God's tree healing properties and contraindications. How to plant and care for sagebrush abrotan god tree

The God Tree is an evergreen and perennial shrub reaching a height of 1.2 meters. Other names: abrotan, dill tree, wormwood tree. shrub with long time ago grows in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. The first mention appeared at the beginning of the XII century on the pages of the Ipatiev Chronicle. With medicinal properties widely used in medicine. Gardeners appreciate this ornamental shrub for graceful forms.


Artemisia abrotanum is native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. God's tree easily takes root in places with an arid climate, on sandy soil or high hills, and is well developed on the banks of reservoirs and rivers. Science knows 250 species of this plant. They are used to create decorative compositions for the garden and suburban area.

The dill tree takes root perfectly on any soil, copes with frosty winters. For improvement plant appearance some rules are followed.

  • A suitable seat will be the sunny side of the site, as Abrotan needs warmth and bright lighting.
  • Protect the plant from strong wind by building a stop barrier on the lot or by placing god tree between other shrubs.
  • Before planting medicinal wormwood in the ground, the earth is saturated organic fertilizers and minerals, and then watered abundantly.
  • Abrotan does not require moving and grows evenly for 10 years. Coexists among perennials, but does not tolerate too acidic soil.

Wormwood "God's tree" completely unpretentious in care, but he needs infrequent watering. The plant requires liquid (three liters of water) once every half a month. To prevent the appearance of harmful aphids, the shrub is sprayed with a solution of green soap. Regular weeding of the soil helps to get rid of weeds. This process helps the roots of the medicinal abrotan to absorb more minerals.

Bush decorative wormwood it is recommended to feed with a complex of fertilizers (phosphorus, ash, humus, peat). Mulching saves and protect the ground cover around the god tree. To give the shrub an acceptable look, gardeners regularly swoop down on old and diseased branches. Pruning Recommended in early spring when severe frosts are not able to harm the shrub.

dill tree copes with cold weather (-25 degrees). Young shoots may become stiff, but with the advent springtime regain their former flexibility. Seedlings are harvested for the winter in cool place or cut off the tops of the branches in order to help the shrub cope with the upcoming cold weather.

The decorativeness of the tree is highly valued by lovers of floristry. Using the technique of moderate cutting of an elegant crown, gardeners create compact bushes that fit perfectly into the overall landscape of the decorated garden. Neatly cut shoots continue to grow correctly and evenly. Catchy grey-green tint the crown of decorative wormwood differs from neighboring perennials of various sizes.

Experts call cuttings (dividing a bush) best method reproduction of wormwood "God's tree". Biennial and mature shoots are suitable here. Before planting, they are placed in water for ten days to form root system. Cuttings 10-15 cm are introduced into moist soil. Between seedlings should be left 1.5 meters of space for freedom of growth. Before planting, the soil is plentifully fertilized and watered. warm water. Further, irrigation is necessary during the first two weeks.

In specialized stores you can buy the seed of a god tree. planting material placed in small cups with peat inside and cleaned in a warm, lit place before the root system grows. After a month of care, seedlings ready to be planted in open ground.

Medicinal wormwood propagates by layering. To do this, choose a shoot 25-30 cm and remove all foliage from it. An incision is made on the shoot, and the wound is treated with a substance that stimulates growth. Sphagnum moss is applied on top and pressed strongly. Below the incision, a black film with peat is attached and both ends are tightened with electrical tape. When the root system begins to break through the wound, the cuttings are cut off and planted in a pot.

Varieties of tree wormwood

Wormwood representatives are found everywhere in places with an optimal climate.

  • Tarragon (tarragon) is a perennial, used as an aromatic spice, added to pickles and meat dishes. It grows in Eastern Europe, North America and the Far East.
  • Cold wormwood is a perennial tree known for its healing properties. She is rich ascorbic acid, flavonoids and essential oils. It grows in the regions of Western Siberia and Central Asia.
  • Wormwood rock - a small, from 7 to 60 cm, plant found in Eastern Siberia and the Baltic states. Prefers to be on hills, alpine meadows and rocky slopes. This variety has the ability to increase the secretion of gastric juice, and also helps with gastritis.
  • Wormwood - herbaceous plant silvery shade, radiating a strong aroma. It is this species that is the basis of alcoholic absinthe. Raw materials are used to create medicines.

