Quotes about good time with friends. Wise statements about the time of great people

Once upon a time Plato said: "Time takes everything," and although this expression is not one hundred years old, it remains relevant. But not only Plato loved to spilt the progress of life and about the guise of life. Many famous writers and great thinkers have similar statements. On the topic "Time" it was written as many lines that they were simply impossible to count them.

And therefore let's plunge into the world of literature and as many wisdom says from there. Consider the most bright and beautiful statements Great about the time and its course - about the eternal series of life and death. And who knows, perhaps, these knowledge will be able to change someone's worldview in the root.

Figure all

I want to start with the fact that many of the time statements show us how much in the world is all rapidly. It would seem that yesterday we were young children and ran through the parent yard, and today we are already observing the cultivation of our own grandchildren. And this order of things concerns everything that surrounds us.

That is why many statements about time remind us that everything in this world has its own end.

  1. "Minutes, as if fast horses, fly without looking forward. You look around - the sunset is so close that he is no longer soak" (al-Marri).
  2. "Life will fly like a wind crazy, and nothing will keep it"
  3. "Alas, it is impossible to return your youth, to become the same unrestrained and beautiful. Even the young gait back is not turned" (Yu. Bondarev).
  4. "The closer the old age, the faster the clock arrow steps."
  5. "In this life, only a tide and time is not waiting for anyone" (V. Scott).

Learn to appreciate the time

However, to realize the frequency of time - only half of the case. After that, you need to learn to take care of it, to go through each stayed second. After all, time is the most expensive currency in the world. But unlike real bills, it is impossible to take a loan or steal from another person.

And therefore, many tirelessly remind us of how important it is to appreciate every second of your life:

  1. "The reasonable use of time makes it even more precious" (J. Zh. Rousseau).
  2. "Learn to enjoy the past - it means to learn how to live doubly" (Marzial).
  3. "The one who dared to spend the hour of his time, simply does not know how to live" (Charles Darwin).
  4. "The time does not expect anyone, and even more so no longer forgives a single missed momity" (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky).
  5. "One today is much more expensive than two tomorrow" (B. Franklin).

How to spend your life

Well, for those who realized the whole remains only one thing - learn to spend it with the mind. After all, around thousands of different opportunities and chances that should be tried and experience. Only so you can feel the true taste of life, in order not to regret anything. And here is the brightest expressions about the time proving this truth:

  1. "Every new day is a student of yesterday's"
  2. "Life ceases to be short for those who have learned to use it with the mind" (Seneca junior).
  3. "Only units are able to see the world in all its details. Most of the most imperative limits themselves with one of his versions or several areas; but the smaller the person knows about the present and the past, the continents become his hopes for the bright future" (Sigmund Freud).

Time statements: Amazing World Watch

In conclusion, we give a few more promenions about the time of time left to us the great minds of the past. And let the depth of their wisdom become a real find for the inquisitive minds of modernity.

  1. "People with an acidic expression of faces pass past themselves thousands of hours, forgetting to enjoy them. And then with the arrival of old age, they remember them with sadness" (A. Shopenhauer).
  2. "A mediocre person thinks about how to kill time. Talented - seeks to use it correctly" (A. Shopenhauer).
  3. "Only time is able to heal all the wounds" (Menandr).
  4. "Life seems long if it is filled with something important. Therefore, let's measure it actions, and not passing hours" (Seneca).
  5. "If time is the most expensive thing, then his waste is the greatest crime"

On time attended - on time.

Time is presented to me by the immense ocean, which swallowed many great writers who caused the accident otherwise, and some of the smagons broken.
D. Addison

Minutes as fathers, fly,
You look around - the sunset is already close.

The time and course of the river are not waiting for a person.

A tree, as if powerful and strong, it is its roots, you can target for some time, but you need years so that it becomes fruit.

The whole life will fly, like the wind crazy,
Do not restrain her at any price.
Yu. Balasaguni

Time is the capital of an employee of mental labor.
O. Balzac

Perhaps in the stream of time only what is deprived of a strong grain of life and that, therefore, it is not worth life.
V. Belinsky

Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills his disciples.
E. Berlioz

Everything in the light of your time, everything under the heavens is your hour. There is time to be born and time to die, time to sow and take time, time to kill and time to heal, time to be silent and time to speak, time war and time to peace.

