To accelerate seed growth. Growth stimulants for indoor plants

There are many ways to help your plants grow faster, for example, the right fertilization or songs you sing can give great results. The faster the plants grow, the more harvest you can collect or bouquets you can make as a gift. Once you decide what kind of plant you plan to grow and what kind of fertilizer you plan to feed it, you are on the right track to grow your plant quickly.


Plant fertilization

    Test the soil. In order to find the right fertilizer, you will need to know the composition of the soil. Many home and garden stores offer special soil testing kits. From the test results, you will be able to figure out which additives you should use to create the best balance for your plant's growth.

    Choose an organic or inorganic fertilizer. Choose between organic and non-organic fertilizer. When choosing an inorganic fertilizer, look for one that offers the best balance of nutrients the soil needs. Organic fertilizers are more difficult to assess, since they differ in the content of nutrients. In order for the plant to get the maximum benefit, the organic fertilizer must break down into inorganic substances. This means that it will take a longer amount of time before you can see the result.

    • Inorganic fertilizers provide nutrients to plants almost immediately and help them grow faster. It takes longer for the soil to absorb the inorganic fertilizers, but the soil becomes healthier over time. If your goal is to accelerate the growth of an existing plant, then use inorganic fertilizers. If you want to create a garden or flower beds that will delight your eyes for a long time, then organic fertilizers are more suitable for you.
  1. Choose granular or liquid fertilizers. Granular fertilizers are usually in the form of small balls. Like organic fertilizers, they are ideal for long term projects like growing flower beds. Rubber serves as a shell for granular fertilizers. It allows nutrients to be absorbed into the soil gradually. Liquid fertilizers work much faster. However, they require more applications. It is usually necessary to spray liquid fertilizer onto the plants every few weeks. They are also superior in price.

    • Choose a fertilizer based on the urgency of your project. If you want your future plants to grow faster, then choose granular fertilizers, as they allow the soil to be saturated with nutrients gradually. If your plant needs urgent attention, then use liquid fertilizers.
    • If you choose a liquid fertilizer, be sure to read the directions for use on the bottle before using. Using it too often can overwhelm your plant with nutrients, leading to its death.
  2. Pay attention to the nutrient content of the fertilizer. Plants need 16 nutrients to grow successfully. The three main nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They belong to the group of macronutrients. The essential minor nutrients are sulfur, calcium and magnesium. Of the micronutrients, plants need primarily boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc.

    • Without three macronutrients, the plant cannot grow.
    • Some fertilizers may contain plant food. If you are growing only one plant, such as a particular type of flower, then this fertilization will help it grow. However, if you are growing several different types of plants at the same time, then it is best to pick up fertilizer without feeding.
  3. Find out the amount of nutrients in the package. Different types of fertilizers have different nutrient mixes. For example, a 6-12-6 fertilizer contains 6 percent nitrogen, 12 percent phosphorus, and 10 percent potassium. Based on your soil test results, select a compound that will maximize the quality of your soil.

    Add fertilizer to the plant. It is best to add fertilizer evenly to the soil. If you have opted for granular fertilizer, then a watering can will help you with this.

    • If you are fertilizing plants outside, be sure to clean the street or sidewalk of any accidental fertilizer spilled on them. This will prevent fertilizer from entering the drain.
  4. Fertilize your plants frequently. Plants consume nutrients quickly. To keep the plants "full", feed the plants as often as they need it. The fertilization requirements of plants will depend on both the type of plants themselves and the type of fertilizer. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully for the necessary recommendations.

    What about vegetables? If you are going to grow vegetables, choose ones that grow fast. Fast growing vegetables include common beans, beets, broccoli, green onions, radishes, pumpkin, cucumbers, okra, and peas.

    Choose fast growing flowers. The fast growing flowers will be useful as gifts or garden decoration. Calendula, Kosmeya and Kasatik Yellow grow fast and look great. Other great flowers are sunflowers, sweet peas, and nigella field.

How to help plants grow

    Grow seedlings inside. If you're growing outside but need to wait until spring, plant the seeds indoors. The seeds will sprout in about 4-12 weeks. If you allow the seeds to sprout indoors and then transfer them to the garden, the plants will grow 4-6 weeks earlier than if you planted the seeds directly in the flower bed.

    • Take several containers 5-10 centimeters deep with holes in the bottom.
    • Don't use fertilizers. Instead, add a mixture of peat bog and vermiculite to the containers.
    • Move the plants to fresh air for about 2 hours each day. Do this for at least two weeks before transplanting them into the flower bed. This will help them get used to direct sunlight.
    • Tomato, pepper, eggplant and melon are best tolerated. Some plants, however, do not tolerate transplanting very well. Some of these plants are zucchini, beans, beets, corn, spinach, turnips and peas.
  1. Talk to your plants. Research has shown that plants respond especially well when they interact with them. When you fertilize the plant, talk to him or sing to him. Record your voice, and play the recording to plants when you are not around. This will help your plant grow faster.

The cultivation of fruit, vegetable and flower crops is not complete without the use of substances that improve productivity and accelerate the development of plants. Every gardener uses organic or mineral fertilizers at certain stages of growth, but it is not always possible to create optimal conditions.