The use of dill tree

Since ancient times, this herb has been grown by monks on temple plots. To store wormwood leaves, they are crushed and placed in airtight containers. Through this method, the plant does not lose flavor . With Greek sagebrush translated as "healthy", which indicates the undeniable medical qualities of the shrub.

On a note!

Reception medicinal product based on dill should be limited, because an excess of substances causes poisoning.

To prepare a healing decoction of wormwood, one part of the dried raw material is poured with the same amount of water. The mixture must be boiled for a short time. The broth is settled for 30 minutes and filtered through cheesecloth. Take the drug 50 grams before dinner.

Artemisia arborescens, which is also called God's tree or Chernobyl, is known for its healing properties. Even the ancient Greeks discovered that wormwood is very effective in the treatment of cuts and wounds. Noticing this, they began to add this medicinal plant to the ointment. Wormwood has about four hundred varieties, two hundred of which can be found in Russia. Only wormwood grows everywhere, which is the most popular type of God's tree.

Description and application

The God tree is a perennial herb that has small white or yellow color. The plant belongs to the Compositae family. The bush has a thick root, and reaches a height of one and a half meters. The smell of the plant is tart, and the leaves are shaped like dill. These leaves contain many different essential oils. Wormwood has a bitter taste due to its high concentration of lactones. Medicinal wormwood has found wide application in folk medicine and cooking.

Harvesting the grass of God's tree should be done in the summer. It is advisable to collect and harvest the plant from July to September. The collected leaves should be laid out on a newspaper or burlap and placed in a dark, dry place, inaccessible to drafts.

As a remedy, a silvery kind of bitter wormwood is used. Application of this medicinal plant most versatile.

For various injuries (dislocations or bruises), it is recommended to apply compresses with a decoction of wormwood to the affected areas. Alcohol tincture of this plant is effective in the treatment of inflammation of the periosteum. Tea and decoction of wormwood is useful for overwork and insomnia, and also helps relieve tension, fatigue and migraines. Due to its medicinal composition, wormwood is an excellent remedy for hypertension. Artemisia arborescens contributes to the normalization of the menstrual cycle in women. Its role in the prevention and treatment of cancer is great. The healing properties of this medicinal plant help improve the functioning of the digestive tract and get rid of heartburn. The plant serves as a strong anthelmintic. But in this case, the remedy must be properly prepared (more on this later).

Harm and contraindications

When using wormwood, care should be taken not to overdose, which can cause serious harm to the body. Before you start taking products based on this plant, you must always consult with your doctor about the methods of administration and dosage. It is impossible to take funds based on God's tree in the following cases:

  1. 1. Pregnancy and lactation. The use of wormwood decoctions is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy, as this can adversely affect the health and development of the unborn child.
  2. 2. Anemia, gastric and intestinal ulcers.
  3. 3. Appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  4. 4. Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.

Treatment with wormwood should last no more than a month, prolonged use or overdose can lead to convulsions and hallucinations.

Recipes for various diseases

1. Colds.

For the treatment of colds, an oil infusion of wormwood is used. Earthenware should be filled with the leaves and flowers of the plant and poured with olive oil. Place the dishes with the composition in a dark, cool place for ten days, then strain. The readiness of the product is determined by its color: it should turn dark green. Take the resulting oil should be one teaspoon. Indications for use are flu, tonsillitis, SARS.

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Wormwood tea is useful for the treatment of such diseases. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of a dry mixture of leaves and flowers and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Tea is brewed for fifteen minutes and should be drunk four times a day. Such tea serves as an excellent immunostimulant and is useful in winter time. To restore appetite, tea from wormwood and yarrow is useful. To prepare it, you need to take half a tablespoon of both components and pour a glass of boiling water. You need to drink tea half a cup three times a day on an empty stomach for a week.