In order to be in the light of some major evil, you need one day, and to erase it from the face of the earth, you will need several centuries.
L. Blanca

The true life of a person begins in fifty years. During these years, a person masters what the true achievements are based on, acquires what can be given to others, know what can be learned, clears what can be built on.
E. Bok

We will use the current time so that in old age does not edit yourself for youth, living in vain.
D. Bokkaccho

Peer leave. Mode
An eternal change of non-keen.
I look after them, gray, yesterday,
And one remain scary
I am with a generation of other people.
L. Boleslavsky

At a certain age, decent people farewell to each other errors and former weaknesses, the stormy passions, which were carried out between them a sharp face, are inferior to the place of tender affection.
P. Boualersche

It is impossible to repeat your youth, returning young audacity, beauty, even gait.
Yu. Bondarev

Childhood is striving for life, adolescence tries her, youthful, the ripe age comes to her, her old age regrets, stiffness gets used to her.
P. Boast.

Each age has its advantages, and they especially have a lot of youth tester in it. Whoever benefits about the future, the most concerned about the young generation. But to be from him in spiritual addiction, to crumble in front of him, listen to his opinion, to take it for the criterion - this indicates the spiritual weakness of society.
S. Bulgakov

Choose time - it means to save time, and what has been done indefinitely, it is done in vain.
F. Bacon

Of all the environments, the time is least owned by us, and most of all we lack it.
J. Buffon

One of the most irreplaceable losses is a time loss.
J. Buffon

In twenty years, I considered myself a sage, thirty began to suspect that I was not more than a fool. My rules were running, judgments are deprived of excerpts, the passion contradicted one another.
F. Vess

The prejudice lies in a very common opinion, as if the age of youth is a privileged time for happiness. On the contrary, true joys can be known and evaluate only in adulthood, from about thirty to fifty years.
F. Vess

The whole life is short for happy people, and the unfortunate even night one is certainly debt.

The ownership of life is not given to anyone, but only for a while.

Although life and short, it has time to get bored.

Time is a precious gift given to us to become smarter in it, better, mature and perfect.
T. Mann.

The saddener of the young pessimist can be only the kind of old optimist.
Mark Twain

Time is space for the development of abilities.
K. Marx

Any savings ultimately comes down to saving time.
K. Marx

The process of life consists in passing the various ages. But at the same time, all ages of a man exist side by side ...
K. Marx

Before the past - shone head, in front of the future - dried sleeves.
Mr. Menken

It is necessary for something more than talent to understand the present, something more than a genius to anticipate the future, and meanwhile it is so easy to explain the past.
A. Mitskevich

Measure of life is not in duration, but in how you used it.
M. Monten.

No one voluntarily gives its own property, but everyone does not think about it with his neighbor. We do not void so willingly, as your own time, although the only thing for the last pasture would be useful and worthy of praise.
M. Monten.

Time is the most honest critic.
A. Morua

I always appeared on a quarter of an hour before the appointed time, and it made me a person.

Fertilize the past and give birth to the future - this should be the present.
F. Nietzsche

Than longer man It remains a child, the longest life.

Time is a mirage, it is shrinking in minutes of happiness and stretched into the clock of suffering.
R. Olddington

A person can live up to one hundred years. We ourselves are inappropriate, with their rawness, with their ugly appeal with their own organism, we reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.
I. Pavlov

We are never limited to the present. We wish that the future comes as soon as possible, we regret that it is so slowly moving towards us; Or remember the past, we want to hold it, and it runs away from us. We are so unreasonable that we wander in times, we are not belonging, without thinking about the fact that we are given. We are vigorously with the thought in times, which are no longer more, and we miss the present without reflection.
B. Pascal

A person must arrange his life in harmony with one of two assumptions: 1) that he will live forever; 2) that his term on the earth is mimolen, perhaps, less than an hour; So it really is.
B. Pascal

I wrote this letter longer than usual, because I did not have time to write in short.
B. Pascal

The strongest regret causes us excessive and no longer justified rapidity of time ... You do not have time to come to my senses, how the youth is already fade and dull eyes. Meanwhile, you have not yet seen the hundredth of the charm, what life scattered around.
K. Powesty

Time is the wisest adviser.

In all human life There is not one minute in which it would be allowed to treat a person frivolously and carelessly.
L. Pisarev

Everyone knows the time.

Nothing is more painful for a wise man and nothing gives him greater anxiety than the need to spend on trifles and useless pasta more time than they deserve it.

How is a person who is trimmed, like short, the longest human life!
Plina Jr.

You can put up with a random tasy in the life of a young man; Old men to face a calm ordered life: strain their best late, seek honors ashamed.
Plina Jr.

The happier time, the shorter it.
Plina Jr.

After all, and for a glorious case there is a corresponding age and suitable timeYes, and generally nice differs from the shameful most proper measure.

Every day there is a student for yesterday.
Publishing Sir

Youth is thinking about the present, the ripe age does not neglect neither the real nor past, no future.
F. Rojas.

Time is a horse, and you are a charmer;
Rouching bravely in the wind.
Time - sword; become sturdy stick
To win the game.

