String cornices. String cornices for curtains Cornice string comfort how to fix

Curtain string is a very old invention that has temporarily fallen out of favor. The invention of new materials has returned relevance to such cornices. They are versatile, style neutral and easy to install. The simpler, the more relevant - the motto of many modern designers. At the same time, a string cornice for curtains is an inexpensive, but trendy way to design a window space.

Correct design window opening consists in the selection of matching curtains and cornices.

String structures are ideal for high-tech, techno, minimalism, as well as more classic Provence or country interiors. New strings gave them a second life. They run from:

  • of stainless steel;
  • metal cables;
  • polymers;
  • strong threads.

String cornices are now especially popular.

Wide range of combinations with different interiors curtain rods made of string for curtains were obtained due to their invisibility. They are very thin, almost invisible behind the folds of the material, placed at a short distance from the wall or ceiling. Since such a device requires almost no space, it is suitable for the most modest rooms in size and height.

Thanks to their simple design, they fit perfectly into classic style, hi-tech and minimalism.

Curtains with a string are used in the dining room or kitchen, living room, bedroom. Such curtains are especially convenient for balconies and loggias, glazed verandas in country house. They help hide a niche in a room or separate sleeping place from the play area in the nursery. The only limitation is that such cornices can only withstand light fabrics. Silks, tulle, taffeta, organza, muslin or light cotton, linen, lightweight jacquard are suitable for them.

Such small cornices can be attached both to the wall and to the ceiling - using special brackets.

Varieties of string cornices

According to the installation methods, the curtain string differs into ceiling and wall options. They are mounted above the window opening, above the entrance arch, if there are no doors, between the walls for zoning the room, suitable for sloping attic windows. Mounted on the ceiling, such a curtain will visually increase the height of the room.

Main Feature, which distinguishes string cornices from other models, is a special design.

Important! To use denser and more opaque materials, you need to choose brackets with three holes and fix 2-3 steel cables. They will be able to withstand more weight or several canvases of different densities.

Ceiling models, description, mounting method, photo in the interior

Ceiling models of cornices fishing line or string for curtains are mounted on brackets standard form and not suitable for stretch ceilings. Under the weight of the curtains, they sag, and at the place of attachment, air enters under the surface. Brackets are poorly mounted on drywall, as this material crumbles.

A string for curtains can reach five meters in length, but this is not the limit.

The scheme for attaching a string cornice to the ceiling is simple:

  • marking a place for brackets;
  • drilling holes for mounting;
  • installation of dowels, then installation of brackets;
  • threading the string into the holes of the brackets and tensioning with a special screw by hand;
  • fixing the string, installing caps or covers, if they are included in the kit;
  • hanging curtains on hooks.

Such a thread can be arranged not only in one, but also in two, three rows (between the brackets).

The marking is carried out taking into account the distance from the wall of 10-15 cm. The curtain should not touch the window sill, the radiator or its protective screen. At least 5 cm must be left between the ceiling and the string so that large decorative rings or eyelets can be used.

The string cornice allows you to combine several tulles of different colors and create an extraordinary beautiful interior.

Wall models, a description of how to attach to the wall, photos in the interior

Installing a string curtain rod for curtains on a wall differs little from ceiling option, since the brackets in both cases are of the same type and differ only in the angle between the part with which they are adjacent to the wall and the part for fixing the string.

After adjustment, you can remove the excess length of the thread with the help of wire cutters or roll it up and carefully hide it on the side.

Therefore, the algorithm of work is universal:

  • marking the position of the brackets on the wall (taking into account the equal distance in relation to the edges of the window);
  • drilling holes and installing dowels;
  • installation of brackets;
  • if curtains are hung on grommets or rings, they must be put on a string;
  • threading the string into the holes of the brackets;
  • string tension and fastening.

On string cornices, you can only hang a light textile fabric: chiffon, tulle, veil are most suitable for them.

Important! The strings in the kit are sold in lengths of 5 m. If the length of the cornice exceeds 3 m, then it is necessary to install an additional bracket in the middle of the distance. This applies in every case where the free span of the string is more than 2 m on each side.

Curtain string, what is it, description, appearance, where it is used

The main element of string cornices is the wire itself. It is similar in texture to thick guitar strings or fishing line. Her exterior finish and the color of the brackets can be very elegant, shades of gold, copper, brass. The fastening of the curtains turns out to be very compact, inconspicuous and allows you to freely move the fabric along the window.

