow. He answers tomorrow at 3 it will be dark. I live in Cyprus, it doesn’t snow here, but it gets dark early and the other day I thought it’s a pity that the days have become short in the evenings it’s already dark! Thank you

    I dreamed about my grandfather in the coffin, I had to throw money into his coffin, but I didn’t have money, then someone gave me money 1 ruble, I took the money and wanted to throw it to him too, but there was nowhere to throw this money, I was very afraid to see him in coffin.

    The late grandfather is lying and I see that he is slowly starting to fall and I catch him on my arm and twist him into place. He is already lying on his back and my hand is on his belly and I feel his muscles on his stomach twitching. I tell my mother this, but I understand that he dead

    Hello. The late grandfather dreamed, only he was 20 years younger. We saw each other in nature in winter time, although there was snow, but there was no cold at all, it was even hot. His whole face was in some patterns, but the most important thing is that he did not recognize me at all. I just said “hello” and that’s all ... I told him “grandfather, what are you?” and all

    Hello, this morning I had a dream about my deceased grandfather. I don't remember exactly, either in 2008 or 2009. I dream of mine old apartment where I lived with my parents and went to school. I clearly see that I am preparing an essay on the subject of biology on the topic "Biology in our life." I’m sitting on the couch in the hall getting ready, surrounded by books and writing (at that time there were no computers). It's cloudy outside. Two of my classmates come after me to go to school. I see them very well, I see what they are wearing (they are dressed in clothes of the 90s, i.e. the time when I was in school). They take off their shoes, I can clearly see the brown ankle boots of my classmate Yulia. We go into our common room with my brother and I start to change clothes. I put on a black skirt, began to put on a black blouse with a white collar, and suddenly a man comes into the room, I don’t see his face. I yelled, "Get out of here, what the hell." I covered the bodies with this blouse, the man turns around and I see that this is my deceased grandfather, but his face is not old, but also of those years. He comes up to me, hugs me and says, “Granddaughter, why are you screaming, it’s me, grandfather.” And I wake up abruptly at 5-30 in the morning and can no longer fall asleep.

    I dreamed that I was walking up the path and my grandfather throws snow with a shovel, cleans the path to see chtoli, then when I come a little closer he was downstairs and says he fed the children but they don’t want to sleep, immediately the picture disappeared and my uncle appeared, my grandfather’s son and my dad, my father told my uncle how tired of life got tired of everything, and then I don’t remember why such a dream would be Hello, please help me interpret the dream. Yesterday it was literally 40 days since the death of our grandfather, as I had a dream before (my granddaughters and uttered the same phrase - why did you bury me? why did you bury me?), today my son had a similar dream, that is, he had a dream ( great-grandfather he is to him and my grandfather turns out, which he also said why did you bury me, I'm alive

    Grandfather was sitting on the couch (died 18 years ago. Never dreamed before). He just looked at me and didn't say anything. I understood that he came inanimate. He sat in the apartment where he died. Someone rang the doorbell, I told him: "grandfather, now, wait" and went to open it to my friend, I showed her grandfather, but she did not see anyone. Then he disappeared. Also Silent. Explain, please.

    Hello. I dreamed about my late grandfather. He is not related to me by blood. But he means a lot to me. For me, he was family. He died 3 years ago. I dreamed he was alive and drunk. I called him home and said: how is it, they told me that you died and you are alive. But he became angry, and somehow his face turned blue. He began to shout something incomprehensible, he began to walk towards me, sort of grabbed me, I started to moor, because I was scared to look at him. After I woke up.

    Grandfather came in a dream, called for him, asked the question, do you want to know at what age you will die, I answered yes and followed him, we walked down the street towards the store, after passing the road and only then he said that you would die at 23 or 32 definitely not remember.

    I dreamed that I would die tomorrow, told her that I didn’t have time to do a lot and didn’t want to die, and hoped that this wouldn’t happen to me, all of a sudden it’s a mistake ... it’s like we were sitting in a cemetery And next to me I look at my late grandfather picking red roses for some reason I thought it was me and woke up abruptly

    I dreamed of a dead grandfather in a coffin, then he got up, I got scared and ran away, but then he came again, he walked near the coffin and talked. My grandmother was next to him, dad and sister they talked and talked, but then my sister and I went outside and we played. But suddenly the house caught fire and my grandmother died, and my dad threw me and my sister over the burning fence, but he himself couldn’t let someone else in, the grandmother also couldn’t get out of the house as there would be an invisible wall and the burning house fell on it.