3. Worms.

To prepare anthelmintic tea, you need to mix dry wormwood and cloves in equal amounts. You need to take in the morning and evening for 1 tsp. carrot juice powder. Wormwood removes the worms themselves, and the clove destroys their larvae. The course of treatment is ten days.

4. Skin diseases.

It is necessary to take a dark-colored plastic container, pour dry flowers of the god's tree into it and pour olive oil over it. Dark color utensils is necessary in order to prevent light from reaching the oil. The container must be tightly closed and left in a dark place for two weeks. The resulting remedy should be taken one teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

5. Oncology.

Godwood tincture is effective in the treatment of oncology in the early stages. The root of the plant is used to make medicine. Dry finely chopped root should be poured with water and boiled for ten minutes in a closed saucepan. After that, the infusion must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool without removing the lid. Tightness must be observed necessarily in order to prevent the essential smell and oils from evaporating. Take this infusion should be two tablespoons before meals. The course of treatment is two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a month break.

6. Violation of the menstrual cycle.

Fresh leaves must be poured with boiling water and insisted for thirty minutes. As soon as menstruation begins, it is necessary to take an infusion of two tablespoons three times a day. Within three months, the pain is significantly reduced, and the cycle becomes more regular.

Use in cosmetology and hair strengthening

Wormwood well disinfects the skin of the face, makes it smooth, helps to remove blackheads, acne, blackheads, demodex. A steam bath is very useful for the face. To do this, take one tablespoon of finely chopped wormwood and pour a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to cover your head with a terry towel and put your face under the steam. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of skin. Three minutes is enough for dry skin, five minutes for normal skin, and ten minutes for oily skin. At the end of the procedure, the face must be rinsed with cool water.

Medicinal wormwood, or Artemisia abrotanum, is one of the many species of this plant, called God's tree. Wormwood leaves contain a large number of valuable essential oil, but, unlike other varieties of the plant, there is not much bitterness in its composition. Therefore, it is this species that is used to flavor food and various tinctures.

It must be said that the plant has many healing properties Therefore, it is actively used in folk medicine. The ancient Slavs considered it an object of worship, used it to purify both the physical and spiritual world. Until now, healers believe that its smell drives out evil spirits, so they use wormwood as a talisman against the evil eye and damage.

Wormwood plant, otherwise God's tree, medicinal properties which have been known since ancient times, one must be able to distinguish it from the extremely widespread in Russia panicled wormwood (Artemisia scoparia, or procera), which is also often called God's tree. Outwardly, they are similar, but there are still differences.

The real medicinal wormwood is perennial shrub, which has beautiful openwork foliage resembling dill leaves. If you pick a branch, rub it in your palms, a tart, pleasant smell of wormwood will appear in combination with lemon.

Wormwood paniculata is a biennial. Its leaves, stems are much rougher, and the smell is less pleasant. In addition, it reproduces with the help of seeds. And in wormwood, under our climatic conditions, they do not ripen. Seeds of this species can only be obtained in areas with a very warm climate. Therefore, it is propagated vegetatively (by dividing the rhizome or cuttings).

How to use God's tree for medicinal purposes?

For oncological diseases of the stomach, intestines, uterus, the root of the plant is used. It is necessary to prepare a decoction: Grind the previously dried wormwood root. Now put 2 tbsp. l. raw materials in a small saucepan, add 1 cup of clean boiling water.
Boil, cook at a very light boil for no more than 10 minutes. Then wrap with a warm cloth, wait until it cools down. Strain, drink a sip before meals (for half an hour). The whole broth must be drunk in a day.

For the treatment of neurosis, joint diseases, gout, the same infusion is added to the water when taking a bath (2 liters per bath).

Plants make oil based medicinal product"artemisol", with the help of which kidney stones are treated. It has an antispasmodic property, dissolves salts in urine well, actively removes sand and urinary stones from the body.

Traditional medicine uses an infusion based on the herb wormwood as a mild diuretic, and the oil as a mild laxative.

For the treatment of epilepsy, an infusion of wormwood is used as an effective anthelmintic. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry grass with a glass of boiling water, wrap well, wait until it cools down. Strain, drink a glass between meals.

