Design of kitchen in the style of "Cafe". Proper interior design of a small cafe design and interiors cafe

Probably there is not a single person who does not love to sit in a free evening to sit in a cafe or restaurant, enjoying a delicious meal and a pleasant atmosphere. Most likely, it is precisely this that the popularity of such a direction of design is explained as a kitchen in a cafe style.

The kitchen in the style of the cafe is very stylish and cozy.

This is a completely special design course, since you need to connect the characteristic features of a cafe or pub with a home kitchen functionality. How to do it? Now will figure it out!

Determine the direction of style of the cafe

First of all, you need to decide what kind of cafe should be in your kitchen. And after that, accepted for finishing works and the selection of furniture. In principle, the cafe can be absolutely any - it all depends on your preferences. Someone in the heart of the retro-atmosphere of American bistro from the fifties, and someone wants to create a similarity of a cozy French coffee house.

However, designers allocate the five most popular directions. You can choose one of them, and you can look at institutions with another topic - it all depends on you.

The main thing is to choose a suitable direction.

In the first place is the traditional American snack bar of the middle of the last century. Bright colors, pop art, lacquer sofas and plastic tables. Such interior looks very bright and positive. It's closest in spirit to style, but it has its own characteristic features that need to be considered by making up a design project.

American cafe is a very popular design.

Cozy and home English bakeries are characterized by an abundance of natural materials and natural colors. Such an interior is well suited if you want to create an atmosphere of a warm homemade cafe.

English bakery for connoisseurs of comfort.

Italian Trattoria is also unthinkable without natural materials. However, bright colors appear here - in fact, all saturated shades of the natural spectrum will be appropriate. In addition, it is important for decorative elements and many free space.

Italian cafe is usually brighter.

Many highly appreciate the almost intimate atmosphere of French cafes - muted lighting, a combination of dark and pastel tones, elegant jewelry, starchable tablecloths. Such a kitchen will appeal to lovers of classics - the interior will be restrained and elegant.

For connoisseurs of romance.

But the interior of the German bar can be used to create an interior in style. Here are the most interesting combinations of materials and forms: a tree and metal, aged dishes and bright posters ... The experiments field are practically unlimited.

Do you have a German pub at home? Why not!

What cafe to choose? To solve only you. If you wish, you can recreate even the interior of McDonalds or to inspire the motifs of the street cafe from the neighboring house. However, consider that the selected style will have to strictly follow - if, of course, you do not want to get an illogical intercession of a wide variety of catering establishments.

If you stick to style, even a real bar can be issued in the apartment.

Zoning and planning

For a kitchen in a cafe style, it is very important to properly zonate the room. You will need to separate the kitchen zone from the dining - logical separation, which is used in all cafes.

Clear zoning is very important for cafe style.

Make it in various ways. The most interesting, in our opinion - to install a bar rack in the kitchen. Even in a small kitchen, it can be appropriate. Bar rack is perfectly suitable for any cafe style, and in some cases it can replace the dining table.

Bar rack can be the key to your cafe.

Install it so as to exist the working area - in a decent cafe kitchen is still separate from the hall.
If you do not like the idea with a bar counter or kitchen is completely tiny, use the zoning finish. Different colors of walls or floor, decorative frames on the walls - all this will help visually divide the room.

Miscellaneous flooring will also help zonate the kitchen.

Dining room and kitchen are in different rooms? You're lucky. You can make a real kitchen of the chef with all its characteristic features.

Ideal for cooking lovers.

Color solutions and successful combinations

Talking about the characteristic palette of the kitchen in the style of the cafe is hardly worth it - it all depends on what the stylistic direction you have chosen.

Work with flowers requires an individual approach.

For example, for an American cafe you can use red, blue shades. Do not be afraid of glossy textures and bold decor - in this case it is very difficult to overdo it. True, we still recommend using the color circle: it is important that bright shades are combined with each other.

American style loves different paints.

For a French cafe, use elegant tones. Relevant will be shades of brown, beige. To revive the interior are permissible and brighter tones, but do not be saturated, but muted.

Many wood and natural tones are the key to success.

Prefer the matte texture. However, soft radiance satin will look good. Do not attempt to make the interior mono color: the combination of several shades looks much better.

Look for successful color combinations.

But if you want to arrange a cafe in the style of chalet, you can experiment with monochrome interiors. Choose colors characteristic of Scandinavian or Norwegian styles. White, blue, brown ... These shades are more than appropriate and look good in the dominant role, especially if you add a few bright color accents.

The mono color interior is worth adding colorful accents.

Italian cafe is above all the abundance of wood. Use various shades of wood, combine them between them. Bright colors can be added green, red, blue or yellow accessories.

Bright, but elegant.