    I understood that in a dream there was a disaster and the stores told people to take everything that was in the store for free. Almost everyone left and suddenly I don’t know what happened, but people smiled, some even clapped, it seems we were no longer in danger, I was with my mother’s aunt and mom. Everyone came to give back everything they took from the store, we didn’t take much, it was just a small package, and of course, we also went to return it, and suddenly, when I came in, I saw my grandfather, who died a couple of years ago and I wasn’t with him very close since we lived in different countries, but I saw him almost every year.
    In a dream, my mother and aunt went in first and when I saw this man, my mother also saw him when she wanted to call me and she looked at him. Grandfather looked at us too and then went out and then I realized that this was grandfather and ran after him. He was dressed as in one photograph that I saw recently. I ran crying after him, and in general for everyone who was similarly dressed, but did not find him. Then I saw some grandfather, he was behind a small bush and he seemed to have a small stroller and he seemed to be feeding a child who was in a stroller, but the stroller was pushed away so that I didn’t see the child, maybe he wasn’t there. And this grandfather somehow understood that I was looking for a grandfather (although I didn’t say) and he said that it was him in the face of my grandfather, but it seemed to me not true because he doesn’t know if he was in the face of my grandfather or another person .
    He told me this, but I did not talk to him (it seems).
    And then I felt that this was a dream and that now I was not sleeping and the dream stopped.

    It was winter, for some reason we lived in some strange place with my mother and brother, there was Denikin who always smoked at home and there was a husband who always got drunk
    In general, they tell me that my grandfather then died (he died already like three years ago), I was surprised to see my mother and grandmother drive up why they are joyful, but it was clear from them that they have known this for three years
    Mom took me to pick up and said I cooked something tasty for you, we went into this terrible place it was smoky
    When we came to the street for some reason, we immediately went to the cemetery there were many relatives
    I went up to put something and stumbled and caught something, and it’s like a grandfather’s voice in my head, put a chain and sorry, then put it on the grave apparently and hooked

    My deceased grandfather was in a cheerful mood in a dream, in a dream I understood that he had died and didn’t know why he was here, but then my mother said in a dream that tomorrow he had a year old and he came to visit, I said that usually he didn’t come, Mom did not answer and I woke up

    I had test in English, then suddenly I found myself in paradise, it’s beautiful there from the right of the forest, the field; on the left is the sea, and next to the sea there are large stones, then somehow my classmates and I appeared in some building .. There was long corridor, and passed people (dead)
    And among them he walked or rode a bicycle quickly, I don’t remember exactly, he was dark-haired, dressed in a black suit with a bow tie, then suddenly I noticed something and burst into tears, and at the end my mother said goodbye to me forever, I cried a lot, and I woke up crying

    I had a dream where we had guests at home, I went to take a bath and my cat, who does not like to swim, followed me, and she began to swim in the water, I called all the guests to look and my grandfather came with them, and the cat swam face down when she took it she was cold and did not react, but at the end she responded and began to meow and I woke up

    I dreamed that my grandfather was calling my aunt, after which she asks him to congratulate me on the holiday, gives me the phone. Further, he asks: how am I doing? I answered him: well, how are you? He said relatively. When to us? I answered, slyly: soon. After that, I began to cry from grief, because I know that he is dead and we will not meet. Then he asks: and when is the grandmother? I said tomorrow. She must come to him old house and bring food.

Close people who are no longer alive are quite often native in night dreams. To understand why the deceased grandfather is dreaming, interpreters recommend recalling the vision in detail, because sometimes a seemingly insignificant detail radically changes the interpretation of sleep.

Close people who are no longer alive are often native in night dreams

If the dead grandfather was alive and well, then the dreamer's body needs rest. Probably, he devotes all his strength to work, forgetting that the reserves of vital energy need to be replenished. Otherwise, the depleted body will fail and then a full-fledged treatment will be required.

A dream in which a man sees himself visiting his grandfather and he presents him with a gift can be interpreted in different ways. If the deceased gives money, it means that in the near future the dreamer will have material problems and without financial support from the outside he will not get out. Also, this vision may indicate that the sleeper, in order to earn easy money, went on a deception. However, this is unlikely to bring him happiness. If a man is engaged in business and receives money from his grandfather in a dream, then his partners are mercantile people who do not care about the common cause, they work only for their own benefit.