As a tonic, tonic, as well as to get rid of worms, for the treatment of nervous diseases, prepare this decoction: pour 1 tbsp. l. dried herb 1 cup freshly boiled flint water. Put on water bath, simmer for half an hour. Then wait until the broth has cooled, strain, drink a third of a glass before meals (for half an hour).

With whites, diseases of the stomach, intestines, with the complex treatment of infectious diseases, you can prepare wormwood steam or tea. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh herbs 1 cup clean boiling water. After 15 minutes, as the tea is brewed, you can drink it whenever you want. But it is better not to use it more than 3 times a day.

Medicinal wormwood is used in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, an infusion of a mixture of wormwood, a medicinal letter is used for complex treatment sciatica. In combination with rue, wormwood is used as an analgesic, antispasmodic agent for kidney diseases.

For the treatment of abscesses, finely chopped leaves of fresh wormwood are steamed with boiling water. Then the steamed mass is wrapped around the damaged area, tied with a bandage. It is often used in the treatment inflammatory processes mammary gland.

In addition, to heal skin lesions, such as wounds, abscesses, frostbite, ethnoscience uses ointments prepared on the basis of wormwood. Also, for the same purpose, freshly squeezed plant juice is used.

Another Use for the God Tree

In addition to medicinal properties, God's tree is used in cooking. Fresh, dried grass is added when roasting meat, especially game. This seasoning is very good in fried poultry dishes.

In domestic use, medicinal wormwood is used as a flavoring agent, hanging twigs in wardrobe. In addition to giving a pleasant smell, wormwood will protect outerwear from the moth.

Not to mention very attractive appearance plants. Therefore, gardeners and summer residents are happy to grow lush bushes in their areas. It is often planted in not very pretty corners garden to cover, for example, compost pit or well.

So grow it useful plant on your site, admire its beauty, use it in the treatment of various ailments. Just before using God's tree as a medicine, do not forget to consult your doctor. Be healthy!

There are cultures that are little known to gardeners, and in some cases, many do not know about them at all. Some crops can even grow close to the site, drawing attention to themselves. unusual view, but also remaining little known. Just like that unusual plant can be called wormwood tree - God's tree.

Description of culture

Some have heard the name of the plant wormwood, the culture belongs to perennials. Wormwood is common in temperate climatic zones, but dry regions of the planet are considered the most comfortable place for its active growth.

The god tree is distinguished by its attractive leaves, as well as a pleasant smell that can repel some harmful insects. Culture has long been mentioned in medical recipes, used to decorate city parks, summer cottages and flowerbeds. There are separate evergreen varieties, as well as those that are in autumn time lose their lush foliage.

The plant reaches a height of 1.2 meters. There are other names: abrotan, decorative wormwood and dill tree. Artemisia arborescens has been actively growing on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia for many decades. The first time this plant is mentioned at the beginning of the XII century in the Ipatiev Chronicle. Due to its special medicinal properties, the culture is widely used in the medical field. Gardeners love this plant for its unusual and attractive forms.

Plant characteristic

Wormwood can quickly adapt to areas with increased dryness, grow on high hills or sandy soils, and quickly spread along the banks of streams and rivers. In science, there are about 250 varieties of such a culture. They are used by landscape designers to create unusual compositions.

Dill Tree Features:

Popular types and varieties

The culture is distinguished by its diversity, many of its varieties show particular resistance to low temperatures. God's tree, which is classified as a medicinal species, is known in almost all European countries. The main types of plants:

Even in ancient times, such a plant grew in the territories of temples, it was grown mainly by monks. To properly store wormwood leaves, they need to be finely chopped and placed in sealed container. With this method, the culture will not lose its pleasant aroma.

The following medicinal formulations can be prepared from the plant:

Excessive use as a result leads to intoxication of the body.

To create a medicinal decoction from a plant, one part of the dried herb is poured with boiling water and placed on a fire to boil. The broth is left for thirty minutes, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The finished product can be drunk 50 grams before dinner.