Unbalanced soil composition, heat or frost nullify efforts. To increase the percentage of rooting and the resistance of the green organism to unfavorable factors, stimulators of growth processes are used.

What are stimulants?

These are special preparations made of biologically active substances - organic compounds that govern specific vital functions: they affect growth, flowering, and fruit formation. These substances include:

  • fulvic and humic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • peptides;
  • enzymes;
  • proteins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • trace elements.

Planting material (seeds, bulbs, tubers) and plant roots are treated with stimulating substances, and they also serve for foliar feeding. Stimulants and growth regulators promote the production of phytohormones - organic substances that affect various processes of the plant organism. Phytohormones include auxins, gibberellins, and some other compounds:

  1. 1. Auxins control the direction of growth: due to their action, the aerial part grows vertically upward, and the root part grows downward. They also stimulate cell growth and the formation of generative organs - fruits and fruit buds. Auxins are synthesized and accumulated in the young parts of the plant (on the tops of fresh shoots).
  2. 2. Gibberellins are the largest group of phytohormones. Concentrated in leaf plates, unripe fruits and grains. They influence the processes of seed germination and preparation for flowering.
  3. 3. Cytokinins accelerate the division of plant cells and the transport of nutrients, inhibit the development of lateral roots. Another interesting function is the slowing down of leaf aging. A high content of cytolysins is observed in the root system and ripening seeds.
  4. 4. Abscisins - antagonists of the previous types of hormones. They have an inhibitory effect, due to which the ripening of fruits, seeds and buds, the preparation of the plant for the dormant period, passes faster. The absorption of water by the root system is activated, while the respiration process is minimized. This effect of abscisines is used in the manufacture of preparations that increase the resistance of crops to drought and frost. Such hormones are synthesized in all organs of the plant in response to changes in weather conditions, and accumulate in the leaves and root caps.
  5. 5. Brassinosteroids are involved in maintaining immunity. Due to the content of these phytohormones in the cells, the plant becomes more resistant to soil salinity, dry conditions and frosts, the negative effect of pesticide treatments (adaptogenic property) decreases. Brassinosteroids are found in young organs - immature pollen, seedlings - in microscopic quantities, therefore such substances are produced chemically.
  6. 6. Ethylene stimulates seed growth. The presence of this plant hormone also causes a harmonious ripening of fruits. It is actively produced in all parts in response to the impact of the same ethylene. Falling leaves, color of flowers and their aroma are also associated with the action of ethylene.
  7. 7. Jasmonates influence the formation of storage organs (tubers). Activate protective functions against pests and diseases.
  8. 8. Polypeptide hormones, along with jasmonates, are involved in enhancing immunity to insect damage and disease. An example of this type of hormone is systemin, which stimulates the production of jasmonic acid.

Phytohormones are formed in some parts of the plant and affect others. They have an active effect at very low concentrations (micro doses).

Types and properties

Both biologically active substances and phytohormones themselves can be obtained from plant or animal material - peat, coal, fungi, pollen, chitinous membranes.

Some stimulants are made exclusively by laboratory methods. In terms of their properties, such compounds are almost indistinguishable from natural ones.

Natural preparations

They can be made at home using improvised means: nettle greens, aloe juice, yeast or bee honey. Such extracts are used to stimulate seed germination and micro-fertilization of indoor and garden crops. Water from the container in which the willow twigs were planted accelerates root formation.

A popular line of natural stimulants is humates. Humus is an organic substance, the main component of fertile soils. It is found in large quantities in peat and brown coal. Humate enriches the soil with microelements, improves its structure, being a breeding ground for beneficial microorganisms.

In the past few years, algae-based preparations have also appeared. The content of plant hormones and trace elements allows these agents to be used to increase resistance and yield.

Obtained by artificial (laboratory) method

These substances are synthesized in chemical production. Used in amateur and professional gardening. This includes "Heteroauxin" and "Kornerost", "Kornevin", "Zircon", "Kresacin", "Epin", "Athlete", "Immunocytofit".

Methods for using stimulants:

  • soaking seeds and tubers;
  • watering the soil and plants;
  • spraying (leaf processing);
  • soaking or dusting the cuttings and root system;
  • local treatment (partial application to certain plant organs).

In case of violations of the conditions of agricultural technology - overflow or overdrying, severe damage by pests, lack of weeding - stimulants will be useless. They increase the immunity of plants, but do not eliminate the consequences of improper care.

Best stimulants

The use of stimulants helps to increase the yield by 1/3 and improve the quality of the fruit. Thanks to timely treatment with drugs, plants are more active in coping with stress factors (chemical exposure to pesticides, difficult weather conditions).

Classification of stimulants:

  • drugs that have an adaptogenic effect;
  • rooting (root formation) stimulants;
  • plant growth stimulants;
  • fruiting activators;
  • substances for inhibiting growth processes (inhibitors or retardants).


Supplied as a powder or diluted concentrate. Liquid preparations on a humic basis dissolve well in water.

They stimulate the reproduction and activity of microorganisms, which improve the chemical composition and structure of the soil (moisture capacity, air permeability). Thanks to humic compounds, metabolic processes in plant tissues are more active.