If the dead grandfather was alive and well, then the dreamer's body needs rest.

dead relative can dream both sad and in high spirits. If the deceased grandfather had a great mood in a dream, the dreamer will probably soon receive good news that can make him start life from scratch. A girl of marriageable age promises such a dream loving husband and cloudless family life. If the elder looked preoccupied or sad, then the grandchildren need to think about their behavior, apparently, they are doing something wrong.

If the deceased grandfather in a dream asks for a drink, then this indicates that one of the living slandered the deceased and he asks his grandchildren to restore his good name.

What is the dream of the deceased grandfather (video)

Interpretation of copyright dream books

  1. Dream Interpretation of Felomen. The late grandfather or great-grandfather may dream shortly before the troubles that will occur, due to the fact that the grandchildren did not solve some problem in a timely manner, and now the situation has worsened. If the deceased died quite recently, then in a dream he comes in order to give the sleeping wise advice. According to the dream book, the deceased grandfather in this case was so attached to his grandchildren that he was trying to give them instructions even from the afterlife.
  2. Miller's dream book. Great-grandfather, who came in a dream, indicates some difficulties in business. If the deceased in a dream cuts something with a knife, then the dreamer is worried about the little things that are generally unworthy of his attention. Apparently, some events from the past excite the dreamer so much that he cannot throw them out of his memory.
  3. Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea. According to this interpreter, seeing a deceased grandfather is a sign that the sleeper needs a wise mentor or an influential patron. If the deceased relative comes alive, then the sleeping person will discover a new source of inspiration. An incredibly bad dream is considered in which the dead man calls the sleeping man behind him. In no case should you take the deceased by the hand and follow him, since this plot promises dangerous disease or death.
  4. Wangi's dream book. According to the seer, the deceased can dream if relatives have not remembered him for a long time. Probably, the sleeper needs to go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased, and then arrange a memorial dinner. It is recommended to invite relatives and close friends of the deceased to the wake. If in a dream the deceased holds something in his hands, then he needs this item. The sleeper must find it and bring it to the grave of the deceased.
  5. Dream Interpretation Hasse. This interpreter is convinced that the dead come in a dream in order to recall the promise that the dreamer gave them during his lifetime, but never fulfilled it. If in a dream the sleeper is waiting for his grandfather to visit, he will probably soon have to pay a heavy price for a mistake made in the past. A quarrel with a deceased relative is a bad sign, indicating that the sleeping person urgently needs to change his priorities. Otherwise, it will be overwhelmed by a streak of failures.
  6. Freud's dream book. If a grandfather, who is no longer alive, appears in a man’s night dreams, then this indicates a fear of sexual impotence. AT female dream this image means that the lady dreams of finding herself a permanent lover, and she wants the man to be much older than her.
  7. Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya. If, after a quarrel in a dream, an elderly man praises his grandson, then in reality he corrected his mistakes. A harbinger of a serious illness is considered a vision in which the deceased sits in an empty house. If the grandfather quarrels with someone in a dream, it is likely that at the moment the sleeping person is experiencing a mental shock.

Why do dead relatives dream in a dream (video)

Other interpretations

A cheerful and contented late grandfather is a great sign that portends good luck in all areas of life. Even if the sleeping person has some problems, then soon everything will be settled and a white streak will come in life.

Lack of love and attention means a vision in which the deceased communicates with young children. If a person sees himself as a child and talks to his grandfather in the same way as he did during the life of the deceased, then Special attention should be given to the words of the deceased. Very often what he says is important and can save you from mistakes.

You can often hear the question of why the funeral of your beloved grandfather is dreamed of. Most interpreters agree that if the weather was sunny during the ritual, then everything will be fine in the dreamer's life. However, if during the funeral action it started to rain, it is likely that in reality the person will be brought to tears.

A cheerful and contented late grandfather is a great sign that portends good luck in all areas of life.

A dream in which the deceased grandfather goes hand in hand with dead grandmother, is interpreted by interpreters as a joyful event in his personal life. Such a dream can prophesy a meeting with a loved one, a wedding or the birth of a child.

Gatherings with grandfather round table predict longevity and happy life. If the deceased gives something to the sleeping person, then in reality an inheritance awaits him.

According to some interpreters, a dream about a deceased relative may indicate that he took some secret with him to the grave that could change the life of the sleeping person for the better. If the grandfather in the coffin came to life or moved, the dreamer will probably be able to unravel this secret.

Kissing the deceased grandfather - to a forced separation from a loved one. If the deceased lies on the bed, then the plot prophesies unpleasant chores.

