How to install new doors in an old box - an algorithm. Why change the door leaf Installing a new door frame in an old one

Explanations, comments and additional terms to work on the arrangement of elements of new door blocks on old frames

When repairing a room, it is not always possible and desirable to install new door blocks with the complete removal of old ones - this may entail repairing walls and floors for various reasons:

The new door frames do not cover the old floor openings,

There will be damage to tiles or wallpaper along the perimeter of the casing,

Unreliable walls and partitions (during dismantling and installation, the geometry of the doorway may be destroyed).

Therefore, we propose to install new elements of the door block without dismantling the old frame, in other words, to put new doors in the old frames.

From many years of experience in updating and restoring doors, we can distinguish doors made from glued pine wood. They rarely deform and change the geometric parameters of the canvas. We offer doors produced by Postavy Furniture Center (PMC) Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus models No. 7 and 16

More about the ongoing work:

Preparation of the door block, dismantling of elements. We dismantle the door leafs and hinges. We putty the traces of the loops with automotive putty (solid and durable, it will not fall off by itself). Where possible, we remove the platband. If necessary, we glue with masking tape the places where the door block mates with the floor, tiles, wallpaper and other surfaces that need to be protected from damage. Two or three days after the completion of work, the Customer himself removes the masking tape by blotting it with a damp (not wet) rag or brush.

Removing paint from wooden surfaces door frame and platband produced by thermomechanical method. For work we use professional hair dryers with a power of 1800 to 2300 watts. Air temperature in working area from 500 to 700 degrees Celsius. With a short heating, the paint begins to bubble, peeling off the wood. In this state, it is easily removed with a metal spatula from the surface of the door. The speed of the process depends on the number of layers of paint, more layers - more heat energy and processing time are needed. If the Customer refuses to remove the paint, the reason for the refusal is indicated

Surface preparation after paint removal. After removing the paint, the surface is cleaned and primed. After priming, it is puttied in places, the cracks are filled with acrylic sealant.

The device of new elements of the door block. We attach a new door leaf to the doorway and determine on which sides adjustment is needed. This action is necessary because each opening in our apartments has its own geometry. Rarely is a regular rectangle. For this reason, we warn the Customer: we allow gaps between the frame and the door leaf from 1mm to 5mm. Door blocks can be designed for door leaves with a thickness of 30mm. The new canvas has a thickness of 35mm. If necessary, you can increase the box up to 40mm. If the box has a slope, then we will not be able to align it. We will fasten the doors, adjusting to this circumstance - it is possible to increase the gaps between the leaf and the frame or spontaneous opening and closing of the door leaf. After fitting, we cut the loops. Loops can be in a new place. We usually mount the handles opposite the old striker on the box. We customize and mount the platband dyed in two layers.

Coloring of the door block with colored enamel VD-AK 1035U. We support the National Manufacturer and use the products of PUE "MAV" Dzerzhinsk RB. Acrylic paint, environmentally friendly - without allergenic odors (i.e. does not stink). For a long time retains elasticity, unlike alkyd paints, which quickly harden and easily chip off when hit and scratched. Paint, like PVA glue, is diluted with water, but after drying, you can’t wash it off with water. Dried paint can be removed with 646 thinner or nail polish remover. It is stored for a long time, does not exfoliate and does not dry over time, do not put it in the cold and keep it in a tightly closed container. I offer a palette of 70 popular colors and shades. Applied with roller and brush. The number of layers is from 3 to 8, so the price may differ up to two and a half times. Drying time of each layer - 30-40 minutes at room temperature(about 20 degrees). The paint is enamel and is completely ready for use. Those. it can be wiped with a damp cloth - it does not absorb water. To increase the service life or change the gloss of the surface, varnish can be applied (during varnishing, a slight change in color is possible, therefore, with subsequent tinting with paint, color mismatches are possible).

Decorative finish. It is possible to paint the box, trim and frame on the glass in one color, and the door panels in another. We offer to make a PATINA on the doors with MDF coating - highlighting the texture on the door leafs in a different color.

Care instructions: The paint is enamel, i.e. the surface can be wiped with a damp not hard) fabric with non-corrosive detergents. Rubbing with scrapers and other hard objects is not recommended. For stubborn stains, we recommend touching up with a sponge (you can use a dishwashing sponge). After painting, we leave to the Customer a sufficient amount of paint for care (from 100 to 200 grams per door). Drying time of the 1st layer at room temperature 30-50 minutes. Ready for use, i.e. acquisition of operational properties - 3 days. Store the paint at a temperature not lower than 0 degrees Celsius in a tightly closed container (preferably glass jar with double polyethylene. lid).

NOTE: Work is performed at the customer's home or in a room provided by the customer. Work is associated with increased levels of noise and dust. The customer himself takes care of protecting the property from dust pollution. Work with doors is best done before wallpapering.

When repairing an apartment or a private house, it is often necessary to replace the interior door. But it is not necessary to reinstall the entire structure: if the box is in good condition, then it is enough to change only the canvas. It is easy to do it yourself, and it will cost significantly less than a complete dismantling. Next, consider how to put new doors in an old box.