Sodium humate

It is a dark powder with an active ingredient content of 300 g / 1 kg. Reduces the consumption of nitrogen fertilizers, helps to increase yields up to 20% and a greater accumulation of vitamins in fruits. It activates the synthesis of natural phytohormones, increases the rooting rate of seedlings. The effect of radionuclides decreases after the treatment of plants with sodium humate. Before use, it is recommended to pour 5 g of powder - 1 heaped teaspoon - 1 liter of hot water (70-80 degrees). After 5-6 hours, the solution is filtered through a thick sieve or cloth. Apply:

  • To soak the seeds of vegetables and flowers, the base is diluted at the rate of 1:10 (100 ml of mother liquor per 1 liter). The grains are dipped in liquid for 1-1.5 days, then dried and sown.
  • For watering at the initial stage of seedling growth, 10 liters of water are added to 1/2 l of the solution, the seedlings are watered with the resulting liquid three times - after germination, after 12-20 days and at the beginning of budding.
  • For spraying, a solution of 1:20 is prepared, as for irrigation. Processed until the leaves are completely wetted.

You can improve the soil by adding 50 g of dry humate per 10 square meters. For even distribution, the powder is mixed with sand.

Potassium humate

More expensive in comparison with sodium humate, but does not contain impurities of heavy metals. Promotes the acceleration of flowering and fruit formation, increased immunity.

The use of dry potassium humate is similar to sodium humate. The tubers are immersed in a 10% solution for a day or two. Cuttings are placed at a depth of 2-3 cm and kept for 5-6 hours. For spraying, dilute 1 ml of liquid humate in 1 liter of water, the frequency of treatments is 3 or 4 every 2 weeks.

Humate + 7

In addition to humic acids, it contains 7 trace elements. It contains nitrogen, potassium, copper, manganese, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, boron and iron.

One gram of the substance is dissolved in 10-15 liters of water. Used for watering during active growth 1 time in 2-2.5 weeks. Consumption per 1 sq. m - 4-5 liters.

"Baikal EM-1"

The biological product contains cultures of beneficial microorganisms. Restores soil fertility, improves soil structure. Increases plant resistance to temperature drop. How to use:

  • To prepare compost, 0.5 glass of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water and organic residues are evenly watered - sawdust, plant tops, manure. Stir and cover with foil for 2-3 weeks.
  • For watering 1 tbsp. l. add to 1 bucket of water. The frequency of treatments is once every 1-2 weeks.


Belongs to the category of growth regulators. It causes a slowdown in the development of the aerial part and a thickening of the stems. The main part of the nutrients is distributed in the root system, stimulating its active growth and branching. "Athlete" accelerates the formation of ovaries and increases their number. For most treatments, dilute with 1.5 ml of the preparation in 1 L of water. Used for watering:

  • Seedlings of solanaceous plants (tomatoes, peppers and eggplants) at the age of 3-4 true leaves. One treatment is carried out, distributing 30-50 ml of solution for each plant.
  • Cabbage in the 3rd or 4th true leaf stage. The frequency of watering is 3 every 7 days, the consumption rate is 1 liter per 1 sq. m.

For spraying: pepper and eggplant are sprayed 1 time when they have the 4th leaf.

Tomatoes are processed three times with an interval of 6-8 days:

  • 1st time - in the presence of 3-4 leaves with a liquid of the same concentration (1.5 ml per 1 liter);
  • 2 subsequent times the amount of water in the solution is reduced (1.5 ml by 0.5-0.7 l). If the seedlings have to be overexposed without planting, it is allowed to process them for the 4th time.

And sprinkle seedlings of flowers and ornamental shrubs with "Athlete" twice every 5-7 days. Flower crops - in the case of stretching, bushes - during the budding period.

The positive aspect of the product: vegetable and flower seedlings do not stretch in low light and high temperatures. Processing is carried out strictly according to the instructions for use. Insufficient effect of the drug (single spraying) causes strong growth in 6-8 days, and overdose - inhibition of plant development.


In contrast to the "Athlete" means, it is more often used to dull the growth of ornamental and fruit crops. The inhibitory properties of N-dimethylhydrazide of succinic acid (the active substance of the drug) are also used in gardens with the aim of actively laying fruit buds for the next year's harvest.

The drug is not certified for use in private farms due to its high toxicity to fish. Industrial agricultural enterprises carry out the following treatments with "Alar":

  • spring spraying of winter varieties of apple trees to accelerate fruiting and prevent fruit falling off before harvesting;
  • garden processing 2-3 weeks after flowering (solution concentration - 0.16-0.32%);
  • watering low varieties of chrysanthemums to achieve a more compact, branched bush (0.15%).


Stimulant of root formation, the active ingredient of which is β-indoleacetic acid (IAA). Promotes the activation of cell metabolism, an increase in regenerative capacity (the properties of cells to divide and form a new plant from its part). Improves seed germination, accelerates rooting of cuttings and seedlings of herbaceous and woody species. Thanks to the treatment with "Heteroauxin", a high yield of daughter bulbs is obtained during reproduction.

The substance has a powerful effect. Overdose leads to developmental disorders, therefore "Heteroauxin" is produced in the form of 0.1 g tablets: it is easier to control the consumption of funds in small portions at home.