A wife warms up to thirty years, after thirty wine glasses, and after - and the oven does not heat.

Who is twenty not healthy, not a smart one, but in forty, it's not rich, there is such a century.

Every age has its own special inclinations, but a person always remains the same. At ten years, he is under the charm of the Slavs, in twenty-beloved, in thirty - pleasures, in forty - ambition, fifty-misappropriations.
J. J. Rousau

Good time consuming takes time even more precious.
J. J. Rousau

Time flies faster than closer we come to old age.

For someone who can use his life well, she is not short.
Seneca younger

Is there a lot of joy to live eighty years in idleness? Such a person did not live, and knew among the living, and no later died, but for a long time he died.
Seneca younger

Time and tide are never waiting.
V. Scott.

Sorrow - Pass,
And remember, delets,
A little pass you passed by
You look - the way is the end.
Central Asian.

As often happens in unlucky times, the good solution was made when the time was already missed.

You can admire antiquity, but we need to follow our time.

Who hides the past jealous
That is unlikely with the future in Lada ...
A. Tvardovsky

Time passes, but the word said remains.
L. Tolstoy

The word "tomorrow" is invented for people indecisive and for children.
I. Turgenev

We live in us, the strength of those who lived to us. Let in turn future generations will be able to live thanks to our work, thanks to the strength of our hands and our mind. Only in this case we will adequately fulfill their purpose.
J. Fabr.

No man can dispose of more thanthan time.
L. Faierbach

At the age of twenty years over a person, a desire is owned, at the thirty years - the mind, in forty years - the reason.
B. Franklin

If the time is the most precious thing, then the pretty of time is the biggest moto.
B. Franklin

One thing today costs two tomorrow.
B. Franklin

Time will always respect and maintain what is firmly, but will turn into the dust what will be fragile.
A. France

Forty years - oldity of youth; Fifty-youth of old age.

Just a few people are able to obey human activity In all its branching. Most of the impaired is forced to restrict ourselves to one, separately taken, or several areas; And the smaller the person knows about the past and the present, the wrong way to be its future judgment.
3. Freud.

Since the day passed, do not remember about him,
Before the day the coming in fear is not a wall
About the future and past are not sad
Today's happiness of the price know!
O. Khayam

The age of a person is not expressed not a digital recorded in the passport, but the youth of the heart, how much he beats in the man's chest. Old age begins from the moment when a person loses with the young generation when he prevents young to go ahead. N. Hickmet
Each age is inherent in its own characteristics.

The rashness is obviously characteristic of the blooming age, the foresight - the elderly.

Youth - the bloom of the soul, maturity - fruiting, old age - reunite fruits.
I. Shevelev

Childhood is the great time of life when there is a foundation to the entire future moral man.
N. Shelgunov

Many people live too much hereby: these are windy; Others live too many future: these are people who are fragile and restless. Rarely, who preserves due measure in this case.
A. Shopenhauer

We skip thousands of hours with a sour face, not enjoying them, then sigch with vain sadness on them ...
A. Shopenhauer

Middle man is concerned about how to kill time, the man is talented seeking time to use.
A. Shopenhauer

To live for a long time, you need to think about this smalod.
B. Show.

In my youth, we are reformers, in old age - conservatives. The conservative is looking for welfare, reformer - justice and truth.
R. Emerson

We ask for a long life, and meanwhile only the depth of life and its high moments have meaningful. Let us measure the time by the spiritual measure.
R. Emerson

The young man prompts the illusion of childhood, the husband leans ignorance and the stormy passions of the youth and further prompts the husband's egoism and becomes more and more than the worldwide soul. It rises to the highest and more real level of life.
R. Emerson

And in fact, what is the difference between an old man and a child, except for the fact that the first is elegant wrinkles and has more days From birth? The same white hair, toothless mouth, small height, addiction to milk, kosonasia, chatty, stupid, forgetfulness, rashness. Briefly speaking, they are like each other in everything. The more the people are old, the closer they are to children, and, finally, as if real babies, without having disgusted with life, they are not aware of death, they leave the world.
Erasmus Rotterdamsky

Delay is a thief time.
E. Jung

We will not move the ages, like the seasons: you need to be ourselves in all times and do not fight against nature, because the vain efforts are spreading life and prevent us from using it.
J. J. Rousau

Not that person lived most of all, which can count more than a hundred years, and the one who felt the most life.
J. J. Rousau

Who does not know the yen of time, he is not born for glory.
L. Wunelarg

Who does not have the spirit of their age, he carries all the grief of this age.

The one who does not behave according to its age is always paying for it.