Growing Features

Planting and caring for Artemisia arborescens is not particularly difficult unless the plant is grown for ornamental qualities. This grass grows well in almost any soil mixture, excluding sand. Wormwood responds positively to cold and winters with little snow. But it is important to take into account some conditions for choosing the right place for growing a culture. This will help the plant grow better and bloom more beautifully.

God's tree prefers places with high level illumination by the sun, therefore, for growing a plant, it is best to choose the south side in a summer cottage. This can be explained by the fact that dill grass belongs to the group of southern crops. In addition, the plant reacts negatively to strong cold winds.

Best of all, the plant will feel in a row between trees or other shrubs. It is also important to consider that trees can block the sun's rays.

Wormwood requires well-drained soil. Before planting on open soil, it is important to fertilize it with mineral, as well as organic matter. In one place, the culture can continue to grow for about twelve years, after which it needs to be transplanted to a new site. Grows well among perennial grasses and annual plants. Negatively refers to the soil with a high level of acidity.

Planting in the soil

It is best to propagate a dill tree using cuttings or dividing a shrub. Cuttings for planting are best used two-year-old, fully ripe. The plant is planted in a moist soil mixture (before planting, the soil should be poured with warm water). It is advisable to plant in the middle or end of April. At this time, the soil is well moistened, so the seedling can quickly and efficiently take root, even if it is not watered.

Culture seedlings can be placed in a container with water for one week, and then planted in the ground. In water, the cuttings form the first young rhizomes. After they begin to actively grow on the ground.

The seeds of the christ tree can germinate even 70 years after they were harvested. total length cuttings that will be planted in the soil should range from 10 to 15 centimeters. It is important to leave a distance of up to one and a half meters between plantings so that the shrubs can quickly and efficiently grow. When planting in the soil, seedlings are allowed to be fertilized with humus and constantly watered during the first two weeks of cultivation.

In some flower shops you can find wormwood seeds ready for planting. They are needed for growing seedlings. Since this plant grows in warm regions, it is best to plant it in separate containers and put it on the windowsill, which will always receive sunlight. After the seedling grows to 15-20 centimeters, it is allowed to transplant it to country cottage area.

Many flower growers say that abrotan grows quickly and does not require special care. Some even forget about this culture, but it continues to grow and does not die. But to create an attractive graceful shrub, caring for the plant is important.

Dill tree, which is grown in order to give decorativeness, does not need to be watered. Watering is carried out only in the first days after landing in the ground. To preserve all the decorative qualities of the plant, it can be watered on warm summer days once every fourteen days. Each bush will require about four liters of water at room temperature.

Fertilizer with useful substances

Tree-like wormwood after landing in the ground still requires care. Such procedures will not take too much time. In some cases, aphids appear on the foliage of the plant. In this case, the plant must be sprayed with special preparations against insects. Can also be used for spraying laundry soap diluted in a bucket of water. To do this, 250 grams of soap is taken for 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out several times at weekly intervals.

Weeds can grow near the shrub, which are important to eliminate regularly. The soil is weeded to provide the roots of the plant with more nutrients and minerals. Also, under the bush, you can pour a few handfuls of halls. Before the winter season, abrotan should be mulched. With a special desire, the soil next to the shrub is sprinkled with humus.

Caring for such a crop also includes regular pruning. It is best to choose spring for such a procedure, when all the cold has already gone and the weather has returned to normal.

Shoots of annual shrubs should be cut to four centimeters. It is best to pinch the tops of the sagebrush to give the shrub the best growth. On the formed shrub, you need to cut last year's growths as often as possible in order to rejuvenate the culture, you can cut the shoots.

Shrub division

This breeding method is best used in the spring, in April. For this, the bush is dug up. After that, unnecessary soil is carefully shaken out of the roots, the culture is divided into several parts (depending on how much is needed). Each part should be quite large, as plants with a small root system often do not take root and simply die.

After division, each culture is planted in separate holes. Before planting in the soil, it is best to water the soil with water and apply top dressing. The next two weeks, the divided bushes are regularly watered. Watering can be completed only after the root system of the seedlings is strengthened.