If in reality a person makes a mistake that needs to be corrected immediately, then in night dreams there may be a plot where grandfather will beat him or scold him severely. Interpreters do not recommend ignoring this dream, since a small oversight can cause big trouble over time.

Sometimes a meeting with relatives who are no longer alive portends a banal change in the weather. Therefore, you should not be very upset if the interpretation of the vision is negative character, because a dreaming plot can only mean that soon it will snow or rain.

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In dreams, a person can meet the most amazing creatures that do not exist in the real world, and for a while perform an unusual role for him, becoming a leader of a tribe or a vampire, acquire supernatural abilities. Sometimes in night dreams you can see your own relatives, and those who left real world, chat with them. Such a dream often carries a special message of fate, which is important to correctly interpret. Dream Interpretations can give an answer to the question of what the deceased grandfather is dreaming of, what events in real life one should prepare for.

Numerous interpreters make it possible to understand why the late grandfather is dreaming of a living granddaughter or grandson, the main thing is to try to remember not only the general mood, but also how you can more details and nuances. Most often, such a night vision indicates that serious changes will soon take place in the life of the sleeper, but whether they will be favorable or not depends on the specific events of the dream.

On my own the image of the grandfather is positive, it symbolizes wisdom and boundless love, life experience and a desire to help. Therefore, the dream is not aimed at frightening the dreamer with an ominous interpretation, but to warn him against irreparable life mistakes. You should listen to the interpretation of dream books, take into account all the information, and not expect trouble every minute. Often a dream in which a grandfather is present - the head of the family - refers not only directly to the dreamer, but also to his family, primarily to other grandchildren and granddaughters.

Attention to detail

Seeing a long-dead relative in a dream, you should try to look into the dream book: the deceased’s grandfather dreamed of being alive - which means that a difficult period begins in life. Moreover, if in a night dream I had to relive his loss again, then you should prepare for serious problems, which will entail a huge number of worries and health troubles. Now is not the time to take risks and get involved in dubious cases, they will not bring the expected profit and will end in a fiasco. Learn more about what to prepare for details will help:

These subtleties will help you figure out what message the relative is conveying. If the interpretation turned out to be negative, do not despair and set yourself up for failure in advance, everything is in the hands of a person, using the information received, he will be able to avoid the traps set.

Miller's interpretation

This interpreter explains that if the late grandfather dreamed alive and talked, then in reality they are waiting for the dreamer bad news, perhaps - a serious quarrel with a loved one, problems at work, financial difficulties. If a relative kissed his granddaughter, then she needs to behave more restrainedly and not trust secrets to unfamiliar people, it is likely that someone from the environment spreads rumors behind her back that discredit her reputation. And also the dream book advises to postpone all important things after seeing such a dream.

Dream Interpretations of Tsvetkov, Vanga, Freud

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, the deceased grandfather, who appeared in a night dream to his granddaughter, tells her that she should not rely on anyone, she must solve her problems herself. Only in this case will she succeed.

Vanga's dream book predicts - grandfather hints to his grandchildren that they start to forget about him, you need to go to church and light a candle, but if there is some thing in the hands of the deceased, then he needs it, you should find this item and put it next to the grandfather’s grave. Freud's dream book explains that for women, such a dream means a desire to find an adult lover. And in men, it exposes the panic fear of sexual impotence.

Interpretation from other sources

Seeing a dead person in a dream is extremely unpleasant, especially if we are talking about native person long gone from the world of the living. And various dream books offer their own interpretations of the image of the deceased grandfather, which will be necessary to get acquainted with for a deeper assessment of the dream. The most popular interpreters this is how the dream is explained:

Each source pays attention to some details, so it is best to interpret the dream according to several interpreters, this will help to avoid mistakes when reading the message of fate. Situations are possible when in one dream a person sees two long-dead relatives at once, for example, grandfather and grandmother. Such a dream suggests that now is the time to communicate with family and loved ones from whom the dreamer has moved away.

The dream in which the dead grandfather appeared to the dreamer is an important hint of fate, which is irresponsible to ignore. Therefore, it should be detailed analysis all the nuances of sleep, this will avoid life's mistakes. But do not forget that sometimes a dream is just a dream, having seen a grandfather in a night vision and not remembering the specific details, you do not need to be scared, it is quite possible that he simply reminds negligent grandchildren that they have not visited his grave in the cemetery for a long time.

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