If you are planning the interior in the style of a German pub, without wood, too, do not do. However, in this case, preference should be given to dark, deep wood species. Book the worktop from oak or imitation. However, you can experiment and separate the walls. As a decor, you can use almost any tone - despite your strict nordic reputation, the Germans in the pubs prefer to relax. Therefore, those emphasis that you consider the necessary are allowed.

Wood and any shades - the choice of Germans.

In general, they are focused on your own taste - the design of the cafe is an individual business. Do not try to strictly comply with the standards - do so that you like the kitchen.

Premises finishing options

From how you place the finishing of the kitchen in the style of the cafe, the final impression depends largely. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the question. However, in contrast to strict or, for example, eco-style, the cafe allows a wide variety of experiments.

Materials for decoration can be the most different.

Again, it is worth considering the features of your chosen style. However, there are several general moments.
For example, a plasterboard ceiling with stucco and carved elements is hardly suitable for you. But a simple monophonic coating, a bright stretch ceiling with a print for an American cafe or laminate for elegant French will be very appropriate.

The ceiling is better made simple.

Tip: Draw a room using. So you will immediately understand how it looks in the complex and significantly reduce the risk of error.

For sex, it is also not recommended to choose too fastened materials. The tile is best suited - practical ceramics are often used in the establishments of the catering of a different type. Not bad have established itself and. To simulate a chalet establishment, you can try to install cork floors.

Floor selection depends on style.

As in the case of a ceiling, choose, focusing on the desired cafe theme - this approach guarantees a beautiful and interesting result.

In the case of the walls, there are practically no restrictions. Practically classic in the design of a cafe is a brick wall. However, it is still not to separate all surfaces. Is that you want to create an interior in style. Combine brick or its immimination with wallpaper, tiles, wooden or plastic panels.

Brick is a very relevant cafe solution.

In the kitchen in the style of the cafe can be broken. What picture to choose? Contact your style. American bistro will suit bright posters, drawings, abstraction. For more classic options, choose landscapes.

Print to the entire wall will add reliability.

Interesting idea - installation on the wall Falc windows. So you will make imitation cafe more reliable, especially if there will be a print of the city street behind the window opening.

Fish window - a bold and unusual solution.

By the way: You can hang over the walls. It is very convenient and give your interior appropriate entourage.

Selection of furniture and textiles

Once again, we repeat - the kitchen in the style of the cafe should be furnished, following the chosen topics.

The design determines the choice of furniture.

Look at the situation, which often combines all cafes. And focus on these trends.
First of all, think about the bar counter. This is practically mast hav for all interiors. If you have a small kitchen, then it is not necessary to install a full-sized bar - quite enough folding panel. In addition, a window sill can be remade in the bar counter.

It is difficult to introduce a cafe without a bar counter.

As for the dining table, choose the one that suits the stylistics of your cafe. Round or square is a matter of taste. But the materials should differ. Wood - for a French or Italian cafe, plastic - for American. Follow the considerations of logic.

The dining table must be harmonized with the interior.

Also act when choosing chairs. Glossy bright sofa for a bistro, elegant chairs with an elegant back for a coffee shop ... In fact, it is not difficult to choose a suitable furniture.

Pay attention to the chairs of an unusual form.

The most difficult thing is the goal with the headcard. In most cafes, the kitchen is hidden from visitors. Therefore, you stand quite a non-trivial task - to turn the headsets into the organic part of the interior.

Think how to enter the headset in the interior of the cafe.

Let's give some tips:

  • From hinged lockers, it is worth refuse to use open shelves. Such shelves are much more logical in a cafe than massive cabinets.
  • Do you have a big and spacious kitchen? Use the ideas of professional kitchen zone. Wide countertops, metal surfaces, more gloss.
  • It was lucky if there is a convenient storage room in the apartment - you can put most utensils there, so as not to spoil the impression of the cafe.
  • Smooth dissonance will help an easy welcome : Book a width of a similar bar counter. So the design will seem in one whole.
  • It looks good in the corner kitchens that go in the bar.

As for kitchen textiles, everything is simple enough. Curtains worth choosing those that correspond to the stylistic direction of the cafe - Tulle or elegant curtains for France, bright roll curtains for America, cotton or bamboo for Scandinavia countries ... After you get furniture, there should be no problems with the selection of curtains.

Pay attention to textiles - it creates the atmosphere.

The same principles are followed in the choice of tablecloth. A beautiful openwork is suitable for a coffee shop, for a bistro - it is better to limit the stands under hot.

Sometimes it is better to do without a tablecloth.

Your main task is to create a holistic interior in which nothing cuts eye. Therefore, do not move away from the selected stylistics and everything will turn out.

Create the right lighting

A rather controversial question is the coverage of the kitchen in the style of the cafe. On the one hand, for many catering establishments, twilight is characteristic. On the other, do not forget that in the kitchen you still have to cook, but mean, you need a bright light.