Lightweight jacquard, satin or cotton curtains are best fastened with hooks on two cables at once.

With all its versatility, this method of hanging curtains helps to focus all attention on textile decor rooms. The curtain seems to be hanging in the air, thanks to which it looks weightless, and the room is more spacious.

To place lambrequins, you can use the third row of strings.

According to the method of installation, cornices based on fishing line for curtains are one of the simplest. Even a beginner in repair can handle the installation. The scheme of work is very simple, when the fishing line sags, you can tighten it with a special bolt in the bracket. They are suitable for city apartments with concrete floors and brick walls, as well as for wooden buildings.

The installation of the cornice does not depend on the type of surface.

String Curtain Installation Recommendations, A Quick Guide for Beginners

Only light fabrics are suitable for string curtains. Most of them are translucent or completely transparent. However, this cannot be an obstacle to using such a device in the bedroom. On the one hand, quite a lot of dense, but thin fabrics are produced, which in dark color create sufficient shading. On the other hand, you can hang multilayer curtains. It is even possible to use a lambrequin.

This cornice is not installed on plasterboard and stretch ceilings.

Chiffon, veil, tulle look great on the string. This is an ideal case to use embroidered options, lace fabrics, photo printing. If you take jacquard, then you will not need additional efforts to decorate the room, since it is very textured material. More dense and classic canvases can be hung on multi-row strings. Teak, blackout, chenille, tapestries will not work. All these materials are very dense and heavy.

Do not hang string cornices outdoors.

In order to attach the fabric to the cornice, special hooks, clips or clips with a ring are used. This accessory is removable, it allows you to hang and remove the fabric for washing. If indoors high humidity, then steel and metal wire requires an additional anti-corrosion coating.

In damp areas, they will need to be looked after frequently and carefully.

Additional elements for fastening the string:

  • brackets;
  • dowels;
  • holders;
  • calipers.

The differences between the models of string cornices are expressed by the variety of colors, shapes and the presence of decorative elements.

It is necessary to fasten the cornice with exact calculation distances, so a deviation of even 1 cm will be clearly visible from a distance. For marking, use a ruler, square, plumb line. Do not forget about the dowels for self-tapping screws, otherwise the brackets will quickly loosen. Consider the distance to the ceiling and walls so that the curtains can move freely on a stretched wire.

Strings for curtains are made in various color schemes: silver, gold, bronze.

Examples and photos of the use of string cornices in the interior

From an artistic point of view, a string curtain rod serves as an ideal base for emphasizing material and pattern. The canvas can flow in large folds, be gathered into small tucks, or lie flat on the floor, in soft waves. If there is a large photo print on the curtains, then it will be perfectly visible.

A universal technique for masking stringed ceiling-type cornices is the use of a plank.

The row arrangement of holes in the bracket makes it possible to stretch the line in 2-3 rows and create an elegant multi-layered composition. This creates a combination of fabrics with great transparency, allowing sufficient protection of the room from external light.

The string cornice (as a single product) should be in harmony with the curtains.

Ease of attachment allows you to use the string anywhere in the room. Perfect solution for skylights, which are not only inclined, but also differ non-standard sizes and form. To hide the string, you can use an additional cornice, which has a purely decorative function.

The need to clean the string cornices is due to the extension of the service life and the preservation of the attractive appearance of the structure.

String cornices are great for zoning rooms. The string can be stretched anywhere, along, across or diagonally - it all depends on the imagination of the designer. The string can be stretched in a straight line, at an angle, using another bracket.

The less often you clean the surface of the eaves, the more difficult it is to get rid of the dirt on it later.


A string for curtains is a convenient, modern, versatile and affordable solution. Its advantages are ease of installation, the possibility of repair (tensioning), compatibility with most interior styles.

So you can arrange not only residential, but also utility rooms or closed gazebo in the garden.

Self-installation of a string curtain rod for curtains takes about an hour. To do this, you need to buy a ready-made kit in a hardware store and follow the attached instructions. It is better if the simplest device is selected for the first time.

You can pull the string yourself - this provides for the bracket device.