The time does not wait and no longer forgives a single moment.
N. Garin-Mikhailovsky

Like a bitter tears, which covers the sight,
It will dry up time and patience.
F. Garth

In life it is impossible to make anything - everyone should learn this truth as early as possible.
X. Goebbel

Stop, moments! You are fine
I. Goette

The loss of time is harderous for the one who knows more.
I. Goette

With age, silence becomes a man's girlfriend.
E. Gonkur and J. Gonkur

We will always stay according to every age.

Everyone must have a suitable appearance.

Not knowing the past, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the goal of the future.
M. Gorky

Gray hair designate age, not wisdom.

The error that the past is better than the present, apparently, was distributed to all the epochs.
X. Grilli.

Everything in the light of the true price
Cancelly knows time - only it
Eats husks, foam foam
And grows wine in amphora.
I. Guberman

Among the influences that shortening life, fear, sadness, sadness, longing, failing, envy, hate are occupied.
K. Gufelland

Age is a tyrant that commands.
E. Delacroa

The bright rapid flow of the river presents us to our youth, the growing sea - courage, and a quiet calm lake is old age.
G. Dervin

Tomorrow is old Plut, which will always be able to spend you.
S. Johnson

We rejoice in the sunset and rejoice at sunrise and do not think that the course of the Sun expuses our lives.
Ancient Industrial

Time stretches, and years fly.
V. Zubkov

As a person begins to receive compliments from friends about the fact that he looks young, he may not doubt that, in their opinion, he began to grow old.
V. Irving

Without remembering the past, do not understand the present.

Time is slow, when you follow it ... It feels surveillance. But it enjoys our scatleton. It is even possible that there are two time: the one you follow, and the one that converts us.
A. Kama

Youth years stretch so slowly because they are full of events, the years of old age run so rapidly because predetermined in advance.
A. Kama

Youth is a gift of nature, and maturity is a work of art.

Time and case can not do anything for those who do nothing for themselves.
D. Kanning

Many people think that childhood was the best and pleasant time of their lives. But it is not. These are the most difficult years, because then the person is under the oppression of discipline and rarely can have a real friend, and even less often - freedom.
I. Kant.

The spread of time is the worst of all angry.
Ch. Kanta

Time is only the sequence of our thoughts.
N. Karamzin

A person should not complain about times; From this nothing comes out. Time is bad: Well, that is a person to improve it.
T. Karleil

Late rose - I lost my day, I did not study in my youth - I lost my life.

It's late to confess in an error when the whole ship is under water.

Time is similar to a skilled guide, increasingly producing new talents instead of the disappeared.
Goat rods

Human life is multiplied by the amount of savory time.
F. Kolier

Wise time distribution is the basis for activity.
Ya. Komensei

In fifteen years I drew my thoughts to school. Thirty years I have gained independence. In the forty years I got rid of doubts. In fifty years I knew the will of the sky. In sixty
I learned how to distinguish the truth from the wrong. At seventy years, I began to follow the desires of my heart.

Tanning of youth and wisdom of mature years -
This is the source of world victories.

Weekends are also counted in life.
E. Krotsky

Inability to take care of your own and someone else's time is real Bedakutur.
N. Krskaya

Time, in contrast to the money, you can not accumulate.
B. Krutier

No matter how much life is not at first, it will not be longer.
B. Krutier

Who does not know how to utter your time, the first one complains about his lack: he kills days for dressing, food, sleep, empty talk, on thinking about what should be done, and just on anything.
J. Labryuer

"Tomorrow" - the great enemy "today"; "Tomorrow" paralyzes our forces, brings us to powerlessness, supporting inaction in us.
E. Labule

Nothing to postpone for tomorrow - this is the secret of the one who knows the price of the time.
E. Labule

As if rapidly raging time, it moves extremely slowly for the one who only observes its movement.
S. Johnson

The days are so long, and the years are so short.
A. Dodé

Popular Aphorisms about Time, Quotes Time Heals, New Speech by Foreign Authors

Surprising A man works - he is upset when it loses wealth, and indifferent to the fact that the days of his life irrevocably leave.


Minutes Durable, and the years are fleeting.

A. Amiel

Time - This is the capital of an employee of mental labor.

O. Balzac

In important affairs Life should always be hurrying as if the loss of one minute had to die everything.

V. G. Belinsky

Time- A magnificent teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills his disciples.


Time - Great Teacher.

E. Burk.

Choose Time - it means to save time, and what has been done indefinitely, it is done in vain.

F. Bacon

Time There is the greatest of innovators.

F. Bacon

One Of the most irreplaceable losses - time loss.

J. Buffon

Who Does not know the time price, he is not born for fame.

L. Wunelarg

From Time and people can be expected strongly.

L. Wunelarg

To Surprise, one minute is enough to make an amazing thing, you need many years.

K. Gelving

Two The greatest tyrana on earth: case and time.

I. Gerder

True The great one man who managed to master his time.