Lighting is a rather controversial question.

Take advantage of the ideas that apply restaurant designers: lighting should be divided. For example, install a small brace over the dining table and point lights above the working surface. Thus, you can regulate the level of brightness of light depending on your needs.

Additional illumination of the working area will make cooking more convenient.

For all the kitchens, except for the American cafe, choose a lamp of a warm light segment. So you will create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort. But for the bistro, on the contrary, characteristic of a slightly rescued cold lighting.

Cafe style decor elements

Here you are given complete freedom of choice. Come around the cafe and restaurants of your city. Perhaps you pay attention to the fact that absolutely everything can be used as decor - from traditional dishes and books, jars, scales and things that are absolutely impossible to present in the kitchen interior.
For example, there is a pub in Belgorod, where the walls are awesome ... Sewer hatches. So as decor you can choose everything you like.

Decor creates an atmosphere.

However, do not forget about the selected style. Bright posters and figures, PIN-AP paintings and all sorts of toys are better suitable for the kitchen in the style of bistro.

For American style you need a bright decor.

Want to create a modern loft bar? Think about metal decor elements.

Brave and unusual decor.

But for French cuisine, it is better to limit the traditional things - paintings, vases with flowers, elegant dishes, textiles.

Beautiful and elegant.

Be sure to pay attention to those kitchen elements that are always in sight. Salon, peppers, sugarians must match the spirit of your cafe and not violate the harmony. Some dishes seem not too aesthetic? Hide it into the closet or just replace.

Everything should be beautiful, stylish and harmonious!

An interesting idea for a kitchen in the style of a cafe is a chalk board on which you can write menu of lunches and dinners. Unusually and very antineum. In addition, households will definitely not forget about what is in the refrigerator.
Wine shelves can be a good decor element - not necessarily, however, keep it with wine. It all depends on your preferences in drinks.

Useful and convenient.

Tip: Go to several cafes weathered in the selected style. So it will be easier for you to decide on the decor: you will understand how textiles, dishes and other little things should look like.

Kitchen in style Cafes: PhotoTragon

To make it easier for you to decide on the choice, we have gathered a big collection of kitchen photos in a cafe style. We hope they will inspire you!

Look for interesting wallpapers.
Well for wall decorations are suitable wooden panels.
Stylish technique - the key to success.
Work with the decor - it creates the atmosphere.
Light tones for a modern cafe.
For American cuisine, find the corresponding posters.
High-tech cafe can be very stylish.
Victorian English cafe.
Use different inscriptions - they are very in the subject.
Such shelves require the maintenance of order.
Stylish Scandinavian cafe.
It is important to work well.
Brackets for cups - comfortably and stylish.
Romantic french interior.
The kitchen island can also be in the subject.
The combination of white, black and red is almost a classic.
Aerography imitating a chalk board.
Unusual chairs for the French cafe.
The technique is better to choose the built-in.
American style looks very catchy.
Modern high-tech cafe.
Erker can be turned into a bar.
Prefer the open shelves.
In spacious premises, the kitchen area is simple.
Bar rack - the base of the interior.
Stick in a single style.
Bright bar chairs will add charm.
Separate the dining area by partitions.
The pointer "Cafe" is witty and stylish.

The design of the cafe complete with the quality of service and delicious cuisine creates a mood of visitors. A beginner restaurant needs to work out the design of his institution with special attention. Naturally, any cafe is designed for a certain category of guests. Business people will not be comfortable in the interior with futuristic motifs, and the youth quickly comes in a luxurious classic setting. However, the design of the cafe project should be so high-quality so that even a random visitor becomes frequenter. The main goal, which the designer must be pursued is to create an unusual, original institution, in which the comfort will continue. In the cafe, people come to relax. The more pleasant and more comfortable will be the pastime in the institution, the more often it will be returned to it. Let's talk about the most important styles that are embodied in the interiors of the cafe.

We select a cafe style

Stylistic diversity opens space for fantasy. Registration is perhaps the most pleasant and at the same time time-consuming stage before the official opening of its own establishment. The design will include a "delicious" interior and a tempting exterior. The interior decoration is made up of the planning of individual rooms and zones, finishes, lighting, color solutions and decor, which is grinding. To begin with, it is necessary to determine which category of people your institution will be calculated. Cafe is classified into the following types:

  • Coffee house. Preparation of invigorating drink in it priority.
  • Little cafe. It offers a "full" menu, but the size of the room does not allow to take a large flow of visitors.
  • Luxury cafe. Such institutions are almost reacted to restaurants and take mainly elite visitors.
  • Pub. Institution with night mode, where guests can skip the cup-other.
  • Cafeteria. The establishment menu is the same as in the cafe, but it works according to the principle of self-service.
  • Budget Fast Food. A very popular option to serve "harmful" food. The name "Fast Food" came to replace the domestic buffet.
  • Cafe with healthy nutrition. Calculated only on a certain category of people. Actual location of such cafes near sports complexes.
  • Sports bar. It takes direct football, hockey broadcasts every day. Guests are offered alcoholic beverages.
  • Art cafe. Youth establishment, which takes creative personalities, where they can discuss art issues.
  • Dining room. Spacious cafe, which takes a large flow of visitors daily. It is usually located near large enterprises, office centers, banks. At the weekend here are often organized by celebrations: banquets, weddings, anniversaries.
  • Lobby bar. The institution is located in the lobby of hotels and hotels. It is intended for visitors and tourists. The kitchen is usually multinational.