The drug is almost insoluble in water. Medical alcohol is used to prepare the solution. The operation is performed with rubber gloves. The required number of tablets is placed in a spoon, a smaller device (a teaspoon) is applied by rubbing, and the tablets are crushed into powder. After pouring it into a small glass container with a tight-fitting lid, add alcohol (5 ml per 1 tablet). Shake, periodically heating the container in a vessel with warm (up to 70 degrees) water, until complete dissolution. After that, the liquid is brought to the desired concentration.

Application methods:

The processing of rootstock and scion sections before grafting grapes involves the preparation of a high concentration solution - 1 g (10 tablets) per 1 liter of alcohol. There is enough liquid to lubricate 500 grafts.

Both the substance itself and the finished solution are kept in a dark place. Processing temperature - +18 ... + 22.


Analogue of "Heteroauxin". The advantage of the Kornerost preparation is its ease of use.

The substance is in soluble capsules. Prepare a working fluid for several minutes, use water at room temperature for this. Planting material processing methods correspond to those described for "Heteroauxin".


The basis of the preparation is indolylbutyric acid (IMA) 0.5%. It is used to stimulate root formation and improve survival. Kornevin is produced in the form of a fine cream-colored powder. Methods of using the substance:

  • the lower part of the cuttings is moistened with water, shaken and dusted with powder, planted in a substrate for rooting;
  • the root system of seedlings during transplantation is soaked for 6 hours in a suspension prepared at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water;
  • planted plants are watered with a similar solution after 7-10 days.

The suspension is prepared by diluting the powder in a small amount of hot (90 degrees) water, then the liquid is brought to full volume with cool water. The prepared solution retains its properties for 12 hours.

Good results are shown by the use of "Kornevin" in combination with other drugs:

  • cuttings from a powerful plant will take root better when used in combination with "Heteroauxin";
  • rose shoots give a strong root system with the use of "Zircon";
  • weak shoots are rooted with the help of "Kornevin" and "Epin".

After planting rooted plants, it is advisable to feed with phosphorus or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.


It is a stimulant of the plant's immune system. The active ingredient is hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic, chicory, chlorogenic), dissolved in alcohol 0.1 g / l. A prophylactic agent against diseases of fungal and viral etymology (late blight, peronosporosis, scab, bacteriosis and others). "Zircon" accelerates the formation of roots during grafting and transplanting, for this reason its combination with rooting is unacceptable. Use with fertilizers will have a positive effect.

The solution is prepared by diluting the product in a glass, enamel or plastic container. First, take 1/3 of the volume of water at room temperature, mix thoroughly with the rate of "Zircon" and add the remaining liquid.

The active acids of the drug are destroyed in the light within 30 minutes. Processing is carried out in low light - in the evening, with an exceptionally fresh solution.

Application of the drug "Zircon". 1 ampoule = 1 ml = about 40 drops:

ActionConsumption ratePeriod and frequency of processing
Soaking the seedsCucumbers - 5 drops / 1 l, other vegetables - 10 drops, flowers - 1 ampoule6-8 hours
Treatment of tubers and corms before plantingPotatoes, gladioli - 20 drops / 1 l18-24 hours
Soaking the bulbs40 drops (1 ampoule) per 1 liter18-24 hours
Holding cuttings before rooting1 ampoule for 1 l12-14 hours
Spraying to accelerate flowering1 ml for 5 l1-2 stages
Anti-stress treatment on the sheetFruit trees - 1 ampoule / 10 l, berry herbaceous crops - 11-13 drops / 10 l, shrubs - 20 drops / 10 lIn difficult weather conditions - once a week
Increasing the yield of potatoes4 drops / 3 lEvery 10 days from germination to budding
Fight disease1 ml for 5 lAt the first sign of defeat
Watering1 ml per 10 lTo stimulate flowering and ovary formation

The product is quickly absorbed by plant organisms. For the action of the drug, 18 hours are enough.


A plant growth regulator that increases resistance to diseases and environmental stressors. Reduces the content of heavy metal salts, nitrates and toxic substances in tissues. Improves germination, increases productivity and promotes rapid fruit ripening.

The active ingredient of "Epin" is epibrassinolide from the brassinosteroid group. It is used as an independent stimulant and in tank mixtures with fertilizers, disinfectants and fungicides. At the same time, the consumption of pesticides is halved. It goes on sale under the name "Epin-Extra".

Using "Epin":

For preventive spraying of various crops, the following terms are used:

  • nightshade and decorative - 1-2 treatments during budding and early flowering;
  • root crops - after germination;
  • cucumbers - 2 sprays: in the 3-4th leaf phase and at the budding stage;
  • cabbage - full leaf rosette;
  • onion sets - the formation of the 4th leaf;
  • fruit and berry - budding period with re-processing after 3 weeks.

Epin is environmentally friendly. The prepared solution is used within a day. The substance decomposes quickly under the influence of light.


Complex adaptogenic preparation. Consists of polyethylene oxide (PEO) 770 g / l and humic acid salts up to 30 g / l. Increases germination and productivity, resistance to unfavorable growing factors. It activates the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, enhances the effect of pesticides when used in tank mixtures and separately.