Orderteaches time to save.

I. Goette

Always You can find enough time if you use it well.

I. Goette

A loss Time is harderous for the one who knows more.

I. Goette

Time Change, and we change together with them.


What Only does not weaken the unresolving time.


EverythingWhat is hidden now, will reveal the time of time.


Humanwho decided to waste at least one hour of his time, not yet Doros before understanding the value of life.


how It would be no time quickly time, it moves extremely slowly for the one who only observes his movement.

S. Johnson

Time will always respect and maintain what is firmly, but will turn into the dust what will be fragile.

The time given by God to each of us, like the precious fabric, on which we embroider who can.

There can be no longer a person to dispose of more than time.

Time is the greatest of innovators.

A person who does not know what to do with his time, wheezingly takes someone else's.

Time is a fabric from which life consists.

Do not leave for tomorrow what can be done today.

Do not waste time because it is life.

Keep all your things in their places, for each class have its time.

As you are not sure, even one minute, do not waste one hour.

If the time is the most precious thing, then the pretty of time is the biggest moto.

One thing today costs two tomorrow.

For each business, your time.

Hold time! Sorry him any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it eludes, like a lizard. Light every moment honest, worthy of accomplishment!

If you want to have leisure, do not lose time with a gift.

Time is like a non-permanent and capricious mistress: the more you chase it, the more you try to keep it, the sooner it leaves you, the sooner changes.

Time is similar to a skilled guide, increasingly producing new talents instead of the disappeared.

Starting your field, do not lose, about the young man, precious time!

In her watch was so little time that she did not sleep anywhere.

Alarm clock: home phone time.

Listening to the tick of the clock, we notice that time is ahead of us.

Time - There is nothing longer in the world, for it is a measure of eternity, and there is nothing shorter, for him lacks for the fulfillment of our desires; There is nothing slower for the waiting, nothing faster for tasteing pleasure; It reaches infinity in Great and is infinitely divided into small; People neglect them, and lost - regret; everything is accomplished in time; It destroys the offspring unworthy in the memory.

Cold sharpness, flat ambiguity, jokes, tissue and fake laughter taken for fun, make up the shine of society. Thus, the meaningless and vulgar crowd uses the time that flies.

How terrible to feel that the flow of time does everything you have!

Thanks to love, time passes unnoticed, and due to the time there is unnoticed love.

Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills his disciples.

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

He lived for a long time who lived well, and the time spent wrong did not live, but was missed.

Kohl can not be touches about the running time,
Do not argue the soul either past nor upcoming.
Treasures their sweep while you are alive:
After all, it is still in that world will appeal to the poor.

What was, it will not be again.

Sayings, quotes about time, about English time with translation.

Everything has its time.

Everything is good in its season.
Everything is good at one time.

Happiness Takes No Account of Time.
For happy time does not exist.

Lost time never grind.

Time and Tide Wait for No Man.
Time and tide do not expect anyone.

Time Cures All Things.
Time is treated.

Time Is a Great Healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time Is Money.
Time is money.

Time Is The Great Healer.
Time is a great doctor.

Time Works Wonders.
Time is creating wonders.

Then Choose Time Is To Save Time.
Choose time - meaning to save it.

Time IS A Waste of Money.
Time is a waste of money.

Sayings, quotes about time, about time on Latin with translation.

Temporibus Servire Decet.
It should be obeyed (requirements) of time. Wed: Start with time.

Suis Quaeque Temporibus.
All at one time (i.e. in chronological order).

HAUD Multum Distanti Tempore.
Some time later.

Melioribus Annis.
IN best times (i.e., in those years that recall with pleasure).

Fugit Irreparabile Tempus.
There is an irrevocable time. Wed: Time stop.

Time takes everything.

Sed Fugit Interea, Fugit Irreparabile Tempus, Singula Dum Capiti Circumvectamur Amore.
But meanwhile runs, it runs non-return time, while we, captive by love for the subject, are delayed in all details.

Tempus Fugit.
Time is running out.

Tempora Labuntur, Tacitisque Senescimus Annis, Et Fugiunt Freno Non Remorante Dies.
Time leaves and we are silent over the years older, the days are running away and they cannot be kept.

All-providing time.

Tempus EDAX RERUM, TUQU (E) Invidiosa VetiTas, Omnia Destruitis Vitiataque Dentibus Aevi Palatim Lenta Consumitis Omnia Morte.
Time is a substantor of things - and you, about the envious old age. All destroy you; Vulnerable time tooth, destroy everything gradually slow death.

Youth flies quickly: catch the outgoing time. The day that was always better than this day.

Tempori Parce.
Take up time.

Who will you call me, who would any know how to appreciate the time?

Every business is its time.