Recently, more and more multifunctional cafes have opened, which more come to small restaurants. Among the style variety, the following interior solutions can be noted:

  • Loft or noble industrial. Style is now experiencing a real "boom". His business card - brick walls are used in half fashionable interiors of houses and public institutions.
  • Retro. The direction is relevant in the narrow circles of the connoisseurs of antiquity. Usually reproduce the situation of American jazz clubs, which visited ladies in fur manot and gentlemen during ties. Such cafes are collecting a bohemian audience, which can with his head to plunge into a new world of luxury and elegance for themselves.
  • Russian. In this style, the main room is stylized under a tavern with massive wooden furniture and undercover over the entrance (for happiness, as the proverb says).
  • Fusion. The direction is a stylistic popurery. Fusion belongs to more modern eclectics. Style allows you to make a cafe unusual, but cozy. A difficult interior solution will attract visitors from the category of "Neformal".
  • Country Rustic style, which is characterized by simplicity. It allows the owner to save on the finish, but at the same time originally arrange the room.
  • Provence. The classic of the French depthion is characterized by ease and grace. For decoration, old furniture is used, which will look at a similar interior appropriate and organically.
  • Chalet. The direction arose on the Alpine slopes. It uses wood and natural materials. The facade decorate panoramic windows, and the fireplace will become a special sign.
  • Eco style. A modern man stretches to the whole natural, therefore, in the interior, the proximity to nature is emphasized. For example, the central hall can decorate wooden decks instead of chairs, and compositions from branches will perform on the walls in the role of the main decor.
  • Disco style. Suitable for those who nostalgic over the insane 80th. The setting of the cafe will be screaming and causing bright colors and posters with musical groups that were popular in those distant times.
  • Ampir. The direction is distinguished by the grace. Finish use plant ornaments, floral patterns. Furnishing neat on topless legs decorated with hand-made carvings. The room has decorated stucco.
  • Modern. The style is characterized by ease and unobtrusion. Pastel tones and natural materials prevail in the interior. The direction took an intermediate position between the luxurious classics and laconic modern styles.

Separately, it is worth noting ethnic style. Stylizing cafe under a certain country with national cuisine, the owner will kill one shot of two hares at once:

  • Protects the institution of immigrants from this state who missed their homeland.
  • Lubricate local people who want to taste exotics.

We often open a cafe in the ethnic style of two types:

  • With interiors and kitchens of neighboring countries: Uzbek restaurants with traditional Tashkent Plov, cafe with nostalgia in Armenia or Ukrainian Huts, which serves the welded borscht and gallushki.
  • Stylized under the institution of exotic countries for the domestic visitor. These include Greek, Italian, American, Mexican cafes.

Let us dwell on some styles, a detailed description of which will explain the reason for their popularity in the interiors of modern cafes.

In ethnic institutions it is desirable that the staff keep the language of the country to which the interior is design. If you fit, then in everything.


A tree will prevail in the classic decoration. It is used for both finishing and furnishings. However, these are not coarse wood surfaces of the country, but finely and neatly processed elements. In textiles, natural, "heavy" fabrics with gentle-elegant ornaments are used. The classic style is not suitable for small rooms (less than 15-20 sq.m.). The problem is that in limited spaces it is difficult to embody so that the direction does not lose part of the charm and luxury. The classic decor is very discreet, the style does not accept the abundance of small details that threaten to turn the interior into a miserable. The ceiling and walls are decorated with stucco, the input can be supplemented with an arched arch supported by columns. The main door is painted in a noble white color and decorated with a golden handle and carvings. The color palette prevails brown, chocolate, olive, golden. Also in the decor use crystal: glasses, figurines, chandeliers. Classic style is more suitable for the interior of the restaurant.

The design uses a simple geometry. The classic space is unacceptable to overload with complex configurations.