Using the Vympel stimulator:

Purpose of processingSolution concentrationConsumption and frequency of treatments
Soaking the seedsVegetables and melons - 10 ml / 0.5 l of water, root crops - 15-20 g / 100 ml2-3 hours
Preplanting potato tubers15 ml / 0.5 l of water / 30 kg of materialThe tubers are dipped and dried
Grain handling20-25 g / lMoisten the material before planting
Soaking seedlings during transplanting20-25 ml / l6-8 hours
Foliar processing of vegetable and fruit cropsVegetables - 10-20 ml / l, fruits and berries - 20 ml / l - per 200 sq. m2-3 sprays during the growing season
Flower plants25-30 ml / l - 200 sq. mStarting from the budding phase, repeat every 2 weeks

New modifications of the line - the drug "Vympel-K", which enhances energy metabolism in cells due to succinic acid, as well as "Vympel 2". This remedy is fortified by the constituent carboxylic acids, which activate the processes of respiration and photosynthesis.


The natural preparation "Emistim" is made on the basis of epiphytic mushrooms. Contains a number of phytohormones (cytokinins, auxins), carbohydrates, amino acids, trace elements, and fatty acids.

Increases the percentage of germination and vigor of seed germination, productivity, stimulates the development of a powerful root system and aerial parts of plants. Increases resistance in difficult weather conditions, resistance to phytopathogens and pests, including nematodes.

The rate of treatment of seeds and tubers is 1/4 ml per 10 kg of material. For foliar application, 0.2 ml of the drug is enough for spraying 1 hundred of plantings.

The drugs with improved characteristics from this series are Biolan and Stimpo. They are used by amateur gardeners and farmers of large farms.


A product of biological origin, obtained from the needles of the Siberian fir plant (Abies sibirica). The main component - triterpenic acids - is used for processing planting material and plants during the growing season.

Biologically active compounds stimulate the immunity of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. Wheat processing increases the gluten and protein content of the crop. The drug is completely safe, this quality allows it to be used for the production of environmentally friendly products, including baby food. It is combined with most of the pesticides - disinfectants, insecticides.

Application methods:

  1. 1. Treatment of cereal seeds is carried out with a solution with a concentration of 0.05% (50 ml / 10 l). A bucket of working fluid is enough to spray 1 ton of grain.
  2. 2. Foliar feeding of cereals is used twice: during tillering and heading of plants. The liquid is prepared at the rate of 30 ml / 300 l / 1 ha of area.
  3. 3. For tomatoes, 3 sprays are carried out during the formation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd brushes. It takes 300 liters of water per hectare with the addition of 50 ml of "Biosil".
  4. 4. Cucumbers are often treated with a solution of lower concentration - 15 ml / 300 l / 1 ha. The sequence of spraying: on the 3rd leaf, at the beginning of budding, during the period of mass flowering and 1 week after the 3rd treatment.


Arachidonic acid preparation. Strengthens resistance to diseases of fungal origin and bacteriosis. The durability of the effect is up to 2 months after treatment. Shows adaptogenic properties. Combines with a wide range of insecticides.

Preparation of working fluid: 1 tablet is crushed and dissolved in 1-15 ml of water at room temperature, stirring occasionally for 1/2 hour. The concentrated solution is brought to the desired proportion. Usually 1 tablet per 2 liters of water is enough for sheet processing of 50 sq. m area.

Application methods:

It is strictly forbidden to use the product before precipitation falls. Also, you can not mix "Immunocytofit" with biological products and alkaline compounds, potassium permanganate. An analogue of the drug is a stimulant "Amulet".


The stimulating effect of gibberellic acids was discovered relatively recently and is more pronounced than that of auxins. Gibberellins stimulate the growth of aerial plant parts at specific temperatures. Such preparations are used to increase productivity, improve seed germination.

Stimulants that contain gibberellins: "Ovary", "Fertility", "Bud". Designed for foliar application. Particular attention is paid to top dressing: on poor soils, the effect of drugs of the gibberellin series will be ineffective or opposite to the expected one.

The use of stimulants does not replace fertilization. Optimal results are achieved by using a set of tools. The action of various plant hormones and minerals is interrelated. Combined with the right growing techniques, there is a positive effect on the plants.

When choosing a houseplant, we always pay attention to the appearance of the leaves and flowers, the shape. But each plant has its own individual energy, influencing the human condition.

Beautiful houseplant- this is, first of all, proper care and conditions of detention. Even small care errors can cause dry brown spots or dry leaf tips or edges.

Also, the temperature and humidity in the room play an important role. And so that your flowers grow beautifully, magnificently and pleasing to the eye - heed the advice of experienced florists! These guidelines are sure to help you plant a gorgeous blooming garden on your windowsill!

Water is the main base of life for all plants. Watering should be individual for each type of plant. Houseplants also need to be fed if you want beautiful flowering and lush foliage.
Sugar. The most natural way of fertilizing, for feeding indoor flowers. Sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose. It is glucose that does wonders. It is the source of energy for all vital processes of plants. To prepare such a top dressing, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of water, or simply sprinkle the earth with sugar in a pot, and then water.