Use (current, present) during the day.
Catch a moment (catch a day).

Currit Ferox Aetas.
Unable to run (flies) time.

Fuga Temporum.
Running time (time).

Rapit Hora Diem.
An hour is fascinated by the day.

Only time belongs to us.

Grata Superveniet, Quae Non Sperabitur Hora.
It will be pleasant to the onset of an hour for which you did not hoped.

Honesta Lex Est Temporis Necessitas.
The power of time is a law, worthy of respect. Wed: time dictates their laws. Inappropriate power of time.


Quotes and aphorisms 21.05.2018

Dear readers, let's talk to you about such an elusive and incomprehensible thing as time. It cannot be touched, it is intangible, however, sometimes we are simply physically feeling how it goes. Everything in this world has its price. And only time is invaluable. It is impossible to stop, it is impossible, unfortunately, even slow down his running. And it is possible to spend time differently. But quite in our power to make that our spent time is filled with meaning.

Time is so ordinary and everyday in our life thing that we are little thinking about what it is at all. Scientific definition of time is very boring and wise, so we will try to describe it with the help of accurate and capacious quotes and aphorisms about time.

What is time?

"Time is a moving image of fixed eternity. Everything that violates the unity of the Company is not suitable anywhere; All establishments that are conflict with themselves, do not cost anything. "

Jean Jacques Rousseau

"The wiser is only time, because it reveals everything."

"Time is such an indefinite thing. One seems to be very long. Another - on the contrary. "

Agatha Christie

"Time - Mother and Kormilitsa of all the best."

William Shakespeare

"Time is a great teacher. The trouble is that it kills his students. "

"Time is a doctor of all inevitable angry."

"Time is a precious gift, given to us to become smarter, better, mature and perfect."

Thomas Mann.

"Time is an infinite movement, without a single moment of peace - and it cannot be thought of otherwise."

Lev Tolstoy

"What time is it? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; If I wanted to explain the asking - no, I do not know. "

Averalius Augustine Blessed

"Time is only a sequence of our thoughts. Our soul is capable of self-driving, she herself can compile their society. "

Nikolay Karamzin

"I know perfectly well what time is not thinking about it. But it is worth thinking - and now I do not know what time is! "

Augustine Aureli.

"Time is the most precious of all treasures."


Everything in our life comes at one time

Sometimes a person who is passionate about any idea, hurries the events, hurries and often it ultimately only harms the cause. In quotations and aphorisms about the time, the thought is very accurately reflected that everything is given to their time. Sometimes it is necessary not in a hurry, to get together with thoughts, and sometimes you can wait.

"Everything is your time, and the time of all things under the sky. Time is born and time to die; Time to implant, and time to pull out planted. Time to kill, and time to heal; time to destroy and build time; time to cry, and time laugh; Time to complain, and time to dance; time to scatter stones, and time to collect stones; time to hug, and time to shy up of hugs; time to look, and time to lose; time to save, and throw time; Time to tease, and time to sew; time to be silent, and talk time; time to love, and time hate; Time war, and time to peace. "


"Everything in our life comes at one time. Just need to learn to wait! "

Honore de Balzac

"Do not hurry to live. Everything is your time - and everyone will be in joy. For many, life is because there is too much debt that happiness too briefly: early joy missed, we didn't enjoy the widow, then I would like to return, and far from them left. In life, they are rushing on postal, the usual running time add their inaccessibility; One day is ready to swallow what they do not digest in life; They live joys in debt, devourge ahead, hurry and hurry - and everyone is missing. Even in knowledge is needed to know, not to gain knowledge that you should not know. Days we were released more than blissful hours. Enjoying slowly, but do not act. Acts are completed - well; Joy ended - Loose. "

Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

"Choose time - it means to save time, and what has been done indefinitely, it is done in vain."

Francis Bacon

"Time to everything is: your hour for a conversation, your hour for peace."

"Any comedy, like anyone, your time and its time."

Miguel de Servantes

"Even if you are very talented and make great efforts, for some results it is simply required: you will not get a child in a month, even if you make the pregnant in nine women."

Warren Buffette

About time with deep meaning

Time is the elusive and strange substance that manages all of our lives. That is why in quotations and aphorisms about time with meaning, such many faces of this concept reflect. Sometimes the meaning of these statements does not lie on the surface, which will make us think about many things.

"The time is still like a shore: it seems to us that it runs, but, on the contrary, we pass."

Pierre Boast.

"Time flies - this is bad news. Good news - You are a pilot of your time. "

Michael Altshuler.

"Three things will never return back: time, word, opportunity. Therefore ... do not lose time, choose words, do not miss the opportunity. "


"Time passes, this is what trouble. The past is growing, and the future is reduced. There is less chances to do something - and everything is concerned for what did not have time. "

Haruki Murakov

"Although it would be for a moment, look, take a look, though b one day, how time is violently and blindly jumps us!"