Modern style

Modern interiors are striving for laconism and simplicity. It is impossible to say that this style completely refused luxury, but it became less damned and more restrained. The direction was created as opposed to traditions. In the interior tones, gray, white, black and accent bright strokes are prevalent: blue, blue, purple. The perfectly smooth surfaces came to the classic embossed. Materials prefer metal, plastic, natural stone and bricks. Decoor placing marble tables, soft puffs and "pears" in the center of the hall, stylish lamps of unusual forms, bright dishes. You should not forget about catchy shades, as they will help dilute the total "sterility" of the atmosphere and bring comfort. Also, the room is necessarily decorated with numerous lamps, sconium, ceiling chandeliers. The lighting is developed at three levels, and special attention is paid to point sources of light, which emphasize the winning sides of the interior.


For minimalism, simplicity is characterized in the design and almost complete absence of decorative elements. The guest from the East came to us a couple of decades ago and entrenched in interior design, it seems for many years. Style loves freedom, large spaces, which at the expense of the light seem even more spacious. However, that the room does not create an impression of a solid canvase, it is necessarily zonied. Actual use of shirms or decorative partitions between the tables. Visitors will have the opportunity to degrade their personal space, and at the same time remain part of the common room. In the palette of the paints, the championship gives white. The color of purity is highlighted with gray, black, blue, yellow. In the decoration use stone, brick, wood, plaster. The surfaces of the materials are not purposely processed to emphasize their naturalness. Also for style is characterized by an abundance of glass, in which rare decorative elements are performed. Minimalism adheres to simple lines and forms, excluding any "geometric" experiments.

Sea topics

Sea style is considered a favorite option for interior designs in country houses on the beaches. Cafe, which are usually scattered on the embankment to the services of vacationers, also prefer exactly this direction. In the cities where about the south only dream of the holidays, the institution, decorated in the marine style, will cause pleasant nostalgia and will help truly relax, as during a full-fledged recreation. In the palette of shades use the "quartet" of the tones: green, blue, blue and white. The brown woods of the deck board and the coporvalov are poured into their strong company. In the upholstery of furniture and textiles traditionally there is a sailor "strip". In Decor, you can use anchor and, ships in bottles, pickle pipes, navigation devices, sails, rescue circles, tackles, dropping from the ceiling. The original solution will be the design of the doorway under the shape of the steering wheel, the "spokes" of which will diverge on the parties on the walls. The windows make small ones on ships. One of the accent walls is covered with photo wallpapers depicting an old map of the world or island with treasures. The drawing is printed on the "Sheet" with charred edges on the "yellowed" paper from time. Some restaurants go further and embody the theme of pirates in separate cafes. For example, the VIP-room, decorated with massive chests with artificial gold, cells with alive parrots and old lamps as plafones.

East style

The cafe in oriental style looks non-standard and fascinating. In the interior design, be sure to develop soft, multiple lighting, which gives warm light. The floor is covered with tiled tiles with suitevitis patterns. A complex ornament is one of the main signs of the style, which is used in almost all surfaces. The tile is partially covered with soft rugs. Places for seating are low, be sure to reorganate numerous pillows. In the eastern cafe, as a rule, guests are offered to open hookah. It is more convenient to do this in individual rooms, which are separated from the general room by translucent curtains. Door openings decorated with arches with characteristic vaults having a sharp, elongated tip exactly in the middle. The room is decorated with a large number of lamps round forms that hang from the ceiling at different levels. In the color scheme, preference gives shades of red, brown, blue.

Italian style

Italian style has retained many baroque features, which at one time got worse popularity in this country. In the palette of shades prevail brown, olive, terracotta, cream, orange, yellow, brick. The finish use a combination of embossed plaster, unprocessed stone and a wood array. Moreover, the latter varieties choose noble to emphasize the easy luxury of the interior. The interior design uses massive, low furniture, which is decorated with an upholstery with floral ornament. Alternatively, you can choose lightweight wicker chairs instead of chairs. Collages from photos hang on the walls. An important element of the decor can become unprocessed ceiling beams and backups, which will also serve as the conditional boundaries of the combined zones. Textiles choose richly decorated with patterns. Tables are usually covered with checkered tablecloths. In the decor use indoor plants, wicker elements, wine bottles that are out of the bar.

Japanese style

Japanese style is an integral part of the Eastern. He retained its main features, but he himself is not deprived of individuality. Actual interior design in accordance with the canons of this direction for sushi bars and a cafe with kitchen of the same name. In the decoration use wood bright shades. Walls and ceiling decorated with panels that are used everywhere in the country of the rising sun. The guests for the guests are decorated with low tables and mats or chairs without legs. Decorating the institution with luxurious imitation of the VAZ era Ming, panel with the image of a flowering sakura, bulk lanterns, a path made of flat stones right on the floor. The interior is drawn up in neutral colors: white, black, brown, gray. The windows are driven by panel curtains from silk, cotton, flax. Mandatory in the room there are live plants.