To create a composition, it is worth considering the color of the wallpaper and floors in the room, the style of the furniture, and the availability of free space. If the window seat is occupied by something, for example, there is a table there, then half-length curtains can be used. The same goes for the window in the kitchen, where the window sill often serves as an additional working surface. A curtain on a string up to half a window long will be appropriate here.

Numerous positive responses confirm that string cornices are becoming popular again.

VIDEO: String cornices.

The correct design of the window opening consists in the selection of matching curtains and cornices. String cornices are now especially popular. Thanks to their simple design, they fit perfectly into classic style, hi-tech and minimalism. Such small cornices can be attached both to the wall and to the ceiling - using special brackets. After reading this article, you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things about string cornices.


The main feature that distinguishes string cornices from other models is a special design. The main parts of such a cornice (regardless of the type of installation) are:

  • a string for curtains is a tension steel thread painted in silver, gold or bronze;
  • brackets are devices for fastening a steel string (in the form of brackets), they can be made in the form of decorative tips;
  • hooks or clothespins for connecting curtains and cornices, usually made to match the color of the cable.

String cornices can be attached:

  • on the wall - directly at the window opening;
  • on the ceiling, which visually increases the height of the room;
  • between two opposite walls, turning into a screen;
  • on the wall (at an angle).

A string for curtains can reach five meters in length, but this is not the limit. Such a thread can be arranged not only in one, but also in two, three rows (between the brackets). This allows you to combine several tulles of different colors and create an unusually beautiful interior. After adjustment, you can remove the excess length of the thread with the help of wire cutters or roll it up and carefully hide it on the side. It is worth paying attention not only to the design, but also to the following features of use. On string cornices, you can only hang a light textile fabric: chiffon, tulle, veil are most suitable for them. Curtains or curtains are too heavy, the steel thread under their weight will sag or break at the point of attachment with staples.

Lightweight jacquard, satin or cotton curtains are best fastened with hooks on two cables at once. To place lambrequins, you can use the third row of strings.

Installation of the cornice does not depend on the type of surface. brick, concrete, wooden walls or standard concrete and reinforced concrete floors ceiling - a string cornice is perfect for them. However, there is an exception: this cornice is not installed on plasterboard and stretch ceilings.

A stretched canvas made of fabric or PVC can not only stretch, but also tear under the weight of the structure. If your apartment has just such ceilings, then it is advisable to install the cornice-string on the wall.

Steel wire is subject to corrosion, like any other metal, although to a lesser extent. You should not hang string cornices in the open air - for example, in an open summerhouse. In damp areas, they will need to be looked after frequently and thoroughly.

Threads coated with special anti-corrosion solutions help to avoid corrosion. But even they do not provide reliable and long-term protection, but only prolong the life of the product in room conditions.


The differences between the models of string cornices are expressed by the variety of colors, shapes and the presence of decorative elements. As noted above, strings for curtains are made in various colors: silver, gold, bronze.

The product can have not only steel, but also brass, chrome or copper coating with protective layer. One can single out single and multi-row types of thread installation. Now the double-row wire wall cornice is especially popular.

A universal technique for masking stringed ceiling-type cornices is the use of a plank. Covering the strings, hooks and cornice fasteners, the plank makes the design more refined and light. A variety of color options for baguette slats allow you to fit string cornices into different styles interior. Transparent plastic baguette perfect for zoning rooms light curtains.

For decorating cornices, brackets of various shapes and shades are used. These holders give the product a unique and spectacular look. The materials from which they are made are quite diverse. It can be all kinds of metals, wood - or even synthetic materials. The latter can imitate brass, gold, copper, bronze or silver. Appearance brackets should match the style of the room. To do this, they are decorated with glass, rhinestones, wood, plastic or painted. And the shape of the holders is different. They can be made as simple geometric shapes, tips, peak or have a more complex shape.

In order not to get confused in all the variety of options, remember two main points. First, the curtain string, brackets, plank and clips must match each other in design and proportions. Secondly, the string cornice (as a single product) must be in harmony with the curtains. It is best to combine them with a light fabric (chiffon, organza, taffeta).


String cornices are simple in design, but installation can still be difficult for an inexperienced person. The algorithm below will help you deal with all the difficulties and contribute to a quick and correct work. For installation you will need:

  • installation instructions;
  • string cornice disassembled;
  • drill or perforator;
  • pencil;
  • dowels;
  • ladder or stepladder.

