Persimmon from the stone at home - growing on the windowsill. Persimmon: growing from a stone at home Will persimmon from a stone bear fruit

Many amateur gardeners, in the course of numerous experiments, have made growing persimmon trees in their country house their favorite thing. According to them, good results are obtained only when the persimmon seed for cultivation is taken from a fruit that has ripened in their own region from other gardeners. Persimmon bought in the store, as a rule, does not live up to expectations and does not give a decent harvest.

To get the seed you need for sprouting, take a ripe persimmon fruit grown in your area and put it in the sun for a few days until its flesh becomes very soft and starts to spoil. Experienced gardeners It is advised to take a virgin persimmon seed for germination, as it is not very whimsical and has good resistance to frost.

A carefully removed bone from a fruit that has ripened in the sun must be thoroughly washed and dried. I would like to note that the seeds of the virgin persimmon do not require additional stratification. Before planting, the bone should be soaked in water. room temperature for a few hours - this will accelerate its germination. Well, it is better to take the soil for planting a bone fertile, and preferably neutral.

When choosing a location for planting a young persimmon, it is important to remember that the tree loves space and good lighting, but it is better to avoid direct exposure to the sun!

Persimmon is very fond of moisture, so you need to water it often and in sufficient volume so that the water completely saturates the ground at its roots. But you should not overdo it in this process either, otherwise the tender roots of the plant will begin to rot, and the tree may die. In order for the seedling to take root well and its trunk does not dry out on hot days, it should also be sprayed with water daily.

How to fertilize persimmon grown from seed?

It is necessary to fertilize a young persimmon tree throughout the entire growing season. From early spring to the onset of autumn, it is fed once every 14 days and alternately with organic top dressing. From spring mineral fertilizers it is better to take nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. But at the time of increased persimmon growth, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen. And finally, gardeners are advised not to use manure during the fruiting of the tree.

Persimmon is a delicious and very healthy fruit. Surely many of you love him very much. Would you like a tree with delicious fruits grow right in your house? If yes, then join our small study, the purpose of which is to study the cultivation of persimmon at home from the stone. As far as possible, what conditions must be met in order for the tree to grow and begin to bear fruit? Let's talk about it in our article.

Where and how persimmon grows

It's not a secret at all. Although this fruit looks like a sweet tomato, it does not grow on bushes, but on big tree. That is, in fact, it is a berry. This large orange miracle grows in southern China. More precisely, this is his homeland, and today the habitat of persimmon has expanded significantly. It is grown in Japan, Europe, the Crimea and the Caucasus. However, growing persimmon at home from a stone is relatively new version indoor floriculture. We will dwell a little more on the description of the tree itself, so that you understand what you have to deal with.


It is indeed a tree, but it is comparatively small. In the garden, it can reach a height of 8 meters, but in room conditions its growth is regulated by the size of the pot, and the gardener will arrange the crown in such a way that the plant looks spectacular. But beauty cannot be taken away from him. That is why the cultivation of persimmon at home from the stone began to gain popularity, it wins the heart of the grower. And white flowers and large fruits with a magnificent smell will not leave anyone indifferent at all. The tree begins to bloom in May. And you can try your own fruits closer to winter.

Yield and varieties

In fact, growing persimmon at home from a seed is not difficult, but you first need to decide which variety you will plant. The fact is that the size of the crown and the yield depend on this, and this is very important for indoor floriculture. Persimmon is characterized by very abundant fruiting. From one tree you can collect 80 kg of fruit. Some giant varieties can give up to 250 kg. There are about 200 varieties today. In addition, there are many modifications and groups. They are distinguished among themselves by early or late ripeness, pollination, productivity.

Let's get to the main question.

Let's move specifically to the topic of our article - how to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. This is quite real, the most important thing is to know the basic rules and stick to them. First of all, you will need to create the necessary conditions. I must say right away that this plant is completely unpretentious and does not require special care. However, it does not tolerate cold at all, so if you live in a cool climate, you should consider growing the tree in a greenhouse. You can grow it in the garden, but with the onset of cold weather, persimmons must be planted in a tub and brought into the house. And now let's go directly to the cultivation technique.

Seed selection

This is the most main point, since the whole further process growth and development will depend on the degree of maturity and quality of the seed. You can purchase seeds through well-known agricultural companies. Then you will definitely be sure of the outcome of your sowing campaign. However, you can go in a more accessible way, that is, get the seeds from a ripe fruit. Be sure to choose a beautiful, soft fruit, without mold and severe external damage.