Any complex preparatory work not required. It is enough to have at hand the most simple tools: a tape measure with a pencil, a level, a hammer, a drill and a jigsaw, a chisel and a grinder. This work can be done independently, but it is better with a partner. It is more convenient and less risky to pull your back, especially if the door leaf is quite heavy, for example, made of natural wood.

How to dismantle an old door?

Installing a new door in an old box, as always, begins with removing the old one. The process is simple and will not take much time.

Dismantling old design perform in the following order:

  1. All existing fittings are removed from the door leaf. If the handles, peephole and locks are in good condition, they match the color of the new product, then they can be used for the purchased product.
  2. More often for interior systems, such loops are used, from which the canvas can be removed without difficulty. If their device is complex, then you need to unscrew them one by one. You need to start shooting from above, so there is less chance of damaging the elements from the weight of the canvas. For some hinges, you must first remove the rods, and only then remove the product.
  3. To remove the old canvas, you can use a crowbar or pry bar, lifting the canvas like a lever. This should be done slowly so that the door does not fly off the hinges. It is better to work with a partner when one person holds the canvas, and the other lifts it.
  4. After that, you need to unscrew and inspect the hinges on the box and on the door. If they do not have defects, then the part that is on the door frame is left in place. In the event that there is damage, then the fittings must be replaced. This option is preferable because the loops tend to wear out as well. In addition, they must fit the new design, and the old fittings can significantly stand out from the overall design.

You should also inspect the entire door frame. It is better to remove the platbands and see if there are any cracks or crevices under them. If they appear, then be sure to putty, and then just put the planks in their original place.

How to install a new door?

to install new door in an old box, it won't take a lot of time. And if you have skills and an assistant, you can do it all the more quickly (especially if the size of the canvas already matches the opening).

This second stage in replacing the interior door without destroying the old box is performed in this way:

  1. If necessary, the new canvas is adjusted to the dimensions of the old one. If the box is made of metal, it may have different width at the bottom and top. Then the product is slightly narrowed. The cut edge must be decorated (painted, pasted over) after the installation of the structure.
  2. Make markings for future loops. They may be new or from a previous door. This must be done exactly. The hinges are mounted with screws (screwdriver or screwdriver). From the bottom edge of the canvas to the lowest loop, they usually retreat 20 cm. From the top of the canvas to the top loop, the optimal indent is 15 cm. Required amount fittings depends on the mass of the canvas. For regular wooden structure two loops will be enough.
  3. All fittings are installed on the canvas. To do this, markup is also carried out, drilled required holes. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the upholstery (if any), and also so that all fittings function well. An electric jigsaw is suitable for work. Often, in a new door, a lock, as well as handles, are already installed, which is convenient.
  4. After that, the canvas is hung.
  5. Check the functioning of all fittings, especially locks. If the design is even slightly skewed, they will close with effort and wear out more. Adjust hinges if necessary.
  6. According to this scheme, the swing is replaced interior system consisting of one or two wings.

Replacing the input structure is carried out in a similar way. New Iron door it is put into an old box without problems, but it will not work to fit the canvas in case of a size mismatch. Therefore, the parameters should be measured as accurately as possible.

Coupe door installation

Many houses today have compartment doors. It is convenient, practical and it is also not always necessary to change something radically.

The installation of such a door occurs according to a different scheme:

  1. The first step is to dismantle the old product.
  2. Further, the existing cracks are closed, all defects are eliminated.
  3. A groove is made from the side of the lower end of the panel; this will require a chisel. You need to put a guide into this groove (it is made in the form of the letter P), after which it is securely fixed. The rollers will move along this guide.
  4. Rollers must be installed in the prepared bar.
  5. The door is placed on the lower rail, while the canvas is attached to the rollers. The canvas must be brought into the appropriate grooves on the rollers. It is difficult to do this on your own, it is better to work with an assistant.
  6. Carry out markings for the upper guide. It must be installed above the doorway.
  7. A metal guide is attached to a wooden beam. It is fixed with anchor fastening at the top of the canvas. The level is important to check the correctness of the work performed.
  8. Now you need to insert a new door into the old box. To do this, it is placed vertically and slightly deflected from itself. The upper rollers must be brought onto their guide. After that, the product is slightly lifted and brought to the bottom bar, setting it on moving rollers.

At the end of the work, special limiters are mounted. They are necessary so that the canvas does not fly off the guides. Then install the handle and check how the door works. It should move smoothly, without much effort. If any defects are found, they must be corrected immediately.

What to pay attention to?

In order for the canvas of the new door to be installed correctly in the old box, it is easy to operate and harmoniously complements the interior, it is important to take into account all the nuances.