Decide in advance a place for the eaves. Use a pencil and a stepladder to mark on the wall or ceiling. This is where the bracket connects to the surface. Make a markup for the second end of the eaves. Make sure both points are on the same straight line perpendicular to the other wall.

Attach the bracket to the intended point and draw a circle. This is necessary for drilling a hole.

Take a hammer drill or drill. After attaching the bracket, make a groove. Attach the bracket to the surface using dowels. Do these operations on the other side as well.

through a hole in installed mount pass the steel thread and pull it to the other side of the eaves. There again pass it through the hole and bring it to the first point. Place clothespins or hooks along the entire length (in the required quantity). Now fasten the string, avoiding slack in the thread. The required tension can be achieved by rotating a special bolt.

After confirming the reliability of the design, cut or fold the rest of the string into a neat circle. It will come in handy if you need to lengthen the cornice. If there is a decorative strip in the kit, use screws or nails to attach it to the brackets. Now you can start hanging the tulle.

How to clean?

The need to clean the string cornices is due to the extension of the service life and the preservation of the attractive appearance of the structure. Frequent cleaning is better for any product than infrequent cleaning. The less often you clean the surface of the eaves, the more difficult it is to get rid of the dirt on it later. Dust, rust and various stains are typical contaminants of home metal curtain rods. The easiest way to get rid of dust on string cornices. It is enough from time to time to wipe the strings, brackets, hooks and slats with a rag. After wet cleaning Be sure to wipe all items dry. This will prevent rust on metal surfaces. Use only non-rough natural fabrics or soft brushes so as not to damage the eaves coating.

Various stains are rubbed off with ordinary detergents. During cleaning, partial or complete dismantling of the structure is required. Thanks to this, you will reach everyone hard-to-reach places and avoid stretching the thread. Cleaning cornices requires frequent changes clean water, work in protective rubber gloves and the use of gentle cleaning liquids and powders.

The most difficult thing is to get rid of rust on the surface of the string cornice. In this situation, instead of soft cloths and soapy water, you will need stronger products.

With a metal brush sandpaper, special household chemicals and some effort can cope with almost any rust. Next, the string for curtains must be treated with enamel or a special varnish - to protect the metal and increase its service life. In addition, the masters advise to cover the thread with antistatic agents.

Examples in the interior

The string cornice can be used in the living room or bedroom, on the balcony or loggia, in the kitchen, in the office or in the children's room. Due to the light weight of the structure, ease of installation and the ability to adjust the length, such products can be called an excellent option. They look especially good with rectangular windows. This model is great for rooms with low ceilings, as it does not tear the wall horizontally. These designs do not overload the interior, they are convenient for installation in a niche.

The cornice-string is in perfect harmony with classic style. Planks with intricate moldings are distinctive feature and the basis of such an interior. Light symmetrical strings with shiny hooks will bring a touch of grace and lightness. The option with complex decorative tips on gold-colored cornices will look quite appropriate. If desired, such string cornices can be hidden in a niche.

This model fits perfectly into minimalism. Due to its simple design, it is used here most often - compared to other types of cornices. The clarity of the lines and the severity of the metal string cornices correspond to the high-tech style.

Unusually successfully you can combine this style and this product in offices. Together they represent functionality and conciseness.

Due to its low cost and durability, the string cornice is becoming increasingly popular. Given that the string is almost invisible, the design has a visual lightness. "String" is a convenient and attractive option that allows you to effectively complement the minimalist style or hi-tech.

Practicality and elegance combined with simplicity

The main advantage inherent in string cornices is simplicity. Due to the fact that such cornices are perfect for light and medium weight curtains, decorating any room, their popularity is constantly growing. The "string" is attached, like other varieties of these products, to the ceiling or to the wall.

An important advantage inherent in this type of cornice is the simplicity of design. The main element here is the string, which can be one, two or even three. Being only a few millimeters in diameter, it has a different length, sometimes exceeding 3 meters. To protect the cornice from deformations that can manifest themselves over time, special brackets are provided. True, this is a prerequisite for structures exceeding 3 meters in length. For shorter cornices, the use of a bracket is not necessary.

Beneficial combination

Given the characteristic features and design of string cornices, they will be a great solution for silk and chiffon curtains, as well as organza and tulle curtains. Depending on your goals and preferences, the structure can be attached to the ceiling or wall, providing strength with a special bracket.