Castor oil. Ideal for flowering plants. You will need 1 teaspoon of castor oil per liter of water. When using castor oil: plants grow faster, bloom beautifully and do not get sick.

Wood ash. Florists recommend it for the prevention of plant diseases. The most common way to use ash is to add it to a liquid. Not a large amount, usually 100-150 grams of wood ash is bred in a bucket of water, mix and watering is ready. Apply ash no more than 1 time per month.

Pomegranate or any citrus peel. It is also a healing and excellent feeding. We take the crusts of any citrus fruits and fill them with water, leave to brew for a day, and water.

Aspirin. Every two months, add an aspirin tablet to the irrigation water. One tablet for one liter of water. If this condition is met, then the plants will be resistant to diseases, and their leaves will have a rich green color. In addition, the growth rate will also increase.

Aloe juice. It is a biogenic stimulant of plant origin. It is an ideal natural growth promoter for plants. The use of aloe juice will help to grow a strong and beautiful plant in a short time. Preparation: dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

Milk. Milk is recommended not only for watering (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). You can also wipe the leaves with a solution of milk and water in a ratio of 1:10. After wetting a cotton pad with prepared liquid, wipe the leaves once a week. The leaves will shine, giving them their beauty and freshness.

In order for indoor plants to bloom and develop, it is necessary to carry out a regular transplant. When transplanting, the plants receive nutrients, and when replacing the soil, the development of the root system. Spring is the best time to transplant.

For the successful cultivation of indoor crops, proper watering is one of the most important conditions.

Video recommendations will help your favorite indoor plants gain strength and protect them from disease.

Plant growth stimulant is a preparation that is used to improve the development of vegetable and fruit crops.

The composition of the synthetic product includes:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids.

Using these products in horticulture and vegetable growing for different types of crops, you can get a high yield. They are used in private household plots, as well as in the agricultural industry.

What are the plant growth stimulants

Today, various means for the production of plant growth are widely used. Some of them increase root formation, while others contribute to normal development, flowering and ovary formation. They are more often used for the growth of "frail" seedlings.

There are also stimulants made from extracts of fungi, bacteria, algae, and more. In addition, they are created artificially and the effect does not change. Below we list the most popular drugs in this group.

Not so long ago, summer residents began to use stimulants and growth regulators more actively for growing plants.

succinic acid

It is present in brown coal, amber, in certain plants and even in the body of some animals. The product is available in the form of tablets or a white powder that dissolves perfectly in water. The drug does not cause any danger, even if the norm is exceeded. Quite often, the agent is used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases on an infected plant, it also stimulates the root system, and increases the number of inflorescences. We can say that this is a universal preparation, but it cannot be called a fertilizer. The solution prepared from it must be used within three days.

Humic fertilizers

They are also mined from brown coal, and they are also present in peat and sapropel. Such substances are capable of stabilizing the condition of the soil. In other words, after adding them to the soil, its density decreases, and moisture capacity and water permeability also increase. Any plant planted here will feel great, because it will receive all the nutrients necessary for growth and development.

The best way to treat with humic fertilizers is to soak the seeds or roots of the seedlings before planting. In the process of diluting the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Boric acid

To speed up the growth process of indoor plants, you can use top dressing, and it is for this that is most often used. The substance is also able to increase the number of ovaries, and improve the taste of the fruit. An excess of such feeding can cause burns on the leaves of plants, which will manifest itself in the form of yellowing and twisting.

Remember, do not alter the application intervals or change the application rates.

Plant growth stimulant for flowering

An expert's opinion on growth promoters:

At different stages of the development of cultures, there is a slowdown in development. Growth stimulants act as assistants in solving this problem. Depending on the needs of the culture, the stage of its development, drugs are used that stimulate: root formation, flowering, the growth of green mass, the formation and preservation of the ovary. Compliance with the rules of use, competent selection of the drug can save time and physical costs for gardeners.

Anatoly Baykov

If you use such stimulants as stated in the instructions for use, then the result will be positive. On individual household plots, they began to be used quite recently, and many still do not know about them. Therefore, consider two examples of a stimulant.


This unique preparation stimulates accelerated plant growth, increases the number of ovaries, prevents them from dropping and reduces the number of barnacles. In addition, it increases frost resistance and drought resistance, helps seedlings to take root, and also prevents leaves from falling. The drug increases the yield, shortens the ripening time, makes the fruits more tasty and nutritious, increases the amount of vitamins in them and even makes plants immune to diseases.

It is necessary to use this tool several times, strictly following the instructions. Plants can be sprayed or soaked in a solution prepared strictly in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.


"Universal ovary" is a fruit-forming stimulator, which is practically universal, since it can be used for both fruit and vegetable crops. It helps especially well if there are no pollinating insects. The "ovary" is also able to protect plants from diseases.

These preparations are used to accelerate the flowering of plants and obtain seeds.

Treatment with this agent is carried out in open and closed ground. For each plant, the procedure is carried out at a certain stage of development. This information can be clarified by reading the instructions.

Root formation stimulant

The root formation stimulant is used to promote plant growth, as well as to form a strong root system. There are several drugs in this category, we will consider the most in demand.