Preparing for landing

Let's talk in more detail about how to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. First of all, it is necessary to remove the bones from the fetus. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried and planted in suitable pot. For the first time, the pot needs a shallow one. Moreover, if you want your seeds to hatch sooner, then you should soak them first and add a growth stimulator to the water. Now you should tighten the pot with cellophane or put it under glass and place it in a warm place. After about a couple of weeks, you will have a small sprout. As you can see, growing a persimmon from a seed at home is not at all difficult, but it will take a long time before your plant blooms and the first fruits appear.

seedling care

When you see that the first sprout has appeared, you need to move the pot to the windowsill. It is much lighter here, and this is important so that the sprout does not stretch out. To grow it is very important to observe the correct light regime. Now the plant will begin to grow very actively, releasing new leaves every day. Please note that this is not decorative flower, but a real tree, so as soon as it grows out of its pot, it must be transplanted into a new, slightly larger one. In the first year of life, transplantation is needed more often, then plant growth slows down somewhat. Now it is enough to replant the seedling once a year, in early spring. mature plant it is enough to transplant as needed when the soil is depleted.

plant formation

Form young seedlings into young trees. At the level of 0.5 m, a small pinch is made for branching. At the same time, only a few shoots are left, and when they grow up, they are pinched. Branches of the second order are formed, they will need 2-3 pieces. Thus, you get a rounded tree about 1.5 meters high. After about three years, you will get the first flowering and fruiting.

Trimming and temperature control

Do not doubt whether it is possible to grow a persimmon at home from a seed. Of course you can, and many have already tried this method, it turned out to be quite successful. The tree must not be pruned before it reaches optimal height. Then it is allowed to correct the crown by removing its height and width. By maintaining the tree at this level, you can grow persimmons even in small apartment. Choose a place for her where the lighting is very good and maintained. optimum temperature. It is highly desirable that there are no drafts, this tree does not like cold air very much.


So, you have a persimmon from the seed in your pot. At home, growing is very simple, you just need to follow the rules of watering. Persimmon is very fond of spraying, but do not overdo it. In the early years, young plants require additional watering, as their roots are still too small to extract food from the depths. At room conditions, the pot does not allow the use ground water, and much more watering is required.

Feeding and rest period

In order to successfully grow a persimmon at home from a stone, it is necessary to make mineral and organic feeding into the soil. In a pot, this is the only way for a tree to get nutrients. Persimmon fertilizers are needed constantly, except for the dormant period. Therefore, starting from the first warm days, the plant is fed once every two weeks. But from late autumn it is necessary to provide the tree with a dormant period. To do this, it is transferred to a cooler visit, the air temperature should be + 5-10 degrees. The soil should be sprinkled with sawdust and stop fertilizing. But you still have to moisten the soil, otherwise the roots will dry out, and your plant will not live to see warm days.

This is a general set of rules that will make it possible to grow persimmons at home from the stone. The photo that you will take from time to time will allow you to evaluate the results of your labors. It is really amazing to watch how before your eyes a weak sprout turns into a beautiful plant, blooms and fills with fruits. So with the onset of autumn, get a ripe persimmon, get the seeds and try to grow your own tree. Even if you fail to enjoy the fruits, you will have an interesting experience.

21.10.2017 4 076

Persimmon, growing at home is not a myth, but a reality!

Delicious persimmon, the cultivation of which at home will require care and patience, will thank you with fruits in the near future. However, you need to know what kind of soil is needed for planting, how seeds are collected and cared for further. Also, do not forget that the exotic has a dormant period, flowering often does not occur for many reasons, but it happens that the leaves turn yellow and wither. Propagating fruit in an apartment can be an exciting activity that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Popular myths about growing persimmons at home

It is widely known how healthy and tasty the fruit is. But, not everyone knows where it grows, and whether it is possible to grow it at home. In fact, this is quite possible.
To implement the plan, it is first useful to study the information and understand what attention the plant requires, and at the same time, dispel a few popular myths:

  1. fruit seeds are difficult to sprout, need to be processed. There are a lot of instructions with lengthy content regarding the stratification of seeds, distillation, and the disinfection process. Nothing like this needs to be done, especially when they are planted fresh, straight from the fruit. It is enough to sprinkle them with earth and ensure regular watering. After a few days (2 weeks maximum), powerful sprouts will appear on the surface, reaching for the light. If the bone was separated from the fetus a few days or weeks ago, it should be kept in a solution with a growth stimulator (Kornevin,);
  2. persimmon requires careful and special care, as it is a plant of the tropics. It seems to many that culture requires year-round tropical conditions and only in this case can you get a harvest. In reality, everything is different - the culture is resistant to significant cold, so, for example, the virgin form is able to withstand frosts of -40 ° C. The tree needs cold period rest in winter, after it, a culture grown at home from a seed begins to bear fruit;
  3. For growing at home, fertilizers and top dressing are needed. In nature, persimmon is distinguished from other crops by its exactingness to the lightness of the soil, since it does not tolerate heavy soils well. In the matter of fertilizers, accuracy is important. It is better to underfeed a tree than to overfeed.

persimmon harvest - pictured

Growing persimmons at home is not so difficult, just like getting fruits, it only takes time and patience.

Persimmon - growing in an apartment from a seed

cultivation fruit tree in the apartment takes place in several stages:

preparation of a container with soil. For seeds, you need to prepare in advance planting containers in the form of compact pots or boxes and a light substrate based on peat with gray calcined river sand, meadow humus in equal proportions;

sowing persimmon seeds. They should be dropped off at ready ground and pour so that the water does not stagnate, does not form dirt. Put in a warm place without drafts. After pecking the seedlings (after 10-14 days), you need to rearrange them on the windowsill, closer to the sun. If the shell does not lag behind the leaves well, preventing normal growth, you can carefully remove it with a knife or wrap it with damp gauze and leave it for a while. Over time, the protective shell will fall off on its own, swelling;

perform a dive. Conducted after the initial landing. At high temperatures with sufficient humidity, the sprouts grow actively and after a couple of weeks of regular watering they can be planted in separate pots, where each seedling will form wood with a root system.

persimmon seeds - pictured

In the first year, the culture is actively growing, requiring regular replacement of the pot. The diameter of the next pot should be 3-4 cm larger than the betraying one. The first replacement can be made after 2-3 months, then 2 more times. The next year, replacement is performed every 6 months, and from the third year of life - annually.

Persimmon at home - care

Home care should be appropriate. The most important thing is not to spoil the tree, otherwise it will turn into an accelerator, and will not please you with a single flower. It must be understood that even the most favorable home conditions will not replace natural ones. Therefore, you need to make the tree bear fruit by maintaining a balance between favorable conditions and stressful ones.

Ensure correct lighting conditions. Culture loves the sun, so it needs to be put out more often on the loggia, balcony, and taken out into the garden. It is better to start in the late afternoon or on cloudy days, when the sun does not burn, and the ultraviolet in the atmosphere dissipates. If the sun shines too brightly, shading should be done and it must be remembered that the tree will consume more water hence it is important to increase watering.

Water regularly. It is necessary to water the tree at home as the soil dries up, not forgetting that excess moisture is harmful. It is also useful to spray the tree.

Carry out feeding. The fruit does not need a lot of top dressing, often reacting to them with soreness with insufficient growth. Universal inorganic complex fertilizers for indoor plants are excellent for this purpose. The tree does not prefer organics too much. An example is Agricola complex fertilizer for flowers. The consumption rate is 5 ml per 1 liter of water. The regularity of top dressing is 2 times a month, in small doses.

Form a crown. After 4 or 5 leaves, you can begin to pinch the sprouts. This provokes the growth of side shoots. They also need to be pinched after 4-5 leaves, preventing the tree from growing, as a result, this will give an incentive to lay fruit buds.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary winter storage, representing the dormant period. It should be organized from mid-autumn - at this time, watering should be reduced, and top dressing should be stopped completely, so the leaves will gradually turn yellow and fall off. It is best to store the tree in a dark place with a temperature range from 0 to +5 ﹾС. During the winter, you need to regularly ventilate the room and water the persimmon a couple of times, which will contribute to the next harvest.

To grow a healthy pet, you will need a certain amount of patience and some effort, but the final result will not keep you waiting and will please you with beautiful, strong and ripe fruits.

I like to experiment and get unusual indoor plants. Thanks to this hobby, for several years now, orange and lemon trees have been growing on my windowsill, both obtained from seeds. The turn has come to replenish the collection with a new resident, and next in line is persimmon. Tell me how to grow a persimmon from a seed at home?

Recently, flower growers have become increasingly interested in growing exotic crops indoors. You won’t surprise anyone with a lemon in a pot, but not everyone decides to plant a persimmon. And it’s completely in vain, because this heat-loving plant feels very comfortable indoors and even bears fruit, subject to proper agricultural technology. In addition, the bush is very decorative and can take its place among other indoor plants on an equal footing.