You should not use such a cornice for sufficiently massive and heavy curtains that will not have an attractive appearance. In addition, sagging caused by heavy weight is possible.

In combination with translucent light curtains, you get a weightless structure, when you look at it, it seems that the curtains are streaming out of thin air, since the string remains invisible. For beautiful hanging curtains, there are special clips and hooks that have a variety of colors. This allows you to choose an option that is in harmony with the style of the interior.

Proper operation

For the duration of the service of string cornices and the creation of an attractive appearance, it is necessary to take into account the basic operating rules.

A person who encounters this product for the first time asks a question correct installation. And this is fair. Indeed, to prevent unwanted sagging, everything should be done with maximum reliability. In order for the operation to be long and reliable, you need to remember important points:

  • when hanging curtains that have significant weight, the metal string will inevitably sag over time;
  • to hang tulle curtains and curtains at the same time, this cornice is pulled twice;
  • string cornices are mounted on any type of surface, with the exception of stretch ceilings;
  • to prevent corrosion of the metal string, it is necessary to create an optimal temperature regime in the room.

These rules of operation guarantee reliable and long service life of the product.

Choice of string cornices

Today, these products are produced by manufacturers from various parts of the world. Belgian, Russian, Swiss, as well as Italian cornices belong to the highest quality specimens. By purchasing such products, you can be absolutely sure of its reliability and the highest quality. In addition to their stylish appearance, they are easy to install, which is why they are very popular.

Based on the model, the complete set of the cornice includes support and intermediate brackets, as well as mounting hardware. When choosing products, it should be remembered that they are open and closed types designs that differ in the fixation of hooks in the wall. For minor loads, it would be more appropriate to choose the "open" type, which is much more economical. If you plan to hang heavy curtains, a closed-type design is purchased.

Self-installation of string cornices

The whole process is not particularly difficult. To carry it out you will need:

  1. strong metal wire;
  2. wooden rail;
  3. steel corner brackets;
  4. steel bolts.

The sequence of work will look like this.

Bolts equipped with holes are installed in the corner brackets.

Given the type of curtains, the string is pulled required amount times (1-3).

The tension of the string cornices is adjusted by tightening the bolts.

The string installation process requires attention to even the smallest details. Mistakes made during operation can affect the durability of the structure, as well as the tension force of string curtains. Only a structure that merges with the window opening is considered to be correctly installed. To achieve this, you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • the string must be selected to match the window frame;
  • the main, as well as intermediate brackets are fixed so that they are not noticeable;
  • it is advisable to regularly check the tension of the fishing line;
  • the aesthetic component of the room is the minimum amount of sagging.

Successfully harmonizing with the color of the stylistic solution in the room, the string cornice is able to solve two problems at the same time: organize additional space and improve the appearance.

Compact size and long service life are on the list positive qualities cornice, which can be added to the mobility of the structure. If desired, the product can be removed and moved to another location. The popularity of such cornices is caused by practicality and aesthetics. There are many accessories that allow you to decorate the design, which, in combination with light elegant curtains beautifully decorate the room. We should not forget such a factor as low cost, motivating to purchase a product.

Today, string curtains, which are attached to a special type of cornice in the form of a stretched string, are gaining wide popularity. You can use them to design any living rooms, loggias and balconies, kitchens, niches. String curtains are especially good when it is necessary to emphasize the elegance and beauty of the material used: silk, taffeta, organza and others. In the photo we see that the string as a curtain rod is ideal for low, compact rooms. It can be fastened to the ceiling or wall, as well as in special niches.

Design features

In the photo, it will not be possible to see all the features of string cornices for curtains, but there are very many of them. It is necessary to focus on the following points:

  • a thin but very strong steel string serves as the basis for the cornice;
  • for attaching the string to the ceiling or wall, special brackets are used that resemble brackets;
  • the length of such a cornice can reach five meters, and with the help of brackets it can be fixed in several rows;
  • special clips or hooks are used to fasten the curtains to the string;
  • at first glance, it may seem that the string cornice has a simple design, but it can look very elegant if it is covered, for example, with gilding or imitating antique brass.