Omar Khayam

"If you want you to have little time, do nothing."

Chekhov A. P.

"- What do you want? - I want to kill time. - time does not like himself when he is killed. "

Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

"Time is the only thing that cannot be accumulated, it is not preserved and does not increase. It can only be exchanged - for money or knowledge. Time is generally the most important. "

Yamaguchi Tadao

"No time. Seriously? This desire is not, but there is always time. "

Sergey Yesenin

"Time is an honest person."

Pierre Boualersche

"Do not say that you have no time. In the belt, you have exactly as much as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein.

Jackson Brown

"Alas, not time passes, we pass."

Pierre de Ronsar

"Time is the most reliable ally of perseverance."

About time and love ...

In the time and love of strange and paradoxical relationships. On the one hand, when a man is in love, his time next to his beloved man flies completely unnoticed. On the other, it is no secret that over time, a feeling of acute love is reborn into mature and relaxing relationships. Everyone is familiar with the expression that time is the killer of love. It is about this dual connection that the quotes and aphorisms are about time and love.

"- never leave me. - I never abandon you. - Never. Never - such a short time. "

Erich Maria Remarque

"The intimacy of the beloved reduces the time."

Johann Wolfgang Guete

"Happy hours do not observe."

Alexander Griboedov

"Happy consider time to minutes, whereas for unfortunate it stretches for months."

Fenimor Cooper.

"In one hour of love - a whole life."

Honore de Balzac

"Time heals a love longing."

"Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love."

Jean de Labryuer

"But meanwhile runs, it runs non-return time, while we, captive by love for the subject, are delayed in all details."

Publika Vergili

"Deliver in the palm of the water ... See how it breaks?! So the time runs away ... And with it, the chances of confessing to someone important, in something the main and intimate ... "

"Age does not protect you from love, but love protects you from age."

Zhanna Moro.

"There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left. "

Coco Chanel

"Love kills time, and time kills love."

About time and life

Despite the fact that time is an intangible concept, this is the most valuable resource at the disposal of humanity. The way a person spends his time, largely determines which life will be. In quotations and aphorisms about time and life, it is very wiser about it.

"Time is playing important role In a person's life, a person performs different roles during his life and use it competently. "


"A person who decided to waste at least one hour of his time, not yet Doros before understanding the value of life."

Charles Darwin

"With each new minute, new life begins for us."

Jerome Kull Jerome

"Time is never worth it, life is constantly developing, human relationships are modified every fifty years."

Johann Wolfgang Guete

"It's stupid to build plans for life, without being Mr. even tomorrow."

"The Great Science live happily is to live only in the present."

"Life gives a lot of topics for thinking, but little time."

Vladimir Semenov

"There is no time - so short life is on the squabbles, apologies, bile and calling to the answer. There is only time to love, and it is, so to speak, there is only a moment. "

Mark Twain

"Life and time is two teachers. Life teaches us to properly manage the time, time teaches us to appreciate life. "

"You have in life what you pay more time."

And whether time treats ...

There are many dual moments in the statements about time. One of them is the eternal dispute about whether or not the time is our wounds. I'm still close to the idea that time in itself is not able to heal any of our injuries until we ourselves let them go. And then our brain will move bad memories for the longer memory regiment, and over time we will become less and less. Very accurately and not say about it in quotes that time does not treat.

"And time - it does not treat. It does not curse the wounds, it simply closes them from top of the marry bandage of new impressions, new sensations, life experience ... and sometimes, having clinging for something, this bandage flies, and fresh air falls into the wound, giving her a new pain ... and new life... Time is a bad doctor ... makes you forget about the pain of old wounds, causing more and more new things ... and the moon in life, like her wound soldiers ... and every year everything grows on the soul and growing the amount of poorly imposed bandages ... "

Erich Maria Remarque

"Time does not heal! Time will judge, time will tell: who is the enemy, where friends ... Only the time is impassive and sincere will "

"Time does not heal. We just get used to this pain, learn from it to live, and it becomes part of us. "

"Time does not heal, time fills the memory by other events."

"Time still does not treat. Perhaps, it is with us how with sick children costs - it tries to distract, the new toys fit ... And we repulse them, we demand the old heated teddy bear, turn away to the wall and offended the costs ... "

"Time is a doctor of all inevitable angry."

"Where the mind is powerless, time is often helped."

Seneca Luciya Anese

"There are two medicines from any trouble - time and silence."

Alexander Duma, "Count Monte Cristo"

"What burning does not take time? What passion will fool in an unequal struggle with him? "

Nikolay Gogol

"You yourself feed your misfortune, paying time to him. Time is his blood. "

Eckhart Tollet.