Rococo will become a good option for the owners of a fine artistic taste. In the room, the corners are slightly smoothed, as the style prefers smooth lines. The presence of high ceilings is one of the features of Rococo. Walls are separated by expensive fabric wallpaper with the finest pattern. Facing also use light wood, ceramic tiles and marble. Rococo use a large amount of stucco, which is topped with gold. The windows are driven by heavy curtains from natural fabrics with the same plant pattern. The central decor element will be a huge chandelier of crystal with light bulbs installed on the manner of candles. White, brown, wine, turquoise, blue, pink prevail in shades.

High tech

The interiors in the style of High-tech in modern cozy, but they will be difficult to be in those who are both hands "for" tradition. For this reason, the high-tech direction will give comfort mainly to the young generation. This nuance should be taken into account when developing the concept of the institution. In the decoration of the walls and the ceiling, plastic, chrome and glass surfaces, unprocessed brick and stone are used. Lighting is used multilevel, neon-cold. The floor is better to put the bulk with glossy glitter. Furniture use simple, with strict geometry of lines. In shades, gray, white and black are considered the main. The trinity can be supplemented with lilac, blue, red, blue, yellow, that is, in any color, which is emphasized by the corresponding backlight. The windows use panoramic. Strip their stylish blinds. Art objects in the style of cubism, constructivism, futurism can act as decor. Dilute the cold, technological situation with indoor plants in square or triangular pots.

In some cafes, create a separate children's zone, where parents can send their chad and relax to relax. However, the entire institutions that are calculated only on babies are gaining popularity, which is designed only for kids, and culinary disneyland for crumbs. The central hall is usually divided into three zones:

  • Total for all children;
  • Zone for boys. Corner of relaxation for young pirates, robbers, astronomers, machinists and robotics;
  • The playground for girls, where young princesses will find their entertainment to taste.

Any child cafe should do not focus not on healthy, but such a tasteful food (as most of us believed in childhood), but for confectionery and ice cream. Usually, such institutions are given to kids for some solemn occasions, so the restaurant should be provided for the presence of a mini-banquet hall. Baby cafes are drawn up based on fairy tales, with bright decorations on the walls and similar decor. Sometimes they provide for the presence of leading entertainment programs that will make leisure kids brighter and memorable.

The restaurant is also worth equipping a recreation corner for parents, that is, those adults who will come to look after the young company. The zone should be isolated to children do not interfere, but with a good overview.

Summer cafe can be two types:

  • A separate institution that works exclusively in the warm season, and with the onset of cold weather closes.
  • Restaurant courtyard, which is attached to the main institution and offers guests to choose an additional platform for recreation.

As a rule, the summer zone is moved either to the rear courtyard of the institution, or directly in front of the facade and the showcase. The terrace is equipped with light furniture. Be sure to have an awning on the roof, which will save from random rains. It decorate the summer cafe with indoor plants in pots, dwarf trees, curtains in improvised "windows" that help protect against the wind and the scorching sun.

The design of the hookah can be both modern and on the canons of classic oriental style. In the first case, you use smooth surfaces in the finish, furniture of strict forms, an abundance of white, neon backlight. East style uses tile and textiles with lots of thin patterns. The main thing that should be provided in a similar institution is the presence of separate sites where guests can safely open a hookah. In some cafes, this service is in the list of optional and for visitors who want to start a couple of smoky rings, create separate places outside the common room.

Karaoke cafe is most likely to night facilities. Of course, serious people can come here solely with the aim of "developing" voice ligaments, but significantly more often the guests are captured by alcohol, limited scene. A large number of recent meets on Friday and Saturday evenings. The ridge in the karaoke bar will be observed on the eve of the weekend. Strict restrictions on the type of interior design in the institution does not exist. For example, a restaurant can be successfully implemented in the decoration of a country or an Italian style. However, the total hall must be designed in such a way that from any of its point visitors can freely observe the scene.

When arranging a restaurant, a café or bar, special attention is paid to the design of the room, which will allow visitors to relax as much as possible and enjoy delicious dishes in a cozy atmosphere. To do this, it is worth thoroughly consider the interior of the premises, which will answer the target audience, a business idea and relevance in our time. In addition to the general design, an important element is the selection of furniture, which should also be harmonized with a common design.

It is necessary to understand that interior design is a fairly specific and complex direction that requires professional intervention, especially if we talk about the design of cafes, restaurants, bars and other entertainment establishments. In this case, it is not necessary to save, it is better to support the support of an experienced designer who will most effectively embody your most creative idea into reality.

Design cafe and restaurants. Photo

When developing an interior for a restaurant or a cafe, you must remember the main thing, it must have a friendly mood and not annoying guests with his own kind. It is very important because business meetings and negotiations are often held in such places. It is necessary to understand that delicious and unique dishes from the best chef are not yet a key to success.

A good setting creates a positive mood, while the guest should be comfortable and cozy. As statistical data show, when choosing a institution for a family dinner or a solemn event, first of all, pay attention to the internal situation and comfort. In other words, for most visitors, the kitchen and prices depart into the background.