How to fix the cornice

Hanging string curtains with your own hands is not at all difficult. Fixing the cornice does not take much time, so it is always carried out according to a simple algorithm:

  • make markings on the ceiling or wall where the cornice should be. Using a pencil, mark the mounting points of the brackets;
  • make holes with a drill or puncher;
  • fix the brackets with dowels;
  • pull the string through the holes in the fasteners in both directions and fasten firmly;
  • now you can tighten the string to the degree that seems optimal to you. To do this, simply rotate the bolt;
  • hang the curtain and cut the rest of the string.

Benefits and rules of operation

If you look at the photo of string curtains, then do not doubt that this decision looks at least elegant. In order for the string cornice to adequately perform the functions intended for it, you should have an idea about the features of its operation:

  • it is desirable to hang on a string only light curtains made of tulle, chiffon, organza, etc. If you hang thick and heavy curtains, the string will simply sag over time;
  • string cornice must be stretched in at least two rows if you want to hang curtains with tulle. If you wish to decorate the composition with a lambrequin, you will need a cornice in three rows;
  • you can mount the cornice on almost any type of surface except for stretch ceilings;
  • from a design point of view, string curtains are especially good on rectangular windows and on wide window openings;
  • in order to avoid corrosion, it is better to mount metal string cornices in rooms with a stable temperature regime and normal humidity.

So, we see that string curtains are a rather simple and even uncomplicated option for window design, but it is he who has gained simply stunning popularity today. The whole point is that this species eaves has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is very compact in size, and if you hide it behind a curtain, it will be completely invisible. In the photo, the curtains seem to be from the very ceiling, which looks very impressive.

Secondly, a string can just as well become an unusual accent if it is performed in unusual variations, for example, from gilded or silver metal. Thirdly, string curtains, as we see in the photo examples, are a universal option for decorating any room, made in any style and direction.

We do it ourselves

You can quickly make a convenient and simple string cornice even with your own hands. It is best to make the design of such a cornice closed, and install it directly to the wall. To create a decorative strip, use wood panel, which will serve as the basis for the cornice. Use a strong wire instead of a string, and steel corners as brackets. With their help, you can hang the cornice and pull the strings.

Take the bolts with drilled holes and install into the bracket holes. Pull the wire in two or three rows. The tension can be adjusted by tightening the bolts. Hang the curtains on the simplest hooks.

So, string curtains are pretty practical option window decoration. Its simple elegance makes it a win-win solution for decorating any space.

New and fashionable is the well-forgotten old. The statement is also suitable for choosing a cornice. Strings are not a new solution, but are currently gaining popularity in the design of window openings. How to choose the right string and decorate with the appropriate canvases - a complete instruction.

Structural features of strings

Any model of such a cornice is a thin steel bar, mounted on two brackets. When fixed on a wall or ceiling, it stretches, thereby creating the necessary elasticity to hold the canvas.

The benefits are as follows:

An important drawback - like any metal, the tension cable is subject to corrosion. It is recommended to install ceiling strings for curtains in a room with a stable climate. For the bath choose stainless options.

How to strengthen the string cornice correctly

Before purchasing, it is important to make sure that the kit is intact - the moving parts must be in working order, the tightening screw must have a good move, hooks or decorative fasteners– smooth sliding, rope – surface without metal burrs. The price of string cornices for curtains should not affect the quality. If the kit satisfies, proceed to its installation.

The fixed ends of the string should not be cut off, in general - they are twisted in neat turns and left at the ends for future fixation. If you do not make a margin, then subsequently the string will fall out of the groove in the bolt.

To put the curtains on the strings, they immediately cling. The fabric is stretched textile tape, forming loops and folds.

homemade string

Those who like to work with their hands will appreciate the design for string curtains, made on their own. The principle of operation and fastening is the same. From materials, the cable itself is purchased, or copper wire is used. Useful steel corners and bolts with pre-drilled holes in the stud. Their number is equal to the desired layers of curtains.

A simple installation of a string cornice consists of inserting bolts with a fixed wire into threaded holes improvised brackets and subsequent tensioning. Of course, if you use unpresentable parts from your own garage for work, you can hardly expect beauty. Therefore, it is worth buying in advance decorative elements for creating best view. It remains to strengthen the hooks or clips and the curtain can be hung.


Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of the string cornice and independent work- you can make a choice in his favor or refuse, believing that the minuses will greatly affect the chosen version of the canvases.