With its help, you can root seedlings of various plants, influence the acceleration of the formation of the root system in cuttings and improve the survival rate of seedlings after transplantation. It is necessary to use the product in the form of dusting the roots of the cutting with a brush. But do not get carried away, because an overdose has the opposite effect, and the roots will simply rot.


This substance is never used in its pure form. On its basis and only according to the instructions, an aqueous solution is prepared for soaking cuttings and seeds. It can also be used for plant spraying and watering. "Zircon" improves growth, formation of the root system, increases the number of seeds germination. In addition, the agent can be used to prevent fungal diseases.

The drug is aimed at root formation, but at the same time actively increases the immunity of plants to a variety of fungal infections


The drug is used to improve the formation of the root system in various plants, both decorative and agricultural. This tool is produced in the form of powder or tablets. It is necessary to dilute the drug according to the attached instructions.


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Do you use folk signs in gardening?


Do you use folk signs in gardening?


It is a highly effective root stimulant. This tool is quite widely used by all flower growers, because it is universal. The drug has a positive effect on plant growth, helps them recover from diseases and has a preventive effect. It is also used to treat plants that have been damaged by frost.

How to use plant growth biostimulants

Any drug should be used only as written in the instructions. Growth stimulants are highly potent chemicals, and therefore, the dosage cannot be exceeded. You should also always pay attention to the preferred type of treatment - soaking, watering, spraying, and so on. In general, detailed recommendations regarding the use of a particular substance are always on the packaging. If, for some reason, this is not the case, you need to clarify the information with a specialist.

The effect of micronutrient fertilization on a plant

Folk remedies for the rapid growth of plants

If the planting is carried out during an unfavorable weather period, then it is necessary to use stimulants, which you can cook with your own hands. In addition, they will help the cuttings to recover if they were taken from a weak and diseased plant. There are quite a few recipes, consider the most popular.

Willow water

This is the oldest recipe for a folk stimulant. It will help in rooting even the most "stunted" seedlings.

For cooking, you need to put the willow twigs in the water, and wait for the roots to appear. The twigs are now unusable and should be discarded. And the folk remedy is ready. The cooking process will take fourteen days. To get willow water, you should take only young branches, reaching a diameter of no more than six millimeters. After cutting, the cuttings must be treated with alcohol - this way harmful microorganisms will not develop in the water. It is good to water young seedlings with this water - they will develop immunity to various diseases.


It is also a good plant root stimulant that you can prepare yourself. To do this, dilute one teaspoon of honey in one and a half liters warm water. The cutting should be lowered into the solution for twelve hours - thus, the plant will strengthen the immune system and receive the minerals necessary for growth.

Honey solution has long been used as an effective growth stimulant


This is one of the simplest, most affordable and at the same time effective folk remedies for stimulating the growth of cuttings. It is more than simple to use - just cut out all the "eyes" from the potato, insert the stalk into it and dig it into the ground. After that, the seedling needs to be covered with a film or jar to create a greenhouse.

In addition, potatoes can be used as a preservative - just stick the stalk into the tuber, wrap it all with foil and put it in the refrigerator. In this state, the workpiece can be stored until spring.

Aloe juice

This is the simplest plant growth stimulator at home. Such a remedy accelerates the formation of a strong root system in the plant, improves growth and strengthens the immune system.

It is very simple to prepare a substance for processing - cut off a couple of old leaves, wash well, and grind to a state of gruel. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth, and use the resulting juice to prepare a solution: about 6 drops per glass of water.


Conventional baker's yeast is the most effective root growth stimulant when it comes to folk remedies. It is very simple to prepare the "medicine" - you need to dissolve the yeast in water and leave the cuttings in the prepared liquid for a day, then move them into ordinary water and keep there until the roots form.

For the preparation of a plant stimulant, yeast is used both dry and fresh.

Is it possible to prepare a growth stimulant

The growth regulator can be made by hand according to the recipes described above. But just as in the case of factory drugs, you need to strictly follow the dosage. Otherwise, the development of irreversible processes and even plant death is possible.

Indoor plant growth stimulant

For indoor plants, there are also special substances to improve rooting and flowering. Such means are also used in production that grows indoor plants for commercial purposes.

Growth stimulator for potatoes

Root crops are processed at the stage of sorting, vernalization and before planting in the ground. The best option would be the drug "Poteytin". It is best to spray during the flowering phase. This will help increase the yield, as well as the starch content in the tubers. In addition, the treatment protects the tops from the Colorado potato beetle and various diseases.

Growth stimulator for grapes

Various stimulants are used for the growth of grapes, but the most commonly used are "Gibberellin", "Humate" and "Heteroauxin":

  • "Gibberellin". Used for seedless grape varieties. Even if you carry out processing only once, the yield will double;
  • "Humat". They are used to speed up the growth of cuttings - they are simply soaked in the solution prepared according to the instructions. In addition, the drug increases productivity;
  • "Heteroauxin". Used to speed up the rooting process. The cuttings are soaked in the prepared solution according to the instructions.

Plant growth stimulants are chemical or natural substances that provoke active rooting and development of flowers and seedlings. It is much more correct to call these additives growth regulators, because they allow you to control the growth rate of your plants.