Design development for restaurants and cafes

Before proceeding with the development of the initial project, it is necessary to understand that people pay their money not only for dishes, drinks and the opportunity to have fun. They give their funds for the atmosphere and comfort during their visit. Preferences of food institutions goes on a fairly simple principle "Like - do not like".

The interior is a thoughtful combination of pragmatism to optimize the free space and creative approach. The main task when arranging the inside of the cafe is to ensure maximum comfort for each guest. Heat and comfort - these are the basic principles for a successful restaurant business. At the same time, you should not use templates and adhere to standards, rather, on the contrary, creative and innovation will allow you to attract the maximum number of visitors.

Main Design and Style Options

Each establishment of public catering, which seeks to be popular and successful in this industry should have their own style that could highlight it to allocate on the background of others. For a long time, the year of faceless canteens with the same type interior was held. The appearance and atmosphere - that's what you need to successfully work cafes and restaurants.

To date, there is a colossal number of directions and styles that can be successfully applied to the catering establishment. When choosing, it is necessary to navigate the potential visitors and the common idea of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant. At the same time, the interior is obliged to comply with all specifications.

Functionality and practicality should stand in the first place. By virtue of this, all elements must be thought out and harmonious. When developing individual design, you should not be afraid to experiment.

Styles for developing a cafe and restaurant design. Photo

  1. Ethnic.

This is one of the most common options for catering establishments. The design in the national style is relevant almost always. In this case, you can get an interesting and slightly exotic atmosphere. Of course, this version of the interior implies a certain ethnic style in everything (kitchen, title, direction of work).

  1. High tech.

The modern design version, undoubtedly, acts most relevant. Yet for food institutions, it is better to combine with other styles. Almost every bar or cafe has elements of this direction.

  1. Art Deco.

The best solution for creating an elegant institution with notes of aristocracy is Art Deco. This is the best solution for respectable and solid institutions.

  1. Shebby Chic.

This is a rather creative version of the design, which is based on the mobility and negligence. All this is suitable for institutions that are binding to creativity.

  1. English style.

In most cases, this designer direction is used to interior bars. This allows you to display the true atmosphere of this Irish or British pub.

  1. Gothic.

This style is like for the highest level restaurants. Such institutions initially position themselves as an exceptional place for special people.

  1. Modern.

This direction can be called win-win, since it is always in fashion. Visitors of such institutions are people with a good taste.

Of course, this list of design options for restaurants and cafes can be continued. The best solution will be a professional combination of styles that will allow you to show the true essence of your institution. To make a right choice, it is necessary to enroll the support of professionals who can embody all the most bold ideas into reality.

It is simply impossible to imagine the modern interior without various decorative elements, these small details are able to transform the appearance of the room by making it more interesting, original and unique. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of various decorations in the design of cafes and other catering establishments. It is the decor that brings special notes to the interior, which are postponed in the memory of visitors, pushing them again and return to an unusual decorated room.

Unthinkable without interesting details for which the look clins. Of course, their selection need to pay special attention, because, firstly, the decor must comply with the overall stylistic direction of the institution, secondly, to harmonize with its main color scheme. There is a huge number of items that can be used as decorations, ranging from the most familiar and ending with completely extraordinary things. What exactly choose is to solve the owner of the cafe or the designer hired by it. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the most interesting, in our opinion, options for decorating catering establishments, which give the design of a certain "highlight".

Black and white photos will become an excellent decoration of a cafe almost any style, the main thing is to choose the right plot corresponding to the mood of general design. What another topic can be closer to the place where people come to eat than gastronomic? All sorts of culinary masterpieces in the photo contribute to the improvement of visitors appetite and will definitely attract the attention of all guests.

Also will be able to transform the interior of the cafe, making the room visually more and lighter. A variety of forms will satisfy even the most demanding designer and will allow you to pick up that item that is most suitable for decorating this particular institution. Acrylic mirrors cannot be broken, so you don't have to worry about the safety of visitors, and the ease of installation makes this version of the decoration one of the most accessible.

It is decorated not only the walls, you can decorate any surfaces, including the ceilings. The coating with the photo printing of the original form is suitable for those establishments that can boast of high ceilings. Such a decoration will definitely attract the attention of the guests and will remain for a long time and in memory. A properly selected image can organically add the selected interior style.

If decoking only the walls or only the ceiling seems insufficient designer, then you can decorate the literally all surfaces, including gender, tables and chairs. Original drawings will give the interior with a sort of cartoon effect. This design does not require special financial costs, but it looks simply amazing, visitors will still be impressed by such a decor.

The relaxed atmosphere in the institution will help create paintings with interesting drawings, graphic images that seem to be created by children. Such a decor will completely remove the officialness of the interior, rather, on the contrary, visitors will feel at home. An empty picture framework located at different levels will bring even greater carelessness of the design.