So, when replacing an old design with a new product, pay attention to such points:

  1. When choosing a new canvas, it is important to match it in color to the old door frame so that there is no imbalance. Going to the store for a new interior door, you can simply take the removed casing with you, so it will be much easier to pick up.
  2. It is important to accurately measure all dimensions. To do this, you need a tape measure. The standard width is 80 cm, but it is better to measure at floor level and a few more times along the entire length. The height can be standard at 210 cm, but sometimes it differs. Therefore, this parameter is also important to measure.
  3. If a replacement is planned floor covering, then all work is first carried out, and only then the interior system is installed.
  4. It will not be superfluous to check the doorway for its evenness. For the vertical, a plumb line or level is used. Both diagonals are also measured, they should be almost the same.
  5. When purchasing a product, it is worth taking measurements in the store and checking with the necessary parameters. With small discrepancies, the product can be adjusted in size. To do this, after the purchase on old door install new canvas. They are aligned on the top side and the vertical where the handle is located. If necessary, saw off the excess part.
  6. You can leave the old box without replacement only if it is in good condition. In many old houses, this will not work, since the entire system is often in poor condition. Moreover, in old buildings, doors are not uncommon custom size, so you will have to expand or vice versa narrow the opening, which cannot be done without dismantling the box. In this case, not only the wallpaper, but also the plaster is often damaged. All these defects will need to be corrected.

Also, in some cases, it is better to negotiate with the seller of doors about their installation. Many companies provide such services, they have experience and everything necessary tools. Therefore, the replacement of the input system will be quick.

Putting a new door into an old box on your own is not such a difficult procedure. It can be carried out without the involvement of workers. It is much easier, faster and cheaper than changing the entire structure along with the box. And no construction debris and dust.

Today we will discuss such a topic as the restoration of an old door frame (loot), as well as the installation of a new door in this already restored frame. Immediately, many have a reasonable question: “Why do this at all?” Indeed, now in the era of developed modern, construction technologies this is resolved very quickly and well. It's simple - buy a new one door block, removed the old one and that's it. But, as practice shows, this is not always the case. Moreover, this is far from uncommon for various reasons. And the reasons are very different. Some do not have any desire to arrange a pogrom in the apartment. Others would like to keep facing tiles on the wall around the door. Still others just want to save money, etc.
But in any case, this often happens in our lives, and therefore I want to talk about it. Moreover, the topic of the restoration of joinery (doors and windows) is very familiar to me. For eight years I have been closely engaged in this. Restored what should have long been thrown into the dustbin of history. Some products still serve faithfully to their owners.
So, if you need any advice on this topic, then refer to the page ".

For restoration work, we need a tool:

  • Production electric hair dryer of high power 1.5-2 kW.
    It is needed to facilitate removal old paint from the door frame, because when heated above 500 ° C, the paint itself peels off from the wood. If you don't have a hair dryer, you can use old method is an iron and thick paper. Or more modern way- This is a special wash. But I would not recommend a wash, because it chemical composition very aggressive and caustic. God forbid if she gets on open areas body. I no longer speak for my eyes.
    In addition, I will say that the wash is not very effective if the paint layer is large (3-5 mm and above).

So, if you do use this paint stripper, don't forget it's in your best interest.
You can also use gas burner. But again, it is dangerous, as open fire. If you do it on the street, then another matter.
And one more production moment. This method is only suitable for subsequent painting, because the burner gives burnt black marks on the surface of the wood. And we will restore under the varnish.

  • Cycle (scraper) for removing paint raised from heating.
    As a rule, the cycle comes with a hair dryer. But if not, then you can make it yourself, for example, from a piece of an old chopper. I personally made it myself and therefore I have a factory cycle and a homemade one.

note that cycle should be spicy. Then it will be much easier to scrape off the paint. You can sharpen with a grinder with a cutting wheel for metal.

So, our work is as follows:

  1. Make measurements of the door leaf, which we will change.
    As it turned out, this door meets the standard in width, i.e. 700 mm, but in height it has no standard size- 1965 mm. This means that we need to shorten the new door by 35 mm. How to do this, I have already described in detail earlier in the article “Alteration interior doors". The only thing I would like to remind you is that for this you will need a milling cutter to reduce the size of the door.
    You can also shorten it with a grinder with a disk cutter for wood (watch the video). And what else would I like you to drew attention.
    If, after cutting, the door leaf inside is hollow, then it is imperative to insert a rail onto the glue.
    In general, the procedure for the doors is as follows:

1.1. We shorten the door leaf by 35 mm.

1.2. We insert the rail, because the door turned out to be hollow.

The rail should be no thinner than 15 mm.

1.3. We measure the location of the canopies at the end and use a milling cutter to cut them.

, which will be better if the new location of the loops matches the old one. To do this, you just need to transfer the dimensions of the used door to the new door and then there will be no need to make new grooves for the canopies on the box (loot).
The entire door leaf is ready for installation. There will be no lock on this door, just a handle.
And so, let's continue.

Another trailer restored the window in the same way. Although, as a rule, many of these windows are simply simply disposed of as unnecessary.

In this case, we were lucky in terms of the normal condition of the old box (loot) and we did not mess around for long. Usually Soviet carpentry products were, to put it mildly, of poor quality. And so it was necessary to mill out entire fragments, insert inserts on glue and putty, which took a lot of time.
In general, I believe that it is practically impossible to restore old doors and windows under varnish with a high quality mark. Under painting is another matter. Laborious, but real.

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Dali be.