Planting material can always be found in the market or in the store, where towards the end of autumn there is a rich selection of fruits. Instead of throwing away the seeds after eating the sweet pulp, let's try growing a potted persimmon from the seed. To do this is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, and a few tips will help even a beginner cope.

How to choose and prepare seed material?

If possible, it is better to purchase the most cold-resistant, especially if further planting of the tree in the garden is planned (Virginsky, Rossiyanka, Tamopan). In the case when the persimmon will grow exclusively indoors, the variety is not so important.

The main rule when buying a persimmon is that the fruit should not be frozen, otherwise the bone will lose its viability. It is better to buy a half-ripe persimmon and let it ripen in the apartment.

When the fruit becomes soft, separate the pulp and subject the bones to the following treatment:

  • rinse well;
  • dry;
  • soak for a day in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • before planting, put for a couple of hours in a solution with a growth stimulator.

The persimmon stone is covered with a very dense shell. To speed up germination, you need to scrape it with sandpaper.

How to germinate persimmon?

You can germinate a prepared bone using one of the following methods:

  1. Fold gauze in several layers and moisten it abundantly. Lay the bone on top and place everything in the bag. Tie it up and put it in a warm place. Periodically open for ventilation. When a sprout appears, plant a seed in.
  2. Immediately plant persimmons in small cups with nutritious light soil and cover with a bag.

Regardless of which method is used, the seeds should germinate in about 2 weeks, otherwise they are considered non-viable and it is better to replace the seeds with new ones.

How to care for persimmon?

As soon as the sprouts hatch, the shelter is removed, and the plant continues to grow, moderately watering and spraying.

Sometimes the shell from the bone does not open enough, pinching the sprout. Carefully remove it with tweezers, otherwise the plant will die.

When a pair of true leaves form on the seedling, it is transferred to a larger pot. The next transshipment is carried out when the persimmon reaches a height of about 40 cm (this will happen very quickly, since the bush grows at a good pace). In the future, the procedure is carried out every year until the tree reaches 5 years, then every two years. In summer, a persimmon pot can be put outside, but taken into the house for the winter.

We plant a persimmon bone correctly - video

Useful tips for gardeners who want to grow a persimmon tree in their garden: how to grow a plant, care for it and other tips, read here. Persimmon varieties.

For those who have decided to grow a persimmon tree at home from a seed, it will be useful to first get acquainted with the tree itself and the fruits of persimmon.

These trees (genus Diospyros "lat. Diospyros") belong to the Eben family, and famous China is considered their homeland, like many other fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of varieties of this fruit, about 200 species, and there are also exotic (not edible) ones. has an average weight of 80 to 550 grams, and a diameter of 2 to 9 cm. Seeds in one fruit can be from 1 to 10 pieces, as a rule, in many varieties there are very few of them. You can read and find out beneficial features it contains much more.

The trees themselves have an average height of 6-12 meters, which can give warmer climes up to 250 kg of fruits. Trees of this genus live a very long time - 450-500 years. And some of their species have very valuable wood. Now this fruit, in addition to the Indomalayan region, is actively grown in the countries of Eurasia: Kazakhstan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Abkhazia, Iran, even in Ukraine (in Transcarpathia), in Crimea, Russia (in Dagestan and Krasnodar Territory), Italy, Spain and other countries. Some special species germinate in the countries of Australia and America.

For those who want to grow this tree in Ukraine and Russia, you need to know that it will not be possible to harvest a lot. But it's worth trying to grow, because exotic tree persimmons will look very nice in the garden.

What lower temperature can a persimmon tree withstand? The variety "Rossiyanka" will be able to withstand frost at -20 ° C. Next comes the Tamopan variety - up to -15 ° C, and the rest of the adult plants can survive -10 ° C. The Russian variety very actively restores shoots that have been damaged severe frosts and in a year will be able to bear fruit again. On winter period persimmon trunks should be tied with burlap, spruce branches or other insulating materials.

How to grow persimmon from seed

The first step is to germinate our bones obtained from fresh persimmon. To do this, they need to be washed under water and put 1-2 centimeters into a pot with moist soil. You can also do this with cotton wool, for this, put persimmon seeds in damp cotton wool, wrap it with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place, you can put it on a battery if it's winter. Sometimes cellophane needs to be opened and moistened with cotton wool so that everything does not dry out and become moldy. It is also advisable to keep a pot with a planted bone in a warm place and can be covered with a film. Sometimes the cellophane is opened, and the earth is poured by one and a half centimeters. For you to know - persimmon is thermophilic, it always needs a lot of light and heat, so you should not keep it in the shade and in drafts.