This unusual decor really exists, he decorates the cafe "Zheman", which is located in Paris. The photo presents only the bottom of this kind of decoration. A yellow statue of a woman is located on two floors, now this establishment has become one of the main Parisian attractions, a huge number of people flock here, so that complain about the lack of customers cafe can not.

The seasonal decor also has a very important role, because visitors prefer the establishments that make their interior undergoing holidays. For example, in New Year's and Christmas days, the cafe must necessarily be decorated with various Mishur and Christmas tree toy. On the day of all lovers, the decor from the hearts of various sizes and small royaltips will be appropriate.

As decorations, the most unexpected items, such as a bicycle. This vehicle can be hung on the wall, surprisingly, but the interior with such a decor looks quite well, there are some types of activity and mobility in design. Even in the absence of any other memorable parts, such an institution will impress visitors.

Many designers argue that the flowers are the best decorative element and is very difficult to disagree with them. Especially when you consider the photos in which the interiors decorated with all sorts of bouquets, paradoxical, but most effectively look at the simplest flowers, such as chamomiles. Of course, in winter, this design will fly into a penny, but you can make it seasonal and use only in the summer.

Art painting on the wall is a wonderful decoration for a cafe of any stylistic solution, because the image can be made absolutely any. For example, in a Provence style, a drawing, depicting the panoramas of the French province and Lavender sprigs will be very appropriate. The harmonious continuation of the topic will serve lavender bugs in vouces on the tables.

As decorative elements in the interior of the cafe, you can use various niches, having equipped the shelves there, on which you can arrange all sorts of thematic objects, such as beautiful dishes, glasses, wine bottles, wicker baskets, in general, anything, if only the selected parts corresponded to the style Registration. This technique will introduce a truly cozy home atmosphere to the institution.

It is possible to decorate the walls of the cafe with stained glass windows. Stained glass of art leaves indifferent, so such a design will like most visitors. The versatility of their application lies in the diversity of elections of the plots, allowing you to choose the drawing that harmoniously fit into the interior. For example, in a cafe with Mediterranean cuisine, there will be great stained glass windows with water topics.

A very stylish decoration for the cafe will serve in various uniforms, for example, not every host of the institution will decide to decide the living birds, because they need constant care, and a large number of curious people do not have to be pernam, so you can forget about a calm setting. An excellent alternative will be beautiful cells with bird figures, such a decor will give the necessary mood and will not require special care.

The establishment of hunting topics will simply won't be without a fireplace and stuffed trophy animals. Of course, such a decor will not have everything like, but there are also those who will be delighted with him. With such a decoration of the cafe, it becomes rather an atmosphere of a private country house, rather than public space, and mirrors in heavy carved frames will only strengthen this feeling of home interior.

In the summer the best decor for the cafe will be greens and fresh fruits, which are not at all necessary to have a strict order, chaotic location will make the design more relaxed and rustic cozy. Such a decoration is remarkably suitable for Provence style facilities. You can strengthen the rustic themes using the figures of various animals and birds.

As we said, the flowers are one of the best decorative elements to decorate almost any interiors. It is flowers and candles that help create a romantic mood in a cafe. But now there are more original options that allow you to combine these two subjects into one very spectacular decoration element.

Pictures can be hung not only on the walls, but also on the ceilings, such a decor will definitely remain unnoticed. Beautiful landscapes and still lifes on the ceiling will make the interior unique, and the special backlight will only strengthen the effect. In fact, with such a ceiling coating there is no longer a cafe decoration and will not need.

When the design of the restaurant project is being developed, the following features should be taken into account:

  • The corporate identity play a big role. Especially popular institutions in which external design corresponds to one of the popular restaurant designs in Moscow: English, Irish, Belgian, etc.;
  • It is necessary to think about the zoning of the room. The project is designed so that the hall is divided into several zones. For this, the color range is used or other ways. The room with the bar must necessarily have a clear branch of the tables from the bar;
  • It is important to position the lighting devices and furniture to create a cozy atmosphere.

Design Project Cafe: Features

The design of the cafe in Moscow is no less important than in the case of a restaurant, but has its significant differences:

  • The creation of a cozy atmosphere comes to the fore. Comfort and simplicity should contribute to the relaxation of visitors;
  • The interior decision must comply with the specialization of the institution;
  • High-quality decoration of the hall is a guarantee of successful work. So do not save on the appearance of the institution and over time it will pay off.

Order Design of restaurants and cafes: our offer

Order the design of the interior of the restaurant with us - it means, trusted by a professional. Our studio has extensive experience and provides high-quality services.

You can also order a turnkey restaurant design. So they do when the customer already has a ready-made project and remains only to translate him into life. Or there are outline of the finished result. Turnkey means on the planned plan.