How fast is the right time ...

In different periods of our life, time is moving differently. The holiday waiting time is always longer than the holiday itself. What to say about the main indicator of the human time - age. Therefore, it is so important to be able to appreciate each moment and an hour of our life. Quotes and aphorisms about how quickly and inexorably flies time, so it is not going to go straight into the target and fall into the soul.

"An hour is longer than the day of the old man."

Arthur Shopenhauer

"Time passes, this is what trouble. The past is growing, and the future is reduced. There is less chances to do something - and everything is concerned for what did not have time. "

Haruki Murakov

"Use every moment to then not repent and do not regret that you missed my youth."

Paulo Coelho

"In childhood it seems that life is simply wearing, crawling. Would grow faster! In his youth - it seems normally and, it seems that it will be forever - it would be too long, but it's better forever. These are different only can age, and I will never! At mid-day, sometimes you forget to monitor its speed - not before that once or too lazy. There is no hurry and okay. And then the time comes when you understand that life has not crawled, did not go and did not stand, and he flew, and always. "

Galina Bobylev

"The youth quickly flies: catching the outgoing time. The day that was always better than this day. "

"Keep time! Sorry him any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it will slip out like a lizard. Light every moment honest, worthy of accomplishment! Give him weight, value, light. "

Thomas Mann.

"Time is slow when you follow it ... it feels surveillance. But it enjoys our scatleton. It is even possible that there are two times: the one you follow, and the one that converts us. "

Albert Kama

Great people about time

Of course, such a thin and elusive matter as time could not go around the most famous scientists, philosophers, writers, speakers, politicians. Some compared time with the material benefits, others believed that it was invaluable, Great Einstein went further and completely turned all the human knowledge about time from his head. In quotations and aphorisms of great people about time all their wisdom and a huge life experience are combined.

"The road money, human life is even more expensive, and the time is most expensive."

Alexander Suvorov

"Time is invaluable. Think carefully what you spend it. "

Bernard Show

"Here it is time in his height, it is carried out slowly, it is necessary to wait, and when it comes, it becomes sick, because you notice that it has long been here."

Jean-Paul Sartre

"Time is money".

Benjamin Franklin

"Time is the same as money: do not waste it, and you will have him plenty."

Gaston Levis

"A person can do much more and act much better. He allows only one-only mistake - he thinks that at his disposal a lot of time. "

Carlos Castaneda

"Time is a bad ally."

Winston Churchill

"Time is stretching. It depends on what kind of content you fill it. "

Samuel Marshak

"By the expense of each day, take into account every minute spent! Time is the only one, where the scare is praised. "

Thomas Mann.

"Everything that is important is not urgently. All that urgently is just a fuss. "

"Not a single minute cannot be bought for cash; If it was possible, the rich would live longer than others. "

"If we were faster than the time, we could become slower than life."

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

"The first hour, giving us life, rooted it."

Beautiful time about time

There are a huge number of the most different statements about the rapidness and priceability of time: wise, with meaning, ironic, deep. I offer you a selection of my favorites beautiful quotes and aphorisms about time. It seems to me, it is impossible to put it more precisely and brighter.

"The problem is what you think you have time."

"Watches beating. All. "

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

"Time is the way that the Universe checks our desires for truth. Probably, so we almost never get everything at once. "

Elchin Safarli

"There is nothing longer time, since it is a measure of eternity; There is nothing shorter, as it is lacking for all of our undertakings ... All people neglect them, everyone regrets his loss. "

"Time lost with pleasure is not considered lost."

John Lennon

"What minutes were the most important in your life, you will find out when it's too late."

Agatha Christie

"Time is the fabric from which life is."

Benjamin Franklin

"The time will come when you decide that everything is over. This will be the beginning. "

Louis Lamur

"Time, encountered with memory, learns about his disinfect."

Joseph Brodsky

"To find out the price of the year, ask the student who failed on the exam.
To find out the price of the month, ask the mother who gave birth prematurely.
To find out the price of the week, ask the weekly editor.
To find out the price of an hour, ask in love, waiting for your beloved.
To find the price of a minute, asking for a train.
To find out the price of a second, ask who has lost close man in a car accident.
To find out the price of one thousandth second, ask the silver medalist of the Olympic Games.
The clock arrows will not stop their jogging. Therefore, valid every moment of your life. And appreciate today as the greatest gift you can ".

Bernard Verber

Yes, unfortunately, time is inexorable. Its impossible to stop it, it is impossible to ask him to slow down. And sooner or later, the moment comes when a person is aware of the entire value of time. The main thing is that it was on time. After all, it is quite in our power to fill our existence to the meaning and not to spend a single moment into the back.

Quotes Osho about the meaning of life