Biologically active additives are used everywhere, because with their help you can control the development of your plants. But it is worth remembering that these substances should be used wisely and strictly in accordance with the instructions. After all, an overdose will not add benefit at all, but rather the opposite.

An excess of stimulants can lead to inhibition of development and even death of the plant.

With the help of dietary supplements, you can influence the following processes:

  • Rhizome growth. If you use them at home, then cuttings and seeds take root and germinate faster.
  • Increase in the amount of harvest.
  • Reduction of shedding of fruits before the harvest season. This property is relevant for avid summer residents and farmers.
  • Control of germination of root crops. Stimulants can slow down the deterioration of your crops.

Also, biologically active additives are often added to control weeds and pests. But these are rather specific protective means.

Depending on the composition, all plant growth stimulants can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • natural;
  • chemical.

While the latter can mainly be bought in stores, natural remedies can be prepared with your own hands.

How do these substances work? This question is asked by many gardeners, because you do not want to harm the quality of the crop or spoil the beauty of flowering. In fact, just like humans, plants have their own hormonal balance.

The main acting characters in it are the following components:

Most of the drugs have a complex effect, accelerating rooting, provoking flowering and the first ovaries, as well as stimulating the growth of shoots. For example, the complex remedy Zircon.

Terms of use

Most gardeners seek to make their life easier by buying store-bought products. From them, you get the same effect without wasting your time preparing the drug. But you should not buy the first available remedy, it is important to choose the right dietary supplements.

The following factors should influence your choice:

  1. Plant type. Some fertilizers are used for indoor flowers, and others are used for the growth of seedlings. Accordingly, the use of stimulants for the growth of tomatoes will not be relevant to accelerate the flowering of pelargonium.
  2. Scope of work. If you only have a couple of plants at home, then you shouldn't stock up on tons of drugs.
  3. Desired effect. Study each stimulant carefully. For example, Athlete accelerates the development of rhizomes, but slows down the growth of the aerial part, making the plants more vigorous, but less tall. This effect will not suit everyone.

Remember: if you buy plant chemistry in a store, read the instructions carefully. It is important to strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. After all, chemical compounds with a high concentration can damage the delicate roots, which will lead to the death of the plant.

The first treatment of a plant is usually carried out immediately after planting seeds, cuttings or transplanting into a new pot. Then experts recommend re-use, but strictly following the instructions for use of the drug. It is usually carried out no later than two weeks after the first watering or spraying using chemicals. Further feeding with growth stimulants is carried out strictly according to the schedule from the instructions and only if necessary.

Popular stimulants: what you can buy in the store

There are dozens of different fertilizers produced by companies from all over the world. In our country, the most popular are already familiar substances: Athlete and Zircon. They are actively and safely used by many gardeners and florists.

But it should be understood that even a proven remedy should be used wisely. Therefore, it is better to know in advance about the specifics of its action and the effect that will be rendered on plants.

Athlete's Job

The athlete is a biologically active agent that stimulates active root growth. This tool is great for growing seedlings at home, when there is no open ground, the space is limited and a dense planting is used.

Allocate the following advantages of the drug "Athlete":

But it is worth remembering that, despite such significant advantages, this tool also has disadvantages. So, the use of the Athlete is not recommended if you want to get overgrowth of the aerial part. The stimulant focuses on root growth and plant strengthening, muffling the development of aerial elements. Such plants are squat, do not go up, etc.

The basis of the drug Athlete is an aqueous solution of chlormequat chloride. It is this compound that affects the leaves and roots of the plant.

At home, the drug is applied to plant leaves by spraying, or to rhizomes by watering. It should be remembered that processing is carried out strictly in certain phases of growth of seedlings or indoor flowers. For example, if you want to stimulate more abundant and rich flowering, spraying and watering should start at the budding phase, not earlier.

Growing with Zircon

Zircon is a stimulant for root growth, aerial part, fruiting and flowering. Also, the drug acts as a protective agent against damage to various diseases, increasing immunity at the cellular level.

Zircon has a specific composition, it includes echinacea extract and hydroxycinnamic acids.

Due to this, feeding leads to the following positive effects:

In fact, Zircon is a kind of immunomodulator that helps a plant to grow and develop normally, withstand the negative influences of the environment. It acts mildly, not suppressing seedlings or flowers, but positively affecting homeostasis.

Please note! Zircon should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Only by adhering to the rules of watering and dosage of the drug, you can get the result.

Zircon is a fairly specific remedy. Indeed, at lower dosages, the effectiveness of its action only increases. Therefore, you should not try to increase the amount of the drug diluted with liquid, it will not be beneficial.

As you can see, Zircon and Athlete are effective growth stimulants that help plants to actively root, bloom and bear fruit. But it is worth using the funds strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Natural growth promoters

In addition to chemical compounds that are actively sold in stores, there are also natural, natural substances. They also stimulate the growth and strengthening of plants, but do not contain artificial compounds and are absolutely safe to use.

Most often, gardeners and indoor plant lovers use these natural remedies:

As you can see, plant growth stimulants can be different. But they have one thing in common - high efficiency and lack of harmful effects. They do not accumulate in fruits or rhizomes, giving a quick effect. But in order to benefit from their use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.