Seeds germinate in 10-15 days. If there is no result, then do not hold any more, new seeds and repeat the procedure. If a sprout appears, then the cellophane can and should be removed. Seeds in cotton wool, if sprouted, should be transplanted into a pot. If a persimmon seed remains at the end of the sprout and for several days it does not want to fall off by itself (its valves are strongly clamped), then it should be carefully removed by yourself, otherwise the plant will disappear. This can be done with a knife, scissors or a needle. If it is already very boring to our tree, then you can spray it warm water, wrap in a bag and put in a warm place for the whole night. In the morning, the bone will steam out and be removed very easily.

Persimmon sprouts grow very quickly, so if several seeds have sprouted, then each small future tree should be transplanted into a separate spacious pot. root system this fruit has great activity and if there is not enough space, the sprout will wither. Lack of substrate will lead to poor growth of the young tree and yellowing of the leaves. So don't skimp on good pot and the ground if you want a healthy and fast growing tree.

persimmon tree care

A young tree in a pot in the summer should be accustomed to the sun little by little, otherwise the leaves may get burned and dry. To do this, a heat-loving plant should be shaded a little in the first days, but this should be done by exposing it already on a balcony, window sill or taking it out into the yard. Throughout the growing season of persimmon, it should be fed alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers twice a month.

With the onset of autumn in October-November, the tree must be transferred to a room with a temperature of +7 to +30 ° C, it is possible to the cellar, but not desirable, there will be no light. To do this, you need to lay out a layer of wet sawdust on the ground and systematically spray or pour the ground so that it does not dry out.

With the onset of March, you need to transplant the tree into a larger pot with new soil. Water well and put in a bright place.

Next, it's time to produce the formation of young seedlings into small trees. To do this, at the level of 0.4-0.5 meters, a clothespin should be made to branch the tree. Leaving 2-3 apical shoots, they wait until they grow by 30-40 cm, after which they are pinched to form branches of the second order. Then again 2-3 branches are left and so on they grow a persimmon tree of a rounded shape and a height of one and a half meters. The first flowers can be seen only in the third or fourth year.

Already mature tree persimmons are transplanted with the advent of spring in the garden in a bright and wind-protected place. It should be continued systematically and abundantly watered (but not flooded) and sprayed on the leaves. Persimmons usually bloom in June. During the active growing season, the tree is fed mineral fertilizers twice a month with a minimum nitrogen composition.

In winter, persimmons are kept cool (on average -5 degrees, but not colder than 10, otherwise many years of work will be lost). It is necessary to water periodically with water at room temperature, and spray the leaves. But watering should be done without fanaticism, otherwise the plant will wither. Persimmon fruits are not afraid of the cold, it even benefits them, since the content of tannins decreases.

When does a tree begin to bear fruit?

3-4 years after grafting, the tree begins to bear fruit. If you grow persimmon from the seed of the fruit, then you have to wait from 5 to 7 years. If the tree is in a dry permanent room "climate", then this period should be increased by another one or two years.
You need to feed the plant, like everyone else: phosphorus, sodium, potassium and trace elements from a well-balanced fertilizer or compost extract.

persimmon varieties

  1. Jiro (Jiro)- this sweet variety persimmon (up to 13% sugar) has flat-round fruits, grooves divide them into four parts from top to bottom. You can eat even unripe.
  2. Hachia- This is a large self-pollinating variety weighing up to 300 grams. It is also called "bull's heart". These fruits have a conical shape with a bright red color. They have a wonderful taste only after full ripening, as sugar in them reaches 18%.
  3. Hyakume (Hayakume) - or Wren, also a self-pollinating persimmon variety, vigorous. Fruits of average weight - 250 grams, round. This variety is easy to distinguish, as all the fruits on the top have concentric circles. The fruits are considered ripe and edible when they turn brown. Sugar up to 17%.
  4. Zenjimaru (Zenjimaru) or chocolate kinglet. This self-pollinating variety is characterized by small fruits up to 100 g and a dark orange color on the outside and a chocolate shade of flesh. The taste is very pleasant. They have many seeds - 5-8 pieces. You can eat them even unripe - still solid. Sugar content up to 15%.
  5. Tamopan (Tamopan)- this is the most large variety- up to 550 grams. Also self-pollinating and vigorous variety. Has a constriction (hat) on top. Edible only when fully ripe.

Video about growing persimmon at home from the bone: